Early Childhood Assistance Programme funding extended | Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

1 hrs ago

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announces the extension of Early Childhood Assistance Programme (ECAP) funding for children previously approved for the 1 September 2021 to 30 June 2022 period.

The extension will see funding being paid for the summer months of July and August.

“Through this initiative, we aim to give working parents the assurance that their children can have access to continuous care during the summer months- especially with the escalating cost of living,” remarked Minister for Education, Hon Juliana O’Connor-Connolly.

Minister O’Connor-Connolly continued, “We also hope to safeguard our young children against any child protection concerns that may occur in the absence of proper child-care and supervision.”

The next ECAP funding period is currently open to Caymanian children who turn three years old before 1 September 2022 and meet the means testing requirements specified on the application form.

Through the programme, eligible parents/guardians receive assistance with the payment of fees of up to $500.00 per month to early childhood centres from September 2022 to June 2023.

To apply for ECAP funding, download the application form from https://bit.ly/3yalkJd or collect an application form from the Government Administration Building, the Department of Education Services or early childhood centres across the Cayman Islands.

To request an application form or learn more about the ECAP Funding, please contact ECCE Officer Darbra Bodden by telephone at 244-3155 or by email at ecap@gov.ky.

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3e Forum minist?riel carib?en sur la s?curit? dans les ?coles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Du 28 au 30 juin se tient ? St Maarteen (partie hollandaise de l’?le de St Martin) le 3e Forum minist?riel carib?en sur la s?curit? dans les ?coles.

A ces assises, les repr?sentants de 22 pays, dont Ha?ti, font le bilan du parcours accompli depuis le 2e Forum minist?riel, tenu ? Antigua et Barbuda, il y a deux ans.

Deux objectifs sont fix?s par les organisateurs :

1. actualiser la feuille de route pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles

2. renouveler l’engagement entre les nations carib?ennes pour des ?coles en s?curit? dans la r?gion.

Au terme de ce forum, une d?claration d’engagement ” la D?claration de St Maarteen “, sera sign?e par les repr?sentants des ?tats-membres pr?sents lors de cette rencontre de haut niveau qui pr?cisera la volont? et le cadre d’orientation des parties pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles pour les prochaines ann?es.

Plusieurs organisations internationales, dont l’Unicef, l’Unesco, le bureau des Nations unies pour la gestion des risques et d?sastres (UNDRR), l’Organisation carib?enne pour la gestion des risques et d?sastres (CDEMA), l’Alliance globale pour la r?duction des risques et la r?silience dans le secteur de l’?ducation, apportent leur contribution ? la tenue de ce forum.

C’est l’Initiative carib?enne pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles (CSSI) et le minist?re de l’?ducation de St Maarteen qui en sont les organisateurs de ce 3e Forum qui a int?gr? une dimension nouvelle en prenant en compte la participation de la jeunesse. En effet, les organisateurs se sont mis ? l’?coute des jeunes qui ont exprim? leurs id?es pour une ?cole en s?curit? dans la Cara?be.

Le repr?sentant d’Ha?ti, d?l?gu? du ministre de l’?ducation nationale, Miloody Vincent, a, par ailleurs, insist? sur la prise en compte des nouvelles formes de violence en dehors des al?as sismiques et cycloniques qui affectent le bon fonctionnement de l’?cole comme celles enregistr?es ces derni?res ann?es en Ha?ti, particuli?rement ? Port-au-Prince. Il a mis en avant les actions entreprises par le gouvernement ha?tien, ? travers les initiatives du ministre Nesmy Manigat, pour la poursuite des activit?s d’apprentissage et le retour ? l’?cole dans les zones difficiles (Cit? Soleil et La Saline) o? les activit?s scolaires ont ?t? paralys?es depuis plusieurs ann?es.

L’approche communautaire, prioris?e par le ministre Manigat dans la recherche de solutions, est une strat?gie cl? pour la reconqu?te progressive de ces zones difficiles pour le respect du droit ? l’?ducation, a soulign? M. Vincent, en illustrant les progr?s accomplis avec l’apport des communaut?s qui prennent les choses en main pour le retour des enfants ? l’?cole.

Bien que les pays de la Cara?be n’ont pas encore fait face ? ce genre de situation, les repr?sentants ? ce forum ont bien compris et appuy? la proposition d’Ha?ti d’anticiper par rapport ? ces formes de violence arm?e qui affectent l’?cole et dont on doit tenir compte quand on ?voque les crit?res pour une ?cole en s?curit? dans la Cara?be.

Le forum prendra fin le vendredi 30 juin avec la signature de la D?claration de St Maarteen par les ministres de l’Education et les hauts responsables, repr?sentants de gouvernements ? ces assises.


En souvenir du G?n?ral Roland Chavannes

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

La l?gende rapporte qu’officier responsable ? P?tion-Ville, il bloque un pr?sident ? vie surpris en exc?s de vitesse. Ce qui est totalement historique c’est qu’il fut un militaire efficace de sa sortie de l’Acad?mie militaire en 1961 jusqu’? sa mise ? la retraite en 1991. Il reforma le Service de la circulation des v?hicules et comme employ? civil fit de grands changements pour am?liorer le fonctionnement du Service de l’Immigration et de l’?migration. Le G?n?ral de brigade Roland Chavannes d?c?d? ce 23 juin sera enterr? ce 2 juillet 2022 apr?s une vie publique et priv?e, civile et militaire bien remplie.

Les fun?railles du G?n?ral de brigade retrait? Jean Baptiste Roland Chavannes (FAd’H, d?c?d? le jeudi 23 juin 2022 en sa r?sidence priv?, auront lieu au Couvent St Dominique de l’?glise Notre Dame du Rosaire, sis ? Puits Blain # 24, le samedi 2 juillet 2022, a annonc? le secr?tariat de l’?tat-major g?n?ral des Forces Arm?es d’Ha?ti dans un communiqu? dat? du 30 juin 2022.

Le g?n?ral Chavannes est de la promotion Lysius F?licit? Salomon Jeune (6 octobre 1959 – 22 septembre 1961), la 16e de l’Acad?mie militaire d’Ha?ti. Les Lieutenants-G?n?raux Prosper Avril et H?rard Abraham, les G?n?raux de brigade Fritz Romulus et Ac?dius Saint-Louis ont ?t? ses camarades de promotion.

Cet officier-g?n?ral a boucl? sa carri?re militaire de 32 ans en 1991 alors qu’il assumait le r?le d’assistant chef d’?tat-major G4.

Mort ? l’?ge de 83 ans des suites de complications de son ?tat de sant?, son d?part plonge dans le deuil sa famille, ses amis, ses camarades de promotion et les officiers et soldats qui ont servi sous ses ordres ainsi que tous les civils dont il a ?t? le responsable dans l’administration publique au cours de l’autre partie de sa carri?re.

Selon une note du minist?re de l’Int?rieur et des Collectivit?s territoriales (MICT), Roland Chavannes a ?t? Charg? de Mission au MICT, au rang de Directeur, le G?n?ral Chavannes ?tait attach? ? l’Unit? Technique d’Appui ? la Direction G?n?rale (UTADG).

“Le G?n?ral Jean Baptiste Roland CHAVANNES fut ?galement Directeur de l’Immigration et de l’Emigration (DIE) du MICT. On se souvient encore de son efficacit? et du sang neuf qu’il a inject? notamment dans la production des passeports, durant son passage ? la t?te de cette Direction, de 2004 ? 2012”, rappelle le minist?re de l’Int?rieur.

Par ailleurs, “Roland Chavannes avait pr?c?demment dirig?, ? deux reprises, le Service de la Circulation des V?hicules. Il avait alors le grade de Major, avant d’?tre promu Colonel et par la suite, G?n?ral de Brigade et Chef d’?tat-major G4 des Forces Arm?es d’Ha?ti. Durant son passage aux commandes dudit Service, il a refait l’image de cette structure.

D?cor? en octobre 2019 par la Direction des Ressources Humaines du MICT, il aura v?cu ses derni?res ann?es toujours en service et ? l’oeuvre tant au niveau de ses activit?s personnelles qu’? son poste au Minist?re”.

Humble, accueillant, respectueux et courtois, le G?n?ral Chavannes avait toujours les mots pour d?tendre l’atmosph?re de travail et motiver ses coll?gues. Mentor tr?s appr?ci?, il a toujours gard? une attention pour chaque personne qu’il c?toyait et les invitait ? renforcer leur capacit? professionnelle et servir les autres avec d?sint?ressement et conscience, t?moigne son ancien minist?re dans une note.


Jamaica’s economy grows by 8.2% in FY2021/2022 | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News

Jamaica’s economy grew by 8.2 per cent for the fiscal year 2021/22, compared to 2020/21, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) has reported.

The performance was aided by a 6.4 per cent out-turn between January and March 2022, compared to the same period last year.

STATIN indicated that the March quarter out-turn was driven by 8.9 and 0.4 per cent growth in the services and goods-producing industries, respectively.

It advised that economic activity was positively impacted by the easing of COVID-19 containment measures, including the withdrawal of the Disaster Risk Management Order during the period.

All services industry subsectors grew, led by ‘Hotels and Restaurants, which recorded a 107.1 per cent out-turn, according to STATIN. The performance of that subsector resulted from growth in hotels and other short-stay accommodations, and restaurants, bars, and canteens.

It was also positively impacted by a 230.1 per cent increase in foreign national arrivals.

The out-turns for the other subsectors saw ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repairs, Installation of Machinery and Equipment’ and ‘Transport, Storage and Communication’ growing by 8.8 per cent each; ‘Other Services’, up 12.4 per cent; ‘Electricity and Water Supply’, up 1.4 per cent; ‘Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities’, up 1.1 per cent; ‘Finance and Insurance Services’, up 0.7 per cent; and ‘Producers of Government Services’, up 0.4 per cent.

Meanwhile, higher outputs were recorded for three of the four goods-producing industry subsectors.

‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ led the way with 8.2 per cent, followed by ‘Manufacturing’, up four per cent, and ‘Construction’, up 3.5 per cent. Mining and Quarrying declined by 60 per cent.

STATIN indicated that ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ benefited from favourable weather conditions.


Relief coming for King Peter’s Bay Road residents

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Failed road infrastructure at King Peter’s Bay, Moriah, which is in line for major rehabilitation. – DIQUD

The Division of Quarries, Infrastructure and Urban Development has said plans are afoot for the rehabilitation of the King Peter’s Bay Road, Moriah. On June 22, Tobago House of Assembly officials; project designer, APR Associates Ltd; and contractor Carousal Trading Ltd began consultations with residents of King Peter’s Bay.

Over the years, residents have clamoured for the rehabilitation of dilapidated road infrastructure near the recently installed Sierra Scape revetment; and the upgrade of the road network to see greater accessibility to homes. Currently, families wishing to access their properties have to walk what seems like a never-ending flight of stairs. Where the narrow roads ends, area representative Ian Pollard told Newsday there are 192 steps which lead people to their homes. He said there are about 50 people living in that area and this has been their only option for decades.

He is hoping the steps can be replaced by a road to allow access to vehicles.

APR Associates Ltd is currently conducting soil tests to determine the most feasible approach for this steep terrain. The division said once the tests are completed, the project, which also promises to provide employment to youth in the area, will begin.


Conrad Enill resigns as NGC director

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo: National Gas Company chairman and TT’s High Commissioner to Guyana Conrad Enill.

Conrad Enill has resigned as a director of the National Gas Company (NGC) and Trinidad and Tobago National Gas Ltd.

His resignation was announced in a release to the media sent by NGC.

The resignation took effect from June 30.

Enill informed the board of directors in a letter that he would be retiring and moving to Georgetown, Guyana, where he has been appointed high commissioner.

He said, “Further to my appointment as High Commissioner for the Republic of TT to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana with residence in Georgetown with accreditation to the Republic of Suriname and the Caribbean Community I have advised the Minister of Finance as Corporation Sole and the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries of my resignation as director and chairman of the National Gas Company and all its subsidiaries and affiliated companies.”

In the letter he said he believed the leadership of the group should be focused and available to the employees of the group.

“I have every confidence that the group will continue to exceed expectations as it continues in the service of the people of TT,” he said.


Hilaire: Greater Benefits To Saint Lucians More Important Than Tourism Numbers – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Tourism Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire has highlighted the need to continue transforming the important Saint Lucia tourism industry so that the people benefit more, asserting that while tourism figures are important, benefits to Saint Lucians are more so.

Hilaire recalled that when he became Tourism Minister, he had explained that he did not want to attend meetings and speak about numbers and how good those numbers were.

“The numbers in truth represent something but the more important thing is how we are transforming the industry to bring greater benefit to the people of Saint Lucia,” the Castries South MP said on Thursday as the Island’s Tourism Advisory Committee met.

“That fundamentally is the ultimate measurement of the success of the tourism industry,” Hilaire declared.

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He disclosed that although encouraged by others to go to the media and talk about ‘the numbers’ he did not feel motivated to comply if he could not also speak about how benefits are increasing.

“I really want to be able to speak about the transformational things,” he told the Tourism Advisory Committee meeting.

In this regard, the Minister said he was happy to speak about the Community Tourism Act and what it would mean for tourism.

He said he would also be happy to get a reaction to the Tourism Development Act, which he described as a monumental piece of legislation that would change how Saint Lucia manages the tourism industry.

“In many ways, that Act contains a framework that seeks to empower as many sectors as possible, as many persons as possible to benefit from the tourism industry,” the Minister stated.

In addition, Hilaire disclosed that he was happy with the tourism numbers.

“Things are blossoming and booming and it’s so tremendous,” he declared.

Nevertheless, Hilaire told his audience that he believes behind numbers, there’s a reality.

“We might be very happy with what we are seeing in terms of the numbers, but I always want to remind you for us to keep at the back of our minds how are we transforming this industry to make it more resilient, to make it more equitable, to make sure that the benefits actually accrue across the various sectors and is not coalescing around one particular sector,” the Tourism Minister observed.

Hilaire explained that those deeper, structural issues have greater importance as far as he was concerned.

Headline photo: Dr. Ernest Hilaire (Stock image)

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Alrededor de un 1.2 millones de dólares suma el gasto por búsqueda de hombre que supuestamente se había ahogado y apareció escondido en Arecibo

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El comisionado del Negociado para el Manejo de Emergencias y Administración de Desastres (NMEAD), Nino Correa Filomeno, junto con personal de la Guardia Costera, de la Oficina Municipal de Manejo de Emergencias de Arecibo y de FURA se expresaron el viernes, luego del operativo de búsqueda y rescate para Harold Carrión Butter de 23 años, en la Poza del Obispo, en Arecibo, y quien fue hallado escondido.

“Fue poco más de un millón de dólares”, dijo el coordinador de Búsqueda y Rescate de la agencia federal, Alberto Martínez.

Según una confidencia, se dio con el paradero de Carrión Butter quien estaba escondido en una estructura abandonada en un parque público de la urbanización García de Arecibo.

Desde el pasado martes, el hombre fue buscado luego que supuestamente éste fuera arrastrado por las corrientes marinas en la Poza del Obispo en el barrio Islote.

Según se supo, éste fue detenido por la Policía junto a su señora madre, Justinita Butter Torres -quien reportó la supuesta desaparición- y éste tenía que acudir al tribunal por un supuesto caso de violencia doméstica. Además, el individuo enfrentaba otro caso por sustancias controladas.

Por último, el comisionado del NMEAD apoyó a que se apruebe legislación para castigar penalmente a quien provoque que las agencias de búsqueda y rescate sean activadas para casos falsos.

“Es indignante que uno vea porque si pasa lo que hemos visto a esta hora porque no se cómo fue planificado. Pones a un personal en peligro y no descansamos hasta lograr la misión. La cantidad de personas que tú tienes en el agua y en el aire, no sabes lo que puede pasar, las condiciones del mar que son terribles, estamos armando lo que puede ser un plan de trabajo para el día siguiente, todo eso indigna cuando hay personas que se atreven a hacer una cosa como esta y entristece. Una persona que lleve al gobierno a que las agencias pertinentes respondan, le tiene que caer todo el peso de la ley. No tienen idea de la gente que se expone. Hemos tenido eventos que nos ha pasado y exhortamos, y estamos proponiendo a la Legislatura para que se le ponga todo el peso de la ley a quien exponga a personal”, expuso Correa Filomeno.


CIBC gives teens self-esteem boost with Confident Me camps | Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Some 16 teens have so far started the journey to confidence, having commenced a programme which includes a series of life-changing activities entitled Teen Intervene.

The programme, an initiative of the Verdun and Marina Wellness Clinics, was developed because management at the clinics recognised the need to reach out to teens before they have an opportunity to get caught up in the use of mind-altering substances and are forced, in their adult years, to visit the clinics.

…the figures that we do not hear about are the number of attempted suicides and the violence that takes place in the homes which many caregivers try to cover up or downplay

The “Confident Me’ camps are a gender-specific youth and adolescent programme designed to improve the young persons’ social interactions and individual thoughts through self-confidence and self-worth exercises. The overall aim is to make a long-term positive impact on the development of these adolescents.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated an already tense situation with many of the youth in our society, where they have been feeling under pressure for any number of reasons.

“And we are talking about youth from all strata of society, who are feeling untold pressure and that is why we felt we had to act now, before we lose any more of our children. Confident Me came about to build character before it is too late” stated Marietta Carrington, the CEO of the Verdun and Marina Wellness Clinics.

She added that the mental health of the young people has been sorely tested during this period and explained: “We are witnessing this problem island-wide, in the increased number of suicides among our youth. But the figures that we do not hear about are the number of attempted suicides and the violence that takes place in the homes which many caregivers try to cover up or downplay. We need to help these children develop their coping skills to deal with all the issues they encounter.”

Allison Gotip, Director of Clinical Services thanked CIBC FirstCaribbean for its generous support of the camp which allowed the clinics to include a full group of youngsters who benefitted from their participation.

The camps have an additional feature that include individualised counselling sessions which are available to participants. These take place at the Marina Family and Wellness Centre, a spanking new facility gifted to Verdun & Marina by the Maria Holder Trust and opened in November 2021.

Chaviva Hoyte was one of the first young ladies to complete the programme and explained how the camp helped her to deal with her anger issues. Through the programme, she understood that it was OK to express herself and appreciated how she was taught to take a breath and turn away and not react immediately.

She further explained finding out that she lacked patience, and the programme has helped her to build that patience by developing a love for baking and playing sudoku games. It also helped her to solve certain problems via teamwork.

Director of Retail Banking Channels at CIBC FirstCaribbean, Michelle Whitelaw, during the short thank you ceremony explained that having a teenage son, allowed her to see, first-hand, some of the issues that youngsters may have experienced, as she watched him coping with studying in a covid environment and trying to keep in touch with his friends.

She complimented the clinics on the camp initiative explaining that the bank has supported this programme as they too do not wish to see the young people end up abusing substances, as they try to cope with the many issues that bombard them daily.

She further gave words of encouragement to Chaviva, commending her on standing up and sharing her story.

Two camps have taken place so far and another two are scheduled for July and August. It is expected that 50 teens will complete the programme by the end of the year.
