NEVLEC Issues Statement on Increase in Fuel Surcharge

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation

Charlestown, Nevis, July 06, 2022 (NIA) — The following is a statement from the Nevis Electricity Company Limited (NEVLEC) regarding the increase in fuel surcharge.

To our valued customers, 

Since April 2022 you have experienced a significant increase in the fuel surcharge on your monthly electricity bills.  The objective of this presentation is to provide you, our valued customers, with an explanation for this increase.

However, before we do so, we will present you with these useful facts about the fuel surcharge:

–       The fuel cost adjustment factor or fuel surcharge was introduced by NEVLEC in November 2005.

–       NEVLEC introduced this fuel adjustment mechanism (surcharge) to mitigate against the fuel price fluctuations and curb the trend of significant losses.

–       The fuel surcharge is not unique to NEVLEC, but has been adopted by most Caribbean electric utilities and international courier and shipping companies.

–       On the one hand, the energy charge on your bill is not related to the fuel surcharge but is a component of NEVLEC’s current tariff structure that is (the regular cost per kilowatt-hour for energy used). The fuel surcharge, on the other hand, is associated with the rising cost of fuel.

We will now address the factors that are driving the high fuel costs and by extension the high fuel surcharge.  The major price driver is the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.  The impact of this conflict is perhaps most felt in the energy sector. Russia is the world’s third-largest producer of oil and is also the world’s largest oil exporter.

The ban on Russian oil by the United States and the European Union has caused increased pressure on global prices. There has been a sharp decline in oil supply on the world market, resulting in higher prices globally. 

In the case of NEVLEC, the average price of fuel has moved from $7.98 per gallon in January 2022 to $14.68 per gallon in June 2022.   A resolution of the conflict seems unlikely in the short term, which means that global oil prices could remain extremely high.

In the meantime, NEVLEC has implemented some initiatives to assist you during these challenging times.  In September 2021, we introduced the use of a six-month moving average of the actual price to calculate the fuel surcharge. This mechanism helps to smooth out the wide fluctuations in the price of fuel.  In effect, NEVLEC has created a “cushion” so that you, our valued customers, do not have to absorb the full impact of the significant rise in fuel prices. During this period, you have benefited from a reduced fuel surcharge and by extension reduced bills. 

Our records indicate that this initiative has cost NEVLEC in excess of $3.1 million over the period, which translated to savings to our customers.  At this juncture, we empathise with you our customers and encourage you to make every effort to pay your bills on time. 

As we do our part, we implore you, our valued customers, to play a greater role in reducing your bills.  Effective management of your energy consumption not only reduces the fuel surcharge but also the energy charge on your bill.  Please take advantage of our energy conservation tips which are available on our website and our Facebook page.

Feel free to visit our Customer Service Department during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or contact us at (869) 469-7245 or for further information about the fuel surcharge.

Yorks woman released after Magistrate reprimands her for possession of marijuana edibles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

REAL NEWS: Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh has reprimanded and discharged a Yorks villager whom the Police arrested and charged for having marijuana edibles in her possession.

The 21-year-old woman reportedly had 3 ¼ pounds of the marijuana edibles in her possession on July 1.

Law-enforcement officers had also charged her with possession of the marijuana-laced edibles with intent to sell and with being concerned in the supplying of cannabis edibles.

However, her lawyer, Michael Archibald, made vigorous arguments in the woman’s defence, including the fact that the Police did not know the quantity of the drug that was in each item.

The Police had claimed that the cakes and lollies found at the woman’s home had an estimated value of $6,500. They reportedly had weighed the items in order to calculate the street value.

But Archibald was concerned that one could not determine what percentage of the ingredients was cannabis, as opposed to flour and liquids that would add weight to the product.

The court agreed with him and imposed the light sentence.

An ALP Senator who reportedly was in court at the time promised to alert lawmakers to the fact that the cannabis laws do not speak specifically to marijuana edibles. Apparently, nothing in the law says that marijuana-laced products are illegal.

Additionally, since 15 grammes of marijuana have been decriminalized, a source is asking how the officers could be sure that this exact amount was not used in the edibles.

She claims that the woman should not have even been arrested.

Meanwhile, in a separate case, Dene Matheson, 37, of DeSouza Road, appeared before Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh on a charge of possession of cannabis, to which he pleaded guilty and was fined $800 or six months in prison.

The Police had also charged the man for possession of cannabis plants, and he pleaded guilty to that offence and was reprimanded and discharged.

A third charge of cultivation of cannabis was also filed and he pleaded guilty to that offence, as well, and was fined $20,000. If he fails to pay this sum he will spend two years in prison.

The Police withdrew a fourth charge of possession of cannabis with intent to transfer


CDB Undertaking Road-Based Public Transport Study In Saint Lucia – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is in the process of facilitating a “Sustainable Road Based Public Transportation Study” which broadly seeks to assist in developing sustainable road based public transport plans for both Saint Lucia and Grenada.

These include gender-responsive and socially inclusive measures, as well as short, medium, and long-term investments that will lead to an increase in the viability, efficiency and quality of public transport services to meet the needs of the public.

The objectives include improvement in the following areas –

• Legislation- review the policy and regulatory structures for operating public transport;

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• Public Transport Offer – improve the current bus routes, add new connections;

• Quality – propose investments to increase the efficiency and quality of public transport services;

• Social Inclusion – incorporate gender-responsive and socially inclusive measures;

• Sustainability – develop a programme to transition to low or zero carbon emission buses;

• Reduced Use of Private Vehicles – encourage a reduction of the use of single occupancy vehicles;

• Infrastructure – propose improvements to public infrastructure dedicated to public transport;

As part of the study, the consulting team engaged by the CDB is in the process of conducting field surveys which commenced Monday 04th July, 2022 and ends on Friday, 08th July 2022.

The surveys will take the form of traffic counting, public transport frequency and occupancy counts / surveys, public transit rider origin–destination surveys and user satisfaction surveys.

The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport appreciates the public’s cooperation and support as we seek to improve Saint Lucia’s public transportation system.

Source: Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport 

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Hospitalisé après avoir été contaminé au Covid, Jean-Michel Rotin annule son concert en Martinique

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Hospitalisé suite à une infection à la Covid-19, Jean-Michel Rotin a dû annuler ses prochaines dates de concerts dont celle prévue en Martinique ce jeudi 7 juillet avec Dominik Coco, dans les jardins de l’Appaloosa au François.

La contamination à la Covid-19 et l’hospitalisation au CHU de Jean-Michel Rotin a fait le tour des messageries instantanées en Guadeloupe ce mercredi après-midi (6 juillet), avec des hypothèses plus ou moins graves.

L’information a été confirmée et le concert commun de Dominik Coco et Jean-Michel Rotin prévu en Martinique n’aura donc pas lieu ce jeudi (6 juillet) comme l’a annoncé l’organisateur sur les réseaux sociaux

Voir cette publication sur Instagram

Une publication partagée par SoUsLeGrOunD (@sousleground)

 L’organisateur s’est engagé à rembourser tous les détenteurs de tickets.

Un retour sur scène prévu très prochainement

Selon nos informations, l’état de JMR s’est amélioré et il serait déja sorti du CHU après plusieurs examens. Son retour sur scène est à l’ordre du jour et des nouvelles dates seront annoncées prochainement.

Un quadragénaire grièvement blessé par balle aux Abymes

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Un quadragénaire a été grièvement blessé par balle ce midi à Vieux-Bourg aux Abymes

Une triste nouvelle affaire de blessure avec arme à feu s’est produite ce mercredi (6 juillet).

Peu après 12 heures 30, les secours ont été contactés suite à un coup de feu à proximité du Boulevard Patrick Saint-Eloi à Vieux-Bourg aux Abymes.

Arrivés sur place, ils ont découvert un quadragénaire, grièvement blessé à la jambe droite.

La victime a immédiatement été transportée au CHU.

L’incident a mobilisé 3 sapeurs pompiers, le Smur et la Police Nationale.

Une enquête a été ouverte.

30 étudiants en tourisme récompensés par le Prix de l’Excellence Touristique

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

 Le Comité du tourisme des îles de Guadeloupe (CTIG) et le Lycée des métiers de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme « Archipel Guadeloupe » (LMHT) et le Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications TI-VAG s’associent pour lancer la 1ère édition du prix de l’Excellence touristique. Cette toute nouvelle récompense vise à récompenser les étudiants de la promotion 2020/2022 du BTS Tourisme.

Hier (mardi 5 juillet) à 10 heures, au Lycée Hôtelier du Gosier, les 10 étudiants les plus méritants ont reçus, lors de la remise des prix, de nombreux lots offerts par le CTIG et ses partenaires, attribués en fonction de leur engagement et des résultats obtenus tout au long de la formation et à l’examen. Ils ont reçu de nombreux lots : 

– des tablettes numériques

– des prestations gratuites dans certains établissements hôteliers du département

– des baptêmes de plongée à Bouillante et aux Saintes

– des visites de la Distillerie Bologne

– des billets de bateau à destination de Marie-Galante 

Très fière, la coordinatrice du BTS tourisme, France-Lène Brasseur s’exprime : « Cette année, les élèves ont été particulièrement créatifs. Parmi les projets présentés, nous avons retrouvé des applications numériques, des vidéos, des brochures, la mise en place de salons du tourisme au sein de l’établissement ».

Le conseil régional et le CTIG restent des partenaires privilégiés du lycée hôtelier. Sonia Taillepierre, la présidente du CTIG « espère encourager les jeunes Guadeloupéens à se former à l’excellence des métiers du tourisme et à venir rejoindre les rangs des socioprofessionnels guadeloupéens ». 

Le président du conseil régional s’est félicité des efforts et des résultats des étudiants qui ont su reconnaître les opportunités offertes par le tourisme.

Police commissioner outlines successes of St Catherine SOE | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News

Police Commissioner, Major General Antony Anderson, has hailed the imposition of the recent state of emergency (SOE) in St Catherine, noting that 66 persons were charged with varying criminal offences over the 14-day period that the provisions existed.

Additionally, murders in the parish fell by 81 per cent, while shootings declined by 56 per cent, reported Anderson.

The SOEs were imposed in St Catherine on June 17, and were brought to an end on July 1 after the Government did not seek an extension, which was said to have been because of the broad, positive impact of the SOE’s imposition.

“Over the 14-day period, 66 persons were charged, 28 of which were for serious crimes, including murder, shooting and sexual offences, while six persons were charged with breaches of the Law Reform Fraudulent Transactions Act or lottery scamming,” said Anderson/

He was addressing the police’s monthly press conference on Tuesday.

Continuing, he outlined that, “Five wanted persons were taken into custody, three of whom were charged for sexual-related offences, and two for murder and illegal possession of firearm and ammunition.

“Two major players involved in the gang conflicts in both the St Catherine north and south divisions were also arrested and charged with murder, shooting and illegal possession of firearm,” Anderson informed.

The security forces also managed to seize seven illegal guns within the 14-day period.

Further, a 14-year-old who had been reported missing was identified and taken into the care of an officer at a SOE checkpoint, where she was found in the company of an adult male. The man has since been charged with rape and having sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16.

Anderson pointed to two 19-year-old men who were arrested during the security measures. They were wanted for the August 2021 double murder of a policeman, identified as Corporal Delwin Jackson, and taxi operator Kenroy Chandler. The killings occurred in Central Village in the St Catherine South Police Division.

On the day of the announcement of the SOE, Anderson stated that 12 active gangs were responsible for a significant number of the murders in the parish, including the killing of two men in the busy Spanish Town market district, along with several other murders in and around Spanish Town on Tuesday, June 14.

At that time the commissioner vowed that the SOE would result in a significant drop in murders and shootings across the parish.

Corporate security addressed at AmCham’s inaugural Security Forum

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

The American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana, through its Governance and Security Sub-Committee, hosted its Inaugural Security Forum, emphasising on corporate security and challenges to national security.

It also focused on the threat assessment for the region and the strategic plans and initiatives set out by Guyana Police Force to tackle crime in Guyana.

The Governance and Security Sub-Committee of AmCham Guyana was formed with the aim of mediating, collaborating and interacting with Guyana’s national security network to address issues related to crime and the overall security of the population, that may potentially have adverse effects on the local business community and investment climate.

The Chamber’s overall aim was to provide a platform for dialogue, information sharing and constructively addressing these concerns, and included presentations from key representatives of Guyana’s national security network.

Attendees at the forum were given the opportunity to engage with Commissioner of Police Clifton Hicken; National Security Advisor, Captain Gerald Gouveia; Private Sector Chairperson-OSAC Guyana, Retired Colonel Brian Chin and Security Manager for ExxonMobil Guyana, Curt Clements.

The success of this Security Forum was a direct result of the collaboration and cooperation of AmCham Guyana’s Executive Committee, secretariat and large network of committed members, including Shanti Persaud, Dallas Thomas and Mark Lim, who serve as the executive members of the Chamber’s Governance and Security Committee.

President of AmCham Guyana, Devindra Kissoon lauded stakeholders and the distinguished panel for their participation and support. He expressed that this would be the first in a series of events focused on security in the sector.

“The Chamber plans to continuously highlight the value of sound governance and security in light of the tremendous development taking place throughout Guyana and will continue to urge for collaborations between the private sector and the country’s national security network,” a statement underlined.

Ellis ready to fight ageism for mature employees | Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Veteran journalist David Ellis returned to the airwaves and pulled no punches as it relates to some employers showing the door and giving walking papers to persons 45 years and older in this Barbados.

He said that he is not standing for, nor supporting ageism.

After a caller welcomed him and his years of expertise as a moderator back to the mic, lamenting the fact that some other younger persons cannot provide the contributions that he would make on the show, Ellis responded saying:

“I really believe that within the context of the media in the country there is a need for that mix of personalities and that mix of ages. So I’m glad to see younger people come into the picture as well, but I also feel very strongly that this country, we the older people need to stand up and be counted.”

Adamantly, he contended:

“This idea that Barbados now must be run almost exclusively by people in their forties and that sort of thing, and that older people must take a backseat and must run and hide and duck, is not something that I agree with.”

And he argued that others should not just swallow it either. Having retired from journalism to take up his previous COVID Public Advisor post, now resigned from that role and back on air for scheduled shows, he urged:

“Too many older people are buying into this idea that you have retired and because you have retired you have to go sit down on your pension.

“You know how much money a lot of these people get for pension? You’d be shocked at what some of those people earn. People who have done so much for this country, and then a handful of vocal people out there on social media in particular, want to run people under a rock, I don’t agree with that.

“And I am one of the people who would be prepared to stand up and fight against that kind of behaviour.”

His comments comes after residents in the St John Talks with ministers and the Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley talked about how skilled and qualified persons of all ages were unemployed and finding it difficult to find gainful employment.

Related Article

But on the point of the plight of the mature workers specifically, Ellis went on to say, “This country has a situation where it does not have enough people to sustain its National Insurance Scheme in the current circumstances. It needs as many people as it can get to help this economy and to keep it moving and that sort of thing, and there is a lot of shortsightedness, and as a result we have ageism. You try to get rid of people from the time they hit 45 and 50 and the people who suffer most of all are the women in the country. That is what I think we need to stand up and fight against.”

And the caller, who was in full support, added he too is one who does not support “pelting away older employees” because, according to him, “experience should be used till the very end.”