Pretty Like ‘Toni-Ann Singh’ Gives Popcaan His First Afrobeats Chart Hit

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Popcaan scores his first entry onto the Afrobeats Chart thanks to “Toni-Ann Singh.”

Leave it to Popcaan to be the dancehall deejay to break into a new market. After all, he is known for his innovative and globally popular sound. He has become the first Jamaican artist to be featured on the US Afrobeats Songs chart.

A track he is featured on is called “Toni-Ann Singh,” which is sung by popular Afrobeats artiste Burna Boy and entered the chart at No. 12. The US Afrobeats Songs chart was launched four months ago. As its name suggests, the track was inspired by former Miss Jamaica and Miss World Toni-Ann Singh and is featured on Burna Boy’s fourth major label release Love, Damini.

Popcaan and Toni-Ann Singh are rumored to be dating. In the track, he professes his undying love for her, and he also posted pictures of the two together, causing a social media uproar. His female fans especially did not take kindly to his declaration of love.

The track, released by Atlantic Records, also made its debut at No. 2 on the US World Albums chart, No. 14 on the all-genre Billboard 200 albums chart, as well as No. 2 on the UK Albums, and six in Canada, Norway, and Switzerland.

The latest Afrobeats chart takes leading audio and video music services, plus download sales from top music retailers into consideration for the ranking of tracks.

Over on the Billboard Reggae Albums chart, Legend: The Best of Bob Marley and the Wailers remains on top for an impressive 132nd week. The compilation album is followed by Sean Paul’s Dutty Classics Collection, and Best of Shaggy: The Boombastic Collection by Shaggy re-enters at No. 3.

Further down the chart, World on Fire and Set in Stone by Stick Figure are at No. 4 and No. 5, respectively. UB40’s Labour of Love re-enters at No. 6, while Gifted by Koffee is still at seven, Bob Marley and the Wailers appear again at No. 8, and Burial Ground by Stick Figure is at No. 9, while Time Bomb by Iration rounds off the top 10.

Derde dag protest: ‘Puru a stekker!’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld Valerie Fris PARAMARIBO — Al rond negen uur ‘s morgens verzamelden enkele actievoerders zich bij het kabinet

French Tech Martinique : un « Tremplin » d’avenir pour start-upers de talent

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

 « Tout le monde peut devenir entrepreneur ! ». Dans « l’écosystème start-up » promu par la Tech, les inégalités de naissance ne pèsent plus autant qu’avant sur le destin professionnel des individus. C’est le credo défendu par Marlène Jougon, Présidente de la French Tech Martinique. Rencontre inspirante.

 En annonçant l’ouverture des candidatures pour la deuxième édition de son programme “French Tech Tremplin” – phase “Prépa” – Marlène Jougon rappelle que « la French Tech Martinique contribue d’enthousiasme à favoriser l’accès à l’entrepreneuriat pour les personnes encore sous-représentées dans l’écosystème Tech. » Un appel à projets dédié leur est, de fait, tout particulièrement destiné !

Un parcours d’exception !

Lancé en 2019 par la Mission French Tech – portée par Bpifrance Création – ce programme inédit a pour objectif de « faciliter l’entrepreneuriat pour tous en levant les barrières à l’information, au financement et à la croissance. » Avec, au passage, la mise en place d’une opportunité novatrice en matière d’égalité des chances pour des candidatures sans moyens financiers d’appoint, au départ. « Lors de la phase 1 intervenue l’an passé, sur les 22 candidatures initialement reçues, 12 avaient été sélectionnées au final. Et en phase 2, nous avions 3 élus, qui ont été accompagnés dans un incubateur à hauteur de 12 000 €, chacun ayant bénéficié d’une bourse de 30 000 €. Nos talents sont indéniablement bien présents, côté start-ups, sur notre territoire ! »« Cette année, se réjouit la Présidente de la French Tech Martinique, 500 places sont ouvertes, dans toutes les régions de l’Hexagone (hors Corse) et dans plusieurs régions d’Outre-mer (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Réunion). »

Un Programme fait pour les porteurs de projets les plus motivés. –

Des conditions d’éligibilité précises

Pour être éligibles, les candidats doivent remplir l’une des conditions suivantes :• Être bénéficiaire des minimas sociaux (RSA, AAH…) ;• Être étudiant boursier ou anciennement étudiant boursier (moins d’un an depuis la fin de la bourse) de niveau 5 à 7 ;• Être pupille de l’État ;• Résider dans un quartier prioritaire de la ville (QPV), dans un quartier de veille active (QVA) ou dans une zone de revitalisation rurale (ZRR) ;• Avoir le statut de réfugié reconnu par l’OFPRA.

La participation à la “Prépa” de ce French Tech Tremplin 2022 est gratuite pour les personnes sélectionnées, souvent les plus éloignées de l’entrepreneuriat, afin de leur « permettre de béné?cier d’un accompagnement pour créer leur start-up. Le programme est financé dans le cadre de France 2030, piloté par le secrétariat général pour l’investissement (SGPI) ; Bpifrance en est le gestionnaire.

« Rappelons, pour être complet, que c’est Martinique Digitale, la Fédération des acteurs du numérique en Martinique, qui porte le label French Tech sur l’île ! »

Les candidatures de cet appel à projets de belle opportunité sont attendues d’ici au 1er août prochain, pour un programme qui débutera en octobre 2022.

Demandez le programme !

Promotion phase 2 – Cobee Bros

En octobre 2022, c’est une intense “Prépa” d’une durée de deux mois qui accueillera les candidats retenus.Le programme qui les attend vaut son pesant d’implication et de motivation “en synergie partenariale” hors normes :• 2 semaines d’immersion avec un accompagnement permettant de faire le diagnostic de leur projet entrepreneurial et de déterminer les prochaines étapes. Les participants bénéficieront d’une formation au pitch, de séances de mentorat et de rencontres avec des entrepreneurs mobilisés par les Communautés participantes.• 4 semaines de développement de leur projet entrepreneurial avec des sessions d’accompagnement spécifiques sur les enjeux financiers, juridiques et le recrutement.• 2 semaines de “sprint” pour finaliser leur projet avec la création d’un dossier permettant de lancer sa start-up (présentation du projet, études de marché, plan de financement…).

Promotion phase 2 – Cobee Bros

Au final, souligne Marlène Jougon, la dynamique Présidente de la French Tech Martinique, en première ligne sur la pertinence d’accès à cette opportunité créative exceptionnelle : « French Tech Tremplin est un des programmes phares de la Mission French Tech. Il permet d’adresser un programme en diversifiant les profils d’entrepreneuses et d’entrepreneurs concerné.e.s. L’objectif est de lever les freins socio-économiques qui éloignent encore trop de personnes de l’entrepreneuriat, en proposant un accompagnement intensif et concret. »


• Les candidats peuvent déposer leur candidature jusqu’au 1er août 2022, à l’adresse en ligne de référence :

• via le mail de :

• ou directement par le site de :

Malicious damage of vehicles continues although the would-be-thieves are finding little of value

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The spate of malicious damage to vehicles that is taking place across the island continues to be investigated by the Police, while these offenses continue to be reported. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP FOR NEWS UPDATES.

Two such incidents recently occurred on Din Din Road in the Grays- Green community.

One man reported to the Police that an unknown person had damaged the left front window of his white Altezza motor car, which had been parked in front of his home.

The person used a hard object to break the glass and gain access to the vehicle’s interior from which he stole approximately $5 and a number of coins.

At about that same time, a second vehicle was broken into on the same street, but nothing was taken. In that instance, the right rear window of a Honda Tucson jeep was deliberately broken.

Two similar incidents took place in All Saints on the same day and at about the same time.

An All Saints woman reported that the left rear quarter glass of her red Toyota Vitz had been broken out. The person inserted his hand through the space in order to unlock the door and then ransacked the vehicle; but nothing of interest was found.

In the second incident, the right rear quarter glass of another Toyota Vitz was broken, so the offender could unlock the door. This vehicle, too, was ransacked, but nothing of value was taken.

A source says that quite a few of these reports have been made, and residents should secure their vehicles inside their yards, if they can do so.

The current economic situation is forcing many people to commit crime in order to survive, the source says. — REAL News


TRHA Medical Chief of Staff: Tobago ready for monkeypox

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Scarborough General Hospital, Signal Hill, Tobago.

Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) Medical Chief of Staff Dr Nathaniel Duke says the island is preparing for the arrival of monkeypox.

“It is a matter of when it is going to come,” he said on Tuesday on the Tobago Updates morning show.

Saying all of Tobago’s health facilities have already started to prepare, Duke said THA Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection Dr Faith BYisrael has also been chairing “a lot of high-level meetings” in this regard.

He said the TRHA’s clinical awareness programme will centre around what he described as the three I’s: identifying the virus; isolating oneself to prevent spread; and informing the relevant authorities of one’s condition.

People can contact the County Medical Officer of Health, Division of Health or Ministry of Health, he said.

Duke, an infectious disease specialist, said people must be concerned about monkeypox.

“We have to be more vigilant because we have a situation where we are still within a pandemic.”

To compound matters, he said the World Health Organization has confirmed over 13,000 cases in 69 countries, including, Jamaica, Barbados, St Lucia.

Duke added, people living in the Caribbean usually travel to states like New York and Florida.

“New York has a lot of monkeypox cases.”

He said there are many misconceptions about the way the virus is spread.

“The issue now that we are facing is that we are seeing the virus is transmitted by men who have sex with men (MSM). But we do not want to categorise this virus as a gay virus as what I am hearing outside.”

Rather, Duke said, “The mode of transmission is close contact with someone who is infected with monkeypox.”

At present, he said, there is a lot of transmission among the MSM population in the United States and Europe.

“So that is why we have to be on heightened alert with respect to monkeypox.

Duke said the virus can be found in respiratory droplets.

Asked about the symptoms, he said, “Unfortunately, the symptoms are very non-specific. So flu-like symptoms – fever, headache, nausea, body pains. But then you have swollen lymph glands. Monkeypox characteristically produces a lot of swollen lymph nodes.”

He said the illness usually lasts for about two to four weeks, while the rash will occur within one to four days of becoming symptomatic. Symptoms can last for up to 21 days.

“But these are not carved in stone. It varies from person to person.”

Duke said the rash is highly infectious throughout all of its stages.

“Even when the rash is dry or crusted, it is still infectious. It is not until you have new skin or rejuvenated skin, you are no longer infectious.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram said recently, measures are being put in place in the event the virus arrives in the country.

Monkeypox was first detected in the macaque monkey in 1958. The first animal-to-human transmission occurred in the 1970s.

CPMC Says Saint Lucia Carnival Successful, Incident-Free – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Saint Lucia’s Carnival Planning & Management Committee (CPMC) declared at a news conference Wednesday that the Island’s 2022 Carnival was a success with increased numbers, especially for the national events.

CPMC Chairperson Tamara Gibson said in an interview on the sidelines of the news conference that many people came out to support the activities while others joined the organisation’s live streams.

Gibson noted that all the events started on time, and from all accounts, the Carnival season was incident-free.

“We have had no significant reports from the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force of any incidents during the season,” the CPMC Chair disclosed.

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She recalled that initially, the plan was for a ‘bubble Carnival’.

“Initially in conversations with the CMO and the public health officials they took into consideration having Carnival in as much of a bubble as possible in a two-week period and taking COVID and its effects into consideration. Obviously between that time and now the world changed. Lots of things happened with COVID,” Gibson observed.

She explained that as a result, organisers had to ‘tweak’ Carnival.

However, she pointed out that this year there were no new events as organisers attempted to limit activities as much as possible.

“That was mainly because of COVID and the possible spread of COVID at that time. Those decisions were made late in 2021,” Gibson said.

The CPMC official described as ‘strategic’ the bid to ensure greater participation of locals in the national events, although admittedly, the private events were taking some precedence over the national ones.

“So people had to make a choice ‘Where do I go? Do I go to a national event on the Friday night or do I go to Panorama?’ We felt the national events needed to have their own space, their own time. And also in working with the SLTA, the aim this year was to bring people to Saint Lucia for a longer period of time and not just the weekend of Carnival but to get them to experience Saint Lucia, our beaches, our culture and everything about Saint Lucia,” she disclosed.

“I think it worked positively for us,” Gibson stated, while explaining that it was too early to pronounce on visitor arrivals for the season.

The results from the national parade of the bands for Saint Lucia Carnival 2022 are as follows:  

Section of the Year  
Just 4 Fun
Avant Garde
Tribe of Twel Universe
Imagica 13
Fuzion Mas


Mas on the Move  
Infinity Tribe Modern Meta
Just 4 Fun
XX 20
Island Tribe
Revenge 2.0
Red Unlimited


Spirit of Carnival 
Just 4 Fun
XX 20
Infinity Tribe Modern Meta
Fuzion Mas
OYO The God Within
Island Tribe
Revenge 2.0


Band of the Year  
Just 4 Fun
XX 20
Infinity Tribe Modern Meta
Tribe of Twel Universe
(Un)Known Universe
Fuzion Mas
OYO The God Within


Individual of the Year  
Sharon Tanner
Tribe of Twel
Luskaa – Guardian of the Imagica  13
Tanisha Nicky Williams
Tribe of Twel
Blue Nebula
Cedric Laurent
Island Tribe
King Congo
Jordan Augier
Tribe of Twel
Sunbird of Asgard


Ole Mas   
Robert Calderon
Minerva Ward 2
Cuthbert Modeste
Look for Rain Investor
Carlton Ishmael
Banana Back On Track
Linus Joseph
COVID Give Farmers A Break, Farmers Start Forking


Road March   
Eat Man Money
Shemmy J
Dou Dou
Ezra Da FunMachine
Pass Me Straight
Scrub It



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Suspenden de empleo y sueldo a oficial de Corrección de Arecibo

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

La secretaria del Departamento de Corrección y Rehabilitación (DCR), Ana Escobar Pabón informó el miércoles sobre la suspensión de empleo y sueldo de un oficial de custodia, identificado como Abimelec Román Pérez, de 34 años, adscrito a la Institución Correccional 384 en Sabana Hoyos en Arecibo por supuestos delitos de soborno y posesión e introducción de objetos a un establecimiento penal y Ley de Ética de Gubernamental.

“Desde que asumí el compromiso de dirigir el Departamento de Corrección y Rehabilitación (DCR) me comprometí con combatir la entrada de contrabando en las instituciones de la Isla y erradicar la corrupción gubernamental en el DCR. Este esfuerzo en coordinación con el Negociado de Investigaciones Especiales (NIE) está dando resultados. Este es el undécimo oficial correccional que es arrestado por introducir drogas desde mi incumbencia. Continuaremos enfocados en nuestro plan de trabajo y no vamos a permitir que oficiales correccionales como Román Pérez laceren la imagen de miles de oficiales correccionales que están cumpliendo con su responsabilidad en pro de la seguridad de Puerto Rico”, dijo Escobar Pabón en declaraciones escritas.

“Conforme a las medidas disciplinarias del Departamento de Corrección y Rehabilitación Román Pérez, será suspendido de empleo y sueldo”, añadió.

Explicó que el oficial de Corrección Román Pérez, quien llevaba 12 años de servicio, fue arrestado y acusado de Soborno (Artículo 259 del Código Penal), Posesión e introducción de objetos a un establecimiento penal (Artículo 277 del Código Penal) y violación al Artículo 4.2(b) de la Ley 1-2012 de Ética Gubernamental por utilizar los deberes y las facultades de su cargo para beneficio de un tercero.

El juez Francisco Santiago López, del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Arecibo, determinó causa para arresto por todos los cargos imputados por el Ministerio Público, y fijó una fianza de 75,000 dólares, que fue digerida por el Programa de Servicios con Antelación al Juicio. La vista preliminar fue señalada para el 4 de agosto.

El secretario de Justicia, licenciado Domingo Emanuelli Hernández, y el secretario del Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DSP), Alexis Torres, condenaron lo que catalogaron como un acto de corrupción.

“La corrupción tiene que erradicarse en todos los niveles. El trabajo estratégico y coordinado entre las agencias de ley y orden refuerza la fiscalización y el procesamiento de este tipo de delito que tanto daño le hace a nuestra sociedad. Exhortamos a los ciudadanos a denunciar cualquier acto de corrupción ante las agencias investigativas para que podamos procesar estos crímenes con el rigor que amerita”, manifestó Emanuelli Hernández.

Mientras, el secretario del DSP, Alexis Torres expresó “Es vital el trabajo en equipo para lograr la justicia y la seguridad pública, así como contar con la cooperación de la ciudadanía en informar a las autoridades cualquier violación. Seguiremos trabajando junto a las autoridades estatales y federales sin escatimar esfuerzos para prevenir, investigar y atender los casos de corrupción y combatir la criminalidad. El Negociado de Investigaciones Especiales continuará investigando en todos los niveles para que las violaciones a ley tengan consecuencias”.

Por su parte, el comisionado del NIE, licenciado Rafael Freytes Cutrera, recalcó que “el Gobierno de Puerto Rico tiene cero tolerancia a la corrupción gubernamental. Invito a todo aquel que conozca de algún acto de corrupción a denunciarlo inmediatamente al (787) 903-6812. Los empleados públicos deben cumplir con los más altos niveles de honestidad y es obligación de todo empleado público demostrar un comportamiento que inspire credibilidad y confianza en el ejercicio de sus funciones”.

Fallecen nueve personas y se reportan 1,962 nuevos casos por COVID-19 según informe del DS

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El informe de COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud (DS) reportó el miércoles, sobre 424 casos positivos confirmados, 1,538 casos probables y nueve muertes.

Las personas fallecidas fueron 6 hombres y 3 mujeres de 61 a 99 años de las regiones de Bayamón, Caguas, Mayagüez, Metropolitano y Ponce. Ocho de ellos estaban sin vacunas al día.

El monitoreo cubre el periodo del 4 de julio al 18 de julio de 2022.

La tasa de positividad está a 29.03 por ciento.

Hay 311 adultos hospitalizados y de ellos, 38 están en intensivo. Mientras, 41 menores están hospitalizados y ninguno está en intensivo. 13 adultos están en ventilador y ningún menor.

Las personas con vacunas al día son 992 mil, 915 personas.

El total de muertes atribuidas es de 4,700.

Secretario del Trabajo recuerda que enmiendas a las Reforma Laboral entran en vigor este miércoles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El secretario del Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos (DTRH), Gabriel Maldonado González, informó el miércoles que las enmiendas a la Reforma Laboral, según aprobadas en la Ley 41-2022, entran en vigor hoy para todos los patronos en Puerto Rico que no sean calificados como microempresas, pequeños y medianos comerciantes.

“De cara a la entrada en vigor de la Ley 41, mejor conocida como las enmiendas a la Reforma Laboral, en el DTRH hemos estado muy activos orientando a empleados de la agencia, patronos, trabajadores y al público en general en cuanto a los cambios a varias leyes que tocan temas como el despido injustificado, la acumulación de licencias de vacaciones y enfermedad, el bono anual, la jornada de trabajo y otros asuntos que tratan sobre las relaciones empleado-patrono en nuestra jurisdicción. El llamado que hacemos a patronos, trabajadores, abogados laborales y grupos sindicales es que se orienten. Estamos disponibles para ayudarlos y orientarles para garantizar el cumplimiento de la Ley”, afirmó el titular de la agencia en declaraciones escritas.

“Al presente, la Ley 41 y las enmiendas introducidas por esta a la Reforma Laboral están en vigor. Una vez firmada la ley, el gobierno sometió ante la Junta la certificación requerida por la Ley PROMESA dentro del término dispuesto para ello y, además, estará atendiendo el requerimiento de información adicional solicitado por la Junta en el día de ayer. Actualmente, lo más importante es orientar a la ciudadanía en torno a los cambios y el hecho de que la ley está vigente para muchos patronos a partir de hoy”, dijo el funcionario.

En el caso de las microempresas, y los pequeños y medianos comerciantes, la Ley 41-2022 entra en vigor el próximo 18 de septiembre de 2022. Estos patronos son únicamente aquellos que cumplen con las definiciones de la Ley 62-2014.

Maldonado González aclaró que la carta emitida en el día de ayer por la Junta de Supervisión y Administración Financiera, solicitando que el gobierno suspenda inmediatamente la aplicación y el cumplimiento de la Ley 41-2022, no constituye un mandato de ley o acción inmediata. Para ello se requiere la presentación de un recurso legal ante el Tribunal Federal para paralizar o anular la Ley 41-2022.

Maldonado González exhortó a la ciudadanía a visitar el portal de la agencia accediendo a, espacio donde encontrarán material educativo, presentaciones, opiniones y otros recursos valiosos para aclarar dudas y conocer en detalle la Ley Núm. 41-2022, que enmendó Ley Núm. 4-2017, conocida comúnmente como la Reforma Laboral.

“El esfuerzo de educación ha incluido presentaciones como el ‘ABC de las Enmiendas a la Reforma Laboral’ a través de Facebook Live, como parte de la nueva iniciativa ‘Hablemos de Trabajo’. Esta presentación sigue disponible en las redes sociales del DTRH y en nuestro portal para el beneficio de la ciudadanía. Además, se suma a las múltiples opiniones que hemos publicado para facilitar la implementación de dicha medida. En particular, respecto al efecto prospectivo del periodo probatorio, la definición de PYMES para fines de las disposiciones aplicables a este tipo de empresas y acumulación de licencia para vacaciones y por enfermedad de empleados a tiempo parcial”, añadió el secretario del DTRH.

Por otro lado, la agencia comenzó el proceso para actualizar sus reglamentos de conformidad a las disposiciones de la Ley 41-2022. Los borradores de estos reglamentos están disponibles en el portal del DTRH e incluyen los relacionados a la jornada de trabajo, al bono anual en el sector privado y al periodo probatorio.

Ante lo cual, instan a la ciudadanía, profesionales de las relaciones laborales y organizaciones a expresarse y presentar a la agencia comentarios sobre los reglamentos. La información de contacto para enviar sus recomendaciones está en el Aviso Público que fue publicado el viernes, 15 de julio de 2022, y copia del mismo se encuentra disponible en la página electrónica de la agencia.

Merciless Visit Studio Before Sudden Death, Beenie Man, Bounty Killer Tribute Artist

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Beenie Man and Bounty Killer are among a slew of dancehall legends paying tribute to Merciless.

There is still no confirmation about what caused the death of dancehall legend Merciless. His body was found at a guest house on Walker’s Avenue, off Beechwood Avenue, in Kingston yesterday, July 19.

So far, the only information that has been confirmed is that he checked in alone and that he was in the area doing gigs at the Corporate Area studios. Other eyewitness accounts state that he was last seen around midnight on July 18. His death has rocked the dancehall world as, for many, it was unexpected.

One of his close friends spoke with the Observer about the final moments he spent with the “Ole Gallis” deejay and shed some light on the deejay’s generous nature. The friend identified as Kevin Thomas was also Merciless driver.

“Ah Sunday night ah di last mi see him. Di man give mi $1,500 an’ seh, ‘Kevin, si yuh lunch money yah… Come link mi likkle more.’ Him seh when him finish do some work ah di studio [on Monday] him ah go come link mi,” he shared.

Thomas, obviously upset, also explained that he tried to call Merciless, whose real name is Leonard Bartley, on the morning of his death to ask him where he needed to get to for the day. He added that when his calls were not returned, he left his job at 4 pm to go look for him. He saw his car parked and was informed that it had not been moved since yesterday morning.

“Suh mi call Carlos an’ seh, ‘Yuh si di deejay?’ an’ him seh, ‘Yuh know ah two day mi nuh hear di man… Mi call di security an’ wi shub off di door an’ si the man pon di ground pon him face. Ah we see di man dead,” he revealed.

Jamaica’s minister of culture, gender, entertainment, and sport, Olivia “Babsy” Grange, also expressed her sadness and shock at the passing of one of the stand-out voices of 90s dancehall. She described him as a popular artiste in dancehall and also said that he had a number of hits to his credit.

Minister Grange also extended her sincere condolences to his family, relatives, friends, and associates and to the music fraternity as well. The Observer also spoke with the information arm of the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Corporate Communications Unit, which stated that they were informed that the police were called to a motel off Beechwood Avenue, where they found Merciless dead.

At this time, no foul play is suspected, and it is being treated as a sudden death investigation. The artist will no doubt leave an indelible mark on the dancehall fraternity, having made his debut back in 1994 when he captured the hearts of many with his witty lyrics and powerfully booming voice.

Probably the moments that he would be most remembered for will be his famous sound clashes, which in their heyday had fans flocking to arenas to see how new and upcoming artists would stand up to the veterans.

The “Len’ out Mi Mercy” deejay also gained notoriety for holding his own against the top clash artists, including Ninjaman, Bounty Killer, and Beenie Man at Sting 2000 at Jamworld Entertainment Complex in St Catherine.

Several of his fans flooded his last post on Instagram with comments of shock and also to offer condolences.

Bounty Killer also took the time out on Instagram to wish farewell to a legend of dancehall.

Beenie Man also shared a tribute for the late deejay.