Caribbean Travel News

Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 27, 2022: Here are the top stories making Caribbean travel news in 60 seconds for this week ending May 27, 2022:

The U.S. State Department Is Warning Americans To Reconsider travel to Jamaica due to crime There.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Has added Montserrat, Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and The Bahamas as high-risk travel destinations for COVID-19.

Sandals Resort says Carbon Monoxide detectors will be placed in all resorts after autopsy and toxicology reports show carbon monoxide poisoning was the cause of death for three Americans found dead in Exuma earlier this month.

As of This Week, Barbados Will No Longer Require fully vaccinated travellers to do a pre-flight COVID-19 test to enter the island.

Come June 1st, Trinidad and Tobago will lift its Travel Pass Rule meaning unvaxxed persons can enter with a negative PCR or antigen test taken within 48 hours of travel.

First Asking $125 Million, Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean Islands are Now Available for $55 Million Each. Buyers can purchase Great St. James and Little St. James together for a discounted $110 million.

TUI Airways has relaunched its service between London and Aruba. The service is operating once weekly – on Wednesdays – between London Gatwick and Aruba.

And an eco campaigner, who has raised thousands of pounds for charity, is thought to be the first person to swim around Grand Cayman non-stop. Oly Rush, 37, completed the 95.5km (59.3 miles) swim around the Caribbean island in 36 hours and 59 minutes. He said the “absolutely brutal” challenge was “the hardest thing” he has completed.

Caribbean Travel News

Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 20, 2022: Here are the top stories making Caribbean travel news in 60 seconds for this week ending May 20, 2022:

Sandals Resort Was In The News Again This Week After A Woman Took To Tik Tok To Claim She Was Charged Over $1,300 for two massages. The post has garnered over 1,7 million views. Sandals Has responded that The couple have received a refund. The news comes In The Same Week when the Family of Three Americans Who Died In The Bahamas At A Sandals REsort Called For an independent autopsy.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added Antigua and Barbuda Monday to its list of high-risk travel destinations for COVID-19.

The US CDC is warning against non-essential travel to Haiti – not due to violence or crime, but due to rabies in dogs there.

The U.S. will allow charter and commercial flights to Return To airports outside Havana, Cuba. A senior administration official also said this week that the U.S. will reinstate educational travel in groups under a general license but that it is not reinstating individual “people-to-people” educational travel.

Jamaica is reportedly in its fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s health minister said this new wave began on April 20th and has pushed the number of infections since the pandemic began to 133,250.

Grenada has lifted its travel restrictions and protocols. Visitors are now free to enter and exit the state of Grenada without having to be tested or quarantined.

Seabourn, the ultra-luxury ocean and expedition cruise line, is set to explore extraordinary worlds of natural beauty of the Caribbean on a 14-day Leeward Island Jewels and a 16-day Antillean Island Holiday voyage departing Miami on November 7 and December 19, respectively.

And Cleveland Brown’s star, Deshaun Watson, is at Atlantis in the Bahamas with his Browns offensive teammates. Watson chartered a private jet for about 30 of his offense teammates to the luxury resort in Nassau for three or four days of workouts and team bonding, a source told

Caribbean Travel News

Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 13, 2022: Here are the top stories making Caribbean travel news in 60 seconds for this week ending May 13, 2022:

The following Caribbean Countries remain On the CDC’s Level Three List Of Nations Due To COVID-19: Aruba, Barbados, The BVI, Anguilla, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curacao, Bonaire, Suriname, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, St. Lucia, St. Barths, Trinidad and Tobago.

Donnis Chiarella, 65, the U.S. tourist who was airlifted to Florida after falling ill at Sandals Bahamas resort in Great Exuma remains in good condition Thursday, a hospital spokesperson said. Her husband and another American couple died at a villa at the Sandals Emerald Bay resort in Great Exuma on Friday.

The Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority (JCAA) said last night it was working assiduously to secure a return to normalcy to Jamaica’s airspace after Air traffic controllers walked off the job to register their frustration with the government over protracted salary issues.

The death toll of the May 6th powerful explosion at The Hotel Saratoga, a five-star 96-room hotel in Old Havana, increased to 43 this week as search crews with dogs hunted through the rubble of the iconic, 19th century building looking for people still missing.

In a historic first for Jamaica and the Caribbean, Emirates Airlines, the largest airline in the Gulf Coast Countries, is now selling seats to Jamaica. This arrangement opens gateways from the Middle East, Asia and Africa to Jamaica and the rest of the region.

Barbados is seeing a spike in new covid-19 cases, reporting 513 in one day this week as its death toll from the virus reached 430.

Grenada will host new nonstop airline service this summer when American Airlines resumes weekly flights from Charlotte, N.C.’s Douglas International Airport to Grenada’s Maurice Bishop International Airport on June 4.

Caribbean Airlines is adding a new nonstop route to Kingston, Jamaica, between Orlando, Fla. and Kingston’s Norman Manley International Airport on July 1st.

And Get Ready For Jimmy Buffett’s cruise line. The Margaritaville at Sea will Begin Its inaugural cruise tomorrow, May 14, 2022.

Chris Gayle Eyes Shaggy, Sean Paul Collab To Take Music Career To Next Level

Chris Gayle look to nab a big collab with Shaggy and Sean Paul as he push his music career to[Read More…]

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TIDAL Taps Sean Paul, Shaggy, ZJ Sparks For Reggae Day Curated Playlists

Global streaming giant TIDAL has tapped several Jamaican artists and music personalities as it prepares to celebrate International Reggae Day[Read More…]

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Masicka Celebrates 100 Million Streams: “Next Album Soon”

Masicka celebrates a major career milestone while teasing his new album, The dancehall deejay shared on Wednesday that he has[Read More…]

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Early Childhood Assistance Programme funding extended | Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

1 hrs ago

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announces the extension of Early Childhood Assistance Programme (ECAP) funding for children previously approved for the 1 September 2021 to 30 June 2022 period.

The extension will see funding being paid for the summer months of July and August.

“Through this initiative, we aim to give working parents the assurance that their children can have access to continuous care during the summer months- especially with the escalating cost of living,” remarked Minister for Education, Hon Juliana O’Connor-Connolly.

Minister O’Connor-Connolly continued, “We also hope to safeguard our young children against any child protection concerns that may occur in the absence of proper child-care and supervision.”

The next ECAP funding period is currently open to Caymanian children who turn three years old before 1 September 2022 and meet the means testing requirements specified on the application form.

Through the programme, eligible parents/guardians receive assistance with the payment of fees of up to $500.00 per month to early childhood centres from September 2022 to June 2023.

To apply for ECAP funding, download the application form from or collect an application form from the Government Administration Building, the Department of Education Services or early childhood centres across the Cayman Islands.

To request an application form or learn more about the ECAP Funding, please contact ECCE Officer Darbra Bodden by telephone at 244-3155 or by email at

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3e Forum minist?riel carib?en sur la s?curit? dans les ?coles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Du 28 au 30 juin se tient ? St Maarteen (partie hollandaise de l’?le de St Martin) le 3e Forum minist?riel carib?en sur la s?curit? dans les ?coles.

A ces assises, les repr?sentants de 22 pays, dont Ha?ti, font le bilan du parcours accompli depuis le 2e Forum minist?riel, tenu ? Antigua et Barbuda, il y a deux ans.

Deux objectifs sont fix?s par les organisateurs :

1. actualiser la feuille de route pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles

2. renouveler l’engagement entre les nations carib?ennes pour des ?coles en s?curit? dans la r?gion.

Au terme de ce forum, une d?claration d’engagement ” la D?claration de St Maarteen “, sera sign?e par les repr?sentants des ?tats-membres pr?sents lors de cette rencontre de haut niveau qui pr?cisera la volont? et le cadre d’orientation des parties pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles pour les prochaines ann?es.

Plusieurs organisations internationales, dont l’Unicef, l’Unesco, le bureau des Nations unies pour la gestion des risques et d?sastres (UNDRR), l’Organisation carib?enne pour la gestion des risques et d?sastres (CDEMA), l’Alliance globale pour la r?duction des risques et la r?silience dans le secteur de l’?ducation, apportent leur contribution ? la tenue de ce forum.

C’est l’Initiative carib?enne pour la s?curit? dans les ?coles (CSSI) et le minist?re de l’?ducation de St Maarteen qui en sont les organisateurs de ce 3e Forum qui a int?gr? une dimension nouvelle en prenant en compte la participation de la jeunesse. En effet, les organisateurs se sont mis ? l’?coute des jeunes qui ont exprim? leurs id?es pour une ?cole en s?curit? dans la Cara?be.

Le repr?sentant d’Ha?ti, d?l?gu? du ministre de l’?ducation nationale, Miloody Vincent, a, par ailleurs, insist? sur la prise en compte des nouvelles formes de violence en dehors des al?as sismiques et cycloniques qui affectent le bon fonctionnement de l’?cole comme celles enregistr?es ces derni?res ann?es en Ha?ti, particuli?rement ? Port-au-Prince. Il a mis en avant les actions entreprises par le gouvernement ha?tien, ? travers les initiatives du ministre Nesmy Manigat, pour la poursuite des activit?s d’apprentissage et le retour ? l’?cole dans les zones difficiles (Cit? Soleil et La Saline) o? les activit?s scolaires ont ?t? paralys?es depuis plusieurs ann?es.

L’approche communautaire, prioris?e par le ministre Manigat dans la recherche de solutions, est une strat?gie cl? pour la reconqu?te progressive de ces zones difficiles pour le respect du droit ? l’?ducation, a soulign? M. Vincent, en illustrant les progr?s accomplis avec l’apport des communaut?s qui prennent les choses en main pour le retour des enfants ? l’?cole.

Bien que les pays de la Cara?be n’ont pas encore fait face ? ce genre de situation, les repr?sentants ? ce forum ont bien compris et appuy? la proposition d’Ha?ti d’anticiper par rapport ? ces formes de violence arm?e qui affectent l’?cole et dont on doit tenir compte quand on ?voque les crit?res pour une ?cole en s?curit? dans la Cara?be.

Le forum prendra fin le vendredi 30 juin avec la signature de la D?claration de St Maarteen par les ministres de l’Education et les hauts responsables, repr?sentants de gouvernements ? ces assises.

En souvenir du G?n?ral Roland Chavannes

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

La l?gende rapporte qu’officier responsable ? P?tion-Ville, il bloque un pr?sident ? vie surpris en exc?s de vitesse. Ce qui est totalement historique c’est qu’il fut un militaire efficace de sa sortie de l’Acad?mie militaire en 1961 jusqu’? sa mise ? la retraite en 1991. Il reforma le Service de la circulation des v?hicules et comme employ? civil fit de grands changements pour am?liorer le fonctionnement du Service de l’Immigration et de l’?migration. Le G?n?ral de brigade Roland Chavannes d?c?d? ce 23 juin sera enterr? ce 2 juillet 2022 apr?s une vie publique et priv?e, civile et militaire bien remplie.

Les fun?railles du G?n?ral de brigade retrait? Jean Baptiste Roland Chavannes (FAd’H, d?c?d? le jeudi 23 juin 2022 en sa r?sidence priv?, auront lieu au Couvent St Dominique de l’?glise Notre Dame du Rosaire, sis ? Puits Blain # 24, le samedi 2 juillet 2022, a annonc? le secr?tariat de l’?tat-major g?n?ral des Forces Arm?es d’Ha?ti dans un communiqu? dat? du 30 juin 2022.

Le g?n?ral Chavannes est de la promotion Lysius F?licit? Salomon Jeune (6 octobre 1959 – 22 septembre 1961), la 16e de l’Acad?mie militaire d’Ha?ti. Les Lieutenants-G?n?raux Prosper Avril et H?rard Abraham, les G?n?raux de brigade Fritz Romulus et Ac?dius Saint-Louis ont ?t? ses camarades de promotion.

Cet officier-g?n?ral a boucl? sa carri?re militaire de 32 ans en 1991 alors qu’il assumait le r?le d’assistant chef d’?tat-major G4.

Mort ? l’?ge de 83 ans des suites de complications de son ?tat de sant?, son d?part plonge dans le deuil sa famille, ses amis, ses camarades de promotion et les officiers et soldats qui ont servi sous ses ordres ainsi que tous les civils dont il a ?t? le responsable dans l’administration publique au cours de l’autre partie de sa carri?re.

Selon une note du minist?re de l’Int?rieur et des Collectivit?s territoriales (MICT), Roland Chavannes a ?t? Charg? de Mission au MICT, au rang de Directeur, le G?n?ral Chavannes ?tait attach? ? l’Unit? Technique d’Appui ? la Direction G?n?rale (UTADG).

“Le G?n?ral Jean Baptiste Roland CHAVANNES fut ?galement Directeur de l’Immigration et de l’Emigration (DIE) du MICT. On se souvient encore de son efficacit? et du sang neuf qu’il a inject? notamment dans la production des passeports, durant son passage ? la t?te de cette Direction, de 2004 ? 2012”, rappelle le minist?re de l’Int?rieur.

Par ailleurs, “Roland Chavannes avait pr?c?demment dirig?, ? deux reprises, le Service de la Circulation des V?hicules. Il avait alors le grade de Major, avant d’?tre promu Colonel et par la suite, G?n?ral de Brigade et Chef d’?tat-major G4 des Forces Arm?es d’Ha?ti. Durant son passage aux commandes dudit Service, il a refait l’image de cette structure.

D?cor? en octobre 2019 par la Direction des Ressources Humaines du MICT, il aura v?cu ses derni?res ann?es toujours en service et ? l’oeuvre tant au niveau de ses activit?s personnelles qu’? son poste au Minist?re”.

Humble, accueillant, respectueux et courtois, le G?n?ral Chavannes avait toujours les mots pour d?tendre l’atmosph?re de travail et motiver ses coll?gues. Mentor tr?s appr?ci?, il a toujours gard? une attention pour chaque personne qu’il c?toyait et les invitait ? renforcer leur capacit? professionnelle et servir les autres avec d?sint?ressement et conscience, t?moigne son ancien minist?re dans une note.

Jamaica’s economy grows by 8.2% in FY2021/2022 | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News

Jamaica’s economy grew by 8.2 per cent for the fiscal year 2021/22, compared to 2020/21, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) has reported.

The performance was aided by a 6.4 per cent out-turn between January and March 2022, compared to the same period last year.

STATIN indicated that the March quarter out-turn was driven by 8.9 and 0.4 per cent growth in the services and goods-producing industries, respectively.

It advised that economic activity was positively impacted by the easing of COVID-19 containment measures, including the withdrawal of the Disaster Risk Management Order during the period.

All services industry subsectors grew, led by ‘Hotels and Restaurants, which recorded a 107.1 per cent out-turn, according to STATIN. The performance of that subsector resulted from growth in hotels and other short-stay accommodations, and restaurants, bars, and canteens.

It was also positively impacted by a 230.1 per cent increase in foreign national arrivals.

The out-turns for the other subsectors saw ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repairs, Installation of Machinery and Equipment’ and ‘Transport, Storage and Communication’ growing by 8.8 per cent each; ‘Other Services’, up 12.4 per cent; ‘Electricity and Water Supply’, up 1.4 per cent; ‘Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities’, up 1.1 per cent; ‘Finance and Insurance Services’, up 0.7 per cent; and ‘Producers of Government Services’, up 0.4 per cent.

Meanwhile, higher outputs were recorded for three of the four goods-producing industry subsectors.

‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ led the way with 8.2 per cent, followed by ‘Manufacturing’, up four per cent, and ‘Construction’, up 3.5 per cent. Mining and Quarrying declined by 60 per cent.

STATIN indicated that ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’ benefited from favourable weather conditions.