Kerber announces pregnancy and withdraws from US Open Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Three-time grand slam champion Angelique Kerber has announced she is pregnant and will miss the US Open as “two against one just isn’t a fair competition.”

The former world number one on Wednesday revealed she will not be around on the WTA Tour “for a while”, as she is expecting her first child.

Kerber, 34, says she is “nervous and excited” by the “new path” she is heading in.

The German posted on Instagram: “I really wanted to play the @usopen but eventually I decided that two against one just isn’t a fair competition.

“For the next months, I will take a break from travelling the globe as a tennis player but then again, I believe it’s for the best possible reason! I will miss all of you.

“New York has often been a turning point in my career and it feels like this year will be no different in some way! From restarting my career in 2011 to winning the title in 2016 and becoming #1 in the world… the @usopen have a special place in my heart and I wish I could have said goodbye to all of you on court before not being around on tour for a while.

“Being a professional athlete means everything to me but I’m grateful for the new path I’m heading to. To be honest, I’m nervous and excited at the same time. Thanks for your continued support – it means everything to me “

Kerber’s announcement came just five days before the US Open gets under way at Flushing Meadows.

The left-hander was crowned champion in New York six years ago after also winning the Australian Open in 2016 and she went on to take the Wimbledon title in 2018.

Goodland community shook by 2 shootings with injuries in 6 hours Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Another man was injured when shots were fired just after midnight in Goodland, two gaps away from an earlier shooting scene.

Police returned to the Goodland, St Michael community for a second shooting incident happening less than six hours apart. This time they responded to 2nd Avenue Goodland.

Members of the Barbados Police Service are carrying out investigations into the shooting incident, which occurred about 12:30 am today, Wednesday, August 24, 2022. It was reported that the victim was sitting on the step of his home at 2nd Avenue when an unknown assailant discharged a number of shots in his direction. He was struck in his lower body. He was rushed from the scene in a private motor vehicle for medical attention.

Investigations are continuing and anyone who can provide any information into this matter is asked to call, the Black Rock Police Station at 417-7500 or 7501, Police Emergency 211, Crime Stoppers at 1800-TIPS (8477) or the nearest Police Station.

Megan Thee Stallion Motion Approved To Depose J Prince & Carl Crawford

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Megan Thee Stallion scores another legan win over Carl Crawford, J Prince, and their label 1501 Cert.

The Houston rapper’s contract dispute case is underway as a court on Wednesday granted the rapper a mini win and ordered that 1501 Certified Entertainment’s Carl Crawford and Rap-A-lot founder and 1501 business partner, J Prince are to give depositions, TMZ reported.

Megan Thee Stallion upped the ante on Tuesday (August 23) when she amended her current lawsuit and requested $1 million in damages for royalties and other payments, as well as a declaration that she had completed her obligations to produce four albums under the agreement with 1501 Certified Entertainment and that contract has officially ended.

1501 Certified’s J Prince and Crawford, however, dispute that Megan has completed her obligations as they do not consider her last two projects as “albums” as defined by the contract. They also claim that Megan owes them millions for monies they claim to have spent to develop her career before she was allegedly poached by Roc Nation.

However, Megan and her attorneys are taking the label executives to task and were successful in being granted an order from the court forcing the men to give depositions and account for every dime they claim they spent on the rapper or collected on her behalf.

Megan’s determination to end her relationship with 1501 Certified Ent saw a greater push after last week’s release of her fourth project, Traumazine.

On Tuesday, her new filings requested that the court allow her lawyers to question Crawford and Prince. The dates for the depositions have been set for J Prince to go first on October 24 and Crawford on October 25.

The location of the deposition would be in Houston, and the proceedings are to be recorded on video. A trial date has not been set as yet.

Megan’s lawsuit against the label is a master chess stroke and is also a first among artists who would usually stay in the label deal and work around it. However, the Houston rapper is not letting the label slide as she claims that she spent all of the money to produce and put her music out, while 1501 basically collected 60% of her earnings.

On Tuesday, both Crawford and J Prince lashed out at Megan’s move, with Prince calling the deal “generous” by industry standards and even accusing the Jay-Z-owned Roc Nation is influencing the artist.

“The truth is that Carl discovered, developed and fully financed MTS early in her career which led to a life changing distribution agreement for her with 300 Entertainment,” Prince said.

“From 1501’s earliest agreement with Megan, long before MTS [Megan Thee Stallion] was a household name; 1501 generously agreed to give Megan 40% of its PROFITS which is substantially more than the customary record royalty that a new artist receives from a record label,” J Prince wrote in a lengthy statement of Instagram. “Any attempt by MTS [Megan Thee Stallion] or RN [Roc Nation] to portray a contract that provides a new unknown artist with 40% of the label’s PROFITS as unconscionable or unfair is blatantly false and contrary to the customs or norms in the music industry.”

Crawford also had his petty two-bits to offer to the conversation as he sought to discredit Megan by claiming that she is not from Houston, although the rapper has always said she was born in San Antonio but raised in Houston.

Megan had also responded to the two label executives with her own incendiary responses where she denied that 1501 Certified developed her as an artist and instead pointed out that she is the only reason that label is successful as they were virtually unknown before her.

She also challenged the men to beat her in court if their claims were true. It seems that Megan has won this round, but Prince and Crawford are not going down without a fight so expect this legal battle between artist and label to play out in the courts as well as the public domain.

Carl Crawford and J. Prince have not responded to the latest development.

Des influenceurs TikTok boycottent Amazon pour soutenir la syndicalisation

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

La suspension de tout partenariat pour obtenir de meilleures conditions de travail pour les salariés d’Amazon: de jeunes créateurs de la plateforme TikTok utilisent leur popularité pour faire plier le géant du commerce en ligne.

Avec la campagne “People Over Prime”, 70 influenceurs du réseau social, cumulant plus de 51 millions d’abonnés, ont lancé une pétition pour faire pression sur Amazon aux Etats-Unis et pousser l’entreprise à satisfaire les exigences du syndicat Amazon Labor Union (ALU).

Dans une lettre adressée au géant de Seattle, le collectif Gen-Z for Change, derrière cette initiative, annonce que “jusqu’à ce que des changements aient lieu, nous empêcherons Amazon de monétiser l’un des plus grands réseaux sociaux au monde”.

Les revendications comprennent un salaire horaire minimum de 30 dollars, une révision à la hausse du congé maladie, ainsi que la fin des actions anti-syndicales.

“On sait depuis longtemps à quel point les créateurs sont essentiels au modèle marketing d’Amazon”, explique à l’AFP Elise Joshi, 20 ans, directrice de la stratégie de Gen-Z for Change.

“Les créateurs, en particulier les créateurs TikTok sont une passerelle vers les jeunes. Amazon sait à quel point les créateurs sont puissants et nous nous réapproprions ce pouvoir”, ajoute Mme Joshi, suivie par 3 millions de personnes sur l’application de partage de vidéos courtes.

Grâce à l’Amazon Influencer Program, lancé en 2017, le groupe américain propose à des utilisateurs en vue de différentes plateformes (TikTok, YouTube, Instagram) de gagner de l’argent en recommandant à leurs abonnés des produits Amazon sur une page personnalisée.

– Amazon se défend –

C’est ce dispositif que “People Over Prime” a décidé de boycotter afin de porter les demandes d’ALU.

L’organisation, qui n’est pas directement associée à la campagne, est devenue début avril le premier syndicat américain d’Amazon dans un entrepôt de Staten Island, à New York.

Elle n’a pas réussi à doubler la mise en mai lors d’un vote dans un autre centre de tri new-yorkais, mais ses responsables ont dénoncé la propagande et la stratégie d’intimidation d’Amazon pour faire échouer le projet.

Deuxième employeur aux Etats-Unis derrière la chaîne d’hypermarchés Walmart, le groupe fondé par Jeff Bezos s’oppose farouchement, depuis sa création en 1994, aux tentatives de syndicalisation dans le pays.

“La santé, la sécurité et le bien-être de nos employés sont notre priorité numéro un”, a assuré Paul Flanigan, un porte-parole d’Amazon, dans un communiqué transmis à l’AFP en réaction à la campagne des influenceurs de TikTok.

“Nous avons investi des milliards de dollars pour de nouvelles mesures de sécurité, des technologies et d’autres solutions innovantes destinées à protéger nos employés (…) Nous nous engageons à offrir à nos employés les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour réussir en créant du temps pour des pauses régulières et un rythme de travail confortable”, a-t-il ajouté.

– “Redevables” –

Des arguments peu convaincants pour Elise Joshi, qui les qualifie de “réponse standard d’une grande entreprise refusant de reconnaître des allégations légitimes sur des abus au travail et des manœuvres anti-syndicales”.

“Leur réponse montre à quel point ils sont réticents à écouter leurs salariés et j’espère que cela signifie que d’avantage de créateurs vont s’impliquer”, poursuit-elle.

Pour les membres de Gen-Z for Change, s’adresser à des dizaines de millions de jeunes internautes confère une responsabilité particulière dans la défense des droits sociaux.

“Nous nous sentons redevables car nous avons une plateforme immense et une passion pour l’équité”, revendique Connor Hesse, 19 ans, coordinateur des contenus pour Gen-Z for Change.

“C’est une opportunité formidable pour aider les salariés d’Amazon et faire résonner leurs voix”, ajoute le créateur, fier de ses 2,3 millions d’abonnés sur TikTok.

Amazon est la cible la plus récente du groupe d’activistes, qui a précédemment mené des actions pour dénoncer l’anti-syndicalisme de la chaîne de cafés Starbucks ou du groupe de grande distribution Kroger.

Les influenceurs ont envoyé des dizaines de milliers de fausses candidatures pour des postes de salariés en grève ou cherchant à se syndicaliser et que la direction de ces entreprises voulait remplacer.

Pour Aly, qui anime le compte (871.000 abonnés sur TikTok) et a signé la pétition des jeunes créateurs, une mobilisation massive en faveur des droits des salariés d’Amazon peut avoir un effet boule de neige.

Une cliente retourne un colis Amazon à Alhambra, en Californie, le 12 juillet 2022

– Frederic J. BROWN (AFP)

Un panneau Amazon dans un entrepôt à Culver City en Californie le 12 juillet 2022

– Patrick T. FALLON (AFP)

Aide à la rénovation énergétique des logements en Outre-mer

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles


Action Logement a lancé un important dispositif spécifiquement dédié à l’Outre-mer pour la rénovation énergétique des habitations. L’objectif est d’accompagner la rénovation de plus de 1 000 logements d’ici fin 2022, dans les 5 départements et territoires d’Outre-mer : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La reunion et Mayotte. 

Des prestataires (assistants à maîtrise d’ouvrage – AMO) chargés de valider les conditions d’éligibilité, les entreprises agréées et la conformité des travaux…

France-Antilles Guadeloupe

311 mots – 24.08.2022

Macron exhorte les ministres à “l’unité” face à “la fin de l’abondance”, Emmanuel Macron a souligné, mercredi, la gravité des enjeux de la rentrée en appelant le gouvernement et la majorité à “l’unité” face aux effets de la crise…, Macron exhorte les ministres à “l’unité” face…

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Emmanuel Macron a souligné, mercredi, la gravité des enjeux de la rentrée en appelant le gouvernement et la majorité à “l’unité” face aux effets de la crise climatique et à “la fin de l’abondance”.

Après trois semaines de vacances, le chef de l’État a fixé le cap au début du conseil des ministres de rentrée, dans une allocution exceptionnellement diffusée en direct.

Le président a de nouveau insisté sur la nécessité de prendre des décisions fortes, comme dans son allocution du 14-Juillet puis à Bormes-les-Mimosas (Var) le 17 août.

“Le moment que nous vivons peut sembler être structuré par une série de crises graves (…) et il se pourrait que d’aucuns voient notre destin comme étant perpétuellement de gérer les crises ou des urgences. Je crois, pour ma part, que ce que nous sommes en train de vivre est plutôt de l’ordre d’une grande bascule ou d’un grand bouleversement”, a-t-il déclaré devant la Première ministre Élisabeth Borne et les ministres.

Citant les effets de la guerre en Ukraine, débutée il y a six mois jour pour jour, et de la crise climatique, il a mis en avant “la fin de l’abondance”, que ce soit “des liquidités”, “des produits de technologie”, des matières premières ou de l’eau.

A cela, s’ajoutent “la fin des évidences”, comme celle de la démocratie, et “la fin de l’insouciance”.

Alors que, face à ce contexte troublé, “nos compatriotes peuvent réagir avec beaucoup d’anxiété”, le président a appelé le gouvernement au “respect de la parole donnée et des engagements” pris, et à “réaffirmer une unité très forte” avec la majorité autour “d’un cap qui nous permettra de consolider notre souveraineté, notre indépendance française et européenne”.

Cette communication marque une rupture avec la “ligne optimiste” qu’il a “toujours tenue”, selon le président de l’institut Elabe Bernard Sananès. “Il y a une forme d’anticipation politique: si vraiment les temps deviennent difficiles (…) le président doit l’avoir dit avant, pour ne pas donner l’impression qu’il aurait été surpris par les événements”, analyse-t-il auprès de l’AFP.

C’est “une manière de préparer l’opinion”, juge aussi pour l’AFP Jean-Daniel Lévy, directeur délégué d’Harris Interactive France, et “un changement de braquet. Parce qu’on ne peut plus du tout être sur un discours optimiste. L’état d’esprit français est très différent”.

Pour le président du MoDem François Bayrou, Emmanuel Macron “n’éludera aucune des questions cruciales de notre avenir”. “Il se situe d’avantage dans la question du moyen et du long terme que dans la gestion de l’immédiat”.

– “sobriété énergétique” –

Les déclarations du chef de l’État ont été fraîchement accueillies à gauche et par le secrétaire général de la CGT Philippe Martinez.

“C’est un message décalé. Quand on parle de fin de l’abondance, je pense aux millions de chômeurs, aux millions de précaires”, a réagi M. Martinez sur BFMTV.

“Non mais on rêve ! Comme si les Français avaient manqué de soucis et s’étaient trop gavés”, s’est indigné le secrétaire général du PCF Fabien Roussel sur Twitter, accusant “l’insouciance du Président Macron et la prédation des riches”.

“Quand vous êtes dans un pays où il y a neuf millions de pauvre (…), entendre un truc pareil, c’est incroyable”, a renchéri le leader insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon à Chateauneuf-sur-Isère, où se tiennent à partir de jeudi les journées d’été de LFI. “Il n’y a jamais eu de l’abondance M. Macron, il y a toujours eu de l’irresponsabilité”.

“Il faudrait surtout que ce soit la fin du déni, la fin de l’inaction et aussi la fin d’une forme d’impuissance face aux lobbys”, a réagi l’ex-candidat écologiste Yannick Jadot sur Twitter.

Le Conseil des ministres présidé par Emmanuel Macron, le 24 août 2022 au palais de l’Elysée à Paris


M. Macron a aussi énuméré les grandes étapes de la rentrée avec un séminaire gouvernemental la semaine prochaine, en bonne partie consacré à l’écologie, et le lancement, la semaine suivante, du Conseil national de la refondation.

La période estivale a été marquée par une succession de drames climatiques, de la sécheresse aux incendies jusqu’aux orages meurtriers en Corse.

Alors que le bilan écologique du premier quinquennat est dénoncé comme insuffisant par les associations écologiques, l’heure est donc à “la mobilisation générale”, selon l’entourage du président, avec un mot d’ordre, “la sobriété énergétique”, qui devra faire l’objet d’un projet de loi d’accélération des énergies renouvelables.

D’autres chantiers compliqués attendent le gouvernement, comme un texte sur l’assurance chômage qui doit prolonger le durcissement d’accès aux indemnités et qui suscite l’hostilité de la gauche et de syndicats.

Parallèlement, l’agenda de M. Macron va rester largement occupé par les dossiers internationaux, à commencer par la guerre en Ukraine. Jeudi, il sera en Algérie pour une visite de trois jours avant de détailler ses priorités diplomatiques devant les ambassadeurs le 1er septembre.

Conseil des ministres présidé par Emmanuel Macron, le 24 août 2022 au palais de l’Elysée à Paris


Emmanuel Macron et son épouse Brigitte Macron lors de la cérémonie de commémoration du débarquement des Alliés en Provence pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à Bormes-les-Mimosas, le 19 août 2022


Money-saving tips for back to school Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Business

57 minutes ago – Updated

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Where did summer go?

We are packing away our swimsuits as fun days at the beach are behind us. We are now looking at a new school year.

One of the main things associated with back-to-school is the spending we undertake to prepare our children for a year of learning and the numerous school activities.

With inflation soaring to record levels this year, it is much more expensive to cover back-to-school expenses than in previous years.

Inflation in some countries is the highest it has been in over 40 years; no wonder we are experiencing drastic price increases in the everyday goods and services we use.

We have felt the impact of higher fuel and food prices, and now we will endure the cost pressures of higher back-to-school supplies.

So how exactly do we prepare our pockets? What are the money tips we can use to take control of back-to-school spending?

Here are my top five money tips you can implement right now to take control of back-to-school shopping.

Review your child’s book list and back-to-school supplies list to see if there are any items you already own and don’t need to repurchase. It’s so easy to get swept into the shopping frenzy and buy items that are still in good condition. I know many items on the back-to-school list are only good for one year of use but there must be a few items that carry across the school years. Do your review, check your list twice to ensure you don’t make any duplicate purchases.Delay certain purchases.There’s no pressing need to buy all the items on the list before the school year starts. Some items may be used in the second or final terms of the school year so you can possibly delay these purchases until your child is ready for those items. This can give you some flexibility and provide an opportunity to use that money for other immediate purchases that are critical for the start of the school year.Buy school supplies in bulk. Come together and share with a friend who has children who need similar items. It’s much more cost efficient to buy items in bulk and you get to reap the savings when you shop at wholesale stores for items that you may have otherwise bought at elevated prices in smaller boutique stores.Spend less in the school cafeteria and pack some lunch items where possible. Buying snacks and juices at the grocery store and packing for our child’s lunch can create significant savings in our monthly spending plan. Teach your children the powerful money habit of putting money away consistently into high-interest accounts. When we create these positive money habits early on in our children’s lives then we set them up for financial success when they become adults. Let’s help to train the future generations of millionaires and billionaires by teaching our children to actively save a portion of their allowance or lunch money where possible so they can benefit from the future growth of these invested sums.

Let’s face it; life continues after back-to-school, so we need to protect our pockets.

Keisha Bailey is an experienced investment strategist who teaches people how to earn passive income, create wealth and reclaim time and reach financial freedom by investing. Keisha teaches investors how to create highly profitable portfolios so they can build wealth faster. If you are looking to learn how to level up your money, she can be reached at

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Lovell says it looks bad that Brian Stuart-Young has not resigned as CEO in light of the Global Bank Lawsuit

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

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The UPP leader says the customer should be able to get his money when he calls for it.

Lovell is also of the view that the CEO of the bank Brian Stuart-Young should resign.



TKR women lose 6ixty opener to Royals

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Members of the Trinbago Knight Riders women team, who will be making their debut in the 2022 6ixty and women Caribbean Premier League (CPL) at Warner Park, Basseterre, St Kitts. PHOTO COURTESY TRINBAGO KNIGHT RIDERS FACEBOOK PAGE.

TRINBAGO Knight Riders (TKR) women’s team lost the opening match of the SKYEXCH 6ixty women’s tournament at Warner Park in Basseterre, St Kitts, on Wednesday.

TKR fell to a 28-run defeat to Barbados Royals.

Royals posted a competitive 108/4 in their ten overs, batting first, with South African Chloe Tyron hitting a brilliant 63 off 29 balls.

Tyron, who cracked five fours and four sixes, was supported by Britney Cooper’s 18 not out off 18 deliveries.

Bowling for TKR, Jannillea Glasgow grabbed 1/25 in two overs.

In response, TKR fell short, scoring 80/3 in ten overs.

Opener Kycia Knight looked solid at the top of the order, but had to retire hurt after scoring 21.

Hayley Jensen tried to get TKR close to the target with 22 not out off 12 balls.

Royals captain Hayley Matthews was the best bowler for the Royals, taking 2/6 in one over.

TKR were without Deandra Dottin for the opening match. She has been playing in the Hundred Women’s tournament in England and will be available later in the 6ixty.

After the match, TKR’s Anisa Mohammed, standing in for Dottin as captain, said Tyron was spectacular.

“I think one of the areas we can improve on is the way we bowled…I must give credit to our batters. I thought they batted really well. They got to a decent total. Chloe’s innings was just the difference between the two teams today.”

TKR will play Guyana Amazon Warriors at 12.30 pm on Wednesday.


BARBADOS ROYALS 108/4 (10 overs) – Chloe Tyron 63, Britney Cooper 18 not out; Jannillea Glasgow 1/25 vs TKR 80/3 (10 overs) – Hayley Jensen 22 not out, Kycia Knight 21 retired hurt; Hayley Matthews 2/6. Royals won by 28 runs.

Not enough money in-country to finance Guyana’s growth – financial analyst

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Aerial shot of Georgetown [Latchman Singh photo]

As the country’s development trajectory rapidly charges forward, it has been observed that there is not enough money in-country to finance the anticipated growth.

This is the opinion of Floyd Haynes, a financial Analyst and founder of the country’s newest investment/merchant bank, New Hayven Bank which opened its doors in July – some 30 years after the first merchant bank was licensed in Guyana.

“If you look at where the country is going and where it is now, you will see that there is a huge finance or capital gap, meaning there aren’t enough monies in the country to finance Guyana’s growth and development, there just isn’t,” Haynes posited during a recent appearance on Globespan.

“If you take all the monies from all the retail banks and you add it up, it still is not enough to finance the development of Guyana and therefore capital has to come from somewhere,” he reasoned, noting that this gap can only be filled by private capital.

“So that will come from multilateral institutions like the World Bank, the IDB, some of it will come from friendly governments that will make loans at low interest rates but a lot of that will have to be private capital coming into the system,” the Merchant Bank Head posited.

Against this backdrop, Haynes explained that the Merchant Bank will play a critical role in advancing the country’s development.

“You have on the one hand, people or institutions with monies, pension schemes, insurance companies…high net worth people, they are looking for places to put the monies and on the other hand, there are people with small businesses looking to expand… These two people typically don’t ever go to each other, that’s not how it works, so in a capital market, those people get to meet and there is intermediatory that bridges the gap between those two people and that is precisely the role of a merchant bank.”

Haynes emphasised that this the type of opportunity his newly-opened institution is striving to realise.

“So ultimately if Guyana is to develop, the growth will come from the private sector, not government and so you have to come with strategies and tools, to be able to jumpstart that private sector,” he expressed.

Oil Resources

In fact, he admitted that while the country can be developed through the utilisation of its oil revenues, this is not the best pathway to embark upon.

“If you want to take all the oil revenues and develop Guyana, you probably have enough, but that’s not the purpose of oil revenues. Oil revenues will do some infrastructure development, it’s not going to grow the private sector per say, it would help to spawn growth in the private sector, but the oil revenues in a developing country sort of wear a couple of hats.”

“On the one hand, there is some badly needed thing in a developing country, infrastructure, better healthcare, better education, those types of things and so some of the revenues has to go to that but also a portion of the revenues has to go into a fund for prosperity, so that future generations can benefit from the nations patrimony,” he added.