La CMA CGM crée un fond spécial « Énergies »

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Le Groupe CMA CGM a décidé de créer un Fonds spécial Énergies, doté d’un budget de 1,5 millions d’euros sur 5 ans pour accélérer la transition énergétique en vue d’atteindre le Net Zéro Carbone (forme de neutralité carbone) d’ici 2050.

Ce fonds investira pour soutenir la production industrielle de nouvelles énergies, ainsi que des solutions de mobilité à faibles émissions dans toutes les activités du Groupe (transports maritime, terrestre et aérien ; activités portuaires et logistiques ; bureaux). Il permettra de soutenir une plateforme mondiale d’innovations développée avec de grandes entreprises, des PME, des startups, des acteurs académiques et scientifiques. Le Groupe CMA CGM se tient également prêt à contribuer au « fonds vert » proposé par l’État français pour soutenir des projets conjoints.

« Depuis de nombreuses années, le Groupe CMA CGM s’est engagé en faveur de la protection de l’environnement, souligne Rodolphe Saadé, président-directeur dénéral du Groupe CMA CGM. C’est au cœur de mes convictions et de notre stratégie. Mais face à l’urgence climatique, il est de notre devoir de redoubler d’efforts. Avec ce fonds, nous allons pouvoir investir de façon significative dans des projets innovants de décarbonation de nos activités. Nous nous dotons des moyens nécessaires pour accélérer notre transition énergétique et celle de l’ensemble de l’industrie du transport et de la logistique ».

Ce fonds sera structuré autour de 4 axes pour développer les solutions énergétiques et de mobilité de demain. Le 1er axe consistera à soutenir le développement et la production d’énergies renouvelables. En la matière, le Groupe CMA CGM a apporté une première réponse au changement climatique avec le Gaz Naturel Liquéfié (GNL), comme énergie de transition du transport maritime. Le fonds aura notamment vocation à accélérer l’émergence d’unités de production à l’échelle industrielle de fuels alternatifs (biofuel, biométhane, e-méthane, méthanol décarboné, etc.). Il s’agira de sécuriser les volumes en lien avec les besoins du Groupe, en partenariat avec d’autres grands groupes industriels maîtrisant ces technologies, ou avec des fonds d’investissement ou des startups prometteuses. Le deuxième axe portera sur l’accélération de la décarbonation des terminaux portuaires, des entrepôts et des flottes de véhicules terrestres. Le Groupe CMA CGM exploite plus de 700 entrepôts et une cinquantaine de terminaux portuaires dans le monde. Il souhaite développer sur ses actifs industriels la production d’énergies décarbonées (éolien, solaire, biomasse, hydrogène) permettant de couvrir les besoins de consommation de ces sites (autonomie énergétique).

Accélérer la décarbonation des terminaux

L’électrification des équipements portuaires en activité sera accélérée, partout où cela est possible et pertinent. L’objectif de CEVA Logistics, filiale du Groupe CMA CGM, est de couvrir 100 % de ses besoins d’électricité en électricité décarbonée en 2025. Un programme d’équipement d’1,8 millions de m² de panneaux photovoltaïques et la généralisation de l’éclairage LED est prévu. Un plan de transition des flottes de véhicules terrestres sera également mis en place, notamment l’électrification des camions CEVA Logistics.

Le 3e axe vise à soutenir, expérimenter et lancer des projets à la pointe de l’innovation. CMA CGM s’est impliqué depuis de nombreuses années pour développer des projets, prototypes et expérimentations. En février 2020, CMA CGM s’est associé à Energy Observer pour faire de l’hydrogène l’une des énergies de demain. Avec le projet Energy Observer 2, ce partenariat franchit une nouvelle étape en travaillant ensemble sur un prototype de porte-conteneurs dédié aux liaisons régionales propulsé à l’hydrogène liquide, et intégrant toutes les contraintes techniques et logistiques actuelles à son cahier des charges. L’objectif est de pouvoir développer de manière pragmatique cette technologie pour permettre un transport maritime décarboné à plus grande échelle sur la courte distance notamment. Le Groupe a également décidé d’engager une prise de participation au sein de Neoline, projet de cargo à propulsion principale à la voile prévu pour fin 2024 sur les routes transatlantiques.

Il soutient aussi SeaOrbiter, un projet de vaisseau d’exploration des océans et laboratoire océanographique flottant conçu par l’architecte français Jacques Rougerie, au cœur de l’économie bleue de demain. Le 4e axe consiste à « s’engager dans la sobriété et renforcer l’efficacité énergétique des modes de travail et des mobilités des collaborateurs du Groupe CMA CGM ». Le fonds sera doté d’un budget de 1,5 Md d’euros et d’une équipe dédiée et opérationnelle dès octobre 2022 réunissant les meilleurs talents (ingénieurs, énergéticiens, analystes financiers, project manager).

Five Jamaicans head to Europe as 2022 Eramus Mundus scholars Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Five outstanding Jamaican youth have copped the 2022 Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, the country’s largest cohort since 2014. The scholars will pursue joint two-year master’s programmes in the fields of science, technology and engineering at leading universities across Europe.

“I am delighted about the uptick in scholars this year, not just as the EU Ambassador, but also as an Erasmus alumna. I had a lovely farewell courtesy call with the scholars and it was encouraging to hear them outline how they aspire to use their study experience in Europe to address challenges in Jamaica and the Caribbean, once they come back. I have no doubt that Erasmus will reshape their lives in meaningful ways,” said Marianne Van Steen, EU Ambassador to Jamaica.

Erasmus is designed to foster educational enrichment and intercultural understanding. For joint master’s degrees, students study at universities in at least two European countries and there have been over 30 Jamaican awardees since 2004. Ambassador Symone Betton Nayo, Head of Jamaica’s Mission to the EU, wants more young Jamaicans to take full advantage of this life-changing opportunity.

“I am very pleased with the increase in Erasmus Scholars this year as it underscores the value and importance of the longstanding EU-Jamaica partnership. Education and culture provide solid pathways for growth and action. The Jamaican Mission to the EU in Brussels will continue to work with the EU Delegation in Kingston, the Erasmus Programme in Brussels, tertiary institutions in Jamaica and other stakeholders to raise awareness of the various opportunities available,” said Betton Nayo.

Meet the Scholars:

Ren?e Duhaney

Cyberus Joint Master’s in Cyber Security – University of South Brittany, France

Ren?e is a software engineer at British Caribbean Insurance Company, who envisions a software development landscape in Jamaica that treats security as a core feature and not an afterthought. This influenced her interest in secure software development, a key element of her master’s programme. As Jamaica pushes towards becoming a digital society, Ren?e wants to play an active role in strengthening the country’s cybersecurity infrastructure.

Loya Haughton

European Master’s in Law, Data and Artificial Intelligence – Dublin City University, Ireland

As a Microsoft-certified data analyst and business process analyst at National Commercial Bank, Loya builds software solutions that improve organisational efficiency and customer satisfaction. However, she wants to complement her technical skills with a deeper understanding of the legal, cybersecurity and ethical implications of processing users’ data. She shared, “I am part of the inaugural cohort, and I look forward to studying in Ireland, the home of the data watchdog and in Spain, Europe’s fifth largest economy.” Upon her return to Jamaica, Loya intends to use financial technology (Fintech) as a vehicle to enhance Jamaica’s financial inclusion efforts.

Moesha Henry

Master’s in Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation – University of Cantabria, Spain

It is hard to overstate Jamaica’s vulnerability to climate change as a small island developing state. Moesha, a former junior project engineer at Smith Warner International, understands that her generation will directly experience some of the worsening impacts of climate change and sea-level rise. However, she does not believe there is any time for inaction. This programme will help her to upskill to design and implement climate change mitigation strategies in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Jevaughn Henry

Copernicus Master’s in Digital Earth – University of Salzburg, Austria

Jevaughn worked on multiple high-impact projects in his most recent role as a spatial data analyst at the Urban Development Corporation. This experience helped to deepen his interest in geographic information systems (GIS). He stated, “The Copernicus Master’s in Digital Earth is the ideal course of study to aid me in achieving my long-term goals. One goal is to make geographic information more widely available and more easily understood to guide and promote sustainable development in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean.”

Clenmar Rowe

Master’s in Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation – University of Cantabria, Spain

Clenmar recently completed a three-year stint at Smith Warner International, which underscored his belief that coastal/flood engineering is the best way to combat the most severe effects of climate change. “After graduation, I will return to Jamaica and help the Government and private entities to better evaluate proposals for urban and coastal development. My ultimate career goal is to bring greater climate change resilience to Jamaica and the wider Caribbean through coastal risk management and climate adaptation.”

Police Commish remaining focus despite critics of his stewardship Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Police Commissioner, Major General Antony Anderson, says he is remaining focused on the job of curtailing the country’s problem of high crime and violence.

Anderson’s comments come amid a recent Don Anderson poll suggesting that more than 90 per cent of Jamaicans have little or no confidence in his stewardship of the country’s crime situation.

“I saw the poll and I know there is a lot of discussions around it and its contents, but I have to remain focus on what we are doing and communicating as I am doing now,” said the commissioner.

He was speaking at the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s monthly press conference on Tuesday, where he revealed worrying statistics for major crimes recorded so far this year.

At the end of August, there was a 2.7 percent increase in major crimes compared to the corresponding period last year.

Murder was up by 6.1 percent or 58 more when compared with the corresponding period last year, Anderson informed.

However, there is a six percent decline in shootings and rapes have decreased by 16 percent. In contrast, robberies are up by 15 percent, and break-ins are up by 7.8 percent.

Though this situation might strengthen the arguments of critics, Anderson argued that the JCF has a number of agencies – both local and foreign – who are partnering with it, “to deal with the many concerns” on the crime front.

“Those concerns include crime, community, and “a mechanism to bring us out of what has plagued us for many years,” he said.

“So when I look at the partnerships and the offers of partnerships and the persons who wish to partner with us… to move things forward, I take note of that, and I think that is important for myself as commissioner and the entire team as we look at our strategies going forward,” Anderson explained.

In further defending his stewardship, he pointed to the reactions he got outside his office.

“I am on the road. I am outside and I am among the people, and I get firsthand feedback from those people, and… it’s the same people who tell you thanks sometimes and push you forward for what you’re doing,” said Anderson in a defensive tone.

He shared that his own members of the force have also created that environment that has been “driving” him forward.

“I am a focused person, and I am focused on what we are trying to get done, and what we will get done, and have been getting done, and I will continue to do that,” Anderson assured.

In relation to the uptick in murders, he said the statistics, at present, does not suggest a closeness to any record for murders in Jamaica.

“The record years are way beyond where we are now, but we are concerned that it (murder) is going up. I am concerned as commissioner and my team is concerned, and the force is concerned, and no doubt the country,” Anderson stated.

He said initiatives, such as expansion of the the Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch (PSTEB)’s Quick Response Teams to more parishes and public order campaigns across major towns, will be of high focus towards the end of the year.

“We (will) see that we can… recover some of these murders that we are having, and if we can maintain our focus on what we are doing, and we are focused,” he asserted.

According to him, the police has already began making headway in its pushback against murders.

“We’ve already started actually, because today it (murder) is less than it was at the end of August – not by a lot, by about one per cent further down out of the six (per cent). It (murder) is now at five (per cent year-to-date).

“It will go up and down. It won’t be a steady line down, but we will be pushing down, but really in record years, it (murder) is not even close,” declared Anderson.

Still, he said the police recognises the public concerns about murders and are “always strategising” to address it.

Silk Boss reports to the police in presence of attorney Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
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53 minutes ago

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Entertainer, Rohan ‘Silk Boss’ Reid, who was named as a person of interest by the police has made contact with local authorities.

Reports are that Reid turned up at the Portmore Police station where he was questioned in the presence of his attorney.

Police report that after the question and answer he was released and advised that he should make himself available if police wanted to speak to him further.

Police sent out a release calling on the entertainer to report to the police by midday, Monday.

The call was made days after a video was seen on social media with a person, resembling the entertainer, being beaten by men wearing masks.

Police said they made several attempts to reach the entertainer but those efforts were unsuccessful so they used the same social media platform to make the call.

The explanation was given by senior officers from the St Catherine South Division, who were responding to concerns raised by some social media users about the manner in which the call was made as they believed the artiste was a victim and making the call via a release for him to turn in himself they argued could place the entertainer at risk.

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Trinidad and Tobago 70s boxing star Walter Peters dies

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Walter Peters

WALTER Peters, 1968 national welterweight champion and accomplished retired international professional boxer, has died at 74.

Peters died on August 30 after suffering from complications of cervical spondylosis (degeneration of bones and discs in the neck) resulting in paralysis, after a fall on August 5.

Peters’ professional career representing TT at home, in the US and Europe, spanned from around 1970-1980.

He is survived by three sons, Walter Jr, Christopher and Kyle, and one daughter, Jenelle, and his widow Agnes Peters. They would have celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary in December.

Peters claimed a professional record of 36 wins and eight losses, although his record on the boxing website counts four wins by knockout, 13 losses by knockout and one draw.

His son Christopher told Newsday he had written in vain to several years ago to have the information corrected.

Christopher described his father’s death as tragic and unexpected, since he was otherwise completely healthy before the accident.

“He was a great father and a wonderful role model to a lot of people,” he told Newsday.

Christopher said Peters had shared his knowledge and experience with the boxing community.

“My father spent the majority of his life trying to gain knowledge of the boxing artform in a bid to pass on that knowledge to anyone who showed the slightest interest. All you had to do to get him started was mention the word ‘boxing’.”

Walter Peters

Peters sat on the T&T Boxing Board up until the mid-2000s and continued to serve as a coach at El Dorado Senior Comprehensive (now El Dorado East Secondary). He also led programmes at the Youth Training Centre (YTC), St Michael’s Home for Boys and several other institutions.

Born in Grenada, Peters migrated to Trinidad when he was nine. He first lived in Wharton Street, Laventille, before moving to Tunapuna, where he met his future wife, and eventually settled in Curepe, up until his death.

Peters travelled extensively, living, training and fighting in Italy for nearly three years, as well as competing in many other countries.

As documented in the media, Peters rallied to have boxing regain the popularity it held while he was active, even though he blamed himself and other boxers from his era for not doing enough to pass on their knowledge to young athletes.

In spite of this, Peters was widely regarded in the boxing community as a champion of and for the sport, indeed sharing his expertise decades after his retirement from the ring by means of coaching, mentoring and his administrative contributions.

Peters’ funeral will be held at the Our Lady of Fatima RC Church in Curepe on Thursday at 12.30 pm.

25 get housing lots in central/south Trinidad

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Housing and Urban Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis with the 25 recipients of leases under her Ministry’s Land Settlement Agency (LSA) progamme at a ceremony at the Chaguanas Community Centre. With her is LSA CEO Hazar Hosein, left, and Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Adrian Leonce and on right is LSA’s Chairman, Wayne Inniss. Photo by Sureash Cholai

HOUSING Minister Camille Robinson-Regis oversaw the distribution of leases for land lots for 25 people to build homes, at a ceremony at Chaguanas Community Centre on Tuesday. This took place under the government-aided self help housing programme.

Housing and Urban Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis with recipient Yamine Trotment. Photo by Sureash Cholai

In his welcome remarks, Land Settlement Agency chairman Wayne Inniss said out of an initial 700 applicants, some 500 had been successfully screened as eligible, and from these 25 were chosen to receive lots in this batch.

These lots are in central and south Trinidad, he said. They are all serviced with electricity and water supplies.

Housing and Urban Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis presents Mala Ramoutar with her land lease documents. Photo by Sureash Cholai

Innis said this initiative showed the Government’s commitment to deliver non-traditional housing solutions. He said recipients benefit from a purchase price of 30 per cent of the market value. The LSA, Innis said, would offer recipients a range of house designs and hold their hands throughout the approval process.

Robinson-Regis, in her feature address, congratulated recipients on their patience – they had applied in 2018.

She empathised, “It has not been an easy journey, but it has been worth it.”

Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Adrian Leonce with recipient Andrea Peters. Photo by Sureash Cholai

She warned recipients that they must now construct their homes within two years. Failing this, they faced forfeiture of their land, to be passed on to other selected applicants to build.

She said the lots were at Factory Road (15 lots), Milton Road (six lots) and Cashew Gardens (four lots).

She urged recipients not to squander their opportunities, while her ministry remains focused on strengthening TT’s housing base.

Minister in the Ministry of Housing Adrian Leonce said financing available to recipients was at two per cent, comparing favourably to the six-eight per cent generally offered by financial institutions.

Robinson-Regis later told reporters that the Government had several hundred other such lots to distribute under this initiative.

Housing and Urban Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis at the ministry’s Land Settlement Agency lease distribution ceremony at the Chaguanas Community Centre. Photo by Sureash Cholai

Asked if this was a drop in the bucket compared to the 180,000-plus waiting list for public housing, she said this was a separate initiative to award land, not housing, to people, based on their preference or eligibility.

She said that otherwise the Government’s housing programme was still underway with houses under construction at various sites, although she couldn’t recollect the total number of housing units off the top of her head.

Las Cuevas man struggles to get NIS payments

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago head office at Queen’s Park East. – File photo/Sureash Cholai

Las Cuevas resident Jeto Singh, 70, has not received his national insurance (NIS) payments for four months. Each time he inquires at the National Insurance Board (NIB) he gets the same response – another month of non-payment.

Since June, Singh said,”Nothing came in. Every time I go to the office they keep saying next month and it going on four months now.”

He has visited the Wrightson Road, Barataria, and Tunapuna NIB branches, “and no one can give an explanation why they stopped the payment.”

When he has gone to NIB, Singh has been told he would get a lump sum for the missed payments on the next monthly payment date. NIS payments are issued on the sixteenth of each month.

Singh, a retired store hand with 20 years’ service at the Ministry of Works, said for the past eight years he hadreceived his monthly payments without problems, although: “The first two years, they give me a little runaround.”

On Monday, Singh visited the NIB office on Charlotte Street, where they sent him back to NIB on Wrightson Road.

In weeks past, he had inquired there without any change. He went to the St James NIB branch as well and was again sent back to Wrightson Road.

Singh says the process of inquiring at NIB is a trial.

Transport from Las Cuevas is costly at $16 one way and the PTSC bus service is free to senior citizens but irregular.

Calls to the NIB customer service agency to inquire about Singh’s situation went unanswered after 30 minutes.

During a previous call, the NIB agent refused to disclose any information to Newsday. She took Singh’s number but never called him

Update: Good Hope fatal accident victims identified

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Andrew Albert and Annalisa Lackhan

The two persons who were killed in this afternoon’s horrific accident at Good Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD) have been identified as 38-year-old Andrew Albert and Annalisa Lackhan, also 38.

Albert, of Lamaha Park, Georgetown, was the driver of minibus BAB 4746 which was involved in the accident.

Lackhan, of Gopie Street, Buxton North, ECD was an occupant in the minibus.

Police said at around 13:01hrs, the minibus was proceeding along the southern driving lane of the northern carriageway whilst motor pick-up GNN 3048 was proceeding in the same lane in front of the minibus, when the minibus attempted to overtake the motor pick-up.

“In so doing, a collision occurred which caused the said minibus to pull further left and collided with a parked lorry GAC 6803,” police noted.

“Further reports revealed that the driver of the minibus lost control and the same turned turtle forcing the lorry and a horse cart further east. The minibus also collided into the side rear of motorcar PLL 5535,” police added.

As a result of the collision, several people who were in the minibus received injuries and were taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) o seek medical attention.

The driver of the motor pick-up is in custody assisting with investigation.

ICP lleva tercera edición del Fiestón del Libro al Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (ICP) anunció el martes, que la tercera edición del Fiestón del Libro se celebrará en el Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico (MAPR).

El evento que reúne librerías, editoriales, escritores y libreros independientes se llevará a cabo el domingo, 11 de septiembre, de 11:00 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde.

“Continuamos promoviendo la lectura y apoyando industria de la literatura en Puerto Rico. Creemos en el desarrollo económico que gira en torno a nuestros activos culturales como lo son los libros de nuestros escritores y escritoras puertorriqueñas”, afirmó Carlos Ruiz, director ejecutivo del ICP, sobre el evento que promueve la exposición de la industria del libro y publicaciones de nuevos y reconocidos autores.

Durante la actividad, el público podrá disfrutar de diversas disciplinas artísticas. En esta ocasión se une el Teatro Rodante de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR), quienes estarán presentando la obra La zapatera prodigiosa.

“El Teatro Rodante Universitario de la UPR, Recinto de Río Piedras sigue activo y esta participación es para nuestros estudiantes una muestra del compromiso con el importante quehacer teatral y cultural del país,” expresó la profesora Frances Arroyo-López, directora de Teatro Rodante Universitario (UPRRP).

El Fiestón del Libro es un evento gratuito y forma parte de un acuerdo de colaboración entre el MAPR y el ICP. Para más información puede entrar a

Departamento del Trabajo invita a ciudadanos a participar de “Expo Empleos 2022” en Ponce

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El secretario del Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos (DTRH), Gabriel Maldonado González, convocó el martes a los residentes del sur de la Isla, que buscan integrarse a la fuerza laboral u obtener nuevas oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, a participar esta semana de “Expo Empleos 2022” en Ponce.

Se trata de un evento de reclutamiento masivo para diversas áreas e industrias, incluyendo el sector privado y público, con beneficios y compensaciones competitivas.  

“Tras el éxito alcanzado la semana pasada con “Expo Empleos 2022” en San Juan, esta semana llegamos a la ciudad señorial de Ponce con la participación de unos 30 patronos y cientos de plazas de trabajo a tiempo completo y parcial. De cara a la temporada navideña, una de las épocas con más movimiento comercial en Puerto Rico, este evento de reclutamiento masivo tiene el propósito de que jóvenes y adultos puedan obtener nuevas oportunidades laborales en diversas industrias, mientras que los patronos reclutan al personal necesario para cubrir sus necesidades de capital humano”, afirmó el titular del DTRH en declaraciones escritas.  

“Expo Empleos 2022” se realizará el jueves, 8 y viernes, 9 de septiembre en el primer nivel del centro comercial Plaza Del Caribe en Ponce, antiguo local de La Defensa. El horario será de  9:00 de la mañana a 7:00 de la noche. 

El titular de la agencia recomendó a los asistentes llevar consigo un  resumé actualizado, aunque aclaró que no es requisito para participar de la feria de empleo. “El único requisito para participar es tener deseos de trabajar, crecer y progresar. Una vez la persona llega a la feria se le orienta y se canalizan sus intereses, así como habilidades. Es un proceso dinámico y sencillo”, añadió. 

Por su parte, Edwin Tavárez, gerente general de Plaza Del Caribe, destacó que “confiamos que la celebración de esta feria de empleo, en conjunto con el Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos, sea el mecanismo idóneo para que, tanto los comerciantes del centro comercial como los demás establecimientos de la región sur y oeste de Puerto Rico, identifiquen los recursos humanos necesarios de cara a la temporada de Navidad que se avecina para que más personas consigan empleos. Esperamos que esta alianza entre el centro comercial y el DTRH sea la primera de muchas con el objetivo de apoyar a los comerciantes de esta región, que tantos empleos necesita, y resulte en beneficio para nuestras comunidades”.

Los asistentes también podrán completar la encuesta del “Primer Estudio de la Mujer Trabajadora de Puerto Rico”, esfuerzo que realiza el DTRH junto a la organización Women Who Lead, con el fin de recopilar estadísticas sobre el panorama actual de las féminas que laboran en el gobierno, industria privada y organizaciones sin fines de lucro.