« Maëlle galerie » fête ses 10 ans à Romainville, en Seine-Saint-Denis

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

« Maëlle Galerie » a été créée en 2012 par la Martiniquaise Olivia Maëlle Breleur, au cœur de la mouvance parisienne d’art contemporain à Belleville, un quartier populaire et hyper pointu en la matière. « Je me suis installée là pour faire évoluer mon portefeuille d’artiste et m’associer à ce type de réseau ». 

Depuis 2021, afin donner une dimension internationale à son projet, Olivia, la patronne, a pourtant quitté Paris pour Romainville, dans le 93, pour s’installer au Komunuma le nouvel espace d’art contemporain du grand Paris, porté par la fondation Fiminco, à quelques pas du métro du métro Raymond Queneau. Un espace d’exposition beaucoup plus grand, au Nord-est de Paris. Où, elle propose des expositions beaucoup variées. « Je suis venue ici d’abord pour m’agrandir et continuer à développer mon réseau à l’international mais aussi pour travailler en commun avec les galeries importantes et parfois historiques ». 

Elle fête ses 10 ans et soutient la diffusion et la création de l’art contemporain à l’échelle, caribéen, national et international en travaillant sur le long terme. « Tout le travail de la galerie est de promouvoir, de soutenir, de diffuser et de faire acheter dans des collections importantes privées ou publiques ». Un métier qu’elle prend plaisir à faire.

Au fil de ces dix années d’existence, « Maëlle Galerie » est devenue une institution incontournable dans le monde de l’art, national et international. Elle présente des œuvres d’artistes de renommée internationale, mais aussi celles d’artistes confirmés et émergents de l’archipel caribéen et du monde créole. La grande diversité de sa sélection et sa rigueur offrent aux collectionneurs, aux galeristes, aux amateurs d’art l’occasion de découvrir de nouveaux talents et leurs travaux. Olivia les aiguille dans leurs acquisitions. 

Décloisonner les imaginaires

Pour fêter ses 10 ans à Romainville, la galeriste a inauguré une nouvelle exposition : « J’ai si longtemps rêvé de ce pays lointain que j’ai réinventé ses bruits et ses parfums… », mêlant son influence créole, et son identité caribéenne. L’expo évoque aussi la nostalgie d’un paradis intime qui nous habite.

Une belle balade collective inspirée de la chanson, « Exil » interprétée par le crooner martiniquais, Ralph Tamar. Afin de raconter l’histoire, les œuvres sont exposées dans la galerie pour réinventer ses bruits et ses parfums imaginés par Ina Césaire. On découvre notamment les œuvres de Jean-François Boclé, Ernest Breleur, Stéphanie Brossard, Samuel Gélas, Shiveay La Multiple, Joiri Minaya, Gabriel Moraes Aquino et Paul Jérémie, pour redire cette belle histoire de ceux qui ont le cœur serré dans un entre-deux et qui ont pour double héritage, l’ici et l’ailleurs. 

Ce paradis qui nous habite et dont la bipolarité nous consume est exposé jusqu’au 26 octobre donnant à retrouver les couleurs et la sensation, la beauté et le voyage. 

L’ensemble, qui mêle nos influences, nos identités, le rapport entre notre corps et un lieu, vibre par l’inspiration artistique des créateurs. Offrant un dialogue poétique dans cet espace au mur blanc et lumineux.

Depuis 10 ans, la galerie d’Olivia Maëlle Breleur participe au décloisonnement des imaginaires en fédérant des pratiques artistiques actuelles, tout en faisant l’accompagnement et la promotion des artistes connus et moins connus.

« Un travail énorme »

« J’ai fait les beaux-arts. Puis, un jour, alors que je faisais une conférence sur le marché de l’art des artistes de la Caraïbe, j’ai été interloquée par le manque de structures qui encadrent les artistes. Je rentre à Paris où je vis l’exil tout en faisant mes études sur le marché de l’art et à ce moment-là, je décide d’ouvrir une galerie. 

10 ans plus tard, je me retrouve à fêter ce travail qui a été énorme et qui a quand même permis de présenter des artistes d’un peu partout dans le monde avec un accent particulier sur la Caraïbe. Aujourd’hui, on célèbre l’exil, la diaspora, le voyage. On célèbre les artistes qui gardent leur lieu dans le cœur qui le nourrit, le porte, l’embrasse ».


Eurobasket-2022: la France et sa défense écoeurent la Pologne

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Une démonstration totale: les basketteurs français, intraitables en défense, n’ont laissé que des miettes à la Pologne (95-54) vendredi à Berlin et ne sont plus qu’à un pas de la médaille d’or à l’Eurobasket-2022.

“Je suis content forcément, mais on n’est pas venus pour faire deuxièmes, affiche le capitaine Evan Fournier. On se le dit depuis un moment maintenant.”

Neuf ans après leur premier et seul titre international, en 2013, voilà les hommes de Vincent Collet à une marche d’un deuxième sacre dimanche (20h30). Mais sans doute la plus haute à la mesure de leur parcours.

Il leur faudra enjamber l’Allemagne ou l’Espagne qui se disputent l’autre place en finale dans la soirée (20h30). Le résultat de cette demie offrira donc soit un choc face à une Nationalmannschaft transcendée dans sa capitale et supérieure aux Bleus en phase de groupes (76-63), soit un classique du basket européen contre la rivale Roja, si souvent assassine des rêves tricolores.

“On a encore un match pour marquer l’histoire”, bouillonne Rudy Gobert (6 points, 6 rebonds) après ce succès, le plus large de l’histoire dans une demi-finale de l’Euro.

Après deux prolongations arrachées grâce à deux miracles en 8e de finale face à la Turquie et en quart de finale face à l’Italie, cette fois, les vice-champions olympiques n’ont jamais tremblé, emmenés par leur intérieur Guerschon Yabusele, auteur de son record de points en sélection (22).

“C’est bien de faire un match complet de A à Z, d’être sûrs de nos forces, d’avoir beaucoup de caractère”, savoure Evan “Fourmiz” Fournier (10 points). “J’ai retrouvé mon équipe, celle en qui j’ai 100% confiance.”

La Pologne, maladroite (32% de réussite au total) et muselée, était déjà reléguée à 16 points à la mi-temps (34-18).

– Les cadres au repos –

Aucune équipe n’avait concédé aussi peu en une première moitié de demi-finale de l’Euro depuis la Tchécoslovaquie en 1946 (12 points face à la Hongrie).

“On leur a mis beaucoup de pression, on leur a sauté à la gorge en étant très agressifs. On ne voulait pas leur laisser de confiance et les écraser”, a encore commenté Evan Fournier.

L’écart vite creusé, les cadres ont même pu se reposer puisqu’un seul joueur a passé plus de 20 minutes sur le parquet.

Les faiblesses, en particulier les pertes de balles (7 dans la première reprise), restent là mais “il faut vivre avec”, s’était résigné le sélectionneur Vincent Collet. “On n’a pas toutes les qualités mais en tout cas, on ne lâche pas”, positivait-il. Ses joueurs ont des défauts mais une défense.

Une aide du destin aussi. Ils attendaient en quart la Serbie de Nikola Jokic, ils ont eu l’Italie. Ils attendaient en demie la Slovénie de Luka Doncic, ils ont eu la Pologne. Et les vice-champions olympiques n’ont pas laissé passer cette “belle opportunité”, dixit Vincent Collet, de filer en finale.

– Troisième finale européenne –

C’est ainsi, on ne choisit pas son adversaire, et surtout pas l’équipe de France. Quand les Bleus auraient pu jeter leurs deux derniers matches de groupes pour s’éviter un parcours périlleux sur le papier, ils ne l’ont pas fait.

Le sort les a récompensés. “On ne joue pas une équipe injouable”, récapitulait avec pudeur Vincent Collet.

Certes, les invités inopinés Polonais ont fait tomber le phénomène slovène Luka Doncic, tenant du titre, mais cet exploit signait leur première irruption dans le dernier carré depuis 51 ans. Quand les basketteurs français ne l’ont manqué qu’une fois en cinq éditions depuis 2011.

Cette troisième finale de Championnat d’Europe en onze ans (sur quatre au total) dit quelque chose du réservoir actuel du basket français, toujours au sommet sans être au complet. Synonyme de septième médaille en treize ans de mandat de Vincent Collet, cette finale dit beaucoup également du bilan du Normand.

Ni la routine ni le parcours peu prestigieux ne doivent minimiser le moment. Et s’il faut souligner les circonstances, ne pas oublier les contraires: les deux joueurs majeurs et créateurs restés au repos, Nicolas Batum et Nando De Colo.


114 new COVID cases, two deaths, 20.5% positivity rate recorded Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
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The Ministry of Health and Wellness is reporting that 114 new COVID-19 cases were recorded over a 24-hour period up to Thursday day afternoon.

A COVID-19 death that occurred in October 2021 was also recorded on Thursday, bringing the overall coronavirus death toll in Jamaica to 3,289.

A 55-year-old man from St Catherine is the latest recorded COVID fatality nationally.

The separate deaths of two COVID-19 patients are under investigation by health officials, while the death of another patient has been classified as being coincidental.

There were 51 recoveries on the day, bringing that tally to 97,953.

The newly confirmed COVID-19 cases brought the total number on record for the island to 151,130.

Notably, the island recorded a 20.5 per cent positivity rate based on the samples that were tested on Thursday.

Of the newly confirmed cases, 65 are females and 49 are males, with ages ranging from two months to 96 years.

The case count was made up of Kingston and St Andrew (27), St Ann (25), St Catherine (15), St James (15), Clarendon (seven), Westmoreland (seven), Trelawny (seven), St Thomas (five), Hanover (four), and Manchester (two).

There are 34 moderately ill patients, four severely ill patients and four critically ill patients among 872 active cases now under observation in Jamaica.

A total of 114 COVID-19 patients are now hospitalised locally.

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Here’s a video update on Tropical Storm Fiona from the latest advisory

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Here’s a video update on Tropical Storm Fiona from the 11 am Fri, Sep. 16 advisory from the National Hurricane Centre. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP


Oil revenues to be utilised for capital investments in major sectors – Jagdeo

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has made it clear that the PPP/C Administration will utilise revenue from the burgeoning oil and gas sector for capital investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure and other transformational projects.

The Vice President was speaking at the Albion Community Centre, Region Six, where some 268 contracts were signed to the tune of $6.8 billion for road works across the region.

VP Jagdeo said the APNU+AFC’s anti-development policies and lack of transformative initiatives resulted in economic hardships during its tenure.

However, he noted that the PPP/C Government reversed many of these measures and will continue to invest to improve the livelihood of all Guyanese.

The Vice President pointed out that, “Capital works means building for the future. It allows new industries to be developed. It allows the citizens to have greater access to better services, but that was not the objective [of APNU+AFC].

” So we made it clear that any oil money has to go towards capital expansion, roads, hospitals, schools, sea defences, eating industry, so we can diversify the economy and produce new jobs in the future. That is quite clear,” the VP added.

Further, Dr Jagdeo said while the government, since assuming office, was challenged by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and other external factors, a proactive approach is being taken to buffer the effects of the increased cost of living.

“We now have massive plans that we promised, we didn’t drop the plans because of COVID. We promised to cut electricity price by 50% in the five years. We are now moving forward with a power plant to do that… that would have stable electricity for the whole country at half the price. We then have enough power to put every street light that you want,” he highlighted.

Dr Jagdeo said the government has ensured the operationalisation of the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) to ensure the prudent and transparent utilisation of the oil funds.

The fund, unlike under the previous government, is now being managed by an independent board.

“The Minister of Finance does manage it. We put in place a board of directors to manage the fund. And the private sector has one representative on the board and the parliament has submitted a representative on the board. The opposition has a nominee now on the Oversight Committee to see that the money is spent properly.”

Reference was made to the part-time jobs initiative which is supplementing household income.

“So job creation was one of the things we campaigned on and that is why we’ve seen an upsurge in jobs now, since the last two years inspite of the COVID. Many countries have lost jobs, but we’ve had an upsurge and now we’ve had nearly 11,000 people working as part-time workers,” VP Jagdeo highlighted.

In the region alone some 4, 000 persons have been employed through the programme.

The return and increase of the ‘Because We Care’ education grant, when combined with the school uniform and supplies grant, sees each child in the public and private schools receiving $30,000.

“So that’s a transfer of $6.2 billion into the pockets of the children and their families. That was not there before. People sometimes don’t realise how much that costs. And when you look at public assistance, and public assistance and pension, every $1,000 increase in public assistance and pension is close to a billion US dollars. So we increased the old age pension by 40%. That’s about $1,000 and we said we’ll double it by the end of the term, but that really is equivalent to nearly $8 billion,” the VP related.

Dr Jagdeo said the government remains committed to its promises. He also addressed a number of concerns raised by the residents.

The Vice President was accompanied by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall, Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy, and other regional officials.


$8.6B in contracts signed for road works in Region Six

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
A section of the gathering at the Albion Community Centre

Region Six will benefit from $8.6 billion in road works, as 268 contracts were signed today at the Albion Community Centre to commence works.

Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo who led an outreach to the region said overall, some $20 billion will be expended on roads and bridges in the region.

The Vice President said one of the main demands throughout the country has been for better infrastructure.

He said the recent meeting held in the region has prompted an increased investment in community roads from $4 billion to $10 billion. It was also highlighted that the investment in the region is to compensate for the neglect the region has endured for five years under the previous administration.

“Today we are here now where over 200 more roads with about over 260 contracts will be awarded. So that will keep the promise that over 300 roads will be done this year,” Dr Jagdeo said.

“I said we had $4 billion in the budget for and that we would probably have to increase another $4 billion to get this done. Well it will be $10 billion that will be spent on community roads in this region,” he added.

The investment has been described as essential by the Vice President, who also made it clear that in the next budget, the government will continue to invest in the development of infrastructure in the region.

The Vice President also disclosed that $10 billion in contracts have been awarded to facilitate the widening of the main access road to four lanes. However, he said the government is still ironing out some kinks to make the transformation possible.

“We want a major four lane from Moleson all the way to New Amsterdam. So that is what we are now looking at but already contracts to the cost of $10 billion have been awarded to do 99 bridges on the main road to widen them. If we are going with the four lane, we probably have to amend those contracts to widen them even further so we can accommodate the entire four lane road,” the Vice President stated.

Contractors executing the works were issued a stern warning by the Vice President to not only complete the work in the stipulated time but also to produce quality work. This means, carefully following the scope of works as outlined in the contracts.

“If when we test that and we find that any one of those things are not met, you are not getting another contract.”

The regional leaders were also called upon to ensure that the people of the region get value for their money.

The Vice President is currently in the region on an outreach with several ministers of government.


Aviso: Suspenden clases sabatinas en la UPR por el paso de la tormenta tropical Fiona

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Debido al mal tiempo que se espera por el paso de la Tormenta Tropical Fioana sobre la Isla, el presidente de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR), Dr. Luis A. Ferrao, anunció la cancelación de las clases y labores administrativas de mañana sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022.

“Los Comités de Emergencias en cada uno de los recintos y unidades del sistema universitario se mantienen activos por lo que deben tomar las medidas necesarias para salvaguardar el equipo y la propiedad institucional. Es de suma importancia que nos mantengamos atentos a los informes y boletines sobre la trayectoria de este fenómeno atmosférico”, expresó el presidente.

También exhortó a la comunidad universitaria a utilizar su buen juicio en cada situación salvaguardando su seguridad y la de sus familiares.

Para más información los estudiantes, personal docente y no-docente deberán mantenerse atentos a los medios de comunicación oficiales.


Tropical storm Fiona expected to pass North of SVG this weekend, September 15, 2022, Continue Reading →

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The SVG Meteorological Service says Tropical Depression seven has become tropical storm Fiona and is forecast to pass north of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Met office says this storm will have no direct impact on SVG, but its presence and associated instability will influence the weather pattern across the islands during the next 3 days.

Model guidance indicates the highest chance of showers to be around Saturday, with a little over an inch is shown by Saturday night.

Today, skies will be partly cloudy, with light winds resulting in humid conditions and a chance of some localised showers as well as showers and thunderstorms in isolated places.

And by tomorrow, moisture would have increased over the islands and cloudy conditions are likely with a high chance of some scattered showers.

On Saturday, Met officials says scattered moderate showers and chance of isolated thunderstorms are forecast as a light southerly wind flow moves over the island chain.

Winds are forecast to blow from the east northeast at 10-20km/h, becoming southerly ,and could possibly become calm at times from around Friday.

Seas are forecast to be slight to moderate in open waters, with swells peaking at 1.0m on the western coast and 2.0m on the eastern coast. In addition, there will be no significant haze intrusion within this forecast period.



Tormenta tropical Fiona continúa con vientos sostenidos de 50 mph

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Centro Nacional de Huracanes (CNH) en Miami informó en el boletín intermedio de las 2:00 de la tarde,  que ubicó el centro de la tormenta tropical Fiona cerca de la latitud grados 16.2 Norte, longitud grados 60.3 Oeste.

Fiona está moviéndose hacia el oeste a cerca de 14 millas por hora (mph). Un movimiento hacia el oeste con una disminución en la velocidad de avance se espera hasta el domingo temprano, seguido de un giro hacia el oeste-noroeste y noroeste el domingo y el domingo por la noche.

En la trayectoria pronosticada, el centro de Fiona se espera que se mueva a través de las Islas de Sotavento esta noche, cerca o justo al sur de las Islas Vírgenes y Puerto Rico de sábado a domingo y acercarse a la costa sur de República Dominicana el domingo noche y madrugada del lunes.

Los vientos máximos sostenidos rondan las 50 mph con ráfagas más fuertes.

Se pronostica un fortalecimiento gradual durante los próximos días.

Los vientos con fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hacia afuera hasta 140 millas (220 km) desde el centro

La presión central mínima estimada es de 1005 mb (29,68 pulgadas).


Tyrese Shares Trolling Video and Accuses Ex-Wife Of Lying In Divorce

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Tyrese Gibson shares a video seemingly trolling his ex-wife and accusing her of lying during their divorce.

The Fast and Furious star is evidently not pleased with his ex-wife Samantha Lee as he shared a video calling her out for allegedly lying about him. On Thursday night, Tyrese posted a video of a woman slipping and falling on some rocks by the ocean side. The woman whose back is against the camera slides on the rocks and shoots into the ocean. It’s unclear if the video is of his ex-wife, but Tyrese posted a caption as he got some things off his chest.

“Samantha really thought she pulled it off,” he wrote. “God don’t like ugly. 15 blatant lies under penalty of perjury drug [sic] my name and reputation in the mud and drug an unexpected divorce into two years,” he wrote.

Tyrese is miffed at Samantha Lee-Gibson, who was recently granted $10,690 per month in child support. The two share a 3-year-old daughter, Soraya Lee and Samantha Lee had initially asked the court for $20,000, which Tyrese fought in court, calling it “unreasonably high.”

The judge had shut down Tyrese, who said he was not aware of how much money he made. The court ordered that the parents split childcare expenses 50/50 while Tyrese has to maintain a life insurance plan of $1.9 million for Soraya as the beneficiary and her mother as the trustee.

The judge had also chided Tyrese, who has had various social media meltdowns over the divorce, while Lee remained private.

“I want you both to love your kid, and I want you both to tell your kid to love the other parent because that’s how we get successful human beings,” the presiding judge said before alluding to winners in their divorce.

Gibson and Lee jointly announced their divorce in December 2020. They were married for almost four years. In court documents, Samantha Lee had accused Tyrese of locking her and their daughter out of the Georgia home that was their matrimonial home. Gibson has only said that the marriage has irretrievably broken down in her divorce petition, not giving much detail.
