L’entrep?t du PAM pill? aux Gonaives stockait

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Le Programme alimentaire mondial ( (PAM) a condamn? le pillage de son entrep?t aux Gonaives qui contenait 1400 tonnes m?triques de nourriture qui devait permettre de nourrir pr?s de 100 000 ?coliers jusqu’? la fin de l’ann?e et de fournir une aide d’urgence aux familles les plus vuln?rables d’Ha?ti, selon un communiqu?, le 16 septembre 2022.

<>, a indiqu? ce communiqu?.

<>, a d?plor? Jean-Martin Bauer, directeur du PAM en Ha?ti. <>.


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Jamaican killed in St Kitts and Nevis Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

2 hrs ago

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A 36-year-old Jamaican man was killed in St Kitts and Nevis on Saturday following an altercation.

The Royal St Christopher and Nevis Police Force said it received reports of an altercation at a house in Cart Path, Sandy Point.

When officers responded, they found Okino Wellington lying motionless inside the house with what appeared to be a wound to his chest.

The Jamaican was pronounced dead at the scene by the District Medical Officer.

A suspect was arrested and is currently in police custody assisting with investigations.

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‘Challenges not insurmountable with Burger King’s help’ Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Hope, prayer and a determination to succeed backed by a Burger King scholarship are being touted as the recipe for success by several recipients of scholarships and bursaries from the quick-service restaurant.

Burger King Head of Sales & Marketing, Sabrena McDonald Radcliffe said, “Our 2022 scholars, especially the tertiary awardees have shown us that all is not lost for Jamaica. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable difficulties, they have excelled at levels that are impressive. Burger King is proud and happy to have them join our family of scholarship recipients.”

Shaquille Brown (2022 Rodwell Lake Scholar), who has been admitted to study Biochemistry at The University of the West Indies (UWI) said that “the value of education is something that I have understood since a very young age. Neither of my parents had an opportunity to attend college and faced many struggles in their personal and professional lives because of this.”

He said the struggle particularly affected his mother who raised seven children.

“She made a commitment early in my life to do everything within her power to instil in me a love of learning and an understanding of the importance of hard work and dedication.”

Anthony Parker 2022 BK Bursary recipient) said: “Excellence is not a gift but a skill that takes practice. We do not act ‘rightly’ because we are excellent. We achieve excellence by acting ‘rightly.’ These words of Plato have been my guide since I was 15 years old, I was in grade nine and about to choose the subjects that I needed to pursue my career choice. From this statement, my understanding is that excellence comes through a lot of hard work, you may not feel motivated to get up every day to push yourself, but you should know what your goal is and work towards achieving that goal, that way you will achieve excellence.”

Sabrena McDonald Radcliffe, Head of Sales & Marketing presents Anthony Parker with the 2022 Burger King Open Tertiary Bursary (male) at the recent Burger King National Scholarship Awards Ceremony.

Ajani Campbell (2022 BK Open Scholar) shared that his Burger King scholarship has put him on the path to realising his dream of becoming a production manager by attaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Operations Management at the University of the West Indies (The UWI).

Very community-minded, he has served as the president of both the Science and ISCF clubs and the head boy of his high school. He is a member of his community’s police youth club and one of the praise and worship leaders as well as the president of the Youth department in his church.

“I cannot wait to use my degree to help create new innovative solutions and manage them for whichever company I get to work with so that it will serve customers in the best possible way,” Campbell said.

“I come from humble beginnings. I do not know my father. My mother has six of us and my stepfather is really the breadwinner. My life has always been financially difficult. I did not even know how I was going to attend university, because, even though my mother wanted me to do so she just did not have the money to send me. I had to be hunting for scholarships and sponsors. It is difficult, but I am trusting God because He has never failed me. I wanted to go to sixth form but my mom encouraged me to find a job because she did not have the money, but I was adamant about fulfilling my dream. My school gave me free lunch and someone sponsored my CAPE fees.”


PNP labels Chang’s comments on police/gunmen clashes as ‘ill-advised’ Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Opposition Leader Mark Golding has described as “ill-advised”, a statement that was made by National Security Minister, Dr Horace Chang, in which he stated that police officers should “fire back” if gunmen engage them in fire fights.

Some human rights and civil groups, such as Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) and Stand Up Jamaica, as well the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), have lambasted Chang for the remarks he made in Westmoreland on Thursday.

The human rights groups and INDECOM have insisted that Chang’s statement was seemingly suggesting that police officers should “shoot to kill” when confronted by armed criminals, and said he should retract the comments.

Chang, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister, did not exactly use the term “shoot to kill”.

“They (the police) not out there shooting down people like that. There are fatal shootings because man shoot gun after dem. I not telling police not to fire back, and a say it right here in Westmoreland, I not sending no ambulance out there either,” declared Chang.

“Anytime a man take up a gun after police, I expect the (police) commissioner to train the police when they must not miss,” he indicated.

For Golding, the way in which Chang framed his statement is controversial, and it sends the wrong signal.

The PNP president made the comments during a press conference following day two of the party’s private session of its annual conference with its delegates and other party officials at Jamaica College on Saturday.

“I think the way in which it was framed is very controversial, and sends the potential signal of endorsing unlawful killings, and that, I think, is unfortunate,” Golding remarked.

He elaborated that, “The reality is the police, any citizen, has the right to self-defence when they are under attack, and lethal force is used because it is necessary to defend oneself. That is lawful.

“On the other hand, telling police to shoot to kill when they are engaged goes beyond that, because it may cover circumstances in which it is not necessary to end someone’s life to apprehend them.

“So, from that point of view, I think it was an ill-advised statement,” Golding contended.

He also took note of a statement that was made on Twitter by Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) with responsibility for information, Robert Morgan, who said he stood with Chang amid the rising criticisms of his comments.

“I stand with Dr Chang and the police. If a criminal confronts you using deadly force, protect your life and that of our citizens,” tweeted Morgan on Friday.

In returning to the deputy prime minister’s remarks, Golding pointed to a recent opinion poll which showed that 93 per cent of Jamaicans surveyed for the poll felt that Chang was not able to do the job as national security minister.

Dr Horace Chang (file photo)

Based on that, the Opposition leader said: “It doesn’t surprise me that he’s (Chang) is trying to step out and show that he is being forceful and strident.”

Still, Golding is of the view that the minister went a bit too far in this instance, and said he should have framed “his language” in a way that was appropriate for a minister of Government.

“I think that the idea that the police have the right to defend themselves and that there are circumstances (in) which lethal force is justifiable in law, is true, and I support that.

“… But to say, generally speaking, that police must shoot to kill when they’re engaged goes too far, because there are circumstances in which it is possible to enforce the law (and) apprehend offenders without taking a life,” stated Golding.

Here is the full context of the statement made by Chang at the ground-breaking for the Frome Police Station in Westmoreland.

“In the old days, they use to criticise the police for extra-judicial killing. At the same time, what some used to praise the police for is when they form some special squad and shoot down a bad man, but we equip the police (and) they operate professionally. They not out there shooting down people like that.

“There are fatal shootings because man shoot gun after dem. I not telling police not to fire back and a say it right here in Westmoreland, I not sending no ambulance out there either.

“Anytime a man take up a gun after police, I expect the (police) commissioner to train the police when they must not miss.

“Don’t want them come give no trouble at hospital. When they get hurt, they get hurt. Once you pull a gun on a police officer, you must prepare to deal with the consequences. You know, at the hospital it cost $10 million to save (the) life of a gunman who shoot people and shoot at police. Not into that!

“When criminal see police come, they must surrender and come in. They are entitled to a fair trial. That’s why I emphasise (that) we are providing the court with that what they require to operate. An efficient system.

“I can’t tell the judges what to do, but I can give them the laws and a good courthouse, and that is what we are doing, and we are training the police officers to prepare the cases well.

“So, they have a good forensic lab and the tools to work. And I want to assure the country that I take the job personally, seriously, and the Government takes it seriously,” said Chang.


Woman found dead in Parham

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room



Relative of child shot in Kelly Village: God was on his side

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Forensic Science Centre, St James. Photo by Roger Jacob.

Though he is saddened by the murder of his relative Shevon Gaye, a Kelly Village man is relieved that an eight-year-old boy survived the attack and may be on the way to a full recovery.

Police said Gaye was at his Kelly Village home on Saturday when three gunmen stormed the house and shot him several times with assault rifles.

The eight-year-old relative of Gaye’s was in the house and was also shot. Police also said Gaye’s 65-year-old father Frank Gaye was wounded.

Gaye was declared dead at the scene. The two survivors were taken to hospital, where they remained up to Monday morning.

Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, on Monday, one relative, who asked not to be named, said he was upset that an innocent child was hurt in the attack.

Referring to a Sangre Grande wake where two boys were also shot, the relative said he believed divine intervention saved his relative.

“God was on his side. That’s all I can say really…the bullets, we’re being told, missed all the major organs. He’s talking and everything as normal, but he’s in a lot of pain.”

Because of his own distress, the man said, “It’s been three days since I ate anything.”

He admitted that Gaye sold marijuana and recalled seeing him shortly before he was killed on Saturday.

“I left him to go out on the road to work – I work as a PH taxi driver in Caroni – and he tried to get me to stay and lime with him, but I needed to get some work done.

“If I didn’t leave to go and work, I would have been in the back of the Forensic Science Centre right now.”

He added that he felt Gaye’s murder was ordered from prison, and called on the police to do more to find the killers.

The Homicide Bureau of Investigation Region III is continuing enquiries.


Miner dies after being pinned by falling tree

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

A 24-year-old miner of Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Essequibo) is now dead after he was pinned by a falling tree on Saturday.

Troy Prudencio met his demise at around 13:22h whilst working at Gold Finger Landing, Cuyuni River.

Reports are that Prudencio and two other workers, age 31 and 25, were in a camp cooking. At that time, there were several gusts of heavy winds and subsequently they heard the sound of a tree falling.

Prudencio and the other two workers scampered to get out of the camp to safety but the young man did not make it out in time and was pinned by a falling tree.

The other two workers immediately removed the tree that pinned their co-worker, who was motionless at that time. They then took him to the Aurora Gold Mine where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Investigations are in progress.


Essequibo River mishap: Boat was uncertified, not permitted to operate – Edghill

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill

Statement issued by Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill:

As Minister of Public Works with responsibility for transportation, I extend my deepest sympathy to the family, friends and loved ones of the two persons who lost their lives in the Essequibo River.

At approximately 19:00 hours on Saturday 17th September 2022, officers from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) received reports about a boat mishap in the Essequibo River.

We are informed, by our investigation that the small open boat “CARLOS”, under the command of one Jermain Blackman ran into the Rattlesnake Rock in the Essequibo River.  In addition to the captain there were eleven (11) other persons on board, including the bowman.  Most of the persons on board were reportedly not wearing lifejackets, even though it is reported that there were several on board.

According to our investigation thus far, after the Carlos hit the rock, it suffered extensive damage and was sinking, some of the occupants were thrown into the water while others exited the ill-fated boat and tried swimming to the shore.

Most of the occupants were rescued by other boats, but two persons were unaccounted for. Two bodies were reportedly recovered earlier today, 19th September.

Rattlesnake Rock is approximately 2.7 kilometres from the Bartica Stelling and 300 metres east of Calf Island.

While Mr. Blackman is in possession of a valid license to operate such a boat, the boat was uncertified and not permitted to operate on the Parika – Bartica passenger service. Further, boats on this service are not allowed to operate during the hours of darkness.

MARAD’s record reflects that the last authorized departure was by the “LADY ZENIELL” – a boat licensed to operate within the system, at 17:10 hrs. The sunset at Bartica was approximately 18:00 hours.

MARAD has designated 17:00 hours as the latest departure time for boats to depart Parika or Bartica on this service, so as to arrive before dark. The CARLOS reportedly departed from the Parika Stelling at approximately 17:30 hours after MARAD’s monitors would have concluded work for the day.

The issue of unlicensed “outside” boats transporting passengers on our waterways is actively engaging the attention of the Administration. We continue to urge the traveling public not to board water taxis/speedboats operating outside of the regulated system and hours of operation.

MARAD, as the regulatory authority, also wishes to reiterate that all persons using boats/ water taxis must properly and securely wear lifejackets.

Captain Romain Seurattan, River Navigation Officer, is spearheading the investigation and is working along with the Guyana Police Force – Division Seven (7).

Safety on our roads, waterways, and in our airspace must be adhered to.

Service providers must follow the rules and be in full compliance at all times.


Police Probe Shooting In Castries, Stabbing In Vieux Fort – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Police have launched investigations into a shooting incident in Castries on Friday and a stabbing in Bruceville, Vieux Fort on Saturday night.

Regarding the stabbing, reports indicate that one young woman sustained wounds during an altercation with another female.

According to the reports, a private vehicle rushed the injured woman to St. Jude Hospital.

The previous day, emergency personnel transported a man who appeared to have sustained gunshot wounds to the OKEU Hospital after treating his injuries on the scene.

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Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said the man appeared to be in his late twenties.

The SLFS spokeswoman’s statement appears below:

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Mujer muere en refugio de Mayagüez

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Una persona muerta fue reportada a eso de las 10:49 de la mañana de hoy, en un refugio ubicado en la escuela Eugenio María de Hostos  de Mayaguez.  

Según se informó, falleció María Ithier de 88 años y residente de Mayaguez, debido a un paro cardiorrespiratorio, certificó el Dr. Campos.  

El agente Augusto Lugo adscrito al distrito de Mayaguez en unión al fiscal  Andy Rodrَguez investigaron los hechos.
