Fin de l’histoire pour Mario Moradel

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Il y a eu beaucoup d’émotions, ce samedi matin, lors des obsèques de Mario Moradel. Ce grand homme de radio et de télévision, originaire de la Basse-Terre,  est parti discrètement après des années d’investissement pour faire vivre les médias privés, singulièrement Radio et TV Eclair.. 

L’inhumation de Mario Moradel a été accompagnée de chants a cappella entonnés avec cœur par ses proches et ses nombreux amis
• J.D

De superbes bouquets et gerbes de fleurs parfois offerts par des municipalités de la Basse Terre ont accueilli le défunt à son arrivée au cimetière du chef-lieu.
• J.D

Le cortège funéraire est arrivé à 10 heures précises pour la messe célébrée à la cathédrale de Basse-Terre
• J.D

L’USAID lance officiellement son programme de renforcement de la soci?t? civile sur fond de crises en Ha?ti

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

L’USAID lance officiellement son programme de renforcement de la soci?t? civile sur fond d’une crise multidimensionnelle, politique, s?curitaire et sanitaire en Ha?ti. <>, peut-on lire dans un communiqu?.

<>, a indiqu? le communiqu?.

<>, a indiqu? le communiqu?. <>, peut-on lire dans ce communiqu?.

<>, a d?taill? ce communiqu? .

<>, a soulign? ce communiqu? de l’USAID.

Le Charg? d’affaires int?rimaire des ?tats-Unis, Eric Stromayer, a comment? : “Les organisations de la soci?t? civile repr?sentent les int?r?ts du peuple Ha?tien. Le soutien du gouvernement am?ricain au Programme de renforcement de la soci?t? civile de l’USAID renforcera les organisations et les r?seaux ha?tiens pour plaider en faveur des besoins et les droits du peuple et fournir les services n?cessaires tels que les soins de sant? et l’?ducation >>, a-t-il indiqu?, selon ce communiqu?.

<< Le CSSP mis en oeuvre par l’un des principaux partenaires locaux de l’USAID, Papyrus, s’efforcera de cr?er des r?seaux critiques d’OSC aux niveaux national et local afin de faciliter des relations de travail productives entre les organisations et les autres acteurs du d?veloppement. En renfor?ant la collaboration entre les OSC ha?tiennes, l’USAID vise ? aider ces organisations ? d?velopper une voix plus forte et plus unifi?e pour promouvoir les droits humains des citoyens ha?tiens ainsi qu’un acc?s ?quitable aux services de base. Le chef de parti du CSSP, Jean Succar, a fait la remarque suivante : “J’ai h?te de continuer avec la tradition de Papyrus de travailler avec des partenaires de la soci?t? civile ? ce moment critique de l’histoire d’Ha?ti. Nous remercions l’USAID pour cette opportunit? de renforcer la capacit? organisationnelle des organisations de la soci?t? civile afin qu’elles puissent mieux plaider en faveur de changements indispensables dans leurs communaut?s et nous sommes pr?ts ? d?marrer !”, peut-on lire dans ce communiqu?.

<>, a indiqu? le communiqu?.

<>, selon ce communiqu?.

“Le programme de renforcement de la soci?t? civile renforcera les efforts et la d?termination des organisations ha?tiennes ? r?soudre leurs propres probl?mes et ? cr?er un avenir plus d?mocratique pour leurs communaut?s”, a d?clar? la directrice de mission de l’USAID, Jennifer Link, a indiqu? le communiqu?.

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Call for expulsion of students who beat up maxi driver

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


A MOTHER’S TEARS: Vidya Lal, the mother of the Carpichaima West Secondry School student who was badly beaten by a other students who also attacked a maxi-taxi driver, wipes away tears as she speaks on his condition during a press conference at Jenny’s on the Boulevard on Friday. At left is the school’s PTA head Michelle Omar-Leiba. Photo by Angelo Marcelle

PRESIDENT of the Concerned Parents Movement Clarence Mendoza is calling on the Education Ministry to expel students of Caripachaima East and West Secondary schools who beat up a maxi driver and a student.

He was speaking at the movement’s press conference in Port of Spain on Friday morning.

On Monday, Caripachaima West student Rasheed Lal and maxi driver Varindra Singh were beaten up by a group of students and suffered injuries.

Mendoza said things have “gone too far” in this country, adding that parents must “take the brunt of the blame. It must be dealt with severely.” He said this was no ordinary fight but the hi-jacking of a green-band maxi.

He said the type of music being played on local radio also needs to be reviewed as it contributes to violence.

“I know a lot of artistes and a lot of people would want to pound Mr Mendoza for this,” Mendoza said.

He praised Jamaica for its broadcasting commission’s recent ban on music promoting illegal drugs, guns and scamming.

“The music that’s being played on our radio stations today must be censored and must be pulled back.” He also called on the Ministry of National Security to intervene.

“If parents are not coming out to deal with their delinquent children, the ministry (through) what ever they’re going to put into place, must come into fruition.”

He added, “We cannot sit back and say we are suspending you for five days. “They should be expelled at this point in time until all investigations are complete. “We cannot continue to go down this road any more.”

President of the PTA at the Caripachaima West Secondary School Michelle Omar-Leiba said students need to be reminded that their actions have consequences. She told parents: You have to acknowledge your child needs help.”

Linden teen feared drown

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Police in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) are investigating the suspected drowning of a 14-year-old girl earlier today.

Feared dead is Kenneitha Angela Graves, a student of the Linden Foundation Secondary School and of Lot #24 Kara Kara, Linden.

The incident occurred sometime around 10:00h at Lower Kara Kara, Mackenzie, Linden.

Reports are that at about 09:30h, the victim left her home unknown to her mother and went to a house at Lower Kara Kara, where she normally goes to play with children living there.

Devika (the woman at whose house the teenager went) told investigators that around the time mentioned, Graves was standing by a creek which is located at the back of her yard.

Devika said she told the teen: “If you cannot swim move from next to the creek.”

Devika said she left the teen standing there and was about to go into her home when she heard someone shouting for “Help! Help!”.

The woman said she then turned and saw the teen girl in the water, appearing to be sinking.

On seeing this, Devika said she began to shout for help because she cannot swim either.

A short while after, the victim’s body submerged under the water. Persons in the area rushed to the creek and immediately started to search for Graves but due to the strong current in the water, they were unable to locate her thus far.

Searches are presently being made to locate the body.

Statements are being taken, and investigations are in progress.

Mother Says Fatal Faux A Chaud Shooting Was An Accident – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Mother of a sixteen-year-old who was shot dead at Faux A Chaud, Castries, on Saturday is mourning the teenager’s death and the arrest by the police of the deceased’s older sister in connection with the fatal shooting.

The Mother, Lisa George, said that  based on the information she received, the fatal shooting was an accident.

Lisa George – Mother of deceased

“They were playing with a gun. When I went to where the incident took place I saw my daughter dead with a gunshot wound to the head. I didn’t know what to do, what to say,” George told St Lucia Times.

She explained that her deceased daughter, Miguela Joseph, turned sixteen on October 9 and was a form four student of the Corinth Secondary School.

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The Mother described the teenager as a cheerful young woman who loved dancing and singing.

Headline photo: Miguela Joseph – Deceased

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