La France veut expulser 44 des 234 rescapés de l’Ocean Viking

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Le gouvernement a annoncé mardi qu’au moins 44 des 234 rescapés du navire humanitaire Ocean Viking seraient expulsés vers leur pays d’origine, quatre jours après leur débarquement inédit dans le sud de la France au…

Le gouvernement a annoncé mardi qu’au moins 44 des 234 rescapés du navire humanitaire Ocean Viking seraient expulsés vers leur pays d’origine, quatre jours après leur débarquement inédit dans le sud de la France au terme d’un bras de fer diplomatique avec l’Italie.

Depuis leur débarquement dans le port militaire de Toulon vendredi matin, ces personnes repêchées en Méditerranée et auxquelles l’Italie a fermé ses ports ont été transférées vers un centre de vacances de la presqu’île de Giens, dans le Var, transformé en une “zone d’attente” internationale qu’ils n’ont pas le droit de quitter, à l’exception des mineurs isolés pris en charge par l’aide sociale à l’enfance.

Parmi elles, “44 se voient désormais” opposer un refus à leur demande d’asile et “seront reconduites” dans leur pays, a expliqué le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin lors d’une séance de questions au gouvernement à l’Assemblée, laissant entendre que d’autres personnes pourraient être concernées lorsque tous les profils auront été étudiés.

Dans la zone d’attente, après des entretiens sécuritaires menés par les services de renseignements intérieurs, l’Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatride (Ofpra) est chargé de réaliser une première évaluation des dossiers pour décider si les migrants peuvent être officiellement admis sur le territoire français pour déposer une demande d’asile. 

“Les personnes qui se voient refuser” cette entrée au titre de l’asile “seront reconduites dès que leur état de santé (…) le permettra” vers leur pays d’origine, a souligné le ministre de l’Intérieur. 

“Je veux rester”

“J’ai déjà pris (…) contact dès hier (lundi) avec mes homologues étrangers pour que ces reconduites à la frontière puissent se faire dans les temps les plus courts possibles”, a-t-il ajouté, espérant que ces refoulements seront réalisés d’ici la fermeture de la zone d’attente, “dans une vingtaine de jours”.

Gérald Darmanin n’a en revanche pas précisé les nationalités des personnes concernées.

“Il existe un droit de recours” suspensif en cas de refus de cette demande d’asile pour une durée de 48 heures et de 72 heures si le juge est saisi, a commenté auprès de l’AFP Laure Palun, directrice de l’association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers (Anafé). 

“Pendant ce délai, les personnes ne peuvent pas être expulsées. Si c’était le cas, il s’agirait d’une violation du principe de non-refoulement et de la convention de Genève”, a-t-elle prévenu. 

Son association avait déposé à Toulon une requête judiciaire demandant la fin “des privations de liberté” pour ces migrants, rejetée mardi. 

Elle réclamait notamment la fermeture de la zone d’attente, créée ad hoc par arrêté préfectoral.

Rencontré par l’AFP au sein du tribunal judiciaire de Toulon, Efun, un Bangladais de 19 ans, attendait mardi la décision d’un magistrat sur la prolongation de son enfermement: “Je veux rester en France, car ici c’est bien, il n’y a pas de problèmes politiques”, a-t-il clamé, assurant que son bateau était tombé en panne avant que lui et ses compagnons d’infortune ne soient secourus.

“Constats alarmants”

Au sein de la zone d’attente, l’Anafé fait état de “constats alarmants”: “Les personnes sauvées par l’Ocean Viking sont victimes de violations de leurs droits fondamentaux” et de “violations du droit d’asile”, s’est-elle indignée dans un communiqué qui déplore notamment l’absence d’interprétariat, de suivi psychologique et d’accès à un avocat.

Sur les 234 rescapés, “60 peuvent demander l’asile, notamment des Syriens, des Soudanais, des Erythréens”, a par ailleurs indiqué mardi le ministre de l’Intérieur. 

Deux tiers des rescapés doivent faire l’objet de relocalisations vers onze autres pays européens, s’est encore félicité le ministre de l’Intérieur.

Le refus du gouvernement italien d’extrême droite de laisser accoster le navire affrété par SOS Méditerranée, au terme d’une errance en mer de près de trois semaines, a fracturé les relations franco-italiennes sur le sujet brûlant de l’immigration, lorsque la France a accepté pour la première fois d’accueillir un navire de sauvetage opérant en Méditerranée centrale.

Emmanuel Macron et son homologue italien Sergio Mattarella ont acté lundi le fait qu’il fallait “que les choses rentrent dans l’ordre et que les deux gouvernements avaient besoin de travailler ensemble car le sujet migratoire ne peut se gérer que s’il y a une coopération entre Européens”, a indiqué l’Elysée.

Lundi soir, 188 rescapés étaient toujours dans la zone d’attente, selon la préfecture du Var.


Gérald Darmanin lors des questions au gouvernement à l’Assemblée nationale, à Paris le 15 novembre 2022
• Christophe ARCHAMBAULT

Des migrants à bord d’Ocean Viking secourus par SOS Méditerranée avant de débarquer à Toulon le 11 novembre 2022
• Vincenzo Circosta

À bord d’Ocean Viking l’ong SOS Méditerranée vient en aide aux migrants avant de débarquer à Toulon le 11 novembre 2022
• Vincenzo Circosta

Route du Rhum : les premiers skippers attendus ce mardi soir en Guadeloupe

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

L’arrivée des premiers skippers de cette Route du Rhum est imminente: Le dernier pointage annonce une arrivée du vainqueur dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi.

Selon le dernier pointage, trois bateaux Ultim 32/23 avancent actuellement à 30 noeuds de moyenne.

Les trio de tête est pour l’instant composé de:

– Charles Caudrelier (Maxi Edmond de Rothschild ), son arrivée est prévu ce mardi 15 novembre vers 22h30 heure locale- François Gabart (SVR Lazartigue), avec une arrivée prévue à ce mercredi à  2h30 – Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3)  qui devrait arriver ce mercredi à 6 heures.

Le reste de la course

Il reste encore 116 bateaux en compétition sur la route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe.

Jean-Pierre Dick (Notre Méditerranée – Ville de Nice) est attendu en milieu de nuit à Ponta Delgada où il déposera Brieuc Maisonneuve (CMA – île de France – 60000 REbonds) qu’il avait secouru, dimanche.

Deux Class40 ont prévu de faire un pit-stop technique à Ponta Delgada sur l’île de Sao Miguel aux Açores : Emmanuel Le Roch (EDENRED) et Andrea Fornaro (Influence).

Les abandons

Au total, suite au retrait ce matin du Croate Ivica Kostelic (ACI) en Class40, 22 solitaires ont abandonné : 14 en Class40, 4 en IMOCA, 3 en Rhum Multi, 2 en Ocean Fifty. Il reste 116 marins en course.

Alors qu’il faisait route vers l’Espagne suite à des problèmes de voiles et de moteur, Erwan Thiboumery (Interaction) s’est retrouvé poussé à la côte dans des conditions de vent et de mer difficiles. Le skipper a dû se résigner à abandonner son bateau et a été hélitreuillé, mais son bateau s’est échoué sur la plage de Ferreira.

Deux suicides en une semaine : le secteur agricole en deuil en Guyane

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles



Ce matin, les agriculteurs de Guyane sont venus rendre hommage à leurs collègues qui se sont donnés la mort avec un geste fort.
• GT

Après deux suicides en une semaine, le secteur agricole est en deuil. La profession est venue rendre hommage aux défunts devant la préfecture ce 15 novembre.

Après Julien Villard, agriculteur à Montsinéry, le 7 novembre, Yves Grosdent (de Macouria), s’est donné la mort ce 14 novembre. Deux suicides en une semaine dans le milieu agricole, mais aussi le troisième depuis le début de l’année en Guyane. 

Notre profession est en détresse“, s’exclame ainsi le secteur professionnel. Depuis 9 heures ce matin, un mouvement en hommage aux défunts a ainsi débuté devant la préfecture.

Si les raisons de ces suicides sont “multifactorielles“, les “difficultés financières sont en lien direct avec nos conditions de travail. Nous subissons un système obsolète et oppressant“, témoigne une agricultrice. 

Nombreux soutiens

Les soutiens continuaient d’arriver aux alentours de 10 h 30. Jean-Victor Castor, député ; Jean-Luc Le West, président du comité du tourisme ; Léonard Ragnauth président du comité des pêches ou encore Jean-Yves Tarcy, élu à Montsinéry et président du Grage sont notamment sur place.

Vêtus de noir, les agriculteurs présents dénoncent également de la “violence administrative ; des absence de réponses de l’administration ; des retards de paiement des subventions ; de la pression lors des contrôles ; une explosion des coûts ou encore des difficultés d’accès.

Vêtus de noir, les agriculteurs de Guyane, venu en soutien, ont installé des barnums devant la préfecture.
• GT

JUST IN: US fugitive on run for 10 years held in high profile raid Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

High-profile operation carried out by US Marshals and officials in Jamaica

Loop News

2 hrs ago

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A man said to be a fugitive wanted by officials in the United States for the past 10 years was apprehended in a high-profile operation in St James on Tuesday.

Reports are that the man, who is 71 years old, was apprehended in Norwood in the parish.

The raid was carried out by officials from the Lotto Scam Task Force, Fugitive Apprehension Team, Counter Terrorism & Organized Crime Investigations Branch (CTOC), and United States Marshals.

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At G-20, FIFA head calls for World Cup ceasefire in Ukraine Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA president Gianni Infantino urged world leaders on Tuesday to call for a ceasefire in Russia’s war against Ukraine during the World Cup that starts this week.

Just days after asking World Cup teams to avoid the political and human rights issues swirling around host nation Qatar and focus just on football, Infantino seemed to stray from his own advice on a trip from the Arabian Gulf to Indonesia for the Group of 20 meeting.

The World Cup that starts Sunday could be “that positive trigger,” Infantino said, for seeking peace after nearly nine months of what FIFA described as “conflict in Russia and Ukraine.”

“We are not na?ve to believe that football can solve the world’s problems,” the FIFA president told delegates from the world’s political heavyweight nations.

“So my plea, to all of you, is to think on a temporary ceasefire, for one month, for the duration of the FIFA World Cup, or at least the implementation of some humanitarian corridors, or anything that could lead to the resumption of dialogue as a first step to peace,” Infantino said.

The proposal echoed the aims of the Olympic Truce — a United Nations-backed modern renewal of the tradition to cease fighting and grant safe passage to the games in ancient Greece.

Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, four days after the closing ceremony at the Beijing Winter Games.

Infantino, who is a member of the International Olympic Committee, did not directly condemn Russia or refer to president Vladimir Putin. Infantino and Putin worked closely together before and during Russia’s hosting of the 2018 World Cup, which the FIFA president praised at the time for showing a new and welcoming side of the country.

It was unclear if a ceasefire would be welcomed by Ukraine’s people and its president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who addressed the G-20 summit by video link. He called for a complete withdrawal of Russian troops and giving back Ukrainian control of its territory

“Ukraine should not be offered to conclude compromises with its conscience, sovereignty, territory and independence,” Zelenskyy said. “And if Russia says that it supposedly wants to end this war, let it prove it with actions.”

With Zelenskyy’s backing, Ukraine’s football federation has teamed with Spain and Portugal in bidding to jointly host the 2030 World Cup. A host for that tournament will be picked in 2024.

Infantino added that “we know that our main focus as a sports organization is and should be sports.”

“But because football unites the world, this particular FIFA World Cup, with five billion people watching it, can be a trigger for a positive gesture, for a sign or a message of hope,” Infantino said.

The most political World Cup of the modern era arrives at a time of turmoil on the streets in Iran after the death in September of a 22-year-old woman earlier detained by the country’s morality police.

Iran begin their World Cup campaign Monday against England — and later play the United States in Group B — and some players have openly supported the protests at home.

“Everybody has the right to express themselves.” the team’s Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz said Tuesday at a news conference, adding it was not a distraction.

“It is out of (the) question to think that the Iran national team is suffering any sort of issues like that. They want to make history,” Queiroz said.

Iran have never advanced from the group stage at a World Cup.

Derrimon reports 12% increase in year-to-date profit Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Derrimon Trading Company is reporting a 12 per cent increase in its year-to-date consolidated net profits even as it doubled its finance costs to fund expansion.

Derrimon’s net profit increased to $482.19 million, which exceeded the full-year performance of $444.22 million for 2021.

Revenue for the period totalled $13.81 billion, up from $12.20 billion reported for the corresponding nine months ending September 2021.

“The improved performance is a result of our growth strategy which is being achieved through our companies and business segments, stated Derrimon Chairman and CEO Derrick Cotterell.

Caribbean Flavours and Fragrances Limited (CFF) achieved one of its highest quarterly revenue performances to date. While Woodcats International Limited has surpassed its budget and outperformed the 2021 financial year performance,” Cotterell added.

The nine months ending September 2022 also saw the first full quarter of consolidation for Arosa Limited and the second quarter with Spicy Hill Farms Limited, with both businesses contributing moderately to the quarterly outrun. Both Marnock businesses in New York improved in the third quarter after a slow start.

Derrimon Group borrowed additional capital to fund the $932 million acquisition of Arosa, complete the new flagship Select Grocers Store and extend the Delect Brand, resulting in finance costs hitting $266.92 million, up from $186.40 million in the comparative period.

Additionally, the recognition of IFRS 16 on a quarterly basis is factored in relation to finance costs.

Derrimon’s flagship Select Grocers location in May Pen, Clarendon will open its doors to customers on Wednesday, November 16, after delays associated with supply-chain challenges.

“The supply chain disruptions impacted the completion of our new Select Grocers location in Clarendon as key supplies that were expected earlier last year came in at different points of the year, disrupting the planned grand opening, stated Cotterell.

Over the last two months, Derrimon launched the new Delect branded products. It expects to see improved revenues based on this expanded portfolio.

“The feedback from our customers has been great, and the products are currently available islandwide through our various partners as well as at Select Grocers and Sampars locations,” stated Cotterell.

Total assets grew by 36 per cent to $13.99 billion compared to the $10.31 billion reported for the comparative period in 2021 due to the consolidation of assets of all new subsidiaries and continuous improvement in core assets, Derrimon said.

JMMB’s earnings hit by high inflationary environment Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The JMMB Group says all its business lines have been adversely impacted by the prevailing high inflationary and high-interest rate environment.

Addressing the company’s investor briefing on Tuesday, Group Chief Executive Officer, Keith Duncan, said the torrid business environments “especially in Jamaica and the Dominican Republic,” curtailed the company’s performance and has resulted in the declines in net operating revenue and net interest income posted for the half year ended September 30.

Net operating revenue dropped eight per cent to close the review period at $12.39 billion while there was a two per cent decline in net interest income, which closed at $5.70 billion.

The company recorded $3.63 billion in net profit.

Speaking to the performance of the investment business line “which has been an anchor” for the group over the years, Duncan said the results for this segment could not have been as good as yester years given the “rising interest rates; tightening of monetary policy and the pulling of liquidity out of the system.”

However, “We do know that as markets move back into some level of normalcy, we will be able to resume activity in this area…,” he said.

JMMB began 30 years ago as an investment house.

The directors “are comfortable that we have delivered the results in a difficult market environment and we will continue to deliver solid results going forward,” the CEO said.

The board of directors also declined a dividend payout to shareholders since: “We thought that based on the volatility that we continue to see in the market and the underlying liquidity challenges that the overall market faces, JMMB should be very conservative and not declare a dividend at this point in time…,” Duncan said.

The company will look to reward shareholders for their patience and investment choice “…as soon as market conditions begin to improve,” he said.

Earnings per share stood at $1.77 for the review period. Shareholders’ equity decreased by 15 per cent to $48 billion, over the period.

Going forward, Duncan said the company is continuing its strategy of regional diversification, business line diversification, the roll-out of new business lines and products; expanding client access, improving client experience and will be looking for inorganic growth through acquisitions.

JMMB will be launching its merchant acquiring solutions this year and will roll out its “long-awaited” banking app in short order, the CEO said.

JMMB is also continuing its focus on the rollout of smart branches in the Dominican Republic and Trinidad.

The company will also be investing over $5 billion in its real estate business line over the next few years, “in projects that will yield about 100,000 square feet of commercial space across Jamaica” with downtown Kingston and Mandeville tapped for the first projects.

As a newer player in the real estate market, JMMB Group is looking to plan, design, develop and construct properties and later bring to market for sale, lease or sale-leaseback.

The company is looking to capitalise on the growth potential in the commercial real estate market, targeting the development of commercial, warehousing and business process outsourcing (BPO) projects over the next two to three years.

The downtown Kingston and Mandeville projects will consist of approximately 33,000 square feet and 30,000 square feet of commercial office and BPO spaces respectively.

At the end of the six-month period, the group’s asset base stood at $637.85 billion, up four per cent relative to the start of the financial year, the company said.

This was driven by the 13 per cent growth in the loan portfolio totalling $161.45 billion.

Bankers Association warns merchants against surcharges and minimum-amount restrictions on customers’ bank cards

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

REAL NEWS: The Antigua Barbuda Bankers Association (ABBA) is putting businesses on notice that the practice of applying surcharges and minimum-transaction amounts to card transactions is not permitted in this country or region.

The ABBA acknowledges, however, that it is a practice allowed in the United States and its territories.

According to the Association, Visa procedures that are applicable to this jurisdiction state: ” With the exception of credit-card transactions originating in the US region or a US territory, a merchant must not establish a minimum or maximum transaction amount as a condition for honouring the card.”

Further, with the exception of credit-card transactions originating in the US region or a US territory, a merchant must not add any amount over the advertised or normal price to a transaction, unless applicable laws or regulations expressly require that a merchant be permitted to impose a surcharge.

Visa Rules also say that any surcharge, if allowed, must be included in the transaction amount and not collected separately.

Given the foregoing, the Bankers Association is advising consumers who may encounter issues related to surcharges and minimum-transaction amounts to report the incident to the merchant’s bank.

Merchants, meanwhile, are urged to adhere to their card-issuer rules and protocols in order to avoid penalties.

They are reminded, as well, that their bank’s logo should be displayed on their card machines.


Russian missiles land in Poland, killing two – reports

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Smoke rose in the distance near Poland’s border with Ukraine on Tuesday

[BBC] Two people have been killed in Poland after dozens of missiles were launched at targets across Ukraine, unconfirmed reports say.

There has been no official confirmation of what happened close to the country’s border with Ukraine.

Poland’s Bureau of National Security is meeting in an emergency session.

Russian state media are already hinting that it was in fact Ukrainian, and not Russian, missiles that hit Polish territory. These allegations are unsubstantiated.

State news agency Ria Novosti quoted a Russian “military expert” who claimed that Russian cruise missiles “would not have been able to reach Polish territory, but Ukrainian S-300 [surface-to-air] missile systems, functioning abnormally, could”.

Several pro-Kremlin Telegram channels published similar claims.

President Ali pledges to dismantle racism and discrimination in Guyana

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
President Dr Irfaan Ali along with religious leaders

President Dr Irfaan Ali pledged to dismantle every single door of racism and discrimination in Guyana during his tenure in office.

He told dozens of Christian leaders (both locally based and members of the diaspora) that the church is an important partner in achieving national unity.

The President made the assertions this afternoon at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and said that under the banner of ‘One Guyana’, the country can truly be transformed.

“There is a great opportunity for us to fuse ourselves together.”

The Head of State noted that the Government and the Church have interconnecting roles to play in the development of Guyana.

“I see the church as fundamental to the development and advancement of our country.”

The ‘One Guyana’ initiative, according to President Ali, extends beyond healing and unity to ensuring that the well-being of every single individual is taken care of. This, he explained, will allow all Guyanese to lead meaningful lives.

“Today, I am very pleased to be here and to say to you that this should be the beginning of a system of interaction and communication to create a pathway.”

He said that Guyanese want to live in harmony and in peace and highlighted that in every single community across the country, there is a desire to achieve national unity.

Pastor Ejaz Nabie explained that the aim of the meeting was to discuss the President’s vision for ‘One Guyana’ and unity with a specific focus on the role of the church in addressing racism, reconciliation and nation building.

After a fruitful discussion, the religious leaders commended President Ali’s vision of the ‘One Guyana’ initiative while acknowledging the importance of today’s dialogue.

They also pledged their collective commitment to do their part in promoting unity.

The Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill and the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond were also at the meeting.