Cascade de départs chez Twitter après l’ultimatum d’Elon Musk

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Les départs se multipliaient chez Twitter hier (jeudi 17 novembre), au lendemain d’un ultimatum d’Elon Musk, propriétaire et patron de Twitter depuis trois semaines, qui a demandé aux employés rescapés de la première vague de licenciements de choisir entre se donner “à fond, inconditionnellement”, et partir.

Les départs se multipliaient chez Twitter jeudi, au lendemain d’un ultimatum d’Elon Musk,  propriétaire et patron de Twitter depuis trois semaines, qui a demandé aux employés rescapés de la première vague de licenciements de choisir entre se donner “à fond, inconditionnellement”, et partir.

“Je suis peut-être exceptionnelle, mais (…) je ne suis pas inconditionnelle”, a par exemple tweeté Andrea Horst, dont le profil LinkedIn affiche encore “Responsable de la chaîne d’approvisionnement (survivante) chez Twitter”.

Elle a ajouté le hashtag “#lovewhereyouworked”, c’est-à-dire “Aime l’endroit où tu as travaillé”, comme des dizaines d’autres salariés annonçant leur choix sur la plateforme.

Selon plusieurs médias américains, des centaines d’employés ont choisi de partir.

La moitié des 7.500 employés du groupe californien ont déjà été licenciés il y a deux semaines par le multimilliardaire, et quelque 700 salariés avaient déjà démissionné pendant l’été, avant même d’être sûrs que l’acquisition aurait lieu.

Jeudi soir, de nombreux utilisateurs du réseau social, notamment des ex collaborateurs, des journalistes et des analystes, se demandaient donc si la fin de Twitter serait proche.

“Et… nous venons d’atteindre un nouveau pic d’utilisation de Twitter, lol”, a ironisé Elon Musk, qui a racheté la plateforme pour 44 milliards de dollars le 27 octobre.

Il a aussi tweeté un drapeau de pirate à tête de mort et un mème (image parodique), montrant un homme au visage d’oiseau bleu, posant devant une tombe aussi masquée d’un oiseau bleu, comme si Twitter assistait, hilare, à son propre enterrement.

Bureaux fermés

Jeudi après-midi, Twitter a prévenu tous les employés que les bâtiments de l’entreprise étaient temporairement fermés et inaccessibles, même avec un badge, d’après un courrier interne publié par plusieurs médias américains.

“Les bureaux rouvriront lundi 21 novembre. Merci pour votre flexibilité. Merci de continuer à vous conformer au règlement interne en vous abstenant de discuter d’informations confidentielles sur les réseaux sociaux, avec la presse ou ailleurs”, indique le message.

Mercredi, Elon Musk a demandé individuellement aux employés du réseau social de s’engager à “travailler de longues heures à haute intensité”, “pour bâtir un Twitter 2.0 révolutionnaire et réussir dans un monde de plus en plus concurrentiel”.

“Seule une performance exceptionnelle vaudra une note suffisante”, a-t-il précisé dans ce courrier interne consulté par l’AFP.

Les salariés avaient jusqu’à jeudi après-midi pour cliquer sur la case “oui”, sous peine de devoir quitter Twitter avec une indemnité correspondant à trois mois de salaire. 

Une méthode qui détonne même aux Etats-Unis, où le droit du travail est moins protecteur des salariés que dans beaucoup de pays développés.

Jeudi soir, des messages anti-Elon Musk ont été projetés sur la façade du siège de l’entreprise à San Francisco, juste à côté du logo, dont “Elon Musk, ferme-la”, “Stop au Twitter toxique” ou “En avant vers la faillite”, d’après des photos de Gia Vang, une journaliste de l’antenne locale de la chaîne NBC.

“Une grande aventure”

Des dizaines d’employés actuels et surtout passés se sont retrouvés jeudi soir dans un “Spaces”, les salons audio de la plateforme, pour se soutenir et évoquer de bons souvenirs.

Des salariés qui ont choisi de rester, ont évoqué leur attachement indéfectible au réseau social et leur désir de le voir survivre et même renaître.

“Bravo à tous les travailleurs de Twitter. Vous avez bâti un lieu de connexion vital et vous méritiez tellement mieux. (…) Merci”, a pour sa part tweeté l’élue démocrate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“Je n’ai pas de mots, je suis juste reconnaissante de pouvoir dire que j’ai réussi à avoir le job de mes rêves et à accomplir plus que je n’aurais jamais cru possible. Ça a été une grande aventure”, a tweeté jeudi Deanna Hines-Glasgow, une “Ex Tweep”, le surnom des employés de Twitter.

“A tous les Tweeps qui ont décidé qu’aujourd’hui serait leur dernier jour: merci d’avoir été des collègues incroyables à travers les hauts et les bas. J’ai hâte de voir ce que vous ferez ensuite”, a déclaré Esther Crawford, directrice des produits en développement de la plateforme, une des rares responsables qui n’ont ni démissionné ni été congédiés, et qui soutiennent encore publiquement le fantasque dirigeant.


Elon Musk évoque des changements prévus pour Twitter en marge du G20

Cascade de départs chez Twitter après l’ultimatum d’Elon Musk

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Les départs se multipliaient chez Twitter hier (jeudi 17 novembre), au lendemain d’un ultimatum d’Elon Musk, propriétaire et patron de Twitter depuis trois semaines, qui a demandé aux employés rescapés de la première vague de licenciements de choisir entre se donner “à fond, inconditionnellement”, et partir.

Les départs se multipliaient chez Twitter jeudi, au lendemain d’un ultimatum d’Elon Musk,  propriétaire et patron de Twitter depuis trois semaines, qui a demandé aux employés rescapés de la première vague de licenciements de choisir entre se donner “à fond, inconditionnellement”, et partir.

“Je suis peut-être exceptionnelle, mais (…) je ne suis pas inconditionnelle”, a par exemple tweeté Andrea Horst, dont le profil LinkedIn affiche encore “Responsable de la chaîne d’approvisionnement (survivante) chez Twitter”.

Elle a ajouté le hashtag “#lovewhereyouworked”, c’est-à-dire “Aime l’endroit où tu as travaillé”, comme des dizaines d’autres salariés annonçant leur choix sur la plateforme.

Selon plusieurs médias américains, des centaines d’employés ont choisi de partir.

La moitié des 7.500 employés du groupe californien ont déjà été licenciés il y a deux semaines par le multimilliardaire, et quelque 700 salariés avaient déjà démissionné pendant l’été, avant même d’être sûrs que l’acquisition aurait lieu.

Jeudi soir, de nombreux utilisateurs du réseau social, notamment des ex collaborateurs, des journalistes et des analystes, se demandaient donc si la fin de Twitter serait proche.

“Et… nous venons d’atteindre un nouveau pic d’utilisation de Twitter, lol”, a ironisé Elon Musk, qui a racheté la plateforme pour 44 milliards de dollars le 27 octobre.

Il a aussi tweeté un drapeau de pirate à tête de mort et un mème (image parodique), montrant un homme au visage d’oiseau bleu, posant devant une tombe aussi masquée d’un oiseau bleu, comme si Twitter assistait, hilare, à son propre enterrement.

Bureaux fermés

Jeudi après-midi, Twitter a prévenu tous les employés que les bâtiments de l’entreprise étaient temporairement fermés et inaccessibles, même avec un badge, d’après un courrier interne publié par plusieurs médias américains.

“Les bureaux rouvriront lundi 21 novembre. Merci pour votre flexibilité. Merci de continuer à vous conformer au règlement interne en vous abstenant de discuter d’informations confidentielles sur les réseaux sociaux, avec la presse ou ailleurs”, indique le message.

Mercredi, Elon Musk a demandé individuellement aux employés du réseau social de s’engager à “travailler de longues heures à haute intensité”, “pour bâtir un Twitter 2.0 révolutionnaire et réussir dans un monde de plus en plus concurrentiel”.

“Seule une performance exceptionnelle vaudra une note suffisante”, a-t-il précisé dans ce courrier interne consulté par l’AFP.

Les salariés avaient jusqu’à jeudi après-midi pour cliquer sur la case “oui”, sous peine de devoir quitter Twitter avec une indemnité correspondant à trois mois de salaire. 

Une méthode qui détonne même aux Etats-Unis, où le droit du travail est moins protecteur des salariés que dans beaucoup de pays développés.

Jeudi soir, des messages anti-Elon Musk ont été projetés sur la façade du siège de l’entreprise à San Francisco, juste à côté du logo, dont “Elon Musk, ferme-la”, “Stop au Twitter toxique” ou “En avant vers la faillite”, d’après des photos de Gia Vang, une journaliste de l’antenne locale de la chaîne NBC.

“Une grande aventure”

Des dizaines d’employés actuels et surtout passés se sont retrouvés jeudi soir dans un “Spaces”, les salons audio de la plateforme, pour se soutenir et évoquer de bons souvenirs.

Des salariés qui ont choisi de rester, ont évoqué leur attachement indéfectible au réseau social et leur désir de le voir survivre et même renaître.

“Bravo à tous les travailleurs de Twitter. Vous avez bâti un lieu de connexion vital et vous méritiez tellement mieux. (…) Merci”, a pour sa part tweeté l’élue démocrate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“Je n’ai pas de mots, je suis juste reconnaissante de pouvoir dire que j’ai réussi à avoir le job de mes rêves et à accomplir plus que je n’aurais jamais cru possible. Ça a été une grande aventure”, a tweeté jeudi Deanna Hines-Glasgow, une “Ex Tweep”, le surnom des employés de Twitter.

“A tous les Tweeps qui ont décidé qu’aujourd’hui serait leur dernier jour: merci d’avoir été des collègues incroyables à travers les hauts et les bas. J’ai hâte de voir ce que vous ferez ensuite”, a déclaré Esther Crawford, directrice des produits en développement de la plateforme, une des rares responsables qui n’ont ni démissionné ni été congédiés, et qui soutiennent encore publiquement le fantasque dirigeant.


Elon Musk évoque des changements prévus pour Twitter en marge du G20

Two guns seized during spot check in Trelawny Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Two firearms and 47 rounds of ammunition were seized during a spot check along the Salt Marsh main road in Trelawny.

Reports are that at about 8:00 pm, on Thursday, November 17, a public passenger vehicle was searched and a bag containing two semi-automatic pistols, a Taurus, and a Canic 9mm pistol, each with a magazine containing seventeen 9mm cartridges and eighteen 9mm cartridges respectively. An additional twelve 9mm cartridges were found in the bag.

The police are encouraging persons to share information on illegal guns, gunmen, and gangs by calling the NIB tip line at 811, Crime Stop at 311, the police 119 emergency number, or the nearest police station.

The investigations continue.

PM: I sought re-election because of pandemic, desire to mentor young politicians

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Prime Minister Dr Rowley. File photo/Sureash Cholai

THE Prime Minister has said the covid19 pandemic and a desire to mentor the party’s young politicians were the main reasons behind his decision to seek re-election as PNM political leader.

He was addressing a Leadership In Service campaign meeting on Thursday night at Caroline Building, Pumpmill, Scarborough, Tobago.

Dr Rowley, who is contesting the position of political leader unopposed in the upcoming party election, told supporters, “It was not my intention to continue beyond 2020.

“But what happened in 2019 into 2020, that pandemic, when we were fighting for our lives at the national level, at the international level, regardless of what I had planned, I could not walk away in 2020 and leave a whole group of people who I encouraged into the politics to stay and see the country through.”

He named MPs Shamfa Cudjoe, Ayanna Wesbter-Roy, Adrian Leonce, Kennedy Richards and Roger Monroe as examples.

“These were people that came in and were expected to be guided and to gain the experience of national leadership.”

Rowley drew chuckles from the audience when he said he made the decision without telling his wife Sharon.

“So when it was announced outside and I went home, I got the cold shoulder.”

He recalled she had asked him if he was running again for the leadership.

“It was a little too late for me to back away. I say yes. But that was the woman who I expected to tell me, ‘Don’t do it.’”Rowley recalled when Patrick Manning first offered him a position in the Senate, he did not want to accept it.

“I expected her to tell me, ‘Don’t do it,’ but she said to me, ‘Well, if you think you could help him, go ahead.’

“And that is where I started out in the Parliament of TT.”

He said he was especially proud of the brilliant group of young people in the PNM. Rowley added they were being supported by other experienced politicians like former labour minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus and Agriculture Minister Kazim Hosein, who are contesting the positions of labour relations officer and treasurer respectively.

Rowley expressed confidence in their capabilities.

“This is the seventh year that we have been in government under my leadership, and when I leave the country for one day, one month, the country is as stable as ever.”

In his address after the PNM’s victory in the August 19, 2020, general election, Rowley hinted that the election “could easily be my last term in politics.

“I’m not one of those politicians who believe that when you come into office you go out feet first,” he said then.

Saying he had “places to go and people to see,” Rowley added he also has a commitment to ensure the new term is a period of transition in the PNM.

“As the longest-serving member in the Parliament who will continue to serve another term, I have a duty and responsibility during this term to fashion the PNM’s future by ensuring our young people are developed in such a way that when I am no longer in a position to announce an election victory, that the country will not be deprived of the leadership that it deserves.”

Appeal Court sets aside conviction of retired estate constable

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


A magistrate’s conviction of a retired estate constable for throwing a kettle of hot water at police who illegally entered his home on a domestic-violence report has been set aside.

On Friday, Justices of Appeal Alice Yorke-Soo Hon and Vasheist Kokaram upheld the appeal of Peter Cedeno, 74, after deputy Director of Public Prosecutions George Busby said the State was unable to agree with the magistrate’s decision.

He submitted that the police’s entry into Cedeno’s home on the night of September 26, 2017, was illegal, so Magistrate Avion Gill was wrong to overrule a no-case submission and impose a bond of $1,500 to keep the peace for six months for the offence of throwing missiles.

Busby said according to the evidence at the magistrates’ court, the police met Cedeno’s wife outside their home while Cedeno was still inside.

When the police entered, Cedeno pelted Carib bottles, a beer case and a chair at the door. Cedeno then threw an electric kettle of boiling water at an officer, who was burned on the shin. Cedeno was eventually subdued, arrested and charged.

Busby quoted from sections of the Domestic Violence Act on the police’s powers to enter a home when investigating a domestic-violence report.

“The important thing was that the wife was outside in the safety of the police and the appellant was inside.”

He said the act allows the police to enter premises if they have reasonable cause to believe someone is engaging in or attempting to engage in conduct that can result in physical violence, or where the failure to act could end in injury or death.

He said there was nothing in the act that authorised the police to enter to search or arrest anyone who was not engaging in such conduct.

He also said the act mandates officers to send a report to the police commissioner to be sent to the DPP’s office when officers enter premises without a warrant, detailing the manner of the investigation, and the measures that needed to be taken for safety.

“No report was ever received by the DPP…Those should have been forthcoming.”

Busby said if the police had not entered Cedeno’s home illegally, he would not have been throwing the missiles.

He acknowledged that while throwing missiles is an offence, the items were thrown at the police.

“If the entry was illegal, he was well within his right to throw anything at anyone entering his property. We say the entry was illegal.”

He also said in giving her reasons for convicting Cedeno, the magistrate relied on evidence of a medical report submitted by the officer who was burned on the shin “from the other case about a kettle being thrown.”

In agreeing with Busby, the judges upheld Cedeno’s appeal and set aside Gill’s orders. They did not order a retrial, since, they said, the evidence will not change.

In his defence at the magistrates’ court, Cedeno said he was almost blind in one eye and had lost sight in the other because of an accident two years before the incident; suffered from head and other injuries; had a leg and speech impediment; and suffered memory loss. On the evening of the incident, he admitted he and his wife had an argument which led to an altercation between them and their son.

His wife and son left the house and he put a chair in front of the door so he would know when she returned. He said at 8.45 pm, he went to the kitchen to make tea and put up the kettle when he heard the chair being dragged as the door was pushed open.

He said he turned and saw a large person dressed in black rushing at him. That person tackled him and pushed him to the floor without identifying themselves. He said the kettle and his walking cane fell from his hands and he and the other person landed on the floor. Cedeno said he thought bandits had broken into the house and, fearing for his life, put up a struggle.

He was taken to St Ann’s Hospital, after which he was charged with throwing missiles and assaulting a police officer.

Cedeno said he did not know the individual who tackled him was a police officer, nor did he throw anything during the struggle.

At the appeal, Cedeno’s brother Rickie represented him.

THA gets freezing orders against British Virgin Islands company in zipline lawsuit

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Justice Kevin Ramcharan. – Judiciary of TT

THE TOBAGO House of Assembly has received two freezing orders against the directors of Original Canopy Tours Enterprises Ltd – one in TT and another in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), where it is based – ahead of its lawsuit for US$416,900 for alleged breach of contract in the 1.5 kilometre zipline project planned for the Main Ridge Forest Reserve.

One order was granted against Richard Graham and Darren Hreniuk of Original Canopy Tours by Justice Kevin Ramcharan on November 5. The other was granted on Thursday by Justice Gerhard Wallbank in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court’s commercial division for the High Court of the BVI.

The freezing orders restrain the two from directly or indirectly removing from TT, the BVI, and the US assets held in a First Citizens Bank account in Scarborough and in a first Caribbean International Bank account in Tortola, up to US$500,000, which is the value of the THA’s claim.

The two freezing orders mirror each other, but the one in the BVI allows the two to spend US$5,000 each week towards their living expenses and US$170,000 to defend the proceedings in that court and in Trinidad and Tobago.

“Before spending any money, the respondents must tell the applicant’s legal representatives where the money is to come from including the bank account and the source of the funding.

“The respondents may agree with the applicant’s legal representatives that the above spending limits should be increased or that this order should be varied in any other respect, but any agreement must be in writing.

“This order will cease to have effect if the respondents provide security in an amount

to be agreed with the applicant’s legal representatives and make payment of that sum into court to be held to the order of the court,” the BVI order reads.

The two men are also restrained from changing ownership of any shares they have in any company in the BVI.

The THA filed the claim against the company in November 2021. It seeks loss and damages for breach of contract “as a result of the defendant’s failure to deliver all materials and equipment to the claimant” as well as failure to comply with the services agreement between the parties.

Former chief secretary Ancil Dennis told a PNM political meeting he had instructed the chief administrator, the Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation, and senior state counsel to “lawyer up” and take the matter to court, as his administration spent months looking at the zipline issue.

At the time, he said the THA was going to pursue it to the “very end” to ensure the truth was revealed and that the assembly was able to recover damages for the failure to deliver on the project for the people of Tobago.

In 2015, the zipline project was announced by former tourism secretary Tracy Davidson-Celestine, but was never completed, despite the THA’s spending $2.5 million on it.

Former tourism secretary Nadine Stewart-Phillips, who succeeded Davidson-Celestine, previously revealed the project comprised 12-14 platforms and 11-13 lines, including a special observation platform for birdwatchers and photographers. She said the Executive Council approved $4 million for the project, which was expected to be completed within seven weeks of the materials arriving on site.

A service agreement, she said, was signed in June 2015 between the THA and Original Canopy Tours Enterprises Ltd to design, develop and construct a high-angle canopy tour course. Stewart-Phillips said representatives of the company visited Tobago in September 2015 to map out the course, and the division paid two of the four payments under the signed agreement.

In the campaigning ahead of the January 2021 THA election, now THA chief secretary Farley Augustine raised the issue, saying Davidson-Celestine had to answer to taxpayers on the failed project.

Augustine claimed a 2016 auditor general’s statement expressed concern over the project, noting a visit to the stores section of the tourism division revealed only some ropes on hand.

“Imagine that we spent $2.5 million and the only thing the auditor general could find was some rope. Now that must be the most expensive piece of rope in the world,” he said then.

The THA is being represented by John Jeremie, SC, Timothy Affonso, and instructing attorney Shivana Lalla.

Farfan & Mendes partners with UK’s Concrete Canvas on drainage solutions

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Managing Director of Farfan & Mendes Andrew Mendes and Concrete Canvas’ Director Will Crawford signing the agreement in the presence of President Dr irfaan Ali and British High Commissioner Jane Miller as well as other officials (Photo: Office of the President)

Guyanese company, Farfan and Mendes, has signed a partnership agreement with the United Kingdom’s (UK)-based Concrete Canvas, now paving the way for sustainable concrete drainage solutions in Guyana.

The signing was done on the sidelines of a reception hosted by the British High Commission for delegates of the UK Trade Mission currently in Guyana to scope out potential business and investment opportunities.

This partnership allows for the provision of sustainable concrete drainage solutions in the country.

Concrete Canvas products are from an innovative material, Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs) with proven use for erosion control, weed suppression, slope protection, and typically, 10-times faster to install than conventional concrete solutions.

President Dr Irfaan Ali in delivering remarks at the reception expressed his view that the product complements the government’s infrastructure programme including drainage projects.

Meanwhile, British High Commissioner Jane Miller said the partnership is illustrative of the benefits of trade missions, referencing Concrete Canvas’ participation in an earlier trade mission.

High Commissioner Miller also underscored the importance of UK companies collaborating with Guyanese companies to grow the economic relations between the UK and Guyana.

The partnership aligns with Guyana’s interest to develop sectors beyond oil and gas and will help deliver environmental and climate change priorities as a lower carbon alternative to traditional concrete, and increased soil stability functions.

Traffic changes for renaming ceremony of Supreme Court Complex Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Several traffic changes have been put in place in The City, to facilitate the official reopening and renaming ceremony of the old Supreme Court Complex, today, Friday, November 18.

Between 4:30 pm and 9:30 pm traffic travelling along Prince William Henry Street from Broad Street will not be permitted to travel onto Coleridge Street. Traffic will be diverted to Lower James Street, St Michael.

Similarly, traffic travelling from Upper James Street will be diverted onto Lower James Street, St Michael.

All other traffic flows will remain unchanged.

All road users are urged to comply with the directions of police officers in uniform.

Investment in people can help address Ja’s social and economic issues Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Keith Duncan, president of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) and co-chair of Project STAR says that one of the solutions to Jamaica’s economic and social problems is to invest in its people through a programme of inclusiveness, collaboration and a shared vision.

He made the suggestion while addressing the Global Leadership Summit on Thursday, November 17, where he was among eight distinguished speakers addressing 135 countries worldwide.

“Only through the investment in our people and communities we will unleash that potential and achieve an inclusive, equitable, sustainable and prosperous society,” he pointed out.

Turning to the latest initiative created by the PSOJ in partnership with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Project STAR, Duncan said that the initiative is a scalable effort that will solve the problems as a country; at the community level while unearthing the potential of the people.

“Most importantly it’s owned and driven by the people within communities. Project STAR and all our partners work with community members to implement their ideas, their solutions based on the needs they have identified for themselves,” he noted.

The PSOJ president said that a significant pillar of Project STAR is an economic transformation where the private sector businesses that have a need for workers will provide jobs for members of the targeted communities that have high levels of unemployment.

“Many of the unemployed in the communities are not job ready and require psychosocial intervention, life skills training and also training in how to function in a structured work environment on top of which technical skills can be layered,” he informed.

Duncan, who is also the CEO of JMMB Group, said that while the employment needs are being addressed within these spaces, there needs to be a total reversal of the educational gaps for the people. He said this can be achieved with greater reallocation of resources from vocational training, where there is a significant spend on remedial education, to early childhood and primary education where a solid foundation can be provided for the nation’s children.

“Economic growth in Jamaica is limited by the shortfall of a trained and educated workforce. We cannot begin to address the low productivity, low standard of living and the social problems of our country without making this shift in education,” he emphasised.

“We must break the cycle by disrupting education at the foundation level to prepare our young people for higher education and gain value-added skillsets where everyone can earn higher incomes,” he affirmed.

The Project STAR co- chair said that through the social and economic transformation initiatives undertaken by Project STAR the outcome will be safer, secure, and more prosperous communities which will translate into a sustainable reduction in violence and crime.

“I am convinced that the only way we will do this is if we pull the whole-of-society to Project STAR and collaborate within and outside of the target communities to create sustained change,” he said.

He informed that the response to Project STAR has been positive so far with the communities, businesses, those in the Diaspora, in government is being receptive to the “whole-of-society model” and are preparing to roll up their sleeves and get involved in making a difference.

“In fact, in less than one year of sharing the vision with Jamaica’s private sector we have secured more than 80 per cent of the amount targeted from our large corporate companies over the five-year span of the project,” he disclosed.

“Based on the positive energy generated from Project STAR we are confident that we will have the same level of success with our Diaspora crowdfunding and our listing on the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange.”

Government exposes Trevor Walker’s untruthful claim

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda notes with dismay the patently untruthful and blatantly false claim made by Mr. Trevor Walker at a public meeting of the United Progressive Party (UPP) last night.

Even accepting that general elections in Antigua and Barbuda must be constitutionally held in the coming months, and that candidates for election, are prone to making careless and reckless statements in an effort to whip-up political passion, Mr. Trevor Walker’s maliciously dishonest claim demands to be fully exposed.

Wildly, and providing no evidence whatsoever, Mr. Walker claimed that the Government of Antigua and Barbuda stole “half of Barbuda relief money” to build Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party billboards.

It goes without saying, that the Government of Antigua and Barbuda dismisses Mr. Walker’s claim as baseless and untruthful.

However, the claim comes from a person who is an elected member of the national House of Assembly.

As such, Mr. Walker must be aware of two basic tenets of law.

First, he who accuses must prove, and second that any person who has knowledge of any violation of the law has a duty to report it to the Police, or that person can be charged with withholding evidence, which, itself is a crime.

The Government, therefore, invites Mr. Walker to provide the evidence of his wicked and malicious claim to the Police.

If he fails to do so, he will reveal himself as a political opportunist intent on inflaming anti-government sentiment in Barbuda.