Robert : la soirée organisée n’avait fait l’objet d’aucune déclaration auprès de la municipalité, selon le préfet

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles


Le préfet, Jean-Christophe Bouvier, s’est exprimé à la suite de la fusillade survenue dans la nuit du 18 au 19 novembre 2022 au Robert.

“Cette nuit, des faits d’une extrême gravité ont eu lieu lors d’une soirée organisée sur la commune du Robert”, déclare le préfet, Jean-Christophe Bouvier. “Trois victimes sont à déplorer, une femme est décédée des suites de ses blessures, deux autres personnes ont été blessées et hospitalisées au CHUM dont une dans un état grave. Je veux adresser ma compassion la plus sincère aux Martiniquaises et Martiniquais touchés par ce nouveau drame et les assurer de la pleine mobilisation des services de l’Etat, sous l’autorité de madame la procureure de la République, dans la recherche des responsables”. Le préfet poursuit : “Ces faits ne peuvent être acceptés et font l’objet d’une condamnation unanime”. Et Jean-Christophe Bouvier de souligner que la soirée organisée n’avait fait l’objet d’aucune déclaration auprès de la municipalité, interdisant de fait la prise de toute mesure de prévention en collaboration avec l’organisateur de cet événement. L’établissement a par contre été contrôlé dans le cadre

du Comité départemental anti-fraude (CODAF), le jour même (vendredi 18 novembre) à 17h30. “J’attends de

connaître, dans les prochaines heures, les conclusions de ce contrôle pour prendre les décisions de police administrative les plus adaptées”, ajoute le représentant de l’Etat.

Après la fusillade de Rivière-Salée, le 10 novembre dernier

Plus tôt dans la journée de vendredi, le préfet a rencontré à sa demande successivement les propriétaires des deux établissements ayant fait l’objet d’une fermeture administrative suite à la fusillade de Rivière-Salée le 10 novembre dernier, puis les représentants des établissements festifs ainsi que ceux des sociétés de sécurité privée. “Lors du premier rendez-vous, nous avons pu revenir sur les événements de la nuit du 10 au 11 novembre et évoquer les dispositions à prendre pour limiter les risques que de tels faits se reproduisent”, précise Jean-Christophe Bouvier, qui envisage, dans la continuité de ces échanges, de revenir sur la durée de la sanction prise à titre conservatoire.

“Le second rendez-vous m’a permis de partager un état de la situation dans laquelle les sociétés de sécurité privée exercent leur profession, identifier les procédures d’alerte et de remontée d’informations qui permettraient aux forces de sécurité intérieure

d’intervenir dans des conditions de sécurité optimum pour tous”, indique le préfet. “Nous nous devons de créer, avec les responsables de ces sociétés de sécurité privée et en coordination étroite avec le Conseil national des activités de sécurité privée (CNAPS), les conditions de formation et de qualification les meilleures afin de permettre aux agents d’exercer leur

métier en considération et pour la sécurité de tous”.

Un diagnostic de sécurité

Les établissements festifs ont été invités à solliciter rapidement, de la part des forces de sécurité intérieure, la réalisation d’un diagnostic de sécurité qui leur permettra de bénéficier gratuitement des préconisations à mettre en œuvre pour améliorer la sécurité de l’établissement. Il a été également rappelé l’impérieuse nécessité de respecter les règles afférentes à l’organisation des soirées, et notamment les délais de déclaration préalable, qui permettent, en amont, aux autorités de police concernées (maires et forces de sécurité) de décider des mesures adaptées à la situation.

“J’attends de connaître, dans les prochaines heures, les conclusions de ce contrôle pour prendre les décisions de police administrative les plus adaptées”,  explique le préfet, Jean-Christophe Bouvier.
• DR

Pumpkin Spice Martini? Seasonal cocktails can be creative Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Apple pie! Pumpkin spice! Buttered rum! This is how we embrace the season at our home bar.

Despite the drop in temperatures, cocktails flavoured for fall don’t need to taste deep, brooding or heavy.

There are plenty of ways to harness the ingredients we associate with the season to craft cocktails that remain light and bright, yet also richly satisfying. It’s also an excellent opportunity to explore liquors you might not normally be drawn to.

One of the fascinating aspects of cocktails is the unexpected ways that liquors can be transformed depending on how and with what they are mixed.

These transformations give us the space to experiment and discover drinks we never knew we would enjoy. This is where “I don’t like rum” becomes “I like rum when…”

Consider the Pumpkin Spice Martini. Vodka can be harsh, but in this cocktail — flavoured by apple cider, chocolate and orange bitters, and, of course, pumpkin pie spice — it’s as rich as it is sweet.

Pumpkin Spice Martini

This is your pumpkin spice latte of cocktails. A quick reduction of apple cider provides sweet and tangy notes that play perfectly with pumpkin pie spices.

Naturally sweet bourbon is excellent in this cocktail, but vodka also is an excellent choice. Keep a close eye on the cider during the final five minutes of simmering.

As it reduces to a syrup, it can quickly go from thick and delicious to burned and smoking. The combination of chocolate and orange bitters is wonderful, but if you only have one, the cocktail still will be delicious.


1 cup apple cider

1/8 tsp pumpkin pie spice

3 oz vodka

Dash chocolate bitters

Dash orange bitters

6 to 10 granules kosher salt

Ice cubes


In a saucepan over low, simmer the cider and pumpkin pie spice until thick and reduced to 2 tablespoons, 10 to 15 minutes. Cool completely, then pour into a cocktail shaker (use a silicone spatula to scrape the pan to get all of the syrup). Add the bourbon or vodka, chocolate bitters, orange bitters and salt. Shake with ice cubes. Strain into a coupe.

By J M Hirsch

The trio of seasonal cocktails (from left) a spiced apple cocktail, a pumpkin spice martini, and a buttered rum cocktail. Stay tuned for next week’s recipe of the spiced apple cocktail. (Photo: Callum Duffy via AP)

Stronger public health strategies needed to promote oral health – Dr Anthony

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Health Minister Dr Fank Anthony addressing the opening of the Dental Convention

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony today emphasised the need for the implementation of health promotion strategies and approaches to prevent oral diseases.

He was at the time speaking at the opening of the two-day Dental Convention being held at the Pegasus Corporation Suites, Kingston, Georgetown.

While acknowledging the evolution of Dentistry in both the public and private sectors in Guyana, Dr Anthony stressed the need for preventative medicine consisting of measures to prevent oral diseases.

“In any modern system, we must have a strong component that deals with preventive medicine… to teach prevention of dental cavities and other dental diseases”, Dr Anthony said.

While oral health is traditionally a neglected area of global health, the Ministry of Health is working on putting this high on the radar over the next few years.

According to Dr Anthony, the Ministry is continuously working on expanding health care services, hence the new regional hospitals being constructed are expected to be equipped to provide dental care services to the general public in the respective regions.

He added that the Health Ministry will soon commence the drafting of a Dental Health Strategic Plan which will inform and set the vision for universal coverage for oral health, reaching all individuals and communities.

Present at this morning’s opening was Dr Ertenisa Hamilton, Director of Family and Primary Health Care Services; Dr Marvin Monzie, Principal Dental Officer of the Cheddi Jagan Dental Centre; Dr Pravesh Harry, Chairman of the Guyana Dental Council and several dental practitioners from the private and public sectors.

Update: Shooting death at Bush Hall, St Michael Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News


The latest fatal shooting victim is Pallu Rohan Arthur.

The 21-year-old of Greenidge Road, Hindsbury Road, St Michael died after being involved in today’s Bush Hall Yard Gap shooting.

Police say a telephone report was received at Operations Control Room about 2:15 pm on Friday, November 18, 2022. The caller reported that there was a shooting incident and a young man was laying motionless on the ground near a shop at Bush Hall Yard Gap, St Michael.

Information Officer Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss informed the media that police from District A Station quickly responded and on arrival confirmed the report. The roadway was closed off to vehicular traffic and an unnatural death investigation has been launched

Original story: 4pm, November 18

One man is dead following a shooting at Bush Hall, Yard Gap, St Michael.

Police spokesman, acting inspector Rodney Inniss told Loop News that around 2:15 pm, today, Friday, November 18, Police Operations Control Room received a report that a man was shot and lying motionless on the ground.

Officers arrived at the scene and discovered the man’s body. He was pronounced dead by a medical doctor.

Investigations are ongoing.

Anyone who may have witnessed or has any knowledge of this incident or the perpetrators involved are advised to call police at 430-7240, Police Emergency 211, or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 8477 (TIPS).

Barbados homicides hit 40 in 11 months Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

As of November 18, 2022, Barbados’ homicides hit 40.

On November 10, when the most recent police press conference was held, the number of murders for 2022 stood at 38 with and 29 were firearm-enabled and 18 or 19 matters have been solved.

Following the press conference a man was found dead in his Spring Farm, St Thomas home and foul play was suspected. His death made 39 unnatural deaths and then yesterday, November 18, a 21-year-old man was found dead in Bush Hall Yard Gap, St Michael after an afternoon shooting was reported to police. The gun-related death of Pallu Arthur took the island’s toll to 40.

In comparison to 2021, this year has surpassed the 32 murders recorded in 2021 according the Police Commissioner Richard Boyce. He revealed back in March that in 2021, of the 32 murders committed, 17 were gun-related.

In mid-December 2020, Barbados had recorded some 37 murders. While the number of murders recorded for 2019 was 49 and 28 for 2018.

Barbados’ current murder rate is trending higher than the last four years, with the exception of 2019.

However as it relates to the police’s fight to remove illegal firearms from Barbados streets, the results have drastically improved, more than doubling the previous year’s seizures.

In 2021, Police recovered 36 firearms, while as of November 2022, the Service has seized over 75 firearms to date. The number stood at 75 in September of this year, but Acting Commissioner Erwin Boyce told media on November 10, that a series of stop and searches and executed search warrants have yielded results as well, so that number has increased.

Législatives en Malaisie : la coalition d’opposition d’Anwar au coude-à-coude avec un autre bloc

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

La coalition d’opposition d’Anwar Ibrahim, favorite du scrutin, était au coude-à-coude avec le bloc rival d’un ancien Premier ministre à l’issue des élections…

La coalition d’opposition d’Anwar Ibrahim, favorite du scrutin, était au coude-à-coude avec le bloc rival d’un ancien Premier ministre à l’issue des élections législatives de samedi en Malaisie.

Des analystes avaient mis en garde sur le risque d’instabilité accrue dans ce pays multi-ethnique si aucune majorité franche ne se dégageait du scrutin sur lequel le gouvernement, éclaboussé par un scandale de corruption, compte pour asseoir sa légitimité dans ce pays d’Asie du Sud-Est.

Après le décompte des votes dans 202 circonscriptions sur 219, la coalition Pakatan Harapan (Alliance de l’espoir) d’Anwar Ibrahim, qui a fait campagne sur le thème de la lutte contre la corruption, avait 66 sièges contre 67 au groupe Perikatan Nasional (Alliance nationale) de l’ex-Premier ministre Muhyiddin Yassin, selon la commission électorale.

La coalition au pouvoir Barisan Nasional, menée par l’Organisation nationale unifiée malaise (Umno), était en troisième place.

Un sondage de l’institut Merdeka à la veille des élections avait donné la coalition de M. Anwar emportant 82 sièges sur les 222 à pourvoir, 33% des électeurs lui accordant leur faveur pour le poste de Premier ministre.

Seuls 219 sièges ont finalement été mis au vote, deux candidats étant décédés et le scrutin ayant été rendu impossible dans une circonscription en raison du mauvais temps.

Anwar Ibrahim s’est déclaré “prudemment confiant” sur le fait que sa coalition obtienne la majorité simple au Parlement.

“Une victoire aujourd’hui serait certainement gratifiante après plus de deux décennies de lutte pour gagner le coeur et l’esprit du peuple”, a-t-il déclaré à l’AFP avant de voter dans l’Etat de Penang.

L’ancien Premier ministre Mahathir Mohamad, qui espérait à 97 ans briguer un retour au pouvoir, a pour sa part été battu dans son fief de l’île de Langkawi et a perdu son siège au Parlement. Ce qui devrait mettre fin à sa carrière politique.

“Un gouvernement fort”

La participation était de 70% selon les autorités deux heures avant la fermeture des bureaux, à 16H00 (08H00 GMT).

De longues files d’attente s’étaient formées devant les bureaux de vote samedi, malgré les risques de pluies de mousson, laissant entrevoir une forte participation des 21 millions d’électeurs inscrits.

Sur les réseaux sociaux, on pouvait voir des personnes attendre devant un bureau de vote de l’eau jusqu’aux genoux, dans l’état de Sarawak sur l’île de Bornéo.  

Nurul Hazwani Firdon, une professeure de 20 ans, a dit avoir pensé en priorité à l’économie en allant voter.

“Je veux un gouvernement fort et une économie stable afin qu’il y ait plus d’emploi pour les jeunes”, a-t-elle déclaré.

Mohamed Ali Moiddeen, 60 ans, ramasseur de ferraille, a dit vouloir simplement un gouvernement honnête, “quelqu’un qui soit digne de confiance et capable de faire le travail correctement”.

Paysage fragmenté

Depuis quatre ans, cette monarchie parlementaire est secouée par des turbulences politiques et une valse des gouvernements qui ont conduit trois Premiers ministres à se succéder en quatre ans.

Après plus de soixante ans aux commandes, le parti historiquement dominant, l’Organisation nationale unifiée malaise (Umno), a été lourdement sanctionné dans les urnes et évincé du pouvoir en 2018, marquant la première alternance de l’histoire du pays.

Le Premier ministre de l’époque Najib Razak, impliqué dans le détournement de plusieurs milliards de dollars du fonds souverain 1MDB, purge actuellement une peine de douze ans de prison.

L’Umno n’est revenu aux affaires qu’avec une faible majorité en 2021.

Et c’est dans l’espoir de renforcer son emprise sur le pouvoir que le Premier ministre Ismail Sabri Yaakob a dissous le Parlement et convoqué des élections anticipées, initialement prévues en septembre 2023.

Mais le parti historiquement dominant pâtit de son association avec la vaste affaire de corruption 1MDB, un fonds qui devait contribuer au développement du pays.

Or l’argent a été détourné vers, entre autres, le compte en banque de Najib Razak.

Le scandale a déclenché des enquêtes aux Etats-Unis, en Suisse et à Singapour, où des institutions financières auraient été utilisées pour blanchir des milliards de dollars.


Le leader de l’opposition en Malaisie Anwar Ibrahim, président du Pakatan Harapan (Alliance de l’espoir), monter son index tâché d’encre après avoir voté au bureau de vote lors des élections générales à Permatang Pauh, en Malaisie, le 19 novembre 2022
• Arif Kartono

Une femme dans un bureau de vote à Bera en Malaisie, le 19 novembre 2022 pour les élections législatives anticipées

Road users ask for explanation for Pirates Fest road closures Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

Traffic congestion, believed to be caused by roads being blocked in George Town to accommodate Pirates Fest activities, resulted in delays for members of the public trying to make their way home or for an evening out on Friday.

While the police initially notified the public of the road closures (lasting from 17 to 20 November) by way of a press release published on their website on November 17, 2022, some members of the public are now asking why the police were allowed to close the roads in the first place.

Source of Authority

In order to explain the powers of the police and others to close roads and erect signs, it is useful to look at a number of areas, including the Public Order Act, the Traffic Act and the Roads Act.

Public Order Act

Under the Public Order Act, for example, any person desiring to organise a procession (which includes a public march or procession on a public place) shall, at least three days before such intended procession, make application to the Commissioner of Police for a permit.

Regarding this, the applicant must set out the names and addresses of the organisers of the procession, the proposed point of departure, route and point of termination of the proposed procession, the proposed date and times within which the procession will take place and an estimate of the number of people who are expected to take part.

If the Commissioner of Police grants permission, he may do so with conditions calculated to prevent obstruction of traffic and inconvenience to the public in general (the Commissioner of Police also has the power to re-route any procession if he has reasonable grounds for apprehending that a procession which is taking place may occasion public disorder, obstruct traffic or interfere unduly with the convenience of the public).

Traffic Act

In connection with this activity, the Traffic Act gives the power to the Traffic Management Panel to cause or permit traffic signs to be placed, erected or otherwise marked on or near any road.

The Traffic Act also gives a police constable the power to erect on a road, whether during the day or night a road block or barrier, at which all vehicles shall be required to stop.

Further, the Traffic Act states that where there are any road works, no person may carry out works under, in, over, along or across a road which may affect the normal circulation of traffic on that road, without having first given the Commissioner of Police two days’ notice in writing.

In connection with this, the Commissioner of Police may require a person carrying out works under, in, over, along or across any road to cause those works to be signed and indicated with such traffic signs and signals in such positions as that Commissioner of Police thinks fit.

Roads Act

The concentration of such powers with the Commissioner of Police leaves the National Roads Authority (NRA) with limited authority under the Roads Act to cause traffic to be diverted from any road for the purpose of altering or improving the same.

Since the Pirates Fest activities do not involve the altering or improvement of roadways, the NRA would not have been involved in diverting any traffic.

This position was further confirmed by Edward Howard, managing director of the NRA, who told Loop today that the NRA “had no involvement in the planning of the Pirates Festivities.”

To make matters more interestingly complex, the NRA has no authority to instruct the Commissioner of Police in relation to actions taken by the police in connection with the Pirates Fest activities. This is the case because, under the Cayman constitution, the responsibility for internal security, including the police, lies with the Governor.

Therefore, when it comes to the “simple” task of resolving the situation with public roads being blocked for the Pirates Fest activities, one has to walk a delicate line, always being careful not to overstep the Governor’s powers or reporting lines under the constitution.

Gary Bodeau, Rony C?lestin et Herv? Fourcand sanctionn?s par le Canada

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

L’ancien pr?sident de la Chambre des d?put?s, Gary Bodeau, l’ancien s?nateur du Sud, Herv? Fourcand, et l’actuel s?nateur du Centre, Rony C?lestin, font l’objet de sanctions de la part du Canada. Selon un communiqu? d’Affaires mondiales Canada, ces sanctions sont impos?es <>.

<>, peut-on lire dans le communiqu?.

La ministre des Affaires ?trang?res du Canada, M?lanie Joly, a assur? que d’autres personnes et entit?s vont ?tre ajout?es sur la liste. <>, a d?clar? madame Joly.

Selon Affaires mondiales Canada, <>. De plus, pr?cise l’institution canadienne, <>. En vertu de la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des r?fugi?s, les personnes sanctionn?es sont ?galement interdites d’entr?e au Canada.

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Contractor chopped to death during argument at cook shop in St Ann Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

2 hrs ago

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A 46-year-old contractor was chopped to death at Andna Grass in St Ann on Friday.

The deceased has been identified as Ira Alexander, otherwise called ‘Roy’of Bethany district, Alexandria in the parish.

Reports from the St Ann’s Bay Criminal Investigations Branch are that at about 6:00 pm, Alexander was at a cookshop in the area when an argument developed between him and the suspect. A machete was brought into play and used to inflict several wounds on Alexander.

The police were summoned and he was transported to the hospital where death was confirmed. The man managed to flee the scene. Investigations are ongoing.

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Jamaicans encouraged to send bail bill submissions by November 30 Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Members of the public are being encouraged to send in their written submissions on the Bail Bill by Wednesday, November 30.

The Bill is now before a Joint Select Committee of both Houses of Parliament, for review. Committee members, during the review process, will have an opportunity to probe the Bill deeply, ask questions and make suggestions for improvements.

Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte, during a recent interview, said in the process “we invite and consider comments from the public or from special interests”.

Submissions can be addressed to the Clerk to the Houses, Gordon House, 81 Duke Street, Kingston or emailed to

Meanwhile, Minister Malahoo Forte is encouraging Jamaicans to carefully read the Bill, in spite of familiarity.

She explained that rewriting the Bail Act has resulted in the preservation of the established common law rules as well as some modifications.

“Even where we have preserved existing conditions, it’s going to be very important that you read fully and carefully the new law. When it comes to interpreting the law, the Court will look at what is written and a single word can make a difference… . Do not take it for granted that you are familiar with the provisions of bail at common law or the Jamaican jurisdiction,” the Minister said.

To review the Bill, interested persons can visit and search under the Publications heading.