Royaume-Uni: Sunak défend le Brexit après une nouvelle polémique

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

De plus en plus impopulaire au sein de la population britannique, le Brexit reste un sujet explosif au Royaume-Uni, où le Premier ministre Rishi Sunak a dû démentir lundi des informations de presse prêtant au gouvernement la volonté…

De plus en plus impopulaire au sein de la population britannique, le Brexit reste un sujet explosif au Royaume-Uni, où le Premier ministre Rishi Sunak a dû démentir lundi des informations de presse prêtant au gouvernement la volonté d’assouplir les conditions de la sortie de l’UE.

“Laissez-moi être sans équivoque à ce sujet. Sous mon autorité, le Royaume-Uni ne cherchera aucune relation avec l’Europe qui repose sur l’alignement sur les lois de l’UE”, a déclaré Rishi Sunak, pro-Brexit de la première heure, lors d’une conférence de la CBI, la principale organisation patronale du pays, ajoutant que le Brexit “apporte déjà d’importants bénéfices et opportunités pour le pays”.

Le Royaume-Uni a quitté l’Union européenne en janvier 2021 après des années d’une bataille politique intense pour fixer les nouvelles relations entre les deux entités.

Dimanche, le Sunday Times avait affirmé que “des membres du gouvernement prévoient de mettre la Grande-Bretagne sur la voie d’une relation similaire à celle de la Suisse avec l’Union européenne”. Une initiative qui serait “destinée à renforcer les liens économiques” avec l’UE.

Ces informations ont suscité un tollé parmi les partisans du Brexit. “Le gouvernement doit se concentrer sur ce qu’il doit faire, plutôt que d’essayer de rouvrir un débat déjà tranché sur l’Europe”, a taclé le député conservateur Iain Duncan Smith dans les colonnes du Sun.


“Ne nous trahissez pas sur le Brexit”, titrait lundi le quotidien populaire Daily Mail, grand défenseur de la sortie de l’UE.

Tentant de calmer la fronde, un porte-parole du gouvernement conservateur avait déjà démenti dimanche un tel projet, qualifiant l’article de “catégoriquement faux”. 

Et lundi matin, le secrétaire d’Etat à l’immigration Robert Jenrick a assuré que le Royaume-Uni avait désormais “une position bien définie” sur ses relations avec Bruxelles, avec l’accord conclu en 2019.

Le Royaume-Uni est ainsi sorti du marché unique, même si les échanges continuent d’être largement exempt de droits de douane, a mis fin à la liberté de mouvement et ne contribue plus financièrement à l’UE. 

Mais la semaine dernière, les propos du ministre des Finances Jeremy Hunt, qui a indiqué souhaiter voir “la grande majorité” des barrières douanières abolies entre son pays et l’UE, avaient déjà suscité des interrogations sur les intentions du gouvernement.

D’autant qu’il négocie actuellement âprement avec Bruxelles une modification du protocole sur l’Irlande du Nord pour régler la question du statut de la province, en plein blocage politique. 

Cette séquence “est intéressante car elle semble montrer que Rishi Sunak et Jeremy Hunt (…) admettent que le TCA (l’accord de commerce et de coopération signé entre l’UE et le Royaume-Uni) est mauvais pour l’économie. Mais le tollé et le démenti montrent à quel point il sera difficile pour un gouvernement conservateur d’admettre” cela, estime à l’AFP John Springford, chercheur au Centre for European reform, et opposé au Brexit.

Les Britanniques eux sont de plus en plus nombreux à regretter la sortie de l’UE. Selon un sondage publié par l’institut YouGov la semaine dernière, le soutien pour le Brexit est à son plus bas niveau, 56% des Britanniques estimant que c’était une erreur.


Cette polémique intervient alors que le pays traverse une crise économique et financière majeure. La plupart des économistes et des chefs d’entreprises voient dans le Brexit un facteur aggravant à la crise également due à la guerre en Ukraine.

L’organisme chargé des prévisions économiques (OBR) a notamment estimé la semaine dernière que le Brexit avait eu “un impact négatif important” sur les échanges commerciaux du pays. 

Depuis sa sortie de l’Union européenne, le Royaume-Uni a dû resigner des accords commerciaux et en a notamment conclu avec l’UE et plusieurs pays européens, mais aussi avec la Nouvelle Zélande et l’Australie. Des discussions sont en cours avec l’Inde, le Canada ou les Etats-Unis.

Tranchant avec ses prédécesseurs pressés d’aboutir, Rishi Sunak a affirmé jeudi dernier que le Royaume-Uni devait “prendre le temps” de négocier de bons accords.

Le patronat britannique critique lui la rigidité des nouvelles règles migratoires, qui l’empêchent de trouver la main d’oeuvre dont les entreprises ont besoin. L’exécutif, qui a fait du contrôle des flux migratoires une priorité du Brexit, entend privilégier les profils les plus qualifiés.


Pas de retour en arrière sur le Brexit, dit Rishi Sunak

Un gendarme blessé et une arme de poing saisie lors d’un contrôle routier au Vauclin

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Rédaction web

Arme de poing saisie par les gendarmes dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche. • GENDARMERIE DE MARTINIQUE

Un gendarme a été blessé par un scooter qui a refusé d’obtempérer lors d’un contrôle routier au Vauclin. Une arme de poing a été saisie et plus de 50 conducteurs verbalisés dans le cadre de ce dispositif.

Nuit de samedi à dimanche houleuse pour les gendarmes de Martinique engagés au Vauclin sur le dispositif de sécurisation mis en place sur l’ensemble du département de Martinique.

Dans l’exercice de ses fonctions, l’adjudant-chef Della Croce a été percuté par le pilote d’un scooter qui a refusé de s’arrêter à la vue des gendarmes. Il est en arrêt maladie durant au moins 15 jours, soufrant d’une fracture au visage et de contusions.

Durant cette même nuit, plus de 130 gendarmes et tous les moyens, dont l’hélicoptère et les équipes cynophiles étaient mobilisés. Un motard a ainsi été interpellé en possession d’une arme de poing, plus de vingt personnes ont été contrôlées en possession de produits stupéfiants, et une trentaines de conducteurs ont été verbalisés pour conduite en état d’ivresse.

COP27: “encore un long chemin” après l’accord sur le climat, estime Pékin

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Le gouvernement chinois a salué lundi l’accord noué lors de la COP27 en Egypte, mais prévenu qu’il reste “encore un long chemin” à parcourir en matière de coopération à…

Le gouvernement chinois a salué lundi l’accord noué lors de la COP27 en Egypte, mais prévenu qu’il reste “encore un long chemin” à parcourir en matière de coopération à l’échelle mondiale contre le réchauffement climatique.

“La gouvernance mondiale sur le climat a encore un long chemin à parcourir”, a déclaré Mao Ning, porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères, lors d’un briefing de presse.

En particulier, “l’absence de feuille de route claire” pour le financement de l’aide à la lutte climatique aux pays en développement par les pays développés “n’est pas propice à l’instauration d’une confiance mutuelle entre le Nord et le Sud”, a-t-elle ajouté.

“Les pays développés ne parviennent toujours pas à respecter leur engagement de fournir chaque année 100 milliards de dollars de financement climatique aux pays en développement”, a souligné la porte-parole.

La Chine attache toutefois “une grande importance à ce sommet et soutient pleinement l’Egypte, qui a rempli avec succès son rôle de pays hôte”.

Premier pollueur de la planète, la Chine a rejeté, lors de ce sommet, l’idée qu’elle ne devrait plus être considérée comme un pays en développement, alors même qu’elle constitue depuis plusieurs années la deuxième économie mondiale.

Après des négociations difficiles qui ont débordé du calendrier prévu, la COP27 s’est terminée dimanche avec un texte très disputé sur l’aide aux pays pauvres affectés par le changement climatique, mais aussi sur un échec à fixer de nouvelles ambitions pour la baisse des gaz à effet de serre.


COP27: “Encore un long chemin” après l’accord sur le climat, estime Pékin

Sterling Asset Management shares strategies to fight inflation Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) notes a consistent increase in the monthly point-to-point inflation rate as of October 2022, which now stands at 9.9 per cent.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic wanes globally, Jamaicans face an unrelenting rise in commodity and service costs.

According to Sterling Asset Management, intelligent investing is the way through these choppy financial waters. The investment firm shared this tip and others during its third quarterly business mingle on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

Savvy investors attended the after-dusk corporate soiree at ATL Automotive’s Audi Showroom in New Kingston under the theme: “How to Navigate Investing for the Future”.

Ably led by Charles Ross, President and CEO, the top brass of the 21-year-old Sterling Asset Management Limited informed clients of the great returns possible over the short to medium-term.

Ross said Sterling Asset Management caters to a “discerning, knowledgeable niche market that demands excellent service and intelligent investing”.

Dwayne Neil, Sterling’s Assistant Vice-President (AVP) – Personal Financial Planning, shared the first of three investment tips focused on short-term bonds and other short-term assets.

According to Neil, “short” investments afford investors the agility and adaptability to react to changes in economic conditions. In the current inflationary environment, short-dated, high-quality bonds will enable investors to preserve their spending power and ensure consumption levels are not eroded over time by inflation.

For her part, Christine Rankine, Manager – Personal Finance Planning at Sterling Asset Management, suggested portfolio diversification as a tool to weather the “inflation storm”.

Rankine remarked that portfolio diversification is often understated but critical in today’s financial environment.

“Once you set your financial goals, we at Sterling come in. We do the research for you. Our traders use a wide variety of tools to track investments. This is something we take pride in. We provide predictability and growth,” she explained.

To close the discussion, Anna-Joy Tibby, joint- AVP of Personal Financial Planning at Sterling Asset Management, through the equation: market volatility = opportunity, explained wild fluctuations in the market, which could be juxtaposed with the present-day, are the ideal occasions to strategise.

“If you understand that volatility is the rule, not the exception, prolonged dips and swings in the market can actually work to your advantage,” Tibby noted.

Speaking to existing clients and prospects, Tibby petitioned investors to better capitalise on these volatility opportunities by keeping their investments short and liquid, which Sterling Asset offers through its short-term US$ Repurchase Agreements and US$ Certificates of Participation.

On the other hand, for the more risk-averse investor, Sterling Asset Management has a new Capital Markets Unit, providing structured notes that carry limited price volatility, if any.

United States Donates Disaster Supplies To The Regional Security System

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The United States of America has donated additional disaster relief supplies to theRegional Security System (RSS), in an event coordinated by the U.S. Embassy inBarbados.

The supplies, which included seven tents, ten environmental control unitsand 300 bed sets, will be used in future disaster relief operations conducted by theRSS across the Caribbean. U.S. Ambassador to Barbados and the EasternCaribbean Linda Taglialatela presented the supplies to Deputy Executive Director ofthe RSS Graham Archer at a handover ceremony at the RSS Headquarters atParagon Base in Christ Church, Barbados.

This donation builds on the longstanding partnership between the United States andthe RSS, not only in the area of disaster relief but in narcotics interdiction, organizedcrime investigations, and rule of law programs.

The United States remains committed to building and supporting regional resilience and is pleased that this donation will enable the RSS to continue its regional missions of natural disaster response.


Kelton Dalso resigns from DNA

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Press Release

The DNA continues to hemorrhage its top brass as Mr. Kelton Dalso becomes the fourth person in four weeks to resign from the 6-year-old organization. Mr. Dalso, was slated to represent the DNA in the constituency of St. Georges.

This comes as a serious blow to the organization as Mr. Dalso, was one of the more popular candidates for the party, grossing the second highest number of votes in the 2018 elections.

Mr. Dalso has been active in politics for over 30 years and was the former campaign manager for Mr. Adolphus Freeland, the ABLP stalwart who represented the same constituency from 1976 to 1999. He was elected as the DNA’s Mobilization Officer at its Congress in June 2021.

On November 19th 2022, he wrote to the party’s Deputy Secretary General stating that it was his own resilience, fortitude and perseverance which kept him in the ranks of the DNA as he was not here because the institution itself was pleasant and progressive.

He chided the Party for what he termed were “categorical lies” issued to the public in their press release of the 27th October 2022 which he claimed, was laced with malicious intent, as he expressed concern as to how easily the DNA had turned on its key Founders.

In his three-page letter of resignation, the former Mobilization Officer accused the President of using the party to wage personal vendettas and questioned her leadership capacity claiming that she was prone to serious and frequent meltdowns and that it was her failure to even respond to the July 22 letter that was penned by the 1st Vice President, the Chairperson and the Secretary General that led to the departure of his former colleagues. Sparing no words, Mr. Dalso accused his now former leader of being pompous and arrogant.

Among the other matters raised in his letter of resignation, Mr. Dalso stated that his campaign had been repeatedly undermined and sabotaged by other officers of the party and by the President herself who had unilaterally shelved a strategic document written by the former Chairperson, Ms. Malaka Parker, despite his pleadings as Mobilization Officer for the strategic document to be properly discussed by the party. Further, he referenced what he termed as serious threats levelled against him by other colleagues, stating that the hostility and aggression towards him had grown and that these flames were openly fanned by the leader.

The former candidate for St. Georges, in closing the door on the DNA, stated that it was the events of the last week, which truly sealed his decision as it had now become crystalized that the DNA was joining forces with the ABLP. He described the radio interviews done by the leader of the DNA over the last week as being “quite eccentric and distasteful.


Young Antiguan Engineering Professional Wins Recognition In The US

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room
Jelani Jarvis


Jelani Jarvis is being recognized by his peers in the Engineering field.

Within two years of working in the industry, Jelani was nominated for and awarded the BEYA (Black Engineer of the Year Award) Modern-Day Technology Leader Award which will be presented to him at the 2023 BEYA STEM Conference held in Washington DC.

These prestigious awards are given to engineers who demonstrate achievement, leadership and impact on their companies and industries.

The annual conference highlights professional achievement among people of color in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers, providing networking and recruitment opportunities in fields where people of color are underrepresented.

Jelani started his career as a Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer working for an engineeringconsulting firm in Lake Mary, FL roughly a month after graduating with a Bachelor’sDegree in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Florida amidst the Covid19 pandemic in the summer 2020.

After about 8 months, he was able to secure a Position with Jacobs Engineering as a Junior Electrical Engineer in Gainesville, FL.

Passionate about the renewable energy industry, specifically solar, Jelani took the initiative of investing in, and constructing a small homemade solar powered generator project of which he made a YouTube video and sent to various individuals within the Jacobs organization that he met at NSBE’s 2019 fall regional conference hosted in Tampa, in an attempt to “get his foot in the door.”

Joining Jacobs as an Electrical Engineer assigned to the water group, he was determinedin delivering quality work on the tasks he’s assigned whilst seeking out opportunities inthe renewable energy space.

Through networking and vocalizing his career goals, he was able to obtain a project managerial role on a project which involved conducting a feasibility study on the installation of micro hydro-turbines at a waste-water treatment facility in Chicago.

Through further networking, he was also added to the electrical engineering team working on a Rivian Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Facility in Atlanta whilst still being assigned to the water group.

Jelani is a member of the Black Employee Network Group, Harambee and takes pride inreaching back to give a helping hand to individuals in similar positions he was once in,encouraging young men and women to prioritize their education whilst pursuing theirdreams and passions.

Jelani credits his achievements to his faith in God and the strong unwavering support ofhis family home circle inclusive of grandmother-Sheila Francis, aunts, uncles, cousins,brother, and especially his mother, Priscilla Simon, who seeing his potential throughouthigh school was determined in providing him the opportunity of pursuing his studies,setting him on the path towards his career goals.

Jelani expresses a special appreciation for his aunt Caroline Edwards for her endless prayers and constant reminders to keep God first in all his pursuits throughout life.

He also expresses a sincere gratitude towards Claxton and Shenique Duberry for their unwavering support.

The former Sunnyside Tutorial, Antigua Grammar School and Antigua College Student isa true example that in spite of your humble beginnings, in spite of the many financial obstacles and closed doors, remaining steadfast towards to your dreams through self-drive, determination and hard work will ultimately lead you to the path of success.

A quote that Jelani lives by is from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,“If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”


Ramesh Maharaj: Four Paria divers alive between February 25 and 28

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


The five divers involved in an underwater accident at Paria Fuel Trading Co Ltd in one of the last photos taken at Pointe-a-Pierre on February 25. From left are, Christopher Boodram, who survived, Kazim Ali, Yusuf Henry, Rishi Nagassar and Fyzal Kurban. –

Conversations amongst the five divers who went into a 30-inch pipeline at Berth 6, belonging to Paria Fuel Trading Co Ltd at Pointe-a-Pierre on February 25, were heard for the first time on Monday during an evidentiary hearing by the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the incident.

The hearing took place at Tower D of the Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre.

Kazim Ali Jr, Fyzal Kurban, Yusuf Henry, Rishi Nagassar and Christopher Boodram were doing routine maintenance on the pipeline when they were sucked into it.

Only Boodram survived.

Counsel to the CoE Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, SC, said in addition to Boodram’s evidence , the commission also obtained video and audio footage from a work camera that Ali had with him at the time of the incident.

Maharaj said the video was lost at the time of the incident, around 2.45 pm on February 25, but the audio was still active.

While saying only six minutes and 55 seconds of the footage would be played, Maharaj advised people who were physically in the room to leave if they were unable to listen to it. He advised people viewing the footage virtually to switch off their devices for a few minutes, if they might find the footage disturbing.

Some of the audio which was played including the following conversations:

“All of we in this together.”

“We have to go. We have to start moving.”

“I’m trying to come out.”

“I’m right behind you.”

“You right behind me?”

“My foot break.”

Maharaj said when Boodram was rescued, between 4.30 and 4.45 pm, by divers Ronald Ramoutar and Corey Crawford, he indicated that the other divers were still alive and that Kurban was right behind him in the pipeline.

“The four other divers remained alive in the underwater pipeline, and they were not rescued.”

Maharaj said LMCS, the divers’ employer, and Paria gave evidence of efforts to rescue the four divers before and after Boodram was rescued.

The bodies of Ali, Henry and Kurban were recovered on February 28. Nagassar’s body was recovered on March 2.

Post-mortem examinations on the bodies of the dead divers were done by two forensic pathologists

The first exam was done by Prof Hubert Daisley. Daisley’s report, Maharaj continued, said Ali “could have have been alive as late as midnight on February 26.”

Kurban may have been alive up to 6 pm on February 26. Henry may have been alive up to the early hours of the morning of February 26. Nagassar may have been alive up to midnight on February 25.

Maharaj said a second post-mortem showed Ali, Kurban and Henry may have been alive up to midnight on February 27 and Nagassar up to midnight on February 28.

Referring to the commission’s terms of reference, Maharaj said they included determining whether sufficient efforts were made to rescue the divers; whether criminal proceedings could be implemented against any person or entity; and whether such a recommendation should be made to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)

Maharaj also said the commission would determine whether or not adequate safety precautions had been taken to prevent the incident of February 25 from occurring.

With respect to the rescue, Maharaj said LMCS had an initial rescue plan at 3.20 pm on February 25, involving divers with scuba equipment going to rescue the four trapped divers. This was later revised at 6.20 pm to involve pumping surface air into the pipeline to facilitate the rescue.

Maharaj said LMCS submitted in its evidence that Paria prevented it from implementing its rescue plan on the ground that it was unsafe.

Paria, in its evidence, Maharaj continued, said it implemented sea searches for the four divers around 5.45 pm on February 25 after being informed of Boodram’s rescue.

CoE chairman Jerome Lynch KC expressed surprise that three hours had passed before Paria became aware that the four divers were trapped in the pipeline.

Maharaj said evidence from the Coast Guard suggested its divers did not have the equipment necessary for commercial sea diving and could not attempt a rescue with only scuba equipment.

He also said a preliminary report on the incident done by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OSHA) on April 28, suggested neither LMCS or Paria may have taken possible risks related to sub-sea diving into consideration before the repairs were done on the pipeline.

This included the conditions for a Delta P situation, which is defined as movement from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.

Instructor sees more ‘Clairly’ as a driver since riding bikes Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Claire Reeves may be better known for her skills as a Certified Nutrition Coach, but she also wears another hat or dare we say a helmet, when she rides out as the First Lady of Black Knight Riders in Barbados.

Claire is a mother of five and is married to the President of the club, Fabian Reeves.

Standing on the sidelines of the first stop on the 2022 International Men’s Day Gentleman’s Ride, Loop caught up with Claire unaware of the fact that she is in fact a trained bike instructor.

Asking Claire if she does not have any fears about bikes and if she’s usually not concerned each time her husband rides off from home, we were met with a “I wouldn’t say so”.

She explained to Loop:

“What I would say, we teach, I myself and my husband teach at Black Knight Riding School and one of the things that I realised, is that a lot of people aren’t trained properly. A lot of people learn to ride in their neighbourhood. So from that very foundation alone, it makes it look like people make a lot of unnecessary mistakes. The other thing too though, is that drivers do real foolishness on the road and it looks like it’s the biker, but a lot of times it’s actually the driver.

“So I have actually learnt to be a better driver from riding.”

Claire said that she was happy to support the Gentleman’s Ride because in most cases women get all the attention. She said they are very deserving of the attention especially on their day each year and so she enjoys it thoroughly.

On her social media after the ride which ended at Bushy Park, she said that she not only supported her husband and biker family, but she rode around the island carrying her father’s memory in her heart with a smile on her face.

Claire wrote on Instagram:

“…I rolled out with the fellas today who came out in their best dress and bikes extra sparkling clean. I rode with my Dad in my heart remembering how much he loved two wheels. My favorite part most of all was celebrating a day with a good man by my side @mrfabulous_ ???

Happy Men’s International Day to all the fellas today????I hope you were acknowledged and appreciated for all the contributions you make to keeping the balance of the Divine energy in check. We women can’t and shouldn’t do it without you.”

Caribbean Galaxy Named Title Sponsor for Children’s Carnival

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation

Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Corporation has come on board as the Title Sponsor of  Children’s Carnival for Sugar Mas 51. After being absent for two (2) years due to Covid  19, the parade will be staged in Basseterre on Saturday, December 31, 2022. 

The handing over ceremony took place on Friday 18th November, when Ms Vicky,  representing the company’s CEO, Ms Bianca, handed over EC$50,000 to Chairperson  Shannon Hawley of the St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC). 

Ms Vicky indicated that it was Galaxy’s pleasure to come on board for the first time in  support of National Carnival and youth development. Caribbean Galaxy is the Corporation  that has recently constructed the beautiful Ramada By Wyndham St. Kitts Resort, located  in St. Pauls, St. Kitts. 

SKNNCC chair, Shannon Hawley shared her enthusiasm when welcoming yet another Platinum Sponsor for Sugar Mas 51. She expressed her satisfaction that the Children’s  Parade will be prominently featured because of the sponsorship of Caribbean Galaxy  Real Estate Corporation.  

Children’s Carnival comes back to Sugar Mas with an improved format featuring Junior  Folklore, Majorettes, Junior competition winners, Bold Carnival children’s troupe and a  soon to be launched troupe, Beauty and the Beast. It will form part of the Street Activities  which was missing in 2021 and 2022.