Mondial: Neymar et Ronaldo en piste

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

L’un a le vent en poupe et l’étiquette de favori, l’autre est sans employeur et a souffert pour emmener son pays au Qatar: le Mondial-2022 accueille jeudi les débuts de deux stars planétaires, le…

L’un a le vent en poupe et l’étiquette de favori, l’autre est sans employeur et a souffert pour emmener son pays au Qatar: le Mondial-2022 accueille jeudi les débuts de deux stars planétaires, le Brésilien Neymar et le Portugais Ronaldo. 

Après les rencontres du jour – Suisse-Cameroun (11h00) et Brésil-Serbie (20h00) dans le groupe G, Uruguay-Corée du Sud (14h00) et Portugal-Ghana (19h00) dans le groupe H -, toutes les équipes auront disputé leur premier match.

Derniers arrivés sur le sol qatari, les Brésiliens commencent leur tournoi là où beaucoup les imaginent le finir: au stade de Lusail où sera jouée la finale le 18 décembre.

Ce statut de grand favori pour un sixième sacre est renforcé par les blessures à répétition chez les champions sortants français et la défaite-choc des Argentins de Lionel Messi contre l’Arabie saoudite mardi (2-1) dans ce même stade.

Ce revers des grands rivaux sud-américains, doit “nous faire réfléchir. On sait qu’il n’y a pas de moments faciles pendant une Coupe du monde”, a mis en garde l’entraîneur Tite, conscient de la pression considérable qui pèse sur ses joueurs. Le Brésil, pays du football-roi, attend depuis vingt ans d’accrocher une sixième étoile à son maillot. 

Etincelant depuis le début de saison avec le Paris-SG, Neymar a devancé l’appel puisqu’il en a déjà fait coudre une sur son short avant de poster la photo sur Instagram. Arrogant l’attaquant parisien? “Seulement un rêveur”, le défend Richarlison. 

Stojkovic: même pas peur

La défaite mercredi de l’Allemagne contre le Japon (2-1), deuxième grosse surprise de ce début de compétition, sonne comme un nouveau rappel à la vigilance pour Neymar et ses équipiers.

D’autant que la Serbie ne se présentera pas en victime expiatoire. “Personne ne me fait peur dans ce monde, pas même le Brésil. Pas besoin d’avoir peur”, prévient l’entraîneur serbe Dragan “Piksi” Stojkovic.

Le maître à jouer de la dernière équipe yougoslave se laisse aller à l’ironie pour répondre à une question sur le potentiel offensif brésilien. “Vous dites que les Brésiliens vont jouer avec quatre attaquants ? Alors c’est fini pour nous ! Le Brésil a de la chance d’avoir quatre attaquants mais il faudra bien que quelqu’un joue en défense, non ?”, sourit-il.

Si elle ne donne pas toutes les garanties derrière, son équipe n’est pas démunie offensivement avec des joueurs évoluant dans les grands championnats européens, l’expérimenté Dusan Tadic, le massif Aleksandar Mitrovic. Et surtout Dusan Vlahovic, l’arme N.1 des “Aigles”, successeur à la Juventus Turin de Cristiano Ronaldo, l’autre grande star à entrer en scène jeudi.

Le Portugais, qui vient de rompre d’un commun accord son contrat avec Manchester United après une dispute publique au lance-flamme, assure que ce feuilleton “n’ébranlera pas” sa sélection. 

La Mannschaft sanctionnée ?

Outre des débuts réussis, cet insatiable collectionneur de records en aura un dans le viseur: déjà meilleur buteur de l’histoire du football de sélections (117 buts en 191 capes), il peut devenir contre le Ghana le premier à marquer lors de cinq Coupes du monde différentes. Lui assure que ce ne sera pas sa priorité: “Si nous sommes champions du monde sans que je marque, je signe tout de suite.”

Dans ce Mondial émaillé de controverses extra-sportives, il ne faut jurer de rien mais le président de la Fifa Gianni Infantino peut rêver d’une journée plus tranquille jeudi que la veille.

Des sept sélections européennes à avoir envisagé de porter le brassard inclusif “One Love” avant de renoncer face aux menaces de sanctions sportives de la Fifa, la Suisse est la seule attendue sur le pré jeudi.

Le capitaine helvète Granit Xhaka a déjà dit qu’il ne suivrait pas l’exemple des Allemands qui ont publiquement marqué leur mécontentement face aux pressions de la Fifa avant leur défaite contre le Japon en mettant leur main devant la bouche sur la photo officielle: “Je ne pense pas que nous devons faire quelque chose en tant qu’équipe suisse. Il nous faut respecter les règles et nous concentrer sur le football.”

Une question toutefois. La Fifa, bien silencieuse sur le sujet, réagira-t-elle au défi allemand et sanctionnera-t-elle la “Mannschaft”?


L’attaquant brésilien Neymar à l’entraînement à Doha, le 20 novembre 2022

Dragan Stojkovic, sélectionneur de l’équipe de Serbie, à la veille de son entrée en lice dans le Mondial-2022 contre le Brésil, lors d’une conférence de presse à Doha, le 23 novembre 2022

Les joueurs de l’Allemagne se couvrent la bouche en signe de protestation contre l’interdiction du brassard One Love, avant leur premier match au Mondial contre le Japon, le 23 novembre 2022 à Doha
• Ina Fassbender

Young American fugitive nabbed by cops in Manchester Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

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Loop News

9 minutes ago

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A young American fugitive who is wanted in the state of New York in the United States of America, was arrested during a pre-dawn operation by members of the Jamaica Fugitive Apprehension Team (JFAT) and C-TOC Special Operations in the Greenvale community of Manchester on Wednesday, November 23.

He is Matthew Pinnock, 18, who is wanted on a provisional warrant of arrest under the Extradition Act for various offenses, including attempt murder, conspiracy to commit murder, robbery, assault, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment, among other charges.

Reports are that the police team went to premises in Greenvale, where a house was searched and Pinnock was found hiding.

He was subsequently transported to Kingston, where he remains in custody.

He is set to appear in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Friday, November 25.

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The return of direct flights from Italy is being hailed by local stakeholders as a major boost for air connectivity out of Europe and for the upcoming winter tourist season.

“The addition of th

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The St Ann police have confirmed that the vice-principal of Ocho Rios Primary School and a parent have been charged following an alleged physical confrontation between both parties at the school on Mo


Mr Killa was announced as the winner of the Best Reggae and Dancehall category at Saturday evening’s African Muzik Magazine Awards (AFRIMMA).

The Grenadian Soca superstar was voted as the category’


A new champion will be crowned in the urban area ISSA/Digicel Manning Cup football competition after St Andrew Technical High School (STATHS) defeated Kingston College (KC) 3-2 in their semi-final gam

FIFA World Cup(TM)

Day 4 of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar comes your way today with two of the Concacaf teams – Costa Rica and Canada in action.

Canada return to soccer’s biggest stage for the first time sin

WATCH: Pierre Administration To Pay LIAT, Majestic Industries Workers – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre’s administration will make severance payments to former LIAT and Majestic Industries workers.

The approximate compensation package value for the former employees of Majestic Industries and Liat 1974 LTD exceeds XCD 6.3 million.

More from Rehani Isidore:

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SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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A Taïwan, les candidats aux élections brandissent des légumes pour attirer la chance

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Pas de bébé dans les bras, mais des légumes: a Taïwan, les politiciens désireux de conquérir de nouveaux électeurs posent avec de gros radis blancs ou des bottes d’ail frais…

Pas de bébé dans les bras, mais des légumes: a Taïwan, les politiciens désireux de conquérir de nouveaux électeurs posent avec de gros radis blancs ou des bottes d’ail frais dans l’espoir que cela leur porte chance.

L’origine de cette coutume repose sur l’intérêt des Taïwanais pour les homonymes – des mots ayant la même prononciation mais plusieurs significations.

La culture politique de l’île démocratique de 23 millions d’habitants est empreinte de symboles porte-bonheur et de superstition. Les candidats n’hésitent pas à se tourner vers un maître feng-shui pour connaître le meilleur emplacement pour leur QG de campagne ou le jour idoine pour son inauguration. 

L’ail (suan) est particulièrement prisé, sa prononciation signifiant “choisi”. Mais le radis blanc (tsai-tao) est le grand gagnant car  se prononçant comme “bonne chance”, et l’ananas (ong-lai) comme “la prospérité arrive”. 

Ke Chiong-shu, une commerçante de 60 ans, vend des légumes sur un marché de Taipei où se sont rendus de nombreux candidats aux élections locales de samedi. 

L’AFP a ainsi vu l’ancien ministre de la Santé Chen Shih-chung, candidat à la mairie de Taipei, l’un des postes les plus importants à pourvoir lors de ce scrutin, prendre des radis et de l’aïl frais à cette commerçante. 

“J’espère que vous serez élu”, lui a-t-elle lancé, au moment où le prétendant à la mairie de la capitale, brandissait fièrement ses légumes à la foule. 

“J’en donne à tous les candidats, quelle que soit leur couleur politique”, explique Mme Ke.

Après avoir tourné la page de décennies de loi martiale en 1987, Taïwan est devenue l’une des démocraties les plus dynamiques et progressistes d’Asie. De quoi inquiéter la Chine voisine, qui considère l’île comme faisant partie de son territoire et qui a juré d’en reprendre le contrôle, par la force si nécessaire.

L’île donne presque l’impression de vivre au rythme des campagnes électorales. 

Les élections présidentielle et législatives ont lieu tous les 4 ans. Entre les deux se tiennent des scrutins locaux pour élire notamment les maires des grandes villes et des chefs de village. 

Les habitants sont aussi régulièrement appelés à se prononcer par référendum sur des questions constitutionnelles. 

Les élections de samedi, par exemple, comprennent un référendum sur l’abaissement de l’âge du droit de vote de 20 à 18 ans.  

Un message à la Chine

“Ce qui caractérise les élections locales à Taïwan c’est à quel point les choses sont personnalisées”, a souligné auprès de l’AFP le politologue Lev Nachman. 

Salutations, échange de poignées de main ou même simple inclinaison de la tête peuvent aussi grandement contribuer à recueillir le soutien d’un candidat. 

“Les électeurs plus âgés aiment voir leurs politiciens sur les marchés et tôt le matin dans les rues”, selon ce spécialiste de la politique électorale taïwanaise.

Depuis l’arrivée de la présidente Tsai Ing-wen au pouvoir, Pékin a coupé les communications officielles avec l’île, intensifié ses exercices militaires, durci les pressions économiques et arraché à Taïwan sept de ses alliés diplomatiques.

Le Parti démocratique progressiste (PDP), auquel appartient la présidente réélue en 2020, considère Taïwan comme une nation souveraine de facto.

L’opposition est dominée par le parti du Kuomintang plus favorable à un rapprochement avec la Chine.

Les tensions entre Taipei et Pékin ont atteint leur niveau le plus élevé en août, après la visite de Nancy Pelosi – figure politique américaine – à laquelle Pékin a rétorqué par de gigantesques manoeuvres militaires.

Mais la menace d’un conflit ne semble pas au centre des préoccupations du prochain scrutin. 

“Même si nous venons de vivre ces manoeuvres militaires intenses en août, les candidats locaux n’en parlent pas vraiment”, souligne M. Nachman. “Au lieu de cela, il s’agit beaucoup plus d’attaquer les adversaires en fonction (…) de leur caractère”, a-t-il ajouté. 

Néanmoins, Lin Pei-ying, 36 ans, une candidate du PDP, se dit convaincue que l’engagement de son parti à maintenir le mode de vie démocratique de Taïwan influencera toujours les décisions des électeurs.  

“Nous envoyons un message à la Chine”, a-t-elle déclaré à l’AFP. “Taïwan est Taïwan, la Chine est la Chine”. 


Chen Shih-chung (C), candidat à la mairie de Taipei pour le Parti démocratique progressiste (PDP) au pouvoir, tient des oignons verts tout en posant avec un partisan lors de sa campagne à Taipei, le 8 novembre 2022
• Sam Yeh

Un homme tient un panier de “légumes porte-bonheur” qui lui a été offert par le candidat indépendant à la mairie de Taipei, Huang Shan-shan, lors d’une campagne électorale au marché Huannan de Taipei, le 23 novembre 2022
• Sam YEH

Caribbean Born Comedian, Actor Is “The Man from Philadelphia”

Black Immigrant Daily News

News Americas, TORONTO, Canada, Thurs. Nov. 24, 2022: A Caribbean born comedian, actor and author is now “The Man From Philadelphia,” a new film on Tubi TV & Amazon US.

“The Man From Philadelphia” is a film co-directed & executive produced by Kevin Herod and stars Guyana-born, Toronto stand-up comedian, actor and author, Kevin Christopher. The film is the story of entertainment and business manager, Markus Wigglesworthenstein.

When Wigglesworthenstein is publicly fired and labeled a boy band con artist of a manager, his business suffers a setback. Attempting a rebound for both his personal and career’s sake, by quarterbacking the introduction of two new musical acts as they make their debut to the world, he immediately runs into problems.

“The Man From Philadelphia” is an outside the box film with a unique aspect for its viewers, seeing as how Wigglesworthenstein is the only one who speaks. Christopher (Wigglesworthenstein) doesn’t narrate, but instead moves the plot along via dialogue throughout the one-hour screen time, while encountering a cast of characters along the way.

An interesting nod to the actual city of Philadelphia in the story of “The Man From Philadelphia” is when Christopher, as Wigglesworthenstein, artfully fits in a rendition of the 1843 American poem ‘Tell Tale Heart’ written by EDGAR ALLAN POE, composed while the poet lived in Philadelphia.

Outside of filmmaking, Christopher is the author of the chess and exotic dancer novel titled, ’The Queensway,’ which is available on Amazon E-books. The Comedian, known for taking risks to success, did just that with his YouTube Rap video ‘I Cheat.’ Christopher is a previous Second City Tim Simms award nominated comedian and a popular night club MC, with appearances on MTV’s reality dating show Play’d. The multi-talented comedian, actor & author is also the voice of Teletoon cartoon hero, ‘Ninjamaica.’

“The Man From Philadelphia” is Kevin Christopher at his best and taking you along with him.

“The Man From Philadelphia” available now on Tubi TV & Amazon US.

Watch the Trailer:

Judge Wants Vybz Kartel Corrupt Juror Case Wraps Before 2023

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

A Jamaican judge has bemoaned the ongoing criminal case for Livingston Cain who was charged for allegedly offering bribe to a juror in Vybz Kartel’s high-profile murder case eight years ago.

The case came up for hearing on Tuesday, where parish Court Judge Maxine Ellis remarked that the case had been prolonged in the court.

It is alleged that the juror, Livingston Cain offered a monetary inducement to a fellow juror to give a vote in favor of freeing the incarcerated deejay. According to police, while the trial was taking place in 2014, Cain was eventually hit with a charge of perverting the course of justice in relation to his offer of $500,000 to a female juror for a not-guilty verdict in the trial.

At the time, dancehall artistes Vybz Kartel, his protégé Shawn Campbell, associates Kahiro Jones and Andre St John, were convicted for Clive “Lizard” Williams’s murder, which police say occured in 2011.

Judge Ellis, however, said the matter has been in court for too long and said she wanted to see the matter end in the new year.

“I would prefer finishing this matter in this calendar year so I don’t have to make another anniversary. I have now set the matter for summation. All things being equal, this matter is going to be completed on December 13,” Ellis said.

In the meantime, King’s Counsel Valerie Neita Robertson who formerly represented Vybz Kartel during his trial at first instance, also said that her client was innocent and pointed out that the Crown’s case was weak and should have been thrown out.

According to the senior attorney, the female juror who reported Cain reportedly had a recording of a conversation she claimed was evidence of him offering the bribe, but the recording was not clear.

The defense counsel added that the so-called evidence in the case hinged on what the woman was alleging, but the evidence was not enough outside of her interpreting it for the court.

“There was a conversation and she interprets it by saying, ‘So you want me to influence them fi leggo di man dem and den we talk? Mi nuh understand da piece deh’. All of this is coming from her. Based on the recording that was not clear, she went back to Mr Cain and renewed the conversation. She said ‘what is in it for me, Mr Cain? Weh you ago get $500,000 from and you always say you nuh have no money?’, all of what would amount to corroboration,” said King’s Counsel Valerie Neita Robertson as quoted by the Observer.

The attorney also brought up the issue of the juror’s phone, which according to the lawyer, is not available for a forensic audit to verify whether her claims are credible.

The matter will come up again for mention on December 13.

Zr.Ms. Pelikaan meert aan voor viering Onafhankelijkheidsdag

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

door Arjen Stikvoort PARAMARIBO — Het Nederlandse marineschip Zr.Ms (Zijner Majesteits) Pelikaan, komend van Willemstad, Curaçao, is woensdag aangemeerd in de

Qatar World Cup 2022 schedule: Thursday, November 24 Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Sports

40 minutes ago

Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo controls a ball during his team official training on the eve of the Group H World Cup football match against Ghana at the Al Shahaniya SC training site in Al Shahaniya, Qatar, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man).

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Two of the best players in football start World Cup competition on day five (Thursday) as Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar both seek history in Qatar.

Ronaldo is attempting to become the first male football player to score in five different World Cups when he leads Portugal against Ghana. Marta of Brazil has scored in five Women’s World Cups.

Neymar, meanwhile, is the leader of a Brazil team seeking a record-extending sixth World Cup title but first in 20 years. Brazil play Serbia in their first match.

See Thursday’s schedule below:

Group G5:00 am – Switzerland vs Cameroon

Group H8:00 am – Uruguay vs South Korea11:00 am – Portugal vs Ghana

Group G2:00 pm – Brazil vs Serbia

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The return of direct flights from Italy is being hailed by local stakeholders as a major boost for air connectivity out of Europe and for the upcoming winter tourist season.

“The addition of th


Mr Killa was announced as the winner of the Best Reggae and Dancehall category at Saturday evening’s African Muzik Magazine Awards (AFRIMMA).

The Grenadian Soca superstar was voted as the category’


A new champion will be crowned in the urban area ISSA/Digicel Manning Cup football competition after St Andrew Technical High School (STATHS) defeated Kingston College (KC) 3-2 in their semi-final gam

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Canada return to soccer’s biggest stage for the first time sin

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The St Ann police have confirmed that the vice-principal of Ocho Rios Primary School and a parent have been charged following an alleged physical confrontation between both parties at the school on Mo

Japan beat Germany in second World Cup shock result

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Source: Independent, Goals from substitutes Ritsu Doan and Takuma Asano in the last 15 minutes gave Japan a stunning 2-1 upset over four-times champions Germany in their World Cup Group E opener on Wednesday.

The Germans had dominated the contest at the Khalifa International Stadium and taken the lead with a 33rd-minute penalty from Ilkay Guendogan after Japan goalkeeper Shuichi Gonda had fouled wing back David Raum.

The second goal never came, however, and Japan’s raids into the German half became more and more frequent, culminating in Doan’s equaliser and a brilliant finish from Asano eight minutes later.

The defeat was the third in a row in the opening match of a major championship for Germany after a loss to Mexico at the 2018 World Cup, when they bowed out in the first round as champions, and to France at Euro 2020.


Andrea Iervolino Tapped to Evaluate Entertainment Investment Opportunities in West Indies with focus on Antigua

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

November 23, 2022 – Entertainment industry mogul and multinational business entrepreneur Andrea Iervolino has been tasked with evaluating entertainment investment opportunities in the in the West Indies, with a focus on enriching Antigua and Barbuda with opportunities involving film and TV productions, strategic partnerships, and cooperations bridging the countries with Europe and North America where Iervolino runs several successful businesses.

In this undertaking, Iervolino will work closely with Dario Item, Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the Kingdom of Spain, the Principality of Monaco, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the UNWTO.

Said Iervolino, “Its an honor to be tasked with building valuable, long-lasting culture and business bridges between the West Indies, Europe and North America.

I see tremendous opportunity and envision entertainment and tech industries being key drivers in cross-border collaborations that can galvanize and provide mutual returns very quickly.

The West Indies, and in particular Antigua and Barbuda, have long been overlooked despite being well positioned for growth.

We will bring opportunities swiftly and the global markets will take notice.”

Dario Item commented, “Nobody is better equipped than Andrea to open the doors of Antigua and Barbuda to North American and European businesses in these key growth sectors.

Running successful companies throughout Europe and North America and recognized as a pioneering business leader, Andrea’s approach to fostering new relationships and building foundations is remarkable.

This is precisely what we need and why Andrea is the ideal man for this job.”

Iervolino founded and runs the publicly held studio Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment (“ILBE”) (Euronext Growth Milan – IE and Euronext Growth Paris – ALIE);

publicly traded Tatatu S.p.A. the first social media and entertainment app to reward users for the value they help generate by spending time on the platform (Euronext Growth Paris ticker code: ALTTU) which has a $6 billion valuation;

and the cutting edge SPACE 11 – a company specifically dedicated to servicing film and TV projects in outer space.

Iervolino and Lady Bacardi Entertainment S.p.A. (ILBE) is a global production company active in the production of film and television content as well as animated web series.

The Company also operates through the subsidiaries Arte Video, and Red Carpet, IES Serbia, Wepost (formerly Iexchange) and the associated company WTI.

ILBE was listed on Euronext Growth Milan in August 2019, and from January 2022 also on Euronext Growth Paris. In 2020 ILBE recorded revenues of € 121 million, EBIT of € 23 million and a net result of € 19 million.

ILBE is currently working on the highly anticipated movie “Ferrari” written, directed and produced by four-time Oscar® nominee Michael Mann and starring Academy Award® nominee Adam Driver, Academy Award® winner Penélope Cruz, Shailene Woodley, Patrick Dempsey and Jack O’Connell.

The company most recently closed a U.S. theatrical distribution deal with Samuel Goldwyn Films for its star-studded female powered “Tell it Like a Woman” featuring an esteemed group of female filmmakers and actors that includes Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer HudsonPauletta Washington ,Cara Delevingne, Catherine Hardwicke, Margherita Buy, Marcia Gay Harden, Eva Longoria, Leonor Varela, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anne Watanabe and Mipo O. ILBE made this film in collaboration with Chiara Tilesi’s non-profit We Do it Together.

On the family entertainment front, the global success of their animated family/adventure film and series “Arctic Dogs” and “Puffins,” has led to three new spinoff series produced by ILBE.

The innovative short series are designed specifically to meet the needs of new generations increasingly accustomed to the very short duration of clips due to the exponential growth of new video reel formats of social networks such as Tik Tok and Instagram.

The series, which will be available from the end of the second quarter of 2023, will contain 60 second episodes and will feature likeable characters from the spin-off series of the animated film “Arctic Dogs” and “Puffins” series.

Iervolino founded social media platform TaTaTu in 2020 with the aim of becoming one of the world’s must-use social media and entertainment platform.

The Company’s vision is that sharing value among the various players that are active in the social media environment, namely (i) the platform, (ii) the content producers and (iii) the viewers, constitutes a new and fair approach to business, which the Company expects will be recognized and appreciated by users.

Such an innovative approach is the cornerstone of the Company’s vision of a “sharing economy”.

TaTaTu’s direct listing took place in October 2022 through the admission to trading of 814,265,232 shares.

The reference share price was €2.00, equals to the subscription price of a private placement conducted prior to the listing.

Thus, the market capitalization of the Company was approximately €1.6bn on the day of the listing.


About Andrea Iervolino

Andrea Iervolino is an award-winning movie producer and businessman whose passion for cinema led him to producing films starting at the age of 15. Since then, the now 35 year old Iervolino, has produced and distributed over 75 films, making him one of the most active and accomplished film executives in the world and alongside his business partner Lady Monika Bacardi, Iervolino has co-founded several entertainment ventures.

Iervolino is currently one of the youngest and most highly regarded Italian entrepreneurs in the world of filmmaking.

At the 71st Venice Film Festival, alongside Al Pacino and Barry Levinson, Iervolino was recognized with the Best Producer Award.

In 2016, at the Capri Hollywood Film Festival, he was named Filmmaker of the Year for his work on James Franco’s ‘In Dubious Battle’.

Later in 2016, and again in 2018, he was awarded Best Producer and Businessman at the Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF).

On June 18th, 2018, Iervolino was awarded Knighthood of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana) by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the Italian Consulate of Canada for his outstanding achievement in the fields of business and media culture.

Through ILBE, Iervolino produced the feature adaptation of J.M. Coetzee’s prize-winning novel Waiting for the Barbarians, directed by Ciro Guerra, and starring Academy Award® winner Mark Rylance, multiple Academy Award® nominee Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson; Marcus Stokes’ State of Consciousness, starring Emile Hirsch: Eddie & Sunny with Gabriel Luna;

The Poison Rose starring John Travolta and Morgan Freeman; Dakota with Abbie Cornish, Lola Sultan, Patrick Muldoon and William Baldwin; Muti with Morgan Freeman, Cole Hauser, Peter Stormare, Vernon Davis and Giuseppe Zeno; Tell it Like a Woman with Jennifer Hudson, Cara Delevingne, Eva Longoria, Margherita Buy, Jacqueline Fernandez and Marcia Gay Harden.

He’s executive producer, through ILBE, of two movies: Lamborghini based on the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini, directed by Bobbie Moresco and with Frank Grillo, Gabriel Byrne and Mira Sorvino, and Minamata by Andrew Levitas, with Johnny Depp.

Among the films produced by Iervolino are the comedy “Safe Spaces” starring Justin Long, Fran Drescher and Richard Schiff; and the 3D, CGI animated family film “Arctic Dogs” starring Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin, Heidi Klum, John Cleese, James Franco and Anjelica Huston;

the father/son stock car racing film “Trading Paint,” starring Two-time Oscar® nominee John Travolta, Shania Twain, Toby Sebastian and Michael Madsen; the romantic drama “Here and Now” starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Renée Zellweger, Common and Simon Baker; the revenge thriller “Bent” from Academy Award® winner Bobby Moresco, starring Karl Urban, Sofia Vergara and Andy Garcia;

the heist movie “Finding Steve McQueen,” starring Travis Fimmel, Rachael Taylor, William Fichtner and Forest Whitaker, directed by Mark Steven Johnson;

the Andrea Bocelli biopic “The Music of Silence”, directed by Oscar® nominated Michael Radford and starring Antonio Banderas, Toby Sebastian and Jordi Molla;

the psychological thriller “Black Butterfly” starring Antonio Banderas and Jonathan Rhys Meyers; the faith based children’s film “Beyond the Sun,” featuring His Holiness Pope Francis.

Iervolino also creates high-quality short animated series for streaming platforms. He produced two spin off from the movie “Arctic Dogs: Arctic Friends” and “Puffins,” with cast voice by Johnny Depp. He launched an animation studios, Iervolino Studios, in Serbia last year.

Andrea Iervolino Accolades:

● ICFF 2022 President of Jury

●TAORMINA EXCELLENCE AWARD Best Producer for “Tell it Like a Woman” film project

● KNIGHT OF THE ORDER OF MERIT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC From the President of the Italian   Republic Sergio Mattarella

● 2 HONORARY DEGREES Vasili Goldis University Mexico City University

● LAZIALE DELL’ANNO AWARD – ONTARIO 2017 From the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

● MAGNA GRAECIA FILM FESTIVAL 2017 Producer of the year

● CAPRI HOLLYWOOD FILM FESTIVAL 2016 Best Filmmaker for In Dubious Battle

● MIMMO ROTELLA AWARD 2016 AMBI Group as Best Film Production

● IC-SAVING AWARD 2016 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer and Businessman

● ACTION ACADEMY AWARD 2016 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer and Businessman

● VARIETY’s 2015 Dealmaker Andrea Iervolino being named one of Variety’s 2015 Dealmakers

● ICFF Awards 2015 Andrea Iervolino is the new Ambassadaor of Italian Cinema in the world (a TIFF event)

● MADE IN ITALY AWARDS 2015 Best Italian businessman

● VENICE FILM FESTIVAL 2015: MIMMO ROTELLA AWARD (a Biennale event) Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer. 71^ Annual Venice Film Festival:

● POMPEI CINEMA FESTIVAL 2014 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer

● ICFF Award 2013: Best Film Production Company

● ICFF Award 2014: Best Film Production Company

● Ichia Global Fest Award 2014: Best Film Production Company

● Capri Hollywood Award 2014: Best Film Production Company