Minister Dangui Oduber ta gradici tur maestronan di scol y ta felicita tur alumnonan

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Diario

Pa cu e ceramento di aña escolar 2021-2022

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Diabierna e aña escolar 2021-2022 a yega na su fin y vakantie grandi a cuminsa oficialmente. Pa es motibo Minister di Turismo y Salud Publico sr. Dangui Oduber ta gradici tur nos maestronan pa a guia, inspira y educa nos studiantenan durante e aña escolar. Un pabien na tur e muchanan y hobennan cu a bay over y tambe na esnan cu a gradua, suerte den e siguiente aña escolar of cualkier reto cu boso por tin.

            Educacion ta e yabi pa futuro, e ta un privilegio, un derecho di tur mucha, pa siña y expande nan mes. Como Minister encarga cu Turismo y Salud Publico mi ta gradici y felicita tur nos hobennan cu ta studiando sea na EPB, EPI y Universidad di Aruba pa bay labora den nos sector di hospitalidad y/of den cuido medico. Boso por logra tur cos cu boso pone como meta boso dilanti!

            Danki na e maestronan pa nan esfuersonan continuo na e studiantenan, esaki ta locual ta crea e pilarnan den nos sociedad pa e dia di mañan. E ta tuma curashi pa haci e trabou aki, asina minister Oduber a trece dilanti.

Pueblo tin e oportunidad pa conoce e proyecto di Eagle LNG personalmente

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Diario

Parlamentario Alvin Molina (MEP):

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Otro siman Eagle LNG lo sigui duna informacion na pueblo di Aruba, e biaha aki na un manera mas personal.

           Politiconan di tur signatura e expresa nan punto di bista riba e proyecto aki. Entrante otro siman ciudadanonan por haci pregunta, vocifera nan preocupacionnan, duna tips y ideanan directamente na expertonan di Eagle LNG. Por ehempel por haya mas informacion di e historia/experencia di Eagle LNG, e meta di e proyecto na Aruba y con lo ehecuta e proyecto. Tambe lo por ricibi mas informacion tocante e impacto di e proyecto riba medio ambiente y specialmente esnan cu ta biba den e area entre WEB y refineria.

            Cu esaki Eagle LNG ta demostrando nan deseo pa pueblo di Aruba ta bon informa tocante e proyecto aki. Ta bon informa lo por yuda pa kita cualkier preocupacion cu kisas ainda por biba den pueblo, specialmente topiconan cu ta concerni siguridad y e impacto riba e bida diario den barionan pariba di brug. Ayera representantenan di Eagle LNG a bin den parlamento pa contesta preguntanan. A subraya cu nan tin e boluntad pa contesta nan den tur transparencia.

            Di mi banda mi kier invita pueblo di Aruba pa haci uso di e oportunidad aki di combersa directamente cu expertonan riba e proyecto di Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). Bini, haci bo pregunta, comparti bo preocupacionnan y sigur tambe comparti bo deseonan pa cu e proyecto aki.

            E profesionalnan lo tey presente na MFA Savaneta diamars Juli 12 di 9:00am pa 1:00pm. Di dos session di informacion lo tuma lugar diaranson 13 di juli di 2:00 pm pa 5:00 pm y por ultimo diahuebs 14 di juli di 6.30 pm pa 9:00pm.

Le président du Sri Lanka en fuite, sa…

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Le président du Sri Lanka, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, a fui samedi son palais de Colombo quelques minutes avant qu’il ne soit pris d’assaut par des centaines de manifestants l’accusant d’être le responsable de la crise économique catastrophique que traverse le pays et voulant le chasser du pouvoir.

Le Premier ministre Ranil Wickremesinghe, qui est le prochain dans la ligne de succession si M. Rajapaksa démissionne, a aussitôt convoqué une réunion d’urgence du gouvernement pour discuter d’une “résolution rapide” de la crise. Dans un communiqué, il a convié les dirigeants des partis politiques à se joindre à cette réunion et a également demandé que le Parlement soit convoqué.

“Le président a été escorté en lieu sûr”, a indiqué une source de la Défense à l’AFP. “Il est toujours le président, il est protégé par une unité militaire”, a ajouté cette source, selon laquelle les soldats gardant la résidence officielle ont tiré en l’air pour dissuader les manifestants d’approcher jusqu’à ce que M. Rajapaksa soit évacué.

Les chaînes de télévision locales ont montré des images de centaines de personnes escaladant les grilles du palais présidentiel, un bâtiment datant de l’époque coloniale, situé en bord de mer et symbole du pouvoir au Sri Lanka.

Certains manifestants ont diffusé en direct sur les réseaux sociaux des vidéos montrant une foule déambulant à l’intérieur du palais.

Des responsables gouvernementaux ont dit ignorer les intentions de M. Rajapaksa après sa fuite. “Nous attendons des instructions”, a déclaré à l’AFP un haut fonctionnaire. “Nous ne savons toujours pas où il se trouve, mais nous savons qu’il est avec la marine du Sri Lanka et qu’il est en sécurité”.

Des dizaines de milliers de personnes avaient auparavant participé à Colombo à une manifestation pour exiger la démission de M. Rajapaksa, jugé responsable de la crise sans précédent qui frappe le Sri Lanka et provoque une inflation galopante ainsi que de graves pénuries de carburant, d’électricité et d’aliments.

Les Nations unies estiment notamment qu’environ 80% de la population saute des repas pour faire face aux pénuries et à la flambée des prix.

Le principal hôpital de Colombo a fait état de 14 personnes soignées après avoir été touchées par des grenades lacrymogènes lors de la manifestation.

– Trains “réquisitionnés” –

Vendredi, les forces de l’ordre avaient imposé un couvre-feu pour tenter de décourager les protestataires de descendre dans la rue. Mais cette mesure a été levée après des menaces de poursuites contre le chef de la police formulées par des partis d’opposition, des militants des droits humains et le barreau du pays.

Le couvre-feu avait de toutes façons été largement ignoré par les manifestants, dont certains ont même forcé samedi les autorités ferroviaires à les conduire en train jusqu’à Colombo pour participer au rassemblement, ont indiqué des responsables à l’AFP.

“Le couvre-feu n’a pas eu d’effet dissuasif. Il a en fait encouragé davantage de personnes à descendre dans les rues en guise de défi”, a déclaré le responsable de la Défense. “Des passagers ont réquisitionné des trains pour rejoindre Colombo”.

Même si le pays a presque épuisé ses maigres réserves d’essence, les manifestants, soutenus par les principaux partis d’opposition, ont également loué des bus privés pour se rendre dans la capitale.

Selon les autorités, quelque 20.000 soldats et policiers avaient été dépêchés à Colombo pour protéger le président.

L’ONU avait exhorté les autorités sri-lankaises et les manifestants à veiller à ce que les rassemblements de samedi se déroulent dans le calme.

En mai, neuf personnes avaient été tuées et plusieurs centaines blessés lors de troubles dans le pays.

Le Sri Lanka a fait défaut en avril sur sa dette extérieure de 51 milliards de dollars, et a entamé des négociations de sauvetage avec le Fonds monétaire international.

Cette crise, d’une ampleur sans précédent depuis l’indépendance du pays en 1948, est imputée à la pandémie de Covid-19 qui a privé cette île d’Asie du Sud des devises du secteur touristique et a été aggravée par une série de mauvaises décisions politiques, selon des économistes.

Let us collectively lock arms to keep out vices of hatred, bitterness and prejudice – Pres Ali

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Message by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha 2022:

Devotion and love

I join in extending best wishes to all Guyanese, but especially my Muslim brothers and sisters, on this festive occasion of Eid-ul-Adha.

This sacred observance recalls the Prophet Abraham’s deep love for his son, a love so true and pure that it could only be tested by the Prophet’s supreme obedience to God.  Abraham’s love for his son is emblematic of Allah’s love for all of his creation. Abraham’s willingness to submit to the will of Allah represents the ultimate measure of spiritual devotion. The Prophet Abraham’s readiness to offer his son as a sacrifice, thus, links our loyalty to God to our love for our fellow human beings.

The Holy Quran urges us to imitate the example of Abraham. It says: “And who is better in faith than those who ˹fully˺ submit themselves to Allah, do good and follow the Way of Abraham, the upright?” 

Eid-ul-Adha, or the festival of the Sacrifice, is a time when Muslims affirm their devotion to Allah. It is an occasion to do so by demonstrating their sincere concern for their fellow Brothers and Sisters. Qurbani is not simply an act of sacrifice but one intended to show our devotion to Allah, a letting go of attachments and embracing our fellow Brothers and Sisters.

In our society today, there are forces who wish to divide our people as a means of derailing the unity of our human family. Let us collectively lock our arms together to form an impregnable chain to keep out the vices of hatred, bitterness and prejudice! The Holy Quran urges us to “Hold fast together to the cable of Allah and be not divided.” 

We cannot love Allah and at the same attack our fellow Brothers and Sisters. We cannot love Allah and condone or ignore an injustice towards another. We show our devotion to Allah by protecting and taking care of Allah’s Creation – the human family.

May this most beautiful festival of Eid-ul-Adha inspire us to grow stronger in love and togetherness, secure in the knowledge that, by serving each other, we are genuflecting to the Will of the Almighty!

Eid Mubarak to one and all!

Eid-ul-Adha is reflection of happiness, family bonding and nurturing mutual compassion for humanity – CIOG

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Eid-ul- Adha Message from the President of the CIOG – July 2022:

Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak!

“This day I have perfected your Deen for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen.” (Holy Quran – Surah Al-Ma’eda Chapter 5 verse 3)

All gratitude is to Allah (swt), Lord of all creation, peace and blessings on the noble Prophet
(saw), his family and Companions. I offer Eid Mubarak greetings on behalf of the Central
Islamic Organization of Guyana and I ask Allah (swt), the Almighty, to accept from all of us, our good deeds.

Eid-ul-Adha is the commemoration of one of the most celebrated families in history. Our father, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) or Abraham. He is known as the common patriarch of what is referred to as the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The day of Eid-ul-Adha, is the commemoration of the struggles of our father Ibrahim (peace be upon him), and his family. This struggle at its core revolves around his absolute and pure devotion to Allah (swt), GOD Almighty. Him and his family’s willingness to sacrifice everything they possessed, especially, that which he loved the most, his son Ishmael, for his Lord.

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is described as the forefather of all the Prophets who came after him, including Moses, Jesus, and our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is accorded the highest status in the Holy Quran and is described in Surah An-Nahl Chapter 16: verse 120), as an “Ummah," a nation. Imagine one person referred to as an Ummah. This is partly because the amount of good, his exemplar submission to Allah (swt), and sincerity in his worship, all embodied to the degree of an entire Ummah, a nation. Further, he was given the title of Khaleel-lullah, or friend of Allah.

“When his Lord said to him ‘submit’, he said ‘I have submitted [in Islam] to the Lord of the worlds.” (Holy Quran – Surah Al-Baqara Chapter 2: verse 131)

Now that Eid-ul-Adha is upon us, how should we commemorate this day? Eid-ul-Adha is a
season of reflection, happiness, family bonding, and bridging the gap between generations, as well as nurturing mutual compassion for all of humanity. Eid is also an opportunity to
demonstrate solidarity. Especially as humanity continues to experience crises and obstacles, it is more important now than ever for each of us to be more introspective and step up to our full potential as custodians of each other. The pandemic did not look at race, color, creed or social standing. So too must our response be in the spirit of sacrifice, compassion and selflessness. Eid al-Adha is the celebration of the reformation of the human condition from that of servitude to other men to that of devotion to the Creator of all living and non-living things. Do not fall into the trap of considering yourself better than others; Remember Allah (swt) says, “People, we created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should get to know one another. Allah (swt) reminds us, “The most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware.” (Holy Quran – Surah Al-Hujraat 49: verse 13).

Considering Eid as a unifying factor for all the Muslim Ummah, I humbly request you to join me in raising our hands in Dua. Supplicating to The Almighty for Blessings and Protection of our Muslim brethren and all of humanity. Let us pray for peaceful co-existence in Guyana and the entire world. Change begins with the person in the mirror. Our actions must prove that we mean no ill to anyone and we are all part of one humanity. Each one of us has to be the change that we desire. Change yourself in order to set an example that encourages others to change. Verily, Allah (swt) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (Holy Quran – Surah Ar-Rad chapter 13: verse 11)

However, let us also take time to enjoy ourselves during these blessed days. As we enjoy
ourselves, let us keep the remembrance of God ever present on our tongues and in our hearts. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, described our great holiday best when he mentioned, concerning the three days which follow ‘Eid day, “They are days of eating, drinking, and remembering Allah.”

As Allah (swt) says in his Majestic Quran, “Indeed, the most worthy of Abraham among the
people are those who followed him [in submission to Allah] and this Prophet, and those who believe [in his message]. And Allah is the Wali (protector and helper) of the believers.” (Holy Quran – Surah Al-Imran 3: verse 68)

Our Father, Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, epitomized the verse of the Quran: “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).” (Holy Quran Surah Al-Imran 3: verse 173)

May Allah (swt) continue to bless you and your families and make us people who strive to bring benefit to others. Let us work on improving ourselves and those around us. Together we work to become agents of peace, instilling harmony among people regardless of ethnicity and creed. Let us be protectors of each other. May GOD bless our nation as we all strive for a better country.

May Allah (swt) show us right as right and help us to follow it and show us evil as evil and
enable us to stay far away from it. I pray our reflection leads us to be like the great Prophet, the Patriarch, our father, the Friend of GOD Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him and his family.

Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak!

Route naar Suriname Professional Football League

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

door Stan Herewood PARAMARIBO — Vier jaar geleden kreeg een commissie voorbereiding Suriname Prof League van het SVB-hoofdbestuur de opdracht

COVID-19 sub-variants beginning to evade antibodies

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Amandala Newspaper

While Omicron variants BA.1 and BA.2 are still the predominant strains causing COVID-19 in the country, Dr. Melissa Diaz Musa says that may soon change.

by Khaila Gentle

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. July 7, 2022
The number of new daily COVID-19 cases has fallen below 200 for the first time in a week (with 161 new cases confirmed at the time of writing), but Director of Public Health and Wellness Dr. Melissa Diaz Musa says that Belize is still very much in the midst of its fifth wave. And while results from recent genome sequencing have revealed that Omicron variants BA.1 and BA.2 are still the predominant COVID-19 strains in the country, that may change as soon as next week.
According to Dr. Diaz Musa, at present, more samples are being sequenced, and it is likely that the presence of the BA.4 and BA.5 strains will be detected. As the dynamics of the pandemic continue to shift, the Ministry of Health & Wellness has noted slight changes in the symptoms being presented by persons with COVID-19.
“Our hospitalization rates have been the same. We haven’t seen a significant increase. What I can say is that the symptoms that are being reported have shifted a little bit from previously, because with Omicron BA.1 and 2 we know that a lot of the symptoms were upper respiratory tract, or sore throat…a runny nose, sinusitis, and headache. Now we are seeing persons presenting a little bit more with cough—some people have developed pneumonia and are treated with antibiotics at home,” said the Director.
Dr. Diaz Musa noted that compounded with the fact that the symptoms of the newest COVID-19 sub-variants are slightly more severe than their previous counterparts, is recent scientific evidence that reveals the antibodies—whether through vaccines or being previously exposed to the virus—are less effective against BA.4 and BA.5.
“We know that because of the significant mutations, this virus is evading these antibodies three or four times more than with the previous sub-variants, so it’s something of concern as well,” she said.
Nevertheless, Dr. Musa Diaz maintains that vaccines continue to provide protection against severe illness and hospitalization. While there have been claims that the new sub-variants have also been eluding rapid tests, Dr. Melissa Diaz says that that has not been proven as yet.

Another murder in Lake I

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Amandala Newspaper

by Charles Gladden

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 6, 2022
On Tuesday, at around 9:40 p.m., Tyrone King, a 26-year-old resident of Giles Street, was killed in the home where he lives behind the Charles Bartlett Hyde building in the Lake Independence area of Belize City by a gunman who entered the house after he opened the door. According to initial police reports, when King opened the front door of the house, someone entered the living room area and fired two shots at his back. When police arrived at the scene moments later, they found a motionless King, with two gunshot wounds, bent over a sofa inside the home. While canvassing the area, police found three expended shells.
King’s sister, Shakera Reyna-Forrester, has indicated that the house where her brother was killed was not his, but that he had been residing there with his common-law wife. Forrester also told reporters that although her brother had a couple of run-ins with several individuals, he hadn’t told his family about any threats that had been made to his life.
“Tyrone has had run-in with people, and I would say as a family we would talk; he would share, but it’s not as if he came to us and said x person wanted me dead or y has it out for me. But we know that, of course, he did not make the best decisions in life, but we don’t know who exactly is responsible. We don’t know why they would want to do it. Everything is just up in the air for us right now,” Forrester said.
This isn’t the first time King’s family has lost a loved one due to gun violence. Back in 2016, Forrester’s only child, Tyler Savery, a 7-year-old, was killed while he was on a bicycle being ridden by his cousin, Porshan Pipersburgh, 21, as they headed to Moon Clusters café at the end of the school day. And two years before the child’s tragic death, Savery’s father, Leon Savery, was also killed near Saint Mary’s Primary School.
Recently, Forrester’s other brother, Aaron, passed away due to natural causes; however, in 2017 he was also the victim of a shooting, but survived that attempt to take his life.
“… in 2017 Aaron was shot eight times, and by God’s grace he survived, then he became ill and he recently passed. And now, we have Tyrone passing, and now we had in 2016 Tyler and before that, we had his dad. So the family has experienced quite an amount of blow…,” Forrester told reporters.
Forrester further told members of the local media that she doesn’t expect much justice to be served to the family by the country’s law enforcement personnel and judicial system, since that system failed her previously after the death of her only son and will likely fail her again in the aftermath of her brother’s death.
“I expect nothing of them, because they have done nothing for us, and they keep doing nothing for us… In fact, I could tell you that, I wasn’t here last night when my brother was shot. I wasn’t in the house where he was when he was attacked. But I was able to see the exact position that my brother was in when he was gunned down. I was able to see exactly how many bullet holes [were] on his body. I was able to see the entire crime scene, even though I was not there, and why was that? Because we have police officers leaking pictures of the murder victims on their personal phones, on whatever group chat they are in. So if you’re asking me, what do I expect? I expect nothing, the same way they did nothing for Tyler who died innocently,” she said.
Police are currently conducting an investigation in an effort to determine the motive for the murder of King.

Allyson Major’s accused killer walks; Min. Musa: it doesn’t end there

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Amandala Newspaper

Police corporal Kent Martinez, who had been charged with manslaughter by negligence for the shooting death of well-known teacher Allyson Major, was acquitted of all charges on Monday. But the quest for justice is not over, says Minister of Home Affairs, Kareem Musa.

by Khaila Gentle

BELIZE CITY, Mon. July 4, 2022
Corporal Kent Martinez was accused of firing the shot that hit Allyson Major once in the head during a high-speed chase through the streets of downtown Belize City in 2019—ultimately causing the 36-year-old teacher’s death. But following a trial in the Supreme Court this week, the police corporal has been acquitted of all charges.
On Monday, July 4, Supreme Court Justice Ricardo O’Neil Sandcroft found Martinez not guilty of manslaughter by negligence due to insufficient evidence—indicating agreement with the no-case submission that had been made by Martinez’s attorney, Oscar Selgado. Justice Sandcroft directed a jury of nine to return with a not-guilty verdict, stating, “Evidence must be sure so that the prosecution makes you sure. Selgado made a no-case submission that the burden of proof was not met. So, you must return a not guilty verdict.”
This was because ballistic evidence provided by the National Forensic Science Laboratory could not link Martinez to the bullet that caused Major’s death. According to Oscar Selgado, pieces of the bullet that were removed from Major’s body “did not bear sufficient description and information” to be compared to any of the shells that had been recovered at the scene of the shooting.
In response to the outcome of the trial, Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Kareem Musa has stated that he—much like Major’s friends, family, and a vast percentage of the Belizean populace—is extremely disappointed.
“It certainly opens up a wound which has not at all healed. And to hear that, in fact, this officer who was charged is now able to walk free and that the family has not received the justice that they deserve, like I said, it’s very disappointing to hear,” said Hon. Musa in an interview on Tuesday.
Musa pointed out the fact that a critical piece of evidence had been deemed inadmissible in the trial: surveillance footage that allegedly shows an officer pointing his weapon in the direction of Allyson Major. As a result, the Minister is hoping that the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) can find grounds for the case to be appealed.
“I would hope that the DPP would explore the possibility and take a very hard and serious look to see whether there was an error in law in denying the admissibility of that particular piece of evidence, which, like I said, would be very crucial in a case like this,” he stated.
During the interview, Minister Musa condemned the killing of Major along with the fact that, apart from being charged criminally, Corporal Martinez had not faced disciplinary action—nor had any of the other officers who were involved in the shooting.
“There is also the issue of the tribunal disciplinary hearing possibly against not just one but several officers, because I have no doubt in my mind, not a single doubt, that the police killed Allyson Major—not a doubt in my mind. I do not think a civilian was standing on the street side that day and fired a shot at Allyson Major. I do not think that,” said Hon. Musa, who hopes that the police can continue to investigate the matter internally.
On July 16, 2019, Allyson Major was shot once in the head while driving his vehicle as he was chased by police officers down Regent Street in Belize City.
According to court papers, the police had reported that a “burgundy double-color van” was seen on George Street and that, upon following the van, they observed the driver throwing packages out of the vehicle. A chase ensued, during which shots were fired. Shortly after, the van crashed into a bus near the Swing Bridge, and Allyson Major was found inside, bleeding from the back of the head. He was later transported to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) but died a day later on Wednesday, July 17. No drugs or guns were found in his possession.
Several days later, Corporal Kent Martinez was arraigned and charged with manslaughter following an investigation by the Office of the DPP, which reportedly found that the bullet that caused Major’s death came from Martinez’s 9mm service weapon.
Major’s family is currently awaiting a date for a civil suit being filed against the Government of Belize for the unlawful killing. Hon. Kareem Musa—who was previously the attorney representing the family in the suit—has said that, regardless of this most recent verdict, it is not too late for Martinez, as well as the other officers who were involved in the incident, to face disciplinary action:
“The question is, why did the department not take any action back then three years ago against this officer—or these officers? Like I said, it was not just one officer chasing after Allyson Major—maybe it was one officer who shot him, but several vehicles were in chase of Allyson Major that day, and so we have to look at that and to see who should be charged. It’s not too late for that—to charge them tribunally. Because the last message that I would want to send, even though this did not happen under our term in office, the last message that I would want to send as Minister is that it is okay for you to kill someone unjustifiably like this and then the following day be able to walk on the streets in your uniform again. That is not acceptable,” he said.
Back in 2019, Corporal Martinez was represented by attorney Richard “Dickie” Bradley, who had the following to say:
“When things like that happen, the decent thing to do in our society is that the authorities are to publicly apologize for the loss of life. They should not put the family through any lengthy court proceedings…pay compensation to the family…for losing a father and a husband. That is the proper, decent thing to do.”
The court verdict, which has proven devastating to the Major family, comes just a few days before the first anniversary of the murder of another civilian at the hands of a police officer. On July 14, 2021, teenager Laddie Gillett was shot and killed while on a beach in Placencia, allegedly by police officer Kareem Martinez. That officer was dismissed and is awaiting trial.

GoB addresses concerns of private land owners in Toledo

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Amandala Newspaper

Maya leaders say the release from GoB is “extremely distressing and regrettable” and offers no tangible assistance to the parties involved.

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 6, 2022
The hopes recently expressed by the judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) – that the Government of Belize (GoB) and Maya Leaders Alliance rebuild confidence in each other through dialogue in order to ensure the successful implementation of an FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) protocol — is in peril following a release from the government and a response letter from the Maya leaders regarding the interest of private land owners within communal lands. 
The Government of Belize released a statement yesterday morning which indicates that private land owners and entities have made complaints to the government due to increasing concerns on the part of those landowners “that their private landowner rights are being infringed due to the Maya Land Rights Judgement of 2015.”
“There is the perception that some alcaldes, village councils, and other Maya leaders have become emboldened in their dealings with private landowners,” the release from GoB states. 
Minister of Human Development and Indigenous People’s Affairs, Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, has stated that the Prime Minister, Hon. John Briceño, has since given some of those landowners an audience, and has been made aware of the key concerns of those parties. Those landowners, who have received titles to lands which neighbor or lie within communally owned territory, are now seeking to clarify their rights of ownership, and the Prime Minister has since directed the ministry to facilitate those landowners, some of whom have been contacted by the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs CEO, Tanya Santos, said Hon. Balderamos Garcia in an interview this week.

The statement released by the government remarks, “It is of grave concern to these landowners that some village leaders and Maya leaders are of the view that the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) Consent Order has bestowed absolute rights on them. While the Government of Belize fully recognizes the need to implement the ruling of Belize’s highest court, the government must seek to achieve a balancing act between the customary land rights of Maya people and the right to private land ownership, both of which are protected by the Constitution.”

The president of the Toledo Alcaldes Association (TAA), Domingo Bah, in a letter sent to Minister Balderamos Garcia, said that the release came as a surprise to the Maya leaders, since both sides had committed to desisting from issuing such public statements on matters affecting the Consent Order.

Readers would recall that at a recent CCJ hearing related to the process of implementing the FPIC protocol, the CCJ justices had lamented the acrimony that was evident in the statements made by the government of Belize and the Maya leaders—particularly remarks which tended to diminish the legitimacy of the role of the Maya Leaders Alliance as a representative of the Maya people in the implementation of the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Protocol. The court had asked the parties to find a way to rebuild confidence in each other and directed that meetings be held to forward the finalization of the Implementation Road Map for the Consent Order.  

No report has yet been issued on those sit-downs between the parties, and now, with this latest release being viewed as yet another divisive public statement, the Maya leaders are asking the government to recall and honor the commitment to constructive dialogue. In essence, they say that this release simply rehashes old and ongoing conflicts between the private landowners and the Maya communities.

 The allegation against some Maya village leaders is that they have been aggressively attempting to infringe on the rights of private landowners who hold title to lands which they believe should be owned by Maya communities. The government release urges Maya leaders not to conduct themselves as if the private owners do not have rights but acknowledges that the Maya villages have a right to request that government and private landowners, “refrain from further surveys, leases and land transfers” until the legal framework is agreed upon and implemented.

“What village leaders and Maya leaders may NOT do is conduct themselves as if private owners do not continue to enjoy their rights of ownership to their land. Existing roadways, easements, shared access, etc. cannot arbitrarily be fettered by alcaldes and village chairmen as they see fit,” the release states. 

The letter to Minister Balderamos Garcia from the Toledo Alcalde Alliance (TAA) states that recommendations have been handed down by an expert witness to address these standing issues within the implementation process and that the statement issued by GoB provides no context of the history between the parties.

“The Government is aware that these are not new, or unexpected. Yet, the release presents these as exceptional and intrinsically unjust to private landowners, no matter of context, impact, or history between the parties,” the letter from the TAA states.

The TAA further noted that court-appointed expert witness Dean Rosa Celorio issued clear recommendations to address the issues, but the Government has refused to implement those.

“It failed to inform the public that paragraph 4 of the Consent Order also states that the village’s consent must be obtained before carrying out any activities on the lands claimed by a Maya village,” the letter stated.
As previously mentioned, the release from GoB did note that “village leaders and Maya leaders are within their rights to respectfully request that government and private landowners refrain from further surveys, leases, and land transfers until a comprehensive legal framework can be adopted and administrative measures put in place.”

It further noted that these issues were not meant to be resolved with certainty by the parties and that a resolution mechanism to resolve the issues is a part of the implementation road map process.

The letter from the TAA states, “As we work toward shifting our tone and manner of communication and rebuilding trust and confidence between the parties, it is extremely distressing and regrettable that the Government had issued this statement to the public without even attempting to inquire about these issues with us or address a particular dispute. The release simply makes broad and sweeping statements that present a skewed portrayal of the relationship between the village and these purported private landowners. “

The government, on the other hand, stated in its release that “The Government of Belize and all relevant ministries are committed to the protection of individual land rights, the recognition of Maya customary land tenure, and the processes that are necessary for balancing these competing interests where necessary. Additionally, the government is moving to put in place the legislative and administrative framework that the CCJ Consent ruling has directed. The government reiterates that it is vital that ALL parties concerned operate in a completely professional and respectful manner, thereby acknowledging the rights of one another. “