Ivana Trump, first wife of former US president, has died Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

2 hrs ago

FILE – Ivana Trump announces the new “Italiano Diet” to stay healthy and fight obesity at the Oak Room at the Plaza Hotel on June 13, 2018, in New York. Ivana Trump, the first wife of Donald Trump, has died in New York City, the former president announced on social media Thursday. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

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Ivana Trump, the first wife of Donald Trump, has died in New York City, the former president announced on social media Thursday.

“I am very saddened to inform all of those that loved her, of which there are many, that Ivana Trump has passed away at her home in New York City,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “She was a wonderful, beautiful, and amazing woman, who led a great and inspirational life. Her pride and joy were her three children, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric. She was so proud of them, as we were all so proud of her. Rest In Peace, Ivana!”

AP File photo of former US President Donald Trump

The Trump family also released a statement. “It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Ivana Trump. Our mother was an incredible woman — a force in business, a world-class athlete, a radiant beauty, and caring mother and friend. Ivana Trump was a survivor.

“She fled from communism and embraced this country,” the statement continued. “She taught her children about grit and toughness, compassion and determination. She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children and ten grandchildren.”

The Trumps were a publicity power couple in New York in the 1980s and 1990s before their equally public, and messy, divorce after Donald Trump met his next wife, Marla Maples. But in recent years, Ivana Trump had been on good terms with her former husband. She wrote in a 2017 book that they spoke about once a week.


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St Elizabeth police searching for third man in rape of teen Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

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Loop News

42 minutes ago

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The police in St Elizabeth have ramped up their search for a man who was among a trio that abducted and raped a teenage girl in the Vineyard district in the parish in June this year.

Two of the men allegedly involved in the incident have been arrested and charged with abduction and Rape.

Charged are 26-year-old Troyan Lewis, also known as ‘Jubi’ and 56-year-old Andrew Miller, also called ‘Man A Yaad’, both of Vineyard district, St Elizabeth.

They are yet to face the court.

Lawmen in St Elizabeth say they are following several leads and are coordinating with officers from other police divisions to apprehend the third man.

“We take these kinds of things very seriously, we have to protect our girls and women and where we can’t protect them they will get justice for any wrong done to them,” an officer told Loop News.

Reports on the incident are sometime after 1:00 pm on June 16, the teen was chasing cows from her yard onto the main road when Miller, Lewis and another man approached her in a motorcar.

Lewis allegedly exited the vehicle and forced her inside the car; the teen was taken to a house where she was sexually assaulted.

A report was made to the police and an investigation launched.

Both men were apprehended separately and later charged following interviews.

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World Champs 2022: How many medals will Jamaica win in Oregon? Loop Jamaica

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Eyes on Oregon22

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32 minutes ago

Eyes on Oregon22: How many medals will Jamaica win in Oregon?

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For the first time, the World Athletics Championships is being held in the United States.

Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon, the spiritual home of track and field in the country, will host the planet’s best athletes over 10 days starting Friday.

More than 1,900 athletes from 192 international teams will compete on track and field’s largest stage outside of the Olympics.

At the previous World Championships in 2019 in Doha, Jamaica won 12 medals (3 gold, 5 silver, 4 bronze), one less than their record achievements in Berlin 2009 where the country secured 13 medals (7 gold, 4 silver, 2 bronze).

In Oregon, sprint stars Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Elaine Thompson-Herah and Shericka Jackson will lead Jamaica’s push for medals. So Loop Sports took to the streets to ask: How many medals will Jamaica win in Oregon?

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Antigua and Barbuda is leading the way for other states to follow- Chief Justice

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room



127 new Covid cases detected

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

The country has recorded 127 new cases of the novel coronavirus, taking the total positives detected to date to 68,627.

There are 34 persons in institutional isolation, five of whom are in the ICU. A total of 877 are isolating at home while three are in institutional quarantine.

Recoveries stand at 66,447 while the death toll is 1,264.


Minister Lauds RSLPF, Urges Public Support For Police Officers – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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On Wednesday, External Affairs Minister Alva Baptiste paid glowing tribute to members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) while urging the public to support police officers.

“I am here to salute the police for playing their part in ensuring that our society does not degenerate into a place that we cannot recognise,” Baptiste told officers during the Police Commissioner’s Parade, the first in four years.

And Baptiste declared that those who want to understand the usefulness of his statement should try a society like Saint Lucia’s without the RSLPF.

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The remark drew applause from his audience.

“Police officers are human beings just like us,” he observed, adding that members of the RSLPF have wives, husbands, children, and feelings like everyone else.

“When we select police officers we select them from amongst ourselves – the general society and so the police force is a microcosm of the society, just like the parliament, just like the teaching service and other departments within our own society,” the Laborie MP explained.

In this regard, Baptiste said the RSLPF is merely one aspect of the architecture of dealing with criminal activities in this country and responding to societal challenges.

But he noted that this gobalised world does not make it easier for police officers to discharge their responsibilities.

“People have more sophisticated weapons. They have cell phones that you could use as a tool, but it can also be used as a weapon just like a kitchen knife,” Baptiste observed.

As a result, he pointed out that the aspect of the RSLPF’s mandate to protect and serve is under much stress.

Nevertheless, the Minister said despite the constraints, he sees the RSLPF maintaining a high level of humanity and exhibiting respect for life and liberty.

“I see integrity in the police force guided by the principles of justice and I see courage that despite all the criticism, they maintain mental and moral strength. They stand by their fellow officers in the face of danger,” Baptiste told his audience.

“When we do see deficiencies in the police force, we must reflect on our own deficiencies because I said a few moments ago, they are human just like us,” the Minister asserted.

And Baptiste said it was incumbent on citizens to support the work of the RSLPF.

Headline photo: Alva Baptiste (Stock image)

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Adoptan medidas operacionales en el Centro Judicial de Bayamón en atención a interrupción en el servicio eléctrico

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

La directora administrativa de los Tribunales Interina, Maritere Colón Domínguez, informó el jueves las medidas operacionales que adoptó hoy el Centro Judicial de Bayamón debido a la interrupción del servicio de energía eléctrica en sus instalaciones.

Durante el día, la Sala de Investigaciones de Bayamón operará hasta las 10:00 de la noche desde la Sala de Relaciones de Familia y Asuntos de Menores de Bayamón, ubicada en la carretera 167 en ese municipio.

Asimismo, se celebrarán desde esa misma dependencia todas las vistas calendarizadas para hoy en el Centro Judicial de Bayamón al amparo de la Ley 54-1989, Ley para la prevención e intervención con la violencia doméstica, sean civiles o criminales. Para obtener información adicional sobre estas últimas, las personas podrán comunicarse con la Sala de Relaciones de Familia y Asunto de Menores de Bayamón al (787) 620-9740.

Las vistas citadas para hoy en el Centro Judicial de Bayamón que se celebrarían totalmente por videoconferencia se atenderán según pautadas. Por su parte, las citaciones y vistas pautadas de forma presencial que no sean al amparo de la Ley 54-1989 fueron recalendarizadas. La Secretaría del Centro Judicial de Bayamón permanecerá cerrada hoy, por lo que la presentación de documentos deberá realizarse en la Sala de Relaciones de Familia y Asunto de Menores de Bayamón.

Las solicitudes de órdenes de protección, de ingreso involuntario por salud mental y otros asuntos de competencia municipal podrán también presentarse de manera electrónica a través de la Sala Municipal Virtual.

Para información adicional, consulte las redes sociales del Poder Judicial en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram. De igual forma, puede comunicarse a la Línea de Información del Poder Judicial al (787) 641-6263, en horario de 8:30 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde.


Autoridades intervienen con ocho personas de estatus migratorio no definido en Aguadilla

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Agentes de la Unidad de Vigilancia Marítima FURA de Aguadilla en unión al Personal de Patrulla Fronteriza, detuvieron a ocho personas entre estas dos mujeres, de estatus migratorio no definido, en el sector Martinica de Aguadilla.

Según la Uniformada, estos llegaron a la isla de manera ilegal abordo de una embarcación de 25 pies de eslora, color azul y con motor Yamaha.

El agente Enrique Pérez De La Torre de la citada unidad, cooperó en la intervención mientras los agentes de esa agencia federal, asumió la jurisdicción de los detenidos, así como de la embarcación.

Se exhorta a la ciudadanía que de poseer información que ayude al esclarecimiento de casos, favor de llamar al  787-343-2020. También, pueden escribirnos a través de Twitter en @PRPDNoticias o Facebook en www.facebook.com/prpdgov.


Encuentran muerto a confinado en Las Cucharas en Ponce

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Las autoridades reportaron el jueves, el fallecimiento de un recluso en la institución de máxima seguridad, del Complejo Correccional Las Cucharas de Ponce.

De acuerdo con el Negociado de la Policía , el hombre fue localizado en una de las celdas el cuerpo de Edgardo Reyes Otero de 37 años.

Al momento se investigan las causas de la muerte.

El agente Cottman Rosario, adscrito a la División de Homicidios del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Criminales de San Juan en unión al fiscal Idelfonso Torres investigaron los hechos.


Muere Ivana Trump, la primera esposa de Donald Trump

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Ivana Trump, la primera esposa del expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump y madre de sus tres hijos mayores, Ivanka, Donald Jr. y Eric, ha fallecido a los 73 años, según informó este jueves su familia en un comunicado.

“Ivana Trump fue una superviviente. Huyó del comunismo y abrazó este país. Enseñó a sus hijos el valor y la dureza, la compasión y la determinación. Su madre, sus tres hijos y sus 10 nietos la echarán mucho de menos”, reza la nota.

Por su parte, el exmandatario de EE.UU. detalló que su exesposa “falleció en su casa de Nueva York“, recoge AP. “Era una mujer maravillosa, hermosa y asombrosa que llevó una vida grandiosa e inspiradora. Su orgullo y alegría eran sus tres hijos, Donald Jr., Ivanka y Eric. Estaba tan orgullosa de ellos como todos nosotros lo estábamos de ella. Descansa en paz, Ivana”, publicó en su red social, Truth Social.

Mientras, fuentes policiales señalaron a TMZ que la Policía de Nueva York recibió una llamada justo después de las 12:30 (hora local) y añadieron que Ivana sufrió un paro cardíaco.

Nació con el nombre de Ivana Zelnickova en 1949 en la ciudad checoslovaca de Gottwaldov (actualmente la ciudad checa de Zlín). Fue un prodigio del esquí y modelo antes de llegar a EE.UU. Se casó con Trump, su segundo marido, en 1977. Ivana asumió varias funciones dentro de la Organización Trump, como la dirección del Hotel Plaza de Manhattan y el cargo de directora general del Hotel y Casino Trump Castle de Atlantic City.

Los Trump fueron una pareja muy célebre en Nueva York en los años ochenta y noventa, antes de su divorcio en 1992 e incluso después de que Donald Trump conociera a su siguiente esposa, Marla Maples. Después de separarse de Trump, publicó varios libros, como ‘Sola y libre para amar’ y ‘Lo mejor está por venir: lidiando con el divorcio y disfrutar de la vida’, y trabajó con numerosas marcas de moda.

Nora original de RT Español.
