Lorenzo Magnien : « J’ai hâte de découvrir l’ambiance d’une course à étapes »

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Lorenzo Magnien va découvrir son premier Tour de Guadeloupe au départ de la Désirade aujourd’hui ! À 20 ans, le pensionnaire du Parisis AC 95 va participer à sa première course par étapes outre-marine avec la formation de l’Excelsior. Le fils de l’ancien professionnel Emmanuel Magnien s’attend à vivre une belle expérience.

Lorenzo, vous entamez votre sixième saison en tant que coureur…

J’ai débuté le cyclisme en minimes 2 à l’AS Soisy-Enghien-la-Barre dans le Val d’Oise. J’ai ensuite rejoint le Parisis AC 95 présidé par Pascal Noël au début de ma deuxième année de juniors. J’apprécie beaucoup l’ambiance globale qu’on retrouve sur les compétitions, mais aussi j’ai un petit faible pour les sorties avec des petites pauses à la boulangerie (sourires).

Comment se passe cette saison pour vous ? 

France-Antilles Guadeloupe

393 mots – 05.08.2022

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L’opération “Ambassadeur de ma ville” est lancée aujourd’hui à Saint-Claude

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

 La ville de Saint-Caude a procédé au lancement de l’opération “Ambassadeur de ma ville” ce matin

La Ville de Saint-Claude lance aujourd’hui son opération “Ambassadeur de ma ville” qui permettra à une trentaine de jeunes de s’adonner à une activité moyennant rémunération. Le concept revient après 2 années d’absence, à cause de la pandémie.La Directrice Générale des Services Sandra Justine, en a profité pour effectuer un long point sur le rôle, les missions et compétences des communes, parfois sous forme de petits quizz. Depuis 2008, la volonté de la municipalité est de valoriser l’engagement citoyen des jeunes au sein de la ville. C’est en ce sens que l’action “Vis ta ville” a vu le jour.

La ville permet ainsi aux jeunes de 17 à 25 ans de pouvoir bénéficier d’un emploi saisonnier tout en se formant aux valeurs de la démocratie. cela se déroulait au Carrefour des solidarités (ancienne mairie de la ville de Saint-Claude). 

Lancement opération “Ambassadeur de ma ville” – FLB


Newsmaker: Reactions to PM’s admission that youths want to leave Ja Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

This week’s featured development as Newsmaker of the Week just ended is the stunning admission from Prime Minister Andrew Holness that many frustrated young persons want to leave Jamaica.

This, according to Holness, is largely due to the lack of opportunities and proper infrastructure, including housing, locally.

Tongues have been sent wagging and criticisms of past Governments and of the current Holness-led Administration were heavy on social media after the prime minister seemingly ‘offloaded’ his thoughts on some current issues plaguing the country.

Recently, the issues of Jamaica’s labour shortage has been a dominate topic across the country, with major some businesses admitting that they are struggling to fill job vacancies due to the unwillingness of many workers to return to jobs they lost at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic for the same levels of compensation.

Now, a fresh issue is bound to affect the local labour market, and that is migration.

In addressing the handing-over ceremony for phase one of the Ruthven Towers apartment complex in St Andrew on Wednesday, Holness said the issue of migration has affected Jamaica negatively, with numerous members of the middle class migrating.

He is contending that this situation is untenable, as it will lead to a depletion of the country’s pool of talent and skills, and further derail efforts to complete ‘Project Jamaica’.

But several persons on social media have laid the blame for these issues squarely at the feet of the island’s two political parties – the People’s National Party (PNP) and the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).

They say both parties have been at the helm of Government at various times since Independence in 1962, and should have worked assiduously to rectify social and economic issues plaguing the country, to stem the migratory trend of the island’s citizens with their skills.

While not specifically taking any blame as persons would want him and his Government to do, Holness, rather, asked several questions to paint a chilling reality of the future if migration of the youth and middle class persons is not stemmed.

“Who will lead the country when all the skills leave?” asked Holness during the press conference.

“… And when I say leave the country…, I am talking about who will lead the NHT (National Housing Trust), who will take the leadership of the country to transform the country?” he further questioned.

Based on his interactions with some young persons, the prime minister said he has gained first-hand knowledge of the levels of frustration that they are experiencing locally when they compare other developing countries to Jamaica.

“Somehow they (young persons) look at other countries, they see what is happening in other countries, and they say, ‘Why can’t it happen here? Why do we have all the problems that we have?

“It is infuriating to many of them, and when we talk to them, particularly the millennials, they just want to leave. They want to just go overseas and enjoy the benefits that are existing in other developed countries,” Holness informed.

He noted as well, that Jamaica has suffered from migration since post-Independence, especially since the 1970s.

“Since the 1970s, there has been a migration of Jamaica’s middle class… No country can progress without building its middle class. The middle class isn’t a bourgeoisie concept. The middle class is the segment of your society where skills and entrepreneurism and innovation exist,” he explained.

“So, the middle class is not this rich, well-to-do as people think. It is those who have benefited from the education of the country, who have the skills necessary to move the country along,” the prime minister continued.

“Unfortunately, we have been losing them, and one of the reasons we have been losing them is security…, job opportunities, maybe another, but we are slowly conquering that.”

It was revealed that Jamaica is at six per cent unemployment.

Even amid that good news, the migration issue spoken of by Holness was brought to bear, for example, in the education sector, in the week just ended.

The Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA), in a media interview, put the country on notice that a massive exodus of teachers is looming, as 400 have already left this year for lucrative jobs in the United States.

Interestingly, the United States is also experiencing a massive shortage of teachers.

The JTA President, Winston Smith, said the general reason behind local educators leaving is due to low pay, the fears of teachers that they may he criminalised under the new Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC) Bill, among other factors.

Winston Smith

But Education Minister Fayval Williams has said there is no need for concern regarding the migration of teachers, as every year the sector loses educators and she was not seeing an negative impact from this year’s migration.

Approximately 38,000 teachers are employed in both public and private schools nationally, the JTA has said.

Fayval Williams

Returning to Holness’ comments this week on migration of the island’s youth and middle class, he stated that the quality of housing has also a factor in pushing them away.

“In our 60th year, we have to confront this,and make a commitment to improve our infrastructure, so that people can feel that they are living in a modern society,” he stated.

In the interim, Holness appealed to all youths to remain in the island to complete what he dubbed as ‘Project Jamaica’.

“So we are appealing to the young people in our country to consider that ‘Project Jamaica’ is not complete and you have a role, not just to be critical of the incompleteness and failures of ‘Project Jamaica’, but you have a role in making ‘Project Jamaica’ a success,” he urged.

Social media users, particularly those on Instagram, questioned Holness on the solutions he would be bringing to sway ‘frustrated’ youths from leaving Jamaicans.

Dr.t_dnp questioned: “So dear Mr PM, what are you planning to do about it?”

In response to her question, Instagram user, lef_dat_alone, wrote: “This man (Holness) has all the right people around him for the wrong reasons.

“All them do is advise him how to come up with catchy lines and all kind of Anancy fandangle stories and slants to lure the people his way when him near to call an election,” said the user.

“Remember a this same man tell we if him win we can sleep with our doors open.”

Another Instagrammer, Nadineanderson6316, stated: “Somebody please remind him of his (Holness’) position in this country!!!”

Top_boy876 commented: “Is he (Holness) serious right now? You are the prime minister. It is your duty to make sure the country strives. All I hear you do is talk and talk. That’s it. What is your plan?”

Lola_xgotduncan argued: “The PNP and JLP a run this country for years, and dem never think eventually youth would want to leave and explore greener pastures because we make things hard for them? Mr PM, action now, not a bag a mouth please.”

Other individuals took no issue with persons migrating to other countries.

“Anybody looking to migrate come to the UK there’s massive labour shortages now due to Brexit and the pandemic and many companies are now hiring abroad in all types of occupations,” said Instagrammer, itsjalen1996.

Tav_36 wrote: “Nothing is wrong with people migrating, because it gives the opportunity for more young persons who are leaving tertiary institutions to get jobs, plus the country benefits from the foreign exchange It’s a win-win for everybody.”

Na.ky_2220 commented: “Some of the best and brightest minds are leaving mainly because of inadequate pay.

“I see serious brain drain on the horizon. I love my country, but I have to go where I can at least feed my family,” she added.

Carlbenz24 shared: “Prime Minister there is no opportunity for a lot of people in the country, so I don’t blame them to migrate or run off (to) other countries that they can prosper and try and help their families back home.”


Opposition raps Gov’t for failure to aid PPV operators to get gas tax Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Opposition Spokesperson on Transport, Mikael Phillips, has lambasted the Transport Ministry for failing to play a substantial role in the processing of the Public Passenger Vehicle (PPV) gas relief grants to owners of contract carriages and route taxi vehicles.

“The thing is just cumbersome. It has not worked, and my displeasure, as I said, is that the Ministry of Transport has not taken a vested interest in ensuring the system works for the sector itself,” declared Phillips.

His comments come on the heels of several complaints from owners of PPV that they are unable to apply for or gain approval for the grant, due to the difficulties they face in using the online platform.

Applications had opened online in June for the much-needed gas relief of $25,000, which was announced by Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr Nigel Clarke, in March, to cushion the rising cost of fuel.

While speaking at a recent forum hosted by the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODDS), Phillips said the current system where the grants are being processed by the Finance and the Public Service Ministry needs to be urgently revamped, as it is not working effectively.

According to him, the Transport Ministry, through its Permanent Secretary, Dr Alwin Hales, must begin oversight of the gas relief venture.

“From the PAAC (Public Administration and Appropriations Committee), which I am chairman of, we instructed the permanent secretary to take an active role, especially in the petrol grant that is supposed to be given now – the $25,000 – because it is in the best interest of the Ministry of Transport to oversee, at least jointly, with the Ministry of Finance, (so) that persons can benefit from these grants,” said Phillips.

He opined that, “The Ministry of Finance is only concerned about who is qualified and the disbursement of funds.

“If there is an issue with the portal… You know it was very disappointing when I asked the permanent secretary (in the Transport Ministry) how many operators in the system and how many persons approved, and his response was, ‘It is not my purview, but it is the Ministry of Finance’,” Phillips recalled.

“… And we instructed him (the permanent secretary) to take a vested interest in it (the gas relief grant). So it is really for pressure to come on the Ministry of Transport, not the Ministry of Finance,” he indicated.

Phillips, who is also the North West Manchester Member of Parliament (MP), further argued that the Transport Ministry has the “jurisdiction” over the transport sector.

This, he said, should nudge the ministry to take a “vested interest” in the difficulties being faced by PPV operators in applying for the grants.

In relation to the delay between March and June for the application to commence, the PNP spokesperson on transport blamed the Transport Authority for its slow pace in handing over the necessary data to the Finance Ministry.

“The reason why it was taking so long, because remember the Minister (of Finance, Dr Nigel Clarke), announced the $25,000 grant in his presentation in March,” Phillips stated.

“In June, when I asked the question, he (Dr Clarke) said he was waiting on information from the Transport Authority for him to get the list of those who had renewed their licences.

“The Transport Authority also said to me that they took some time to feed them with the information…,” Phillips said.

In reiterating that the whole situation has been “cumbersome”, Phillips repeated his call for the Transport Ministry to act on behalf of PPV operators and assist in making the process smoother for the beneficiaries.


Yellow Birds vrouwen walsen over De Arend II

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst Ricky Wirjosentono  PARAMARIBO — De vrouwen van Yellow Birds hebben zondagavond tijdens de voortzetting van de vrouwenhoofdklassecompetitie basketbal ‘gehakt’ gemaakt van


Dominica rated best Caribbean island in Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room
Discover Dominica Authority Photo Emerald Pool

(CMC) – Dominica has been named the top island in the Caribbean in the 2022 Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards for the first time.

Travel + Leisure recognises the top hotels, islands, cities, cruise lines, airlines, spas, and more around the globe, based on the results of the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2022 readers’ surveys. Readers rated islands on the following characteristics: natural attractions/beaches, activities/sites, restaurants/food, people/friendliness, and value.

“We are incredibly honoured and elated to not only be a Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2022 winner for the first time, but to be the top island in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas,” said Dominica’s Minister of Tourism, International Transport and Maritime Initiatives Denise Charles.

“This recognition is a powerful testament to the experiences provided on the island. To be recognised by such a prestigious publication as the number one island to visit solidifies our stance in maintaining the island’s natural environment while still creating authentic experiences for travelers.”

Additionally, Secret Bay, Dominica’s exclusive six-star villa resort, captured the number one spot for resort hotels in the Caribbean, Bermuda and the Bahamas in this year’s World’s Best Awards.

The resort is a member of Relais & Châteaux, the most prestigious association of luxury hotels and restaurants in the world. This is the second time in three years the eco-luxury resort has been named the number one resort in the Caribbean region.

“To have not only our destination, but one of Dominica’s hotels also be number one in this year’s Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards truly showcases that Dominica offers a desirable product for travelers seeking to connect with the luxury of nature,” added Minister Charles.

“We look forward to welcoming travellers who are seeking a new and exciting travel destination for their next adventure.”



Oswald a fait le bonheur de ses fanatiques à Sainte-Marie

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

La veille, il fêtait comme il se doit chez lui à Saint-Martin ses 10 ans de carrière en compagnie d’amis artistes comme Fanny J, Mickael Guirand ou encore Alan Cavé. Ce qui n’a pas empêché Oswald d’être au mieux de sa forme samedi soir du côté de l’Habitation Vieu à Sainte-Marie… 

vec son band dirigé par Yannick Comsel, Oswald a passé en revue ses différents tubes comme « solo », « SUC (Sur Un Carreau) », « Ti doudou » ou encore « Toxic » au plus grand bonheur de ses fanatiques. L’animation aux platines a été l’affaire de DJ Chouchou. L’organisation de cette soirée concert donne d’ores et déjà rendez-vous le lundi 15 août avec le groupe Klass. A suivre…


Minister Ottley launches training program for aspiring entrepreneurs – StMaartenNews.com – News Views Reviews & Interviews

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: StMaartenNews

PHILIPSBURG — Acting Minister of Tourism and Economy Omar Ottley signed a service level agreement with A&A Accounting for a training program that aims to help 25 aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to bring their business skills to the next level.

A & A Accounting, was founded in 2011 by financial analyst and small business coach and instructor Ann Marlin-Evans, who will lead the training program.

The objective is to teach entrepreneurs how to start a business or how to sustain an existing enterprise through structural training. Participants will develop entrepreneurial abilities and skills.

Paricipants will also be able to apply for a grant or loan to recover from damages sustained during Hurricane Irma in 2017 and/or during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister Ottley’s initiative comes across as a follow-up to the assessment of the local business climate, as described in a report from the Amsterdam-based Economic Research Foundation SEO. This report mentions for instance that local entrepreneurs often lack the skills to start or to operate a business from a financial as well as an operational perspective.

Entrepreneurs who are interested to participate in the training program should apply by submitting an intake-form. This is available at https://www.aa-acounting.sx/upcoming. Applicants are asked what makes their business (idea) unique and why they should be selected for participation. Applicants should also submit a one-minute business idea via email by August 23 to sedc@aa-acounting.sx.

On August 31, the organizers will announce which participants have been accepted and the training program will launch on September 2 at the Paradise Event Hall.

A&A Accounting is a business support and training center. “We help small businesses starts, grow and succeed,” the company states on its website.


Two dead after car ploughs into parked truck in Trelawny Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Two persons – a man and a woman – died as a result of injuries they sustained in a motor vehicle collision along the Northern Coastal Highway in Falmouth, Trelawny on Sunday, August 7.

The deceased have been identified as 31-year-old Cherylee Payne, a hairdresser of Lilliput, and 24-year-old Maurice Thomas of Rose Heights, both in St. James.

Reports from the Falmouth police are that about 3:00 am, a Mazda Demio motorcar was travelling to Montego Bay, when on reaching a section of the Wiltshire main road, the motorcar collided in a Hino motor truck,which was parked on the left of the roadway.

Payne and Thomas, who were passengers in the Mazda Demio motorcar, received multiple injuries and were taken to hospital, where they were pronounced dead.

Two other passengers of the motorcar who were also injured, were treated and admitted in stable conditions.

Investigations continue into the incident.


Australia beat Jamaica to win netball gold at Commonwealth Games Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Jamaica’s Sunshine Girls went down 55-51 against Australia in the gold medal match of the netball competition at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England on Sunday.

And they made history as the first side to win the gold medal after losing a pool match in the lead up.

As a result of the defeat, Jamaica had to settle for the silver medal, just three days after they scored a shock victory against Australia in their final Pool A game.

It was almost a case of history repeating itself with the Diamonds going into the final break with a six-goal lead, the same margin they went into the final quarter against Jamaica when they went on to lose by two points.

But it was a different-looking Diamonds team this time as they held firm and take the game.

It was Sarah Klau and Cara Koenen from the bench that dragged Australia across the line, with Klau silencing Sunshine Girls superstar Jhaniele Fowler.

Gretel Bueta led Australia with 37 goals at 100 percent while Koenen had 15 from 15 after coming onto the court.

Fowler had 46 goals from 47 attempts but it wasn’t enough for the historic gold medal. The silver medal for the Sunshine Girls represents an improvement on their bronze medal four years ago in Australia.
