Keys to 3-bedroom homes at Cummings Lodge to be handed over by October

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

The handing over of keys to the first fifty (50) three-bedroom homes under construction by the Ministry of Housing and Water – Central Housing and Planning Authority at Plot 1768 Cummings Lodge, Georgetown will commence in the next two months.

Housing and Water Minister, Collin Croal, along with CHPA Director of Projects, Omar Narine and senior engineers visited the construction site over the weekend.

“By October we should begin handing over keys to the beneficiaries of the fifty houses,” the Minister stated while noting that the Ministry is satisfied with the pace of contractors on the flat homes.

Each moderate-income home is approximately one thousand and thirteen square feet and contains three bedrooms; a living room; a kitchen with cupboards and a single drain board sink; and one complete bathroom. The construction cost for each unit is $9 million. A number of persons, who previously applied for housing units, have already been prequalified for the homes.

The Minister also announced that the Ministry will be constructing another 100 two-bedroom moderate-income homes in the Cummings Lodge, adding to the 200 similar units originally built in the area. Contracts for the construction of these homes are expected to be awarded shortly.

These projects have significantly impacted the neighbouring community of Sophia, as more than 200 youths have been employed through the initiative and the demand for the houses continues to soar.

“When we started here there was a lot of stigma attached to the location but right now there are a lot of persons requesting houses in Cummings Lodge […] That shows the impact of the government’s housing drive because it is not only about creating employment but also uplifting communities,” the Minister said.

Minister Croal underscored that providing alternative options to lands for citizens will remain a key focus over the coming years. By the end of the 2022, the Ministry expects to have at least one thousand (1,000) homes under construction, with several projects in Regions Four, Six, Seven and Ten. Soon the Ministry of Housing and Water will be publishing Expressions of Interest aimed at local contractors who are interested in building homes under these projects, as it aims to utilize materials and labour from the respective communities. (CH&PA release)

King Concerned Over Road Fatalities – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Transport Minister Stephenson King has expressed concern over the spate of road accidents in Saint Lucia and the resulting fatalities.

So far for the year, fourteen people have lost their lives due to road accidents, the most recent being Kurlan Martial of Desruisseaux.

Martial succumbed after a car ran off the main road and hit a concrete wall at Anse Ger, Desruisseaux on Saturday night.

“I am very concerned about the increasing numbers of road fatalities in this country,” Minister King told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Monday.

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King, also responsible for Infrastructure, explained that his Ministry has been doing its best to educate Saint Lucians.

However, the Castries North MP acknowledged that there’s a need to do more.

“From the physical side, if you notice ever since my entry into the Ministry you have seen a tremendous improvement in crash barriers throughout the Island,” King observed.

And he said the Ministry is continuing to buy crash barriers for various locations.

The Minister also called attention to an improvement in street signs and markings.

“We are doing all of this, but I still believe there’s room for improvement. We need to be a little more proactive so that, on the part of the Ministry of Infrastructure we are continuing to do. However, I also believe that we need to at least appeal to motorists who use the roads but who so recklessly drive those roads and cause all of those fatalities,” King stated.

“I believe the public is becoming very agitated about this situation and they have every reason to be agitated,” King told reporters.

He explained that part of the response would be to look at some roads that seem to create an appetite for motorists who want to speed.

In this regard, he mentioned the Vigie stretch, currently under construction.

“ I believe as soon as it is finished we will put some speed bumps,” King said.

“Regardless of what the public says, it is not intended to be a race track. It has been used as a race track over the years on Sunday evenings et cetera, and the residents in the community have complained and I am very furious about it and so we will reduce this to the road, though a stretch, but certainly, with impediments to temper the traffic, he told reporters.

In addition, King said he would soon be meeting with the Transport Board.

He said the board has a part in agreeing to road instruments to manage traffic.

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Maestros comenzarán un año académico con cambios al currículo que no les han explicado ni han visto, alega la AMPR

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Además de los problemas en infraestructura en más  del 40 por ciento de las escuelas públicas, los maestros comenzarán un nuevo semestre escolar sin conocimiento de cuál es el nuevo currículo que pretende implantar el Departamento de Educación, según reveló el lunes el liderato de la Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico (AMPR).

“(El plan) no lo tenemos claramente, porque la versión final se presentó el (pasado) viernes y no hemos tenido tiempo para ver cada programa. Sabemos que se va a incluir en las materias básicas y electivas, pero responsablemente, no te puedo decir como va a ser, porque no lo hemos estudiado a fondo”, dijo el presidente de la Asociación de Maestros, Víctor Manuel Bonilla Sánchez en conferencia de prensa.

“Los adiestramientos (sobre los cambios en el currículo) no han comenzado. Ni lo de la enseñanza de equidad y respeto ni los cursos nuevos han comenzado”, añadió el secretario general de la Local Sindical, Ángel Javier Pérez Hernández.

“¿O sea, no se sabe a este momento como van a arrancar con el Plan?”, se le preguntó.

“Es que realmente hay plan. Porque si ellos tienen un plan, nosotros no sabemos cuál es. Y estamos cuestionando el comienzo real de esa transición, porque como vamos a evaluar a esos estudiantes si realmente los talleres de los nuevos documentos no están publicados”, sostuvo.

A juicio de Pérez Hernández, pasarán mínimo tres años académicos antes de poder medir si realmente los cambios en el currículo lograron su objetivo.

En una entrevista el pasado mes de junio, el secretario de Educación, Eliezer Ramos Parés expresó que la mayoría de los cambios en el currículo se reflejan en cambios de materias por grados.

“Después de muchas consultas con el magisterio, muchas consultas igualmente con padres, con expertos de la Academia se han modificado objetivos en ese currículo, cosas que a lo mejor estaba en grado diez, las vamos a ver en grado 11, cosa que estaba en 11, las vamos a ver en noveno. Así que hay una revisión completa de lo que estaba ocurriendo. Había unas críticas históricas de maestros, sobre todo en las áreas de matemáticas y español, de que entendían que había unas cosas que se estaban haciendo, que todavía no estaban para el estudiante de ese grado en particular. Así que muchas de esas cosas se están atendiendo”, mencionó el secretario.

Además, se añadirán, no como cursos adicionales, sino como parte de la oferta académica, otros tipos de enseñanza.

“Igual muchas materias y cosas, obligaciones de ley que de momento surgían, que no se estaban dando, (como) educación financiera, el tema de valores, el tema del civismo, de emprenderismo, de perspectiva de género, Todos estos temas básicamente se trabajan de manera transversal. Quiere decir que no hay una clase para ellos en particular, sino que se está trabajando dentro de las materias como las conocemos”, expresó.

Empresa “falsa” de estibadores de carga en los muelles de SJ extorsionaba a compañías con ayuda de presidente de unión ILA según acusación federal

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Estibadores-1740 de Puerto Rico (ILA por sus siglas en inglés), Carlos Sánchez Ortíz, junto a otras 6 personas fueron acusados por un Gran Jurado federal por violaciones a la Ley de Organizaciones Corruptas e Influenciadas por Extorsión (RICO Act) por supuestamente ser parte de una empresa criminal desde el año 2005 que se dedicaba a extorsionar a dueños de carga que llegaba a los muelles 9,10 y 11 de San Juan con destino final a las Islas Vírgenes.

“Las compañías que operaban en los muelles 9,10 y 11 son compañías de transbordo. Había una compañía creada, llamada JCPY (empresa supuestamente dedicada a estibar carga). Y las personas que trabajaban en esa compañía, la controlaban la persona número uno (Pedro Pastrana González) y número dos (su esposa Lara Clemente Rivera) en el Pliego Acusatorio.

Ellos les decían a las compañías pequeñas: O tu me pagas y si no me pagas, vas a tener que usar a empleados de la unión (ILA) para bajar y subir la carga a tus barcos, o te voy a bloquear los cargamentos. Esa es la amenaza. El esquema esta ‘backeado’ por el presidente de la ILA 1740. Si ustedes ven el Pliego Acusatorio, van a ver que hay mensajes de texto que explican básicamente como es que el presidente de la ILA ‘backeaba’ el esquema.

Las personas que iban a bloquear el cabotaje, iban a ser miembros de la ILA. La amenaza es que miembros de la unión iban a bloquear tu acceso al cargamento. JCPY es una compañía falsa (Sham, en inglés) creada para propósitos de extorsionar y meterle mentiras a estas compañías de cabotaje y recibir el dinero”, dijo el fiscal investigador del caso, Víctor Acevedo Hernández a preguntas de la prensa.

El fiscal explicó que, además, estas personas- que pertenecían al sindicato ILA- también querían participar del Plan de Beneficios de ILA. Para esto, utilizaban parte del dinero que las compañías extorsionadas le daban y lo invertían en el plan de beneficios. También, acreditaban horas utilizadas en los supuestos esquemas como tiempo trabajado, para poder cualificar

“También, tenían gente en otros puertos ponchándoles a ellos horas con las tarjetas, para poder acumular las 210 horas. Así que eran dos esquemas”, sostuvo el fiscal.

Según el pliego acusatorio, Sánchez Ortíz era amigo de Pastrana González, especialmente de su exesposa, a quien conocía desde la infancia.

El fiscal federal W. Stephen Muldrow mencionó que Pastrana González y Clemente Rivera fueron ayudados en el esquema de extorsión, por el empleado de la Autoridad de los Puertos Jorge Batista Maldonado y Sánchez Ortíz.

Asimismo, Víctor Torres Barroso, José Fernández Cruz y Carlos Hernández Laguer fueron acusados por ayudar a falsificar información para acumular horas de trabajo para beneficiarse del plan de beneficios (lo que se conoce como chimbos).

No todos los acusados enfrentan los mismos cargos. En total, se exponen a penas desde 5 hasta 20 años.

Sin mecanismos el DE para pasarle fondos a los municipios para que puedan atender el mantenimiento de las escuelas

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El secretario del Departamento de Educación (DE), Eliezer Ramos Parés, luego de una reunión con alcaldes adscritos a la Asociación de Alcaldes con miras a que sean los municipios quienes aporten al mantenimiento de las escuelas públicas, no existe un mecanismo para transferir el dinero que necesitan los ayuntamientos.

“Al Departamento (de Educación) no poder transferir dinero necesariamente (a los alcaldes), tenemos que establecer procesos, establecer documentación. Probablemente tengamos que ir a aquella orden de emergencia del gobernador, quizás hacerle unos cambios muy particulares que nos permitan tener ese mecanismo en función lo más pronto posible para que nuestros alcaldes se sumen a la gesta histórica que ya está comenzando”, dijo Ramos Parés a preguntas de la prensa.

En ese tono reaccionó el alcalde de Comerío, Josean Santiago, quien le solicitó tanto al ejecutivo como a la rama legislativa a que rompan con la burocracia y permitan que los municipios puedan recibir los fondos para el mantenimiento de las escuelas de sus respetivos pueblos.

“Habemos alcaldes con la capacidad y la disposición de hacer el trabajo, de Asociación y de Federación (de alcaldes), pero tiene que romperse con esa burocracia. Nosotros hemos demostrado que siempre hemos estado disponibles y siempre estamos presentes. Pero tienen que enviarnos los recursos, y nosotros nos encargamos”, dijo el ejecutivo municipal.

Sobre las denuncias emitidas por la Asociación de Maestros en el sentido que las escuelas públicas no están aptas para comenzar el semestre escolar, Ramos Parés respondió que: “Yo le puedo garantizar a Puerto Rico que la gran mayoría de nuestras escuelas sí están listas para recibir a nuestros estudiantes. Que en la gran mayoría de nuestras escuelas sí ha atendido los temas de seguridad para poder entrar”. “Queremos más. Queremos tenerlas en mejores condiciones. Hay algunas de esas escuelas que han sido emblemáticas, en este mensaje que queremos llevar en escuelas que no se han pintado en 15 o 20 años, en escuelas que realmente su mantenimiento ha sido deficiente por las últimas décadas, eso no desaparece de la noche a la mañana. Eso requiere de un plan estructurado y de responsabilidad a la hora de hacer la inversión”, añadió.

Trey Songz: Woman Says Lawyer Offered Her $200K To Lie About Sexual Assault

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

The attorney who filed a $20 million sexual assault lawsuit against Trey Songz in February is accused of offering to bribe a witness to lie about the incident.

The witness in the case dropped a bombshell accusation against Florida attorney Ariel Mitchell. The lawyer is accused of attempting to bribe a witness with up to $200,000 to force a $1 million settlement for sexual assault accusations against Trey Songz.

Trey Songz has been the subject of several sexual assault accusations at the time when Mitchell’s lawsuit was filed, and some are still ongoing.

In a twist that could see Mitchell disbarred or even imprisoned, a woman who is a witness in the case claims that she was approached by the attorney to lie that an assault took place. In return, she would be paid up to $200,000 once a settlement is agreed.

The alleged victim, Jauhara Jeffries, sued Songz for sexually assaulting her at a 2017 New Year’s Eve party in Miami in February 2022.

On Friday, attorneys for Trey Songz filed a motion in a Miami court accusing Ariel E. Mitchell, an attorney for Jeffries, of professional impropriety in that she offered a woman money to act as a witness in the case and lie in support of the alleged victim.

“Plaintiff and Ms Mitchell have engaged in serious misconduct, and it warrants a serious sanction,” the motion filed by attorneys Jeffrey A. Neiman and Derick Vollrath representing Songz said.

The woman who was approached is Mariah Thielen, who says she met with Jeffries’ attorney, Ariel Mitchell, last year at a Miami bar. The woman said that Mitchell reeked of weed and she carried a gun.

Thielen is named in the lawsuit filed by Jeffries. The documents say that Thielen was with Jeffries on the night of the alleged assault. However, while she does not say what happened, Thielen says that Mitchell offered her money to lie about what happened and claim that she was an eyewitness to the sexual assault.

“Ms Mitchell also informed me that if I changed my testimony to corroborate [Plaintiff’s] version of events and testified on [Plaintiff’s] behalf, that she would pay me between $100,000 and $200,000, depending on the case’s ultimate settlement amount, if any,” the witness said in the filing on Tuesday.

Thielen says that Mitchell further tried to convince her to also lie that the singer had sexually assaulted her as well in a big to paint him as “the next R. Kelly.” At the time,

The women were at a Miami nightclub during a New Year’s Eve celebration in 2017. Jeffries claims that while dancing on a couch wearing a “dress with a high slit up the back,” Songz inserted his fingers into her private parts.

Jeffries has, however, cracked as she says the plan was to force Trey Songz into a settlement, but she turned the offer down.

In the meantime, Mitchell has denied that she tampered with the witness as she disclosed that the allegations were also investigated by the Florida Bar Association, according to TMZ.

“We’re highly confident and certain the court will find the witness committed perjury. Parties are still awaiting the judges’ further instructions on how to proceed given the witness’s inconsistent testimony during the hearing.”

Mitchell also threatened to file a suit for defamation if the attorneys did not withdraw the claims.

In the meantime, Mitchell was the attorney who reportedly represented a client who claimed that Chris Brown sexually assaulted her earlier this year. The lawsuit was later dropped after the singer shared text messages proving that sex between the parties was consensual.

50 Cent Says He And Floyd Mayweather Squash Decade Old Beef

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather seem to have squashed their long-running beef as the rapper shared that Mayweather will be attending his upcoming event, Tycoon Houston Comedy Music Fest.

The event is hosted by Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s G-Unity Foundation to raise funds for charity. In a post shared on Sunday, 50 Cent said that the former boxing champion will be coming through.

“Yeah Champ said he gonna pull up on me for Tycoon so you know we gonna go crazy. Big bags coming out TMT floydmayweather BOOM,” the rapper shared.

Tycoon Houston is being held at the Toyota Center on August 25. The event’s website says that 50 Cent has added several must-see comedians, including B-Simone, Karlous Miller, Michael Blackson, Bill Bellamy, DC Young Fly, Jess Hilarious, Gary Owen, Lil Duval, and D’Lai.

The event will also feature a closing performance by 50 Cent and surprise “guest friends.”

The proceeds from the event will go towards the G-Unity Foundation and the G-Unity Business Lab with the Houston Independent School District.

In the meantime, Floyd Mayweather and 50 Cent’s beef go back for years till 2014, 50 Cent made a fake “ALS Ice Bucket” video where he challenged Mayweather but instead read a single page from a Harry Potter book.

Mayweather also responded, resulting in a back and forth between them. In one instance, Mayweather, who is known for flaunting his money and outlandish watches, shared a graph showing 50 Cent’s declining music sales from 15 million to 200,000 between the releases of ‘Great Rich Or Die Tryin’ and ‘Animal Ambition.’

In 2019, the beef was re-ignited, with 50 Cent appearing to squash the beef but leaving a low blow as he took a dig at Mayweather’s reported illiteracy.

“Tell Floyd I said he won he is the greatest of all time. and nobody I mean nobody can ever take that away from him what he’s done with his life is amazing. I’m done with all of the back and forth. Now Can Someone Please Read This To Champ. #POSTIVE VIBES,” a petty 50 Cent wrote.

P-Square Reunion World Tour

Friday, September 2
Doors 5:30pm | Show 7:00pm

Kings Theatre
1027 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226

About the Event

A hugely successful Nigerian duo, P-Square gained fame for their high-energy R&B, hip-hop, and dance-oriented sound. Consisting of the twin brothers Peter Okoye and Paul Okoye, the duo has attracted a global fanbase with the release of albums including 2005’s Get Squared, 2007’s Game Over, and 2009’s Danger, spawning hits including “Bizzy Body,” “No One Like You,” and “E No Easy.” After disbanding in 2016, P-Square reunited and will embark on a world tour in 2022.

Iconic Afrobeats duo PSquare will be performing live on September 2nd, at The Kings Theater in Brooklyn. The twin brother duo previously split up and are now back together for their 100 City Reunion World Tour. In addition to a long awaited reunion, this group inspired many of our current afrobeats stars and truly represents the ever-evolving essence of the Afrobeats genre. Their latest single, “Jaiye” has over 2M views on YouTube within just 3 days of its release.

Buy Tickets

AUA student robbed at knifepoint while jogging on Jabberwock road

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The American University of Antigua has informed students of the most recent robbery which occurred over the weekend:

Dear AUA Community,

KYI (keeping you informed) This morning (Saturday), around 7:20 am, an AUA student was robbed by knifepoint whilejogging on Jabberwock road near Jabberwock Villas. We are grateful that she was notphysically harmed.

The vehicle was a black SUV, possibly a Honda CRV, with two males. The police department has responded and will investigate this incident. Despite this traumatic experience, our AUA student is in good spirits, and her roommates have shown to be very supportive.

If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please get in touch with the CoolidgePolice at 268-462-3185 or Campus Safety & Security at 268-764-7819.

The administration will provide the AUA community with additional information if and whenit is made available.

Safety tips: Travel with a group. If you think you’re in a high-risk location, you can lower your chances of being mugged by exercising with a group. Muggers are much less likely to approach a group when thev can target an individual.


India celebrates 76th anniversary of independence in Antigua

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

High Commission of India accredited to Antigua and Barbuda.

Press Release

Celebration of 76th Independence Day of India in Antigua

India ‘s 75th Independence Day Anniversary was Celebrated this morning with Flag Hoisting by Honorary Consul of India  Mr. Vijay Tewani in the presence of Ambassador Liverpool, P. S. Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration, Ambassadors of China , Cuba , Dominican Republic, the British Resident Ambassador & the Consul General of Venezuela in addition to members of Diplomatic Corps.

The Indian Diaspora were also present.

The message of Hon’ble President of India H.E. Smt. Droupadi Murmu, on the occasion of the Independence Day was read by the Honorary Consul of India.

India is celebrating its 75th Independence Anniversary from March 2021 to August 2023 as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

The Government of India is organizing various events across the globe in the run up to the [email protected] to celebrate this historic occasion.

The High Commission of India has also been organizing various events since March 2021 to commemorate this important occasion.