Autoridades buscan a sexagenario desaparecido en Guánica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Agentes, adscritos al Cuerpo de Investigaciones Criminales (CIC) de Ponce, investigan la desaparición de un hombre, que fue visto por última vez el 13 de agosto de 2022 cuando salió en bicicleta de su residencia en la carretera 325 Antiguas Ruinas, en Guánica. 

Iván Marcial Suárez, de 63 años, fue reportado como desaparecido por su sobrino, Alberto García y fue descrito como de 5 pies de estatura,125 libras de peso, tez trigueña, ojos y cabello negro, y barba canosa. Como señas particulares, tiene una cicatriz, producto de una operación, en una de sus manos y un tatuaje en su espalda con la frase “Perdona Madre Mía”. 

Al momento de su desaparición vestía pantalón corto azul, camisa negra, zapatos dos tonos marrón y azul y gorra negra. 

Cabe señalar que la bicicleta, que manejaba Marcial Suárez, apareció en el área de la parada de carros públicos en la Avenida Los Veteranos, esquina calle 325 del barrio Ensenada, en Guánica. Sin embargo, no hay rastro del sexagenario. 

Si usted conoce el paradero de esta persona, comuníquese con la línea confidencial del Negociado de la Policía de Puerto Rico (787) 343-2020 o al 787-793-1234 ext. 2463 o 2464.   También puede contactar a los agentes del CIC de Ponce (787)284-4040, Ext.1510.

Flor de cayena: Qué es y cuáles son sus beneficios

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Qué es la flor de cayena: Orígenes y propiedades

La flor de la cayena es originaria de Asía oriental, sin embargo, se cultiva en zonas tropicales como en Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Hawai y otros países tanto de América Central como de Sudamérica.

Su nombre científico es Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, aunque también se le conoce como flor de Jamaica, San Joaquín, rosa de China, hibisco y amapola, entre otros. Las flores crecen en un arbusto de aproximadamente dos metros de altura y pueden ser de colores variados. Las cayenas pueden ser blancas, rojas, amarillas, rosadas y naranjas.

Tanto sus hojas como la misma flor son comestibles y como mencionamos previamente, además de ser  ornamentales, se le atribuyen propiedades terapéuticas y cosméticas. Es rica en vitaminas tales como A, B, C y E. También en minerales como hierro, fósforo y calcio. Además, está compuesta por antioxidantes, polifenoles y flavonoides.


Entre sus beneficios se destacan que tiene propiedades antiespasmódicas, por lo tanto, evita la inflamación y los cólicos. Favorece la digestión y ayuda a regular el azúcar en la sangre. De igual manera, ayuda a relajar los músculos ya sea ingerida en infusión o aplicada de forma tópica.

Por otro lado, ayuda a reducir la ansiedad y calma los nervios. Por su ligero efecto sedante es ideal para combatir el insomnioy funciona como un relajante. Así mismo, contribuye a reducir los niveles de colesterol “malo” en la sangre y evita el envejecimiento prematuro.

De igual modo, la flor de cayena es un diurético natural que previene la retención de líquidos y la aparición de cálculos renales. También ayuda a regular la presión arterial alta y previene otras afecciones cardíacas.

Como uso cosmético, se prepara un gel con sus hojas que ayuda a hidratar, nutrir y humectar el cabello, evitando así la resequedad y el encrespamiento o frizz.

La cayena se puede tomar en infusión, bebidas frías o incluso sus pétalos se pueden incorporar en algunas recetas. Recuerda que el consumo de esta flor no sustituye ningún tratamiento médico y ante cualquier duda consulta a un especialista.

Gobernador nomina por 10 años más a Agustín Montañez-Allman como procurador del Veterano

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Previo al comienzo de la nueva Sesión Ordinaria, el gobernador, Pedro Rafael Pierluisi, nominó el lunes a un nuevo término, por 10 años más, a Agustín Montañez-Allman como procurador del Veterano.

“Montañez- Allman es un ferviente defensor de nuestros veteranos y veteranas, juntos hemos dado batallas a favor de estos héroes que lucharon dignamente por la democracia que hoy todos disfrutamos. La procuraduría del Veterano, bajo el liderato de Agustín, ha avanzado muchísimo por los pasados 10 años, y porque aún queda mucho por hacer, me place designarlo a un nuevo término al cargo de procurador del Veterano. Espero que su trayectoria y aportaciones hacia todos los veteranos, sea tomada en consideración por la Asamblea Legislativa al momento de evaluar este nombramiento”, destacó el gobernador en declaraciones escrita.  

En una misiva dirigida al primer ejecutivo, Montañez-Allman expresó su disponibilidad para permanecer en el cargo “así como participar de cualquier transformación que añada servicios a nuestros exmilitares. Tenemos el pleno convencimiento de que las proyecciones que hemos establecido y las metas en desarrollo, contribuirán notablemente al éxito de su gestión como gobernador, al desarrollo económico de la Isla y a los planes de recuperación fiscal de su gobierno”.

Durante su gestión, Montañez-Allman logró la asignación de sobre 15 millones de dólares de compensación por reclamaciones de incapacidad y pensiones para los veteranos y procesó 5 millones de dólares en reclamos de los veteranos. También, trabajó para garantizar que 140 veteranos y sus esposas residentes no perdieran sus hogares. De igual forma, logró que la Casa del Veterano pasara todas las inspecciones federales y así como una asignación de 7 millones de dólares, en el 2011, para construir el primer Cementerio Estatal de Veteranos cuya apertura fue en el 2014.

Entre los planes del procurador del Veterano, están la construcción de un segundo cementerio estatal, pero esta vez en el sureste de la Isla, continuar las mejoras a la Casa del Veterano, así como al cementerio de veteranos en Aguadilla.

Previo a fungir como procurador del Veterano, Montañez-Allman fue subsecretario del Departamento de Corrección y Rehabilitación (DCR), fiscal auxiliar del Departamento de Justicia en Utuado y subadministrador de agencias del gobierno. También, dirigió la División Legal de la Oficina de Asuntos de la Juventud después de fungir como asistente de la División Legal del Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos (DTRH).

El procurador del Veterano tiene un bachillerato en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Ohio, y un Juris Doctor de la Escuela de Leyes de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico.

“Como veterano condecorado de la Guerra del Golfo Pérsico, nunca rehuiremos nuestro deber con Puerto Rico y con los hombres y mujeres que, con arrojo y valentía, han defendido nuestras instituciones, libertades y democracia”, concluyó Montañez-Allman.

2 Tropical waves approaching Barbados to affect island midweek Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Three tropical waves were detected in the Eastern Caribbean, however, only two are approaching the island within the next four days, according to the Barbados Meteorological Services forecast.

As of 2 am, Monday, August 15:

A tropical wave was analyzed along 76W south of 12N moving west at 10 to 15 knots.

A tropical wave was analyzed along 68/71W south of 22N moving west at 10 to 15knots.

A tropical wave was analyzed along 28W south of 22N moving west at 10 knots.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


A tropical wave will be approaching the island.

General Forecast: Mix of sunshine and clouds with a few brief scattered light showers.


Synopsis: A tropical wave will be affecting the island.

General Forecast: Mix of clear skies with cloudy periods with a few brief scattered light showers.


Wednesday: A tropical wave will produce occasionally cloudy skies and scattered light showers across Barbados from the evening. An increase in cloudiness and showers is expected across the southern Windwards during the late night. Meanwhile, surface to low-level confluence across the remainder of the region will trigger similar weather conditions. Another tropical wave will be approaching the Leewards.

Barbados Forecast Max/Min Temps: 31/25.

Thursday, August 18, 2022


Synopsis: A tropical wave will continue to affect the island.

General Forecast: Sunny with cloudy periods with a few brief scattered light showers.


Synopsis: A tropical wave will pass north of the island.

General Forecast: Mix of clear skies with cloudy periods with a few brief scattered light showers.


Thursday: Instability trailing the tropical wave will continue to generate some occasional cloudiness and scattered showers across Barbados and the southern Windwards. Meanwhile, another tropical wave will begin to affect the Leewards generating cloudy skies and scattered light to moderate showers. Elsewhere, no change in forecast conditions is projected.

Barbados Forecast Max/Min Temps: 29/24

PM calls press conference at 5pm, town hall on NIS Fund at 6pm Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

PM calls press conference at 5pm, town hall on NIS Fund at 6pm Loop Barbados

They will be live streamed

Loop News

45 minutes ago

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Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has called a press conference at Ilaro Court today.

The presser is set for an hour before the government and National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Board will kick off their series of Town Hall meetings to enlighten the public about the Fund and hear concerns and possible solutions.

Members of the public are being urged to join the discussion at Combermere School, Waterford, St Michael, today, Monday, August 15, from 6 pm.

The topic will be: “How can we Revitalise the National Insurance Scheme – for us, our children and grandchildren”.

It will also address the latest actuarial report.

The PM’s press conference and the town hall meeting will be live streamed on social media.

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NOTICE: A Planned Road Closure on Sir Sydney Walling Highway

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Ongoing works associated with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda Second Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation project will result in: road closures, slow moving traffic as well as single lane traffic on sections of Valley Road North (VRN) and along sections of Sir Sydney Walling Highway (SSWH).

Details of the traffic interventions are as follows. Traffic intervention for week beginning Monday 15th August 2022 include:

A Planned Road Closure on Sir Sydney Walling Hwy

The contractor intends on initiating a road closure on a section of SSWH – east of Pares Village. This planned road closure is earmarked to begin on Monday 22nd August 2022 for about six to eight weeks at minimum.

The works will require that the Highway be Closed to ALL through traffic. There will be local access only to businesses and residents. Eastbound (towards Pares village) and westbound traffic (towards SSWH) will be diverted onto Potworks Dam main road and Collins main road.

Slow moving traffic can be expected on a section of Valley Road North (VRN)

From Monday 15th August, 2022.

There will be:

Single Lane Traffic between the Golden Grove Football Field and Whenner’s Rd.
Single Lane Traffic on VRN between Creekside and Antigua State College for Asphalt Work.
Single Lane Traffic on VRN between Golden Grove School and Antigua State College to repair existing drains in the area.
Single Lane Traffic on VRN in Jennings towards the end of the week to do Full Depth Reconstruction. The traffic will be controlled by Flag Persons in all areas during the day time and signage will also be in place.


Lovell and Pringle decry government’s recent social initiatives as political ploys

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Jamale Pringle, Leader of the Opposition and the United Progressive Party (UPP) Candidate for All Saints East and St Luke has condemned a move by the government to decrease the number of food vouchers that is due to him.

The food voucher programme is a government initiative intended to bring relief to vulnerable families. However, Pringle laments that as a Member of Parliament he received 75 vouchers for distribution while Antigua Labour Party (ALP) Candidates who are not MPs were receiving 150.

All government ministers and ALP senators are engaged in this programme which falls under the Ministry of Social Transformation, Pringle says.

The Opposition Leader cries shame on the Gaston Browne Administration for treating what was intended to be a national social programme as a political ploy.

Pringle says that based on an investigation which he launched, it was discovered he should actually be receiving 150 food vouchers valued at $50 each.

He says too many of these policies are being used as a political tool.

Harold Lovell, the Party’s political leader is also disgusted with the practice of the Browne government in taxpayers’ funded initiatives including the food voucher distribution and the water tank distribution programme.- REAL NEWS


Man killed in Freeport accident on way to work

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Deochan Ramanoop holds the only photograph he has of his brother Lalchan who died in a vehicular accident on Sunday morning along the Solomon Hochoy Highway. Photo by Lincoln Holder

A crash involving two vans and a car in Freeport claimed the life of a 65-year-old before dawn on Sunday.

Lalchan Ramanoop’s family was unaware of his death and only found out about it after a relative went to report to the Gasparillo police that he had not returned home from work on Sunday night.

Ramanoop lived at Lynappe Street, Reform Village, near Gasparillo.

The police said shortly before 4 am on Sunday, three vehicles collided on the northbound lane of the Solomon Hochoy Highway in Freeport.

Ramanoop, who was alone in his van, as well as the two other drivers, were injured and taken to the Chaguanas Health Facility, where, Ramanoop died. The police said the two others were transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope.

Speaking to Newsday at his home on Monday, Ramanoop’s brother Deochan Ramanoop said his brother worked at the police Mounted Branch in St James, taking care of the horses. He was also a licensed jockey.

Deochan said he heard when his brother left for work.

He and other relatives assumed Ramanoop had arrived there safely, but became worried when he did not come home and the family was unable to contact him.

In this dated photograph Lalchan Ramanoop who was a professional jockey died in a vehicular accident along the Solomon Hochoy Highway on Sunday morning. Photo by Lincoln Holder

“He normally comes home from work, so it was strange that he did not return. My nephew went to the Gasparillo police station and reported it to the police.

“The police called and told him about the accident sometime later in the night. We did not know about that accident,” Deochan said.

Ramanoop is the third sibling to have died in the past three years.

Last year, Premchand Ramanoop, who was sickly, died. In 2020, another brother, Siewchand Ramanoop, died of cancer. The brothers lived in the same house.

One of their cousins, Stewart Narine, said Ramanoop had been a professional jockey who rode in TT and abroad.

“He rode horses in Canada and all over.

“He got his licence in Trinidad.

“He was not married and had no children. Lalchan was not a limer or a drinker. He kept to himself (although) he talks to everyone in the community,” Narine said.

Investigations are ongoing.

Manning seeks help for San Fernando landslip, fire victims

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


March 2022 file photo at Salvia lane Pleasantville, where several homes are being threatened by a landslip to the back of their properties. Photo by Lincoln Holder

SAN Fernando East MP Brian Manning is seeking to help some of his constituents who are affected by a landslip behind their homes and others who are homeless after a recent fire.

Manning, who is also Minister in the Ministry of Finance, expressed this sentiment on Monday after separate meetings with those affected. He was accompanied by Pleasantville councillor Robert Parris.

He spoke with the media at Salvia Lane, Pleasantville, where some residents are adversely affected by a landslip.

“You can see behind me that work has already begun on preserving this row of houses here.”

Manning said some of the houses were on the verge of sliding into a ditch created by the landslip. Five houses were directly threatened.

Manning pointed out that the land was slanting to one side.

“Every time it rained. I had a sleepless night worrying about this community. We were very, very much concerned about it.”

Manning said he had raised the issue in Parliament recently and worked assiduously with the Rural Development and Local Government Ministry to get some relief for Salvia Lane residents.

He was pleased that work to repair the landslip has started.

“I am glad that we caught it in time.”

The Rural Development and Local Government Ministry, he said, estimated it could cost $2 million to repair the landslip. He added that the ministry has contingencies for these kinds of situations.

Asked about the cause of the landslip, Manning said it could be the topography – the natural and artificial physical features of the area. He added one of those features could be an underground spring.

Parris said the landslip happened last year but had worsened recently. He added that the San Fernando City Corporation is doing what it can to help the residents.

Ricky Parson, an official from contractor Zorinda Maintenance, estimated it could take three months to repair the landslip.

Resident Ian Small was happy that repair work had started.

“I had sleepless nights. I had high blood pressure.”

Small has lived at Salvia Lane for the last 12 years. But the house he lives in is owned by his family and has been there for 25 years.

Small said the slippage began last May. He lost a water tank which fell down into the landslip, and the house suffered superficial cracks.

Small said he never heard the land shifting at night but saw the results of it in the day.

Another resident, Carol Collins, was also happy that work on the landslip has started.

She was in tears as she spoke about having to deal with it.

“It has been very uncomfortable. I had very much sleepless nights because of the landslip. It has not been easy.”

Collins spoke about cracks inside her house and a shop at the front.

“At the back of the house, the land has been separated from the house.”

Collins and her 84-year-old mother live together in the house.

Manning and Parris also visited with Kathyann Telesford and her family whose home at Coconut Boulevard, Pleasantville was destroyed by fire on August 8.

Shortly after the fire, Manning said approaches were made to the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and other agencies for assistance. He added that the HDC offers emergency housing in particular situations.

Hesaid he will look at what other assistance could be given to Telesford and her familly.

Parris said they have been given food assistance through Manning’s constituency office as well as through the corporation.

“We are going to offer as much assistance as we can.”

(Updated) New Grant man fined $1,500 for dumping coconut shells on roadside

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


The van’s tray with green coconut shells in Princes Town on Saturday. –

Candel Pierre, the New Grant resident caught dumping green coconut shells on the roadside in Princes Town over the weekend, pleaded guilty on Monday to littering.

Pierre, 42, of Monkey Town Branch Road, faced Princes Town magistrate Margaret Alert, who fined him $1,500. He must pay the fine by December 31 or serve a month in jail.

Pierre also pleaded guilty to driving without a valid insurance certificate. The magistrate him $3,500, to be paid by December 31 or he will serve 12 months in jail.

A police report said WPC Mitchell-Ramsey and other Princes Town municipal police were on mobile patrol on Saturday in a marked van on Gopaul Bypass Road in Princes Town.

They saw a parked white Mazda van and a man throwing the coconut shells from the tray onto the roadside, a public place.

The police told him of the offence, depositing litter in a public place, and cautioned him.

They asked for his driving documents and found his licence was valid, but his insurance certificate had expired on August 2.

Pierre was taken to the Princes Town municipal police station, where WPC Mitchell-Ramsey charged him.