‘Behoefte aan schoolspullen groot onder kinderen van gedetineerden’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

door Valerie Fris PARAMARIBO — “Niets is zo mooi dan een klankbord hebben wanneer een geliefde van je is ingesloten.


PM promises bonus $ to Health Ministry workers for pandemic service

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. –

The Prime Minister has promised to instruct the Finance Minister to make a special payment to Ministry of Health workers in the next budget.

He made the announcement at a PNM National Public Meeting at the Belmont Community Centre on Tuesday night saying the people in the health service “stood in the breech” for the people of TT and defending Chief Medical officer Dr Roshan Parasram.

“You all don’t understand what it means to be in a position of responsibility where death is the outcome, death is our portion, a virus killing millions of people around the world.

“And it is your responsibility to make the call and you buckle down and stay there and say you are going to fight for the people of TT in the very room where the virus killing people. Their families can’t come to them but health officers in the room there with them and handling them.”

He said those people had family members who were concerned for them, worried they would contract covid19 and die as did millions of people around the world. Therefore, he would not listen to any objection to the special payment because the government could afford it.

“It is not to say that we do not recognise what other people have done but those who walked the extra mile and had the extra exposure, it is on that basis alone. And they rose to the occasion. Our health service in a pandemic, in the pandemic of 2020, 2021, our health service was there for all the people of TT and we must be a grateful people.”


WASA begins repairing leak that caused St James sinkhole

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


WASA employees pump out water from a ten-foot-wide sinkhole on the Western Main Road, St James, on Tuesday evening. – Angelo Marcelle

The front left wheel of a car went into a sinkhole in the road which opened up opposite Courts in St James on Tuesday.

The hole, which was about ten feet wide and four and a half feet deep, had water pouring out of it into the canal on the west-bound side of the road.

In a press release, the Water and Sewerage Authority said a leak developed on a 16-inch diameter transmission pipeline and undermined a portion of the road. Emergency repair work was scheduled from 6 pm on Tuesday to 6 am on Wednesday.

It said customers in parts of St James and environs would experience a disruption in their water supply during the repairs and up to 24 hours after the work was completed.

When Newsday visited the area, vendors said water started to bubble up out of cracks in the street at the corners of Western Main Road and Benares Street around 6 am. The cracks widened, raising and breaking up the pitch as the day progressed.

They said it was some time between 2 pm and 3 pm when the wagon unsuccessfully tried to swerve from the damaged piece of road, when the left front wheel drove over the cracks and the hole opened up. The car was removed soon after with the help of the police.

Cones and tape were placed around the hole to prevent further accidents, and around 4 pm, two employees of the Port of Spain City Corporation visited the scene to assess the situation.


Caribbean Nations Again Among Top 10 Beach Destinations For Wealthy Entrepreneurs

Black Immigrant Daily News

By NAN Staff Writer

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Aug. 23, 2022:  Caribbean nations have again dominated the Nomad Capitalist, 2022 Nomad Beach Index (NBI), which was just revealed Tuesday. The annual index highlights the world’s top 10 beach destinations for seven-figure wealthy entrepreneurs globally.

The NBI results from aggregating data from over 30 different, unique sources, rank the top beach destinations worldwide on a scale of 10 to 50 using the following factors: Beauty (30 percent), services (20 percent), taxes (20 percent), immigration (20 percent), and safety (10 percent).

Like last year, the Cayman Islands topped the list in 2022. The other Caribbean nations making the Top 10 beach destinations lists are as follows:

In the number two spot is St. Kitts and Nevis, while the number four was The Bahamas and number five was Antigua and Barbuda. Grenada landed in the 6th spot while Dominica was 7th. The Dominican Republic was 9th while Saint Lucia rounded out the top 10.

As a leading offshore consulting firm, Nomad Capitalist assists its clients – many of them celebrities – with attaining second passports and citizenships, moving and building wealth offshore, and legally lowering taxes, among other services. Founded by Andrew Henderson – the original “Nomad Capitalist”- the firm represents more than 150 high- and ultra-high-net-worth clients in any given year, primarily from the United States.


« OPAL est un film sur l’inceste dont le but est de dénoncer »

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Alain Bidard, réalisateur de Battledream Chronicle et OPAL

Alain Bidard est un réalisateur martiniquais, originaire de Saint-Joseph. À 44 ans, il détient un palmarès élogieux pour ses nombreuses réalisations cinématographiques. Focus sur son parcours et son long-métrage OPAL, qui enchaîne les récompenses partout à travers le monde. 

D’où vient cette passion pour le film d’animation ?

J’ai toujours aimé le dessin. Je dessine depuis l’âge de trois ans. Très tôt, j’ai voulu créer des histoires, donc très vite je me suis tourné vers la bande dessinée. Puis j’ai naturellement voulu me diriger vers le cinéma. À l’époque, il y avait le Club Dorothée et pas mal de dessins animés qui étaient inspirants et qui donnaient envie de créer. C’est cela qui m’a vraiment donné envie d’en réaliser, notamment en…

France-Antilles Martinique

1446 mots – 24.08.2022


Une première édition qui en appelle déjà d’autres

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles


Pour un coup d’essai, ce fut un coup de maître. La première édition de « Saint-Pierre by night » a mis de l’ambiance dans les rues de la ville. Le public avait le choix entre trois lieux et trois ambiances différentes.

Vendredi soir, trois sites de la ville ont connu une belle effervescence : le marché couvert avec les vétérans de l’Assaut de Saint-Pierre, la place Glacière, sur le front de mer avec le groupe Sé Zig la, et la place de la Roxelane pour un open micro animé par Eddy Borderan et Radio Fréquence Caraïbes.  

La pluie intermittente a quelque peu gâché les festivités, limitant les noctambules dans leurs déplacements d’un point à un autre. Sous le marché de la place Bertin, le public a…

France-Antilles Martinique

573 mots – 24.08.2022


La Martinique s’est bien comportée

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

CYCLISME. Tour de Guyane. 31e édition

La sélection a terminé l’épreuve, disputée du 14 au 21 août, sur une victoire de Kyllian Boscher, dans les rues de Cayenne. Âgé de dix-neuf ans, le benjamin de l’équipe a réglé lors de l’ultime étape, dimanche, au sprint, une cinquantaine de coureurs, tous aguerris à cet exercice de vélocité.

De retour en Martinique lundi en début d’après-midi, la délégation est arrivée à l’aéroport les mains chargées de trophées. Alfred Defontis, président du Comité régional, avait fait le déplacement pour accueillir les sélectionnés. 

Les six coureurs : Edwin Nubul, 23 ans ; son frère, Owan Nubul, 25 ans ; Mickaël Laurent, 42 ans ; Marc Flavien, 32 ans ; Kyllian Boscher, 19 ans, et Jonathan Etiennar 28 ans, ont été de brillants animateurs de l’épreuve.

Néanmoins, la victoire…

France-Antilles Martinique

848 mots – 24.08.2022


Rentrée scolaire : l’habillement, un coût exorbitant

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

À quelques jours de la rentrée, les familles affluent dans les magasins spécialistes de l’uniforme scolaire pour rhabiller leurs enfants des pieds à la tête. Entre les polos, chemises ou t-shirts imposés par le règlement de certains établissements, il faut généralement y rajouter les pantalons et chaussures. Des dépenses conséquentes même si les enseignes font de leur mieux pour compenser l’augmentation des coûts. 

La file d’attente s’allonge aussi bien à la caisse que devant les cabines d’essayage. « À qui le tour s’il vous plaît ? », s’enquiert Daher Almerai, tout en envoyant des messages vocaux à un de ses salariés dans l’arrière-boutique pour demander un polo supplémentaire. En ce mardi matin, le gérant du magasin Lorenzo, à l’angle des rues Blénac et Isambert à Fort-de-France, semble débordé par l’afflux de clients venus acheter polos, chemises ou encore jeans nécessaires…

France-Antilles Martinique

1472 mots – 24.08.2022


Entertainer ‘Poor and Boasy’ pleads guilty to fraud charges Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

6 hrs ago

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Entertainer ‘Poor and Boasy’ pleaded guilty to fraud charges when he appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Tuesday.

He is to return in November when a social enquiry report is expected to be presented.

The deejay, whose given name is Omar Johnson, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud, uttering forged document and obtaining money by means of false pretence.

It is alleged that ‘Poor and Boasy’ collected money amounting to US$1,000 from a deejay who had asked him to convert the cash to Jamaican dollars. The deejay who Poor and Boasy collected the money from had allegedly returned from overseas after doing a show.

‘Poor and Boasy’ is then alleged to have given the money that he collected in a sealed envelope to the complainant and received J$70,000 in return. It was later revealed that all the bills that the complainant got had the same serial number.

A report was made to the police and ‘Poor and Boasy’ was arrested and charged.

Judge Lori-Ann Cole-Montague was going to put a stop order on the artiste, which would have prevented him from leaving the country. However, ‘Poor and Boasy’, who was without an attorney, begged the judge for a break as he has an upcoming show in Trinidad.

She relented on issuing the stop order, saying that she did not want to prevent the artiste from making a living but the entertainer must report to the Half-Way-Tree Police Station weekly.

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Sra. Catharina F. Giel-Figaroa

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Diario

Mira con Dios a salba mi,

Tur mi confiansa ta den djE, 

Mi n’ tin miedo: 

Señor Dios ta mi forsa, mi refugio.

E mes t’Esun cu a salba mi.

Isaías 12:2 

Sra. Catharina F. Giel-Figaroa

Cariñosamente yama “Mena”

*13-02-1948 – †22-08-2022 

Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
