JOËL, passionné d’aviation et surdoué du pilotage

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

À tout juste 19 ans, Joël Accamah a déjà obtenu, avec brio, toutes les qualifications nécessaires pour devenir pilote commercial. Féru d’aviation depuis sa plus tendre enfance, le jeune prodige originaire d’Ajoupa-Bouillon postule désormais auprès des compagnies aériennes du monde entier afin de se faire embaucher comme copilote sur les ATR, prélude à la réalisation de son rêve de devenir, dans quelques années, commandant de bord sur des appareils long-courrier.

À peine sorti de l’adolescence, il touche déjà le ciel : auréolé de sa licence professionnelle de pilote commercial et des formations complémentaires obligatoires, Joël Accamah est désormais qualifié pour devenir copilote. Ou « officier pilote de ligne », voire OPL, comme on dit dans le jargon, riche en sigles, de l’aéronautique. Au bout de plusieurs mois de formation, à Annecy puis à Perpignan, ce passionné d’aviation a validé le nombre d’heures de vol nécessaires,…

France-Antilles Martinique

2028 mots – 24.08.2022

Mohit: Government must help vulnerable children return to school

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Chaguanas East MP Vandana Mohit during a debate in Parliament in 2020. File photo/Office of the Parliament. –

With less than two weeks before the new school term reopens, Opposition MP Vandana Mohit said her office has been besieged by families seeking help to purchase school books and uniforms so their children can get an education.

From the United National Congress (UNC) platform on Monday night, Mohit made an appeal for government to help vulnerable families who, she said, were struggling to put food on their tables, much less attend to their children’s back-to-school needs.

She called on Social Development Minister Donna Cox to assist families who lost their jobs and are yet to buy books for their charges, 12 days before the school term reopens.

She repeated a call by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar for a one-time uniform grant for vulnerable families, which had not elicited a response from government.

“Yet they preach youth and youths are our future. This year I got the most request for assistance regarding back to school over any of the years I have served before.

“Since last week, I have been looking at book lists, after book lists after book lists. I am not helping just to get votes.”

She said her assistance was meant to prevent people from making a decision as to whether to put food on the table or buy books to ensure their children benefited from an education.

Her Couva North colleague, Ravi Ratiram also focused on the failing education system, from the cancellation of the laptop programme, dismantling of the GATE programme, reduction in the number of government scholarships, to the large percentage of SEA students who scored below 50 per cent.

“Great is the failure of the PNM,” Ratiram said, reworking the PNM’s mantra.

On the issue of improved water supply to Brickfield and surrounding areas in his constituency, he referred to Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales recommitment to the project at last October Budget Standing Finance Committee meeting.

In May, 2022, when an update was requested, Gonzales responded that the project was due to commence in two to three weeks, and the third phase of the Appoo Settlement was due to commence in one month’s time.

Ratiram said his office made enquiries of WASA on Monday and were informed that those projects were yet to go out for tender.

Although he joined with farmers in a protest outside the Agri Investment Forum Expo II held over the weekend, Ratiram said he was glad farmers had an opportunity to showcase their products but he said there were adversities in the sector that craved urgent attention.

Ratiram showed several video clips of the damage flooding had wreaked on certain farmers and their livelihood. He said farmers were denied proper access roads, incentives, safety and security against praedial larceny and piracy, for fisherfolks.

He accused the Commissioner of State lands of attempting to “bully” some farmers out of their plots of land that were inaccessible due to flooding or poor roads.

As the country prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary of Independence, Ratiram opined, “we are still far from being independent.

“It is only when a country can feed itself, that we can be independent. In order to realise true independence, we need to be free of Keith Rowley and the PNM Government.

“So, Prime Minister Rowley, for this Independence Day, I ask you to free us.

“Free us from crime and praedial larceny. Free us from geographic discrimination. Free us from your government’s abuse. Free us from your nepotism and corruption. Free us from a Cabinet that is filled with dishonesty by saying everything and doing nothing.”

Silver Dollar casino robbed of $92,000 in cash

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

Tobago police are on the hunt for three men who robbed the Silver Dollar casino of more than $90,000 in cash, on Monday.

Reports are that around 11:55pm, the men, one of whom had a gun, entered the casino, located on the first floor of Shirvan Plaza and stole around $92,000 from the vault.

The men, who entered the casino from the back of Shirvan Plaza, then ran out of the building with the cash.

Shirvan Plaza is located several metres away from the Shirvan Police Station.

Officers of the Shirvan CID are investigating.

Ascension Premier League kicks off Friday

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Tobago Football Association president Everton Alfred – DAVID REID

THE COMMUNITIES across Tobago, will have the opportunity to express their passion and camaraderie towards their teams, as the Tobago Football Association (TFA)-organised Ascension Premier league, kicks off at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, on Friday.

The appetiser at 5.30 pm, will feature an eastern conference match-up between Sidey’s FC of Speyside and Roxborough Lakers. Bethel United versus Hill United of Patience Hill, will headline a western conference game at 7.30 pm.

The format of the 2022 competition, following a two-year absence due to the covid19 virus, will feature 21 teams, divided in three groups of seven, in the western, eastern and central zones.

The final, with a jackpot of $30,000, will be decided following a knockout round of games, among the top two teams from each conference, and the two best third place finishers.

The commencement of the league will face one minor hiccup, as general secretary of the TFA, Jomo Pitt, tendered his resignation to the board, effective August 28.

Jomo Pitt – Ayanna Kinsale

While no reason was given for his sudden notification, in his letter to TFA president Everton Alfred, Pitt, a former Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Secretary for Sports and Youth Affairs, thanked the board and member clubs for the opportunity to serve as general secretary, and wished the association all the best in their future endeavours.

The eastern conference teams are Charlotteville Police Youth Club, Sidey’s FC, Roxborough Lakers, Belle Garden FC, Goodwood FC, Georgia FC and Youth Stars of Argyle, while the central conference will comprise Calder Hall FC, Mason Hall Police Youth Club, Signal Hill United, Stokely Vale FC of Plymouth, Golden Lane FC, Bertille St Clair’s Academy and Leeds United of Whim.

The western conference will feature Black Rock FC, St Clair Coaching School, Carnbee/Mt Pleasant, Bethel United, Lambeau United, Hills United and 1976 FC Phoenix.

PM promises bonus $ to Ministry of Health workers for service during pandemic

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. –

The Prime Minister has promised to instruct the Finance Minister to make a special payment to Ministry of Health workers in the next budget.

He made the announcement at a PNM National Public Meeting at the Belmont Community Centre on Tuesday night saying the people in the health service “stood in the breech” for the people of TT and defending Chief Medical officer Dr Roshan Parasram.

“You all don’t understand what it means to be in a position of responsibility where death is the outcome, death is our portion, a virus killing millions of people around the world.

“And it is your responsibility to make the call and you buckle down and stay there and say you are going to fight for the people of TT in the very room where the virus killing people. Their families can’t come to them but health officers in the room there with them and handling them.”

He said those people had family members who were concerned for them, worried they would contract covid19 and die as did millions of people around the world. Therefore, he would not listen to any objection to the special payment because the government could afford it.

“It is not to say that we do not recognise what other people have done but those who walked the extra mile and had the extra exposure, it is on that basis alone. And they rose to the occasion. Our health service in a pandemic, in the pandemic of 2020, 2021, our health service was there for all the people of TT and we must be a grateful people.”

En effet il y a de quoi se r?volter

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Sans blague! Le Premier ministre de facto est <> par la mort d’une m?re et de ses deux filles. Pourquoi a-t-il attendu ce crime pour ?tre r?volt? ? Le crime est certes odieux, impardonnable. Mais il n’est qu’une s?quence d’une s?rie dont les ?pisodes se sont multipli?s depuis l’imposition d’Ariel Henry comme chef d’un ex?cutif qui ne rend compte qu’? lui-m?me.

Monsieur le Premier ministre, c’est ? nous d’?tre r?volt?s contre un pouvoir de facto qu’aucune r?ussite ne caract?rise. Depuis un an et quelques mois que vous vous maintenez au pouvoir, on tue plus qu’avant, les probl?mes ?conomiques, les conditions de vie, tout s’est empir?. Dites-nous donc ? quoi vous nous ?tes utiles, vous et vos ministres ? Votre pouvoir restera dans l’histoire comme la plus douloureuse des usurpations, une agence de production et de reconduction du pire pay?e par notre argent.

Dites-nous donc, monsieur le Premier ministre de facto, qui veut de vous ? part ceux que vous payez ? On manifeste contre vous, on rit de votre <>. Partis politiques, organisations de la soci?t? civile, ?coliers, ?tudiants, une masse de citoyens vous demandent de partir, ou au moins de participer honn?tement ? la mise en place d’un pouvoir de transition. Vous vous comportez comme si vous aviez ?t? ?lu et disposiez d’un mandat ? vie. C’est ? nous d’?tre r?volt?s contre cette indiff?rence ? notre revendication de base : d?part ou compromis. Et ne sortez pas l’argument fallacieux de l’absence de cadre institutionnel ? cette revendication. Votre pouvoir, vos alliances n’ont eux non plus aucun cadre institutionnel. Les cadres institutionnels, le PHTK dont vous ne dirigez qu’une ?ni?me version a pass? une d?cennie ? les d?truire.

Il est grossier en politique d’attaquer les gens dans leur personne et vous avez la r?putation d’?tre un professionnel s?rieux et incomp?tent. Quel est donc ce vice du pouvoir qui vous fait vous accrocher ? un titre et une fonction qui virent ? la caricature ? Vous voulez rester au pouvoir pour faire quoi ? Reconstruire une ?conomie qui se d?grade sous votre gouvernement ? Sauver la vie des m?res et des filles, des enfants et des adultes qu’on assassine ? Revigorer les liens sociaux qui se d?litent comme jamais avant sous votre gouvernement ? Conduire le pays vers des ?lections cr?dibles alors que le principal obstacle ? l’enclenchement du processus pouvant y mener est votre gouvernement ?

Monsieur le Premier ministre, quelques mercenaires ont peut-?tre trouv? dans votre pouvoir une r?ussite personnelle. Vous leur avez accord? postes et statut. Mais pour le pays, il est le plus cuisant des ?checs. Et vous voulez nous l’imposer comme une permanence. Nommez une chose positive r?ussie par votre gouvernement. ? moins de consid?rer la recrudescence des boat people et autres d?parts clandestins, l’extension territoriale des gangs, la d?liquescence g?n?ralis?e des services publics comme acquis ? mettre ? votre palmar?s !

Il y a cependant une chose positive. La rue, les partis politiques et les organisations de la soci?t? civile s’?taient ?loign?s. Certains de vos amis sont pass?s par l?, leur trahison a eu pour effet de d?courager. Mais le lien se refait. Sans eux. Des gens sont morts en voulant faire entendre leurs revendications : halte au crime et vivement votre d?part. Quand les voix seront plus fortes, vous ordonnerez ? la police de tuer ?

Monsieur le Premier ministre de facto, votre pouvoir n’est pas une issue mais une impasse. Ayez l’intelligence d’en sortir et de nous en sortir. Au nom de cette m?re et de ses filles dont la mort vous a <> dans votre impuissance.

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Les plus pauvres paieront au prix fort l’effet balan?oire du taux de change, selon Thomas Lalime

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

L’?conomiste Thomas Lalime, r?agissant aux d?clarations de Jean Baden Dubois, gouverneur de la banque centrale, annon?ant que de l’ordre sera mis sur le march? des changes afin de rapprocher les taux du secteur informel de celui du formel, a exprim? des doutes sur la disponibilit? du dollar sur le march? des changes. <>, a d?clar? l’?conomiste sur Magik 9 le mardi 23 ao?t 2022.

Pour ce qui est de la liquidit? du billet vert, une baisse de 3 % du volume de transferts sans contrepartie vers Ha?ti est observ?e, ? cause de la migration d’Ha?ti vers la R?publique dominicaine et de la hausse de l’inflation qui, en juin, a d?pass? 9 %, selon Jean Baden Dubois, en conf?rence de presse le lundi 22 ao?t 2022. Il faut ajouter ? cette r?alit?, les d?faillances structurelles de l’?conomie qui n’exporte pas assez et qui ne g?n?re pas suffisamment de devises.

<< Il faut des mesures salutaires mais impopulaires pour produire. L’augmentation de l’offre de dollars doit passer par l’exportation, le tourisme, la diaspora ha?tienne. <>, avait plaid? le gouverneur de la banque centrale, Jean Baden Dubois.

Pour Thomas Lalime, l’effet balan?oire sur le march? des changes est une porte ouverte ? la sp?culation. Dans son intervention ? l’?mission Panel Magik, l’?conomiste a mis l’accent sur le caract?re dangereux de la chute brutale du taux de change. <>, a expliqu? le Dr Lalime, qui croit que c’est exactement sur ce type de d?sordre que la banque centrale doit agir. Selon l’?conomiste le plus grand perdant, la plus grande victime des pertes de change provoqu?es par l’effet balan?oire sur le march? des changes sera toujours les plus pauvres.

Selon Lalime, il est de la responsabilit? de la banque centrale de prendre des mesures pour r?guler les op?rations de changes dans le secteur informel. Le vice-gouverneur de la BRH, Georges Henry Fils, a reconnu, hier, que des mesures prises par la BRH peuvent avoir ?t? contourn?es par ces op?rateurs de l’informel qui sont motiv?s par le profit. <>, a fait savoir le vice-gouverneur qui a ?voqu? la prise d’autres mesures. <>, a indiqu? Thomas Lalime.

Sur le plan politique, la question, a constat? M. Lalime, est de savoir si l’on va dans une spirale de d?sordre ou de vagabondage. <>, a pest? l’?conomiste.

Face ? la situation ?conomique pr?caire d’Ha?ti, marqu?e par une inflation galopante, par la chert? de la vie, la population, malgr? ses griefs, ses revendications, se doit d’agir en toute s?r?nit? pour ?viter au pays de sombrer dans le chaos. Thomas Lalime rappelle que les ?pisodes de troubles n’ont jamais am?lior? le tissu productif d’Ha?ti. <>, a-t-il martel?, soulignant qu’il revient aux autorit?s de mettre de l’ordre dans le pays ? tous les niveaux.

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Chili : l’ambassade d’Ha?ti obtient un accord qui offre des bourses d’?tudes aux jeunes Ha?tiens

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

L’ambassadeur d’Ha?ti au Chili, Wedlyne Fran?ois Pierre, a paraph?, le 17 ao?t 2022, un protocole d’accord avec Claudio Alberto Ruff Escobar, recteur de l’Universit? Bernardo O’Higgins. Cet accord, selon une note de presse de l’ambassade d’Ha?ti au Chili, vise ? promouvoir la r?alisation de projets, programmes et activit?s de coop?ration internationale qui permettent le d?veloppement acad?mique, scientifique, culturel entre les deux parties signataires.

? en croire l’ambassade, cet accord pr?voit notamment des ?changes de professeurs, chercheurs et ?tudiants, des ?changes d’informations scientifiques, m?thodologiques et d’enseignement, des projets communs de recherche, l’octroi de bourses d’?tudes (premier, deuxi?me et troisi?me cycles) selon les crit?res qui seront d?finis dans les accords sp?cifiques y relatifs, encadrement conjoint d’?tudiants en master et doctorat…

<>, peut-on lire dans la note.

<>, poursuit la note du service de communication de l’ambassade d’Ha?ti au Chili.

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26 boursiers ha?tiens en route pour Taiwan

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

La c?r?monie s’est d?roul?e en pr?sence de Yvrose Green, directrice des Affaires culturelles, repr?sentante du ministre des Affaires etrang?res et des Cultes, de Ax?ne Joseph, directeur de cabinet, repr?sentant du ministre de la Planification et de la coop?ration externe, du repr?sentant du ministre de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle et d’Etzer Emile, pr?sident de l’Association des Alumni de Ta?wan.

Cela fait d?j? deux d?cennies depuis qu’il existe entre Ha?ti et la R?publique de Chine (Ta?wan) une coop?ration acad?mique et universitaire ayant permis ? plus de 265 ?tudiants ha?tiens de d?buter ou de poursuivre leurs ?tudes universitaires dans les meilleures universit?s ta?wanaises, gr?ce ? deux programmes de bourses. Cette ann?e encore, dans le cadre de la coop?ration bilat?rale 2022, une cohorte de 26 jeunes ha?tiennes et ha?tiens quittera le pays. Quatre d’entre eux sont d?j? partis ce mardi 23 ao?t et les 22 autres quitteront le pays le 7 septembre prochain.

Dans son discours de circonstances, l’ambassadeur taiwanais Wen-jiann KU a tenu ? pr?ciser que le quota de bourses d’?tudes octroy?es aux ha?tiens a augment? cette ann?e de 12% environ. <>, a d?clar? M. Ku.

Il en a aussi profit? pour f?liciter les nouveaux boursiers et pour leur demander de ne pas oublier leur objectif. <>, a d?clar? M. KU. Et c’?tait aussi l’occasion pour lui de rappeler que Taiwan en octroyant ces bourses n’entend pas voler la mati?re grise de notre pays et que ces boursiers sont dans l’obligation de revenir. <>, a affirm? l’ambassadeur taiwanais.

Le pr?sident de l’Association des Alumni de Ta?wan, l’?conomiste Etzer Emile, n’a pas cach? sa satisfaction d’avoir pris part ? ce programme et a tenu ? f?liciter les nouveaux boursiers tout en leur prodiguant des conseils vu son exp?rience ? Taiwan. <>, a d?clar? Etzer Emile qui reste convaincu que ces ?tudiants feront honneur ? la nation ha?tienne en r?ussissant et reviendront mettre au service du pays les connaissances acquises.

Les 26 boursiers de l’ann?e 2022 sont : BEAUZILE Melissa, CHARLES Josu?, HORTES Sley, JEAN-CADET Loudjina Laissa, OCTA Annachelle Jovanah, PHILOTEQUE Kernst Burry, RIGAUD Neil Taison, SAEL Sania, TILUS Mike Robert Joe, PETIT-FRERE Esp?rancia, DUVERGER Joel Hergust, DADE Kesly-Lionel, AZOR Medjina Agar, JEAN-PIERRE Romuald Thierry, BEAUCICOT Lovenson, ALABRE Rithshi , SANON Stanley Alex Edgard, ALISMA Jubens, BIGORE Carl Roodshell Peggy, JOSEPH Stanley, NESTANT Medjine, JEROME Lurdedjina, CLERGER Florvil ,LAIBHEN Sherley ,SEJOUR Osmarly, Maisonneuve Andessna.

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Royal Caribbean recruits more from TT

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Tourism, Culture and the Arts Minister Randall Mitchell with Wendy McDonald, regional vice president of government relations (Caribbean) for Royal Caribbean International, at Hilton Trinidad on May 23. –

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts announced on Tuesday that Royal Caribbean Group, through its seafarer recruitment initiative, recently completed a second phase of recruitment in TT.

On May 23 the ministry signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the group that saw thousands of job opportunities being offered. A recruitment fair was held in June with thousands turning up to be interviewed to work with the group.

A news release said 1,300 applicants were interviewed virtually by a 19-member recruitment team between August 9-19.

The ministry added the applicants were contacted by the group and attended interviews at home, Queen’s Hall, Port of Spain or Shaw Park Complex, Scarborough, Tobago.

“The second phase of this recruitment drive continues to afford employment opportunities for hundreds of citizens within the tourism and hospitality services, food and beverage management, and the medical field.”

The ministry said the second phase gave people who were unable to participate in June a second chance.

The MOU lasts for one year and creates an ongoing relationship with the group to provide employment at a time when “covid19 has had a deleterious effect on TT’s tourism sector and the wider job market,” it said.

Approximately 1,000 applicants received letters of offer from the company for a range of positions including chefs, housekeepers, inventory managers, restaurant attendants, bartenders and doctors, the ministry said.

Tourism, Culture and the Arts Minister Randall Mitchell said, “The ministry remains committed to doing our part to facilitate meaningful employment opportunities for our citizens as well as support initiatives that boost economic recovery.”

Those who accept the group’s offer letters must now complete a personal data form, conduct a more detailed assessment and then receive letters of employment that specify the vessel assignment along with the date and port to meet the vessel. It is only then the applicant applies for the seafarer’s visa, it said.

“The Royal Caribbean Group will cover the cost of visas, all training as well as the cost of airfare to meet their assigned vessel. Tickets for travel are sent via RCG’s recruitment portal to the nearest airport to the ship’s current port of call,” it added.