Emouvantes fun?railles de Josette Desanclos et de ses deux filles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

<>, a l?ch? en larmes Me Desanclos, qui s’est demand? ce qu’il a fait pour m?riter cette punition.

Aux fun?railles de la femme et des filles de Me Desanclos, il n’y pas eu de cercueil mais des urnes fun?raires et des photos des assassin?es. Au Pax Villa, Me Simpson Desanclos d?crit une relation de complicit? et de confiance entre lui et ses filles. <>, a tristement d?clar? Me Desanclos.

<>, s’est indign? Me Desanclos. Selon lui, le crime crapuleux de sa femme et de ses filles r?volte la conscience et ne doit pas rester impuni. <>, a-t-il fait remarquer, rappelant que Cit? Doudoune est la zone d’influence du gang dirig? par Lanm? san Jou.

Malgr? son amertume, Me Simpson Desanclos a quand m?me trouv? le courage de remercier ses proches pour leur support. <>, a-t-il d?clar?.

<>, a d?clar? Me Patrick Laurent, ami de la famille.

De son c?t?, Me Samuel Madistin pense que la mort tragique des Desanclos <>.

Pour Calixte Fleuridor, sa pr?sence est de r?pondre au devoir de rendre un dernier hommage ? la m?moire de ces regrettables soeurs tomb?es sous les balles assassines des bandits. <>, a-t-il dit, demandant aux autorit?s de prendre des mesures concr?tes pour l’ordre et la paix.

Sarhadjie Desanclos, 24 ans, ancienne de l’Institution Sacr?-Coeur, avait cours ? l’Universit? de Port-au-Prince, le samedi 20 ao?t 2022, le matin de son assassinat. Employ?e du minist?re de l’?conomie et des Finances (MEF), sa grande soeur Sherwood Sondjie Desanclos, juriste de 29 ans, issue du Centre d’?tudes secondaires et de la Facult? de droit et des sciences ?conomiques (FDSE) et sa m?re, Josette Fils Desanclos, employ?e de l’Autorit? portuaire nationale (APN), ne savaient pas qu’en quittant leur domicile de Croix-des-Bouquets, la mort serait au bout d’un p?riple ordinaire. Les trois femmes ont ?t? prises pour cibles, tu?es et br?l?es lors d’une op?ration de bandits de la zone qui a laiss? un lourd bilan: au moins huit morts entre Croix-des-Bouquets et Tabarre.

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Jordon Reign’s takes She’s A Maneater Trophy Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
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Leading rider Dane Dawkins and trainer Ian Parsard combined for two winners including JORDON REIGN’S in the She’s A Maneater Trophy at a mile at Caymanas Park on Saturday.

After booting home Parsard’s 6-1 chance, DODGE THIS LINK, in the sixth event at six and a half furlongs, Dawkins’ confidence was sky high aboard JORDON REIGN’S for the United States-bred gelding’s fourth consecutive victory.

JORDON REIGN’S disputed the lead with RUNAWAY ALGO and I AM FRED before taking over and dismissing SHE’S MY DESTINY, who recovered from a poor start to chase three and a half furlongs out.

Asked to run up the lane by Dawkins, JORDON REIGN’S sprinted clear to beat EROY by two lengths, clocking 1:39.1 in his first race at a mile.

Sunday’s Reggae 6 mandatory payout will open at $8m after Ryan Darby’s FYFFE’S PEN LIZ struck at 37-1 in the fifth, handing the trainer his second winner of the afternoon following HOPE PERSEVERANCE 3-1 win in the second event.

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Basketball Academy Suriname mikt op educatie en ontwikkeling basketbalsport

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld John ZaalmanPARAMARIBO – De Basketball Academy Suriname heeft zaterdag na zijn officiële intrede op 20 augustus try-outs


Le CSM termine mieux le mois d’août

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles


Samedi 27 Août 2022 – 21h23

Flavio Talbot (JSVH) surveillant de près Vikash Tillé (CSM) – Dominique CHOMEREAU-LAMOTTE

Après deux éliminations de suite en Coupe de France et en Coupe de Guadeloupe, les Mouliens ont cette fois-ci bien entamé la première journée de championnat.

Le CSM commence donc sa saison de championnat par une victoire à domicile. Les hommes de Richard Albert, sans doute revanchards, ont dominé les Habissois grâce notamment à Vikash Tillé, auteur d’un doublé. Le score aurait pu être encore plus lourd mais les jeunes Couchy (Kilian et Anthony) ont manqué de précisions dans le dernier geste en deuxième période. Il y aura tout de même eu durant la rencontre, une inquiétude concernant Ludovic Gotin. Le buteur maison est sorti du blessure à la mi-temps.

Du côté de la JSVH, la copie rendu est très insuffisante selon son nouvel entraineur Rony Edouard. Il a très peu goûté le manque d’engagement de ses joueurs et leur a fait savoir. 

Plus d’informations dans votre édition du 29 août

Résultats 1ère journée de Régionale 1 – Vito

CSM – JSVH 2 – 0

Gauloise – JEFC 0 – 0

Sporting – CSC 1 – 0

Solidarité Scolaire – Siroco 2 – 0

Le Phare – Juventus 1 – 1

Red Star – AS Gosier 28/08

AOG – Stade Lamentinois 28/08

Etoile – USBM 28/08

CERFA et Dynamo sont exempts de cette première journée.

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Observation: Antiguan Young Men Roaming The Streets Abandoned

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room


There are several young men new to the streets, lost, or abandoned, maybe both. Doesn’t anyone in the Happiness Ministry or the Social Services Ministry see them or want to help them.

It really does not matter whether you want to or not you are bound by your Ministry’s portfolio to reach out and help them.

One by one the new ones are moving slowly into madness, clearly sleeping in abandoned places, they roam the streets, corners of their mouths white, and unwashed; does anyone in the Government see them.

The young people want more out of life and are dropping out again, they do not see the point of living on the edge of life for all of their life and reaching nowhere, not even guaranteed to receiving any benefits from the years of grunt work.

When they are forced to witness other young people growing in their country while they are not, disillusionment sets in and they withdraw from society, some in a slow fall while staying on the job, if they have one, going nowhere; and others, drop out into the streets becoming homeless.

With ‘weed’ so easily available to anyone with a few dollars, many young people who have no base, unlike the Rastafari community, smoke on an empty stomach, fall asleep and have hallucinations instead of peaceful reasoning and good dreams. These negative states of being soon lead to an unsound mind, as exhibited by many of these youth roaming the streets, as we watch them deteriorate.

During the open fora prior to the enactment of the Cannabis legislation, concern for this very state was tabled, alerting the forum to the need for rehabilitation centers, where this fallout from mis-use of cannabis could be professionally attended.

It was even raised in the form of a fee from each licensee to cover this casualty of the Cannabis trade.

In their haste to effect the Cannabis legislation in order to hold meetings with the overseas Cannabis groups of investors, the Government who for the most part are old and unfamiliar with ‘weed,’ left the door wide open for the enslavement systems of the past to come to the fore.

Instead of using the systems set in place in the last days of colonial control, where the old leaders established Peasant Development (PDO) which bought product from the farmers who were given plots of land to farm independently.

The Government of today has even more agencies to make the development of a Cannabis trade even more efficient. CMC could be the agency which grades the Cannabis, thereby allowing independent Antiguan farmers who chose to excel by offering the high grade product to get paid accordingly. Instead, unlike past development of the farmers, today’s owners, some of them absentee, have our people on their farms, labourers by the sweat  of their brow, planting ‘Weed’ for a new Massa.

The Ministry of Health, which has been the big sponsor of ‘Medical Cannabis,’ needs to huddle with Social Services and the Ministry of Happiness and resolve this matter of struggling youth yesterday. This is no time to revert to the days when our young men lived on High Street begging for their next crack fix, asking people to kick them and pay them! Get Corporative Cannabis Farms for Youth and allow the young men to industrialize themselves, by monetizing what is now their habit.



Govt to buy $10M in clay bricks from Shulinab Village for housing development in Region 9

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
President Dr Irfaan Ali in Shulinab today (DPI Photo)

In a move to stimulate economic activities and revive village economies, His Excellency, President Dr Irfaan Ali has announced a $10 million investment for the community of Shulinab, South Central Rupununi, Region Nine.

The investment will go towards the first order of 300,000 clay bricks that will be used for the construction of homes, as part of the Government’s housing drive in Region Nine. President Ali made the announcement earlier today, during a meeting at the community benab.

Shulinab and other satellite villages in the vicinity are known for producing clay bricks that are commonly used for construction in the region.

This initiative, the President said, is another demonstration of providing equitable opportunities for all Guyanese.

“I’m nothing more than your chief servant…and we must as far as possible solve our human resource problem from right within the villages,” President Ali stated.

The President added that he will continue to make himself and his Cabinet available for further discussions on resolving issues in the community.

The new housing project adds to the slew of measures introduced by the Government to make homeownership affordable and possible for all Guyanese.

Ministers, Hon. Susan Rodrigues, Hon. Pauline Sukhai, and Hon. Nigel Dharamlall were also present at the meeting.

Residents of Shulinab at a meeting with President Ali and his team (DPI Photo)

The team held a series of meetings at other locations including Sandcreek and Aishalton, where residents were updated on Government’s development agenda including the provision of 2,000 part-time jobs for Region Nine residents.

The meetings also served as a platform for village leaders to raise issues affecting them and make requests for critical services.

This clay brick initiative comes just one day after the Head of State had announced that some 600 landowners in Region Nine will be getting $1 million each to help start construction works on their homes.

With a typical house in the region costing $3 million to build, government has also arranged for the additional $2 million in financing to be made available by the Guyana Bank for


23 new COVID-19 cases; 3 in ICU

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Another 23 persons have tested positive for the novel coronavirus in the last 24 hours according to the Ministry of Health today.

This now takes active cases in Guyana to 279 which includes three patients in the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the remaining persons in either home (272) or institutional (4) isolation.

Moreover, three other persons are also in institutional quarantine.

The COVID-19 death toll in the country remains at 1278, while some 69,409 persons have since recovered from the life-threatening virus since its outbreak here.


Matthews, Tyron help Barbados Royals cop finals spot after defeating GAW Women

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Chloe Tryon (L) and Hayley Matthews (R) after defeating Guyana Amazon Warriors and taking Barbados Royals to the inaugural 6ixty Women’s Final (Photo by Randy Brooks – CPL T20/CPL T20 via Getty Images)

Unlucky fortunes prevailed in both Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) camps today, as the Female Warriors suffered back-to-back losses, similar to their male compatriots.

Once again playing the same opposition, the Women Warriors found it difficult to post a competitive total against the Barbados Royals Women when they won the toss and opted to bat first at Warner Park, Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis.

Promoted up the order, Guyana’s Shemaine Campbelle and Sri Lanka’s Chamari Athapaththu found it difficult to spark a quick start for the Warriors. Athapaththu, after hitting one boundary in her 9 from 8 balls, found herself walking back to the dugout early, compliments of Barbados’ Quiana Joseph.

A boundary in the third over, off the bat of Warriors’ Captain Stafanie Taylor, was the only one in four overs as the female Warriors struggled to find the big shots that the SKYEXCH 6ixty is all about.

Guyana Amazon Warriors’ Stafanie Taylor (R) and Shemaine Campbelle (L) during the first innings at Warner Park Sporting Complex in Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis (Photo by Randy Brooks – CPL T20/CPL T20 via Getty Images)

The likes of Barbados’ Shakera Selman and Afy Fletcher kept things tight in the middle before Bajan Captain Heyley Matthews sent Campbelle packing for 13 runs from 17 balls.

At 2-34, with seven overs down, Taylor became conscious of the fact that the innings was getting away from the Warriors. Three boundaries later, Captain Taylor looked good for a late flurry that would get the Warriors to a competitive total.

However, consistent wicket-taking by the Royals was their enemy.

Chedean Nation went first, in the 9th for 2 runs, then, Taylor had no choice but to go after coming up short in pursuit of a single. Shabika Gajnabi fell prey to another run-out in the very next ball.

In the fifth ball of the 10th, Zaida Jones found herself being choked up by Selman’s bowling. The appeal came from the bowler and wicketkeeper, and before Jones knew it, she was out LBW, one ball shy of the Warriors’ allotted 10th over.

With 58 runs to defend, the GAW Women came out hunting wickets. They were successful very early, as Shamilia Connell got rid of Britney Cooper for 1 run. However, the wicket made way for a formidable partnership between Matthews and South Africa’s Chloe Tyron, which eventually led the Bajan franchise home.

Matthews entertained with 25 from 18 balls, including three 4s, while Tyron got the ball across the boundary twice, in her innings of 27 from 21. The pair made the Warriors total look easy, racing to 59 runs in 7.3 overs and 5 wickets to spare.

The Women’s 6ixty Final will be played Sunday at the same venue at 15:00h or 3pm local time.


Partially Decomposed Body Identified As Missing Sasha Polius – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) has identified a partially decomposed body found on July 23 at Lower Morne Road, Castries, as that of Sasha Polius.

Relatives reported that they last saw the 23-year-old on July 17 when she left to attend a barbecue.

They filed a missing person’s report with the police after she failed to return home and efforts to contact her were unsuccessful.

The Officer in Charge of the Major Crime Unit, Superintendent Luke De Freitas, told St Lucia Times that confirmation of the identity of the partially decomposed body came from the forensic laboratory here on Friday.

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De Freitas said a postmortem examination was conducted and a homicide investigation started while the police awaited identification of the body.

“We are very advanced in this investigation,” the senior police officer disclosed.

Sasha Polius’ family has had their worst fears materialise, although they had indicated that they were losing hope while awaiting an identity confirmation.

Superintendent De Freitas said he sympathised with the grieving relatives.

But at the same time he explained that not everything that has to be confirmed could be done locally or immediately.

“Even if it is locally it’s not an immediate result,” he observed.

“We have to await due process and while we understand and sympathise with people in a similar situation, they need to understand as well that we need to give affirmative information – information that has been confirmed. We do not want to make errors. We do not want to say ‘yes’ at some point and we have to retract later,” De Freitas told St Lucia Times.

“So we are really asking people to understand that there is a process,” he stated.

And the Head of the Major Crime Unit asserted that the police have no control over that process.

“It is the forensic lab and even they cannot give us any timeline within which we can get any confirmation of results. So we want persons to bear with us and understand that we are acting in their best interest and not deliberately delaying any process,” De Freitas told St Lucia Times.

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