Une infectiologue martiniquaise veut lancer une application pour avertir en cas d’IST

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Une application pour avertir ses partenaires en cas d’Infection Sexuellement Transmissible, c’est l’idée qu’Olivia Son, infectiologue martiniquaise de 38 ans, veut concrétiser.

KYSS ou Know Your StatuS (connaissez votre statut, en français), est une application pour avertir anonymement et gratuitement ses partenaires en cas d’Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles.

À la tête du projet, Olivia Son, infectiologue martiniquaise de 38 ans. Issue d’une famille de soignants, son père, Harry Son est médecin généraliste ayant longtemps tenu un cabinet à Basse-Pointe, et sa mère, Josiane Son, à l’origine de la création de la maison de retraite familiale : Maminou à la Jambette.

Olivia Son, infectiologue martiniquaise.

– Olivia Son

La jeune femme a quitté la Martinique il y a 20 ans pour suivre son cursus de médecine générale à Paris, puis se spécialiser en infectiologie. Elle exerce en tant que praticienne hospitalière contractuelle au Centre Hospitalier Sud-Francilien – Corbeil-Essonnes  au service des maladies infectieuses et tropicales et dans son cabinet à Paris. L’essentiel de son activité s’oriente vers des personnes sous PrEP (stratégie de prévention du VIH), personnes vivant avec le VIH ou présentant des symptômes ou de personnes venant faire un point dépistage.

C’est lors de discussions avec ses patients qui évoquent leurs relations d’un soir et la volonté de leur signaler une possible infection, qu’elle s’est intéressée au sujet. Il existe à ce jour des sites permettant l’envoi de SMS anonymes à une personne dans ce but, encore faut-il avoir le numéro de téléphone de l’intéressé.

À l’issue des trois mois d’enquête menée par l’infectiologue, 97% des personnes interrogées déclarent être  favorables à la mise en place d’une application permettant d’avertir ses partenaires en cas d’infection.  96%  d’entre elles confient ne pas connaitre l’existence d’outils similaires.

Une application à la recherche de financements

Olivia Son a alors l’idée de lancer une application simple d’utilisation : notifier ses précédents partenaires de l’exposition à une IST. L’application fonctionnerait tout en préservant l’anonymat et les données personnelles des utilisateurs. Un numéro aléatoire serait attribué à un utilisateur au téléchargement de l’application.

Un QR code serait ensuite généré aléatoirement à chaque ouverture de l’application  pour l’échanger avec son partenaire de l’instant. Chaque code est donc différent et à usage unique, rendant le traçage d’un profil plus compliqué.

Le QR code serait stocké durant 6 semaines consécutives dans l’application avant d’être automatiquement supprimé, rendant possible la notification d’une IST à tous ses partenaires des 6 dernières semaines. Une fonctionnalité serait également prévue pour les soirées privées ou les relations en groupe. L’organisateur aurait la possibilité d’imprimer un QR code à scanner à l’entrée afin que chaque participant puisse envoyer une notification à un groupe entier sans effectuer plusieurs actions.

Sauf que pour l’heure, elle n’a pas le financement nécessaire pour lancer une telle application. Le devis pour le développement de cette dernière s’élève à 36 000 euros.

Olivia Son espère atteindre cette somme par le crowdfunding sur une plateforme en ligne. Pour le moment, avec 47 contributions, KYSS a récolté 2 450?€. La fondatrice espère rapidement atteindre la somme.

À l’heure où la variole du singe (Monkeypox) se répand et la chlamydia gonocoque et syphilis persistent, l’existence d’une telle application est jugée « urgente » par la fondatrice. 

Évolution du nombre de gonococcies selon l’orientation sexuelle.

– Santé Publique France

Taux de dépistage des infections à Chlamydia trachomatis en secteur privé.

– Santé Publique France


La 15ème édition du Festival Martinique Gourmande à partir du 30 août au Canada

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Du 30 août au 10 septembre 2022 aura lieu le Festival culinaire et solidaire Martinique Gourmande au Québec (Canada), à l’initiative du Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme.

Le festival culinaire de la Martinique au Québec revient pour sa quinzième édition du 30 août au 10 septembre 2022. Le thème De cette année est : « De l’assiette au Voyage ». Ce festival a été créé il y a 15 ans par le Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme et promeut la destination Martinique via sa gastronomie. Cette année, c’est le grand retour en présentiel de ce rendez-vous du mois de septembre, et les objectifs affichés sont nombreux. À travers cette édition, le CMT compte bien reconquérir le marché québécois, promouvoir la culture martiniquaise, son authenticité et ses traditions culinaires, promouvoir Occupation Double (émission de téléréalité canadienne dans laquelle des martiniquais participent), faire preuve de solidarité et de partage envers les Québécois.e.s, en leur proposant un événement sécuritaire et convivial pour se ressourcer, offrir une vitrine de choix pour les partenaires du CMT et les médias et affirmer le positionnement de la Martinique sur la niche gastronomie et Grands Rhums.

Plusieurs actions seront menées à travers Montréal et le Québec, le programme est le suivant :

– 30 Août : Lunch Conférence de presse au Château Frontenac, 4 Mains avec Jérémie Jean-Baptiste

– 30 Août : 5 à 7 Agents de voyage au Château Frontenac

– 1er Septembre : Souper Prestige au Sofitel , 4 mains avec Nathanaël Ducteil

– 3-4 Septembre : Marché Créole: 15 stands, compétition de mixologie, ateliers de cuisine pour enfants, vente de plats martiniquais, compétition de dominos, concours de création florale, cours de zouk, Dj martiniquais, etc.

– 6-7-8 Septembre : Souper à 4 mains dans les restaurants participants, masterclass, ateliers, avec les Chefs de Martinique.

Une délégation menée par la Présidente du Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme, Madame Bénédicte di Géronimo se rendra à Montréal ce week-end. Elle intégrera 5 chefs cuisiniers de la Martinique ainsi que le vainqueur des « Talents de la Martinique », William Grand.


Three men charged for burglaries, 30 August Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) reported that three men appeared before the court this week, after being arrested over this past weekend, in relation to burglary incidents that took place this month, August, 2022.

Saturday arrests

On Saturday, August 27, a 48-year-old man of George Town was arrested in relation to a burglary incident that took place at a business on Shedden Road in George Town. The man has since been formally charged with Burglary and Failing to Provide a Specimen of Urine. He appeared in court yesterday, Monday, August 29, where he was remanded until September 6.

On the same day, the RCIPS responded to a report of a burglary that took place at a business located on North Church Street in George Town. While in attendance, the officers were provided with a description of the burglar and made checks in the surrounding areas. A 45-year-old Cuban National was located a short distance from the scene of the burglary and subsequently arrested on suspicion of burglary. The man appeared in court yesterday, Monday, August 29 and was also remanded until August 31.

Sunday arrests

A third man, age 22, of George Town, was arrested on Sunday, August 28, in relation to three separate burglary incidents that took place at a business in George Town on August 15, August 20 and August 28.

On Sunday, August 28, police arrived at the location and the man fled on their arrival. Officers apprehended the man after a short foot pursuit and he was arrested on suspicion of burglary.

The 22-year-old-man of George Town has since been formally charged with three counts of Burglary. He is expected to appear in court today, August 30.


Hylton wants gov’t to do more for small businesses Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Opposition Spokesperson on Industry, Investment and Global Logistics Anthony Hylton is calling on the government to do more to assist the struggling micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector.

Consumer and business confidence fell recently and pollster Don Anderson said some consumers and business operators are bracing for continued difficult economic conditions — expressing a lack of confidence in overall growth over the next 12 months.

Against this backdrop, Hylton outlined in a statement that the so-called business-unfriendly environment — increased interest rate, high energy prices and tightening access to capital in the wake of the global pandemic — has rendered a large segment of the MSME sector failing or struggling to survive.

According to Hylton, there is evidence that indicates that some 40 per cent of the MSME businesses have either been teetering on bankruptcy or have already shuttered their businesses as the temporary measures put in place during the pandemic by government and financial institutions are coming to or have already ended.

“The environment has turned even more hostile for the majority of MSME businesses which were already reeling from the effects of COVID-19 and supply disruption, only to be hit by these increases and the threat of decreased demand for their goods and services,” Hylton said.

The former commerce minister noted that the situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the Insolvency Act 2014 has neither been promoted in the sector nor reviewed by the current administration, as required by law. The Act was put in place by the PNP Administration to protect firms from becoming bankrupt once they were able to come to an agreement with their creditors.

“The result has been that many firms/entrepreneurs are unaware of the opportunity to put forward proposals to their creditors to save their businesses and livelihoods and to avoid liquidation,” Hylton said.

The Opposition Spokesperson is therefore calling on the government to act now to save these struggling businesses and the many jobs they provide.


GraceKennedy to acquire Scotia Insurance Caribbean Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

GraceKennedy (GK) is set to acquire 100 per cent of Scotia Insurance Caribbean Limited (SICL). The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

The announcement of the impending acquisition comes exactly one year after GK acquired another Bank of Nova Scotia subsidiary, Scotia Insurance Eastern Caribbean Limited (SIECL). The business was subsequently rebranded as GK Life Insurance Eastern Caribbean Limited (GK Life).

Scotia Insurance Caribbean is a licensed life insurance company. It offers credit protection to customers on personal loans, residential mortgages, personal lines of credit, personal and small business credit cards to customers in Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Turks & Caicos Islands.

GK Group CEO Don Wehby said the acquisition of SICL is another step in GK fulfilling its strategy to grow its insurance business in the Caribbean and expand the footprint of the GF Financial Group in the region.

“Along with last year’s acquisition of SIECL, the addition of SICL, and the five territories where it operates, will mean that we have expanded GK’s life insurance business to a total of 13 markets in less than two years,” Wehby said.

Wehby further noted that GraceKennedy would continue to pursue mergers and acquisitions as the key strategic driver of growth for GraceKennedy Group.

“Our M&A Unit is in discussions regarding M&A transactions locally and internationally, and we are looking forward to what the future has in store,” he disclosed.

Since 2019 GraceKennedy has steadily been strengthening its presence in the insurance market. Among the acquisitions were Key Insurance in 2020 and SIECL in 2021. In 2019 the company also entered a joint venture partnership with Musson Jamaica to launch Canopy Insurance.

Steven Whittingham, Deputy CEO of the GK Financial Group with direct responsibility for the insurance segment commented:” We are looking forward to further building out GK’s life insurance business with the addition of SICL and to serving our customers in these new markets. We are well-positioned to establish GK as a major pan-Caribbean insurer.”


PAHO calls on businesses to re-energise immunisation drive Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Ian Stein, Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)/World Health Organisation (WHO) Representative to Jamaica, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands is calling on business leaders to re-energise the country’s commitment to immunisation, one of the most cost-effective public health interventions.

He gave the charge to business leaders at the Rotary Club of Kingston recently, in response to the downward trends in routine vaccination and the substantial risks associated with this trajectory.

“We have seen a resurgence of the polio virus in Malawi, London and New York. With falling vaccination rates and large numbers of children at risk of contracting the disease, we are backpedalling on decades of tremendous work which resulted in the certified elimination of the virus in Latin America and the Caribbean in 1994,” cautioned Stein.

In 2019, the Pan American Health Organisation celebrated 25 years of the Americas being polio-free. In response to the recent identification of a case of polio in an unvaccinated individual in New York, PAHO/WHO has encouraged member states to maintain and strengthen surveillance for the detection of cases and increase efforts to achieve the necessary high levels of vaccination coverage.

Stein also encouraged the business community to advocate for adopting measures to combat NCDs and support local policy development.

“NCDs impact individuals, families, businesses, and society in general. While some may not see the impact of NCDs on businesses, I assure you that human resource departments note the increased use of health insurance by employees which results in increased premiums and, requests for time off to do surgical procedures associated with NCDs,” said Stein.

He continued, “When we consider that 80 per cent of all deaths in Jamaica are from non-communicable diseases and the return on investment is 2.1 dollars for every dollar invested, then debates on matters such as front of package labelling standards, the proposed tobacco control legislation and school nutrition are opportunities for advocacy.”

Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are the leading causes of death in Jamaica and the region.


Longdenville double homicide victims from Belmont

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Bradley “Ronnie” Benn – Photo courtesy social media

The two men shot dead in Longdenville, Chaguanas, on Saturday have been identified.

Police named them as Bradley “Ronnie” Benn and Nathan Griffith, both from Belmont.

At around 5.15am on Saturday, residents of Ravine Sable heard multiple gunshots and called the police. An unknown silver car was seen leaving the area.

The police found the bodies with gunshot wounds to their heads.

One was wearing a vest and boxer shorts and the other only boxers.

At the time, the men were unidentified, and Central Division police said they were not from the area.

Insp Jones, Sgts Elvin and Bridgemohan, Cpl Mendoza, PCs Griffith, Jaggessar and other police from the Homicide Bureau Region III spoke to several people and gathered evidence.

On Tuesday, the police confirmed that relatives later identified the bodies.

Bradley worked as a driver with TCM Ltd, a police report said.

The police were still gathering information on the victims.

Autopsies are set for Friday at the Forensic Sciences Centre in St James.

No one has been arrested, and Sgt Elvin is leading investigations.


Five more covid19 deaths, 123 new cases

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

There have been five additional covid19-related deaths, the Ministry of Health said in its daily update on Tuesday. This follows four days with five deaths and one day with six deaths last week. The covid19 death toll for this week has now raised to 11, with the total number of deaths since March 2020 standing at 4,139.

Those who died were five elderly males. All five people had multiple comorbidities.

The ministry reported there were 123 new covid19 cases as of Tuesday afternoon. The cases were from samples taken between August 28 and 29.

There are now 5,869 active cases.

There are 237 patients in hospital, with 5,632 in home self-isolation and 20 in stepdown or transition facilities.

As of Tuesday, there were 168,956 recovered covid19 patients, with 19 people being discharged from public health facilities, and 436 recovered community cases.


Kamla tells PM: It wasn’t me who put sand on highway

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar – Photo Marvin Hamilton

ALTHOUGH her constituency of Siparia is known as “Sand City,” Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said there is no evidence that the sand dumped on the highway in Monday’s protest in Claxton Bay came from Siparia.

The Prime Minister, in a Facebook post, alluded to OWTU union boss Ancel Roget and the United National Congress (UNC) as being involved in Monday’s protest by workers in the scrap-metal industry.

The workers want the six-month government-imposed export ban lifted. They lit fires and blocked the highway, causing miles of traffic, to make their point on Monday.

Claiming the allegations are false, Roget has already signalled his intention to sue Rowley for maligning him.

At the UNC’s Monday night virtual meeting, Persad-Bissessar, like the song made popular by Shaggy, also distanced herself and her party from the accusation, saying, “It wasn’t me.”

“This government continues to launch attack after attack on the economic livelihoods, social well-being, freedoms and liberties of the people of our nation.

“I saw the man (Rowley) said today that something happened on the highway and it was Mr Roget and the UNC.

“Somebody called me and asked me if the geologist did a test on the sand and the sand came from Siparia. We used to call Siparia the sand city. Did the geologist do a test?

“The UNC had no part of that, I make that very clear. We had nothing to do with that. The persons involved would answer for themselves.”

She also defended the right to protest.

“They have a right, as everyone else, to protest, to take action, and that is happening all over the country.

The government, she argued, “attack us all the time, freedoms, liberties of our citizens, in every which way they can, verbally and otherwise. But we in the UNC will never allow them to turn our country into a dictatorship state. “

Since 2015, she said, when the People’s National Movement (PNM) wrested power from her People’s Partnership government, that was the intention.

“They have hijacked our blessed country and taken us down a path of destruction.”

Suspicions that the PNM watches their every UNC event were cemented she said, as PNM conversation is always about UNC activities.

But she insisted, “The UNC is alive and functioning as a great party.”

She said the Opposition is merely accounting to the people through these forums, a concept which is alien to the PNM.

She called Rowley “a very foolish man,” asking if he was going to blame her, as she claimed he usually does, for the massive floods in west Trinidad on Monday.

“When the whole country is under flood, they laugh at us and say South and Central build houses in lagoon. Which lagoon is in the west? Damian (Senator Lyder) you tell me, you live up there.

“The whole country is under flood. Whether it is north, south, central, east, west – wherever it is, everybody is suffering.

“Whilst we recognise they find ways to give to PNM they are not giving to the PNM grassroots. They are giving to their friends and financiers, bigshots.

“Everybody is under pressure under this wicked government. There is nothing for anyone under this PNM in this country.”


23 new Covid cases recorded

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
The Infectious Disease Hospital where Covid-19 patients are being treated

Twenty-three new cases of the novel coronavirus have been recorded, taking the total positives detected to date to 71,005.

There are seven persons in the hospitals, three of whom are in the ICU.

A total of 225 individuals are isolating at home while three are in institutional quarantine. Recoveries stand at 69,492 while the death toll is 1,278.
