ST LUCIA-BANANAS-St. Lucia resumes shipping bananas to UK

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cana News Business

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Baccha Festival : une première journée épique, et un show de Kalash entre polémique et communion avec son public

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Originalité dans les tenues, paillettes, jeux de transparences, du très sexy, du dénudé ou pas trop mais toujours dans le beau, hommes et femmes s’étaient donné le mot. Et surtout, tous étaient venus s’amuser et profiter pleinement d’un programmation variée, dispatchée sur deux scènes. La prestation de Kalash, l’une des plus attendues, même si elle a été ponctuée d’averses, n’a sûrement pas déçu.

Rimka, Princ Swanny, Killerz, Rachelle Allison, Kes tha Band etc. La programmation a plu aux festivaliers venus très nombreux pour ce premier jour. 

Comme à son habitude Kalash a été sans filtres. Heureux de se retrouver à la maison en prestation, il n’a eu de cesse de le dire de remercier le public martiniquais. Il a précisé être à la maison et aimer son public. La prestation de l’artiste a été ponctuée de plusieurs interventions de sa part : entre son intervention pour interpeller les pompiers et la sécurité alors qu’une personne était tombée dans la foule, une autre pour demander à la sécurité d’intervenir pour mettre fin à un combat entre deux femmes auxquelles il a demandé de partir de devant la scène… 

Kalash, roi chez lui 

Mais aussi un beau moment d’émotion quand il a dédié une chanson à une amie Véronique, en chaise roulante, qu’il a fait monter sur scène… Deux de ses duos, avec Maureen et Danthologie, ont été ponctués d’explications qui ont laissé comprendre au public qu’il a sûrement eu des accrochages avec l’organisation. Sans compter qu’il a fini sa prestation en déclarant que c’était la dernière fois qu’on le voyait sur la scène du Baccha Festival. Néanmoins, Kalash a été comme toujours accueilli en roi chez lui, chacun de ses titres a emporté le public du festival, qui pluie ou pas est resté devant la scène a chanter avec lui toutes les paroles de ses chansons à la virgule près. La soirée s’est terminée avec les files de festivaliers qui regagnaient leur véhicule dans le calme, impatients de revenir pour le deuxième jour, malgré la fatigue après une journée intense.

Police questioned about accountability and trust at GTC meeting Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

Local non-profit organization, Cayman Kind Action Committee, held a meeting with representatives of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at the T.E. McField Youth & Community Centre on School Rd, George Town. The purpose of the meeting, according to Cayman Kind vice president, Carmen McField, was to discuss community policing concerns raised by residents, to learn more about procedures used by the RCIPS to process complaints and to encourage partnerships between the RCIPS and community members. In addition, the meeting sought to address a perceived breakdown in trust between the police and various communities, which appeared to be exacerbated by a perceived lack of accountability on the part of the police.

Showing accountability

On the issue of accountability, Ms McField asked the RCIPS representatives present to explain how the RCIPS shows accountability for the issues brought to their attention.

The reason for the question, according to Ms McField, is that ordinary members of the public do not understand the hierarchy or structure of the RCIPS, how complaints are managed once lodged, how communication takes place internally and what challenges are faced by the police when processing complaints.

Giving an example of one matter, Ms McField said:

A report was made from a lady in her seventies (that lives in Swamp)… about drugs and loud music and gambling.

[People] go directly to the fence line of her property to smoke ganja and the scent comes directly into her window. She can’t sleep at night. This lady is in her seventies and also under cancer treatment.

There were numerous reports, but no one came out and dealt with it.

She is getting no updates, no assistance, no help, no nothing.

Responding to the question, RCIPS Inspector Laing said:

Once the information comes to us… you mentioned drugs, you mentioned gambling… we have departments who deal with drugs and we have departments who deal with gambling. So, that information is sent to them.

Inspector Laing further emphasized that when the relevant RCIPS department acts on the reported information, it is critical for members of the public to appreciate that the speed of the RCIPS’ response to the public is not dictated by any organization (like Cayman Kind) or by himself, but instead, by the supervisor who is running the relevant department.

All we can do is keep on sending that information to that department, with the hope of something to happen very soon.

Inspector Laing said.

Notwithstanding Inspector Laing’s explanation, the issue at hand is that, while these internal processes are taking place and members of the public are waiting for responses, members of the public sometimes get frustrated and complain that there are too many “delays” in resolving their issues (members of the public get frustrated rather than trying to fully understand the formal process undertaken by the police and methods employed by the police, which may include interviewing witnesses, gathering and reviewing evidence and conducting further investigation).

In order to get a deeper understanding of the processes, Romellia Welcome, president of the Cayman Kind NPO, posed a question to Inspector Laing.

Ms Welcome said:

Once the information is sent in… don’t you guys follow up… saying can you give me an update on this, what’s the situation?

Would you guys come back and give us feedback?”

Responding to Ms Welcome, Inspector Laing confirmed that, while he and other police officers will normally follow up internally on reports, the challenge is whether members of the public want to continuously hear that “nothing is happening yet” on a matter or whether they are willing to wait until something substantial is achieved during the investigation, at which time a comprehensive response can be provided. Exacerbating the issue is the fact that response times may vary depending on the type of matter being investigated, which may be of no fault to the police, but, instead can be attributed to the complexity of the matter.

RCIPS representative, Michael Montague also weighed-in, saying that the management of each matter must also be seen from two angles- from the aspect of the persons initially getting to the scene as first responders following a call from 911 and the subsequent handling by the police.

Continuing, Mr Montague said:

The Commissioner’s goal… or what he promised to the Cayman people… is that we should have a Cayman Islands where we can be safe… without fear of violence.

Hence, the reason for a community relations partner.

So, that set us up to be a proactive department.

The mandate of that department dictates that we should go out and establish meaningful community partnership to address our challenges at the community level.

By establishing relationships with communities (as explained by Mr Montague), the potential for the police to address and solve crimes would improve. This is because such relationships can lead to the full the cooperation of community members, which can lead to evidence being willingly provided to police, accompanied by written statements or other helpful information.


Building such trusting relationships with the police, however, is a daunting and exasperating task for some members of the community. This is especially the case where community members had previous negative experiences with the police and, in order to take another chance with the police, they almost have to go through mental preparation, wanting the best result, but demotivated and skeptical based on past experience.

An example of such an experience was given by Mr Cleveland Henry, president of the Washington Blvd committee.

Mr Henry said:

We don’t trust the police.

I have called police about music behind my mother’s house. [She is] an eighty-year old woman [who] just had a surgery… they were playing loud music.

I called the police.

The policeman came and told the person that it was Cleveland Henry [who] called the police.

How can you trust the police?

Then, when we speak to the Commissioner about it, it is like he doesn’t want to hear it.

Mr Henry explained that, as as a result of experiences like this, some people in the community have begun to turn a blind eye to crime and other issues facing the community. Increasingly less reports are therefore being made to the police.

Defending the police, Mr Montague said that it is important for people to continue to make reports and give evidence because the police are looking for assistance of community members “to go on the record,” go to court and give evidence.

Once on the record, “it shows the truthfulness of what has happened and the police, hence, can corroborate what has happened,” Mr Montague explained.

Mr Montague added that, once on the record, a disclosure is customarily made to the “other side” so that they can respond to the allegations. Unfortunately, this disclosure to the other side is often interpreted as the police breaking the complainant’s trust, which is a part of the process that is perhaps not being adequately explained by the police to witnesses or persons giving statements or evidence to the police.

Meeting end

In closing the meeting, Mr Montague urged all community members to see themselves in a new role as “private detectives” i.e., helping to gather information and assisting the police.

Instead of attempting to be unofficial private detectives, however, one meeting attendee queried why more residents were not made special constables. This is because, as special constables, they might be in a better position to take action within their communities when something happens.

In response to this query, the police present appeared to nod positively at the idea, however, they noted that the relevant community members would first need to meet the RCIPS’ qualifications to become special constables.

The meeting ended on a positive note with the police looking forward to working with the Cayman Kind Action Committee and members of other communities.

Football U-14: Champion en titre, Ha?ti bat Saint-Kitts et Nevis (5-0)

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

A la d?fense de son titre, la s?lection ha?tienne des moins de 14 ans, n’a fait qu’une bouch?e de Saint-Kitts et Nevis, corrig? (5-0). Avant la pause, Rolph Casillas Junien (30e, 1-0) a d?clench? les hostilit?s pour les siens avant les buts de Emerson Laiss? (32e, 2-0) et Dave Bernard (35+2, 3-0).

Au retour des vestiaires, malgr? plusieurs occasions claires et nettes loup?es, les petits Grenadiers ont inscrit deux autres buts par le biais de Fedson Joissaint (53e, 4-0) et Franco C?lestin (70+2, 5-0).

Avec cette importante victoire (5-0) acquise face ? Saint-Kitts et Nevis, Ha?ti qui disputera son deuxi?me match de poule ce lundi 15 ao?t face ? Antigua et Barbuda, est bien partie pour conserver son titre de champion.

Pour compl?ter la phase de poule, faut-il le rappeler, Ha?ti aura ? disputer deux autres rencontres les mercredi 17 et jeudi 18 ao?t contre respectivement Saint-Kitts et Nevis ainsi Aruba et Barbuda.

Signalons que les autorit?s de la CFU (Union Carib?enne de Football) ont pris la d?cision de faire durer chaque match 70 minutes, soit 35 minutes par minute.

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Young man who fell off truck remembered as ‘peach among the bunch’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

“A peach among the bunch.” That’s how the family of 28-year-old Jamoya Browne will remember him. Browne died on Friday afternoon, about a week after he fell from a moving truck travelling through Fig Tree Drive on August 5.

His uncle Freston Spencer told Observer yesterday that he would be remembered for his helpful and reserved nature.

“He is very quiet, manageable, and just simply special. He doesn’t have to know you to help you. He would greet anyone he meets. He’s just like that,” his uncle said.

Though naturally reticent, Spencer said the deceased would always find the time to communicate with his family.

“He doesn’t speak much unless he is in his circle and though he doesn’t live with me, he would visit us. He loved his grandmother and oh he especially loves his mother.

“He always checked on me. He would send me WhatsApp messages every day asking how we are doing,” Spencer recalled.

He said the family, especially his mother, is having difficulty dealing with the news.

“We are not coping very well. His mother is struggling. She is relying on her church for support. She is a God-fearing woman and that is what’s keeping her together,” Spencer explained.

Eyewitnesses say Browne lost his balance and fell off a truck. He reportedly suffered severe head injuries including internal bleeding and never regained consciousness. The young man subsequently succumbed to his injuries

“People have been telling us to sue the hospital because the neurosurgeon was not available to look at his internal bleeding. They were just giving him medication to keep his blood pressure under control and reduce the swelling.

“They never had a doctor there to look at the head. Our family is not financially capable,” Spencer added.

Browne was the second of six children.

The hospital has been approached for comment.- OBSERVER Newsco


Adolescente de 19 años es la persona más joven con viruela símica en Puerto Rico

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

La epidemióloga del Estado de Puerto Rico, Melissa Marzán, confirmó en RADIO ISLA que la persona más joven con viruela símica, también conocida como viruela del mono, es un adolescente de 19 años.

Según Marzán, el boletín publicado más reciente sobre los casos de la viruela apuntan a que 49 de las 50 personas contagiadas en Puerto Rico son hombres. “Particularmente, la edad promedio son 38 años”, dijo Marzán.

Marzán informó que el área geográfica de la isla con la mayor cantidad de casos es la zona Metropolitana. Además, Marzán comunicó que la mayoría de los casos son hombres que han tenido intimidad con otros hombres o se identifican como “gay o bisexual”.   

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Rivera Schatz dice que hace falta “voluntad, liderato y firmeza” para fiscalizar los planes médicos

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El senador por el Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), Thomás Rivera Schatz, manifestó en RADIO ISLA que hace falta “voluntad, liderato y firmeza” para fiscalizar los planes médicos.

Sus expresiones surgen luego de que el presidente del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanros de Puerto Rico, Dr. Carlos Díaz, anticipó en este medio que el sistema de salud de la isla colapsará si el gobierno no interviene con las aseguradoras médicas.

Noticia relacionada: Anticipan colapso del sistema de salud si el gobierno no interviene con aseguradoras

Thomás Rivera Schatz expuso que se iniciaron gestiones para modificar los contratos y hacerlos más restrictivos. “Hay que ponerle la presión”, expresó el también expresidente del Senado de Puerto Rico.

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TRINIDAD-LABOUR-PM blasts trade unionist over perceived racial remarks

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cana News Business

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‘Mensen willen meer geld uit de automaat’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Geen biljetten van SRD 10 en 20 bij ATM door Valerie Fris PARAMARIBO — “Alle Cashpnts worden voornamelijk met biljetten

Athlétisme: Mayer échoue dans sa “mission…

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Son décathlon a tourné court, après moins de 100 m: trois semaines après l’or mondial, Kevin Mayer a échoué lundi dans sa “mission impossible” d’un doublé aux championnats d’Europe d’athlétisme, en abandonnant lundi dès la première épreuve après une alerte musculaire à une cuisse.

Mayer (30 ans) avait annoncé la couleur avant son entrée en lice à Munich: le défi inédit d’enchaîner deux décathlons, et idéalement or mondial et européen, en trois semaines était alléchant. Mais il ne “prendrai(t) pas de risque à la moindre alerte physique”, avait ajouté le Montpelliérain, lui qui est habitué à se concentrer sur un seul décathlon par saison et dont le tendon d’Achille l’avait tracassé jusqu’à peu avant les Mondiaux de Eugene (Etats-Unis).

“Si je fais le 100 m et que je ne fais pas de grimace, normalement c’est très bon signe. Vous êtes prévenus”, avait lancé le double vice-champion olympique (2016 et 2021) et double champion du monde (2017 et 2022) samedi.

Lundi matin, le rictus redouté est apparu sur le visage de Mayer autour des 70 mètres, quand il a coupé son effort, main sur sa cuisse. Quelques instants plus tard, il saluait de la main le public du stade olympique de Munich et expliquait à même la piste s’être “arrêté avant de se blesser”.

En cause, un muscle de sa cuisse gauche (le grand adducteur précisément) abîmé il y a quatre mois pendant un exercice de musculation. “J’arrivais à le gérer” mais, “malheureusement, quand tu fais un +déca+ au niveau et avec l’intensité de celui de Eugene, ça se réveille”, a-t-il constaté.

– “Je voulais me donner une chance” –

“Je savais que c’était mission impossible, a-t-il commenté. Je me donnais toutes les chances de vivre encore un gros moment parce que, peu importe les peurs que ça peut générer, peu importe le stress que ça génère, sur la piste je m’éclate tellement! Je voulais me donner une chance d’y arriver, je n’ai pas réussi, ce n’est pas grave : je suis champion du monde, j’ai réussi ma saison, (ce) qui était inespérée vu mes blessures.”

“J’avais un centième pour décider: je continue et ça peut péter ou j’arrête, a poursuivi le Montpelliérain. A ce centième-là, je me suis dit +Kev+, t’es déjà champion du monde, tu vas galérer pendant toutes tes vacances au lieu de te reposer tranquille. Ca aurait foutu la merde pour les saisons d’après, ce n’est vraiment pas ce que je veux. Ce n’était qu’un bonus.”

“A un moment donné, on ne peut pas avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre, il faut aussi être raisonnable, a encore argué Kevin Mayer. Là, mon tendon d’Achille, je ne le sens pas, j’ai arrêté avant que ça pète à l’adducteur, ce n’est vraiment pas des grosses blessures. Ca me met vraiment en confiance pour l’année d’après.”

En ligne de mire pour le détenteur du record du monde du décathlon, les Mondiaux-2023 à Budapest et, surtout, les JO-2024 à Paris.

Avec son abandon, c’est en tout cas un des principaux espoirs d’or européen qui s’envole pour les athlètes bleus en Bavière, au premier jour de compétition dans le stade olympique de Munich.

Et la plus haute marche du podium continental continue de se refuser à Mayer: médaillé d’argent en 2014 à Zurich, il avait perdu tout espoir de monter dessus après trois essais mordus au saut en longueur, la deuxième des dix épreuves, en 2018 à Berlin.