Tembe als kunstuiting voor bewoners Sunny Point om kracht te tonen
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Tekst en beeld Audry Wajwakana WANICA — De bewoners van Sunny Point, in het district Wanica, zijn ooit als krakers
Black Immigrant Daily News
Tekst en beeld Audry Wajwakana WANICA — De bewoners van Sunny Point, in het district Wanica, zijn ooit als krakers
Black Immigrant Daily News
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Lundi 5 Septembre 2022 – 16h47
Hélios Latchoumanaya – @ Alfred Jocksan
Helios Latchoumanaya a remporté ce samedi (3 Septembre) son premier titre de champion d’Europe à Cagliari en Italie.
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Black Immigrant Daily News
Earlier this month, Sustainable Cayman launched their website Sustainablecayman.org having received registration approval as a Non-Profit three months ago. Following on from their campaign in support of the 2022 NCC Nominations that ended in May 2022, they have now established a Facebook Group called Wetlands Thrive, Life Survives together with a Campaign website page. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness about the socio-ecological importance of the Central Mangrove Wetland, and stimulate discussion regarding the potential benefits and consequences of the proposed East-West Arterial Road (EWA). They intend to provide updates on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and advise the public on opportunities to participate in the public consultation phases.
The recent JR judgment (National Conservation Council v the Central Planning Authority et al) is expected to have a positive impact on the proposed EWA. The National Conservation Council (NCC) will get a final say on mitigation measures if they determine that aspects of the proposed EWA “would or would be likely to have an adverse effect, whether directly or indirectly, on a protected area or on the critical habitat of a protected species” (s.41(4) National Conservation Law, 2013).
They can also direct the NRA not to proceed with the project in order to protect such natural assets. However, we do note that s.41(4) applies to all government entities except Cabinet. In other words, the government can move forward with the project even if the NCC rejects it based on their professional evaluation; the final decision lies with Cabinet. Our aim is to provide information to the community, landowners, authorities, and businesses affected by the proposed road, and support informed participation in the public consultation phases.
Is cutting through our untouched, sacred, limited, salient beautiful Central Mangrove Wetland needed?
As quoted by Nik Foster: “this 10-mile stretch of pristine, undisturbed habitat is worth more alive and untouched than everyone on this island. We might as well consider ourselves homeless or dead in a couple of years if they remove our Central Mangrove Wetland. Who are we to destroy or alter what we cannot restore?”
Morgan Ebanks says that “the proposed road and the developments that would branch off from it could lead to a situation that could be counterintuitive to the goal of improving socioeconomic welfare. The free services that this integrated ecosystem provides is literally priceless to our country. It is time we acknowledge that or suffer the consequences of what we will lose in light of what is called ‘progress’. We need creativity and to have better foresight when planning for the future of our people.”
For those interested in finding out more or supporting Sustainable Cayman, you can contact us on: SustainableCayman@gmail.com or join our growing Facebook community @sustainable.cayman.
Black Immigrant Daily News
The Ministry of Youth, Sports, Culture & Heritage (MYSCH) is pleased to release the Pirates Fest schedule of events. Available on the Pirates Festivities website and Facebook page, the 12-week campaign (16 September – 27 November) will focus on Cayman’s culture and heritage for the initial two months, with pirates’ events taking place throughout November.
“This is a new venture for my Ministry. The Ministry team aimed to put together a Pirates Fest that honours our Caymanian culture and heritage while celebrating a crowd-favourite festival missed by many in the last few years,” said Minister for Youth, Sports, Culture & Heritage, Hon. Bernie Bush.
As well as supporting our tourism sector during the low season, most events will be free entry. We hope that families will appreciate the spread of the events, making participation more affordable, giving everyone further choice and the chance to experience more events than in the previous years.
Bush continued.
Pirates Fest kicks off with the East End Heritage Day, Friday, 16 September, East End Heritage Field, Seaview Road – 10am-12 midnight. The District’s Heritage Committee is finalising elements of the daylong celebration that will showcase what East End has to offer including entertainment, food and more.
This family-friendly atmosphere will allow attendees to connect with and celebrate local culture; as well as food vendors selling local dishes including stew turtle, Cayman-style beef, oxtail, heavy cakes and ice cold swanky.
For registration and Pirates Fest volunteering/sponsorship opportunities, visit piratesfestcayman.com or the Pirates Week Festival Facebook page.
(Source: MYSCH)
Black Immigrant Daily News
Family Resource Centre encourages community to “Rethink Parenting”
Government’s July 2022 Year-To-Date financials published
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33 minutes ago
Deputy Premier and Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Hon. Chris Saunders
Deputy Premier and Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Hon. Chris Saunders, presented the Cayman Islands Government’s July 2022 Year-To-Date (YTD ) to Cabinet on Tuesday, 16 August 2022.
Surplus: Central Government – Better than Budget by $18.9 million
For the 1 January to 31 July 2022 period, Central Government recorded a surplus of $143.9 million, which is $18.9 million more than the projected year-to-date Operating Surplus of $125.0 million.
Surplus: Entire Public Sector – $25.2 million Better than Budget
At the end of the first seven months of 2022, the Entire Public Sector (EPS) had a surplus of $129.6 million, which is $25.2 million more than the projected year-to-date Operating Surplus of $104.4 million.
Revenues: Surpassed Projections by $38.2 million
July 2022 YTD revenues also surpassed budget, amounting to $695.4 million, which was $38.2 million more than the year-to-date projection of $657.2 million. This was mainly due to a favourable variance of $32.5 million in Coercive Revenue.
Coercive Revenue collected in the first seven months of 2022 was $32.5 million higher than the year-to-date projection and $20.2 million more than that collected for the same period in 2021.
Continuing the trend since the start of the year, financial services fees plus work permit and property related revenues contributed most to the higher-than-anticipated revenues collected.
The most significant positive year-to-date variances were recorded for the following categories:
Financial Services Fees collected by General Registry were $2.8 million higher than anticipated, which was mainly due to a favourable variance in Partnership Fees. Financial Services Fees collected by CIMA for Government were $4.4 million higher than expected. These fees include revenues such as Mutual Fund Administrators Licence Fees, Private Fund Fees and Securities Investments Business Licences Fees. While Securities and Investment Business Licences came in $1.7 million less than budget expectations, this was more than offset by the positive variance, with Mutual Fund Administrators Licence Fees of $3.7 million and Private Funds Fees of $3.5 million brought about by a higher-than-expected increase in the volume of registered funds for the seven-month period. Work Permit Revenues were $6.6 million higher than projected, representing increasing demand for workers as the economy moved into phase five of the border reopening plan. Property Related Revenues were $18.5 million higher than anticipated, as there continues to be a higher-than-expected volume of property transactions coupled with high property values.
Included in the note to Cabinet was a breakdown of coercive revenues collected to the end of July 2022, in several categories with a comparison to prior years, summarised in the following table:
Import Duty Revenues
General Registry Fees
Fees collected by CIMA for Government
Work Permit Revenues
Property-related Revenues
Tourism-related Revenues
Expenses: Over budget due to health & tourism stipend costs, partially offset by personnel, supplies and consumables savings
Expenses for the seven-month period ended 31 July 2022 were $551.5 million; this amount was $19.2 million more than the year-to-date budget of $532.3 million.
The variance between actual and budgeted expenses is largely due to overages of $14.0 million for tertiary health care costs; and $20.6 million more being paid out than the initial 2022 budgeted expenditure for the ex-gratia tourism stipend programme. These overages were somewhat offset by underspending in other areas of expenditure, particularly in the Personnel and Supplies and Consumables Cost categories in which actual costs were, respectively, $16.5 million and $13.6 million less than the YTD Budget.
To ensure sufficient funds are available for the remainder of the budget year, Parliament has approved supplementary funding in these areas.
Cash Position
Total cash and fixed deposits as at 31 July 2022, were $456.9 million. This amount is represented as Operating Cash of $291.6 million ($276.6 million of which are held in the form of fixed deposits) and, Reserves and Restricted Cash balances (all held in the form of fixed deposits), of $165.3 million.
Also included in the note to Cabinet was a comparison of the July YTD financial performance over the previous three years, as summarised in the following table:
Operating Expenses, Financing Costs and Non-Operating Costs
Operating Surplus of Central Government
Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit) made by Statutory Authorities and Government Companies
Surplus of the Entire Public Sector
Total Bank Account balances
Deputy Premier Saunders said, “The July Year-To-Date numbers follow the same trend seen in the first half of the financial year, with the collected fees showing continued confidence in our financial services sector as well as strong and continued growth in the real estate sector. Cayman Islands real estate continues to be a popular investment in tandem with ongoing and new development projects. We have also seen growth in work permit revenue over the prior year, which indicates that local businesses are in recovery mode after the suppressive effects of the pandemic, and are now staffing up to their full complements.”
He continued, “Additionally, we are seeing higher revenues from import duties and tourism related fees and taxes compared to the prior year. This is not surprising given the recent phased reopening of our borders. These two sectors have a symbiotic relationship, with higher tourism arrival numbers resulting in increased consumption and therefore increased imports. With the full reopening of our borders and the removal of COVID-related mandates, we anticipate stronger tourism performance in the upcoming traditional high season of November through April. In general, we have seen that the financial over performance in some areas has thus far more than compensated for underperformance in others and we are still in a strong surplus position.”
Noting that the Entire Public Sector surplus achieved is $25.2 million better than projected, Deputy Premier Saunders observed, “We were cautious in our projections in order to ensure that we would be in a position to provide necessary funding for social programmes such as the school meals programme, the continuation of stamp-duty waivers for first time Caymanian home buyers, meeting the increasing healthcare costs for elderly Caymanians, and the three-month extension of the tourism stipend due to the emergence of the Omicron variant – all in a time when expenses have inevitably gone up due to the after effects of the pandemic. This caution has been rewarded by better than expected revenues, which allow us to provide additional relief to our people due to local cost of living challenges and international inflationary pressures. With continued good stewardship of public funds, we anticipate that the country’s finances will remain in a positive position through the end of this financial year.”
Premier Hon. Wayne Panton said, “I am pleased to see that the July Year-To-Date numbers put the Cayman Islands Government in a good position to weather the traditionally leaner revenue months of the second half of the year. In addition to a healthy surplus, we also have the anticipated tourism high season to add to our revenues from that industry, which is now positioned to rise rapidly to its former levels. While optimistic, we also remain cognizant of global economic pressures and will remain vigilant in our management of Government finances while fostering an environment of continued economic recovery and growth.”
The Premier thanked his Cabinet Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries for their commitment to keeping Government finances on track. He also expressed his thanks to His Excellency the Governor Martyn Roper; Deputy Governor Hon. Franz Manderson and the Civil Service as a whole for their support.
(Source: Ministry for Finance and Economic Development)
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Black Immigrant Daily News
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) is taking to the airwaves with a challenge to the community to Rethink Parenting.
“Rethink Parenting is a radio show which the FRC will be hosting in partnership with BOBO 89.1 FM in an effort to empower parents with practical, positive strategies to support families in an effort to foster happy and healthy connections,” stated FRC Programme Coordinator Anne-Marie Diaz.
The series will begin on Tuesday, September 6th, and will run on a weekly basis.
The first topic on the agenda is “Positive Parenting Strategies” where FRC Parent Facilitator Miles Ruby will be speaking about the positive impact of parenting from a place of control and empathy. Furthermore, parent coaches will be discussing the benefits of praise and positive reinforcement as well as strategies to set appropriate limits and expectations on behaviour.
The goal of the Rethink Parenting radio segments is to provide positive parenting strategies to add to parents’ toolbox in an effort to improve parent’s confidence and effectiveness in dealing with children’s challenging behaviour while improving the parent-child relationship. Additionally, through this medium, FRC hopes to broaden its reach into the community and help improve the lives of families in the Cayman Islands.
Listeners to the show will also be able to pose questions during live interviews and send topics of interest to frc@gov.ky to help inform upcoming segments.
Rethink Parenting will air on Tuesdays at 8pm on BOBO 89.1FM. Show recordings will be available on the FRC’s Facebook page @familyresourcecentre.
For more information contact frc@gov.ky
Black Immigrant Daily News
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2 hrs ago
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Dancehall artiste Jada Kingdom’s boyfriend, 19-year-old American rapper, Nas EBK, gave her a promise ring during her birthday celebrations at a Ribbiz Ultra Lounge in the Barbican Centre in Kingston, Jamaica on Sunday.
The ‘E-Syde Queen’ was seen screaming excitedly, “Yes, yes, yes,” as Nas EBK knelt before her with a ring in hand.
In a now-deleted Instagram story showing off the ring, Jada Kingdom let her followers know that it was a promise ring.
Another Instagram story explained that the couple was doing “love in stages”.
Meanwhile, in a lengthy Instagram caption celebrating Kingdom’s birthday, Nas EBK indicated his intentions to one day get engaged to the 24-year-old Kingdom.
“My Love For You Is Unconditional & I Want This Forever Even In The After Life Your Mine Forever ! We stuck. I put that ring on that finger. I’ll never play bout you YK how I’m comin no matter the circumstance you my Bonnie & I’m your Clyde… Stage 1 (promise ring) so yall know the engagement ring gonna be some shi,” he said in the caption accompanying photos and videos of the two together.
Jada was also in the comments expressing her love and devotion for her beau.
“I really appreciate you & everything you do for me ? You’re literally everything I prayed for! I want you for life & after,US! THAT’S IT!!! best birthday ever! you went crazy papi !!!,” she commented.
The two reportedly started dating earlier this year shortly after Kingdom and songwriter and singer Verse Simmonds split.
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Black Immigrant Daily News
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Liz Truss has promised to deal with surging energy costs and to cut taxes after winning the Tory leadership contest to become the next PM.
She will succeed Boris Johnson after being formally appointed by the Queen at Balmoral Castle on Tuesday.
The 47-year-old, the UK’s third woman PM, will then announce her cabinet with jobs expected for allies Kwasi Kwarteng and James Cleverly.
She beat rival Rishi Sunak with 57% of the vote, a narrower win than expected.
She will take the reins of power on Tuesday, bringing Boris Johnson’s turbulent premiership to an end less than three years after the Conservatives’ resounding election victory in 2019.
Ms Truss’s most pressing decision as premier will be how best to shield households and businesses from the soaring price of energy internationally.
Her team is understood to have been working on a support package for weeks, with an announcement pencilled in for Thursday.
Industry sources told the BBC they expect the incoming government to back freezing bills, a move which would costs billions.
The move would not necessarily require upfront funding, however, with reports the government could cover loans to companies repaid by consumers over time in the form of higher fixed prices.
Speaking at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre in London, she told party activists she would “deliver on the energy crisis” by dealing with bills and boosting the UK’s domestic energy sources.
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Black Immigrant Daily News
St. Vincent and the Grenadines will join the global community in observing World Physiotherapy Day this Thursday September 8th.
This year the day will be observed with attention focused on Osteo-arthritis.
Recardo Wilson has more in today’s Special Report.
Black Immigrant Daily News
Residents of Wakenaam, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) turned out in their numbers for the first-ever housing outreach at the island on Monday.
The activity is in keeping with a commitment of President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali. It was led by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal and Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Mr. Sherwyn Greaves at the Neighborhood Democratic Council (NDC) in San Souci.
In his remarks, Mr. Greaves noted CHPA’s commitment to engaging citizens from every geographical area, as a way of meeting the housing demand.
He further stated that irrespective of location, the agency will explore all options possible to cater to the unique needs of the island.
Meanwhile, Minister Croal spoke of the Ministry’s plan to allocate lands to persons who are interested. He noted that in the coming weeks the ‘Dream Realised’ Housing Drive – Region Three exercise will cater to persons who are interested in lands outside of the island.
Responding to questions about residential lots on the island, the Minister also stated that the Ministry will explore the possibility of acquiring lands at Wakenaam.
Residents were afforded the opportunity to lodge new applications, update existing allocations and register for a housing option of their choice. At the end of the exercise, the CEO stated that over 200 persons expressed interest in lands outside of the island, particularly in Regions Three and Four. Additionally, 50 new applications from residents were processed; and another 120 persons purchased forms to initiate the application process.
NDC Chairman, Mr. Sheik Syed Amad lauded the efforts of the agency and its staff for the outreach, which he deemed a timely and necessary one.
A team from the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) was also at the outreach engaging residents.