Ramdin en Tjong-Ahin nemen waar op Financiën en Planning

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

PARAMARIBO — Nu Armand Achaibersing formeel minister af is, wordt de kar bij Financiën en Planning voorlopig getrokken door Albert


3 jeunes interpellés pour usage d’armes à feu aux Trois-Ilets

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Les habitants de la résidence Terraille aux bourg des Trois-Ilets ont assisté ce matin à un important déploiement des forces de la gendarmerie. Trois jeunes ont été interpellés pour des affaires de vol à main armée et tirs d’armes à feu.

La tension était palpable dans le bourg des Trois-Ilets à la résidence Terraille quand, avant 6 heures, les forces d’intervention de la gendarmerie se sont déplacées pour procéder à des interpellations.

En effet, ce mercredi matin, une cinquantaine de gendarmes, dont des militaires du GIGN ont été déployés dans le quartier pour procéder à l’interpellation de trois jeunes hommes dans une affaire de vol à main armée et d’utilisation d’armes à feu.

« Ces dernières semaines, la gendarmerie est intervenue plusieurs fois pour des coups de feu tirés dans le quartier, mais aussi dans d’autres quartiers de la commune comme l’Anse-à-l’Âne, l’Anse-Mitan ou Pointe-du-Bout. Depuis, nous établissons régulièrement des postes de contrôle pour assurer la sécurité des habitants », nous explique le commandant de la gendarmerie du Marin.

« Toutes nos interventions ces derniers temps ne concernent pas forcément le même dossier, il y en a plusieurs ».

Les différentes enquêtes des affaires du quartier ont été confiées au parquet de Fort-de-France. « Les personnes interpellées ce matin par la gendarmerie devraient être présentées au parquet en fin de journée.

Il leur est reproché des infractions à la législation sur les armes. », précise Clarisse Taron, Procureure de la République.

Plus d’informations dans notre édition du jeudi.


Disparition du journaliste André Quion-Quion à l’âge de 62 ans

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Journaliste reporter d’images, écrivain, passionné par le patrimoine Martiniquais, André Quion-Quion est décédé ce mercredi 28 septembre 2022 à l’âge de 62 ans.

C’est une triste nouvelle qu’ont reçus ses collègues de Martinique 1ère hier. André Quion-Quion a tiré sa révérence. Le journaliste est décédé des suites d’une longue maladie. Sa disparition laisse à coup sûr un vide dans le monde du journalisme local. L’auteur de 4 ouvrages, Une autre histoire maritime à la Martinique, l’histoire croisée des yoles (2012), Histoires singulières des côtes de la Martinique (2017), La pute des Hérétiques (2020), Très chère et vulnérable…

France-Antilles Martinique

178 mots – 29.09.2022


Football : Ha?ti et ses amput?s ? la Coupe du Monde

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

La d?l?gation ha?tienne forte de 24 personnes dont 14 footballeurs et 10 officiels, est ? pied d’oeuvre en T?rkiye o? elle s’appr?te ? disputer pour la quatri?me fois de suite la Coupe du Monde de football des amput?s dans le groupe comportant le pays h?te, ? savoir la T?rkiye, la France et le Lib?ria.

Faire mieux que les ?ditions de 2010 en Argentine, 2014 et 2018 au Mexique, tel est le leitmotiv de la s?lection nationale de football des amput?s entra?n?e par le s?lectionneur Rochenel Pierre, championne de l’Am?rique du Nord, Centrale et Cara?be. Avant de fouler le sol turc, le 9 juillet dernier en match amical, les Grenadiers avaient malmen? les USA (6-0), comme pour montrer qu’ils sont pr?ts ? faire flotter bien haut le drapeau ha?tien lors de cette comp?tition.

<>, a laiss? entendre Saviola Charles, meilleur buteur du dernier championnat, qualificatif ? la Coupe du Monde, organis? au Mexique.

Dans le groupe A, les Grenadiers amput?s d?buteront la Coupe du Monde face ? Lib?ria, le 1er octobre avant de jouer respectivement la France et la T?rkiye les 2 et 3 octobre, et ce, avec pour objectif principal de rallier une place pour la suite de la comp?tition.

<>, a comment? la directrice administrative, Marie Sofonie Louis.

Si en Ha?ti des efforts financiers ont ?t? faits pour permettre ? la s?lection ha?tienne de football des amput?s de se rendre aux ?tats-Unis pour peaufiner sa pr?paration, acheter des billets d’avion et avoir des frais disponibles pour les joueurs, en Floride, Delva Calcio Bonboul de notre confr?re Blanc Delva ?lys?e, avait remis la somme de 5 000 dollars am?ricains aux responsables de l’Association Ha?tienne de Football des Amput?s (AHFA), de quoi supporter ?conomiquement la d?l?gation ha?tienne.

Dans la liste des 14 Grenadiers amput?s retenus, Kervens Cin?us (bless?) a ?t? remplac? par l’attaquant Carnot Dorvil, un natif de la ville du Cap-Haitien. A c?t? de Saviola Charles, v?ritable fer de lance de la ligne d’attaque ha?tienne, Redondo El Principe Richard, meilleur buteur de la derni?re Coupe du Monde en 2018 avec 8 r?alisations, sera bel et bien pr?sent pour Ha?ti.

Voici la liste des 14 Grenadiers s?lectionn?s par Rochenel Pierre :

Gardiens (2) : John Baby Jean (#1) et Emmanuel Ladouceur (#12)

D?fenseurs (4) : Manley Osias (#6, cap); John Antoine (#4); Guyard Merjuste (#2) et Alain Isra?l (#19)

Milieux de terrain (2) : Mykender Baltazar (#8); John Spinoza (#7), Fritz Gerald Laguerre (#16), Junior Joseph (#5)

Attaquants (4) : Carnot Dorvil (#18); Stanley Gustave (#11); Redondo El Principe Richard (#9) et Saviola Charles (#10).

Ce qu’il faut savoir sur les principes du footbal des amput?s

D’abord, le football pour personnes amput?es r?pond ? des r?gles sp?cifiques, comme toute discipline adapt?e ? un handicap. Le jeu se d?roule sur un terrain de 60 m?tres sur 40 (maximum 70 m X 60) soit un demi-terrain de foot classique. Il comporte deux cages de buts de hauteur maximale de 2,2m, d’une largeur de 5m x 1m (profondeur) et un ballon standard FIFA.

Puis, le match se joue en 2 p?riodes de 25 minutes avec une mi-temps d’une dizaine de minutes. Un temps mort de deux minutes est autoris? par ?quipe et par match. L’?quipe est compos?e de 7 joueurs (6 joueurs de champ, un gardien) et des rempla?ants.

Ensuite, les joueurs de champ (hors gardien de but) doivent ?tre amput?s d’un membre inf?rieur. Le gardien de but doit ?tre amput? d’un membre sup?rieur, donc une main. Les joueurs ne peuvent pas utiliser leurs b?quilles et leur moignon pour manipuler le ballon. Si cela arrive, c’est consid?r? comme <> sauf si c’est involontaire.

Et finalement, l’utilisation de la b?quille contre un joueur entra?ne l’exclusion et un penalty et le hors-jeu n’existe pas dans le football pour handicap?s.

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Earthquake recorded off Antigua and Barbuda

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

UWI, SRC – Automatic Earthquake Location

DATE AND TIME:2022-09-28 3:48 pm (Local Time)2022-09-28 19:48 (UTC)


LOCATION:Latitude: 17.67NLongitude: 61.74WDepth: 10 km

NEARBY CITIES:63 km NNE of Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda117 km NE of Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis159 km N of Point-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe

A 5.3 magnitude earthquake has been recorded 39 miles (63 km) North-North-East of Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda.

The quake which was also felt North East of Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis and North of Point-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe was recorded around 3:48 pm Eastern Time, according to an initial submission by the UWI Seismic Research Centre.

The quake was recorded at a depth of 6.2 miles (10km).

Residents in Antigua mainly reported feeling the earth shake in St John’s and surrounding areas, as well as communities like English Harbour, Bolans, Urlings.

A few people in Barbuda have also reported feeling the earthquake.

This is the second recorded earthquake on Antigua in the month of September. On September 4, the research centre registered a magnitude 3.9 earthquake, 52.8 miles (85 km) East of Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda.

There was also a magnitude 5.0 earthquake recorded on September 10th in Dominica, Guadeloupe & Martinique – the closet of which is the island of Guadeloupe, which is 57 miles south of Antigua by air.



JTUM stands with TTUTA over wage protests

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


OWTU president Ancel Roget.

GOVERNMENT’S victory in the Industrial Court on Sunday, which put paid to the planned “rest and reflection” day of protest on Monday, is being termed “a frontal attack” on the trade union movement by JTUM head Ancel Roget.

Representatives from several unions, under the umbrella of the Joint Trade Union Movement (Jtum) gathered on Wednesday at the Banking, Insurance and General Workers Union (BIGWU) office in Barataria, as a show of solidarity with the TT Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA).

Also present were the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU), the TT Registered Nurses Association, the Contractors and General Workers Trade Union, Communications Workers Union, Postal Workers Union, Industrial and General Sanitation Workers Union, and Fire Services Association and another umbrella body, the National Trade Union Centre (NATUC).

Roget said the entire movement stands behind TTUTA in its rejection of Government’s four per cent salary increase offer, its opposition to the non-consolidation of COLA, and the CPO’s non-use of a labour market survey in wage-talks with TTUTA. He urged members to stand up for their rights

“We no longer live in a democracy. We are under the feet of a crushing government,” Roget said.

He complained that the Prime Minister was making public statements which Roget said were tantamount to negotiating in public, in place of the chief personnel officer (CPO).

He also accused CPO Dr Darryl Dindial of having not having any meaningful engagement with TTUTA and of bullying that union with a “take it or leave it” stance.

He said the Government was crushing all voices of dissent, especially those from the labour movement. He warned that such actions would only serve to unite the movement.

Roget also accused the police Special Branch of visiting schools on Monday to monitor which teachers turned up for work after the Sunday injunction barring teachers from protesting. With crime running rampant, Roget suggested the police’s time could be better spent elsewhere rather than in schools.

He vowed, “A number of things will happen in this country to ensure every citizen, every person gets justice.”

NATUC head Michael Annisette said anyone who could read should thank a teacher.

“If you pay teachers peanuts, you’ll get monkey education,” he said, adding that collective bargaining must be done between partners, not by way of unilateral action, arrogance and threats to go to court.

“Because you see a bald black man you think he is one of us, but judge them by what they do,” Annisette said.

Saying “four per cent can’t cut it,” Annisette vowed to bring action like a thief in the night.


PCA begins probe: Did police bullet graze boy after Pennywise heist?

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Director of the Police Complaints Authority David West.

DIRECTOR of the Police Complaints Authority David West has confirmed the PCA has started an investigation to determine whether the bullet which grazed a schoolboy during the deadly Pennywise robbery was police-issued.

The investigations follow allegations by the boy’s father, Dwayne Asson, that it was a police bullet which injured his son in the incident on September 19. The child is still recovering from surgery at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH).

Asson, a member of the TT Coast Guard, has retained attorneys CJ Williams and Kezia Gibson to seek his family’s interest.

Williams said the Asson family just want accountability and an explanation of how their son was injured.

West told Newsday on Wednesday Asson had spoken with him and an investigation has started.

“He (also) spoke with an investigator (from the PCA) and we are taking it as part of the whole police-involved shooting of the four suspects.”

West said relatives of the four suspects had not filed any formal complaints with the PCA, but the investigation surrounds what is in the public domain, including media reports of the incident.

The boy, a student of Siparia RC Primary School, was grazed on the face while with his family in a car driving along the Southern Main Road, near Pond Street, La Romaine. Police were chasing a group of men who robbed and killed two security guards and wounded a third, while the guards were transporting cash from businesses in the Pennywise La Romaine centre.

Gunmen attacked and killed Allied security officers Jeffrey Peters, 51, and Jerry “Bat” Stuart, 49. They died in the vehicle in which they were transporting cash and cheques, collected from businesses operating in the La Romaine centre, to be deposited.

Female officer Peola Baptiste, 57, survived the gun attack, but is still said to be in a critical condition in the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope.

Allister Harris, 47, a security guard employed with another company, was also shot. He was treated and discharged. West said Harris’s shooting will also factor in their investigations as they receive ballistic reports.

Police later cornered the suspects at a house in La Romaine and four of them were killed. They were identified as Greg Dodough, Deaundre Montrose and brothers Kyle and Keyon Ramdhan.

Four other suspects have been charged for gun-related offences and are now before the courts. A soldier whose vehicle was used by the dead men was also detained by police but later released after his attorney filed a writ of habeas corpus.

In a telephone interview, on Wednesday, Asson said he was a bit comforted that the PCA had started an investigation, because he wants answers and justice for his son. He said he has been getting resistance from the police to file a report.

He said his four children – nine, 11, 13 and 15 – were in the car with his wife when his son was shot, and they are all traumatised.

“They are afraid to get into the vehicle. They all need counselling.”

While his son is recovering from the surgery, he is not doing well mentally.

He has already missed out on two weeks of school and Asson expects it may be another two weeks, if all goes well, before he can go back.


CARIRI supports ideas, innovation, new products

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Planning Minister Pennelope Beckles. File photo/Ayanna Kinsale

“Put caraille in doubles, or shrimp or goat – that is innovation,” suggested Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles during a function on Wednesday.

The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) was celebrating the achievements of its programme Bridging the Gap to Commercial Application of Innovation at the Hyatt. The programme was explained in detail and local innovators and beneficiaries displayed their creations.

The idea behind the programme originated at the Danish Technological Institute, which trained a team from CARIRI to execute a programme like its Idea Advisory Service in Trinidad. CARIRI partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank to execute the project and classed innovators into two groups: those interested in a business start-up, and those seeking to license their ideas to an existing company in exchange for royalties.

CARIRI’s project takes innovators who have an idea to the prototype stage, where CARIRI tests if the right idea is being advanced and if the idea is worth building. Once it passes the test, the product is created and marketed.

Since 2018, over 1,000 innovative ideas have been submitted by students, people in rural communities and anyone who just had a good idea, said CEO of CARIRI Hans-Erich Schulz.

He added, “The key problem to be addressed was the low level of innovation exhibited by enterprises and entrepreneurs in TT, which is a constraint to economic growth and competitiveness.”

Chairman of CARIRI Hayden Ferreira quoted the Global Innovation Index of 132 economies, in which TT ranked 97 in 2021.

“As our friends at the Intellectual Property Office will tell you, 97 out of 132 is not great. Even though we are on the right track, we still have a lot of work to do in this area.

“We speak about diversification on a regular basis and CARIRI is providing potential avenues for our people to commercialise their innovation.”

Beckles address began by reminiscing about how recording has moved from a slate to a cellphone.

“If I brought some of the younger ones and gave them a slate and say, ‘Write down all what is said,’ they’d wonder, ‘What is this?’ because we can’t envisage ourselves without a cell phone.

“Fast-tracking to covid, how did we figure out ways of getting food? We became creative. How many of you cooked during covid, who never cooked before? Sometimes, what appears to be so negative like covid, can force within us creativity.

She said she had gone to her Arima constituency recently “and bought a doubles with caraille – you find that right? But you know, we also need to understand that even if you feel it have to have the channa, there is nothing wrong, because sometimes people take things the wrong way.

“So I had a doubles with caraille and I mixed it with patchoi.

“If you think about customer service and if that is what I want and you have it, what’s the big thing? Some people think you have to be traditional, but that is what allows our society to grow. Because there I was in Queens, New York and people were buying shrimp and goat and chicken doubles. As a Trinidadian you feel, ‘What going on here?’ but the point about it is, that is what the people wanted.”

Her anecdotes, she explained, showed the importance of innovation in otherwise ordinary situations.

Sterling Braithwaite and his niece Samara Braithwaite know this well. They are the creators of Spice Life: Caribbean Cakemixes, a local version of Betty Crocker. Sterling had an idea to boost Samara’s baking sales, so: “We designed a cake mix. We have a fruit and sponge cake mix that only requires three simple ingredients – eggs, oil/margarine and water.

“We submitted our idea at CARIRI’s Idea to Innovation project, through their advisory service, and we were accepted. The team led by Mr Millard took our product from idea to viability on grocery shelves.

“So far, we’re on Trinishop in the airport, and we do online sales through the Market Movers as well as Caribshopper.com. CARIRI provided a lot of educational insight and funding to get us where we are.”

Rajeev Singh, 24, is the creator of Inkreaper – a moisturising cream that helps to heal and rejuvenate old and new tattoos. He was in research and development for two and a half years and the product has been on the market for a year.

“We only use things from the earth. All our ingredients are found naturally in TT, such as the trinitario cacao and mango seeds and skins. We have a native species of bees where we get our beeswax from. We create a butter through that. It has no preservatives like Vaseline or petroleum jelly. That is the main distinguishing factors when compared to the competitors.”

He said CARIRI’s impact on his product was huge.

“It impacted the shape of the business, physically and in terms of paperwork. They would have highlighted things I needed to have in place, like a manufactured product, understand guidelines and the target market.”


132 more rooms in 2024! Hotel Indigo to fill Hotel Caribbee space Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Barbados is currently set to be the new home of a Hotel Indigo.

The 132-room hotel is set to be completed and opened in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Called Indigo Barbados, the hotel is under the portfolio of the Polcom Group, which is an approved provider of premium modular building systems and interiors for many projects across different asset classes (hospitality, residential, student housing and other). In essence, Polcom Group will be responsible for manufacturing the rooms as off-site modular units.

Hotel Indigo is a chain of small, individually owned boutique hotels, which is part of InterContenental Hotels Group (IHG). As of December 2021, there were 130 Hotel Indigo properties worldwide,

Breaking ground at the Christ Church beachfront location, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said, “Today’s [September 27] groundbreaking for the 132-room Hotel Indigo is a major show of confidence in Barbados, its economy, and its people.

Hotel Indigo will stand on the site of the old Caribbee Hotel and will employ 250 Bajans during construction and hundreds more once opened.”

The multi-million project will also feature three restaurants.

According to the artist’s impressions and rendering for the Hotel Indigo the Richard Haynes boardwalk is to remain intact and accessible to locals as well as guests, and there is still to be a window to the sea along that stretch of Highway.

Also under IHG Hotels & Resorts are Regent, EVEN Hotels, Candlewood Suites, Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express amongst other brand names.


Vybz Kartel’s Ex-Wife Shorty Dancing On The Gram, Reacts To His Fiancée

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Tanesha ‘Shorty’ Johnson is seemingly reacting to an interview on Fox 5 featuring Vybz Kartel’s fiancée Sidem Öztürk. Kartel shared a preview of the interview by Lisa Evers on his Instagram account.

Urban Islandz first broke the news that the Worl’Boss was engaged to Öztürk, who is Turkish. Many have been curious about the woman who has been linked to Vybz Kartel while he was reportedly still seeing Johnson. Kartel and Johnson had been together for more than a decade, and they share sons Jaheim aka Likkle Vybz, Akheel aka Likkle Addi, and Aiko, who is known as World Boss Jr.

Vybz Kartel’s upcoming EP True Religion will feature lyrics that speak to his new relationship. The artist shared the news teaser on his Instagram account. “Watch babes later pon @lisaevers…” the artist wrote on his Instagram account.

His ex, Shorty, and the mother of his children also shared a cryptic quote on her Instagram account, which many speculated was a reaction to the interview.

“A wise man told me if it doesn’t affect my pockets don’t let it affect my emotions #real,” the post said.

Shorty IG

It’s unclear when Kartel and Öztürk became engaged, but the singer has shared many photos of his fiancée at the Horizon Adult Remand Center, where he is being held for murder. Last month, a management rep said that the couple has been seeing each other since 2015 “when he was at Horizon initially and their relationship has blossomed since then.”

In the meantime, fans of the artist reacted to the news of his engagement.

“Shorty looks different,” one person commented on Twitter. “Whey the backside dis, what happened to love to Tanesha,” another person wrote. “Dwag a get fiance and mi cant evening get second date,” another opined. “Then shorty know bout dis,” one other asked.

Tanesha ‘Shorty’ Johnson also shared a video of herself dancing to one of their son’s song moment after the interview aired on TV last night in New York. In putting on an unbothered front, she did not directly addressed Ozturk, but she recently responds to some fans speculating that she and Vybz Kartel are not on good terms.

“Me and the boss good,” she said.
