‘Ondernemen door netwerken en samenwerken versterkt mogelijkheden’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

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Lecanemab : Un médicament fait ses preuves contre la maladie d’Alzheimer

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Rédaction web
Lundi 10 Octobre 2022 – 15h42

Le malade atteint d’Alzheimer a besoin d’être aidé et accompagné mais l’aidant aussi a besoin d’être accompagné. Rôle qu’à l’association France Alzheimer Martinique. – Shutterstock

Les laboratoires Eisai et Biogen annoncent des essais concluants lors de la phase 3 clinique des tests pour le médicament Lecanemab contre la maladie d’Alzheimer.

Combattre les effets de la maladie d’Alzheimer, c’est l’objectif affiché par les laboratoires Eisai et Biogen qui sont entrés dans la phase 3 des essais cliniques de leur nouveau médicament, le Lecanemab. C’est la première fois dans l’histoire qu’un médicament fait ses preuves contre cette maladie, avec une réduction de 27% sur l’échelle CDR-SB (échelle cognitive et fonctionnelle globale) du déclin cognitif pour 1795 patients atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer à un stade précoce, de 247 centres répartis dans le monde dont la France.

L’étude a été initiée en mars 2019 et a été réalisée en double aveugle. Un premier groupe a reçu Lecanemab à une dose de 10mg/kg deux fois par semaine, tandis que le second groupe a reçu un traitement placebo. Les patients ont été placés d’une manière aléatoire dans l’un ou l’autre groupe.

Les essais sont également concluants au niveau des effets secondaires mais n’atteignent pas encore les attentes des chercheurs.

Eisai et Biogen ont déposé un dossier auprès de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pour une autorisation accélérée de mise sur le marché américain. Leur demande a été acceptée et va bénéficier d’une évaluation prioritaire. La décision de la FDA est attendue pour mars 2023.

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2022, la bonne année de Christophe Maleau se poursuit

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Les mois se suivent et se ressemblent pour le jeune nageur, désormais médaillé d’argent à la coupe de la Comen (Confédération méditerranéenne de natation) à Belgrade (Serbie).  

Après une septième place en individuel obtenue jeudi, Christophe Maleau est monté vendredi sur la deuxième marche du podium avec le relais 4×1250 m (5 kilomètres) en eau libre.

Comme un retour sur investissement pour ses nombreuses actions menées plusieurs années durant en octobre, autour du cancer du sein.

L’ancien nageur du Longvilliers Club, fait partie de la délégation de 9 athlètes (5 filles et 4 garçons) à avoir été retenus en équipe de France pour la compétition.

Cette performance, vient s’ajouter comme une ligne de plus au palmarès déjà conséquent de Christophe Maleau.   

Médaille d’or en septembre

En effet, en septembre, il décrochait la médaille d’or aux championnats de France, toujours du 5 kilomètres en eau libre à Jablines à Seine-et-Marne, en Île-de-France.  

Avant cela, en avril, il s’imposait aux Carifta Games disputés à Barbade, en remportant la médaille d’or en 1 500 m nage libre. 

De bons résultats qui ont, sans doute, fait le poids au moment d’étudier son dossier pour son intégration au Centre National des Sports de La Défense à Fontainebleau où il poursuit, depuis la rentrée, son cursus.


Lecanemab : Un médicament fait ses preuves contre la maladie d’Alzheimer

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Rédaction web
Lundi 10 Octobre 2022 – 16h11

Le malade atteint d’Alzheimer a besoin d’être aidé et accompagné mais l’aidant aussi a besoin d’être accompagné. Rôle qu’à l’association France Alzheimer Martinique. – Shutterstock

Les laboratoires Eisai et Biogen annoncent des essais concluants lors de la phase 3 clinique des tests pour le médicament Lecanemab contre la maladie d’Alzheimer.

Combattre les effets de la maladie d’Alzheimer, c’est l’objectif affiché par les laboratoires Eisai et Biogen qui sont entrés dans la phase 3 des essais cliniques de leur nouveau médicament, le Lecanemab.

C’est la première fois dans l’histoire qu’un médicament fait ses preuves contre cette maladie, avec une réduction de 27% sur l’échelle CDR-SB (échelle cognitive et fonctionnelle globale) du déclin cognitif pour 1795 patients atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer à un stade précoce, de 247 centres répartis dans le monde dont la France.

L’étude a été initiée en mars 2019 et a été réalisée en double aveugle.

Dossier déposé

Un premier groupe a reçu Lecanemab à une dose de 10mg/kg deux fois par semaine, tandis que le second groupe a reçu un traitement placebo. Les patients ont été placés d’une manière aléatoire dans l’un ou l’autre groupe.

Les essais sont également concluants au niveau des effets secondaires mais n’atteignent pas encore les attentes des chercheurs.

Eisai et Biogen ont déposé un dossier auprès de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pour une autorisation accélérée de mise sur le marché américain. Leur demande a été acceptée et va bénéficier d’une évaluation prioritaire. La décision de la FDA est attendue pour mars 2023.

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Trois blessés et d’énormes embouteillages après un carambolage sur le Pont de la Gabarre

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Rédaction web
Lundi 10 Octobre 2022 – 16h33

Carambolage – Copyright (c) 2017 tommaso79/Shutterstock.

Un carambolage sur le Pont de la Gabarre a fait trois blessés en début d’après midi. La circulation reste très perturbée sur cet axe dans les deux sens.

Les secours ont été contactés en début d’après-midi, peu avant 14 heures pour un carambolage impliquant 4 véhicules sur le Pont de la Gabarre dans le sens Basse-Terre/Pointe-à-Pitre.

Selon nos informations, un des véhicules impliqués aurait fait plusieurs tonneaux.

Carambolage Pont de la Gabarre 10 Octobre 2022

– Sdis

Arrivés sur place, les pompiers ont recensé cinq personnes dans les véhicules, dont deux blessés légers et un grave.

La circulation a dû être entièrement coupée.

Carambolage Pont de la Gabarre 10 Octobre 2022

– Sdis

L’incident a mobilisé deux ambulances, un véhicule de désincarcération et onze sapeurs pompiers. 

La Police nationale et des agents de Routes de Guadeloupe sont toujours sur place pour rétablir et fluidifier le trafic routier qui est fortement ralenti dans le sens Pointe-à-Pitre/Basse-Terre.

Carambolage Pont de la Gabarre 10 Octobre 2022

– Sdis

Il est conseillé d’emprunter le pont de l’Alliance pour sortir de Baie-Mahault et se rendre en Grande-Terre

Sur le même sujet

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Manchester farmer charged after knife attack on woman Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

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The Manchester police arrested and charged 25-year-old Chevroy Dunwell, a farmer of Dobson district in the parish, with wounding with intent following an incident in his community on Thursday, October 6.

Reports are that about 11am, the victim was at a shop talking to friends when Dunwell went inside and used a box cutter knife to inflict wounds to the victim’s chest.

She was taken to the hospital, where she was treated and released.

Dunwell was later arrested and charged for the offence.

His court date is being finalised.

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Body Identified As Simeon Benjamin James – Juvenile Charged With Murder – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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On Saturday, police charged a juvenile male with murder as DNA tests identified the partially decomposed body found last month at Fond D’Or beach in Dennery as missing teenager Simeon Benjamin James.

Nineteen-year-old Simeon left his Ti Rocher, Castries home to view a football match in the Dennery valley and never returned.

After the discovery of the partially decomposed body in Dennery, reports surfaced that the teenager sustained a gunshot wound when a firearm was discharged while he was on the beach with some other youngsters.

The police have charged a sixteen-year-old in connection with Simeon’s death.

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Headline photo: Simeon Benjamin James

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Nicki Minaj Hints At Project With Skeng, Calls Dancehall Deejay “The Future”

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Nicki Minaj is hinting that she has more projects coming with Skeng.

The Trinidad-born rapper says that she is a big fan of Jamaican artist Skeng and she is hinting that there’s more to come with her and the artist. In an Instagram Story shared on Friday, Minaj said seemed to react to fans who questioned her remixing “Likkle Miss” with eight other female artists from the Caribbean on the riddim.

“Skeng is the future. Every thing Skeng touch is special,” Nicki Minaj began. “He’s different. I love him so much- y’all have no idea. No one is a bigger Skeng fan than me. NO ONE!!! Stay tuned,” she teased.

“TheFine9 Likkle Miss” remix was released two days ago, featuring several dancehall and soca artists. Spice, Pamputtae, and Lisa Mercedez are just a few of the artists who added to the track. On Saturday, Spice shared that the track was No. 1 on all of the hip hop charts eliciting a response from Minaj. In Spice’s caption, she shared gratitude for Nicki Minaj.


“Thank you for what you did for our culture. You created history with this one. Legendary things?? Never have any of us on #Fine9 been #1 on Hip hop charts, #1 in All Genres,” Spice wrote.

Spice also dished on the creative process and working with the self-proclaimed Queen of Rap directly.

“The fact that I got to personally talk with you throughout this project and witness for myself how meticulous you were with each of our verses to ensure that we all shined and how passionate you were with it, is just mind blowing for me. @skeng.don big up yuhself #Dancehall cya Stall,” she added.

Nicki Minaj also responded to Spice, adding that she was a fan of the Dancehall Queen. “Well Mi blood*** frighten over THIS!” Minaj, who was born in Trinidad but often aligned herself with Jamaican culture, said.

“I just busted out laughing. Remember that big long IG caption I wrote years ago when I just discovered your music? genuine love & respect that goes BOTH ways! BOTH,” the “Super Freaky Girl” rapper wrote.

Nicki Minaj has always been a huge fan of dancehall and Jamaican culture. She grew up in Queens, New York, where Jamaican culture is dominant, and from there, she started to hound her skills as a rapper from a young age. She also dated Safaree Samuels for 12 years which might also help solidify her love for the culture.


Businesses report attempts by impostors to scam them out of money and cell-phone ‘top-ups;’ Police puts public on alert

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Investigations have been launched into what appears to be a scam being perpetrated on a number of businesses.

REAL News learned that several business owners advised the Police, last week, that they have been getting calls from a particular number with the person asking for money.

It is alleged that the person using the 725 cell number purported to be a person of known prominence; and, in addition to money, they were also attempting to get a telephone top-up from the businesses.

Reportedly these incidents occurred on October 5 and 6.

The police subsequently obtained certain information from all the business places, and, as a result, the CID tactical team undertook a number of searches.

A Grays Farm man, a Jennings resident, a Martin’s Village man, a Radio Range man, and a Golden Grove villager were all apprehended and  taken into police custody to assist with this investigation.

Search warrants were later obtained by officers and a Pares Village home was searched on October 7 in the presence of one of these men; however, nothing illegal was found.

A warrant was executed at the home of the Martin’s Village man, as well, with nothing illegal being found there, either.

Meanwhile, late last week, the Police issued a warning to residents to be on the alert for online fraudsters.

The Police warn that criminal elements are randomly targeting individuals and businesses through online sources, with the intention of defrauding them of cash and other valuable items.

Funds are also being solicited from certain business places purportedly for medical assistance, a police release adds.

Therefore, the public is advised to undertake proper background checks before volunteering or providing financial assistance to unknown sources.

All suspicious activities should be reported to the Police without delay.



Relative of Lopinot drowning victim tells rescue volunteers: Take your duties seriously

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Fire officers search for the body of Theresa Lynch in the Caroni River, Trincity last Thursday. Photo by Angelo Marcelle

A relative of Theresa Lynch, is calling on volunteers from private rescue groups to take their responsibilities seriously as he feels members of a certain group were more concerned about being featured in the media than finding his relative.

Lynch, 43, was swept away while trying to cross the Surrey river, Lopinot, during heavy rainfall last Wednesday morning, after tending to crops in a forested part of Surrey Village.

Lynch’s body was found on the eastern side of the Arouca river last Friday.

Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, on Monday, one of Lynch’s relatives said while he was grateful for the help of villagers who offered to form search parties, he was disappointed in the approach of certain private organisations and felt their response was lacking in certain areas.

Recalling the afternoon when Lynch was swept away, the relative said he was approached by members of a rescue organisation but was shocked by their response when he told them about the incident.

“I got to the Arima Old Road on the bridge and they pulled up, they asked where she (Theresa) was, I said she was somewhere in the river.

“They said they had to go to Malabar to drop off a car first and then they said they would come back to search.

“Everybody’s looking for fame, everybody wants to form a group to look for missing people but they don’t have their priorities in order.

“They have to do their work more serious and if they claim finding people is what they’re about then that’s what they need to be about, because it seems they want to be in the newspapers, they want to be on the news.”

The relative said the community was still deeply shaken by the incident and he implored other residents to exercise extreme caution during heavy rainfall for their own safety.

He said throughout their searches, villagers and relatives held out hope that Lynch somehow survived being swept away.

“That shocked everyone how it happened. Everyone is still trying to figure out what happened.“
