L1: bousculé, le PSG s’en remet encore aux stars

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Le génie de Neymar et Lionel Messi a sauvé le Paris SG d’un épineux faux pas contre Troyes (4-3), samedi au Parc des Princes en Ligue 1, une…

Le génie de Neymar et Lionel Messi a sauvé le Paris SG d’un épineux faux pas contre Troyes (4-3), samedi au Parc des Princes en Ligue 1, une victoire obtenue malgré d’inquiétantes brèches défensives.

Que peut-il arriver au PSG lorsque les trois stars de sa “MNM”, Messi-Neymar-Mbappé, surfent sur une telle dynamique et y vont chacun de leur but ? 

Contre ce genre d’adversaire, combatif 11e du classement mais logiquement inférieur techniquement, pas grand chose. Mais lorsque le niveau s’élèvera, Paris ferait bien de gommer ses erreurs défensives, car même samedi, il n’a pas été loin de sombrer. 

Malgré cette 11e victoire en L1 cette saison, malgré la première place du PSG au classement avec cinq points d’avance, l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier ne pourra pas sortir de ce weekend avec satisfaction, la faute à d’énormes largesses défensives. 

“L’équipe a beaucoup plus pensé à attaquer, mais ça ne peut pas être comme ça. Il y a un équilibre à respecter”, a pesté l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier après la rencontre. “On a beaucoup de choses à corriger. Si vous prenez trois buts en Ligue des champions, vous avez peu de chances de l’emporter”.

Le dossier de la défense risque bien d’atterrir tout en haut de la pile sur le bureau de l’encadrement technique, dès mercredi à Turin contre la Juventus, où Paris visera la première place de son groupe de Ligue des champions.

Le débat avait déjà été ouvert cette semaine après les deux buts encaissés contre le Maccabi Haïfa sur coups de pieds arrêtés (7-2).

Samedi, les Parisiens n’ont pas eu besoin de corners ou coups francs défensifs pour sombrer en défense: l’attentisme de Nordi Mukiele et l’immobilisme de Presnel Kimpembe dans le jeu ont ouvert des boulevards à Mama Baldé, double buteur, à chaque début de mi-temps (3e, 52e). Et en toute fin de match, un cafouillage sur corner a offert à Ante Palaversa la réduction du score (88e). 

Le PSG n’avait plus encaissé trois buts au Parc des Princes depuis février 2020, une victoire 4-3, déjà, contre Bordeaux en Ligue 1.

Messi-Neymar, duo de feu

Mais avec un Neymar aussi aérien et un Messi aussi inspiré à trois semaines du Mondial-2022 au Qatar, Paris a de la marge en L1. 

L’Argentin a soigné ses statistiques, en marquant d’un missile à 30 mètres (55e), puis en adressant une passe décisive laser à son coéquipier brésilien sept minutes plus tard (62e). Il compte désormais 12 buts et 13 passes décisives cette saison toutes compétitions confondues.

Neymar a de son côté été l’attaquant le plus en vue, de par ses incessantes combinaisons, son but, et sa passe décisive lumineuse pour Carlos Soler sur le premier but (24e).

Le milieu espagnol est le grand gagnant du récent changement tactique opéré par l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier: déjà buteur mardi, il a récidivé samedi, et a obtenu le penalty transformé en fin de match (77e) par Kylian Mbappé, très maladroit pendant le reste de la rencontre.

Une attaque prolifique qui masque un peu les difficultés de la défense à quatre, encore loin d’être au point.

Mukiele a eu de la peine comme arrière droit malgré quelques bons retours et tacles. Kimpembe, de retour de blessure, n’avait clairement pas retrouvé sa hargne habituelle, et Sergio Ramos n’était pas non plus dans un grand jour. 

Préservé au coup d’envoi, le capitaine Marquinhos a même, lui aussi, semblé un peu passif sur le dernier but troyen.

Quelle réaction de l’arrière garde parisienne à Turin ? Il s’agira de l’un des enjeux majeurs de la rencontre. Car la “MNM” ne pourra pas sauver Paris à tous les matches, d’autant que Neymar sera suspendu contre la Juve.


Les stars du PSG Lionel Messi et Neymar contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes

L’attaquant du PSG Kylian Mbappé marque sur panalty contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes
• Anne-Christine POUJOULAT

Les stars du PSG Neymar (g), Kylian Mbappé (c) et Lionel Messi avant le match contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes

Les buteurs parisiens Kylian Mbappé (g) et Carlos Soler contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes
• Anne-Christine POUJOULAT


En images : retour réussi pour Roberto Fonseca en Martinique

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

10 ans après ses précédents passages et figure du jazz cubain, le pianiste cubain Roberto Fonseca était de retour en Martinique jeudi soir dans la grande salle de l’Atrium. Un retour en trio cette fois avec Ruly Herrera à la batterie et Yandy Martinez à la basse et à la contrebasse.

Et cette formule fut largement suffisante pour faire découvrir son dernier album « yesun » et pour une fois de plus convaincre la salle comble venu le voir de la qualité de son jeu, héritier du Buena Vista Social Club. 

A découvrir avec nos photos et vidéos…

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière

Concert Roberto Fonseca / Tropiques Atrium
• Eddy Chénière


L1: bousculé, le PSG s’en remet encore aux stars

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Le génie de Neymar et Lionel Messi a sauvé le Paris SG d’un épineux faux pas contre Troyes (4-3), samedi au Parc des Princes en Ligue 1, une…

Le génie de Neymar et Lionel Messi a sauvé le Paris SG d’un épineux faux pas contre Troyes (4-3), samedi au Parc des Princes en Ligue 1, une victoire obtenue malgré d’inquiétantes brèches défensives.

Que peut-il arriver au PSG lorsque les trois stars de sa “MNM”, Messi-Neymar-Mbappé, surfent sur une telle dynamique et y vont chacun de leur but ? 

Contre ce genre d’adversaire, combatif 11e du classement mais logiquement inférieur techniquement, pas grand chose. Mais lorsque le niveau s’élèvera, Paris ferait bien de gommer ses erreurs défensives, car même samedi, il n’a pas été loin de sombrer. 

Malgré cette 11e victoire en L1 cette saison, malgré la première place du PSG au classement avec cinq points d’avance, l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier ne pourra pas sortir de ce weekend avec satisfaction, la faute à d’énormes largesses défensives. 

“L’équipe a beaucoup plus pensé à attaquer, mais ça ne peut pas être comme ça. Il y a un équilibre à respecter”, a pesté l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier après la rencontre. “On a beaucoup de choses à corriger. Si vous prenez trois buts en Ligue des champions, vous avez peu de chances de l’emporter”.

Le dossier de la défense risque bien d’atterrir tout en haut de la pile sur le bureau de l’encadrement technique, dès mercredi à Turin contre la Juventus, où Paris visera la première place de son groupe de Ligue des champions.

Le débat avait déjà été ouvert cette semaine après les deux buts encaissés contre le Maccabi Haïfa sur coups de pieds arrêtés (7-2).

Samedi, les Parisiens n’ont pas eu besoin de corners ou coups francs défensifs pour sombrer en défense: l’attentisme de Nordi Mukiele et l’immobilisme de Presnel Kimpembe dans le jeu ont ouvert des boulevards à Mama Baldé, double buteur, à chaque début de mi-temps (3e, 52e). Et en toute fin de match, un cafouillage sur corner a offert à Ante Palaversa la réduction du score (88e). 

Le PSG n’avait plus encaissé trois buts au Parc des Princes depuis février 2020, une victoire 4-3, déjà, contre Bordeaux en Ligue 1.

Messi-Neymar, duo de feu

Mais avec un Neymar aussi aérien et un Messi aussi inspiré à trois semaines du Mondial-2022 au Qatar, Paris a de la marge en L1. 

L’Argentin a soigné ses statistiques, en marquant d’un missile à 30 mètres (55e), puis en adressant une passe décisive laser à son coéquipier brésilien sept minutes plus tard (62e). Il compte désormais 12 buts et 13 passes décisives cette saison toutes compétitions confondues.

Neymar a de son côté été l’attaquant le plus en vue, de par ses incessantes combinaisons, son but, et sa passe décisive lumineuse pour Carlos Soler sur le premier but (24e).

Le milieu espagnol est le grand gagnant du récent changement tactique opéré par l’entraîneur Christophe Galtier: déjà buteur mardi, il a récidivé samedi, et a obtenu le penalty transformé en fin de match (77e) par Kylian Mbappé, très maladroit pendant le reste de la rencontre.

Une attaque prolifique qui masque un peu les difficultés de la défense à quatre, encore loin d’être au point.

Mukiele a eu de la peine comme arrière droit malgré quelques bons retours et tacles. Kimpembe, de retour de blessure, n’avait clairement pas retrouvé sa hargne habituelle, et Sergio Ramos n’était pas non plus dans un grand jour. 

Préservé au coup d’envoi, le capitaine Marquinhos a même, lui aussi, semblé un peu passif sur le dernier but troyen.

Quelle réaction de l’arrière garde parisienne à Turin ? Il s’agira de l’un des enjeux majeurs de la rencontre. Car la “MNM” ne pourra pas sauver Paris à tous les matches, d’autant que Neymar sera suspendu contre la Juve.


Les stars du PSG Lionel Messi et Neymar contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes

L’attaquant du PSG Kylian Mbappé marque sur panalty contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes
• Anne-Christine POUJOULAT

Les stars du PSG Neymar (g), Kylian Mbappé (c) et Lionel Messi avant le match contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes

Les buteurs parisiens Kylian Mbappé (g) et Carlos Soler contre Troyes, le 29 octobre 2022 au Parc des Princes
• Anne-Christine POUJOULAT


Search intensifies; 8-y-o boy gone missing for over two months Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

1 hrs ago

8-year-old Zayne Rhoden missing since July

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A high alert has been activated for 8-year-old Zayne Rhoden of East Chedwin, Greater Portmore, St. Catherine, who has been missing since Sunday, July 24.

A release from the Corporate Communication Unit, the police information arm, on Friday, October 26, says Rhoden is of brown complexion, slim build, and is about 3 feet tall.

Reports from the Half Way Tree Police are that Zayne was last seen at home at about 6:00 pm, wearing a blue t-shirt, grey shorts, and slippers. Efforts to locate him have been futile.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Zayne Rhoden is asked to contact the Half Way Tree Police at 876-926-8185, the police 119 emergency number or the nearest police station.

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After three surgeries and seven years of fighting breast cancer, Donavan Chevannes is crediting God for bringing him this far in his fight against the disease that is a rarity in men.


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J’can man gets 3 years in US prison for lotto scamming Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

A Jamaican national – Greg Warren Clarke – was on Friday sentenced to three years in prison in the United States for conspiring to run a Jamaica-based lottery scam that targeted elderly American consumers.

This is according to a statement posted on the US Department of Justice website.

Pointing to court documents, the Department said Clarke, 30, of Montego Bay, St James in Jamaica, conspired to operate a fraudulent lottery scheme.

“From in or around September 2013, through in or around August 2015, Clarke worked with co-conspirators, including Claude Anthony Shaw, in a scheme to defraud, in which victims were called and falsely told that they had won over US$1 million in a lottery and needed to pay fees or taxes to claim their winnings,” the statement said.

It said the victims were instructed to send their money through wire transfers or the mail to Shaw and other individuals. As part of the conspiracy, Clarke and Shaw discussed (over the phone and through cell phone text messages) plans to receive victims’ money.

At Clarke’s direction, Shaw received money from victims through wire transfers and mail. Clarke and Shaw discussed arrangements for victims to send money to other individuals with whom Shaw worked. Clarke then instructed Shaw to send the victims’ money to Clarke in Jamaica, usually through wire transfers. Victims who sent money to Clarke and his co-conspirators never received any lottery winnings.

Clarke pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud for his role in the scam on August 19.

Shaw previously pleaded guilty to mail fraud in the U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale. In June 2017, he was sentenced to three years in prison.

“Today’s (Friday’s) sentencing demonstrates the Justice Department’s commitment to combatting foreign-based lottery fraud schemes targeting American consumers,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “The perpetrators of these schemes will be prosecuted, regardless of where they live and operate.”

For his part, Juan A. Vargas, Acting Inspector in Charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Miami Division warned that “The Postal Inspection Service will continue to actively investigate fraudulent lottery schemes based in Jamaica directed at fleecing victims in the United States”.

“We will not allow the fraudsters responsible for these Jamaican lottery scams to use the U.S. mail to commit their crime,” he added.

The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs worked with law enforcement partners in Jamaica to secure the arrest and extradition of Clarke.

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service investigated the case.


Tagenarine gets maiden WI call-up for Test tour of Australia

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Tagenarine Chanderpaul –

TAGENARINE CHANDERPAUL, son of the legendary Shivnarine Chanderpaul, is set to make his Test debut as the only uncapped player named in the West Indies team for a two-match series away to Australia later this year.

The WI selection panel announced a 15-man squad for the tour, which features a pair of warm-up matches – against an ACT/NSW XI from November 17-19 and a Prime Minister’s XI from November 23-26, both at Canberra; and the Test matches (November 30-December 4 at Perth and December 8-12 at Adelaide.

The left-handed Chanderpaul, whose batting style and mannerisms are reminiscent of his famed father, forced his way into the Test fold after a good domestic season for Guyana Harpy Eagles, after tallying 439 runs from five matches at an average of 73.16.

Another left-handed opening batsman, John Campbell, who played during the 2022 home series against both England and Bangladesh, is currently serving a four-year ban for an anti-doping violation.

Middle-order batsmen Shamarh Brooks and Roston Chase have been recalled to the team, but left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie, who made his debut against Bangladesh earlier this year, was left out.

SQUAD: Kraigg Brathwaite (captain), Jermaine Blackwood (vice captain), Nkrumah Bonner, Shamarh Brooks, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Roston Chase, Joshua Da Silva, Jason Holder, Alzarri Joseph, Kyle Mayers, Anderson Phillip, Raymon Reifer, Kemar Roach, Jayden Seales, Devon Thomas.


Murders cross 500 as 3 killed – 2 in a cemetery

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Crime scene investigators collect evidence after a shooting incident at the Tunapuna Public Cemetery, resulted in the deaths of siblings, Elvi Hernandez 28 and Nirmal Rambaran 18,
Tunapuna Public Cemetery, Tunapuna. – Photo by Roger Jacob

Three murders between Friday night and Saturday have brought this country’s murder toll to 501.

Roger Charles was shot and killed in Enterprise, Chaguanas, Friday night. A police report said the 26-year-old victim’s body was found at Crown Trace in a track with gunshot wounds.

Central Division and Homicide Bureau Region III police visited the scene and gathered evidence.

No one has been arrested.

On Saturday morning, Northern Division police responded to a report and found the bodies of two men in the Tunapuna public cemetery. Brothers Elvis Hernandez, 28, and Nirmal Rambaran, 18, were said to be from Prescott Lane, Tunapuna. Homicide Bureau Region II police also visited the scene. Investigations are ongoing.


AG Nandlall discusses legal matters with US Embassy officials

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
The officials meeting on Wednesday

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, SC, recently met with some newly appointed officials at the United States Embassy in Georgetown to discussion a number of legal issues.

The meeting was held on Wednesday last the AG Chambers. The US Embassy delegation included Deputy Chief of Mission, Adrienne Galanek, and Political Officer at his Chambers, Howard H. Chyung.

Additionally, Deputy Chief Parliamentary Counsel at the AG Chambers, Joann Bond, also attended the meeting.

Both Galanek and Chyung, who are new appointees at the US Embassy, have pledged to continue to collaborate and work closely with the Government of Guyana through the Attorney General Chambers and the Ministry of Legal Affairs on a series of legal matters of mutual importance to both the United States of America and Guyana.

These include collaboration on important legislative changes, obligations underinternational conventions and on general issues regarding law and legal processes.

The Attorney General used the opportunity to update the two officials on the status ofexisting collaboration and cooperation between the Government of Guyana andimportant law enforcement agencies in the United States, including the United StatesMarshals Service (USMS), the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and CentralAuthority, Department of Justice (DoJ).


A Mother’s plea: One asked for leniency, the other for help Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Two mother’s appeared in the Oistin’s Magistrate’s Court on Monday, October 24, on behalf of their sons to make their cases before Magistrate Deidre McKenna.

The first mother came unaccompanied and stood before the magistrate with humility. She said that her son was absent from court on his date because he is now the sole breadwinner in the household. She said that she takes full blame for his absence because he is at work. She told the Magistrate that she came to court to ask for leniency because she has lost her job, another in the home is on maternity leave and now her son is the only one holding down a steady job to pay the $1,500 rent and other expenses.

Magistrate McKenna explained that there is a process and protocols for such. One does not take it upon oneself to tell the person with a court date that he or she can attend work instead. She said that he could have called or came and explained and received a letter for work.

However, the young man got in trouble with the law at a very young age, and his mother was helping repay his outstanding debt, but he alone now is making money for them all in the home.

With her head bowed and arms interlocked behind her back, she asked the magistrate to be lenient, apologised and with a very contrite heart said it would never happen again.

Hours later, a 29-year-old man stood in the dock in handcuffs and though he had antecedents, he said that he had done his time for those and is innocent this time. He said. “I do seven years. I don’t waste de court time, ma’am. When I know I do wrong, I does say so and I ain’t do this.”

The magistrate said that she considered the new matters of theft, loitering and damage of property at the Oistins Police Station are bailable offences but could not grant bail without a suitable surety. Without hesitation, the accused replied, “That easy your honor. I could get my mudda or granmoudda. I just need de officer hey to give a phone call.”

In less than an hour, a tired lady in her work attire entered the court and went into the dock to be sworn in. But first, she asked the magistrate, “Ma’am, can I get some help for him?” She said he is not taking his meds issued by the Psychiatric Hospital and pointing to her head, she added, “he ain’t right up here”.

Magistrate McKenna said that at this stage of the proceedings, she too could only plead and advise the accused to take his medicine. She cannot mandate it or order it. But she also advised the mother that she may have some way to get some help through the Psychiatric Hospital and his assigned doctor.

Speaking to Loop News after the day’s proceedings, Magistrate McKenna said that what was observed in court on Monday was not the norm. She said that many mother’s come to court but they do not speak up on behalf of their children who may be accused of running afoul of the law. In fact, most do not to want to believe that their children do what they are accused of.


A man’s breast cancer journey: Seven years and three surgeries later Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

After three surgeries and seven years of fighting breast cancer, Donavan Chevannes is crediting God for bringing him this far in his fight against the disease that is a rarity in men.

The 58-year-old former chauffeur is still on the road to recovery, but he’s eagerly anticipating the day he will be declared cancer-free and considered a “breast cancer survivor”.

Until that day comes, Chevannes is thanking God for his mercies so far.

“I wouldn’t want not even my enemy to have this (breast cancer)… I have been fighting from 2015 to 2022, and see, I am still here… To God be the glory, for great things he has done,” he told Loop News in an interview.

The Guava Ridge, east rural St Andrew resident did not know it was breast cancer until 2017, though he was diagnosed with cancer two years earlier.

He shared that he has always used deodorant and would get the occasional “bump” in his armpit that would often disappear. However, on one occasion, he noticed that the bump came up and would not go away over time.

In 2015, Chevannes’ wife, Lorna, nudged him to check out the bump at their family doctor. The medical practitioner prescribed a cream for it, as it was initially thought to be an abscess.

However, the cream did not help, and the bump remained.

Chevannes said he was immediately referred by his doctor to the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) where a biopsy was done. The result: cancer was detected.

“The doctor said, ‘You have cancer’, and I asked, ‘Really?’, and he said, ‘Yes’,” Chevannes recounted, adding that, initially, he was not told what type of cancer.

He was in a state of bewilderment.

“It hit me in a way where I was just thinking it was a bump,” he said, adding that he told his doctor his hunch that it may have been caused by his deodorant.

The medical doctor, however, dismissed that theory.

Guava Ridge, St Andrew resident Donavan Chevannes has been battling cancer for the last seven years.

As the news sank in, said Chevannes, the fear grew, but he laid anchor on his Christian faith.

“You know, I’m walking, and I’m talking to everybody just the same. I was worried, but I put my trust in God and just leave it there because he’s the one; he is the miracle worker,” he declared.

An appointment was made, and surgery done to remove the lump in the armpit later in 2015.

Two years later, the medical practitioners advised Chevannes that they needed to do another operation. He was also formally advised that he had breast cancer.

He elaborated: “One of the time, they (doctors) were saying it was the cancer of the skin based on where it was at, but they settled at breast cancer, a very rare thing among men.”

Chevannes also explained that the doctors couldn’t tell him at what stage the cancer was because it wasn’t moving and was not aggressive.

While the disease is rare in males, representing about one per cent of all cancer cases in the US, medical practitioners have stressed the need for men to be aware and report any lumps on the breast or chest.

Breast cancer in men usually presents itself as a lump in the chest, dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipple.

“They (the doctors) were saying to me that we need to go in wider because they don’t know if it (cancer) spread over on the other side, so they need to go in at a wider margin.

“So, in 2017, they cut me again, the same place under the arm, because I’m not feeling any pain in the breast or anything,” he recounted.

After that surgery, the father of one said he was put on medication.

But his worries weren’t over.

“In 2020, they said I have to do another surgery because that pill seemed it wasn’t strong enough, and it (cancer) came back. It was in the lymph nodes,” he said.

By June 2020, Chevannes underwent another surgical operation, and lymph nodes affected by the cancer were removed and sent overseas to be tested. He said his brother paid for that testing to be done.

When they got the results, the doctors placed Chevannes on chemotherapy. This involved him being injected in his leg and another in the area of his abdomen. Additionally, he started taking one tablet daily.

Chevannes, a member of the Assemblies of the First Born International Church in Guava Ridge, said his cancer diagnosis was also hard on his family.

“[On one occasion] when my wife came to the hospital, she told me she’s walking, but she’s not walking. It’s like she is not here, especially when I do the operations and am to leave the hospital and go home. My God! They take it so hard,” he explained.

Despite the challenges, his wife and daughter, Chantae, continue to play a critical role for him.

So, too, his siblings, who also offered significant support in his conquering breast cancer.

He said that the National Health Fund (NHF) was also critical, as it assisted with cutting the cost of medications and other expenses.

Chevannes is among the approximately 10,400 NHF beneficiaries currently enrolled for breast cancer, which is one of the 17 conditions covered by the Fund.

The NHFCard covers 18 active pharmaceutical ingredients and more than 100 drug representations. Also, registered breast cancer patients can have their breast cancer receptor studies test done at a reduced cost at the University Hospital of the West Indies Pathology Laboratory. Another benefit, through the NHF, is screening, as it has an $18.5-million contract with the Jamaica Cancer Society, which includes sponsored mammograms.

Donavan Chevannes is eagerly anticipating the day when he is declared cancer-free.

Although Chevannes has passed the worst since his last surgery in 2020, he still receives monthly chemotherapy treatment and takes oral medications.

The 58-year-old acknowledged that though it is challenging at times, he continues to follow his treatment routine.

“I’m still going through my recovery process. Some people go through theirs in a very short while, but mine is very long,” disclosed Chevannes.

“I don’t have it in my thoughts to give up, but you have the moments when you have some dull moments based on how you feel, because… some of the times you have to rise up in the bed and sit up based on how you feel.

“I’ve come so far now, and it’s not as bad as before,” he stated.

Chevannes disclosed that he did an ultrasound last week, and there were positive signs. However, he said he would await the doctor’s assessment of the results before arriving at any conclusions.

“It has been an uphill and a downhill battle for me. I’ve had some sleepless nights. But, you know, I have to just go through what I have to go through,” Chevannes said firmly.

He added: “The greatest thing is God is my evidence to everything. He is the one that brought me through.”

Chevannes, who was previously a chauffeur and now works as a driver for a company, again underscored the importance of friends and family in his battle with breast cancer.

“All of these operations come with a cost, and as I said before, God always put some people in your corner to make things a little easier.

“You have friends and family; those are the persons that come in and make things easier. That is why I keep saying, ‘To God be the glory’, because he always makes a way when there is none’,” he said.

Chevannes is encouraging men to get screened for all forms of cancer.

“Get tested! If it is something you can detect early, it is better for you, and you can get treatment,” he advised.

He said family members should also play a role in supporting their loved ones if cancer is detected.

“What many people don’t realise is that when you are going through a situation, they can’t determine what you’re feeling, what you’re going through, what is on your mind, but it is best for you to just encourage as much as you can,” he urged.

“It is the time when families are supposed to draw near when you’re going through such a situation and help because the words that you use can… encourage an individual to go on.

“They won’t be in that stage forever. In such a time like that, family is most important to you,” Chevannes insisted.
