Kopprogramma Natin ‘Oil and gas’ zeer belangrijk en strategisch project’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld Wilfred Leeuwin PARAMARIBO — De regering, het bedrijfsleven en de in Suriname aanwezige internationale oliemaatschappijen hebben grote


Tennis: Gilles Simon repousse encore ses adieux

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Les adieux attendront encore pour Gilles Simon: après Andy Murray, ex-N.1 mondial, au tour de Taylor Fritz, aux portes du Top 10, d’être pris dans les filets du maître tacticien du tennis français, au bout de l’effort, au…

Les adieux attendront encore pour Gilles Simon: après Andy Murray, ex-N.1 mondial, au tour de Taylor Fritz, aux portes du Top 10, d’être pris dans les filets du maître tacticien du tennis français, au bout de l’effort, au 2e tour du Masters 1000 de Paris mercredi.

Au bord de la rupture physiquement – “là, putain, j’ai mal partout” – Simon qui, à 37 ans, joue dans la salle parisienne le dernier tournoi de sa carrière, est venu à bout du N.11 mondial après plus de trois heures de match 7-5, 5-7, 6-4.

Lundi soir déjà, il avait bataillé pendant 2h50 min pour renverser Murray 4-6, 7-5, 6-3.

Il a désormais rendez-vous en huitième de finale jeudi avec le joueur en forme du moment, le Canadien Félix Auger-Aliassime, fort de trois titres en trois semaines en octobre.

Comme remplis d’espoir par son exploit inaugural, les milliers de spectateurs se sont fait entendre avant même les premières frappes, les “Allez Gilou” se répondant d’une tribune à l’autre.

Le tout premier service de Fritz, jugé faute après arbitrage vidéo, puis sa double faute qui a suivi, bruyamment applaudis par le public de Bercy, ont immédiatement annoncé la couleur. Comme le break d’entrée réussi par Simon, salué par une ovation et une ola dès le premier changement de côté.

“Trois mois de récup’”

Pour ce qui risquait d’être le dernier match de ses vingt ans de carrière, le Français a minutieusement déployé toute sa science du jeu pour manoeuvrer à la perfection le vainqueur du Masters 1000 d’Indian Wells et le faire travailler jusqu’à l’usure, jusqu’à perdre patience.

“J’ai juste l’impression que j’arrive à jouer chaque match comme s’il n’y avait pas de lendemain, parce que c’est le dernier”, décrit Simon pour expliquer ses derniers exploits. “Un peu plus que d’habitude, et c’était déjà le cas à Roland-Garros, je suis prêt à mourir sur le terrain.”

“Un match comme ça, c’est trois mois de récup’, mais c’est la fin, je mets tout ce que j’ai (…) Et quand je regarde mes +nains+ (en tribunes), ils ont tellement plus d’énergie que moi, je me dis: +allez, je leur en prends un peu+”, sourit-il.

C’est peut-être ce qu’il a fait quand il a connu une alerte rouge, mené 5-4, 0-40 dans le premier set, pour aligner cinq points d’affilée et égaliser à 5-5.

Au jeu suivant, c’est lui qui breakait en poussant son adversaire à la faute. On jouait déjà depuis plus d’une heure quand Simon a viré en tête, une manche à zéro.

Pris dans ses filets, Fritz concédait rapidement un break dans le deuxième set (2-1), au bout d’un échange 100% Gilles Simon, d’abord solide en défense, puis capable d’en renverser le cours.

Cuisse, dos, épaule

Mais le break d’avance s’évaporait immédiatement et le coup de moins bien était évident pour l’ex-N.6 mondial, aujourd’hui 188e.

Si bien que quand Fritz a égalisé à un set partout après plus de deux heures de jeu, non sans avoir écarté trois balles de break sur son jeu de service précédent, qui auraient permis à Simon de servir pour le match, difficile d’être optimiste pour le trentenaire tricolore.

Sur le court, son corps grince de toutes parts: cuisse gauche, dos, épaule droite. Simon, précisément poussé vers la sortie par son physique déclinant, marmonne “j’en peux plus”, crie “j’ai mal au dos” mais, coûte que coûte, il continue de se battre comme un beau diable.

La récompense est à la hauteur de l’effort: après trois heures de jeu et un break à quatre jeux partout, c’est Simon qui s’apprête à servir pour le match. L’occasion est trop belle pour la laisser filer et, quelques instants plus tard, c’est tout Bercy qui entonne spontanément la Marseillaise.

“Au début du troisième set, tu te sens seul, mais seul… Parce que tu te dis, putain c’est loin, ça va être dur, j’ai mal partout, je n’y arrive plus, raconte-t-il. Et puis tu lèves la tête et, en fait, t’es pas seul du tout.”



Le tournoi Tagep a fait son grand retour

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

football. Tournoi Tagep – 5e édition

Melvyn Zamy m.zamy@agmedias.fr

Alabowdaj est le grand vainqueur de la 5e édition du tournoi Tagep. L’équipe s’est imposée aux tirs au but, en finale,
face à la gendarmerie de Redoute. • FERNAND BIBAS

Le Tournoi Anciennes Gloires, des Entreprises et de la Presse, organisé par l’Amicale des Supporters de l’AS Saint-Etienne en Martinique, s’est déroulé le mardi 1er novembre sur la pelouse du stade Louis-Achille après une année d’arrêt due à la crise sanitaire. Cette édition n’a pas dérogé à la règle, puisque plusieurs personnalités du monde du sport, de l’entreprise, de l’art et de la presse ont été mises à l’honneur. 

Après une année d’absence à cause du Covid-19,
l’Amicale des Supporters de l’AS Saint-Etienne et de son président
José Edon ont tenu à relancer la manifestation avec des
innovations. ” J’ai voulu proposer autre chose au public et
participants. En plus de la presse et des artistes, nous avons
invité des équipes avec des sportifs de d’autres disciplines afin
de diversifier.

Les invités d’honneur, eux aussi, venaient de
différentes disciplines. C’était un moyen de leur rendre hommage
pour ce qu’ils ont accompli. Je suis très content.”

Pas moins de onze personnalités en dehors du monde
du sport, mais aussi de l’entreprise, de la presse et de la
musique. Pèle-mêle, Rose-Aimée Bacoul (athlétisme), Michelle Fagour
(judo), Mandy François-Elie (handisport), Gisèle Ericher (presse),
Guinel Eguienta (football), Maurice Vilatta (athlétisme, cyclisme),
Georges Bagoé (entreprise), Max Morinière (athlétisme), Félix
Vert-Pré (handisport), Eliane Glondu (karaté) et Daniel Ravaud

Ce dernier, ancien trompettiste et membre
fondateur du groupe La Perfecta, a reçu un hommage musical de
l’orchestre Cuivres et Bois d’Ebène. Avec des morceaux qui ont
submergé de bonheur et de nostalgie l


Un Diamant vert toujours très courtisé

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

athlétisme. COURSE NATURE – Diam’s Rock

Mathieu Lambert a dominé
la course de 14 kilomètres. • PJ.

Le Diam’s Rock, organisé mardi par le club Sam Horizon 2000, au Diamant, a été un succès. Trois parcours (8, 14 et 21 km) étaient proposés aux amoureux des courses en pleine nature. Adrien Lethu, Mathieu Lambert et Stanislas Hodebourg chez les hommes, Camille Carn, Mathilde Verdon et Gaëlle Mignot chez les femmes, ont été les meilleurs.

La cours a connu une forte participation avec 517
athlètes classés. Le petit parcours, le ” Sam’s “, de 8 kilomètres
avec ses 200 m de dénivelé, était plutôt destiné aux randonneurs.
Le plus rapide des 103 classés, Stanislas Hodebourg, a bouclé la
distance en 1h05’22 et la meilleure féminine, 4e à franchir la
ligne d’arrivée, est Gaëlle Mignot. Elle a terminé en 1h07’21.

Le moyen parcours, le ” Sam’Rock “, de 14
kilomètres avec ses 800 m de dénivelé était réservé aux
compétiteurs. Il a connu le record de participation avec 231
coureurs classés. Mathieu Lambert de la Police Sportive


5 ways to invest in yourself Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Business

59 minutes ago – Updated

5 ways to invest in yourself

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Five ways to invest in yourself?

You regularly invest your time, energy, and money into countless things. But are you investing in yourself? If you aren’t, it should be a top priority.

Investing in yourself will help you make critical financial decisions that will help you ultimately achieve your financial goals.

When you are fully equipped mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually, there’s no limit to what you can do.

Here are 5 practical ways to do so:

Become intentional about education: One of the best ways to invest in yourself is through education and this does not have to take place in a traditional classroom setting. Something as simple as reading books/news articles, attending workshops and seminars or even tuning in to online classes can help you to achieve your big goals. Learn how money works so it can work for you. Pay yourself first: Another great way to invest in yourself is by paying yourself first. Open an emergency savings account or an investment account and make regular deposits from your income. Set up an automated system to streamline this process. You work hard for your money and you should be rewarded. Get a business/financial coach or mentor: Having someone who has experience, knowledge and success to guide you into your own success is crucial. Investing in a coaching or mentorship program will help you to achieve your goals faster.Spend quality time with loved ones: It’s important to build and sustain close relationships in your life. Invest in yourself by filling up quality time with those you love. Don’t get caught up with chasing dreams and money that you end up having no one to share it with at the end of the day. Spending time with loved ones and others should be high on your priority list.Take care of your physical health: What’s the purpose of achieving wealth if you aren’t going to be healthy enough to enjoy it? Invest in your physical well-being. Get in the gym or engage in some physical activity. Drink water, eat foods high in nutrients and take care of your body.

There are many different ways to invest in yourself. I have just listed a few. No matter how you choose to invest in yourself, you will be rewarded for it. Investing in yourself is a great way to not only build wealth but to keep it as well. Start investing by first investing in yourself.

Your future self will thank you.

Keisha Bailey is an experienced investment strategist who teaches people how to earn passive income, create wealth, reclaim time and reach financial freedom by investing. She works with investors to create highly profitable portfolios so that they can build wealth faster. If you want to learn how to level up your money, she can be reached at keisha@profitjumpstarter.com.


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Nicholson-Alfred: Honorary fellow must inspire other Tobagonians

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


President Paula-Mae Weekes, right, with Annette Nicholason-Alfred, who was named honorary distinguished fellow at UTT’s graduation ceremony at the National Academy for the Performing Arts in Port of Spain, Tuesday. – SUREASH CHOLAI

ANNETTE NICHOLSON-ALFRED is hoping that her being made an honorary distinguished fellow by the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) will inspire other Tobagonians.

Nicholson-Alfred, 76, one of the island’s cultural luminaries, was awarded the title of distinguished fellow at a ceremony at the National Academy for the Performing Arts in Port of Spain on Tuesday.

RC Archbishop of Port of Spain Jason Gordon, businessman Langston Roach and late pan arranger and educator Desmond Waithe, also received the award.

Nicholson-Alfred said she knew both Roach and Waithe.

She told Newsday on Wednesday, “Langston Roach and I were in the same year at Bishop’s High School and I met Desmond Waithe at Mausica Teachers’ College during the 1970s, because he was involved in music and singing.”

Nicholson-Alfred, who received the Public Service Medal of Merit (Gold) in 2005, has had a distinguished career in culture, community service and education.

She is a former independent senator and founder of the Mt Pleasant-based Itsy Bitsy Playhouse and Folk Theatre, which serves as a platform for many up-and-coming artistes.

She is also the author of several books, including Come Sing With Ti Netty, a compilation of folk songs from Tobago and other parts of the Caribbean. It was launched at the Scarborough Library in October 2021.

Nicholson-Alfred, from Charlotteville, first worked as a public servant and later went into teaching

While teaching, Nicholson-Alfred also worked extensively in culture and was awarded a scholarship to New York University, where she spent several years. On her return, she re-entered the public service as a cultural officer.

“I was always a part of some group doing cultural things, because I had the Tobago Academy of the Performing Arts. I still work with Charlotteville Heritage Performers. I have the Itsy Bitsy Players. So I have always been involved in that type of work with some group and the church.”

On Wednesday, Nicholson-Alfred said she is extremely grateful to have been acknowledged.

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the conferral of the honorary distinguished fellow. I feel honoured to have my work and my contribution recognised by the UTT.

“I would like to say thanks, not only to UTT for selecting me, but I am happy to know that my life’s passion has resonated with others.”

She also thanked her husband and family, the Plymouth Best Village group of the 1970s, Mausica Teachers’ College, Charlotteville Heritage Performers and the Tobago cultural fraternity for supporting her work over the years.


While They Protest, We Progress! SLP Resumes Work On St. Jude Hospital – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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On Tuesday November 1st, known globally as All Saints Day, Prime Minister and Political Leader Hon. Philip J. Pierre announced the resumption of works at the St. Jude Hospital.

For 13 years, the people of the south have suffered due to the lack of a proper medical facility after the St. Jude Hospital fire in 2009.

When the UWP Administration took office in 2016, they found the original reconstruction project, at 80% completion.

They immediately commissioned an audit, which revealed that there was no need to stop construction on the hospital.

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Yet, for three years, they abandoned construction at St. Jude and in the fourth year of their term they started to build a second structure that they were unable to complete and to date has cost the people of Saint Lucia over $120 million for only one floor of the building.

In its 2021 manifesto, the SLP promised that “The St. Jude Hospital will be reopened within the shortest possible time.” (See pg.20 point 3, voteslp.org)

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, during his 2022/23 Budget Address announced that work would resume at the St. Jude Hospital before the end of this year.

The Prime Minister has kept his promise and was on the SJH reconstruction site yesterday, November 1st along with other Cabinet Ministers to witness the start of site preparations and exterior works to move the project towards completion in the shortest possible time.

The SLP continues to lend its support to Political Leader Hon. Philip J. Pierre as he leads a Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to executing its mandate of Putting People First.

The SLP encourages supporters to remain focused that while the Opposition Protests, we will continue to Progress!

 SOURCE: Saint Lucia Labour Party. Headline photo: Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre visits site of St. Jude Hospital on November 1, 2022

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Caswell Franklyn says ‘We must be able to trust the Government’ Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Trade Unionist and Former Senator Caswell Franklyn says that November 30 will always be Independence Day to him regardless, but he called on Barbadians to stand up and let their voices be heard on this Barbados National Day issue.

He said, “If the people do not stand up we will find ourselves as second and third-class citizens in our own country.”

We must be able to trust their word

Franklyn reminded that his voice was the lone one in the wilderness giving a warning that this day may come if not guarded against when he was still in Senate in 2021. He said that people are today quoting the prime minister’s words that things would not change when Barbados transitioned to Republic status, forgetting that that was in response to him. He said that the way things were going it appeared as though Barrow’s legacy was being washed away and he was told no, nothing would. He said all of Barbados was told nothing would change.

Now, two fortnights away from the first Independence Day since the transition to a Republic, Barbadians are being told that Independence Day will now be called Barbados National Day.

it don’t even have to be two bank holidays

Franklyn said, “We must be able to trust the government in place. We must be able to trust their word.”

He contended that it is the way of politicians to try to erase the work of those who went before them, “discrediting them”, but this is not their Barbados he asserted. “This government wants to nullify everything everybody else did.”

And he assured he is not for one party and not the next. He said in 2017 the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) changed the Holidays with Pay Act so that it would carry their name instead of Grantley Adams. He said they made no major changes but they did that to have their name on it now. And in the same way that this administration has its name on the Republic status, it now wants to do its own thing with the Barbados National Day.

Stressing that he is not partisan, Franklyn said, “the DLP was wrong then and the BLP are wrong now”.

He further added that in other islands like Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, there are two days, Independence Day and Republic Day, “so why can’t Barbados have the same?” He said he sees no problem with having two days, “and it don’t even have to be two bank holidays.”

Franklyn said that on this occasion Bajans should not be swayed or persuaded by someone who “talks pretty”.


Martin becomes the seventh hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic Season Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

4 hrs ago

Tropical Storm Martin has intensified to become a category-one hurricane over the north-central Atlantic.

Martin is now the seventh hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic Season.

As of 11 am EDT today, the US National Hurricane Centre said Martin was located 2,060 miles to the west of the Azores, an island chain located west of Portugal, and it was moving east-northeastward at 26 mph (43 km/h).

Hurricane Martin’s maximum sustained winds have increased to nearly 75 mph (120 km/h).

“Martin should get larger and stronger through tomorrow, gradually lose strength from Thursday through the weekend, but remain a very large cyclone,” NHC said.

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Tropical Storm Martin has intensified to become a category-one hurricane over the north-central Atlantic.

Martin is now the seventh hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic Season.

As of 11 am EDT &n

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‘Commendable’, says Morgan of MOH’s handling of VJH bacterial outbreak Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Government is commending the steps that were taken by officials at the Health and Wellness Ministry and its Minister, Dr Christopher Tufton, in cauterising the bacterial outbreak at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital (VJH) which resulted in the death of 12 babies.

Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) with responsibility for information, Robert Morgan, who was speaking at Wednesday’s post-Cabinet press briefing, said the management of the situation was of importance to the Government.

“… There is this conversation of, should the minister had said it in January or should he have said it in February (for example), but what is most important for us as a Government is the management of the issue,” declared Morgan.

“Immediately, as there was a recognition, the administrators, the head of Victoria Jubilee (Hospital), the nurses, the doctors, worked really hard to solve the problem,” he added.

The information minister also commended Tufton and the team at VJH for acting quickly to manage the outbreak.

“I think what is commendable about this situation is how the Ministry of Health and its staff managed the situation.

“If you compare it with previous (incidents), you would have seen an escalating of the incidents regarding babies not making it. What has happened here (in this current situation) is that immediately as it was found out that there was a challenge, there was a cauterisation,” Morgan stated.

Dr Christopher Tufton.

He elaborated that, “So, in the first month, we had about seven (deaths), in the second one (month), they had about two (deaths), then one (death), and then you saw a tapering off of the incidents, and I think that is something that the country should be proud of, that our healthcare workers and the administration of the hospital, led by the minister, were able to quickly deal with what was a very challenging situation.”

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has been calling for the resignation of Tufton over his nondisclosure of the deaths, among other issues.

However, Tufton has repeatedly insisted that the decision not to disclose the outbreak and subsequent deaths was taken in a bid to not create public hysteria or alarm.

Further, he said the situation was quickly brought under control.

In responding to further questions relative to the Government’s position on Tufton’s handling of the issues at VJH, Morgan insisted that the relevant protocols established by the Health Ministry were followed.

“Not every issue rises to the level where the minister will be immediately advised about it.

“In this case, the minister had a team who we put in charge in the public service, whose job it is to manage these problems, and if it rises to a particular level, then that is where… there is an alert,” Morgan shared.

“In this case, it was discovered in one month that there was… the deaths of babies due to what is called klebsiella.

“The protocol worked; they called in the Pan American Health Authority (Organisation), and they assisted the Government and assisted the health sector in fixing the problem,” stated the information minister.

He said Tufton was informed after the initial seven deaths of the babies in July, which was confirmed by the health minister during an update on the situation in Parliament on Tuesday.
