14 novembre date pr?vue pour rendre un dernier hommage ? ?ric Jean Baptiste

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Les d?tails sur les fun?railles du leader du Rassemblement des d?mocrates nationaux progressistes (RDNP), ?ric Jean Baptiste ont ?t? d?voil?s. Tu? sur la route menant ? son domicile ? Laboule 12, le vendredi 28 octobre dans la soir?e, les fun?railles de l’ancien candidat ? la pr?sidence seront chant?es le lundi 14 novembre en l’?glise Saint-Pierre de P?tion-Ville ? 9 heures 30 du matin. D’ici 7 heures du matin, il y aura une exposition et les amis du d?funt auront l’occasion d’exprimer leurs sentiments, leurs t?moignages, a expliqu? Wadner ?douard, membre du RDNP.

? la matinale du Panel Magik ce vendredi, M. ?douard, proche du d?funt, explique que tout une panoplie d’activit?s sont pr?vues pour rendre hommage ? celui qu’il pr?sente comme un “excellent homme de compromis, un patriote, un nationaliste, un d?mocrate”.

En pr?lude aux fun?railles, la journ?e du 13 est consacr?e par le parti pour rendre hommage ? ?ric Jean-Baptiste au quartier g?n?ral du RDNP, sis au 19, Delmas 49, a annonc? le RDNP dans un communiqu?.

“Aux environs de midi, les activit?s auront lieu o? les oeuvres du d?funt seront projet?es et d’autres projets en cours. L’espace sera r?serv? ? des amis de la classe politique et ?conomique, des amis qui veulent faire des t?moignages ? l’?gard d’?ric Jean Baptiste”, a d?taill? Wadner ?douard sur Magik 9, rappelant que des activit?s sont pr?vues par le parti un peu partout dans le pays pour rendre un vibrant hommage au d?funt brutalement assassin? avec son chauffeur dans sa voiture.

“Il y aura des initiatives priv?es pour rendre hommage ? ?ric Jean Baptiste. Le RDNP de concert avec P?re ?ternel Loto organisera des fun?railles dans plusieurs villes repr?sentant le chef lieu du d?partement notamment ? J?r?mie, Les Cayes, Miragoane, Gona?ves, Saint Marc, Jacmel, Ouanaminth, Anse-?-Veau, la Gon?ve etc”, a pr?cis? plus loin M. ?douard.

Dans la commune de Carrefour, la journ?e du 14 est d?cr?t?e cong?. Pour rendre hommage au leader du RDNP, la d?cision a ?t? prise par les autorit?s de Jacmel afin que l’?cole de droit de Jacmel porte le nom d’?ric Jean Baptiste, de m?me qu’une route portera son nom ? Carrefour, zone de pr?dilection du d?funt, autant d’initiatives pour immortaliser l’homme d’affaires converti en politique, class? 4e aux ?lections pr?sidentielles de 2016.

Sur la continuit? des projets, Wadner ?douard croit que la condition tragique de la disparition d’?ric Jean-Baptiste ne laisse pas d’espace afin de discuter sur l’apr?s ?ric Jean Baptiste. Il dit esp?rer que ces projets vont ?tre aboutis et que d’autres acteurs de la classe politique ou ?conomique en prennent la rel?ve.

Interrog? sur l’?tat d’avancement de l’enqu?te sur l’assassinat de son secr?taire g?n?ral, Wadner dit int?resser ? savoir qui sont les auteurs de l’assassinat et les raisons.

“Que la police scientifique et judiciaire d?voilent qui a assassin? ?ric Jean Baptiste. Les all?gations circulent et nous avons pris connaissance de ces derni?res comme tout le monde mais le Rassemblement des d?mocrates nationaux-progr?ssiste d’Ha?ti on prend les pr?cautions pour dire malgr? les faiblesses et la disparition des institutions, elles doivent jouer leur r?le parce qu’on paie les juges, les commissaires du gouvernement”, a appel? Wadner ?douard.

“Le ministre de la Justice Me Berto Dorc? est un bon ami du d?funt jusqu’? sa mort. Il revient ? lui de faire plaisir ? cette famille qui lui connait. Il ?tait avocat de plusieurs entreprises d’?ric Jean Baptiste. Le Premier ministre doit faire les efforts pour corriger ses notes en faisant la lumi?re sur l’assassinat d’?ric Jean Baptiste”, a l?ch? Wadner ?douard.

Si l’on en croit M. ?douard, le RDNP n’est pas pr?t ? oublier les quatre ans pass?s par ?ric Jean Baptiste ? la t?te du parti. “Le RDNP f?te d?j? 43 ans et a d?j? perdu Lesly Fran?ois Manigat qui a marqu? sa p?riode et ?ric Jean Baptiste a ?bloui le RDNP au point que n’importe quel nouveau secr?taire g?n?ral ?lu ? la t?te du parti aura du pain sur la planche parce que le d?funt a marqu? son passage”, a-t-il estim?. Lui qui pr?sente ?ric Jean Baptiste comme un personnage humble et super intelligent. “Il avait une discipline extraordinaire ce qui l’a permis de r?ussir dans ces entreprises. Il ?tait un politicien moderne et mod?r?. Il c?toyait tout le monde m?me ces adversaires. Il ?tait un excellent homme de compromis. Il est ? la base de l’appel du compromis historique. Il n’aimait pas le conflit. Il aimait Ha?ti, il ?tait un patriote, un nationaliste, un d?mocrate”, a-t-il rappel? pour camper le personnage assassin? alors qu’il regagnait sa maison.

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‘Miss Chin’ gone missing in Montego Bay Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Forty-six-year-old Xingxiang Zhong, otherwise called ‘Miss Chin’, of Montego West Village, Montego Bay in St James, has been missing since Thursday, November 10.

She is of fair complexion, medium build and about 165 centimetres (five feet five inches) tall.

Reports from the Mount Salem police are that about 3pm, Zhong was last seen boarding a taxi on Green Pond Avenue in the parish. At that time, she was wearing a grey blouse, grey and white polka-dot tights and a pair of pink sneakers.

She has not been seen since that time.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Xingxiang Zhong is being asked to contact the Mount Salem police at 876- 952-3572, the police 119 number, or the nearest police station.


Carter sets new 100m free record at National Swim Champs

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Dylan Carter – ROGER JACOB

TT SWIMMER Dylan Carter cannot stop breaking records as he broke the men’s 100-metre freestyle short course record at the National Open Short Course Championships at the National Aquatic Centre in Balmain, Couva on Thursday.

Carter, 26, returned to Trinidad earlier this week after breaking multiple records at the three-leg FINA Swimming World Cup 2022.

At the end of the three legs Carter won the award for the top men’s swimmer.

Carter, competing in the boys 11-and-over 100m freestyle preliminaries on Thursday, erased his own national open record of 46.36 seconds when he won 46.07.

Nikoli Blackman, one of this country’s best junior swimmers, was second in 50.43. Grabbing the third fastest time in the preliminaries was Cadell Lyons in 50.45.

There were finals held on Thursday.

Amelia Rajack won the girls 11-and-over 800m freestyle in nine minutes, 51.35 seconds (9:51.35). Keryn Burke was a distant second in 10:13.57 and Aimee Le Blanc finished third in 10:32.81.

Blackman won the boys equivalent in 8:29.19, followed by Zachary Anthony in 9:19.40 and Josiah Changar in 9:21.94.

In the boys 10-and-under 100m breaststroke, Marcus Nesbitt won in 1:46.88, Eli Edwards was second in 1:53.90 and Zion George ended third in 1:54.79.

The four-day championships continued on Friday night and ends on Sunday.


Fragiles blind?s canadiens, les explications du vendeur

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Le Nouvelliste : Est-il vrai qu’il y a un probl?me avec les syst?mes de freinage des v?hicules ?

R. Andrew Ellis: Les v?hicules fonctionnent bien. Les MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) fonctionnent dans beaucoup de pays dans le monde, en Asie, en Afrique, en Europe etc. Ils fonctionnent bien. Mais c’est vraiment difficile en Ha?ti. Nous sommes en train de donner des formations aux agents de la PNH pour l’utilisation des v?hicules. Nous offrons aussi une formation tactique contre les bandits. La capacit? des policiers Ha?tiens s’est beaucoup am?lior?e r?cemment. On peut prendre comme preuve, le d?blocage du terminal de Varreux. La situation s?curitaire est difficile et compliqu?e. Et cela demande une r?ponse assez compliqu?e et sophistiqu?e. Je suis heureux de l’am?lioration des capacit?s des policiers au cours de ces derni?res semaines. Il y aura beaucoup plus de v?hicules ? l’avenir. Mais nous gardons la confidentialit? sur le nombre, les types et les dates. A moins avis, c’est tr?s positif pour le peuple ha?tien et le gouvernement. Cela va cr?er beaucoup d’ennuis aux criminels.

LN : Pour les pannes r?v?l?es, qu’est ce qui est vrai et pas vrai ?

RAE : Il n’y a pas de probl?me avec le syst?me de freinage. Normalement, et c’est le cas pour les autres pays d’Afrique ou d’Asie, il faut des modifications. C’est absolument normal. Cela demande des modifications sp?ciales. On est en train de les faire et cela va se poursuivre afin d’am?liorer les performances. Pour les autres v?hicules qui vont arriver, ils seront beaucoup plus adapt?s. Ils seront sp?cifiquement adapt?s ? cet environnement sp?cifique. Chaque environnement requiert des modifications, aussi minimes que possible. Comme je l’ai dit, en Ha?ti il est tr?s difficile d’affronter l’ennemi qui est tr?s bien arm?. Cela demande une r?ponse sophistiqu?e, avec un personnel form? et beaucoup d’autres choses. Je suis heureux de voir que les policiers sont beaucoup mieux form?s et ils sont motiv?s et courageux. J’?tais en Afghanistan, et la situation en Ha?ti me rappelle celle que j’ai connu l?-bas.

LN : Est-il vrai que tous les v?hicules ne sont pas neufs ? Qu’au moins un des v?hicules est arriv? en Ha?ti avec plus de 2000 milles au compteur ?

RAE : Tous les v?hicules sont neufs. Il y a toutefois un que nous avons beaucoup test? dans le pass? au Canada et dans un autre pays. Ce, afin de nous assurer qu’il va bien fonctionner en Ha?ti. Si un v?hicule a quelques kilom?trages, c’est parce qu’il a ?t? test?.

LN : Dans quel d?lai vous allez faire les livraisons des autres v?hicules ?

RAE : La situation en Europe de l’Est (guerre en Ukraine) a des cons?quences sur tous les secteurs. Il manque toujours quelque chose. Que se soit dans la construction des autobus, ou des v?hicules arm?s. Il manque des mat?riels. La situation en Ukraine cr?e un grand trouble dans le monde. C’est n?cessaire de trouver certaines pi?ces dans les autres pays.

LN : La livraison sera compl?t?e dans 6 mois, un an, deux ans ?

RAE : La livraison sera compl?t?e bient?t.


L?gendes :

LN : Frantz Duval

AE : Andrew Ellis

Propos recueillis par Frantz Duval, retranscription Jean Daniel S?nat

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Que se passe-t-il avec les nouveaux blind?s de la PNH ?

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Les nouveaux blind?s, fabriqu?s au Canada et livr?s en Ha?ti mi-octobre, confrontent d?j? des difficult?s sur les th??tres d’op?ration de la Police nationale d’Ha?ti, a appris Le Nouvelliste.

Samedi dernier, alors que la Police nationale tentait de chasser les bandits qui avaient bloqu? l’acc?s au terminal de Varreux, les internautes ont largement comment? une vid?o du remorquage d’un de ces blind?s.

Dans une autre video, on peut voir un des tout nouveau transport de troupes blind? de la PNH circuler difficilement et laisser s’?chapper un gros panache de fum?e de son pot d’?chappement.

Le directeur ex?cutif du RNDDH, Pierre Esp?rance, a r?v?l? au Nouvelliste que ces nouveaux mat?riels rencontrent des difficult?s. “Ils connaissent des difficult?s au niveau du syst?me de freinage. Certaines parties ne sont pas bien prot?g?es contre les balles, ce qui leur pose ?galement des difficult?s”.

Plus loin, Pierre Esp?rance a ajout? : ” Deux blind?s sont d?j? tomb?s en panne, dont une panne survenue samedi dernier ? Varreux et un autre ? Savane Pistache ce jeudi lors d’une op?ration des forces de l’ordre pour chasser des bandits qui voulaient prendre en otage le sous-commissariat de la zone”.

Selon Esp?rance, les difficult?s qu’?prouvent les blind?s ont des incidences sur les interventions des forces de l’ordre. Il a ?galement indiqu? que sur 18 blind?s command?s par l’Etat ha?tien, seulement 3 ont ?t? livr?s. A cela s’ajoute deux autres qui ont ?t? command?s au cours de l’administration de L?on Charles.

Ces blind?s sont-ils appropri?s ?

Selon Pierre Esp?rance, ces nouveaux blind?s sont destin?s au maintien de l’ordre. En revanche, a-t-il fait remarquer, les forces de l’ordre ont besoin de blind?s appropri?s pour p?n?trer les quartiers et affronter les ?ventuels dangers, notamment les pi?ges.

Questionn? en juillet dernier sur les sp?cificit?s des mat?riels, l’ambassadeur canadien n’avait pas souhait? en dire plus. <>, avait-il indiqu?.<>, avait ajout? l’ambassadeur du Canada en Ha?ti, S?bastien Carri?re.

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Under fire Warmington’s comments re Golding ‘unfortunate’, says Chang Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) for South West St Catherine, Everald Warmington, continues to face fire over purported racial comments that he made about Opposition Leader Mark Golding on the weekend just gone.

However, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), while describing the comments by Warmington as ‘unfortunate’, said they do not reflect the inclusive nature of the party which has a mixture of races among its membership.

“… The comment is a political comment, because I think Mr Warmington was responding to some comments (that were) made before,” said JLP General Secretary, Dr Horace Chang, at a party press conference on Thursday.

“It’s such an unfortunate comment, but there is no way (there is) any ethnic divisions in Jamaica in the political arena,” declared Chang, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister.

Dr Horace Chang

Known for his controversial statements and tongue lashings of Opposition colleagues in Parliament, and members of the media, Warmington took to the stage of a JLP meeting in Cheesefield, North East St Catherine on Sunday, where he took on issues relative to the racial background of the People’s National Party (PNP) president.

“Weh Mark Golding mother and father come from? If he wants to be prime minister, guh back a England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, but him nah beat Andrew Michael Holness,” Warmington told party supporters.

“I don’t talk about colour and race, but they (the PNP) started it, so let me finish it. Dem seh (former Prime Minister Edward) Seaga born up deh so, but weh fi dem leader come from? Backra master,” Warmington added.

In response to the development, the powerful and influential Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), led by Keith Duncan, issued a statement on Wednesday, in which it condemned Warmington’s comments, describing them as “divisive” and statements that “have no place in the Jamaican context now or in the past, as it is totally inconsistent with our motto, ‘Out of Many, One People’.”

Keith Duncan

In fact, the PSOJ suggested that the politician’s utterances contradicted the Political Code of Conduct, which requires that party officials should not make statements which “are malicious in reference to opposing candidates, their families and party officials”.

Added the PSOJ: “We cannot expect to positively address our social issues if our leaders display poor judgement in their tone and statements towards each other. Distasteful and divisive statements from either side of the political fence cannot be condoned or supported.”

It has since been reported that Political Ombudsman Donna Parchment Brown has advised Warmington and the general secretaries of both major political parties that she has launched a probe into the controversial remarks.

Warmington, in his usual blunt style, has since scoffed at the probe by the ombudsman and the reprimand that was issued by the PSOJ, in a media interview.

“The likkle ting weh yuh call PSOJ, did they condemn Mark Golding when him call the chairman of the party (JLP), Bobby Montague, the likkle bwoy? Did they? No, they didn’t,” Warmington is quoted as saying by a local media house.

Golding had been asked by Parchment Brown to publicly apologise for his comment about Robert Montague or pay a fine of $20,000, but to date, there has been no indication that the Opposition leader has apologised.

Despite that description of Montague by her party president, PNP Chairman, Dr Angela Brown Burke, said Prime Minister Andrew Holness should address the “racially-charged” comments from Warmington against Golding.

“It was said on a JLP platform, and my understanding is that senior members of the JLP leadership were actually in attendance, and I believe where we are in the development of our country and what we expect of our leaders, that statement is an abomination, and should be rejected by the leadership of the Jamaica Labour Party,” insisted Brown Burke.

Dr Angela Brown Burke

“… The colour of a man’s skin or woman’s skin is not what recommends or denies them from any position in this country,” she said in a radio interview.

For Principal Director of National Integrity Action, Professor Trevor Munroe, Warmington should be dealt with by either being demoted or being asked to resign for his remarks.

While arguing that the comments by the senior politician were “out of order”, Munroe said the remarks could damage the integrity of the Government and weaken public trust in the Administration.


What’s Up? Sara Misir gives a glimpse of life behind the wheels Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Jamaica’s first and only Formula Woman race car driver Sara Misir entered motorsports as a teenager after a tragic accident while preparing for the Pan American Games as an equestrian.

Her story is one of having to pick herself up and starting over through sheer determination and grit, plus strong support from her village.

Having created history when she became the first woman from the Caribbean to make it to the final of a Formula One qualification competition in the UK, Misir has now set her sights on joining a team in the US.

Check out this week’s What’s Up? as she talks about professional motor racing, her journey and a lot more.

Video shot and edited by Ramon Lindsay.


Hislop, Sancho share disappointment in Warner in Netflix’s FIFA: Uncovered

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Brent Sancho – Photo by Joel Bailey

FORMER TT footballers Shaka Hislop and Brent Sancho did not hold back from sharing their disappointment in former FIFA vice president Jack Warner in Netflix’s new docuseries FIFA: Uncovered.

The four-episode series extensively covers allegations of corruption in the world governing body for football. It was released on Wednesday.

Sancho praised Warner – or what he thought him to be – saying that in the Caribbean, there’s a “post-Jack and a pre-Jack (era).”

The pre-Jack era, he said, most “went about their business on their own…Twenty-five countries reporting back to Concacaf and FIFA.

“When Jack came in, he united the Caribbean and he gave every single Caribbean nation –whether you’re small as Turks and Caicos or as big as Cuba – a sense of belonging.”

He added that Warner “believed that the Caribbean should be hosting World Cups. He believed that anything that Europe gets or Africa gets or Asia gets, that the Caribbean should get as well.”

He said Warner had a “very powerful hand” in TT football.

“Nothing happened without him.”

The docuseries also featured clips of the TT squad that qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany – which included Hislop as goalkeeper and Sancho as a defender.

Hislop recalled fond memories of those times, but also spoke about financial negotiations with Warner.

“Jack made all the decisions around our football for quite some time. He wanted to have influence on people’s careers.”

Sancho recalled players having a meeting with Warner at which they asked for a “70/30 split for the commercial revenues that were derived from the World Cup.”

He said they were all shocked when Warner agreed, especially as he was such a “powerful” man.

A qualification bonus was also discussed where they agreed on a 50/50 split.

But after this, “Everything started to go downhill,” Sancho said.

During their World Cup run, Sancho said he began to see deductions for accommodation in Austria and Germany, and airfare, among other things, being deducted from their commercial revenue.

Sancho said, “All the trust and all the faith that we had in Mr Warner went immediately out the door, because how dare you take away our only moment we had of joy playing in the biggest sporting occasion?

“It felt like that ripped that away from us.”

He said after TT’s World Cup run ended, a coach called him and said he’d like to recruit him but couldn’t, because: “You are blacklisted. We’re not allowed to pick any of the guys that’s involved in the bonus dispute.”

Hislop said there’s still around $100 million “that is totally and completely unaccounted for.

“Jack never really had to account for where that money went.”

Former FIFA vice president Jack Warner – Photo by Angelo Marcelle

In 2014, the TT government agreed to pay the 2006 World Cup squad the outstanding US$1.3 million owed to them.

During his tenure at FIFA, Warner was accused of racketeering, wire fraud, money laundering, and bribery, and allegedly accepted millions of dollars in bribes to ensure South Africa became World Cup hosts in 2010.

Former FIFA officials recalled other countries who wished to host the 2010 World Cup giving “royal treatment” to Warner and his colleagues, but to no avail.

The docuseries also showed the late South African President Nelson Mandela’s visit to TT, which interviewees believed was a further “PR stunt” for people to favour Warner.

Former FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke said in 2007, he learnt a $10 million payment was to be made to the CFU (Caribbean Football Union) and Warner by South Africa to “fund the African diaspora in the Caribbean.

“There was a lot of pressure from Jack Warner to proceed with the payments,” he said.

In May 2011 at a Concacaf congress ahead of FIFA’s presidential elections, Blatter awarded a $1 million development grant to Concacaf – which was then headed by Warner.

Former US Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati said, “It was about as blatant as one could be in terms of, you know, ‘Let me give you a gift for your region, Mr Warner, in front of all your members 30 or 60 days before an election.”

Warner then held another congress at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain at which another FIFA presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam spoke.

But after Hammam’s presentation, the heads of all football federations in Concacaf were invited somewhere to collect “a gift.”

The gifts were envelopes with some $40,000 inside.

Many took the money but others refused and reported it.

Bin Hammam would later withdraw from the presidential race and Warner was suspended over allegations of bribery. Warner eventually resigned and FIFA banned him from any involvement in football for life.

Newsday contacted Warner before the release of the docuseries but he said he was not interested in it.

“I’m not aware of it and I don’t want to be aware of it.

“It doesn’t really interest me,” he said.


Whim, St Andrew’s, Signal Hill win Tobago primary school titles

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


A player from Whim Anglican Primary School (right) challenges for the ball with an opponent from St Andrew’s Anglican Primary School during the final of the Girls Under-15 Tobago Primary Schools Football Tournament, at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacolet on Friday. – David Reid

WHIM Anglican Primary School, St Andrew’s Anglican and Signal Hill Government all won titles when the Tobago Primary Schools Football League was held at the Dwight Yorke Stadium in Bacolet, on Friday.

In the girls Under-15 final, Whim and St Andrew’s were goalless after regulation and extra time.

Whim clinched the title after winning the penalty shootout 3-2.

In the boys Under-15 final, St Andrew’s crushed Plymouth Anglican 5-0 to capture the crown.

Signal Hill Government won the boys Under-12 title with a massive 7-1 victory over Whim Anglican.


WASA: Water production back to normal

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo: Water and Sewage Authrity (WASA) Trincity Regional Centre, Trincity. Photo by Roger Jacob

The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) on Friday evening announced that the supply of water has been restored in several areas which experienced disruptions because of high turbidity from flooding at water-treatment plants.

In a media release on Friday, WASA said there will be stoppages to remove debris but production was back at optimum.

“All facilities in Trinidad and Tobago are back in operation. However, some facilities require intermittent stoppage to clear debris and silt that continue to travel down the watercourses and clog the pump intakes.

“Caroni is back to full production at 75mgd (million gallons per day). The North Oropouche facility is experiencing reduced production, due to a mechanical issue with one of the raw-water pumps. Repairs are underway and should be corrected by Saturday evening. The authority is committed to restoring full service to all affected, and thanks customers for their patience and understanding.”

On Thursday, WASA announced that production dropped owing to rising turbulent river levels which affected 11 water treatment plants. The authority said two leaks also identified in east Trinidad on the North Oropouche 42-inch transmission main were repaired.

“The authority immediately mobilised to have these leaks repaired, and faced challenges of both terrain, and the logistics of accessing team members who were marooned at their homes due to floodwaters.”

Repairs were completed at Daniel Trace at 9 pm on Thursday, and temporary repairs were completed at Pine Settlement at 3 am on Friday.

“The authority is working to remove the pipe from the river channel, which has eroded exposing the

mains, and instead have it suspended over the river as the permanent solution. In the interim, to

restore supply to affected customers, a temporary solution was used. The permanent solution should

be completed within two weeks.”

Disruptions were also recorded in areas on the North Coast served by Tyrico and Blanchisseuse water-treatment plants.

WASA said pipe-borne water was provided for those affected by the downed plants, with priority given to hospitals, schools, critical institutions and senior-citizens homes.
