Fairy House: The story behind the little house

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

By Andrew Carmichael

The Sunshine Garden, which is situated at Now or Never, Mahaicony, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), and known as the Fairy House, is the ideal place for beautiful nature photographs without going to an expensive faraway resort.

Known for its serenity, the Sunshine Garden combines tropical flowers with exotic shrubs and displays them in the most attractive way.

It is equipped with a chapel and is quite suitable for weddings, as it also carries a “Just Married” sign with an extended nature background.

The Sunshine Garden is a must see, even if it is just for five minutes on a trip to Berbice or from Berbice to the capital, Georgetown.

It might just be the only tourist destination that is free, or still free.

Owner and operator Nadira Pooran said she did not set out to have a tourist site, noting that most persons are initially attracted by the ‘Fairy House’ which is a unique house now filled with storybooks for kids and other items for them to play with.

These only came into being after the house started getting so much of attention.

“It is what the people make it,” Pooran said with a chuckle when this publication asked what Sunshine Garden was all about.

“Whatever you see here I always loved but it seems like people love it more than me,” the chuckle continued.

The building was constructed as a prayer house and initially used for that purpose.

The 55-year-old farmer said while moving the house from its former location at De Kinderen to its current location at Now or Never, persons were taking pictures of it as they had it on a truck along the road.

When the house was set up at its new location, people just started visiting to take pictures as they were fascinated with it.

Pooran said while it was not her intention to have it as a tourist attraction, she is not disappointed that it turned out this way.

“I make new friends every day.”

While it is not a business venture, Pooran said she is thinking about making it one.

“It needs maintenance so I am thinking about turning it into a business.”

The facility, apart from having a corner for weddings, is also equipped with a changing room and washroom.

Unfortunately, many times when people go, Pooran and her husband are at the farm and not available to entertain them.

Speaking on the investment needed to take the facility where she now wants it to be, Pooran said she needs to provide a better washroom and a cafeteria. She said she would also like to upgrade the walkway around the facility.

“But we can’t afford it right now and nobody don’t really help you. The Government never really help me or give me anything. I would like them to help me to get a little walkway, a washroom and a cafeteria…”

She said she once approached the Government seeking assistance but was denied.“One time they were giving money to small businesses but when I approached them, they said that it is closed, so I didn’t get anything.”

That was earlier this year, Pooran added, while noting that First Lady Arya Ali also visited the facility.

“She came to visit but she didn’t offer anything.”

“I would be happy if we can get a little help from anybody because we can’t really afford to maintain this place.”

Pooran said she would be willing to enter into a partnership with businesspersons who are willing to assist.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority, Kamrul Baksh when asked by this publication of plans to aid in the development of that tourist facility said he is unaware of any plans to try to assist that facility.

“It would certainly do well if we can meet with the facility owner to share some ideas to enhance the area. It is certainly one of the more popular stops on the route (referring to tourist destinations the media was taken to). There are others on the route. In fact, we are exploring other areas that we can work on; for example, there is an owner with several ranches that we want to work with and to open the area up.”

He said there are many attractions that are not as popular as the Fairy House and the role of the GTA is to ensure that those come to light.


Hosts Qatar beaten by Ecuador in World Cup opener

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Valencia (centre-right) spent three years at West Ham between 2014-2017 – including a loan spell at Everton – before moving to Mexican side Tigres UANL (BBC Sport)

Hosts Qatar opened the 2022 FIFA World Cup in calamitous fashion, easily beaten by Ecuador in a humbling defeat at Al Bayt.

Felix Sanchez’s men have been together in camp for the last six months to prepare for the tournament and work on tactics, but a nervous and disjointed performance led to a Group A loss.

With Africa Cup of Nations champions Senegal and three-time finalists the Netherlands to come, this looked like Qatar’s easiest game on paper but they were totally outplayed.

A dramatic opening to the contest saw Enner Valencia’s header from close range ruled out for offside by the video assistant referee, but the South Americans did break the deadlock shortly after.

Qatar’s erratic goalkeeper Saad Al Sheeb brought Valencia down in the box and the ex-West Ham forward stepped up to convert the spot-kick.

It got worse for the hosts as Valencia powered in another header before half-time to leave the Al Bayt Stadium silenced at the break.

Many supporters who had left the stadium at the interval did not return, leaving the ground around half empty for much of the second period.

It contributed to a flat atmosphere both off and on the pitch, with Romario Ibarra’s curling shot being pushed out by Al-Sheeb.

Star men Almoez Ali and captain Hassan Al Haydos were both substituted with 20 minutes remaining, and the side were unable to muster a shot on target.

Ecuador, meanwhile, have set themselves up in a superb position to progress, extending their excellent recent form to one defeat in 16 games and keeping a clean sheet in their last seven.

They were clearly the better side and had the ball in the back of the net after 160 seconds, but Valencia’s close range header was ruled for offside by VAR.

There was confusion as to why the goal did not stand, but Felix Torres’ initial challenge with the goalkeeper fell to Michael Estrada in an offside position.

Ecuador were all over Qatar, whose goalkeeper Al Sheeb was particularly shaky and he brought down Valencia, who coolly rolled in the penalty.

Qatar barely had a sniff and their first shot came in anger when defender Abdelkarim Hassan strode forward but his effort from range was blazed wildly over.

Star man Ali, who scored nine goals in the Asian Cup triumph, struggled to get into the game and headed wide, while Pedro Miguel headed did the same in the second half.

With much of the crowd already leaving to go home, Akram Afif and substitute Mohammed Muntari both smashed over to bring to an end a disappointing opening evening for Qatar. [Extracted from BBC Sport]


ECCB Encourages Due Diligence Before Investing In Crypto Assets – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) is aware of the recent collapse of FTX (registered as FTX Digital Markets Ltd) headquartered in The Bahamas, which was reported to be a significant player in the crypto space.

The Securities Commission of The Bahamas has since suspended the registration of this entity and appointed provisional liquidators for FTX Digital Markets Ltd.  Regulatory action by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas is ongoing. This has not been the first significant fallout in the crypto space this year.

In light of these unfortunate events, the ECCB encourages the public to exercise due diligence and to be mindful of the high level of risk crypto-assets present. Crypto-assets are inherently volatile and speculative.

As such, consumers should be aware of the risk of the loss of their investment, fraud and cyber-attacks, especially in jurisdictions where the sector is unregulated.

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A list of regulated entities can be found on the websites of the national regulators in each of the ECCB member countries.

Websites of ECCU National Regulators

Anguilla – https://www.fsc.org.ai/

Antigua and Barbuda – https://www.fsrc.gov.ag/

Commonwealth of Dominica – https://fsu.gov.dm/

Grenada – https://www.garfin.gd/

Montserrat – https://www.fscmontserrat.org/

Saint Christopher and Nevis- (1) https://www.fsrc.kn/ (2) https://www.nevisfsrc.com/

Saint Lucia https://fsrastlucia.org/

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – https://svgfsa.com/

SOURCE: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

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Volleybalbond verwacht spannende competitie

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld John Zaalman PARAMARIBO — “Ik verwacht een spannende competitie in de verschillende klassen”, zegt Lionel Blokland desgevraagd


Vins: les enchères des Hospices de Beaune à de nouveaux sommets

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Récolte abondante, millésime “exceptionnel” et demande toujours en hausse: l’édition 2022 de la vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, les plus anciennes enchères caritatives au monde…

Récolte abondante, millésime “exceptionnel” et demande toujours en hausse: l’édition 2022 de la vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, les plus anciennes enchères caritatives au monde, a fait exploser tous les compteurs.

“Les résultats sont historiques et spectaculaires”: le directeur des Hospices civils de Beaune (Côte-d’Or), François Poher, n’a pas pu empêcher son enthousiasme après la flambée des prix de la 162e vente des vins de l’établissement hospitalier.

Avec une recette totale de 28,978 millions d’euros (sans les frais), ces enchères ont plus que doublé le précédent record établi en 2018 (13,97 M EUR).

“Exceptionnel”. “Incroyable”. “Inimaginable”. Les superlatifs ont ainsi fusé parmi les 800 acheteurs réunis sous les Halles de Beaune, capitale des vins de Bourgogne. 

Le prix moyen du fût de vin a lui aussi connu un nouveau plus-haut, à 35.974 euros (+8%).

L’abondance de la récolte 2022 avait certes déchaîné les prévisions de nouveaux records mais sans anticiper un tel niveau.

Cette année en effet, le nombre de lots était exceptionnel: 802 pièces étaient à prendre, non loin du plus-haut de 843 lots en 2018.

C’est que la récolte a été abondante en 2022 en Bourgogne, les importantes pluies de juin ayant permis à la vigne de bien résister à la sécheresse estivale au point de donner un millésime “exceptionnel”.

“On est passé d’un extrême à l’autre: du millésime 2021, le plus petit depuis 40 ans, à un millésime très abondant”, résume Amayès Aouli, directeur Europe chez Sotheby’s Wine, organisateur de la vente.

Les vendanges 2021 avaient en effet été amputées de moitié par un gel printanier dévastateur. Seuls 356 fûts avaient été proposés à la vente cette année-là, du jamais vu depuis 1977.

Après la rareté de 2021, l’abondance de 2022 a aiguisé “l’appétit des acheteurs”, explique M. Aouli. “Après les années Covid et les restrictions de voyage, beaucoup de clients sont venus de loin”, ajoute-t-il.

La Chinoise Lin Legun, acheteuse pour des clients de l’Empire du Milieu, est de ceux-là. Les vins de Bourgogne intéressent “énormément” les Chinois, explique-t-elle à l’AFP. “Et quand l’Asie se met à aimer un produit rare…”, poursuit-elle dans une allusion à la récente flambée des prix.

 – “La demande ne cesse d’augmenter” –

“La demande pour les vins de Bourgogne ne cesse d’augmenter”, renchérit Marie-Anne Ginoux, directrice de Sotheby’s France, qui souligne que sa maison a établi en 2021 un montant record de ses ventes de vin, à 132 millions de dollars, réalisés à près de moitié par des Bourgogne.

En fin d’après-midi déjà, la “pièce des présidents”, un fût de prestige traditionnellement dédié à une œuvre caritative autre que les Hospices, avait déjà atteint un nouveau record à 810.000 euros, contre 800.000 euros l’an dernier.

“Bravo à tous”, avait alors lancé du haut de l’estrade Frédéric Drouhin, président de la grande maison de vins bourguignonne qui porte son nom, après avoir remporté au sein d’un collectif de négociants des enchères folles.

La recette de cette “pièce”, comme on appelle en Bourgogne ce fût de 228 litres (288 bouteilles), était réservée aux associations d’aide à l’enfance Princesse Margot et Vision du Monde. 

“Ce qu’il y a de plus déprimant, c’est de voir un enfant souffrir”, a déclaré M. Drouhin, qui a lui-même perdu une fille d’un cancer. 

“En France, 2.500 enfants sont chaque jour atteints de cancer dont 20% ne survivront pas”, a rappelé Muriel Hattab, présidente de Princesse Margot, nom de sa fille qui n’a pas survécu à la maladie.

“Bravo”, s’est également enflammé l’acteur Benoît Magimel, venu faire monter les enchères avec l’animatrice Flavie Flament, sous les hourras des  acheteurs.

Outre la “pièce des présidents”, le produit des autres lots est destiné aux équipements et à la rénovation des quatre hôpitaux et six Ehpad, soit un millier de lits que regroupent actuellement les Hospices civils.

Ces derniers ne reçoivent aucune aide de l’État pour ces dépenses qui sont donc entièrement financées par les vignes données aux Hospices depuis leur fondation, en 1443.


La présentatrice de TV Flavie Flament et l’acteur Benoît Magimel lors des enchères de l’édition 2022 de la vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, le 20 novembre 2022 à Beaune

Enchères de l’édition 2022 de la vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, le 20 novembre 2022 à Beaune

Enchères de l’édition 2022 de la vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, le 20 novembre 2022 à Beaune

Vente des vins des Hospices de Beaune, les plus anciennes enchères caritatives au monde, dimanche 20 novembre 2022, sous des anticipations de nouveaux records


Ha?ti condamne les “traitements honteux et inhumains” de la R?publique dominicaine contre ses ressortissants

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Le minist?re des Affaires ?trang?res et des Cultes a r?agi au sujet des mauvais traitements inflig?s aux Ha?tiens en R?publique dominicaine. Depuis plus d’un semaine, les autorit?s dominicaines ont intensifi? les arrestations et d?portations des migrants ha?tiens qu’elles estiment ?tre en situation irr?guli?re. Ce 20 novembre, la chancellerie ha?tienne a assur? que “l’indignation g?n?rale soulev?e par cette situation ne saurait laisser indiff?rent le gouvernement de la R?publique d’Ha?ti”.

“Au nom du Gouvernement, le minist?re des Affaires ?rang?res et des Cultes condamne ces traitements honteux et inhumains qui ternissent l’image de la R?publique dominicaine ? travers le monde et mettent en p?ril l’esprit de paix et d’harmonie devant guider les relations entre les deux pays se partageant l’?le”, peut-on lire dans la note de presse du MAEC.

Plus loin, soutient la note de la chancellerie, le G

gouvernement de la Haitien dit reconna?tre le droit souverain de la R?publique dominicaine ? r?guler les flux migratoires ? l’int?rieur de son territoire en fonction de sa l?gislation et des conventions internationales d?ment ratifi?es. Ha?ti appelle n?anmoins ? accorder ? ses ressortissants un traitement respectueux de la dignit? humaine. “

Le minist?re des Affaires ?trang?res indiqu? avoir pass? des instructions au Charg? d’affaires d’Ha?ti en R?publique dominicaine afin qu’il exprime ? la chancellerie dominicaine les pr?occupations du Gouvernement Ha?tien quant ? ces faits. “Le Gouvernement de la R?publique d’Ha?ti renouvelle son attachement au respect du protocole sign? en d?cembre 1999 sur les proc?dures de rapatriement. Enfin, il assure la R?publique dominicaine de sa volont? ? continuer de travailler pour le renforcement de relations harmonieuses sur la base du respect des principes du droit international”, conclut la note du minist?re des Affaires ?trang?res.

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British woman held for ?50,000 cocaine seizure at SIA Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

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Investigators from the Narcotics Division seized ?50,000 worth of cocaine at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St James on Saturday, November 19.

A British woman was arrested in connection with the seizure.

Reports are that about 7pm, the 20-year-old woman of a Midlands, England address was boarding a departing flight to the United Kingdom when her luggage was searched.

During the search, two packages of cocaine weighing approximately two kilograms were reportedly found concealed in false compartments.

The seized drug has a street value of approximately ?50,000.

The woman was arrested on reasonable suspicion of breaches of the Dangerous Drugs Act, and remains in police custody as the investigation into the matter continues.

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Black Rock resident representing Barbados at 2022 FIFA World Cup(TM) Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

There is an adage which says, “ya can find a Bajan anywhere,” and this winter in Qatar at the FIFA World Cup(TM), you will find sports enthusiast and Black Rock resident, Pedro McClean.

McClean has been selected from amongst 500,000 applicants to be an international volunteer for the biggest show on the sports calendar.

The avid Manchester United and Empire Sports Club fan said he was initially doing research to attend the FIFA World Cup(TM) as a spectator but came across information which requested competent personnel to assist at the tournament in Qatar.

“I’m looking forward to meeting people to be honest, and it is the FIFA World Cup(TM). This is the largest sporting event in the world and the stadium I am registered to will be hosting the final”

“Originally, I was looking for tickets for the games and one of the sections marked volunteer, so I clicked on it, found out what was the procedure, and it was basically a step-by-step process of seven steps.

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You had to be fully vaccinated for sure, have some sort of experience and after they read your application, you had to do an interview, which was done in June”, McClean explained.

McClean was deemed the ideal candidate due to his domestic and international experience.

Firstly, as a Concacaf licensed coach, an active member of the Empire Sports Club technical team, and most significantly his tenure in a similar volunteer position at the International University Sports Federation (FISU) games in Mexico and Taiwan in 2017 and 2017 respectively.

“During my internship I had worked with the social media team (of FISU), and I was an attach? responsible for team China and it wasn’t even a familiar sport to me, it was actually American football”.

McClean emphasized that one important thing his experiences has taught him, is to always be prepared.

McClean commutes via train to rehearsals ahead of the start of the tournament

“I try to do a lot more research when I get involved. Before I went to Taiwan, I even went and learn a bit of Chinese at UWI every week.

Mexico was a bit shaky because I didn’t know what I was doing until I got there and then I did a bit of everything, even announcing sometimes”, said McClean.

The Sports Management graduate lauded tutors Ms Marcia Oxley and Dr June Caddle for their tutelage and guidance, which he believes has equipped him for this life-changing experience in the Middle East.

A socialite in the sporting industry, McClean said he is looking forward to experiencing new relationships the most, during his tenure in Qatar.

This is his highlight, even though he is deployed to the largest stadium in the tournament; the Lusail Iconic Stadium, which has a capacity of 80,000 and will be the venue for the tournament final.

“I’m looking forward to meeting people to be honest, and it is the . This is the FIFA World Cup(TM) largest sporting event in the world and the stadium I am registered to will be hosting the final.

I will be working with spectator services, basically making sure that all spectators are comfortable, and anything relating to the fans.”

According to McClean’s knowledge, he is the only representative Barbados who will be at the World Cup in this capacity, and he believes it due to a lack of information.

“I believe the majority of the time, it’s not knowing.

I did tell a few persons when I found out that I will be doing it and I tried to encourage them, but sometimes people aren’t ready to take that leap of faith”, he said.

McClean advised persons who are sports fanatics like himself and want to contribute to sports at a global level, while enjoying the experience, to do their research, trust the process, have faith, just make that first step.


Agnes Lucia Acton – Maclean

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

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Gerold Sergio Westmaas

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

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