Mondial-2022: Pas de miracle pour le Qatar, dominé par l’Equateur

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Dans l’histoire… par la petite porte. Le Qatar, très critiqué extra-sportivement avant même le coup d’envoi du Mondial-2022, est devenu le premier pays hôte à s’incliner lors de son entrée en lice, vaincu (2-0) dimanche…

Dans l’histoire… par la petite porte. Le Qatar, très critiqué extra-sportivement avant même le coup d’envoi du Mondial-2022, est devenu le premier pays hôte à s’incliner lors de son entrée en lice, vaincu (2-0) dimanche par l’Équateur de l’intenable Valencia, auteur d’un doublé.

La planète football s’interrogeait sur le niveau d’Al-Annabi (les Bordeaux), qui se sont préparés quasiment à huis clos depuis six mois pour réussir leurs grands débuts à ce niveau. Tout le monde a pu voir que le champion d’Asie, peut-être tétanisé par l’enjeu, ne faisait pas le poids. 

Pour sa quatrième participation, l’Équateur s’est empressé de saisir l’occasion. Après un but refusé pour un hors-jeu qui devrait faire jaser (3e), la “Tricolor” a rapidement trouvé l’ouverture (16e), puis fait le break (31e) dans le spectaculaire stade Al-Bayt, dont l’architecture imite une tente bédouine.

“Nous n’avons pas joué comme il se doit dans la première demi-heure et il y a eu des erreurs”, a admis le gardien Saad Al Sheeb, particulièrement approximatif sous les yeux de l’actuel et de l’ancien émirs, artisans du Mondial qatari, et devant de nombreux chefs d’État.

Déjà en forme avec Fenerbahçe, Enner Valencia a provoqué et transformé un penalty, puis creusé l’écart d’une tête puissante. Le buteur aux 75 sélections compte désormais 37 réalisations… dont cinq en Coupe du monde. 

Touché à une jambe juste avant la mi-temps, le tourmenteur équatorien a toutefois été remplacé en boitant à la 76e minute. “J’ai pris un petit coup, a-t-il expliqué après la rencontre. Les médecins vont m’examiner et j’espère pouvoir aider de l’équipe” contre les Pays-Bas vendredi (17h00).

“Peut-être de la nervosité”

Sur son banc, le sélectionneur qatari Félix Sanchez Bas, formé à l’école barcelonaise, semblait consterné. Tout comme la majorité des 67.372 spectateurs, acquise à la cause du pays hôte mais refroidie par ce scénario catastrophique plus que par la climatisation des tribunes, qui fait polémique en Europe.

“Nous n’avons pas joué à notre meilleur niveau. C’était peut-être de la nervosité”, a relevé le technicien espagnol, estimant que ses hommes ont “un grand potentiel d’amélioration”.

Organisés comme d’habitude en 3-4-3 et en difficulté dans leur dos, régulièrement pris de vitesse et peu rassurés par leur gardien, les Bordeaux ont souffert pour exister dans le premier acte et attendu les arrêts de jeu pour montrer un meilleur visage. Face au but, l’attaquant Almoez Ali n’a toutefois pu cadrer son coup de tête.

Moins déséquilibrée, la seconde période a également été moins animée, alors que les tribunes s’étaient quelque peu clairsemées à la pause pour finir presque vides. Mais en jouant au petit trot, l’Équateur, dont le jeu semblait davantage rodé malgré les remplacements, n’est pas parvenu à accentuer son avance.

Incapables de réagir, les Qataris se retrouvent en situation délicate dans le groupe A après cet apéritif indigeste contre l’adversaire le plus à leur portée et alors qu’ils doivent encore affronter les plats de résistance sénégalais (vendredi) et néerlandais (le 29 novembre). 

L’avant-match a été marqué par une cérémonie d’ouverture à la mode JO, avec pour narrateur l’acteur américain Morgan Freeman et un message de “respect et d’inclusion”, dans un contexte de critiques récurrentes contre l’émirat en matière de respect des droits humains.


La déception de l’avant-centre qatari Mohammed Muntari, le 20 novembre lors de la défaite inaugurale du Mondial-2022 contre l’Equateur

La Russie et l’Ukraine s’accusent de bombardements sur la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

La Russie et l’Ukraine se sont à nouveau accusées mutuellement dimanche d’avoir bombardé la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia, la plus grande d’Europe, située dans le Sud ukrainien…

La Russie et l’Ukraine se sont à nouveau accusées mutuellement dimanche d’avoir bombardé la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia, la plus grande d’Europe, située dans le Sud ukrainien et occupée militairement par l’armée russe.

Depuis plusieurs mois, Moscou et Kiev s’accusent mutuellement de bombardements sur le site, proche de la ligne de front. 

Le chef de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique (AIEA) Rafael Grossi a estimé que les frappes du weekend – “une bonne douzaine” – étaient “absolument délibérées, ciblées”, sans en attribuer la responsabilité aux forces russes ou ukrainiennes, – et a jugé la situation “gravissime”, dans un entretien à la chaîne française BFMTV. 

Pour le ministère russe de la Défense, “le régime de Kiev ne cesse pas les provocations afin de créer la menace d’une catastrophe à la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia”.

Samedi et dimanche, les forces ukrainiennes ont tiré plus d’une vingtaine d’”obus de grand calibre” sur la centrale, affirme le communiqué du ministère.

Ceux-ci ont notamment explosé entre les blocs énergétiques numéro 4 et 5 et visé le toit d’un “bâtiment spécial” situé à proximité de ces blocs, selon la même source.

Ce “bâtiment spécial” abrite un dépôt de combustible nucléaire, a précisé un responsable du producteur russe d’électricité nucléaire Rosenergoatom, Renat Kartchaa, cité par l’agence officielle russe TASS.

Malgré ces bombardements, “le niveau de radiations dans la zone de la centrale reste conforme à la norme”, souligne le communiqué du ministère russe de la Défense.

Pour sa part, l’agence nucléaire ukrainienne a accusé la Russie d’avoir bombardé le site de la centrale.

“Ce matin du 20 novembre 2022, à la suite de nombreux bombardements russes, au moins 12 frappes ont été enregistrées sur le site de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia”, a déclaré Energoatom, accusant les Russes d’”organiser une fois de plus un chantage nucléaire et mettre le monde entier en danger”.

“Il y a en a qui considèrent qu’une centrale nucléaire est une cible militaire légitime, ce qui est incroyable”, s’est indigné Le directeur général de l’AIEA.

“Arrêtez cette folie”

“Qui que ce soit, arrêtez cette folie!”, a exhorté M. Grossi, en insistant: “Les gens qui font ça savent où ils frappent. C’est absolument délibéré, ciblé”.

“La centrale est sur la ligne de front, il y a des activités militaires très difficiles à cerner, il y a des effectifs russes et des effectifs ukrainiens en opération”, a rappelé M. Grossi.

L’AIEA, qui dispose de deux inspecteurs sur place dans la centrale, est en train de procéder à une évaluation. “Il y a eu des dégâts dans des endroits assez délicats”, a estimé M. Grossi, précisant que les réacteurs n’avaient pas été touchés mais “plutôt la zone où se trouvent les combustibles frais et usés”.

“On compte pouvoir faire un état des lieux demain (lundi) matin très tôt”, a-t-il ajouté, précisant que les inspecteurs n’avaient pas pu sortir dimanche, car la situation était trop dangereuse.

Le président français Emmanuel Macron s’est entretenu dimanche avec le chef de l’AIEA sur la situation de la centrale de Zaporijjia et “parlera probablement” au président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, selon la présidence française.

La Russie, qui mène une offensive en Ukraine depuis le 24 février, occupe militairement le territoire de la centrale. Le président russe Vladimir Poutine en a revendiqué l’annexion, tout comme celle de quatre régions ukrainiennes.


Le chef de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique (AIEA) Rafael Grossi, à Charm el-Cheikh (Egypte) le 10 novembre 2022

Carte de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijjia en Ukraine
• Sophie RAMIS

Trump’s growing GOP challengers revive fears of 2016 repeat Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Memories of the tumultuous 2016 Republican primary hung over the Las Vegas ballroom this weekend during the first major gathering of the party’s potential contenders for the 2024 nomination.

No fewer than 10 White House prospects stepped onto the stage to pitch their plans to fix the nation — and their party. The details varied, but within most speeches was an extraordinary sense of defiance rarely seen since former President Donald Trump seized control of the Republican Party six years ago.

Their central message: Trump can and should be beaten.

Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, pledged in April that she wouldn’t challenge the former president if he ran again. But Saturday night, facing hundreds of cheering Republicans, she vowed to give “1,000%” to a White House bid if she decided to get in.

“I’ve never lost an election, and I’m not going to start now,” she said as the crowd roared.

But as the donors and activists who gathered for the Republican Jewish Coalition’s two-day leadership conference applauded, perhaps no one was cheering louder than Trump himself from his Florida estate.

Trump’s team believes, as do a growing number of anxious donors and Republican operatives, that the GOP’s emboldened 2024 class may already be unintentionally re-creating the conditions that enabled Trump’s success in 2016. That year, a crowded Republican field splintered the primary electorate and allowed Trump to become the party’s presidential nominee despite winning just 35% or less of the vote in each of the three opening primary contests.

In the earliest days of the 2024 season, the 2016 parallels are eerie.

As then, Trump is viewed with suspicion within his party, his standing weakened considerably after several loyalists lost winnable races in this month’s midterm elections. And most of all, a parade of ambitious Republicans is lining up to take him on.

A small, but growing group of Republican operatives is warning Trump’s critics that the only way to defeat him is to rally behind a much smaller group of alternatives.

Eric Levine, a New York-based donor who attended the weekend gathering, called on his party to embrace no more than two or three candidates — and to move with real urgency.

“I don’t think we have the luxury of waiting,” said Levine, who has raised millions of dollars for Republicans in recent years and began speaking out against Trump only after the midterms. “If he becomes the Republican brand, the party is going to be destroyed.”

For now, at least, Trump’s rivals don’t appear to be heeding his warning.

The most popular alternative to Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, isn’t likely to enter the race until the late spring, his allies say. But in his keynote address Saturday night, he left little doubt that 2024 was on his mind.

“In times like these, there is no substitute for victory,” DeSantis said, citing over and over his overwhelming midterm success in Florida. “We’ve got a lot more to do, and I have only begun to fight.”

And in a series of interviews, several other would-be Republican candidates and their aides indicated they would likely wait until next spring or summer to enter the race should they decide to run. That’s even after Trump formally launched his 2024 campaign this past week.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who isn’t ruling out a 2024 run, said Trump’s early announcement has created no sense of urgency; it simply highlighted his weakened political standing.

“I think all of us understand how little of a factor he’s going to be,” Sununu said in an interview. “He’s not scaring anybody out. Anyone who wants to run is going to run. It’ll be fun. It’ll be a wide-open race.”

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said it’s much too early to worry about winnowing the field.

“I think more voices, more potential choices,” said Hogan, who is openly weighing a 2024 bid after his term ends in January. “Trump needs to be tested. People need to go out there and be willing to stand up to him.”

Hogan continued: “I don’t think anyone’s going to listen to narrowing the field. Everybody’s going to say, ‘I should be the guy, I should be the guy, we should all be the guy.”

Christie, a failed 2016 presidential contender who then went on to lead Trump’s White House transition that year, said he ultimately expects seven or eight major candidates to enter the race, “which is manageable” compared with the 16 who ran against Trump in 2016.

“A lot of those people are fishing out of the Trump pond,” Christie said, suggesting that prospects such as DeSantis and Mike Pompeo are “MAGA guys” who would steal support from Trump’s base in a way that creates opportunities for others — like him.

Christie dismissed any talk of winnowing the field so soon.

“We should all rally behind someone? Okay, who? I don’t think there’s any obvious choice,” Christie said.

Trump advisers initially hoped that he might clear the field with his early announcement. They now believe a crowded field will help him by splitting the anti-Trump vote — just as was the case in 2016. Trump won the New Hampshire and South Carolina primary elections that year with just 35% and 32% of the vote, respectively. Seven others divided the overwhelming majority of the vote.

Trump’s team notes that his loyalists in key 2022 primary elections from Arizona to New Hampshire to Pennsylvania won their GOP nominations with between 30% and 40% of the vote — a base of support it believes continues to be his floor in the 2024 primary.

Former New Hampshire GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, who led the state party in 2016, said the growing number of likely 2024 candidates “should know better” this time around.

“They are feeding exactly the kind of environment that Trump needs to win,” Horn warned. “If past is prologue, we’ve all got reason to be concerned.”

And while there was evidence of Trump fatigue at the weekend conference, Trump received a warm reception when he appeared via teleconference on Saturday. The crowd cheered loudly when he noted his success in moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

But there was notable silence when he repeated his baseless claims about his 2020 election loss.

“The election was rigged. And it’s too bad it was, and Israel lost a lot,” Trump told the packed ballroom. “You better hope that a certain person wins the election in 2024.”

And with Trump already a declared candidate, some operatives worry it’s much later than his challengers think.

The first presidential primary debate could be just nine months away, using the 2016 presidential primary as a guide. By the summer of 2015, there were already 17 candidates in the race.

One of them was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is considering another run in 2024.

Speaking to reporters in Las Vegas, Cruz said Trump and his loyalists deserved some of the blame for the weaker-than-expected results in the midterms. “I’m frustrated when my party fields candidates with no realistic chance of success,” Cruz said.

But when asked about the 2024 presidential contest, Cruz said only there were several candidates “clearly positioning to run” against Trump. “I believe that voters can and should sort that out.”

Pompeo, Trump’s former secretary of state, who is among those positioning themselves to run, slapped at the former president repeatedly on stage this weekend without mentioning his name directly. Instead, Pompeo said conservatives deserve leaders “who fight for them, not ourselves or our own egos.”

And he acknowledged the looming 2024 primary.

“Who knows, the next time we’re together we could be on stage, multiple podiums,” Pompeo said. “Who knows who else might be there and what nicknames we’ll have?”


By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press

AP writer Jill Colvin in New York contributed.

Mondial-2022: Pas de miracle pour le Qatar, dominé par l’Equateur

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Dans l’histoire… par la petite porte. Le Qatar, déjà très critiqué extra-sportivement avant même le coup d’envoi du Mondial-2022, est devenu le premier pays hôte à s’incliner en ouverture, vaincu (2-0) par…

Dans l’histoire… par la petite porte. Le Qatar, déjà très critiqué extra-sportivement avant même le coup d’envoi du Mondial-2022, est devenu le premier pays hôte à s’incliner en ouverture, vaincu (2-0) par l’Equateur de l’intenable Valencia, auteur d’un doublé dimanche.

La planète football s’interrogeait sur le niveau réel d’Al-Annabi (les bordeaux), qui s’étaient préparés quasiment à huis clos depuis six mois pour réussir leurs grands débuts à ce niveau, et tout le monde a pu voir que le champion d’Asie en titre, peut-être tétanisé par l’enjeu, ne faisait pas le poids. 

Pour sa 4e participation, l’Equateur s’est empressé de saisir l’offrande. Après un but refusé pour un hors-jeu qui devrait faire jaser (3e), la “Tricolor” a rapidement trouvé l’ouverture (16), puis fait le break (31).

A chaque fois grâce à l’intenable Enner Valencia qui a provoqué et transformé un penalty, puis creusé l’écart d’une tête puissante. Déjà en forme avec Fenerbahçe, le buteur aux 75 sélections compte désormais 37 réalisations… dont 5 en coupes du monde. Touché juste avant la mi-temps, le tourmenteur équatorien a toutefois été remplacé en boitant à la 76e minute.

Sur son banc, le sélectionneur qatari, l’Espagnol Félix Sanchez Bas, formé à l’école barcelonaise, semblait consterné. Tout comme le public, refroidi par ce scénario catastrophique plus que par la climatisation des tribunes, qui a fait polémique en Europe.

Sous les yeux de l’actuel et de l’ancien émirs, artisans de la candidature du Qatar et devant de nombreux chefs d’Etat, le spectaculaire stade Al-Bayt, dont l’architecture imite une tente bédouine, semblait manifestement acquis à la cause des hôtes du mondial, avec de nombreux locaux, en tenues traditionnelles, parmi les 67.372 supporteurs présents. 

Tribunes clairsemées

L’avant-match avait été marqué par une cérémonie d’ouverture avec pour narrateur l’acteur américain Morgan Freeman et un message de “respect et d’inclusion”, dans un contexte de critiques récurrentes contre l’émirat en matière de respect des droits humains.

Organisés comme d’habitude en 3-4-3 et en difficulté dans leur dos, régulièrement pris de vitesse et peu rassurés par leur gardien, les Qataris ont souffert pour exister dans le premier acte et attendu les arrêts de jeu pour montrer un meilleur visage. Face au but, Almoez Ali n’a toutefois pu cadrer son coup de tête.

Moins déséquilibrée, le seconde période a également été moins animée alors que les tribunes s’étaient quelques peu clairsemées à la pause pour terminer presque vides au coup de sifflet final. Mais en jouant au petit trot, le 4e de la zone Amsud, dont le jeu semble plus rodé malgré les remplacements, n’est pas parvenu à accentuer son avance.

Incapables de réagir, les Qataris se retrouvent désormais en situation délicate après cet apéritif indigeste contre l’adversaire le plus à leur portée et alors qu’ils vont maintenant devoir affronter les gros morceaux néerlandais et sénégalais dans le groupe A. 


La déception de l’avant-centre qatari Mohammed Muntari, le 20 novembre lors de la défaite inaugurale du Mondial-2022 contre l’Equateur

Water Authority disconnection notice for November 21 Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

53 minutes ago

Water Authority is advising members of the public that the next set of disconnections will occur on Monday, November 21, 2022 and will affect Cayman Brac, Industrial Park, Windsor Park, Crewe Road and central George Town.

If you are a customer in one of these areas and have a past due balance, Water Authority is encouraging you to pay your bill online using the following link:

Customers are also reminded that the Water Authority offers payment agreements to customers who have had a leak, are facing an unexpectedly high bill, or who are experiencing personal hardships and require financial assistance as a result.

If you know that you are not going to be able to pay your entire bill on time, please contact the Customer Service Department via email at or by telephone at 949-0094 at your earliest convenience before the payment due date to discuss the possibility of a payment agreement.

Otherwise, services may be disconnected.

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‘Beware of student suspension, expulsion: Easy targets for gangs’ Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

A senior law enforcer has said that when students are suspended or expelled from schools locally, this situation could result in them being easily drafted into criminal organisations.

With local gangsters known to be utilising children as part of their “early warning systems” to spot law enforcement personnel, a call is being made for the Education and Youth Ministry to review the use of suspension and expulsion by school administrators.

“Suspensions and expulsions must be the last resort; it cannot be the first response by a school,” declared Richard Troupe, the Acting Director of Safety and Security in Schools, at the Education Ministry’s anti-gang town hall meeting last week.

It was revealed at the same event by Detective Inspector Clifton Green of the Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigations Branch (C-TOC), that the use of suspensions and expulsions posed significant concerns for the police.

He said generally, children have been transporting weapons on behalf of gangs, or acting as lookouts.

“I actually had a conversation with somebody who is indicating that in a particular community, the youngsters are put forward by a particular gang leader for the purpose of early warning systems, and so on,” said Green.

“So it means, therefore, that they (children) are exposed to weaponry, and they’re exposed to all ills that gangs bring to bear on a community,” he added.

According to Green, the situation creates various challenges for law enforcers, and when schools resort to disciplinary action by expelling or suspending students, this further complicates the issue.

“Some of the challenges, too, include truancy, and that is one of the main things, and I am happy that the Ministry of Education is represented as a stakeholder, because coupled with that is sometimes when the students are expelled, or suspended, therein lies the opportunity for him/her to be drafted into this monster, and the unscrupulous ones look on the corner and observe,” the senior policeman stated.

Richard Troupe

In picking up on that point, Troupe cited the recent revelation by Police Commissioner, Major General Antony Anderson, that children between ages 15 and 17 have been charged with 875 major crimes over the last four years.

In describing the statistics as “uncomfortable truths”, Troupe said: “We need to find out how many of these children would have been suspended or expelled.”

Troupe suggested as well, that the school community and the Education Ministry use data to “inform evidence-based intervention”.

He elaborated that, “Clearly, we have to re-think this position of suspensions and expulsions, because we suspend and expel our children, (but) it cannot be used as a key source of managing behaviour.”

The acting director of safety and security in schools also called on stakeholders to aid students in managing conflicts, this following several incidents of school-based violence recently.

If suspension is used by the school as a disciplinary option, Troupe has proposed that the child should not be sent home unattended.

“The other thing that we need with suspension is we must suspend the child into something.

“The child should not just be made to go home and be left unattended. Perhaps there is a need for us to consider where, if a child is suspended, he is suspended into a programme,” Troupe suggested.

Likewise with expulsion, he said if a child is separated from a school, the ministry and school administrators should ensure that the “child’s education is considered for another institution”.

Further, “we provide support to that child’s family during that transition,” Troupe recommended.

PM arrives at JLP conference to loud cheers, supporters anticipate Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

11 minutes ago

Pm arrives at JLP conference

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Celebrations at the National Arena have reached fever pitch as the Prime Minister, Andrew Holness has arrived.

As the party leader made his way police and other members of the island security forces could be seen working overtime as the large crowd went into a frenzy as Holness and his wife Juliet made their way.

Police with the use of their mounted troops could be seen intensifying their efforts to ensure things were kept in order.

Supports say they are anticipating to hear from the prime minister as they continue to grapple with a number of issues across the island.

Police say the national arena is now filled to capacity and scores of supporters are still trying to enter the facilty.

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Man held with rifle, pistol to be investigated for taxi driver’s murder

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

A Chaguanas man who was held with a pistol and an assault rifle at a friend’s home on November 14 is expected to be placed on an identification parade in relation to the murder of taxi driver Mitra Bhola.

Bhola, 49, was gunned down outside his Ibis Circular, New Settlement, Chaguanas, home on November 13.

Police from the Central Division Task Force searched a home in Enterprise, Chaguanas, where they arrested the 30-year-old man who was interviewed by Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region III officers.

They will seek advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on whether he will be charged.

Body of Linden boat captain found

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Dead: Elick Alexander

The body of Elick Alexander, the 55-year-old boat captain of Silver City, Wismar, who was allegedly pushed overboard by two passengers, was recovered this morning in Linden, Region.

According to reports, the Alexander’s body was found in the vicinity of the ‘I LOVE LINDEN’ sign at about 10:00h today.

Police had previously reported that sometime around 01:00h on Saturday, two male passengers, whom they say appeared to be of unsound mind, boarded Alexander’s boat at Mackenzie and while crossing the Demerara River – about 40 feet off the Wismar shore – they allegedly ‘pushed’ the captain overboard and escaped in the vessel.

The matter was reported to the Police and ranks conducted an aerial search using adrone during which the boat was found in the vicinity of Spieghtland.

The boat was then brought to shore along with the two suspects – 25-year-old Brian Hermanstyne and 24-year-old Elden Hermanstyne, both of Mackenzie, Linden – who were arrested and taken to the Wismar Police Station.

Searches were conducted for Alexander’s body, but it was not found until this morning.

Decide where you want to fit in Guyana’s transformation – Ali tells Nations’ graduates

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
A scene from Nations’ University graduation on Saturday

President Dr Irfaan Ali has charged hundreds of graduates of Nations University to prepare themselves to be part of the massive transformation taking place in Guyana.

The Head of State made the statement while delivering the feature address at the School’s 2022 graduation ceremony for Diplomas and Bachelor and Master Degree programmes at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre.

He reassured graduates of Nations University that they are living in a country that will be “second to none” and will have an economy that will effectively and efficiently function in 2030 and beyond.

President Dr Irfaan Ali addressing the graduation

President Ali underscored that Guyana will not only have a diversified economy that will be able to withstand all of the global shocks but will function on “cutting edge technology” and will have all the high-end and high-paying jobs.

He said the government is working assiduously on ensuring the country becomes a world leader in various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, environment, biological and ecological services, among others.

“The changes that will take place allows you, on this transformative day in your life, to position yourself in the transformation of the country and to decide where you would like to fit in the transformation and how would you like to be part of the transformation.”

The Head of State also congratulated all of the graduates and implored them to not only bask in their achievements but to look forward and reflect on themselves, their families, their communities and the country and how they can make positive contributions.