Acute hartstilstand dreigt voor hartchirurgie

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

‘Betalen of de stekker eruit’ door Wilfred Leeuwin PARAMARIBO — Na twintig jaar dreigt er een einde te komen aan

Three-day forecast: Trough system and instability to affect island Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

A deep-layered trough system is approaching the island and will begin affecting the island from November 21.

Tonight, Sunday, November 20, the deep-layered trough system approaching the island will lead to a mix of clear skies and clouds with the occasional intermittent scattered light to moderate showers and a very slight chance of isolated thunderstorms.

Here is the weather forecast for the next three days, according to the Barbados Meteorological Services.

Monday, November 21

The deep-layered trough system will begin affecting Barbados and the Windward Islands. As a result, cloudy skies accompanied by scattered showers and thunderstorm activity are expected. Throughout the night conditions across the northern Leeward Islands will improve briefly as a deep-layered ridge pattern becomes the dominant feature.

Barbados Forecast Max/Min Temps: 29/23.

Tuesday, November 22

A further deterioration in weather conditions across Barbados and the Windward islands are anticipated as cloudy to overcast skies, moderate to heavy showers, rain and thunderstorms are forecast. Across the Leeward islands, activity associated with the trough system will spread across that area generating partly cloudy to occasionally cloudy conditions.

Barbados Forecast Max/Min Temps: 29/23.

Wednesday, November 23

Models suggest the development of a surface to mid-level trough across Barbados and the Windward Islands. This feature will maintain unsettled weather conditions over the region.

Barbados Forecast Max/Min Temps: 29/23.

St Lucia Met Office

Over in St Lucia, the Saint Lucia Meteorological Services is tracking an approaching trough system which is expected to affect the island from November 21.

According to an advisory issued late Sunday, November 20, the Lucian Met Office is forecasting that unstable weather conditions associated with the passage of the trough system could last up to 48 hours.

Residents and motorists are urged to exercise caution and remain vigilant when traversing the East and West Coast Roads as there are still high levels of soil saturation due to heavy rains in recent weeks.

The passage of the approaching trough system will increase the risk of flash flooding, landslides and rock fall.

Small craft operators, when venturing out to sea, are also called upon to be on alert as winds and waves may be high.

Residents in low-lying areas are advised to take all necessary precautions to secure their property and personal effects.

Dominica Met Office

A trough system is the dominant feature across the area. An increase in moisture and instability could result in cloudy and breezy conditions with some scattered showers which could be moderate at times and a chance of isolated thunderstorms. Thereafter, on Tuesday further deterioration in conditions are expected with moderate to heavy showers possible. People in areas prone to flooding and landslides should keep monitoring this system.

Moderate to rough seas are anticipated during the next 24 to 48 hours, with wave heights up to 10ft along the eastern coast. A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect. Small craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise caution.

72-hour Outlook St Vincent and the Grenadines Met Office

Instability ahead of an approaching trough began to affect our islands today with occasional moderate showers and gusty winds. As Sunday night progresses, similar conditions are anticipated. Residents and motorists in areas prone to flooding and landslides and near rivers and streams should remain alert. In addition, a favourable upper level pattern is expected to remain in place across our islands and provide support for this system which is expected to influence the weather conditions during the next few days. The SVG Meteorological Services will continue to monitor this system and provide the necessary updates.

Moderate to fresh(20-35km/h) easterly to east north easterly trades will cross the islands within the next 24hours, increasing(near 40km/h) and temporarily shifting to east south easterly during Tuesday afternoon. Wind direction should return to easterly by midweek. Seas are currently moderate in open water with swells peaking near 1.5m on western coasts and up to 2.5m on eastern coasts. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution for above normal sea swells and occasional gusty winds. Conditions may deteriorate within the next few days due to increased wind speed. Saharan dust concentrations should begin to cross the islands from Monday, increasing in intensity by midweek.

Humanitarian Awardees ‘grateful’ that their risks have been recognised Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

When most of Barbados’ population was indoors on lockdown abiding by curfews and safely out of harm’s way, a second batch of those who had to suit up and go out into the world of work on the frontline during the COVID pandemic, got their praise, pins and awards of acknowledgement today.

Ensuring that the country continued running in what has been recognised as one of the ‘scariest’ and ‘most nerve-wracking’ times in this Century, Loop News interviewed a few of the thousands appreciated this time around. Amongst this cohort of awardees at Kensington Oval for the ceremony were first responders, media professionals, auxiliary staff and others.

When asked to describe how they felt receiving their honours today, the most popular adjective was “humbling” and two interviewees remembered how they used to have to protect their families with their constant sanitising strategies.

Watch our interviews here.

Ballers Club Wanica trekt seriestand gelijk tegen De Arend

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld Ricky Wirjosentono PARAMARIBO — “Er zat vandaag sowieso een stukje zelfvertrouwen in het spel. Ze hebben tot

Mondial: le grand jour du Qatar vire ? l’aigre sur le terrain

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Quatre ans apr?s le sacre de la France, le football investit le Qatar pour sacrer son nouveau roi lors du premier Mondial organis? dans le monde arabe, travers? par les pol?miques sur les droits humains, l’impact climatique ou les discriminations.

Dimanche pour le coup d’envoi de ce mois de football, le petit ?mirat gazier avait sans doute r?v? meilleur sc?nario. Devant les 60.000 spectateurs du stade Al Bayt, ? 50 km au nord de Doha, les Qataris ont ?t? facilement domin?s par l’Equateur (2-0).

Moins de deux heures avant cette rencontre d?s?quilibr?e et marqu?e par le doubl? de l’attaquant sud-am?ricain Enner Valencia, l’?mir cheikh Tamim ben Hamad Al-Thani ?tait pr?sent pour la c?r?monie d’ouverture.

“Qu’il est beau pour les gens de mettre de c?t? ce qui les s?pare pour pr?server leur diversit? et ce qui les unit en m?me temps”, a d?clar? l’?mir tout sourire.

Plusieurs chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement ?taient pr?sents, au premier rang desquels le prince h?ritier d’Arabie saoudite, Mohammed ben Salmane, le roi de Jordanie, ou encore les pr?sidents palestinien Mahmoud Abbas, alg?rien Abdelmadjid Tebboune, ainsi que le Turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan de Turquie.

La France ?tait repr?sent?e par le ministre de l’Int?rieur G?rald Darmanin tandis que le pr?sident Emmanuel Macron a annonc? sa pr?sence pour la demi-finale ou la finale uniquement en cas de qualification des Bleus.

Toute la journ?e, de la Corniche de Doha jusqu’? la ville d’Al Khor o? a ?t? jou? le match, des dizaines de milliers de supporters, Qataris et ?quatoriens mais aussi Mexicains coiff?s de leurs traditionnels sombreros, ou Argentins, ont anim? le pays-h?te de leurs couleurs et chansons.

En centre-ville, la fan zone, qui va vibrer pendant les 64 matches, a d? fermer ses portes pour ne plus laisser entrer les supporters, la capacit? de 40.000 personnes ?tant atteinte.

Benzema pas remplac?

Depuis 12 ans, le Qatar s’est pr?par? pour ?tre capable d’accueillir 32 s?lections et des centaines de milliers de fans qui vont d?barquer dans cet ?mirat grand comme Chypre ou la grande r?gion parisienne.

Lors de ce tournoi jou? dans huit stades -dont sept sont sortis du d?sert pour l’occasion-, les habituels g?ants du ballon rond devraient encore se disputer le troph?e, jusqu’? la finale du 18 d?cembre: Br?sil, Argentine, France ou encore Angleterre, Allemagne et Espagne.

La France peut r?ver d’imiter l’Italie (1934 et 1938) et le Br?sil de Pel? (1958 et 1962), seuls pays ? avoir conserv? leur titre.

Ce sera toutefois sans le meilleur joueur du monde: tout frais Ballon d’Or, Karim Benzema a d?clar? forfait samedi soir, bless? ? une cuisse, laissant des Bleus d?j? orphelins de Paul Pogba et de N’Golo Kant?. Le Madril?ne ne sera pas remplac? dans le groupe.

Les Sud-Am?ricains en profiteront-ils? Depuis 20 ans et la victoire du Br?sil (2002), les Europ?ens se partagent les titres (Italie 2006, Espagne 2010, Allemagne 2014 et France 2018).

Star argentine qui conduit une ?quipe invaincue depuis 36 matches, Lionel Messi pense toutefois “que le Br?sil, la France et l’Angleterre sont un peu au-dessus”.

Sorti de ce premier cercle, une victoire finale dans le superbe stade dor? de Lusail, au nord de Doha, rel?verait de l’exploit. Mais la Croatie, finaliste il y a quatre ans, reste un outsider. On peut aussi citer la Serbie, le Portugal de Cristiano Ronaldo (37 ans), l’Uruguay des v?t?rans Luis Suarez et Edinson Cavani (35 ans), voire le S?n?gal, malgr? l’absence de Sadio Man?.

D’autant que la donne pourrait changer car pour la premi?re fois, le Mondial ne se joue pas lors de l’?t? bor?al, afin d’?viter les chaleurs intenables (autour de 50?). La Fifa a d?cal? ce rendez-vous en pleine saison de clubs.

“Poudre aux yeux”

Si tous devraient donc ?tre physiquement d?j? bien dans le rythme, les pays entrent dans la comp?tition sans rodage.

Les exploits des footballeurs ne devraient toutefois pas suffire ? ?teindre les pol?miques sur tous les sujets extras-sportifs qui embrasent ce Mondial depuis des mois, voire des ann?es.

Droits humains des travailleurs ayant construit les somptueuses enceintes, environnement, avec un bilan carbone annonc? neutre mais que ses d?tracteurs qualifient “d’aberration”, et discrimination des personnes, notamment des LGBTQ+: cette 22e ?dition est l’une des plus controvers?es de l’histoire.

Les autorit?s du petit ?mirat gazier sont r?guli?rement critiqu?es par les ONG pour leur traitement des travailleurs migrants, notamment dans les secteurs de la construction, de la s?curit? et du travail domestique. Des accusations vigoureusement rejet?es par les autorit?s qui soulignent avoir r?form? les lois sur le travail.

C?t? empreinte environnementale, la construction des stades et les transports par avion des supporters venus du monde entier sont en cause. Mais les stades plant?s dans le d?sert rafra?chis par la climatisation aux heures les plus chaudes ont aussi choqu?.

Le traitement des personnes LGBTQ+ est un autre sujet d’inqui?tude dans un pays conservateur o? l’homosexualit? et les relations sexuelles hors mariage sont criminalis?es.

Les autorit?s ont assur? qu’elles seraient accueillies sans discrimination mais la volte-face vendredi sur la vente d’alcool finalement interdite autour des stades fait craindre ? certains d’autres revirements.

Infantino et les “hypocrites”

“Si ?a veut dire que tout est re-discutable, quid de la s?curit? des supporters LGBT, de la possibilit? de soutenir son ?quipe en ?tant debout au stade, de la possibilit? de s’embrasser dans la rue?”, interroge Ronan Evain, directeur g?n?ral de l’association Football Supporters Europe.

Apr?s des mois de silence, le pr?sident de la Fifa, Gianni Infantino a r?pondu sur un mode offensif samedi: “Donner des le?ons de morale -toujours dans le m?me sens-, c’est simplement de l’hypocrisie”, a-t-il tanc?, trouvant “profond?ment injuste” ces critiques.

“Pour ce que nous, les Europ?ens, avons fait au cours des 3.000 derni?res ann?es, nous devrions nous excuser pour les 3.000 prochaines ann?es avant de donner des le?ons de morale aux autres”, a-t-il proclam?.

Infantino avait d?j? demand? ? tous de “se concentrer sur le football”. Pas certain qu’il soit entendu.

L’Allemagne ou le Danemark ont r?p?t? que leurs capitaines, Manuel Neuer et Simon Kjaer, porteraient bien le brassard color? “One Love” en faveur de l’inclusion et contre les discriminations, et non ceux d?gain?s par la Fifa, porteurs de messages plus consensuels.


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Dutch aim for World Cup statements against Man?-less Senegal Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Netherlands are looking to make two statements in its opening World Cup game on Monday against a Senegal team that has to quickly get over the loss of forward Sadio Man?.

The first is strictly about soccer and establishing the team as a contender for the title in Qatar alongside the likes of top-ranked Brazil, defending champion France and Argentina. The Dutch have gained less attention in the buildup to the tournament after failing to qualify for the World Cup in Russia four years ago, but arrive as one of the top teams in Europe.

“I believe in this squad of players,” Netherlands coach Louis van Gaal, who is back for a third spell in charge, said Sunday. “I think we could become world champion.”

The second statement the Dutch want to make at Al Thumama Stadium in Doha centers around the long-running criticism of the World Cup host country’s laws and human rights record.

The Dutch soccer federation is the leader of the “One Love” anti-discrimination movement and Netherlands captain Virgil van Dijk is expected to wear an armband with a multi-colored heart-shaped logo in defiance of a FIFA order to keep politics out of the World Cup.

The “One Love” armbands are a criticism of Qatar’s laws criminalizing homosexuality. The England and Wales captains have said that they will also ignore FIFA’s directive and wear them when they open their World Cup play on Monday.

Among international coaches, Van Gaal has been one of the most outspoken critics of letting the small but wealthy emirate host the World Cup, a decision which he has called “ridiculous.” He toned down his criticism earlier this week in his first media conference in Qatar and then declined Sunday to answer any more questions on “political issues” at the World Cup.

“I’m no longer going to speak about political issues. I’m focusing on this match,” Van Gaal said. “And I’m asking all my players to do that and concentrate on the game.”

But while Van Gaal drew a line under his comments on the politics, the Dutch soccer federation reiterated that Van Dijk will still wear the “One Love” armband against Senegal.

The World Cup will likely be the last major coaching assignment for the 71-year-old Van Gaal, who announced this year he has prostate cancer and has been receiving radiation treatment. He rated this squad as better “on average” than the 2014 group he coached to the World Cup semifinals in Brazil.

Netherlands has lost three World Cup finals — in 1974, 1978 and 2010 — and although there’s a long road ahead in Qatar, the Group A game against African champion Senegal is the biggest early challenge for the Dutch and a good indicator of how far they might go. Host nation Qatar and Ecuador are the other teams in Group A.

Netherlands is on a 15-match unbeaten run under Van Gaal but will definitely not start with striker Memphis Depay against Senegal, Van Gaal said. The Barcelona forward should be available later in the World Cup though.

Senegal coach Aliou Ciss? doesn’t have that option for Man?, who was ruled out of the World Cup on Thursday with an injury. The 30-year-old Man? underwent surgery for the right lower leg injury he sustained in a league game for Bayern Munich two weeks ago, removing Senegal’s most potent attacking threat and the heart of the team that won the African Cup of Nations in February for Senegal’s first major soccer title.

“It’s a great shame for Sadio Man? and it’s a shame for the team. And it’s a great challenge for us,” Ciss? said. “All coaches build their team around its best player. But we have a strong team … and our status as African champion gives us a lot of confidence in our abilities.”

Man?’s absence also means no World Cup matchup with former Liverpool teammate Van Dijk, a defender who is playing at his first World Cup at the age of 31. Van Dijk said he phoned Man? the day after he was injured to console him.

“I feel sad for him,” Van Dijk said. “I know how hard he works for this and he wants to be important for Senegal and he has been important the last couple of years. It’s tough.

“Obviously he’s going to be a big miss for them … hopefully we can benefit a little bit from that.”

Thomas bags two-timer, including Laban in Caymanas feature Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Sports

12 minutes ago

File Caymanas Park racing photo.

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Three-time defending champion jockey Anthony Thomas on Sunday rode a two-timer at Caymanas Park, including LABAN the non-restricted overnight allowance, winning by a length and a half at seven furlongs.

Thomas, who fell six winners behind Dane Dawkins on Saturday after the leading rider’s three-timer, first won aboard OKAHUMPA at four furlongs straight in the fifth event for $250,000 claimers.

Aboard LABAN, Thomas stalked a cracking pace set by BATON ROUGE being chased by EAGLE ONE into the straight.

BATON ROUGE took EAGLE ONE through splits of 23.1 and 46.0, while LABAN straightened third along the rail, three lengths off the leaders.

EAGLE ONE grabbed the lead a furlong and a half out with Robert Halledeen, closing the rail on LABAN, who was quickly switched by Thomas to renew his challenge a furlong out.

A used-up EAGLE ONE started weakening approaching the final furlong, and was collared by LABAN who won with top-weight 126lbs at odds of 5-2.

BIG BIG DADDY won the late charge for second ahead of POSITIVE ID and a wilting EAGLE ONE.

Racing continues at the weekend with Saturday-Sunday meets.

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JUST IN: Man and 5-year-old child reportedly shot dead in St James Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

2 hrs ago

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A man and a five-year-old child were reportedly shot and killed in St James on Sunday afternoon.

The incident happened just after 3pm in the John’s Hall area of the parish.

St James is presently under a state of emergency (SOE).

The Corporate Communications Unit (CCU), the information arm of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), confirmed reports of the incident, but indicated that more details are being awaited.

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KFC Jamaica has signed a two-year brand partnership with Reggae Girlz and Manchester City striker Khadija Shaw.

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A pall of gloom continues to hover on social media following news that a popular motorcyclist died from injuries he sustained in a motor vehicle crash along the Orange Bay main road in Portland on Thu


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Over 90 weapons turned in under Gun Amnesty, says PM Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Ninety weapons were turned in to the police during the two-week Gun Amnesty that ended at midnight on November 19.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness disclosed the number of guns handed in while discussing the steps his Administration is taking to stem the current levels of murder in the country at the Jamaica Labour Party’s 79th Annual Conference at the National Arena on Sunday.

In fact, the JLP leader admitted that he didn’t expect “so many”.

“This surprised me, I didn’t expect so many, but there are still thousands of illegal guns all across Jamaica,” Holness said.

He disclosed, too, that more than 2,500 rounds of ammunition were handed over during the period.

The two-week Gun Amnesty took effect following the approval of the Firearms (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) (Firearms Amnesty) Order 2022, as the last opportunity for those who hold or are in possession of illegal firearms or ammunition to avoid significant prison sentences by surrendering their weapons.

“We went out of our way to give the amnesty and to give warnings. They did not heed it. Well, you know the Jamaican saying, ‘If you can’t hear, you will feel’,” Holness said on Sunday.

The prime minister also pointed out that before the conference he got a note from the police that they conducted a snap raid at two locations, found a firearm, and arrested four people.

He made it clear that the strategy of the police and the military would change.

“There are those who believe that we are only searching for firearms – no. Taking the firearms, discovering it without finding the person who brought it in or who is using it, is not enough,” Holness said. “We are going to be conducting searches and we want to find the people who are importing, the people who are locking, the people who are distributing, and the people who are shooting the firearms.

“We want to lock you up for good,” Holness said, adding that the police are intensifying their search.

“I call upon every well-thinking Jamaica to support the fight against illegal weapons. We will be making lucrative rewards for persons who give us information for the recovery of illegal firearms and the arrest of those persons responsible for them,” the prime minister said during his party’s conference on Sunday.

Pedro waving the Barbados flag from Qatar World Cup Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

There is an adage which says, “you can find a Bajan anywhere”, and this winter in Qatar at the 2022 FIFA World Cup(TM), you will find sports enthusiast and Black Rock, St Michael resident, Pedro McClean.

McClean has been selected from among 500,000 applicants to be an international volunteer for the biggest show on the sports calendar.

The avid Manchester United and Empire Sports Club fan said he was initially doing research to attend the FIFA World Cup(TM) as a spectator but came across information which requested competent personnel to assist at the tournament in Qatar.

“I’m looking forward to meeting people to be honest, and it is the FIFA World Cup(TM). This is the largest sporting event in the world and the stadium I am registered to will be hosting the final”

“Originally, I was looking for tickets for the games and one of the sections marked volunteer, so I clicked on it, found out what was the procedure, and it was basically a step-by-step process of seven steps.

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You had to be fully vaccinated for sure, have some sort of experience and after they read your application, you had to do an interview, which was done in June,” McClean explained.

McClean was deemed the ideal candidate due to his domestic and international experience.

Firstly, as a Concacaf licensed coach, an active member of the Empire Sports Club technical team, and most significantly his tenure in a similar volunteer position at the International University Sports Federation (FISU) games in both Mexico and Taiwan in 2017.

“During my internship, I had worked with the social media team (of FISU), and I was an attach? responsible for team China and it wasn’t even a familiar sport to me, it was actually American football”.

McClean emphasized that one important thing his experiences has taught him, is to always be prepared.

McClean commutes via train to rehearsals ahead of the start of the tournament

“I try to do a lot more research when I get involved. Before I went to Taiwan, I even went and learn a bit of Chinese at UWI every week.

“Mexico was a bit shaky because I didn’t know what I was doing until I got there and then I did a bit of everything, even announcing sometimes”, said McClean.

The Sports Management graduate lauded tutors Marcia Oxley and Dr June Caddle for their tutelage and guidance, which he believes has equipped him for this life-changing experience in the Middle East.

A socialite in the sporting industry, McClean said he is looking forward to experiencing new relationships the most, during his tenure in Qatar. This is his highlight, even though he is deployed to the largest stadium of the tournament; the Lusail Iconic Stadium, which has a capacity of 80,000 and will be the venue for the tournament final.

“I’m looking forward to meeting people to be honest, and it is the.This is the FIFA World Cup(TM) largest sporting event in the world and the stadium I am registered to will be hosting the final. I will be working with spectator services, basically making sure that all spectators are comfortable, and anything relating to the fans.”

According to McClean’s knowledge, he is the only representative Barbados who will be at the World Cup in this capacity, and he believes it due to a lack of information.

“I believe the majority of the time, it’s not knowing.

I did tell a few persons when I found out that I will be doing it and I tried to encourage them, but sometimes people aren’t ready to take that leap of faith”, he said.

McClean advised persons who are sports fanatics like himself and want to contribute to sports at a global level, while enjoying the experience, to do their research, trust the process, have faith, just make that first step.