Police Debunk Fake News Regarding Nurse Wilson Homicide Probe – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Saint Lucia police have debunked social media fake news regarding their investigation into Tuesday’s fatal shooting of 38-year-old nurse Keziah Wilson in Goodlands, Castries.

Despite social media posts claiming otherwise, there has been no arrest so far in the case.

On Wednesday, Inspector Shervon Matthieu warned about fake news and the circulation of someone’s photo.

“Fake information – information without credibility on events surrounding an ongoing investigation by the police is detrimental not only to the investigation but also to the victim of the crime and families by extension,” Matthieu, who is attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), explained.

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He said it was also detrimental to the individual whose photograph is being circulated.

“The police gladly welcomes information from members of the public,” Matthieu stated.

But he said law enforcers are concerned about the circulation of information that is not credible regarding people who are either victims or perpetrators of crime.

“This is also detrimental to the victim’s family and persons who are featured in the social media posts,” Matthieu declared.

He asserted that people must be aware that they should not disseminate information about any individual or entity without verifying whether it is true.

“We are more damaging certain aspects of the investigation when we do these things,” Matthieu stated.

And he warned the public that they need to be very careful.

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More youngsters to up their reading skills with Sagicor’s tech support Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

A programme created and developed to assist young men to get on the path towards overcoming their challenges with reading, recently received a ‘shot in the arm’ thanks to a generous donation by Sagicor.

The leading financial solutions provider donated 12 desktop computers to Babb’s Reading Clinic for use with helping young men to tackle their reading or literacy challenges carefully and patiently, with the aim of getting them to a level where they are confident and competent in reading and comprehension.

In thanking Sagicor for the donation, Pastor Dayle Haynes, the clinic’s Director of Community Services, explained that the clinic is free for boys who are challenged by their limited ability to read at their expected grade level. “The aim is to capture these boys while transitioning from primary to secondary school, to avoid them slipping through the cracks and becoming vulnerable in a society that is harsh on these young men,” he said.

Haynes went on to state that it has been “discovered that those enrolled in the programme have seen improved results in comparison to their normal classroom setting, due to the special attention being paid to them. The success of the programme has therefore made it more appealing to many other young men; however, resource constraints have made it hard for us to accommodate them. A donation such as this one allows us to open our doors to many more of these boys, who are eager to improve their reading abilities.”

Paul Inniss, Executive Vice President and General Manager with Sagicor Life Inc, said this is the latest in a series of technological donations made by the company’s Information Technology (IT) Division, to assist with bettering the lives of those in the community.

“We know and understand that technology is the modern gateway to learning and it is through facilitating learning that we can help to improve the lives of those in the communities in which we operate. I wish to commend the IT team for yet again providing and also preparing these systems to assist with the Clinic’s programmes.”

In September, the company donated similar systems to the rehabilitation programmes at Verdun and Marina Houses, to assist with the successful rehabilitation and reintegration into society of individuals struggling with mental health and addiction challenges, through structured programmes aimed at developing life skills and providing the tools necessary to earn a living and navigate real life challenges.

Since 2020, Sagicor and its Tech Support team have made several other similar donations, with recipients including the Optimist Club, the Unborn Justice organisation and the St Leonard’s Boys School Music Lab.


CARIBBEAN-TOURISM-Regional tourism ministers to visit Middle East

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cana News Business

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Mondial: l’Allemagne défie la Fifa et se fait surprendre par le Japon

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Onze joueurs allemands mimant un bâillon contre l’interdiction de manifester en faveur de la diversité, c’est l’une des images fortes de ce début de Mondial-2022 au Qatar, où les matches de mercredi ont accouché de nouvelles…

Onze joueurs allemands mimant un bâillon contre l’interdiction de manifester en faveur de la diversité, c’est l’une des images fortes de ce début de Mondial-2022 au Qatar, où les matches de mercredi ont accouché de nouvelles surprises, telle l’Allemagne renversée par le Japon (2-1).

Après quatre jours de compétition, deux sujets de conversation s’imposent à Doha: les nombreux résultats inattendus sur le terrain et, en dehors, la question des droits humains et en particulier des personnes LGBTQ+, symbolisées par les couleurs arc-en-ciel, dans un pays où la loi du pays pénalise l’homosexualité.

Mercredi, le football allemand a répondu aux menaces de sanctions brandies par la Fifa pour empêcher le port d’un brassard coloré célébrant la diversité et l’inclusion, finalement abandonné par les sélections européennes qui étaient à l’origine de cette initiative, baptisée “One Love”.

Mais au stade Khalifa, les joueurs allemands ont choisi de manifester leur désapprobation: sous les yeux du président de la Fifa Gianni Infantino, qui avait appelé chacun à “se concentrer sur le football”, le capitaine Manuel Neuer et ses partenaires se sont ostensiblement mis la main devant la bouche sur la traditionnelle photo d’équipe qui précède le coup d’envoi.

Les Allemands avaient bien préparé leur affaire: la menace de sanctions de la part de la Fifa a été très critiquée en Allemagne où de nombreuses voix se sont élevées pour appeler les joueurs de la Mannschaft à la défier.

“Les droits humains pas négociables”

Dans les tribunes, la ministre allemande de l’Intérieur en charge des sports, Nancy Faeser, a enfilé dans les tribunes le fameux brassard inclusif “One Love” dont ne voulaient pas les organisateurs, avant de tweeter la photo sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle a ensuite mis une veste.    

Et quasiment en même temps, la fédération envoyait un communiqué cinglant sur les réseaux sociaux: “Il ne s’agit pas d’un message politique: les droits humains ne sont pas négociables. Cela devrait être une évidence. Malheureusement, ce n’est toujours pas le cas. C’est pourquoi ce message est si important pour nous. Nous interdire de porter le bandeau, c’est nous interdire de parler”, selon le texte.

Depuis qu’il a obtenu en 2010 l’organisation du tournoi, le Qatar est en butte à de nombreuses critiques en matière de droits humains, notamment les droits des travailleurs migrants, des femmes ou  des personnes LGBTQ. 

Dans ce petit pays conservateur musulman, les relations sexuelles hors mariage et l’homosexualité sont passibles de poursuites pénales. Les autorités qataries ont néanmoins affirmé que “tout le monde était le bienvenu”.

Dans ce Mondial décrié et atypique, programmé pour la première fois en fin d’année civile en interrompant les championnats de clubs en Europe, la seule certitude est que les principaux favoris n’en ont aucune sur le plan sportif.

L’Allemagne a souffert

Mercredi, l’Allemagne a subi à son tour la loi d’une équipe moins cotée, le Japon, comme l’Argentine de Lionel Messi la veille contre l’Arabie saoudite (2-1).

Les Allemands ont-ils été déconcentrés par leur geste d’avant-match? Ils ont rapidement mené sur un penalty transformé par Ilkay Gündogan (33e), mais ils ont sombré en seconde période face à la vivacité de l’attaque japonaise, qui a renversé le score par Ritsu Doan (75e) puis Takuma Asano (83e).

La Nationalmannschaft s’est déjà mise en grande difficulté dans un groupe difficile où évoluent également le Costa Rica et l’Espagne, prochain adversaire des Allemands dimanche dans l’un des chocs de ce premier tour.

Décidément, les prétendants de cette Coupe du monde n’ont pas beaucoup de marge, comme l’a aussi prouvé le match nul de la Croatie, vice-championne du monde 2018, contre un Maroc accrocheur (0-0).

Et les sensations pourraient se poursuivre en soirée lors d’Espagne-Costa Rica (17h00) et Belgique-Canada (20h00), qui proposent a priori des confrontations déséquilibrées entre un prétendant européen et un challenger moins coté.

Le Costa Rica et son gardien Keylor Navas, remplaçant au Paris SG, promettent de compliquer la vie à l’Espagne, très rajeunie, dans l’espoir de revivre l’épopée de 2014 qui avait conduit les “Ticos” jusqu’en quarts.

Et que dire du Canada, qui se dresse sur la route d’une Belgique privée de Romelu Lukaku ?

“Il y aura des surprises dans ce tournoi, en partie parce que la préparation est plus courte”, a reconnu mardi l’Espagnol Roberto Martinez, sélectionneur de la Belgique.



La Turquie poursuit ses frappes en Syrie, “déterminée à protéger” sa frontière

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

La Turquie a continué mercredi de viser des positions de combattants kurdes dans le nord de la Syrie, prélude à une possible opération terrestre d’Ankara…

La Turquie a continué mercredi de viser des positions de combattants kurdes dans le nord de la Syrie, prélude à une possible opération terrestre d’Ankara pour “sécuriser” sa frontière méridionale.

“Notre détermination à protéger toutes nos frontières sud (…) par une zone de sécurité est plus forte aujourd’hui que jamais”, a de nouveau prévenu mercredi le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

La Turquie a lancé dimanche l’opération Griffe Epée, multipliant les raids aériens et les tirs d’artillerie contre des positions du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) et des Unités de protection du peuple (YPG).

Le gouvernement turc accuse ces deux mouvements – qui ont démenti – d’avoir commandité l’attentat qui a fait six morts et 81 blessés le 13 novembre à Istanbul.

“La Turquie a les moyens d’aller chercher et de punir les terroristes impliqués dans des attaques contre (elle) à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de ses frontières”, a lancé M. Erdogan devant le groupe de son parti AKP à l’Assemblée.

D’ici là, a-t-il mis en garde, “nous allons poursuivre nos opérations aériennes sans interruption et nous entrerons sur le terrain des terroristes au moment qui nous semblera opportun”.

Le chef de l’Etat a précisé ses objectifs prioritaires, citant les localités syriennes de Tal Rifaat, Manbij et Ayn al-Arab (Kobané en kurde), en vue d’établir une zone de sécurité large de 30 km au sud de sa frontière.

La ville emblématique de Kobané, bastion kurde des YPG repris en 2015 aux jihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI) avec le soutien occidental, a déjà été visée par l’artillerie turque mardi soir.

“Unités en alerte”

Mercredi, les chefs d’état-major turc et américain se sont entretenus au sujet des “développements en cours”, selon l’armée turque qui n’a pas donné d’autre détail.

Dans un courriel adressé à l’AFP, le commandement militaire américain pour le Moyen-Orient (Centcom) a affirmé qu’une frappe turque mardi contre une base conjointe des forces kurdes et de la coalition internationale antijihadiste dans le nord-est de la Syrie a mis les forces américaines “en danger”.

Le Centcom avait indiqué le contraire mardi.

“Les raids aériens devraient se poursuivre un moment”, avant toute opération terrestre, a indiqué à l’AFP un haut responsable turc.

“Nos unités militaires sont en alerte”, a ajouté cette source, sous couvert d’anonymat, rappelant que des troupes turques sont présentes dans le Nord syrien “depuis trois ans”.

Des responsables kurdes et l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme (OSDH) ont fait état de frappes de drones mercredi sur de nombreux points de la province de Hassaké (nord-est de la Syrie), dont une raffinerie de gaz et une station de pompage de pétrole.

Un combattant kurde a été tué et trois autres blessés dans une attaque de drone sur une zone abritant une présence russe, a indiqué à l’AFP un responsable des forces kurdes. Un soldat russe a d’ailleurs été blessé. 

L’artillerie turque a également frappé les environs de la prison de Jerkin à Qamichli, où sont détenus des jihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI), selon l’OSDH et des responsables kurdes.

Frappes punitives”

Selon le ministre turc de la Défense Hulusi Akar, les frappes “punitives” conduites par l’aviation et l’artillerie turques ont visé près de 500 cibles depuis dimanche.

“La seule cible des forces armées turques sont les terroristes”, a assuré le ministre. “Nous n’avons aucun problème avec quelque groupe ethnique, religieux, ou avec nos frères kurdes ou arabes”.

Ankara, qui menace depuis mai de s’en prendre aux positions du PKK et des YPG, réaffirme avec insistance depuis lundi son intention de poursuivre ses opérations par voie terrestre – malgré les appels au calme lancés depuis Washington et Moscou.

Par ailleurs, Recep Tayyip Erdogan a réitéré mercredi ses accusations à l’encontre des pays qui leur ont apporté leur soutien, visant implicitement les Etats-Unis.

“Ces puissances qui nous ont garanti qu’il n’y aurait aucune menace provenant de ces régions sous leur contrôle n’ont pas su tenir parole”, a-t-il dénoncé. 

“Par conséquent, nous avons le droit de gérer nous-mêmes nos affaires” en Syrie, a-t-il conclu.

Mardi soir, le porte-parole des YPG Nouri Mahmoud déplorait pour sa part les “déclarations timides des pays garants et de la coalition internationale” qui les ont soutenus, désignant sans les nommer Washington et Moscou.

Dans un communiqué commun publié mercredi après une réunion tripartite du processus d’Astana sur la Syrie, réunissant la Russie, la Turquie et l’Iran, les parties “ont souligné leur ferme soutien à l’intégrité territoriale de la Syrie”.


Exercices militaires de la “division Suleiman Shah”, soutenue par la Turquie, dans la région d’Afrine, dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, le 22 novembre 2022


5 ways to improve your relationship with money Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Business

2 hrs ago – Updated

Keisha Bailey is an experienced investment strategist who teaches people how to earn passive income, create wealth, reclaim time and reach financial freedom by investing.

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What’s your current relationship status with money?

Do you have a good relationship with my money, or is the relationship non-existent?

Whatever your current relationship with your money is, I want you to know it is not too late to create a healthy relationship with money.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you have already built a relationship with money. The relationship is reflected in your spending habits, your career choices, and the ability to afford an item when you want it.

Having a healthy relationship with your money can positively impact your life in several ways. For example, when you have a good relationship with money, this helps you maintain good health, live a less stressful life, and gives you the means of investing in things that will support you in the long term.

If you are looking for ways to improve your relationship with money, look no further. Here are five tips:

Take an honest look at your current relationship – This first step requires some introspection. You can ask yourself the following questions: What are my thoughts about money? Are they positive or negative?Identify how you want your new relationship to be – After identifying your existing relationship with money, now is the time to change that mindset and leave the past behind. You can now ask yourself, what do you want your relationship with money to be? When you have identified the type of relationship you want, you can now focus on what this relationship will look like in your life.Establish an intention or goal for your relationship – Now that you have a new mindset about your relationship with money, you can create a goal by considering the outcome you want for this new relationship. For example, do you want to start/ increase your savings, start investing or pay off a debt? Start setting a foundation for this new relationship – One of the easiest ways to build a foundation is through education. Learning how money works, how to use money and understanding the financial structure can help improve your relationship with money.Give yourself grace – Remember that you’ve had this negative relationship with money for years. So if or when you fall back into old habits, try to forgive yourself, and keep working on getting it right.

I hope that with these steps, you are able to try and improve your relationship with money.

Keisha Bailey is an experienced investment strategist who teaches people how to earn passive income, create wealth, reclaim time and reach financial freedom by investing. She works with investors to create highly profitable portfolios so that they can build wealth faster. If you are looking to learn how to level up your money, she can be reached at keisha@profitjumpstarter.com.

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Jamaica I See: This south-coast beach is ‘Pullen’ locals together Loop Jamaica

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Kadeem Rodgers

45 minutes ago

Have you ever been to Pullen Beach? (Photo: Kadeem Rodgers)

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Aaah, I’m sure you can think of several ways to wind before catching the sunset.

Chances are a few locales – chill spots if you will – just popped up in your head as you imagine warm sand in your toes, looking out on the horizon through tinted glasses, and the crisp, onshore, island breeze.

This photo was taken circa December ’21, yet this image of the beach, the sunset, and the atmosphere is as sublime now as it was then.

Loop Lifestyle goes to Pullen Beach, St Thomas.

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US fugitive nabbed in Jamaica deported, to face child sex charges Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The 71-year-old American man who was arrested last week in St James after being on the run for 11 years has been deported to his homeland to face multiple child molestation charges.

He is Charles Manord Rainey, who was deported from Kingston last Friday to Paulding County, Georgia in the US.

Rainey is being housed in the Paulding County Jail without bond, a statement Monday from the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) confirmed.

In the statement posted to its Facebook page, the PCSO said a warrant was issued in December 2011, charging Rainey with aggravated child molestation, child molestation, and sexual battery.

Local reports were that on Tuesday, November 15, a raid was carried out in Norwood, St James by officials from the Lotto Scam Task Force, Fugitive Apprehension Team, Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigations Branch (C-TOC), and United States Marshals.

Rainey was apprehended and taken into custody “without incident”, PCSO stated.

“During an interview at Barnett Police Station in Montego Bay, Rainey acknowledged his identity and admitted that he had overstayed his visa. The visa he was issued in 2011 was valid for only six months,” PCSO added.

Meanwhile, the police in Paulding County are encouraging anyone who may have been victimised by Rainey to contact detectives at (770) 443-3010 or send a tip via the free Paulding Sheriff mobile app.


US fugitive nabbed in Jamaica deported, to face child sex charges Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The 71-year-old American man who was arrested last week in St James after being on the run for 11 years has been deported to his homeland to face multiple child molestation charges.

He is Charles Manord Rainey, who was deported from Kingston last Friday to Paulding County, Georgia in the US.

Rainey is being housed in the Paulding County Jail without bond, a statement Monday from the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) confirmed.

In the statement posted to its Facebook page, the PCSO said a warrant was issued in December 2011, charging Rainey with aggravated child molestation, child molestation, and sexual battery.

Local reports were that on Tuesday, November 15, a raid was carried out in Norwood, St James by officials from the Lotto Scam Task Force, Fugitive Apprehension Team, Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigations Branch (C-TOC), and United States Marshals.

Rainey was apprehended and taken into custody “without incident”, PCSO stated.

“During an interview at Barnett Police Station in Montego Bay, Rainey acknowledged his identity and admitted that he had overstayed his visa. The visa he was issued in 2011 was valid for only six months,” PCSO added.

Meanwhile, the police in Paulding County are encouraging anyone who may have been victimised by Rainey to contact detectives at (770) 443-3010 or send a tip via the free Paulding Sheriff mobile app.


Andrea Iervolino Tapped to Evaluate Entertainment Investment Opportunities in West Indies

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

November 23, 2022 – Entertainment industry mogul and multinational business entrepreneur Andrea Iervolino has been tasked with evaluating entertainment investment opportunities in the in the West Indies, with a focus on enriching Antigua and Barbuda with opportunities involving film and TV productions, strategic partnerships, and cooperations bridging the countries with Europe and North America where Iervolino runs several successful businesses.

In this undertaking, Iervolino will work closely with Dario Item, Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the Kingdom of Spain, the Principality of Monaco, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the UNWTO.

Said Iervolino, “Its an honor to be tasked with building valuable, long-lasting culture and business bridges between the West Indies, Europe and North America.

I see tremendous opportunity and envision entertainment and tech industries being key drivers in cross-border collaborations that can galvanize and provide mutual returns very quickly.

The West Indies, and in particular Antigua and Barbuda, have long been overlooked despite being well positioned for growth.

We will bring opportunities swiftly and the global markets will take notice.”

Dario Item commented, “Nobody is better equipped than Andrea to open the doors of Antigua and Barbuda to North American and European businesses in these key growth sectors.

Running successful companies throughout Europe and North America and recognized as a pioneering business leader, Andrea’s approach to fostering new relationships and building foundations is remarkable.

This is precisely what we need and why Andrea is the ideal man for this job.”

Iervolino founded and runs the publicly held studio Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment (“ILBE”) (Euronext Growth Milan – IE and Euronext Growth Paris – ALIE);

publicly traded Tatatu S.p.A. the first social media and entertainment app to reward users for the value they help generate by spending time on the platform (Euronext Growth Paris ticker code: ALTTU) which has a $6 billion valuation;

and the cutting edge SPACE 11 – a company specifically dedicated to servicing film and TV projects in outer space.

Iervolino and Lady Bacardi Entertainment S.p.A. (ILBE) is a global production company active in the production of film and television content as well as animated web series.

The Company also operates through the subsidiaries Arte Video, and Red Carpet, IES Serbia, Wepost (formerly Iexchange) and the associated company WTI.

ILBE was listed on Euronext Growth Milan in August 2019, and from January 2022 also on Euronext Growth Paris. In 2020 ILBE recorded revenues of € 121 million, EBIT of € 23 million and a net result of € 19 million.

ILBE is currently working on the highly anticipated movie “Ferrari” written, directed and produced by four-time Oscar® nominee Michael Mann and starring Academy Award® nominee Adam Driver, Academy Award® winner Penélope Cruz, Shailene Woodley, Patrick Dempsey and Jack O’Connell.

The company most recently closed a U.S. theatrical distribution deal with Samuel Goldwyn Films for its star-studded female powered “Tell it Like a Woman” featuring an esteemed group of female filmmakers and actors that includes Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer HudsonPauletta Washington ,Cara Delevingne, Catherine Hardwicke, Margherita Buy, Marcia Gay Harden, Eva Longoria, Leonor Varela, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anne Watanabe and Mipo O. ILBE made this film in collaboration with Chiara Tilesi’s non-profit We Do it Together.

On the family entertainment front, the global success of their animated family/adventure film and series “Arctic Dogs” and “Puffins,” has led to three new spinoff series produced by ILBE.

The innovative short series are designed specifically to meet the needs of new generations increasingly accustomed to the very short duration of clips due to the exponential growth of new video reel formats of social networks such as Tik Tok and Instagram.

The series, which will be available from the end of the second quarter of 2023, will contain 60 second episodes and will feature likeable characters from the spin-off series of the animated film “Arctic Dogs” and “Puffins” series.

Iervolino founded social media platform TaTaTu in 2020 with the aim of becoming one of the world’s must-use social media and entertainment platform.

The Company’s vision is that sharing value among the various players that are active in the social media environment, namely (i) the platform, (ii) the content producers and (iii) the viewers, constitutes a new and fair approach to business, which the Company expects will be recognized and appreciated by users.

Such an innovative approach is the cornerstone of the Company’s vision of a “sharing economy”.

TaTaTu’s direct listing took place in October 2022 through the admission to trading of 814,265,232 shares.

The reference share price was €2.00, equals to the subscription price of a private placement conducted prior to the listing.

Thus, the market capitalization of the Company was approximately €1.6bn on the day of the listing.


About Andrea Iervolino

Andrea Iervolino is an award-winning movie producer and businessman whose passion for cinema led him to producing films starting at the age of 15. Since then, the now 35 year old Iervolino, has produced and distributed over 75 films, making him one of the most active and accomplished film executives in the world and alongside his business partner Lady Monika Bacardi, Iervolino has co-founded several entertainment ventures.

Iervolino is currently one of the youngest and most highly regarded Italian entrepreneurs in the world of filmmaking.

At the 71st Venice Film Festival, alongside Al Pacino and Barry Levinson, Iervolino was recognized with the Best Producer Award.

In 2016, at the Capri Hollywood Film Festival, he was named Filmmaker of the Year for his work on James Franco’s ‘In Dubious Battle’.

Later in 2016, and again in 2018, he was awarded Best Producer and Businessman at the Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF).

On June 18th, 2018, Iervolino was awarded Knighthood of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana) by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the Italian Consulate of Canada for his outstanding achievement in the fields of business and media culture.

Through ILBE, Iervolino produced the feature adaptation of J.M. Coetzee’s prize-winning novel Waiting for the Barbarians, directed by Ciro Guerra, and starring Academy Award® winner Mark Rylance, multiple Academy Award® nominee Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson; Marcus Stokes’ State of Consciousness, starring Emile Hirsch: Eddie & Sunny with Gabriel Luna;

The Poison Rose starring John Travolta and Morgan Freeman; Dakota with Abbie Cornish, Lola Sultan, Patrick Muldoon and William Baldwin; Muti with Morgan Freeman, Cole Hauser, Peter Stormare, Vernon Davis and Giuseppe Zeno; Tell it Like a Woman with Jennifer Hudson, Cara Delevingne, Eva Longoria, Margherita Buy, Jacqueline Fernandez and Marcia Gay Harden.

He’s executive producer, through ILBE, of two movies: Lamborghini based on the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini, directed by Bobbie Moresco and with Frank Grillo, Gabriel Byrne and Mira Sorvino, and Minamata by Andrew Levitas, with Johnny Depp.

Among the films produced by Iervolino are the comedy “Safe Spaces” starring Justin Long, Fran Drescher and Richard Schiff; and the 3D, CGI animated family film “Arctic Dogs” starring Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin, Heidi Klum, John Cleese, James Franco and Anjelica Huston;

the father/son stock car racing film “Trading Paint,” starring Two-time Oscar® nominee John Travolta, Shania Twain, Toby Sebastian and Michael Madsen; the romantic drama “Here and Now” starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Renée Zellweger, Common and Simon Baker; the revenge thriller “Bent” from Academy Award® winner Bobby Moresco, starring Karl Urban, Sofia Vergara and Andy Garcia;

the heist movie “Finding Steve McQueen,” starring Travis Fimmel, Rachael Taylor, William Fichtner and Forest Whitaker, directed by Mark Steven Johnson;

the Andrea Bocelli biopic “The Music of Silence”, directed by Oscar® nominated Michael Radford and starring Antonio Banderas, Toby Sebastian and Jordi Molla;

the psychological thriller “Black Butterfly” starring Antonio Banderas and Jonathan Rhys Meyers; the faith based children’s film “Beyond the Sun,” featuring His Holiness Pope Francis.

Iervolino also creates high-quality short animated series for streaming platforms. He produced two spin off from the movie “Arctic Dogs: Arctic Friends” and “Puffins,” with cast voice by Johnny Depp. He launched an animation studios, Iervolino Studios, in Serbia last year.

Andrea Iervolino Accolades:

● ICFF 2022 President of Jury

●TAORMINA EXCELLENCE AWARD Best Producer for “Tell it Like a Woman” film project

● KNIGHT OF THE ORDER OF MERIT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC From the President of the Italian   Republic Sergio Mattarella

● 2 HONORARY DEGREES Vasili Goldis University Mexico City University

● LAZIALE DELL’ANNO AWARD – ONTARIO 2017 From the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

● MAGNA GRAECIA FILM FESTIVAL 2017 Producer of the year

● CAPRI HOLLYWOOD FILM FESTIVAL 2016 Best Filmmaker for In Dubious Battle

● MIMMO ROTELLA AWARD 2016 AMBI Group as Best Film Production

● IC-SAVING AWARD 2016 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer and Businessman

● ACTION ACADEMY AWARD 2016 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer and Businessman

● VARIETY’s 2015 Dealmaker Andrea Iervolino being named one of Variety’s 2015 Dealmakers

● ICFF Awards 2015 Andrea Iervolino is the new Ambassadaor of Italian Cinema in the world (a TIFF event)

● MADE IN ITALY AWARDS 2015 Best Italian businessman

● VENICE FILM FESTIVAL 2015: MIMMO ROTELLA AWARD (a Biennale event) Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer. 71^ Annual Venice Film Festival:

● POMPEI CINEMA FESTIVAL 2014 Andrea Iervolino as Best Producer

● ICFF Award 2013: Best Film Production Company

● ICFF Award 2014: Best Film Production Company

● Ichia Global Fest Award 2014: Best Film Production Company

● Capri Hollywood Award 2014: Best Film Production Company

