The Banana Revitalization Project comes to an end

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

A closing ceremony was held today for Banana Revitalization Project, which began here in June 2019

The project was implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taiwanese Technical Mission.

Taiwanese Ambassador to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, His Excellency Peter Sha Li Lan, was among officials who addressed the closing ceremony.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Nerissa Gittens thanked Taiwan for its continued support to the Ministry of Agriculture.


Prime Minister Gonsalves recognizes local Clear Harbor branch

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

 The Clear Harbor branch in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a company that delivers high performance customer services to its clients has been recognized by this country’s Prime Minister  The Hon. Dr. Ralph Gonsalves.

Dr. Gonsalves who made a courtesy call to the company on Friday, said Clear Harbor is the single largest employer in St. Vincent and the Grenadines outside of the Government and the Mustique Company.

Dr. Gonsalves said the Company is also looking to expand its business.


Public health seeks the public’s support for safer food this Christmas season

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The Public Health Department in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment is encouraging the public to work with the department to prevent, detect and manage food borne diseases and risks, so as to maintain and improve health during the Christmas season.

According to a release from the ministry the theme “Safer Food, Better Health” will be adopted and persons are asked to practice food habits that are in harmony with the theme.

The ministry says it is important to note that safe food is essential to health and wellbeing, as well as a guarantor for good health. It further stated that the benefits of safe food include improved nutrition and health, reduced absenteeism in schools and workplaces and ultimately an improvement in health and wellbeing.

Considering that there are multiple stakeholders who engage in food servicing at this time, the Public Health Department is asking that these five (5) key food safety measures be observed and practiced. These include:

The use of safe water and raw materials;
Cooking food thoroughly;
Keeping the surroundings and food contact surfaces clean;
Separating raw food from cook food; and
Keeping food at safe temperatures.

A further appeal is extended to food businesses, inclusive of butchering and slaughtering service providers, to comply with the Department’s food safety guidelines and engage employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to develop and practice a culture of food safety and hygiene.

In an effort to support this food safety and hygienic initiative, the Public Health Department will be deploying inspectors throughout the state to provide meat and other food inspection services. As a result, we are kindly requesting your usual support and corporation as we continue to work together towards Safer Food and Better Health.


NIS director outlines the public service pension system works

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

Director of the National Insurance Services NIS Stewart Haynes, has explained the difference in administration for the Public Service Pension System and that which governs the NIS.

Mr. Haynes was speaking at a media consultation on Tuesday where he made a Presentation on the Public Service and the NIS.

He said the government heads the administration for the Public Service Pension System while the NIS is governed by a tripartite system.

Mr. Stewart also explained how persons would receive their retirement benefits through the various systems.


Shenseea Pays Full Tuition For Fan Going Law School

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

A University of the West Indies Faculty of Law student has received the coveted Shen Yeng scholarship sponsored by rising hip-hop artist Shenseea.

In a post on Wednesday, Monifa Peterson shared that the scholarship comes at a point where she is trying to finish her law degree, having started six years ago. On Instagram, the vivacious 25-year-old spoke about struggling with tuition fees and being surprised after she was chosen for the award, which was announced this year by Shenseea.

“While I’m here fighting the fight of a lifetime to finish a Degree I started in 2016, I would just like to take the time out to express my gratitude to the one and Only @shenseea for giving me the Push of a Lifetime. I went from being Talked down on for having to use Student loans to finance my Education to Getting FULL TUITION FUNDING from @shenseea,” the young woman wrote.

She continued that she has been an avid supporter of Shenseea, who herself comes from humble beginnings and often shares her stories about how she rose from poverty to now living her dream.

“Quite like Shen at a point, I myself had my dreams feel like they were being crushed by circumstances beyond my control. I trusted God and worked until I was able to pay off what I owed my university. But that was only a PART of the mountain,” she said.

Monifa Peterson

“Then, after passing the hurdle of the balance right before another wave of stress @shenseea gave me the support I always wished I had but fought without,” she said.

Peterson says she hopes to use the support received from the ‘Alpha’ artist to help herself and also pay it forward when the time comes.

In the meantime, Romeich Entertainment CEO Romeich Major, who organized the scholarship on behalf of Shenseea, also complimented the artist for keeping her promise to support a student.

“When good do we affi show it just like she promise she will be helping to pay some one tuition and she did @shenseea big big move this!!! Life changer for a hard working lady @moni_divine all best hun big up team #shenyeng nuff good come out a we Jamaican artist them a nuff a them a do greatness a just media run with bad more than Good!!!” Major wrote on Instagram.

Shenseea hasn’t publicly reacted to the announcement as yet. The artist who was featured on Billboard’s Honda Stage this year has always been candid about her past struggles and how she appreciates education.

‘Suriname enige land in Amerika’s zonder wetgeving inheemse rechten

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

PARAMARIBO — “Suriname is het enige land in de Amerika’s dat geen wetgeving heeft om onze rechten als Inheemse volken

Arnaud, à cheval de la Martinique au Qatar

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Arrivé au Qatar le 15 septembre dernier, Arnaud de Lépine, un jockey de 19 ans formé à l’Hippocampe de Carrère au Lamentin, connaît ses premiers succès dans une compétition nationale, dans le cadre de la saison de course hippique.

Il vit son aventure au Qatar pleinement. « Arriver ici, c’est déjà une victoire pour moi. Jamais je n’aurais imaginé me trouver là lorsque j’ai quitté la Martinique à 15 ans “, reconnaît Arnaud, joint au téléphone, entre son programme d’entraînements chargé, ses compétitions hippiques tous les mercredis, jeudis et samedis et le décalage horaire.

Le 12 octobre dernier, à l’hippodrome de Al Rayyan, le jockey de 19 ans a remporté une course hippique dans une compétition nationale pour la première fois de sa jeune carrière. ” C’est sûrement la première fois aussi qu’un Antillais vient gagner dans ce pays “, s’amuse-t-il, en toute modestie.

Ce jour-là, à l’occasion de l’ouverture de la saison de course hippiqueau Qatar, Arnaud, paré du numéro 9 (Shawesh), a terminé en tête de la 5ème course du meeting de la Al Ghariya Cup.

” C’était la première journée, je ne pouvais pas rêver mieux “, affirme, radieux, celui qui a été formé à l’Hippocampe de Carrère au Lamentin et a commencé à monter des chevaux de courses avec son meilleur ami, Yohann Babot, un autre jeune jockey martiniquais -parti récemment tenter sa chance en Australie-. Depuis, le jeune sportif a remporté trois nouvelles courses en novembre.

” Efforts et sacrifices “

” Arnaud a commencé par un baptême de poney et cette passion ne l’a jamais quitté “, décrit Hélène, sa maman. Depuis Ducos où il habitait, Arnaud enfourche, dès son plus jeune âge, son vélo pour se rendre à l’hippodrome du Lamentin, les samedis matins, de très bonne heure.

Il débute l’équitation à 8 ans. Avant l’école, l’élève aux ” très bons résultats scolaires ” selon ses proches obtient de sa maman de pouvoir se rendre aux écuries. À une condition : arriver à l’heure en cours. Un ” contrat de confiance ” parfaitement rempli. 

Arnaud goûte aux premières exigences de la compétition à 12-13 ans. Il se forme avec Luana Lalung-Depelin, la seule femme jockey de Martinique. Une rencontre décisive dans la vie du jeune homme. C’est sa ” marraine ” comme il l’appelle. Celle ” sans qui il ne serait pas là aujourd’hui “.  

Pendant 3 ans, il monte à ses côtés, les samedis matins, lors des vacances scolaires et dès qu’il en a la possibilité. La passion, déjà tenace, ne le quitte plus.

Aussi, à 15 ans, lorsqu’il annonce vouloir se former dans l’Hexagone, ses proches ne l’en dissuadent pas. L’adolescent est, de toute façon, déterminé et bien encadré. Face aux interrogations légitimes de son entourage, y compris sur les dangers du métier, il assure ” que la vie est un risque et qu’il faut le prendre “. ” Le meilleur moyen d’échouer est de ne pas essayer “, soutient-il malgré son jeune âge. Il promet de réintégrer un cursus classique en cas d’échec.

Direction donc l’école des courses hippiques AFASEC de Chantilly (Oise), à 15 ans. Trois années à l’issue desquelles il obtient son diplôme du baccalauréat en 2021. Il rejoint alors une écurie dirigée par Thierry Lemer, dans le sud-ouest de la France à La Teste-de-Buch (Gironde). 

” Représenter la Martinique à l’autre bout du monde “

Une année difficile pour le jeune sportif. ” J’ai eu un accident avec une douleur à l’épaule dont j’ai eu du mal à me remettre et, quand je commençais à aller mieux, j’ai eu l’appendicite “. 

Mais, malgré les difficultés, une opportunité se présente en juin, Arnaud est approché par Amad Al-Jehani, un entraîneur de chevaux au Qatar. Il décide alors de tenter sa chance et quitte la France en septembre.

Un mois plus tard, il connaît ce premier succès qu’il attendait depuis longtemps. ” Je me désespérais de gagner une course mais je me dis que tous mes efforts, depuis des années, n’ont pas été vains et qu’on ne fait pas ça pour rien. Maintenant, la saison est très longue et j’espère qu’il y aura encore beaucoup de belles choses “.

Depuis la Martinique en tout cas, Arnaud a déjà reçu de nombreux messages de félicitations. ” J’ai été impressionné et surpris. Beaucoup de gens m’ont mis en avant sur les réseaux sociaux. C’est magnifique de pouvoir représenter la Martinique à l’autre bout du monde “.

La tête bien sur les épaules, il sait toutefois que la réussite reste fragile. ” Il faut beaucoup d’acharnement, rester concentré, continuer à faire des efforts sur l’alimentation “. 

Mais, jusqu’ici, il ne regrette nullement le choix du Qatar, où il a retrouvé un climat qui lui convient mieux. ” J’ai toujours eu beaucoup de mal avec le froid “.

Sur son temps libre, il se détend en pêchant à la ligne, une autre de ses passions. 

Des proches venus l’encourager à l’hippodrome de Carrère qui fêtent une victoire en Martinique.
• Rodolphe Lamy

Première victoire au Qatar, le 12 octobre dernier.
• DR

Arnaud de Lépine après sa première victoire au Qatar.
• DR

En novembre, Arnaud a déjà remporté trois courses.
• DR

En novembre, Arnaud a déjà remporté trois courses.
• DR

Arnaud de Lépine sur un cheval de course en novembre.
• FR

CDC monitoring flooding across the country as heavy rainfall continues

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Floodwaters in the compound of the St Sidwell’s Church in Georgetown on November 22, 2022

See full statement from the Civil Defence Commission (CDC):

The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) has received several reports of flood impacts along the coastland of Guyana. Thus far, confirmed inundation has occurred in Regions 2, 3 and 4.

The Charity Squatting Area in Region 2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam) has declared that flood waters have risen to at least one inch due to heavy rainfall. However, the trenches and drains have since been cleared and there is continuous monitoring of all operational sluices and pumps by the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC).

In Region 3 (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), Crane Phase 1 and 2 have seen flood impacts. Residents reported that water levels have risen to at least 4 inches in some parts.

Canal Numbers 1 and 2 have also been affected with at least 2 inches of water on farmlands and 1 inch of water on low house lots. The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) is working feverishly to clear all drains and waterways so as to facilitate water run-off.

Several areas in Region 4 (Demerara-Mahaica) have been impacted over the last few days but reports indicate that flood waters are receding consistently. Communities in Georgetown, the Eastern Bank of the Demerara River and the Eastern Coast of Demerara have been inundated but the close monitoring of the pumps and kokers has alleviated the situation somewhat.

The National Task Force on Flood Monitoring is engaging all relevant stakeholders and, through the CDC, the Task Force is prepared to mobilize assistance to any part of the nation.

Persons are encouraged to remain vigilant and cautious during this period and to report any impacts to local authorities or the National Emergency Monitoring System (NEMS) on 600-7500 or 226-1114 at any time.

Letter: Archaic law still being used by NIS; time to change it

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
The National Insurance Scheme

Dear Editor,

Recently, I was watching the news on local television, and the President was addressing veterans on Remembrance Day celebrations when, given the opportunity, a veteran by the name of Colonel Gomes asked the President why pensioners who had no sickness or illness when they were working cannot claim NIS medical care benefits now that they are sick?Editor as you are aware, the NIS has a policy or law that if you do not have a particular sickness while you were working, you cannot claim NIS benefits for that same sickness now that you are a pensioner. What hogwash in this age and time! How can such archaic law still be in the NIS statutes?

The NIS should be thankful that a person had no sickness or illness during their working life, which would have put more financial strain on the Scheme; yet now, when that person is old and would have all kinds of complications, the NIS is saying that person is not entitled to anything? Give me a break, NIS! I know many poor people who are in this predicament, and I am calling on this caring Government to change this law, so that NIS pensioners can get some help from the NIS to offset their medical expenses in their hour of need.

Yours faithfully,Imtiaz Baccus

Administration of Small Estates Amendment Bill to bring tremendous benefits to people with small estates

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said the Administration of Small Estates Amendment Bill will bring tremendous benefits to people with Small Estates in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Prime Minister was tabling the bill in Parliament on Monday.

He outlined some of the changes made in this new provision.

Prime Minister Gonsalves said the law also consists a transitional provision.
