Visite du Président de la Fédération Française de Triathlon au CREPS

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles


Déborah Bernier 

le centre régional d’entrainement avec M. GOSSE et M. DINANE • DÉBORAH BERNIER

Depuis bientôt deux ans à la tête de la Fédération, Cédric GOSSE président de la FFTRI a souhaité connaitre tous les territoires où se pratique la discipline. C’est dans ce cadre la qu’il s’est rendu en Guadeloupe quelques jours.

Ils ont profité de leur première journée pour visiter le CREPS et le centre régional d’entrainement en présence des sportifs et des parents. Ainsi, après avoir été accueilli par Madame Chantal CUSSET-GAYDU directrice du CREPS en compagnie du représentant de la DRAJES Monsieur Philippe LE JEANNIC, de la directrice de l’UNSS madame Ketty LABAU TOTO-BOC, le président a pu s’entretenir avec les jeunes du pôle.

 ” Il est important de montrer à la Fédération tout le travail que nous effectuons depuis des années et voir ensemble les projets communs que nous pourrions mettre ensemble “, précise Félix DINANE Président de la ligue de Guadeloupe. Il est heureux de faire découvrir l’ensemble des 14 clubs qui composent sa ligue au président.

Le programme risque d’être chargé mais intéressant. ” J’apprécie vraiment de venir sur le terrain, cela permet de voir les particularités et spécificités des régions. Il est intéressant de connaitre l’ensemble des personnes qui gèrent l’activité aussi bien pour le développement comme pour l’accès au haut niveau ” énonce le président.

Il a d’ailleurs remercié chacun des acteurs du triathlon en Guadeloupe sans qui la Fédération ne pourrait vivre. Il a rappelé la nécessité d’être sur le terrain.

Il a également évoqué la possibilité de faire venir les équipes de France en stage pour travailler en milieu chaud et humide pour les années à venir.

La ligue de triathlon profite de sa venue pour lui faire découvrir l’événement majeur du week-end qui est le Gwadloup Tri à Port Louis.

conférence avec les parents et les dirigeants de clubs
• Déborah Bernier

Soupçons de corruption en Libye et au Kazakhstan: Airbus prêt à payer une amende pour éviter des poursuites

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Un juge du tribunal judiciaire de Paris se prononcera mercredi sur un accord entre Airbus et le Parquet national financier (PNF) par lequel l’avionneur accepte une amende pour éviter des poursuites pénales dans des dossiers…

Un juge du tribunal judiciaire de Paris se prononcera mercredi sur un accord entre Airbus et le Parquet national financier (PNF) par lequel l’avionneur accepte une amende pour éviter des poursuites pénales dans des dossiers de corruption en Libye et au Kazakhstan.

Sollicité par l’AFP, un porte-parole du groupe a indiqué qu’”Airbus confirme avoir signé une Convention judiciaire d’intérêt public (Cjip) avec le PNF concernant des enquêtes judiciaires liées notamment à la Libye et au Kazakhstan.”

Il n’était pas possible de connaître dans l’immédiat le montant de l’amende qu’Airbus est prêt à payer dans le cadre de ces deux enquêtes connues sous les noms de “financement libyen” et de “Kazakhgate”, ni de savoir si l’avionneur serait soumis à un programme de conformité sous contrôle de l’Agence française anticorruption (AFA).

Le porte-parole d’Airbus a précisé que cette convention était “une extension limitée des faits concernés par la Cjip signée en 2020. Ceux-ci n’avaient alors pas pu être traités simultanément pour des raisons de procédure”.

Le 31 janvier 2020, Airbus avait accepté de verser 3,6 milliards d’euros d’amende, dont 2,1 milliards d’euros à la France, pour éviter des poursuites devant les justices française, britannique et américaine, dans une enquête sur des “irrégularités” portant notamment sur les agents commerciaux intervenant dans les contrats de vente d’avions ou de matériels militaires.

“Montages complexes”

Selon le porte-parole d’Airbus, “la Cjip envisagée n’aura pas d’impact” sur cet accord avec les trois pays.

Une source proche du dossier a indiqué à l’AFP que le montant de cette Cjip serait “sans commune mesure” avec celui de 2020 et concernait les mêmes équipes d’agents commerciaux, mais sur des faits différents. L’amende de 2020 “couvrait largement ces faits-là”, selon cette source.

L’information judiciaire sur le financement libyen présumé de la campagne présidentielle 2007 de Nicolas Sarkozy, ouverte en 2013, s’est intéressée à la vente fin 2006 de douze avions de ligne Airbus au régime de Mouammar Kadhafi.

Trois semaines après la conclusion de ce contrat, 2 millions d’euros auraient été virés, à la demande d’un ex-cadre d’Airbus mis en examen mi-mars, sur un compte de l’intermédiaire Alexandre Djouhri, lui aussi mis en examen dans ce dossier.

Cela aurait été fait, selon des éléments de l’enquête dont l’AFP a eu connaissance, via “des montages financiers complexes passant par des agents officiels d’Airbus en Thaïlande”.

Apparu au cœur de versements suspects entre la Libye de Mouammar Kadhafi et des proches de l’ancien président français Nicolas Sarkozy, Alexandre Djouhri est mis en examen notamment pour “corruption active” et “complicité et recel de détournements de fonds publics”.

Des juges enquêtent depuis 2013 sur le fond des accusations de financement libyen de la campagne victorieuse de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007.

L’ancien président, mis en examen, a toujours contesté tout financement de ce type.

Contrats kazakhs

L’enquête dite du “Kazakhgate”, ouverte en mars 2013, se penche elle sur des soupçons de corruption et de commissions illégales versées à des intermédiaires en marge de contrats conclus entre la France et le Kazakhstan entre 2009 et 2010, sous la présidence de Nicolas Sarkozy.

Ces contrats portaient sur la fourniture de 45 hélicoptères EC 145 fabriqués par Eurocopter, filiale d’EADS devenue depuis Airbus Helicopters, un centre de satellites d’Astrium (ex-EADS, devenu Airbus group), deux satellites et 295 locomotives Alstom, pour un montant annoncé à l’époque de 2 milliards d’euros.

Airbus a été placé en juin 2018 sous le statut de témoin assisté dans le cadre de cette procédure. 

Lors d’une perquisition en février 2016 au siège d’Airbus en banlieue parisienne, les enquêteurs avaient trouvé la trace d’un versement suspect de 8,8 millions d’euros dans le cadre de la vente des deux satellites.

Cette somme aurait été versée sur un compte détenu à Singapour par une société offshore immatriculée à Hong Kong, Caspian Corp, liée à un partenaire d’affaires d’Airbus, les enquêteurs se demandant s’il en était le bénéficiaire.

L’ex-partenaire d’affaires d’Airbus, un intermédiaire tunisien du nom Lyès Ben Chedli, et un ex-cadre d’Airbus au rôle stratégique dans les contrats d’Airbus, Olivier Brun, ont été mis en examen en juillet 2021 dans ce dossier.

Lors de l’audience mercredi, selon la source proche du dossier, plusieurs questions prioritaires de constitutionnalité (QPC) provenant de parties civiles dans ces dossiers pourraient être déposées.


Un Airbus A330-200 d’Air China peu avant son atterrissage à London Heathrow le 5 février 2021
• Adrian DENNIS

Un Airbus A320 d’Air France et sa pilote Caroline Bertin, à Roissy-Charles de Gaulle le 8 juillet 2019

Appel à témoin: disparition inquiétante

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

rédaction web guadeloupe

homme disparu • WEB

Un homme âgé de 66 ans est porté disparu sur Morne-à-l’eau depuis ce Lundi 21 Novembre lorsqu’il a quitté son domicile aux alentours de 3 heures du Matin.

Depuis Lundi soir, un homme âgé de 66 ans n’a plus donné signe de vie vers 3h du matin après avoir quitté son domicile à pied. Résidant à Morne-à-l’eau, il est susceptible d’y être aperçu.

De type antillais, Il n’a pas de téléphone portable, on ne connait pas sa taille, il est plutôt mince et a les cheveux courts. il est généralement habillé en tee-shirt/basket.

Si vous avez des informations permettant d’aider les enquêteurs, contactez le numéro de téléphone 0590 22 40 95 ou le 17.

Local retailers promise doorbusters, early bird deals for Black Friday Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

From the so-called doorbuster to early bird specials and discounts of up to 75 per cent off some items, Jamaicans will have the opportunity this Black Friday weekend to cash in on some major deals while leaving money in their pockets.

The range of products that have been heavily discounted includes the usual offerings of clothing and appliances. However, one microfinance lender is offering gift vouchers of a significant dollar amount this time around.

Loop News spoke with several businesses including Dunn’s Electrical, Ammar’s Department Store, Fontana Pharmacy and Courts Ready Cash about their Black Friday specials and shares what’s on offer below:

Fontana Pharmacy CEO Anne Chang:

Managing Director at Fontana Pharmacy, Anne Chang shared that the pharmacy chain has been stocked for Christmas since the end of October, a deliberate step taken by management to avoid delays caused by supply chain issues. “We also wanted to beat the delays at Kingston’s port.

For Black Friday, Chang said “Fontana will be offering 25 per cent off bed and bath and curtains as well as comforters and related items. The same 25 per cent off will apply to kitchen items and toys, “including our brand new Uno Jamaica game,” said the managing director. She said d?cor items such as vases, frames and cushions will also attract 25 per cent off.

At the same time, Fontana is offering 20 per cent off Christmas d?cor, including trees, ornaments and wreaths.

“We will also have some select items on sale in-store and online on Friday,” Chang shared while noting that deals will also be offered on Monday, November 28, but online only.

“We are already extremely busy so it will only be crazier. It’s only one day so I expect a lot of traffic,” Chang said as she looks forward to Friday.

Dunn’s Electrical – Shaddae Dunn:

For persons wanting to cash in on what’s on offer at Dunn’s Electrical located at Red Hills Road in St Andrew, the “door buster special” is worth considering. It runs from 6 am to 8 am on Friday when an extra five per cent discount is offered.

“We’re having our Black Friday sale this Friday through to Sunday with everything being up to 50 per cent off,” Shaddae Dunn of Dunn’s Electrical said.

Dunn explained that “even though we’re best known for electrical items, we’re positioning ourselves to be also known for home d?cor, furniture and home accessories, plumbing and everything like that”.

She shared that there will also be 50 per cent off home d?cor and lighting fixtures, 20 per cent off fans, 10 per cent off bulbs “and a lot more”.

Ammar’s Department Store, Managing Director Michael Ammar Jr:

“We’re looking forward to a huge Black Friday because I think it’s now part of the Jamaican shopping culture and I think people have been looking and holding off, waiting for the event,” said the Managing Director of Ammar’s chain of stores, Michael Ammar Jr when contacted by Loop News.

“As usual, we’re getting into it big time. First of all, we have a storewide sale, every single item is on sale,” he stressed.

Ammar Jr explained that Black Friday sale is a little different from other sales as “this is a store full of brand new merchandise that has come in for Christmas”. He noted that the usual end-of-season sale is what’s left over but for Black Friday “this is all brand spanking new merchandise going on sale; every item, in every department, in all the stores”.

Ammar’s is offering a base markdown of 15 per cent, up to a high of 75 per cent for some items. There will be big markdowns on houseware items with bedding coming in at 25 per cent off, and curtains and rugs at 20 per cent off.

For customers who shop during the early bird special on Friday and Saturday between 8 am and 10 am, there is an extra 10 per cent of.

“So if you were to buy something at 25 per cent off during the early bird, you get 25 off plus 10 per cent. Those are huge savings,” said Ammar Jr.

He told Loop News that after the setbacks of the COVID years “thank God this (2022) has been a really good year, we’re back to normal”.

Having not laid off any of his staff during the pandemic, Ammar Jr said his full team is in place and will be going all out to ensure shoppers have a memorable Christmas as well.

Courts Ready Cash, brand manager, Suzanne Campbell:

There will be Black Friday with a twist for persons doing business with Courts Ready Cash, the microfinance arm of furniture and appliance store, Courts Jamaica Limited.

Brand Manager for Courts Ready Cash, Suzanne Campbell, told Loop News that the first three persons at each of its 47 locations to take out a loan of at least $80,000 will be presented with a $10,000 Courts gift voucher.

“We think it’s a significant and quite attractive offer and we thought we would do it as we celebrate our tenth year in Jamaica as a brand,” Campbell stated.

For its anniversary celebrations, Courts Ready Cash is also giving Jamaicans the opportunity to win cash prizes at the locations where it conducts its ongoing road shows. Patrons have the chance to win up to $20,000 if they take out a loan and also have the opportunity to grab cash in the cash machine.

Additionally, Courts Ready Cash is running a prize promotion where 10 individuals will each win $500,000 by the start of the New Year.

“We’re excited about that so we are encouraging persons to, if they need to fix up their home or purchase anything that they want, to consider Courts Ready Cash,” Campbell said.

Ali announces major salary adjustments for Joint Services

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
President Dr Irfaan Ali

President Dr Irfaan Ali today announced major salary adjustments for members of the Joint Services, which will take effect January 1, 2023.

He assured that these adjustments are in addition to 8% salary increase already announced for public servants.

He also assured that in time, other categories of workers will benefit from similar adjustments.

For the Guyana Police Force, Constables will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $94,907 to $102,488.

Constables with 5 to 10 years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $110,000 while those with more than 10 years of experience will receive no less than $115,000.

Lance Corporals will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $108,719 to $115,000. Lance Corporals with 5 to 10 years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $120,000 while those with more than 10 years will now receive a salary of no less than $125,000.

Corporals will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $111,327 to $125,000. Corporals with 5 to 10 years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $130,000 while those with more than 10 years of experience will receive a salary of no less than $135,000.

Sergeants will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upward from $128,056 to $140,000. Sergeants with 5 to 10 years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $145,000 while those with more than 10 years of experience will receive a salary of no less than $150,000.

Inspectors will see adjustments from $163,712 to $170,000. Inspectors with 5 and more years of experience will now receive a salary of no less $175,000.

The salary will go from $178,630 to $185,000 for Chief Inspectors.

Cadet Officers will now have their current minimum salary adjusted from $171,224 to $185,000. Those with 5 and more years of experience will have a salary of no less than $185,000.

Assistant Superintendents will now have a salary of $200,000, upward from $188,979.

Deputy Superintendents will now get $230,000, from $188,978.

Superintendents will see adjustments from $200,299 to $240,000 while Senior Superintendents will now get $320,000 from $296,269.

Assistant Commissioners will now have their current minimum salary adjusted from $418,518 to $425,000.

Rural Constables will have their salary adjusted from $75,203 to $85,000 while neighborhood police will see it going from $84,387 to $95,000.

For firemen and women with 5 to 10 years of experience, their salary will go from $102,488 to $110,000. Those with more than 10 years will now receive a salary of no less than $115,000.

Emergency Medical Technicians will now have their current minimum salary adjusted from $88,143 to $95,000. Those with 5 to 10 years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $105,000 while those with more will get no less than $110,000.

Leading fire officers will now have their current minimum salary adjusted from $122,241 to $130,000. Those with 5 or more years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $130,000.

Section leaders will have their current minimum salary adjusted from $154,172 to $174,172.

Sub-Officers will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $154,181 to $174,181. This represents an additional 13 percent increase on the current minimum salary paid to a Sub-Officer. Additionally, Sub-Officers with five and more years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $174,181.

Station Officer will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $251,639 to $260,000. Additionally, Station Officers with five and more years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $260,000.

Divisional Officer will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $337,364 to $345,000.

For the Guyana Defence Force, recruits will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $94,485 to $100,000. This represents an additional 5.8 percent increase on the current minimum salary paid to a Recruit. Additionally, Recruits with five and more years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $100,000.

Privates will now have their current minimum salary adjusted upwards from $94,771 to $102,488. This represents an additional 8.1 percent increase on the current minimum salary paid to a Private. Additionally, Privates with five to ten years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $110,000, and those with more than ten years of experience will now receive a salary of no less than $115,000.

“These revisions to the salaries of the members of the Disciplined Services will benefit an estimated 8000 persons, and will increase the disposable incomes of our men and women in uniform by over $1 billion annually,” President Ali said.

“These salary adjustments come with great costs to the Treasury. We expect you to honour these adjustments with dignity; with hard work; with accountability; with transparency. And we expect you to perform at all times at the highest level. We expect you to deliver a better service to the people of our country.”

Pierre Leverages Public Borrowing To Advance ‘People First’ Agenda – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Public borrowing has been and will continue to be a common practice and ordinary function of any government.

Public borrowing must be guided by a thorough process of evidenced based policy planning and transparent stakeholder consultation to minimize wastage and ensure the relevant intervention programmes and projects meet its objectives.

Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre employs prudent fiscal management practices in addition to multi-stakeholder consultations to ensure the ordinary Saint Lucian remains the primary beneficiary of any public borrowing during his tenure as Head of the Government of Saint Lucia.

In the 16 months since the Pierre Administration assumed Office, the Legislative arm of the government has sought the permission of the Lower House of Parliament to authorize public borrowing on three separate occasions.

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It is important to note that in the first two instances, the Lower House met to repurpose and reactivate some of the funding negotiated by the previous Administration, to instead, support social safety net and other socio-economic development programmes.

The Prime Minister has been made aware of a gravely erroneous rumour that infers his Administration borrowed in XCD 277.1 million in October of 2022.

There are absolutely no records from the Parliament office including the Hansard from any Lower House debate in the last 16 months, nor are there any records in the offices of the Ministry of Finance or the Office of the Prime Minister that can remotely substantiate or legitimize this irresponsible fabrication.

To support part of his 2022/23 Budget, Prime Minister Pierre, for the first time on November 22, 2022 sought the permission of the Lower House of Parliament to borrow approximately XCD 14.06 million from the Caribbean Development Bank’s Special Funds Resources to finance social safety nets for vulnerable households affected by COVID-19 and XCD 9.99 million from the Bank’s Special Development Fund 10th Cycle Loan Facility to invest in the island’s MSME sector.

The approximate total of all public borrowing between July 26, 2021 and November 22, 2022 does not amount to XCD 505 million. The Prime Minister encourages the general public to seek out information on government affairs from official government publications and from trusted media sources.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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Youlou Arts Foundation prepares to host program this weekend

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The Youlou Arts Foundation is preparing to host a program this weekend which will introduce many Vincentians to the work of a number of local Visual artists.

Founder of the Youlou Arts Foundation, Camille Saunders-Musser said the program which will be hosted on November 26th at the Youlou Arts Centre located at Indian Bay, will be the first in a series of programs for the Christmas season.

She said the program will be continued throughout the country next year as they aim to promote the work of budding visual artists across the country.


NBC’s Special Report – Wednesday November 23rd 2022

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The Sustainable Grenadines Incorporated (SUSGREN) said it is continuing its conservation efforts with a major project in collaboration with the Union Island Secondary School.

SUSGREN’s Technical Officer, Audwin Andrews said they have established a Backyard Farming project with the students at the Union Island Secondary School and thus far it has been progressing very well.

Rawdica Stephen has more with today’s Special Report.


Distribution of Urea Fertilizer commences

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The Ministry of Agriculture hosted a ceremony to signal the start of the distribution of the Urea Fertilizer which arrived here from Venezuela recently.

The Distribution Ceremony was held at the La Croix Palletization Centre, with addresses from several officials, including Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar.

The Minister thanked Venezuela for the fertilizer and indicated that they will be stored at various locations throughout the country.

Meanwhile … Venezuela’s Ambassador to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Francisco Perez said his country is committed to providing assistance to Farmers in SVG.

The forty-thousand sacks of urea fertilizer arrived here earlier this month, as a gift from the Government and People of Venezuela.


Chief Risk Officer at NIS provides an overview of the company

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The National Insurance Services NIS was established to provide social protection to the citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

That is according to Chief Risk Officer at the NIS Valina Browne Henry while providing an overview of the company at a media consultation hosted by the NIS yesterday.

Mrs. Browne Henry also spoke of the company’s income and expenditure within the context of sustainability.
