Un an après l’assassinat du président haïtien, l’enquête dans une impasse

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Le 7 juillet 2021 à l’aube, Haïti apprenait avec stupeur que son président Jovenel Moïse venait d’être assassiné dans sa chambre par un commando armé. Un an après, les enquêtes piétinent, commanditaires et mobile restent inconnus et le climat politique est délétère.

Ce jour-là, les assaillants semblent être entrés avec facilité dans la résidence du président. Quelques heures plus tard, la police haïtienne avait fait montre d’une rapidité exceptionnelle en arrêtant une vingtaine d’individus dont 18 anciens militaires colombiens.

Ce fait d’armes n’a, pour l’heure, été suivi que de très lentes procédures judiciaires en Haïti et aux Etats-Unis. La présidence est depuis vacante, et aucune date n’est en vue pour un scrutin qui permettrait de nommer un successeur.

A Port-au-Prince, pas moins de cinq juges d’instruction successifs ont déjà été chargés du dossier et aucun n’a encore formellement inculpé la quarantaine de personnes emprisonnées, dont les citoyens colombiens présumés membres du commando.

Jovenel Moise a été assassiné aux premières heures du 7 juillet 2021, lorsqu’un commando est entré dans la maison privée du président et lui a tiré dessus 12 fois, le tuant.- Richard PIERRIN AFP

Face au “manque de progrès tangibles”, le bureau des Nations unies en Haïti a appelé jeudi à ce que “les moyens nécessaires” soient déployés afin que les responsables de l’assassinat “soient, dans les délais les plus brefs, traduits devant la justice”.

Tristement réputée pour sa lenteur, la justice haïtienne est plus que jamais à la dérive dans la capitale: depuis un mois, les locaux du parquet de Port-au-Prince sont occupés par l’un des nombreux gangs qui contrôlent des pans entiers du territoire et multiplient les enlèvements crapuleux dans l’un des pays les plus pauvres du continent américain.

Premier ministre cité

La possible implication du Premier ministre est venue encore enrayer l’enquête.

Nommé seulement deux jours avant l’assassinat du président, Ariel Henry est suspecté d’avoir eu des conversations téléphoniques avec l’un des principaux suspects quelques heures après l’attentat.

Invité par le procureur à s’expliquer, le chef du gouvernement ne s’est pas présenté, qualifiant la démarche de “diversion”. Il a ensuite limogé le magistrat et nommé un nouveau ministre de la Justice.

Cette zone d’ombre a poussé la veuve du président, Martine Moïse, grièvement blessée lors de l’attaque, à sèchement repousser l’invitation aux hommages officiels à son défunt mari, organisés par un “chef du gouvernement (qui) fait l’objet de présomptions graves d’assassinat sur le président de la République”.

Des personnes en deuil assistent aux funérailles du président haïtien assassiné Jovenel Moïse le 23 juillet 2021 à Cap-Haïtien, Haïti- VALERIE BAERISWYL/AFP

Jeudi matin, c’est une brève cérémonie qui s’est tenue au coeur du jardin du musée du Panthéon national, dans la capitale.

“Malgré sa faiblesse, la justice doit continuer à faire le maximum pour traquer les coupables, les traduire devant leurs juges et leur infliger des peines exemplaires et dissuasives”, a affirmé Ariel Henry devant un parterre de responsables et de diplomates étrangers.

“La mort du président doit être le dernier acte d’une période d’ignominie et d’intolérance”, a-t-il ajouté.

Ce meurtre n’a fait qu’aggraver la déjà profonde crise politique haïtienne.

Le Parlement n’est pas fonctionnel depuis deux ans, Jovenel Moïse n’ayant organisé aucune élection depuis son arrivée au pouvoir en 2017. Et, privé de chef d’Etat, le pays s’est retrouvé avec un pouvoir judiciaire tout aussi défaillant, faute de juges nommés à la Cour de cassation.

Preuves classifiées aux Etats-Unis

Faute de confiance dans les institutions de Port-au-Prince, nombre d’Haïtiens tournent leur regard vers la justice américaine, qui a déjà inculpé trois suspects à Miami.

Un agent de la police judiciaire haïtienne devant la résidence du président quelques heures après son assassinat à Port-au-Prince, le 7 juillet 2022- AFP

La police judiciaire haïtienne a elle-même établi, dans son rapport d’enquête, que le complot contre le président avait été fomenté en Floride et les mercenaires colombiens recrutés par une société de sécurité basée à Miami.

En janvier, deux premiers suspects ont été inculpés en Floride: Mario Palacios, un ressortissant colombien suspecté d’être l’un des cinq hommes armés qui sont entrés dans la chambre où a été tué le dirigeant, et Rodolphe Jaar, un citoyen haïtiano-chilien.

S’est ajoutée une troisième inculpation en juin, celle de l’ex-sénateur haïtien John Joël Joseph, pour complicité de meurtre.

Un quatrième membre présumé de l’attaque avait été arrêté à l’aéroport d’Istanbul en novembre, mais la justice turque a rejeté lundi la demande d’extradition formulée par Haïti et ordonné sa libération.

L’avis de recherche de Rodolphe Jaar publié par la police d’Haïti, inculpé en janvier par les Etats-Unis en janvier 2022- Haiti National Police/AFP

Et les espoirs nés de l’avancée de la procédure judiciaire à Miami ont été douchés en avril quand un juge américain a décidé de classer sous le sceau du secret certaines preuves et auditions.

La mesure a été prise car figurent parmi les suspects deux anciens informateurs de l’agence anti-drogue américaine DEA et un ancien informateur du FBI.

“Nous ne voyons pas d’un bon œil le fait que les Etats-Unis se donnent cette possibilité de protéger certaines informations”, note une source judiciaire haïtienne. “Tout un pan de cette histoire restera inconnu”.


Boris Johnson se résout à quitter Downing Street

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Usé par les scandales, mis à terre par une avalanche inédite de défections dans son gouvernement, le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson a annoncé jeudi sa démission, tout en précisant qu’il resterait au pouvoir en attendant la désignation de son successeur.

“C’est clairement la volonté du parti conservateur qu’il y ait un nouveau leader et donc un nouveau Premier ministre”, a-t-il déclaré dans une courte allocution devant Downing Street.

“J’ai nommé un nouveau gouvernement qui sera en poste, tout comme moi, jusqu’à ce que le nouveau dirigeant soit en place”, a-t-il ajouté, sans un mot pour la crise ouverte provoquée par la soixantaine de démissions dans son gouvernement depuis mardi, après un énième scandale.

L’idée de cet intérim qui pourrait durer jusqu’en octobre a été immédiatement dénoncée par l’opposition et certains poids lourds conservateurs.

L’ex-Premier ministre John Major (1990-1997), a jugé “imprudent et peut-être intenable” que Boris Johnson reste “plus longtemps que nécessaire” à Downing Street.

“Nous n’avons pas besoin d’un changement à la tête des Tories. Nous avons besoin d’un vrai changement de gouvernement”, avait peu avant fait valoir le chef de l’opposition Keir Starmer.

Une majorité des Britanniques (56%) veulent aussi que l’intérim soit assurée par quelqu’un d’autre, selon un sondage YouGov. 77% pensent que Boris Johnson a eu raison de démissionner.

Personne ne peut “regarder Boris Johnson et conclure qu’il est capable de se comporter en Premier ministre intérimaire”, a estimé la cheffe des indépendantistes écossais Nicola Sturgeon. Il “va inévitablement causer encore plus de chaos”.

Il a en tout cas déclaré lors d’un Conseil des ministres jeudi après-midi qu’il laisserait les “décisions budgétaires majeures” à son successeur, selon Downing Street.

En annonçant sa démission, M. Johnson s’est dit “immensément fier” de son bilan, en évoquant notamment le Brexit, la campagne de vaccination anti-Covid et son soutien à l’Ukraine.

“Ces derniers jours, j’ai essayé de convaincre mes collègues qu’il serait dingue de changer de gouvernement alors que nous réalisons autant de choses (…) je regrette de ne pas avoir réussi”, a-t-il ajouté.

Après 2 ans et 349 jours tumultueux au pouvoir, marqués par le Brexit dont il était le héros, la pandémie, l’invasion russe en Ukraine, une inflation record et une montée des conflits sociaux, Boris Johnson, 58 ans, a été poussé vers la sortie par son propre camp, lassé par les scandales à répétition et ses mensonges.

Jeudi, il a procédé à plusieurs nominations, pour remplacer des ministres et secrétaires d’Etat démissionnaires. Il a aussi téléphoné au président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelenskyy. La présidence ukrainienne l’a remercié pour son soutien “dans les moments les plus difficiles”.

Le départ de M. Johnson est “une opportunité pour revenir à l’esprit véritable du partenariat et du respect mutuel dont nous avons besoin”, a de son côté estimé le Premier ministre irlandais Micheal Martin, sur fond de relations entre Dublin et Londres tendues au sujet de l’Irlande du Nord.

“Il était temps !”

D’une popularité jadis inoxydable, Boris Johnson avait sombré dans les enquêtes d’opinion après une série de scandales, dont le “partygate”, ces fêtes illégales organisées à Downing Street malgré les confinements anti-Covid.

Boris Johnson avait varié dans ses explications, provoquant frustration puis colère des élus conservateurs. La police avait conclu qu’il avait enfreint la loi, mais il avait refusé de démissionner.

Le mois dernier, il avait échappé à un vote de défiance, 40% des députés conservateurs refusant cependant de lui accorder leur confiance.

Mercredi soir, plusieurs ministres s’étaient rendus à Downing Street pour essayer, en vain, de convaincre Boris Johnson qu’ayant perdu la confiance du parti conservateur, il devait démissionner pour son bien et celui du pays.

“Bye Boris”

La séance hebdomadaire de questions à la Chambre s’était terminée par un “Bye Boris” répété par plusieurs élus.

Mais le Premier ministre affirmait qu’il avait un “mandat colossal” à accomplir.

La démission mardi soir du ministre des Finances Rishi Sunak, et du ministre de la Santé Sajid Javid, avait sonné l’hallali pour le Premier ministre, après un nouveau scandale sexuel impliquant le “whip” adjoint chargé de la discipline des députés conservateurs, que M. Johnson avait nommé en février, “oubliant” des accusations passées de même type.

Plusieurs conservateurs sont pressentis pour lui succéder à la tête du parti, le ministre de la Défense Ben Wallace étant favori selon un sondage YouGov.

Selon le Pr Tony Travers, de la London School of Economics and Political Science la longévité du parti conservateur s’explique par le fait qu’il “se débarrasse de ses leaders quand il pense qu’ils font du mal au parti”. Ce qui lui permet selon lui de dire “regardez, on a complètement changé”.

En attendant, une statue de cire de Boris Johnson a fait son apparition devant une agence pour l’emploi à Blackpool (nord-ouest de l’Angleterre), tandis qu’une pancarte “libre” a fait son apparition sur la réplique de la porte noire du 10 Downing Street dans le célèbre musée londonien Madame Tussauds.


James Caan, Oscar nominee for ‘The Godfather’, dies at 82 | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News

James Caan — the curly-haired tough guy known to movie fans as the hotheaded Sonny Corleone of ‘The Godfather’ and to television audiences as both the dying football player in the classic weeper ‘Brian’s Song’ and the casino boss in ‘Las Vegas’ — has died. He was 82.

His manager Matt DelPiano said he died on Wednesday. No cause was given and Caan’s family, who requests privacy, said that no further details would be released at this time.

Many of his collaborators wrote condolences on Twitter Thursday.

Adam Sandler, who acted with him in ‘Bulletproof’ and ‘That’s My Boy’ wrote that he, “Loved him very much. Always wanted to be like him. So happy I got to know him. Never ever stopped laughing when I was around that man. His movies were best of the best.”

This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Al Pacino as Michael Corleone, left and James Caan as Sonny Corleone in a scene from ‘The Godfather’. Caan, whose roles included ‘The Godfather,’ ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘Misery,’ died Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at age 82. (Paramount Pictures via AP)

A football player at Michigan State University and a practical joker on production sets, Caan was a grinning, handsome performer with an athlete’s swagger and muscular build. He managed a long career despite drug problems, outbursts of temper and minor brushes with the law.

Caan had been a favourite of Francis Ford Coppola since the 1960s when Coppola cast him for the lead in ‘Rain People’. He was primed for a featured role in ‘The Godfather’ as Sonny, the No 1 enforcer and eldest son of Mafia boss Vito Corleone.

Sonny Corleone, a violent and reckless man who conducted many killings, met his own end in one of the most jarring movie scenes in history. Racing to find his sister’s husband, Corleone stops at a toll booth that he discovers is unnervingly empty of customers. Before he can escape he is cut down by a seemingly endless fusillade of machine-gun fire. For decades after, he once said, strangers would approach him on the street and jokingly warn him to stay clear of toll roads.

Caan bonded with Brando, Robert Duvall and other cast members and made it a point to get everyone laughing during an otherwise tense production, sometimes dropping his pants and “mooning” a fellow actor or crew member. Despite Coppola’s fears he had made a flop, the 1972 release was an enormous critical and commercial success and brought supporting actor Oscar nominations for Caan, Duvall and Al Pacino.

This image released by Paramount Pictures shows, from left, James Caan as Sonny Corleone, Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, Al Pacino as Michael Corleone and John Cazale as Fredo Corleone from the 1972 film ‘The Godfather.” Caan, whose roles also included ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘Misery,’ died Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at age 82. (Paramount Pictures via AP)

Caan was already a star on television, breaking through in the 1971 TV movie ‘Brian’s Song’, an emotional drama about Chicago Bears running back Brian Piccolo, who had died of cancer the year before at age 26. It was among the most popular and wrenching TV movies in history and Caan and co-star Billy Dee Williams, who played Piccolo’s teammate and best friend Gale Sayers, were nominated for best actor Emmys.

After ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘The Godfather’, he was one of Hollywood’s busiest actors, appearing in ‘Hide in Plain Sight’ (which he also directed), ‘Funny Lady’ (opposite Barbra Streisand), ‘The Killer Elite’ and Neil Simon’s ‘Chapter Two’, among others. He also made a brief appearance in a flashback sequence in ‘The Godfather, Part II’.

But by the early 1980s he began to sour on films, though Michael Mann’s 1981 neo-noir heist film ‘Thief’, in which he played a professional safecracker looking for a way out, is among his most admired films.

“The fun of it was taken away,” he told an interviewer in 1981. “I’ve done pictures where I’d rather do time. I just walked out of a picture at Paramount. I said you haven’t got enough money to make me go to work every day with a director I don’t like.”

He had begun to struggle with drug use and was devastated by the 1981 leukaemia death of his sister, Barbara, who until then had been a guiding force in his career. For much of the 1980s he made no films, telling people he preferred to coach his son Scott’s Little League games.

Short on cash, Caan was hired by Coppola for the leading role in the 1987 film ‘Gardens of Stone’. The movie, about life at Arlington National Cemetery, proved too grim for most audiences, but it renewed Caan’s acting career.

He returned to full-fledged stardom opposite Kathy Bates in ‘Misery’ in 1990. In the film, based on Stephen King’s novel, Caan is an author taken captive by an obsessed fan who breaks his ankles to keep him from leaving. Bates won an Oscar for the role.

Once again in demand, Caan starred in ‘For the Boys’ with Bette Midler in 1991 as part of a song-and-dance team entertaining US soldiers during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. The following year he played a tongue-in-cheek version of Sonny Corleone in the comedy ‘Honeymoon in Vegas’, tricking Nicolas Cage into betting his girlfriend, Sarah Jessica Parker, in a high-stakes poker game so he can spirit her away and try to persuade her to marry him.

Other later films included ‘Flesh and Bone’, ‘Bottle Rocket’ and ‘Mickey Blue Eyes’. He introduced himself to a new generation playing Walter, the workaholic, stone-faced father of Buddy’s Will Ferrell in ‘Elf’.

Caan didn’t take a starring role in a TV series until 2003 but his first effort, ‘Las Vegas’, was an immediate hit. When the series debuted, he was a casino surveillance chief dealing with cheaters and competitors of the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino.

His character rose to become boss of the Montecito but remained the tough guy who had learned judo in an undercover division of the US government. Caan left the show during the fourth season and it was later cancelled.

Born March 26, 1939, in New York City, Caan was the son of a kosher meat wholesaler. He was a star athlete and class president at Rhodes High School and, after attending Michigan State and Hofstra University, he studied at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theater under Sanford Meisner.

Following a brief stage career, he moved to Hollywood. He made his movie debut in a brief uncredited role in 1963 in Billy Wilder’s ‘Irma La Douce’, then landed a role as a young thug who terrorises Olivia de Havilland in ‘Lady in a Cage’. He also appeared opposite John Wayne and Robert Mitchum in the 1966 Western ‘El Dorado’ and Harrison Ford in the 1968 Western ‘Journey to Shiloh’.

Married and divorced four times, Caan had a daughter, Tara, and sons Scott, Alexander, James and Jacob.


LINDSEY BAHR, Associated Press


The West Indies Oil Company Limited Listed on Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room
WIOC CEO Georges

The West Indies Oil Company Limited Listed on ECSE

The West Indies Oil Company Limited was listed on the ECSE today, July 7th, 2022, becoming the fourteenth company listed on the ECSE, the first listed energy company and the first listed company from Antigua and Barbuda.

The shares of the company, which will be known in the market by its trading symbol, WIOC, became available for trading following the opening of the market this morning.

A copy of the company’s Research Report, which includes an assessment of its operations and financial performance, can be accessed on the ECSE’s website or from licensed broker-dealers in the ECSE’s intermediary network.

Persons interested in obtaining more information about WIOC can contact their broker dealer or visit the listed securities page on the ECSE’s website – www.ecseonline.com.

A list of licensed broker-dealers is also available on the website.



Sean Luke’s killers appeal conviction, sentence

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Sean Luke –

TWO SENIOR prosecutors have asked for time to speak with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on two grounds of challenge by the two men convicted in 2021 of the brutal murder of six-year-old Sean Luke in 2006.

On Thursday, deputy DPP George Busby and assistant DPP Sabrina Dougdeen-Jaglal sought an adjournment of the appeal of Akeel Mitchell and Richard Chatoo who are challenging their conviction by Justice Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds.

They had opted for a judge-only trial.

Presiding over their appeal, which was set for hearing on Thursday, are Justices Nolan Bereaux, Mark Mohammed, and Maria Wilson.

Busby and Dougdeen-Jaglal said there were two grounds of appeal which they want to discuss with the DPP as it could mean a “concession or two may have to be made.”

“He is the DPP we need to have his authorisation,” Busby said.

They asked for a week since Gaspard is on vacation leave, but were given until July 19.

However, Bereaux reminded that concession or not, the final decision on the merits of the appeal will be for the court.

The two grounds identified by the prosecutors deal with complaints of the judge’s application of the legal principles of joint enterprise and her failure to leave issues of felony murder and manslaughter for her consideration.

In criminal law, joint enterprise is a common law doctrine where if one or more people commit an offence and others encouraged or assisted in the crime, secondary offenders can be prosecuted as a main party to the criminal act.

In 2016, the Privy Council resettled the law of joint enterprise, introducing felony murder which is categorised as a violent arrestable offence and applies when someone commits a certain kind of felony and someone is killed in the course of it.

It is Mitchell and Chatoo’s contention that there was no evidential basis on which the judge could have found that they were the principal and secondary offenders who committed the heinous acts which caused Luke’s death.

In all, their attorneys, led by Jagdeo Singh, have filed eight grounds of complaints which also include failing to properly identify key principles in law and making inferential findings she was not entitled to.

They also contended she wrongly considered the evidence of the prosecution’s main witness, Avinash Baboolal, Luke’s neighbour, and the DNA evidence presented in the case.

“We respectfully submit that the learned trial judge committed several errors of law which would necessarily result in a miscarriage of justice,

They are also challenging their sentences, saying they were too severe.

A minimum sentence of 17 years, six months, and 13 days at the court’s pleasure was imposed on 28-year-old Mitchell, with period reviews every three years. His next review comes up on September 13, 2024.

Chatoo, 31, received a term of detention of 11 years, six months, and 13 days at the court’s pleasure. He, too, will return in three years for a sentence review by a judge.

In her sentencing, Ramsumair-Hinds said the death penalty was off the cards for the two who were ages 13 and 16 when they killed Luke. Ramsumair-Hinds said the law does not allow it.

She acknowledged she was not persuaded that either of them had been adequately penalised for the “bizarre and sadistic manner of death” inflicted on Luke. She also admitted she did not think it was in theirs or anyone’s interest for either to return to society anytime soon.

When she delivered her verdict on July 23, 2021, Ramsumair-Hinds said Luke’s killing was a planned and frenzied assault. Mitchell, she said, buggered Luke, while Chatoo assisted and encouraged him, after which Mitchell sodomised Luke with a cane stalk.

Mitchell’s DNA profile was found on Luke’s underwear, but none of Chatoo’s was found on either Luke’s clothing or the cane stalk, which ruptured his internal organs, causing his death.

At their virtual trial, both men denied killing Luke.

Also appearing for the two are attorneys Vashisht Seepersad, Richard Jaggasar, Vere-Marie Khan, Alyssa Seecharan, Savitri Samaroo, and public defenders Khadija Sinanan and Shane Patience.


Entregan tercera ronda de flota vehicular para la AAA

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

La presidenta ejecutiva de la Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AAA), Doriel Pagán Crespo, hizo entrega el jueves, de la tercera ronda de flota vehicular a distribuirse entre las 5 regiones operacionales de la corporación pública.

“Estas nuevas unidades se integran hoy como parte de las nuevas herramientas de trabajo que ponemos a disposición de nuestra gente con miras a seguir ofreciendo cada día una mejor respuesta en nuestras operaciones”, expresó Pagán Crespo en declaraciones escritas.

Esta tercera ronda de 13 vehículos forma parte de una inversión de 10,945,947 dólares en una nueva y moderna flota. La inversión de estas 13 nuevas unidades es de unos 515,616 dólares en fondos propios de la AAA. Estas se dividen en 11 “pickups” y 2 tuberas que salen hoy al servicio del país.

La funcionaria añadió que, “la entrega de nuevos vehículos no termina aquí, se han entregado 45 unidades y hoy otras 13 adicionales. Aún nos restan unas 83 unidades y equipos que se estima sean entregados para diciembre del año en curso. Pickups, tuberas, camiones tumba y grúas para mantenimiento preventivo, forman parte de las nuevas herramientas de trabajo que entregaremos a nuestros compañeros dentro de la AAA”.

La corporación pública continúa identificando necesidades para seguir actualizando los procesos en todas sus áreas de trabajo. La meta es seguir impactando positivamente toda la infraestructura y operación de la AAA.


Radican cargos por actos lascivos y agresión sexual a menor contra sexagenario

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

La agente Katherine Gutiérrez adscrita a la División de Delitos Sexuales y Maltrato a Menores del Negociado de la Policía de Puerto Rico, presentó el jueves, cargos criminales contra un individuo por varios delitos supuestamente cometidos contra una menor de 14 años entre el 2018 al año 2022 en San Juan.

El caso fue consultado con la fiscal Linette Velazquez quien ordenó radicar cargos por agresión sexual y actos lascivos a José Dolores Miranda Cepeda, de 61 años.

La Uniformada precisó que el caso fue llevado ante la presencia de la juez Raiza Cajigas quien luego de escuchar la prueba determinó causa e impuso una fianza de 30,000 dólares quedando en libertad con supervisión electrónica luego de prestar la fianza con un fiador privado.

La vista preliminar fue pautada para el 20 de julio de 2022.


James Caan, Oscar nominee for ‘The Godfather’, dies at 82 | Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

James Caan — the curly-haired tough guy known to movie fans as the hotheaded Sonny Corleone of ‘The Godfather’ and to television audiences as both the dying football player in the classic weeper ‘Brian’s Song’ and the casino boss in ‘Las Vegas’ — has died. He was 82.

His manager Matt DelPiano said he died on Wednesday. No cause was given and Caan’s family, who requests privacy, said that no further details would be released at this time.

Many of his collaborators wrote condolences on Twitter Thursday.

Adam Sandler, who acted with him in ‘Bulletproof’ and ‘That’s My Boy’ wrote that he, “Loved him very much. Always wanted to be like him. So happy I got to know him. Never ever stopped laughing when I was around that man. His movies were best of the best.”

This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Al Pacino as Michael Corleone, left and James Caan as Sonny Corleone in a scene from “The Godfather.” Caan, whose roles included ‘The Godfather,’ ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘Misery,’ died Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at age 82. (Paramount Pictures via AP)

A football player at Michigan State University and a practical joker on production sets, Caan was a grinning, handsome performer with an athlete’s swagger and muscular build. He managed a long career despite drug problems, outbursts of temper and minor brushes with the law.

Caan had been a favourite of Francis Ford Coppola since the 1960s when Coppola cast him for the lead in ‘Rain People’. He was primed for a featured role in ‘The Godfather’ as Sonny, the No 1 enforcer and eldest son of Mafia boss Vito Corleone.

Sonny Corleone, a violent and reckless man who conducted many killings, met his own end in one of the most jarring movie scenes in history. Racing to find his sister’s husband, Corleone stops at a toll booth that he discovers is unnervingly empty of customers. Before he can escape he is cut down by a seemingly endless fusillade of machine-gun fire. For decades after, he once said, strangers would approach him on the street and jokingly warn him to stay clear of toll roads.

Caan bonded with Brando, Robert Duvall and other cast members and made it a point to get everyone laughing during an otherwise tense production, sometimes dropping his pants and “mooning” a fellow actor or crew member. Despite Coppola’s fears he had made a flop, the 1972 release was an enormous critical and commercial success and brought supporting actor Oscar nominations for Caan, Duvall and Al Pacino.

This image released by Paramount Pictures shows, from left, James Caan as Sonny Corleone, Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, Al Pacino as Michael Corleone and John Cazale as Fredo Corleone from the 1972 film ‘The Godfather.” Caan, whose roles also included ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘Misery,’ died Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at age 82. (Paramount Pictures via AP)

Caan was already a star on television, breaking through in the 1971 TV movie ‘Brian’s Song’, an emotional drama about Chicago Bears running back Brian Piccolo, who had died of cancer the year before at age 26. It was among the most popular and wrenching TV movies in history and Caan and co-star Billy Dee Williams, who played Piccolo’s teammate and best friend Gale Sayers, were nominated for best actor Emmys.

After ‘Brian’s Song’ and ‘The Godfather’, he was one of Hollywood’s busiest actors, appearing in ‘Hide in Plain Sight’ (which he also directed), ‘Funny Lady’ (opposite Barbra Streisand), ‘The Killer Elite’ and Neil Simon’s ‘Chapter Two’, among others. He also made a brief appearance in a flashback sequence in ‘The Godfather, Part II’.

But by the early 1980s he began to sour on films, though Michael Mann’s 1981 neo-noir heist film ‘Thief’, in which he played a professional safecracker looking for a way out, is among his most admired films.

“The fun of it was taken away,” he told an interviewer in 1981. “I’ve done pictures where I’d rather do time. I just walked out of a picture at Paramount. I said you haven’t got enough money to make me go to work every day with a director I don’t like.”

He had begun to struggle with drug use and was devastated by the 1981 leukaemia death of his sister, Barbara, who until then had been a guiding force in his career. For much of the 1980s he made no films, telling people he preferred to coach his son Scott’s Little League games.

Short on cash, Caan was hired by Coppola for the leading role in the 1987 film ‘Gardens of Stone’. The movie, about life at Arlington National Cemetery, proved too grim for most audiences, but it renewed Caan’s acting career.

He returned to full-fledged stardom opposite Kathy Bates in ‘Misery’ in 1990. In the film, based on Stephen King’s novel, Caan is an author taken captive by an obsessed fan who breaks his ankles to keep him from leaving. Bates won an Oscar for the role.

Once again in demand, Caan starred in ‘For the Boys’ with Bette Midler in 1991 as part of a song-and-dance team entertaining US soldiers during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. The following year he played a tongue-in-cheek version of Sonny Corleone in the comedy ‘Honeymoon in Vegas’, tricking Nicolas Cage into betting his girlfriend, Sarah Jessica Parker, in a high-stakes poker game so he can spirit her away and try to persuade her to marry him.

Other later films included ‘Flesh and Bone’, ‘Bottle Rocket’ and ‘Mickey Blue Eyes’. He introduced himself to a new generation playing Walter, the workaholic, stone-faced father of Buddy’s Will Ferrell in ‘Elf’.

Caan didn’t take a starring role in a TV series until 2003 but his first effort, ‘Las Vegas’, was an immediate hit. When the series debuted, he was a casino surveillance chief dealing with cheaters and competitors of the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino.

His character rose to become boss of the Montecito but remained the tough guy who had learned judo in an undercover division of the US government. Caan left the show during the fourth season and it was later cancelled.

Born March 26, 1939, in New York City, Caan was the son of a kosher meat wholesaler. He was a star athlete and class president at Rhodes High School and, after attending Michigan State and Hofstra University, he studied at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theater under Sanford Meisner.

Following a brief stage career, he moved to Hollywood. He made his movie debut in a brief uncredited role in 1963 in Billy Wilder’s ‘Irma La Douce’, then landed a role as a young thug who terrorises Olivia de Havilland in ‘Lady in a Cage’. He also appeared opposite John Wayne and Robert Mitchum in the 1966 Western ‘El Dorado’ and Harrison Ford in the 1968 Western ‘Journey to Shiloh’.

Married and divorced four times, Caan had a daughter, Tara, and sons Scott, Alexander, James and Jacob.


LINDSEY BAHR, Associated Press


Finally! T&T 4×100 team receives 2008 Beijing Olympic gold medals | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News
Loop Sports

16 minutes ago

Trinidad 4×100 team receives 2008 Beijing Olympic gold medals

The men’s 4x100m relay team from Trinidad and Tobago has finally received its gold medals from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.

Aaron Armstrong, Keston Bledman, Marc Burns, Emmanuel Callender and Richard Thompson received the medals from International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach in a ceremony at the Olympic Museum on Tuesday in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Jamaica had originally won the 2008 final with Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell, Michael Frater and Nesta Carter crossing the line first in 37.10-seconds, leaving Trinidad and Tobago with silver after finishing in 38.06.

But Trinidad and Tobago were awarded the gold after Jamaica were disqualified for doping after a re-testing of stored samples using new methods detected the presence of the banned substance methylhexaneamine in the sample of Carter.

Carter’s appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport was eventually denied and the medals were then re-allocated.

The ceremony was supposed to have taken place at the Tokyo Olympics, but was postponed due to COVID restrictions in Japan.


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Driving instructors must be certified under new Road Traffic Act | Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News | Loop News

For the first time, driving instructors in Jamaica will have to be certified and their driving schools licensed in order for them to operate on the island.

This is a new activity that will be undertaken by the Island Traffic Authority (ITA) and is contained in the regulations that will govern the new Road Traffic Act.

Transport Minister Audley Shaw outlined the provisions during a debate on the regulations in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Shaw noted that “All the provisions in this part are new, setting out what is required for permission to be granted to provide such services”.

The regulations state that a register of certified instructors and licensed schools will be kept by the Authority.

Exceptions are made for certain circumstances under which certification is not required. Specifically, the requirement for a driving instructor certificate does not apply to a family member or friend teaching an individual to drive free of charge.

The prerequisites for a person who wishes to be certified as a driving instructor include:

-being at least 24 years-old;

-having not less than two years’ licensed driving experience; and

-successful completion of a driving instructor training programme approved by the Authority.

Other considerations include character references, criminal record check and any other security vetting, and medical fitness.

“The Authority has the discretion to certify an applicant or not, based on the information presented and obtained. In the case of refusal, the Authority should advise the applicant of same in writing with reason and notify the applicant of his right under section 44 of the Act to appeal to the Tribunal”.

The certificate is to be valid for five years, but may be suspended or revoked under certain circumstances.

In respect of the licensing of driving schools, a driving school requires:

-a certified driving instructor as an owner, director, or partner;

-adequately equipped building(s) to be used for classrooms; and

-an instructional programme that meets or exceeds the standards established by the ITA.

Additionally, driving instructors and driving schools are required to operate within the stated guidelines, and to keep records as set out in the regulations.

Other requirements include the maintenance of adequate insurance and the operation of safe vehicles. A certificate of completion is to be issued to students, which, under certain circumstances, may qualify the applicant for exemption from aspects of testing by the ITA.
