Gobernador dice que reclamos de médicos y profesionales de la salud mejorarán con cambios al programa Vital

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Ante reclamos de profesionales de la salud y la clase médica por mejoras a sus condiciones salariales y contributivas que permitan frenar el éxodo, el gobernador Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia dijo este miércoles que los mismos ocurrirán gracias a los cambios al plan Vital.

“Estamos en proceso de cambiar significativamente el programa Vital, el plan Vital para entre otras cosas, asegurarnos de que los proveedores médicos, incluyendo los médicos, reciban una justa compensación. Se va a establecer un tarifario que sea mandatorio, no sugerido. Ahora mismo, el programa funciona a base de un tarifario que es sugerido”, dijo el gobernador a preguntas de la prensa.

“Si mal no recuerdo el 70 por ciento de las tarifas del Medicare. En la próxima vuelta que comienza en enero del año que viene, va a ser requerido. Y vamos a estar entre otras cosas, que los especialistas y los subespecialistas reciban una compensación a los que reciben en los estados. Se va a agilizar el acceso a médicos en los registros del plan Vital para que no se le dificulte su entrada y permisos para rendir servicios al programa. Se va a requerir a que cuando el médico ya esté contratado no se puede cancelar su contrato salvo a que medie justa causa. El comisionado de Seguros de Puerto Rico también está interviniendo, intercediendo entre los médicos y los planes de seguros para verificar que las prácticas sean seguras”, añadió.

Asimismo, Pierluisi Urrutia dijo solidarizarse con los reclamos de la clase médica.

“Yo me solidarizo con el reclamo de los médicos porque todos queremos que nuestro sistema de salud esté en óptimas condiciones y los médicos son clave. Las tarifas van a aumentar… en el caso de planes privados pues, por definición son privados. El comisionado de Seguros, está la Carta de Derechos del Paciente como herramientas y el comisionado de Seguros puede intervenir. Hay otra área en la que puedo intervenir en los planes Advantage a través del comisionado de Seguros. Estamos trabajando en lo que plantean, esto no se resuelve de un día para otro”, expuso.

Sostuvo que, para Puerto Rico, continúa sus reuniones para mejorar el trato justo para los médicos en el programa Medicare, producto de sus visitas a Washington D.C.

“Vamos a intervenir en todas las áreas que tengamos el poder de hacerlo”, culminó.

Las expresiones del gobernador se dieron luego de participar junto a la alcaldesa del municipio de Canóvanas, Lornna Soto Villanueva, de la Feria de Servicios “Fortaleza por Puerto Rico” donde dio un recorrido por la Nueva Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes.


Puerto Rico rumbo al Evo 2022 en Las Vegas

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Cuatro integrantes del primer equipo nacional de eSports de Puerto Rico, el Red Rooster Team, partieron hoy rumbo a Las Vegas, Nevada para participar del torneo Evolution Championship Series (EVO 2022), un evento que agrupa en el Mandalay Arena a los mejores jugadores de videojuegos del mundo de la categoría de Street Fighter.

“Este evento es considerado como el Super Bowl de los videojuegos. Entre participantes y espectadores pudieran sobrepasar las 10,000 personas que asisten a las competencias, sin contar con los que se conectan alrededor de todo el mundo a las transmisiones por internet”, afirmó Ricardo “Mono” Román, capitán del equipo puertorriqueño.

Este año, el torneo se celebrará del viernes, 5 al domingo, 7 de agosto de manera presencial, ya que debido a la pandemia el año pasado se llevó a cabo en línea. Cuenta con la participación de 63 países de alrededor del mundo. “Continuamos a paso firme desarrollando una industria competitiva y con grandes expectativas para la Isla. Definitivamente le estamos dejando claro al mundo que en Puerto Rico los videojuegos se están tomando en serio”, añadió Román.

Los jugadores que representarán a Puerto Rico son Ricardo Román “Mono” en los juegos Street Fighter V Champion Edition y King Of Fighters XV; Christian Olivo “Olivo” en el juego Street Fighter V Champion Edition; Angelica Colón “Baeleena” en los juegos Mortal Kombat y Multiversus y Edwin Gonzalez “Ajax Fidelity” en los juegos Street Fighter V Champion Edition, DragonBall FighterZ y Guilty Gear Strive.

EVO 2022 servirá además para que los aficionados del gaming disfruten por primera de vez del juego Street Fighter 6 que será lanzado oficialmente el próximo año. Este será el último torneo en el que participará el Team Red Rooster previo al evento cumbre con mayor exposición internacional en Puerto Rico, el First Attack 2022 que se celebrará del viernes, 7 al domingo, 9 de octubre en el Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico.

Para información adicional, así como conocer los detalles de las presentaciones del Team Red Rooster en los diversos torneos y participaciones, pueden buscar las redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedRoosterTeam1, Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedRoosterTeam1, Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMK33nDI6_uyxgvyH3MlefQ, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redroosterteam/ y https://www.redroosterteampr.com/.


Rosette/Orange arrive en tête au terme de cette 3e étape à Saint-Pierre

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

La yole franciscaine remporte la troisième étape entre La Trinité et Saint-Pierre ce mercredi 3 août, en arrivant en tête pour la deuxième fois depuis le début du tour.

Après un départ en tête du trio SARA/Autodistribution, UFR/Chanflor et Rosette/Orange ainsi que de nombreuses péripéties, le résultat à la ligne d’arrivée se trouve être bien différent.

Rosette/Orange arrive en tête de cette troisième étape entre La Trinité et Saint-Pierre après 4h39 de course, suivie de SARA/Autodistribution avec 1min47 de retard.

Durant cette étape, l’une des deux plus longues et compliquées de ce tour, les yoles ont rencontré de nombreuses difficultés. En effet, la yole UFR a dessalé à deux reprises durant la traversée, à l’image de William Saurin/Miltis. CTDM, Mr Bricolage ont coulé une seule fois.


– Jean-Marie Monard

UFR/Chanflor dispute encore la neuvième place de cette étape et perd son maillot rouge de leader au classement général (temps), récupéré par SARA/Autodistribution.


La remise de 20 centimes de Total « a vocation à s’appliquer également » en Outre-Mer

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Alors que, le 22 juillet dernier, Total annonçait une remise prochaine de 20 centimes sur le prix des carburants dans toutes ses stations, y compris en Outre-Mer, des professionnels s’interrogent sur la possibilité d’une telle mesure dans nos territoires, compte tenu de nos spécificités.

Pour Total Energies, les choses sont claires : « la remise (Ndlr : de 20 centimes sur les prix des carburants) a vocation à s’appliquer également dans les DOM-TOM, en concertation avec les autorités locales “, assure une source en interne à nos confrères de France-Guyane, ce mercredi 3 août. 

Le 22 juillet dernier, la direction nationale du géant pétrolier annonçait, en effet, l’extension d’une première mesure appliquée depuis le 16 mars. Selon une information du Journal du Dimanche (JDD), la nouvelle baisse (20 centimes au lieu de 10) concernera désormais l’ensemble du territoire national, y compris l’Outre-Mer, qui n’était pas concernée par la première mesure. 

Mais, à ce stade, les modalités, dont le calendrier de mise en place, ne sont pas encore précisées par TotalEnergies. En Hexagone, Total devrait baisser le prix de ses carburants à compter de septembre prochain. Cette mesure intervient en plus de l’aide de l’État majorée à 30 centimes (au lieu de 15 centimes aux Antilles) dès cette même date.

Interrogé par téléphone, Steeve Victoire, le président du syndicat des stations-service de Martinique assure ne pas avoir d’éléments. Même son de cloche du côté de la préfecture.

Interrogations en Guyane 

En Guyane, pourtant, les professionnels ont rapidement exprimé leurs doutes quant à la réalité de la mise en place d’une telle mesure en Outre-Mer, où les prix sont réglementés chaque mois par arrêté préfectoral, avec un tarif unique par territoire.

Aux Antilles, à La Réunion et en Guyane, les prix du carburant sont fixes peu importe l’enseigne de la station-service. C’est pourquoi le Groupement des gérants de stations-service de Guyane soutient qu’une remise à la pompe telle que proposée par le pétrolier TotalÉnergies n’est pas applicable en Outre-mer.

« On a besoin de cette baisse », assure néanmoins Brice Chaumet, le président de la structure, qui constate une baisse de la demande en carburant avec les prix élevés alors que les charges des gérants continuent d’augmenter.

Mais, pour lui, « il n’est pas possible d’avoir une disparité sur le territoire par rapport aux prix des carburants. Contrairement à l’Hexagone, il n’y a qu’une seule source d’approvisionnement ici et donc pas de possibilité de négociation sur la concurrence ».

La baisse sera appliquée, selon Total

Dans un communiqué, il rappelle que « l’arrêté préfectoral qui encadre la marge des stations-service -fixée à 11 centimes-, mais aussi celle des pétroliers -fixée à 9 centimes-, permet à nos consommateurs de bénéficier de prix identiques du carburant dans nos stations-service ».

Le groupement a demandé à la préfecture de réunir les acteurs pour avoir une action commune « qui permette à ce que toutes les stations-services, et donc tous les consommateurs, puissent bénéficier de cette remise de 20 centimes », confie Brice Chaumet.

Selon nos derniers éléments obtenus ce mercredi 3 août, à ce stade, Total et la préfecture de Guyane démentent l’information d’une non-application de la baisse de 20 centimes de Total en Outre-Mer. « Il n’y a encore rien de décidé », reconnaît seulement le président des syndicats de stations de Guyane. 

Les discussions devraient donc se poursuivre entre les acteurs concernés, sur les modalités d’application d’une telle mesure.


Samuel Crail, un des Grands Frères, a été libéré

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Mercredi 3 Août 2022 – 13h00

Samuel Crail a perdu 25 kilos lors de sa grève de la faim. – DR

Samuel Crail, un des Grands Frères, arrêté à la suite des événements de novembre dernier, a été remis en liberté, hier, pour raisons de santé.

Placé en détention provisoire à Baie-Mahault depuis janvier, Samuel Crail a été libéré pour raison de santé a fait savoir son avocat, maître Bessis. L’ancien détenu avait entamé une grève de la faim de 42 jours lors de laquelle il a perdu 25 kilos. Depuis hier (mardi 2 aout), il est placé sous contrôle judiciaire et devra se présenter hebdomadairement à la gendarmerie de Petit-Bourg. Son avocat assure que son client se soumettra à toutes les convocations judiciaires qui lui seront adressées dans l’objectif de prouver son innocence.

Sur le même sujet

  Interpellé avec un pistolet automatique …


Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Pays Homage to Its Pioneers and Volunteers

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation

Charlestown, Nevis, August 1, 2022 (MMS-SKN) — The Nevis Co-operative Credit Union (NCCU) Limited, Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis’ oldest credit union, on Wednesday, July 27 held an appreciation cocktail for pioneers and volunteers who laboured during the institution’s infancy to make it the financial giant it is today.

“As we reflect on the journey to 50, it is important for us to remember the persons who made all of this possible,” said President of the NCCU Board of Directors, Mr Kris Liburd, at the cocktail reception which was held at the Riviere House Restaurant on Government Road in Charlestown, Nevis. “When we think of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited, we cannot help but think of our founder, the late Wilbert Edmund Ingle Blackett OBE.”

The Nevis-based credit union, which was registered on July 25, 1972, is observing year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations under the theme ‘Consistency, Financial Security & Serving the Community – 50 years of Development and Prosperity’. According to Mr Liburd, the appreciation cocktail was to show appreciation to the pioneers and volunteers for the contribution they made to the institution.

He observed that the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited had set a bold example for financial institutions not just in Nevis, but in the Federation and in the region. While a number of financial institutions would have graced the shores of Nevis, he wondered how many of them can boast that they have celebrated a golden jubilee.

“Over the years we have witnessed several acquisitions and closures, but standing strong is the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited, and that is no easy feat,” said Mr Liburd. “So tonight, as I said earlier, it is about showing appreciation to those who gave up their time and their talent day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, to ensure that the ship that Mr Blackett built so many years ago still stays afloat, and it is always a good thing to show gratitude wherever it is due.”

A former Director of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited, and also former Deputy Premier of Nevis, Mr Hensley Daniel, gave feature remarks where he reflected on the Role of the NCCU in the post 1970 Era.

“I am happy to be here because any local institution that withstands the troubles of 50 years deserves our greatest commendation,” said Mr Daniel. He gave his remarks in the context of Nevis in 1972 which was just two years after the sinking of the Christena when fear, despondence, and a total lack of confidence in the future, had forced a number of bright and talented people to migrate,

The arrival of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited on the scene helped to lift people’s spirits and confidence in putting the little money they had in 1972, in the bank. He noted that while the Credit Union had an asset base of $4,000 in 1972 that was a lot of money by the standards of those days.

“It was left with the people in Nevis who had the confidence, and that is why I had to ask you to give a special round of applause for the pioneers for believing that this could happen,” said Mr Daniel. “The good thing about this national institution is it is owned by a set of ordinary, regular people and also it cannot and should not and must not be sold to anybody. I hope the bylaw says that it can’t.”

Chair of Appreciation NCCU’s 50th Anniversary Cocktail for Pioneers and Volunteers subcommittee, Member Services and Human Resources Manager Ms Julet Chiverton, noted that pioneers were the persons who pushed the credit union initiatives by promoting the credit union ideas in the 1970s and early 1980s. Some were volunteers and others were employees.

“They also took the initiative to educate the general public as they recruited members,” observed Ms Chiverton. “They are the ones who picked up on the idea and ran with it trying to get persons involved and recruit membership during the 1970s. They used to walk house to house as they recruited members for the credit union. In the same vein they promoted financial literacy while encouraging the members to borrow small loans.”

While not all were present as some are based overseas and others had prior engagements, nine surviving pioneers, Mrs Carmella Hanley, Mr Edred Ward, Mrs Eugenie Hector, Mrs Georgette Hanley, Ms Jannette Claxton, Ms Jeannette Grell-Hull, Mr Joseph Parry, Mr Ellery Warner Riviere, and Mr Randolph Moving were honoured.

Making the presentation of awards were General Manager Mr Sydney Newton, Accounting and Finance Manager Ms Londy Esdaille, and General Manager’s Executive Officer Ms Patulia Huggins.

A total of 90 volunteers were honoured, and making the presentation done in three batches were Mr Sydney Newton, Ms Londy Esdaille, and Ms Patulia Huggins for the first batch; and Administration Assistant Ms Tamara Johnson, Credit Control and Recoveries Officer Ms Candace Pinney; and Internal Auditor Ms Zahvelisia Claxton for the second batch.

Making presentations to volunteers in the third batch were Senior Accountant Mrs Jacqueline Liburd, Credit Administration and Securities Officer Ms Earther Scarborough, and Administration, Member Services and Human Resources Manager Ms Julet Chiverton.

Names of past Presidents were revealed, starting with Father John Wagland (1972-1973); Mr Anthony Horner (1973-1975); Mr Ellery Warner Riviere (1975-1978); Mr Arthur Evelyn (1978-1980); Pastor Eversley Pemberton (1980-1984); Mr Anthony Horner (1984-1985); Mr Ellery Warner Riviere (1985-1986); Mrs Olvis Dyer (1986-1988); and Mr Andy Liburd (1988-1991).

Others were Mr Sydney Newton (1991-1994); Mr Daniel Arthurton (1994-1997); Mr Ernie Stapleton (1997-2001); Mr Edson Elliott (2001-2004); Mr Dwight Morton (2004-2008); Mr Steadroy Pemberton (2008-2010); Mr Andy Liburd (2010-2015); Mr Collin Walwyn (2015-2019); Mrs Vernesia Walters (2019-2022); and the current President Mr Kris Liburd (2022-).


Rotarians Remember the Emancipation Experience

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation

Basseterre, St. Kitts, July 3, 2022 (RCL) — Emancipation Day in St. Kitts and Nevis is celebrated on the first Monday in August annually to commemorate the end of the Atlantic Slave Trade. 

This year, the Rotary Club of Liamuiga recalled the journey to Emancipation Day, August 1, 1834, with a presentation by Ms Laverne Brookes, Dean of the Division of the Arts, Sciences and General Studies and History and Caribbean Studies lecturer at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC).

Ms Brookes’ interactive and informative discussion chronicled the over two-hundred-year history of a movement that started in 1636 and eventually led to a struggle for existence from the earlier inhabitants, through indentureship, and the hardships and survival of Africans, who were forced to travel beyond their own civilizations to toil on tobacco and later sugar plantations across the islands.

Describing what was more than just a journey, the educator spoke of how Christianity was used as a tool to influence and control, to achieve enormous wealth and social standing, and how chattel slavery imprisoned more than just humanity. 

“The European settlers used the ‘curse of Hamm’, twisting this Bible story to justice enslaving dark-skinned people – African,” highlighted Dean Brookes. “But by the early 1800s, they then used Christianity to now say slavery was immoral and against the word of God.” 

She also made mention of the local and regional heroes, like Robert Bradshaw, Bustamante, and Eric Williams, who fought long and hard for freedom, democracy, an end to colonization, and for the efforts their contributions made to pave the way for independence. 

In closing, Dean Brookes left Rotarians with food for thought with the question, “Did we get emancipation? Were we given emancipation? Are we truly emancipated?”


More mobile units, quick response teams coming as serious crimes spike Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The police are reporting that serious crimes such as murder, robbery and break-ins are up for the first seven months of the year when compared to the same period last year.

Speaking at the Jamaica Constabulary Force monthly press conference Commissioner of Police Major General Antony Anderson said that robberies have gone back to pre-COVID figures.

Murder is up by 4 per cent, robbery is up by 11 per cent and break-ins are up by 4 per cent when compared to the January to July 25 period last year.

Anderson said that domestic and gang-related issues featured significantly as the motive for murders.

On the other hand, Anderson said rape and shooting have been down by 16 and 8 per cent respectively.

The commissioner said that the police are pushing back on serious crimes, especially murders and robbers. To that end, he said that more mobile units and quick response teams would be delivered to police divisions.

“We will be asking divisional commanders to review their anti-robbery strategies,” he said.

Meanwhile, the commissioner appealed to persons to utilise the Domestic Violence Intervention Centres that are located across the country.

“I am asking you report disputes before they become violent,” he said.


No applause for cops after suspect in Donna-Lee’s case charged Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Mixed reaction from missing social media influencer’s family

Loop News

1 hrs ago

No applause for cops after suspect in Donna-Lee’s case charged

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While the relatives of social media influencer Donna-Lee Donaldson have welcomed the news of her boyfriend, Noel Maitland, being charged with her murder, there are no high praises for the police in the matter.

Donaldson’s uncle, Neil Lugg, reacted on Tuesday following the announcement by the police that Constable Maitland had been charged.

Maitland was arrested last week Wednesday in relation to Donaldson’s disappearance on July 13, following a case review by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and other stakeholders. He was charged on Tuesday. The police officer is maintaining his innocence and wants to have his day in court.

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Lugg is of the view that the police investigating the disappearance of his niece did everything on their own time.

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Lovell stresses the importance of changing the Administration at next elections and promises collaboration with the people

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The country will be plunged into a downward spiral should the Gaston Browne Administration be returned to office come the next general elections, predicts Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Harold Lovell.

However, Lovell says he is confident that the people will make the right choice next Election Day, since there has been an obvious shift away from the Labour Party Government.

At present, the country is facing a number of economic challenges, which many believe are made worse by the Government’s absence of plans to assist the poor and vulnerable.

Accordingly, Lovell is asking the Nation to make the change if it wishes to see Antigua and Barbuda move forward.

Meanwhile, Lovell says his Party’s approach to governance and his style of leadership will be all-inclusive and will take into account the recommendations proffered by the people. (REAL NEWS)

