Golding scolds gov’t over the progress of Ja’s Republic transition Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Opposition Leader Mark Golding has described as “unacceptable”, the “lethargic” pace of the Andrew Holness-led government in removing the Queen as Head of State, and transitioning into a Parliamentary Republic.

“If the prime minister is really serious about Jamaica becoming a republic, it’s totally unacceptable that some six months after telling a member of the Royal family on public TV we’re moving on, there has been no movement towards moving on,” suggested Golding.

He was speaking on the weekend at a meeting of the People’s National Party (PNP) National Executive Committee in St Andrew.

In June, Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte, had told Parliament that the country wound transition from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Parliamentary Republic by the next general election, which is constitutionally due in 2025.

While indicating then that a new Constitution of Jamaica will have to be produced as part of that goal, Malahoo Forte said the work to achieve the transition to a republic is being done in stages and had formally commenced.

However, weeks later, Golding is adamant that the process has not begun.

He opined that this should have not been the case, given the fact that work had already been done in the past, to guide Jamaica’s transition to a republic.

“It is not the case that we don’t know where we are going, and that the ideas have not been fleshed out. “The ideas as to how we are to achieve this, certainly in the short term, have been fully ventilated in a process that took two decades, which led to consensus around how it should be done,” Golding asserted.

According to him, the necessary Bill to remove the Queen as head of State must be brought to Parliament, so the debate on it can commence by legislators.

Meanwhile, the PNP president also lambasted the government over its delay relative to making the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) Jamaica’s final appellate court, instead of the United Kingdom’s Privy Council.

Golding noted that Jamaica was integral in the creation of the CCJ, pointing out that the island also financed the establishment of that judiciary body.

“We should be using the court, which is an excellent court, staffed with top-rate[d] judges,” Golding said, adding that the court “is being increasingly recognised around the world for the quality of its jurisprudence”.

Envelope with cash found by honest employee of C&C Winehouse

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

An envelope containing a sum of money was found by an employee of C&C Wine house near the establishment. An honest employee is appealing to the owner of the envelope to come forward. The envelope has certain markings on it. If you are the owner please call C&C Winehouse at 460 7025 to arrange collection.



Wanda Vázquez y otras dos personas enfrentan siete cargos por soborno

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

El fiscal federal W. Stephen Muldrow, informó en conferencia de prensa que la exgobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced, de 62 años, Julio Martín Herrera Velutini y Mark Rossini enfrentan siete cargos por “esquema de sobornos” para financiar su campaña electoral. 

Según la acusación formal, desde diciembre de 2019 hasta junio de 2020, la entonces gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Vázquez Garced, de 62 años, de San Juan, participó en un plan de soborno con varias personas, entre ellas Julio Martín Herrera Velutini, Frances Díaz, Mark Rossini y John Blakeman para financiar la campaña electoral para gobernadora de 2020 de Vázquez Garced.

Noticia relacionada: Federales arrestan a exgobernadora Wanda Vázquez

Herrera Velutini, de 50 años, con doble nacionalidad venezolana e italiana y residente en Londres, Reino Unido, era propietario de un banco internacional que operaba en San Juan.  Díaz, de 50 años, de Puerto Rico, fue director ejecutivo y presidente del banco internacional propiedad de Herrera Velutini. Rossini, de 60 años, de Madrid, España, fue un ex agente especial del FBI que brindó servicios de consultoría a Herrera Velutini. Blakeman, de 53 años, de Puerto Rico, es un consultor político que trabajó en la campaña 2020 de Vázquez Garced.

Vázquez Garced fue detenida por el Buró federal de Investigaciones (FBI, por sus siglas en inglés) hoy jueves, en medio de una investigación por un esquema de soborno relacionado con un donativo a su campaña política a cambio de la destitución del excomisionado de Instituciones Financieras, George Joyner.  

Stephen Muldrow indicó que en mayo del 2020, Vázquez Garced nombró a OCIF a un exconslutor del Banco Internacional seleccionado personalmente por Herrera Velutini.  

El exasesor político de la exgobernadora y el presidente del Banco Internacional también se declararon culpables.

“Las acciones criminales de los acusados en este caso dan un golpe al corazón de nuestra democracia y erosionan aún más la confianza de nuestros ciudadanos en sus instituciones de gobierno”, dijo el fiscal federal. W. Stephen Muldrow por el Distrito de Puerto Rico en conferencia de prensa.

“Nuestra determinación de llevar ante la justicia a aquellos a quienes el público les encomendó servir con integridad y que violan esa confianza se mantiene firme. Igualmente, firme es nuestra determinación de enjuiciar a quienes buscan usar su riqueza y poder para enriquecerse a expensas de un gobierno honesto. Elogio la dedicación y el arduo trabajo del personal encargado de hacer cumplir la ley y los fiscales en este caso, así como a las personas dispuestas a presentarse y cooperar”, añadió.

“El presunto plan de soborno llegó a los niveles más altos del gobierno de Puerto Rico, amenazando la confianza pública en nuestros procesos electorales e instituciones de gobierno”, dijo el secretario de justicia auxiliar Kenneth Polite, Jr. de la División Criminal del Departamento de Justicia.

“El Departamento de Justicia está comprometido a responsabilizar a aquellos que creen erróneamente que existe un estado de derecho para los poderosos y otro para los débiles. Nadie está por encima del estado de derecho”, añadió.

“La corrupción pública se manifiesta de muchas maneras diferentes”, dijo el agente especial a cargo Joseph González de la oficina local del FBI en San Juan.

“Aquellos que se involucran en esta conducta ilegal a menudo creen que están por encima de la ley o se engañan a sí mismos creyendo que este es un crimen sin víctimas y por lo tanto no están haciendo nada malo. Nuestro mensaje es y ha sido claro. La corrupción pública erosiona la confianza de la gente en nuestras instituciones y alimenta los disturbios civiles. Como máxima prioridad para el FBI, dondequiera que surjan denuncias de corrupción pública, investigaremos. Nadie está por encima de la ley y la víctima de este crimen, el pueblo, merece algo mejor”, añadió.

La Oficina de Campo de San Juan del FBI está investigando el caso.

Los abogados litigantes son Ryan Crosswell, Erica Waymack y Nicholas Cannon, de la Sección de Integridad Pública del Departamento de Justicia, y el fiscal federal adjunto Seth Erbe de los Estados Unidos.

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La baloncestista estadounidense Brittney Griner es condenada en Rusia a 9 años de prisión por contrabando de drogas

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Radio Isla TV

Un tribunal de la ciudad de Khimki (región de Moscú, Rusia) ha dictaminado este jueves sentenciar a la jugadora de baloncesto estadounidense Brittney Griner a 9 años de prisión por el contrabando de aceite de cannabis. Además, se le impuso una multa de un millón de rublos (más de 16.500 dólares).

Durante la sesión, la fiscal del caso apuntó a que durante la investigación no se establecieron circunstancias agravantes o atenuantes. Además, precisó que un total de 0,702 gramos de aceite de hachís fueron encontrados en el equipaje de la deportista durante su arresto en el aeropuerto internacional de Sheremétievo de Moscú el pasado 17 de febrero.

La jugadora se declaró culpable el 7 de julio, aunque aseguró que no tenía la intención de cometer ningún delito. Tras el fallo de esta jornada, la deportista puede objetar su sentencia o pedir clemencia.

Mientras, la abogada de Griner, María Blagovólina, apuntó en la corte que la condenada llevó las sustancias ilícitas a Rusia por error debido al estrés por la “la situación general de tensión en el mundo“. “Cuando Griner llegó, el Departamento de Estado ya había aconsejado a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que no visitaran la Federación de Rusia. Y así, mi cliente traía aceite de hachís por negligencia”, declaró, citada por TASS.

¿Posible intercambio?

La semana pasada se reportó que la Casa Blanca ofreció al Kremlin intercambiar a Griner junto con Paul Whelan, exmarine sentenciado por espionaje, por el ciudadano ruso Víktor Bout, acusado de tráfico de armas y condenado en el 2012 a 25 años de cárcel.

Durante el proceso, Griner escribió una carta al presidente de EE.UU., Joe Biden, en la que pidió ayuda para su liberación. El mandatario llamó por teléfono a principios de julio a la esposa de Griner, y le aseguró que está “trabajando para conseguir la liberación de Brittney lo antes posible”. El presidente calificó de “intolerable” la detención de la deportista.

En su reacción al veredicto, el mandatario declaró que Rusia detiene “injustamente” a Griner. “Insto a Rusia a liberarla inmediatamente […]. Mi Administración continuará trabajando incansablemente y buscando todas las vías posibles para que Brittney y Paul Whelan vuelvan a casa sanos y salvos lo antes posible”, aseguró.

A lo largo de su carrera en la selección estadounidense, Griner se llevó el oro dos veces de la Copa Mundial del Baloncesto (2014, 2018), al tiempo que escaló a la cúspide del podio de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 y de 2020. Antes de su detención, la jugadora jugaba en el equipo de UGMK de la ciudad de Ekaterimburgo. 

Noticia original de RT en Español.

Fivio Foreign Previews Remake Of Mase ‘What You Want’ As Feud Escalates

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Fivio Foreign threatens to release a remake of Mase’s classic “What You Want” as their feud escalates beyond a bad record deal.

After putting out the disgraceful contract he received from Mase, the Brooklyn drill rapper is back again to troll the former Bad Boy artist with a sample of his own song. On Thursday night Fivio Foreign shared a snippet of a new record which sounds like a sample of one of Mase’s biggest records.

The video shared by Fivio showed him in the studio while a voluptuous woman was licking his forehead while the song played in the background. Many fans reacted on social media as Fivio tagged Mase on his Instagram account with the song sample of his “What You Want” track featuring Total from his debut album Harlem World.

The album was and is still one of the biggest projects released by Diddy’s Bad Boy Label and features some much-loved songs like “Feels So Good,” “24 Hours To Live,” and “Will They Die 4 U?”

“What you want from me ?,” the “Big Drip” rapper wrote on the post.

It seems that Fivio is getting petty after Mase lied about how he helped Fivio and the exact sum of money that was given to him.

Fivio Foreign had revealed this week that the former Bad Boy rapper had him locked into an unconscionable contract that paid him an advance of $5,000. While it sounded like Fivio was joking, the rapper eventually shared the contract, which showed that Mase would also be getting a significant portion of his royalties and other income from his music.

Fivio hit out at Mase after the former Bad Boy rapper did an interview on Million Dollaz Work of Game podcast where he alleged that he gave Ma$e $5,000 initially through his RichFish Records label, and then he gave him $750,000.

When questioned about the money, Mase, however, said that he helped Fivio to negotiate a deal with a bigger label, but out of the money, he took $800,000 of the money and gave him $$750,000.

While Fivio Foreign has been cool about the entire thing with Mase this is the first time he is seriously speaking about the deal with Ma$e. The rapper had said in a previous interview that the man who helped him get the deal even ran off with the money.

In the meantime, Fivio seems to have more to say about the deal and Ma$e as he shared a tweet hinting that he might be seeing N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN on Drink Champs.

“I mite have to do Drink Champs,” Fivio tweeted alongside a thinking emoji.

Despite the controversy, Fivio Foreign has not taken any steps to end the contract with Mase, having said in the past that he is in control of his money and doesn’t bother with the contract with the veteran rapper.

The rapper’s contract is not unlike others that exist in the industry, particularly in hip hop for cases like Megan Thee Stallion and even Mase, who has alleged that his own label boss Diddy gave him a raw deal by signing him for little and nothing and keeping his masters while refusing to sell them or hand them over.

Many hip-hop fans have criticized Mase for, in essence, doing what Diddy did to him. Mase has not helped the situation as he referred to himself as “Diddy 2.0” as he took shots at Diddy.

La peste porcine africaine : la sensibilisation pour éviter cette maladie animale en Martinique

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Cette maladie qui touche les porcs et les sangliers est aux portes de notre île, notamment en Haïti et en République dominicaine.

Le ministère de l’agriculture lance une campagne de communication pour éviter que la peste porcine africaine ne gagne la Martinique. Le virus s’étend actuellement en Europe et dans les Antilles.

Très contagieuse et mortelle pour les porcs et les sangliers, la PPA peut occasionner de sévères pertes économiques pour les éleveurs mais  ne présente aucun danger pour la santé humaine.

 Depuis juillet 2021, indique le ministère, plus de 1600 foyers de PPA ont été déclarés à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OMSA) en Haïti et République dominicaine. La maladie est devenue endémique dans l’île d’Hispaniola.

Vigilance accrue

« La proximité géographique entre la République dominicaine et les collectivités et départements/régions français d’Outre-mer dans cette zone (Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélémy, Guadeloupe, Martinique et Guyane) ainsi que les liaisons aériennes et maritimes existantes entre ces territoires doivent inciter à une vigilance accrue dans ces territoires français et dans toute la région », indique le ministère.

L’ensemble des personnes intervenant en filière porcine est ciblé par la campagne. À savoir, tous les détenteurs de porcs (professionnels et particuliers détenteurs), les vétérinaires, les transporteurs d’animaux ; les travailleurs saisonniers en exploitation agricole de toute nature issus de pays où la maladie est endémique, en particulier de Haïti et de la République dominicaine ; les voyageurs et les professionnels du transport routier, aérien et maritime. 

Mesures recommandées 

–  Pour les éleveurs et les transporteurs, il s’agit de respecter les règles de prévention et les mesures sanitaires de biosécurité (nettoyage et désinfection des véhicules et du matériel utilisé), être vigilants et signaler et déclarer toute suspicion de PPA à la Direction départementale de l’agriculture et de la forêt (DAAF) de Martinique.

– Pour les voyageurs et les travailleurs saisonniers, jeter les restes d’aliments à base de porc dans des poubelles prévues à cet effet et fermées car le virus peut se transmettre aux porcs domestiques par la viande ou des produits à base de viandes contaminées. 

« Chaque acteur est invité à respecter strictement les mesures de prévention pour ne pas introduire ou diffuser le virus en Martinique. Les compagnies de transport sont notamment appelées à veiller au respect des mesures préconisées pour les voyageurs », indique le ministère.

Plus d’infos sur le dispositif de campagne :

Pour en savoir plus sur la peste porcine africaine :

Furieux contre Pelosi, Pékin lance des missiles près de Taïwan et du Japon

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

La Chine a tiré jeudi des missiles qui auraient survolé Taïwan et seraient tombés pour la première fois dans la zone économique exclusive japonaise, au premier jour d’exercices militaires autour de Taïwan, en réponse à la visite de la présidente de la chambre des représentants des Etats-Uni Nancy Pelosi à Taipei.

Le ministre japonais des Affaires étrangères Yoshimasa Hayashi a appelé jeudi à “l’arrêt immédiat” des manoeuvres militaires chinoises.

“Les actions de la Chine ont cette fois un impact grave sur la paix et la stabilité de la région. Je demande “l’arrêt immédiat de ces manoeuvres militaires”, a-t-il déclaré à des journalistes à Phnom Penh, où il participait à une réunion de l’Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est (Asean).

Malgré les fermes avertissements de Pékin, qui considère Taïwan comme une de ses provinces, Mme Pelosi, une des plus hautes responsables américaines, avait séjourné mardi et mercredi sur l’île, avant d’entamer jeudi une visite au Japon, dernière étape de sa tournée asiatique.

L’initiative de Mme Pelosi est considérée par la Chine comme une provocation, un soutien aux partisans de l’indépendance de Taïwan et un reniement de la promesse des Etats-Unis de ne pas avoir de relations officielles avec l’île.

En réponse, l’armée chinoise a lancé une série de missiles qui ont survolé Taïwan avant de tomber pour la première fois dans la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) du Japon sous couvert d’exercices militaires dans six zones maritimes autour de Taïwan, au niveau de routes commerciales très fréquentées et parfois à seulement 20 kilomètres des côtes taïwanaises.

– Protestation du Japon –

Quatre des cinq missiles balistiques chinois qui sont tombés dans la ZEE du Japon “auraient survolé l’île de Taïwan”, a annoncé jeudi le ministère japonais de la Défense.

Qualifiant l’incident de “problème grave qui affecte notre sécurité nationale et celle de nos citoyens”, le ministre de la Défense nippon, Nobuo Kishi, a précisé que “le Japon avait déposé une protestation auprès de la Chine par la voie diplomatique”.

De son côté, le secrétaire d’Etat américain, Antony Blinken, a souligné que Washington avait pris contact avec Pékin “à tous les niveaux du gouvernement” ces derniers jours pour l’appeler au calme.

“J’espère vraiment que Pékin ne provoquera pas une crise et ne cherchera pas un prétexte pour accroître ses opérations militaires agressives”, a-t-il dit à ses collègues dans le cadre du sommet de l’ASEAN à Phnom Penh.

Vingt-deux avions de combat chinois sont brièvement entrés jeudi dans la zone de défense aérienne taïwanaise, a annoncé le ministre de la défense taïwanais lors d’un briefing consacré aux manoeuvres militaires chinoises.

Les systèmes de défense anti-aériens ont traqué activement les avions chinois, a-t-il ajouté sur son site internet.

Les manoeuvres, qui ont débuté jeudi à midi (04H00 GMT), incluaient “des tirs de missiles conventionnels” vers les eaux au large de la côte est de Taïwan, avait indiqué Shi Yi, un porte-parole des forces militaires chinoises.

“Tous les missiles ont atteint leur cible avec précision, testant les capacités de frappe de précision et de déni d’accès” à la zone, a-t-il souligné dans un communiqué.

Condamnant des “actions irrationnelles qui minent la paix régionale”, le ministère taïwanais de la Défense a confirmé que l’armée chinoise avait tiré “11 missiles” balistiques de type Dongfeng “entre 13H56 et 16H00 dans les eaux au nord, au sud et à l’est de Taïwan”.

– Tir et détonation –

A Pingtan, une île chinoise située non loin des manoeuvres en cours, des journalistes de l’AFP ont assisté jeudi après-midi au tir de plusieurs projectiles, qui se sont envolés dans le ciel après des détonations, laissant derrière eux des panaches de fumée blanche.

A cet endroit de Chine continentale qui est le plus proche de Taïwan, les reporters ont également aperçu cinq hélicoptères militaires volant à basse altitude près d’un site touristique en bord de mer.

Les exercices militaires chinois doivent s’achever dimanche à midi.

Selon le journal chinois Global Times, qui cite des analystes militaires, ces manoeuvres sont d’une ampleur “sans précédent”.

“Si les forces taïwanaises viennent volontairement au contact de (l’armée chinoise) et viennent à tirer accidentellement un coup de feu, (l’armée chinoise) répliquera avec vigueur et ce sera à la partie taïwanaise d’en assumer toutes les conséquences”, a indiqué à l’AFP une source militaire anonyme au sein de l’armée chinoise.

Pour Pékin, ces manoeuvres sont “une mesure nécessaire et légitime” après la visite de Mme Pelosi.

“Face à des provocations malveillantes qui enfreignent de manière aussi flagrante la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale de la Chine, nos contre-mesures sont justifiées”, a déclaré jeudi Hua Chunying, une porte-parole du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères.

Les exercices visent à simuler un “blocus” de l’île et incluent “l’assaut de cibles en mer, la frappe de cibles au sol et le contrôle de l’espace aérien”, selon l’agence officielle Chine nouvelle.

– Tensions récurrentes –

Si l’hypothèse d’une invasion de Taïwan, peuplée de 23 millions d’habitants, reste peu probable, elle s’est amplifiée depuis l’élection en 2016 de l’actuelle présidente Tsai Ing-wen.

Issue d’un parti indépendantiste, Mme Tsai refuse, contrairement au gouvernement précédent, de reconnaître que l’île et le continent font partie “d’une même Chine”.

Les visites de responsables et parlementaires étrangers se sont également multipliées ces dernières années, provoquant l’ire de Pékin.

La Chine n’a toutefois aucune envie que la situation actuelle dégénère, déclarent des experts à l’AFP.

“Une guerre accidentelle” provoquée par un incident “est la dernière chose que souhaite Xi Jinping” avant le congrès du PCC, estime Titus Chen, professeur de sciences politiques à l’université nationale Sun Yat-Sen à Taïwan.

Amanda Hsiao, analyste Chine au cabinet de réflexion International Crisis Group, note toutefois que ces exercices “représentent une nette escalade par rapport à la norme des activités militaires chinoises autour de Taïwan et à la dernière crise du détroit de Taïwan en 1995-1996”.

PM says ‘pricey’ Ruthven Towers apartment will go on… Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced that the Government will be moving ahead with phase two of the controversial National Housing Trust (NHT) Ruthven Towers apartment complex in New Kingston.

In fact, Holness, in recognising that the decision could risk his own popularity, has asserted that persons from “all walks of life” and income brackets should be able to purchase their house, despite the cost.

“There should be no reason why someone who can afford a $48-million home not get the opportunity to buy his $48-million home. There is no reason, just as long as we are ensuring that the man who only can afford his $8-million home, gets his too,” declared Holness.

He was speaking at Wednesday’s handing over of Ruthven Towers Phase One.

In December, Holness had directed NHT to re-evaluate phase two of the Ruthven Towers apartment complex, as well as its participation in the segment of the housing market targeted at upscale developments.

This was due to public backlash in November last year after applications opened for the purchase of apartments.

The unit cost for the high-rise apartments, for which phase one is under construction, ranges from $27.7 million to $37.7 million.

The apartments were, in 2018, proposed to sell for $16 million to $22 million, but after a review, the prices increased. The NHT defended its pricing strategy, citing “the cost of construction inputs, as well as global challenges which have increased the cost of housing.”

On Wednesday, Holness said that after the public backlash over the apartments, the NHT and officials from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), including himself, had to take a “serious look” just to ensure that these projects fit within the mandate given, which is to build 70,000 houses for persons, including those he described as “lowest-income”.

“We considered very carefully whether or not we should continue with a project such as this. And we debated for a while, and I had even announced that we would not continue with the other phases, but after careful consideration, you know, we have to be reasonable,” he said.

“… As a politician, we always want to be considered favourable in everyone’s eyes… but you know that at the end of the day, you have a country to run, and people want their houses.

“… And popularity can carry you so far and no more. We have to do what is right. What is right is to have all houses that can be built, have them built with our financial resources and in the law, so that people from all walks of life in Jamaica can benefit,” he added.

According to Holness, critics of the Ruthven Towers apartment complex were trying to change the public mood.

“The duty of Government is to facilitate and create the opportunity for all Jamaicans from all walks of life, from all income brackets, to achieve aspirations, and sometimes the politics can be so unreasonable and, without research, people make wild comments that change the public mood, and (this) becomes a distraction for the project Jamaica that we have to keep our eyes on,” he argued.

“We made the decision after careful consideration that we will go ahead with the additional phases,” the prime minister said, adding that subject to layout modifications, the NHT will put on the market approximately 234-more units.

Meanwhile, Holness noted that the conversation around the Ruthven Towers apartment project would have led the unsuspecting Jamaican to believe that the NHT diverted all its resources there.

“This is the third development of this type that the NHT has done in the last 28 years.

“Further, the Ruthven development represents less than one per cent of the projects currently being undertaken by the NHT, as all other projects are being done to cater to affordable housing solutions,” he disclosed.

Amid those concerns over the NHT’s construction of upscale apartments, Holness reiterated that the agency has been directed by him to build more houses to cater to the current demand.

He noted, too, that since 2020, a more specific mandate was given to the NHT after the completion of a strategic review.

“Out of that review, the NHT has been directed to increase its housing output year-on-year.

“We believe that if we can 70,000 housing units onto the market, it will ease the demands that exist in our society for housing. It will slow down the decades of unabated irregular and illegal settlement of land.

“It will slow down the chaotic developments of communities all across Jamaica, which just springs up overnight and then places a demand on the Government to retroactively catch up with infrastructure, security, health, and education,” he reasoned.

Still, Holness argued that “this kind of unplanned development, chaotic development, and expansion of shelter on our built space has to stop.”

“An important part of stopping that is to get ahead of the demand by putting in place structured housing opportunities for the average Jamaican to access, and that is why we have put this mandate of 70,000 solutions,” the prime minister said.

“The NHT has committed to us that it will do… approximately 43,000 of that 70,000 (housing solutions). I know that from the handing-overs that I have done, they would have delivered over 1,000 houses out of the 43,000.

“But they have in-ground a significant number, and they (the NHT) are working,” he added.

In sharing that the pandemic and other global issues has had an impact on the NHT in delivering houses in the time frame, Holness has assured that “the NHT is working assiduously.”

CARPHA speaks about the benefits of breastfeeding Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months benefits the infant, mother, family, community, country, and environment,” states Dr. Joy St. John, Executive Director at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). “Therefore, breastfeeding is recognised as an effective strategy in achieving regional and global goals on health, nutrition, food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recommend that breastfeeding be initiated within 1 hour of birth, continued exclusively for the first 6 months of life, and that nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods be introduced at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond[1].

Early initiation of breastfeeding is critical to newborn survival, reducing their risk of morbidity and mortality[2]. Breastmilk provides optimal nutrition for infants for their physical and mental growth and development, along with antibodies to prevent and mitigate childhood illnesses[3].

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of over-nutrition (overweight and obesity) and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for both mother and child. Infants that are breastfed longer, have 13% lower risk of overweight and obesity and 35% lower risk of type 2 diabetes[4]. Women who breastfeed have reduced risks of postpartum overweight and obesity, 32% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, 37% lower risk of ovarian cancer and 26% lower risk of breast cancer4.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, many infants and young children do not meet the WHO and UNICEF recommendations for breastfeeding and ultimately lose out on its many benefits. Only 54% of infants initiate breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth; 37% breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months of life which is below the global rate (44%); and between 31%-55% of children continue to receive breastmilk up to 2 years of age.

Breastfeeding, more so when occurring exclusively, allows for healthier mothers and children who can in turn contribute meaningfully to the community and society at large. There is a reduced tax burden on communities and governments to ensure children are properly fed. Additionally, more funding is made available for community and national development. Reports indicate that the total global economic losses of not breastfeeding are estimated to be US$341.3 billion[5].

Breastfeeding is a naturally renewable resource that is environmentally sustainable as it does not require the use of natural resources (not even water!), provides no waste for accumulation in landfills (no packaging or disposal), and it does not pollute the environment[6].

Breastfeeding also contributes to infant and household food security[7]. Infants who are breastfed exclusively, require no other source of nutrition and are less likely to get sick thereby lessening the financial burden on the family. This allows for nutritious foods to be bought for other members of the family. This is especially important during times of economic crises, such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, where many households face unemployment and loss of income. The pandemic has proven to be a global threat to breastfeeding. Two recent studies in Western countries reported a decline in early initiation, exclusive and continued breastfeeding rates due to the pandemic, with one major contributing factor being a loss in support for mothers[8],[9].

Breastfeeding is particularly effective against infectious diseases because it strengthens the immune system by transferring antibodies from the mother to the child. Mother to child transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through breastmilk has not been found to occur. The WHO and UNICEF recommendations on initiation and continuation of breastfeeding infants and young children also apply to mothers with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease as the benefits far outweigh any potential risks[10]. Mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are encouraged to practice respiratory hygiene (wearing a mask when breastfeeding), hand hygiene (frequent hand washing, including before and after touching the baby), and routinely clean and disinfect surfaces[11]. If the mother is too unwell to breastfeed, she can be supported to feed expressed breastmilk or to relactate (re-introduce breastfeeding after a period of cessation).

This year’s theme for World Breastfeeding Week “Step up for Breastfeeding – Educate and Support” is aligned with thematic area 1 of the WBW-Sustainable Development Goals 2030 campaign which highlights the links between breastfeeding and good nutrition, food security and reduction of inequalities. It will focus on strengthening the capacity of actors that have to protect, promote and support breastfeeding across different levels of society.

We all form part of the warm chain of support of breastfeeding – whether we are from or represent governments, health systems, workplaces or communities – and have a shared responsibility to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Let us all inform, anchor, engage and galvanise action to protect and support breastfeeding. A whole-of-society approach is needed to facilitate the development and implementation of regional breastfeeding policies and creating a breastfeeding-friendly environment.

This is in keeping with the Caribbean Public Health Agency’s (CARPHA) life course approach for the prevention of NCDs of which breastfeeding is a key factor. CARPHA supports breastfeeding as a long-term strategy for a more productive and healthier Region and encourages mothers and families to see breastfeeding as the optimal feeding method for infants.

CARPHA has led training in the WHO/UNICEF 40 Hour Breastfeeding Counselling Course; and training of Health Professionals in the 20-Hour Course for Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative as well as implementation and certification. The Agency has also supported Member States with the development of National Infant and Young Child Feeding Policies, Hospital Breastfeeding Policies and developed guidelines for anyone involved in the care and management of newborns, and pregnant or lactating women suspected of or confirmed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus.

CARPHA calls upon its member states to take a whole of society approach and implement and reinforce the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. By protecting and supporting breastfeeding, we are also protecting human rights and taking important steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, leaving no one behind in the post pandemic world.

JUST IN: Man fatally shot, 5 guns recovered as cops flood Portmore Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Kimmo Matthews

9 minutes ago

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One man was fatally shot and five guns were recovered by members of a joint police/military that are carrying out an operation in sections of Portmore, St Catherine.

Details into the operation are still sketchy but reports are that members of the island security forces are now carrying out several searches on Dyke Road while other officers have also flooded sections of Gregory Park where criminals have been locked in an ongoing gang feud.

Police sources report that several houses were burnt down by criminals locked in an ongoing gang war.

Police high command LAO reported that a curfew has been imposed in Gregory Park, it took effect at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2 and will remain in effect until 6:00 pm on Thursday, August 4.

According to law enforcers, the boundaries of the curfew are as follows:

North: Along the Dyke Road about 1,759 metres from the round-a-bout to the intersection of Portmore Villa Boulevard and Dyke Road.

East: Along Dyke Road about 695 metres from the intersection of Portmore Villa Boulevard to the train line.

South: Along the train line from the intersection of Dyke Road to the intersection of Municipal Boulevard about 2080 metres.

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