Le bon chrono de Cédric Eustache

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles


Mathurin Mayoulika
Vendredi 12 Août 2022 – 09h15

4e du contre-la-montre, Cédric Eustache (TMC) complète le podium du général. – HT

Auteur d’un bon contre-la-montre, loin du duel entre Brunel et Bennett, le coureur martiniquais de la Team Madras Cycling s’est montré plus rapide que Rapiteau blessé et Centrone dépassé, ce qui lui vaut de retrouver une place sur le podium du général qu’il complète.

Déjà troisième général, à l’issue de l’étape de mardi, avant de perdre des places le lendemain, Cédric Eustache (TMC) a retrouvé des couleurs ce samedi.

Dans le contre-la-montre ralliant Le Moule à Anse-Bertrand (30,6 km), il s’est classé 4e. à 2’03” d’Alexys Brunel (USL).

5e au départ de l’étape, le sociétaire de la Team Madras Cycling, remonte au classement, et devance Florian Rapiteau (Laval Cycling 53) de 4 secondes.

Parti dernier du contre-la-montre, Alexys Brunel s’est montré impitoyable face Florian Rapiteau, lancé deux minutes avant lui, qu’il a dépassé. .

Stefan Bennett (ETPC),profite de cette situation et passe de la 3e place à la 2e au général.

Axel Carnier (sélection de Martinique), 6e avant l’étape perd deux places au classement général.

Samedi, les coureurs rallieront Pointe=Noire à Bouillante, soit 138, 5 km.

Les classements 


1.Alexys Brunel (USL) en 36’15”

2.Stefan Bennett (ETPC) à 1’07”

3.Matisse Julien (PT U23) à 2’02”

4.Cédric Eustache (TMC) à 2’03”

5.Matthéis Oliver (TMTW) à 2’30”

28. Axel Carnier (Martinique) à 4’43”

46.Brandon Baret-Ajax (Martinique) à 6’08”

80.Johan Gobin (Martinique) à 8’16”

89.Mickaël Stanislas (Martinique) à 8’58”

90.Jean-Christophe Florimond (Martinique) à 9’06”

92.Dylan Jacques (Martinique) à 9’24”


Le général

1.Alexys Brunel (USL) en 23h07’06”

2.Stefan Bennett (ETPC) à 4’24”

3.Cédric Eustache (TMC) à 6’22”

4.Florian Rapiteau (Laval Cycling 53) à 6’26”

5.Tom Donnenwirth (UVMG) à 7’23”

8.Axel Carnier (Martinique) à 9’07”

54.Jean-Christophe Florimond (Martinique) à 51’45”

56.Dylan Jacques (Martinique) à 52’46”

64.Mickaël Stanislas (Martinique) à 57’41”

71.Brandon Baret-Ajax (ERG) à 1h04’46”

72.Johan Gobin (Martinique) à 1h05’48”

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Tour cycliste de la Guadeloupe: Alexys Brunel reprend de l’avance avant la montagne

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Tour cycliste de la Guadeloupe

Vendredi 12 Août 2022 – 13h59

Alexys Brunel a littéralement écrasé le chrono lors de cette 8e étape entre Le Moule et Anse-Bertrand – Sandy Traigneau

Comme prévu, le premier du classement général a protégé son maillot en prenant encore des minutes sur ses rivaux lors du contre-la-montre entre Le Moule et Anse-Bertrand. Alexys Brunel a écrasé le chrono en 36m15s. Stéfan Bennett partira demain à Pointe-Noire avec 4m24s de retard sur le maillot jaune.

Il était attendu sur son épreuve et il n’a pas déçu. Le champion de France espoir du contre-la-montre a écrasé le chrono en mettant plus d’une minute sur le 2e de cette 8e étape, Stéfan Bennett (Eurocycling).

Alexys Brunel est partie tambour battant, malgré un problème de fixation sur les pédales au départ, puisqu’il a dépassé Florian Rapiteau avant le 15e km. Le coureur de Laval avait pris le départ deux minutes avant. Alexys Brunel a continué d’appuyer sur sa machine durant tout le parcours qu’il boucle en 36m15s. Ce superbe chrono lui permet donc de reprendre de l’avance sur Stéfan Bennett avant l’étape de montagne entre Pointe-Noire et Bouillante où il est annoncé en difficulté.  

De son côté Stéfan Bennett s’est accroché avec un chrono en 37m22. L’objectif du jour pour le vainqueur du Tour 2021 était de ne pas perdre trop de temps sur ce chrono pour avoir encore une chance de jouer le général dans la montagne qu’il affectionne tant. 

La Corratec a tenté de remporter une deuxième étape, la Premier Tech passe à côté une nouvelle fois.

Si Julien Chane Foc a tenu le temps de référence en 41m32s durant plus de 15 minutes, l’italien Giulo Masotto a pulvérisé ce temps en bouclant les 30km600 en 38m52s. Ce temps de référence aura été tenu longtemps, jusqu’à ce que, bien entendu, un garçon de la Premier Tech fasse mieux. Matisse Julien est descendu à 38m17s. Rien d’étonnant à cela, puisque les Canadiens avaient fait une très grosse impression du chrono de la Désirade, où Julien avait signé le 4e temps. D’autre part, la configuration du Tour a fait que les Premier Tech U23 étaient revanchards après la victoire qui leur a échappé la veille au Moule (7e étape). 

Classement 8ème étape

1. Alexys Brunel – 36’15

2. Stefan Bennett – 37’22

3. Julien matisse – 38’17

4. Cedric Eustache – 38’18

5. Oliver Mattheis – 38’46

6. Giulio Masotto – 38’52

7. Robin Plamondon – 39’06

8. Boris Carène – 39’12

9. Guillaume Dauschy – 39’18

10. Gabriel Reguero Chorral – 39’21

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Un avion de la compagnie Corsair à destination de Fort-de-France contraint de faire demi-tour en vol

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Alexandre Labat-Mars
Vendredi 12 Août 2022 – 15h09

avion corsair – DR

 Ce vendredi 12 août, aux alentours de 10h15, le vol SS924 de la compagnie Corsair a été dérouté suite à l’indiscipline d’une passagère.

 Après environ une demi-heure du décollage, le vol SS924 au départ de Paris Orly et à destination de l’aéroport Aimé Césaire (Fort-de-France) de la compagnie Corsair a été dérouté vers Orly. Pour cause, une passagère s’est mise à fumer dans les toilettes vers l’arrière de l’appareil en plein vol. L’équipage a été alerté par le son des alarmes à plusieurs reprises et a tenté de raisonner la passagère, qui a répondu agressivement. Cette dernière s’en est donc pris au personnel de l’équipage du vol. À l’atterrissage à Paris, les forces de l’ordre l’ont interpellé directement dans l’avion.

Le vol n’a pu repartir qu’environ 2h après cet incident, il est de nouveau en route vers Fort-de-France.

Une enquête est ouverte, selon la compagnie aérienne.

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Le conducteur du deux-roues qui avait fauché un enfant âgé de 4 ans sera jugé ce mardi

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Rédaction web
Vendredi 12 Août 2022 – 15h26

Justice – Shutterstock

 Initialement prévu ce jeudi (11 août), le jugement en comparution immédiate du conducteur du deux-roues qui avait grièvement blessé un enfant âgé de 4 ans sur le parking d’un centre commercial des Abymes,  a été reporté à mardi.

 Ce lundi (8 août), un garçonnet avait été renversé par un deux-roues, sur le parking d’un centre commercial des Abymes. Le conducteur du deux-roues avait pris la fuite.Grièvement blessé, la victime a été transportée au pôle Parent-enfant du Centre hospitalier universitaire, à Palais Royal, aux Abymes.Âgé de 34 ans, avec antécédents judiciaires, le conducteur du deux-roues, s’est rendu aux autorités judiciaires ce mercredi (10 août) et avait été placé en garde à vue. Sa garde à vue avait été prolongée hier (11 août).

Il devait être jugé hier au tribunal de Pointe-à-Pitre mais l’affaire a été renvoyée à mardi prochain (16 août).

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‘Anger mi have inna mi right now’ — Donna-Lee Donaldson’s uncle Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Missing influencer’s relatives react after her cop boyfriend makes first court appearance

Loop News

1 hrs ago

‘Anger mi have inna mi right now’ — Donna-Lee Donaldson’s uncle

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After Constable Noel Maitland, the accused in the murder of social media influencer Donna-Lee Donaldson, made his first court appearance in the matter on Friday, relatives of the young woman reacted to the news that his attorney will be making a bail application when he reappears in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on August 22.

The frustration was evident as Donaldson’s uncle, Neil Lugg, shared his thoughts.

“Anger mi have inna mi right now,” Lugg said, as he shared that he learnt about Maitland’s court appearance through the media.

Maitland, who was Donaldson’s boyfriend, was arrested and charged with murder in connection with her disappearance following a high-level investigation. He has, however, maintained his innocence.

Donaldson was reported missing on July 13. The police believe she was killed on July 12.

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Safaree Suing Over Leaked Video With Girlfriend Kimbella Matos

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Safaree Samuels is threatening to take legal action against an unnamed person for the leaked private video of him and his girlfriend Kimbella Matos.

The videos were leaked on Thursday night and were being sold pay-per-view by a blogger on Patreon. A ten-minute clip has been circulating on Twitter and other sites showing the couple getting in on various occasions. Their identities are visible in the video, with Matos lying on the bed and Safaree standing behind her. There is also a video showing Matos giving Safaree “brains.”

An irate Safaree took to Twitter to warn that he will be taking legal action for the leak.

“I am Taking full legal and criminal action. The person who did that is going to pay. And I am not letting up either,” the Love & Hip Hop artist said.

Safaree is no stranger to leaks, as photos and videos of his private parts have leaked many times before. However, the rising rapper says that he is not taking this latest incident lightly.

“Not letting this 1 slide. This is a cyber crime and I am pressing full charges!” Safaree added.

Safaree has previously been a victim of alleged cybercrime after his nudes went viral, leaving fans speechless at the size of his package. A confident Safaree has, however, turned the negative into a positive as he has a adult toy collaboration from the first leak of his privates.

There are speculations that Erica Mena might be behind the leak, but she has been very quiet on social media as she is busy promoting her Fox’s Tubi movie, The Stepmother.

Months ago, Erica Mena and Matos went at it as they traded accusations, with Mena calling the Instagram model a “Prostitute” and Matos dishing information on Mena, claiming that she was selling herself to rich ball players.

Kimbella Matos responded to the tweet while accusing Erica of being obsessed with her and calling her uneducated.

Erica Mena and Safaree announced they were officially divorced in March 2022 after being married for less than three years. The pair met on the cast of Love and Hip Hop franchise and got married in October 2019. However, their relationship was characterized by various problems after the birth of their first child. The former couple shares two children Legend, 1, and Majesty Safire, 2.

Mena has often accused Safaree of being a deadbeat father and had shared that Safaree was out partying for his birthday while she gave birth to their son. He also didn’t see the baby, who had to be hospitalized in NICU after birth, until days later. Safaree, on the other hand, has accused Mena of being difficult to deal with and keeping him from his children.


Bounty Killer Met 9-Y-O Actress Jazmin Headley For First Time, Record Collab

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

Bounty Killer is showing us how versatile he is as an artist as he recently revealed that he collaborated with child starlet Jazmin Headley.

The artist revealed that he and Headley recently met for the first time in Kingston as they promoted their new song “Sing Sing.” She also donated to the dancehall legend’s Bounty Killer Foundation.

Jazmin Headley is a Canadian actress and singer who is nine years old. Her track with Bounty Killer is the lead single from her first EP. Headley’s parents are Jamaicans, and she shares the same affinity for Jamaican music.

In an interview with the Jamaica Star, Headley spoke about the upcoming track. “The song is about singing and dancing, and that’s what Rodney does. As a nine-year-old, it’s important to send a message through my music and he feels the same way,” she said.

Headley also paid tribute to Bounty Killer’s late mother, Miss Ivy, as she gave the Jamaican iconic dancehall deejay a floral arrangement in memory of his mother, who passed away 10 years ago but whom he has constantly spoken about the impact she had on his life. The artist became visibly emotional at the tribute.

“From my mother passed not many have done anything like this to remember her. She always touches my heart. ‘Jazz’ brings a lot of joy. This is the only child I would say I wish she was my child. I don’t wish my child was like her but that she was actually my child. She is a gem.”

According to Bounty Killer, Headley donated to his foundation long before they even met.

“It was manager, Bankey, who was the one to bring my attention to this child, who said that on her ninth birthday, she wanted to donate nine barrels to the foundation,” Bounty Killer said. “I was like that a nine-year-old wants to do something this big. He informed me of who she was, that she works and bought the things, and not that somebody gave them to her. It was very interesting,” an impressed Bounty Killer said.

Meanwhile, Bounty says that the pair initially collaborated on charitable ventures before he learned that she had other talents.

“When I met her online, and the more we start to talk, I picked her mind. I come to realise she is smart and clever and just how involved she is in giving back. That was over a year ago. Then I found out she was also a singer. When I found out the talent she have and just see her beautiful soul, I wanted to do all the things I can to support her,” Bounty Killer shared.

“I expect good things for a track like this. With a little child singing on a song, singing that well and she singing a good topic, to ‘sing, sing, sing’ and ‘let’s party’, it should be good. Jazz is on a good path and she is very established, though I only see snippets posted of her on the internet, I know she has a little fan base building,” the artist posted.

In the meantime, Bounty Killer says he is exploring the talent development of Headley, who goes by the name of ‘Jazzy,’ and wants to sign her to his Alliance music group.

“We aren’t letting her go, she is going to be a big part of my organisation, maybe we even sign her. We will be doing more with Jazz because she is going to take the world by storm,” he said.


Major clean-up exercise along Dyke Road Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

A major clean-up exercise has begun along the Dyke Road in St. Catherine as part of the national ‘Clean Jamaica’ campaign being implemented by the Government of Jamaica.

The exercise, which commenced on Thursday (August 11), is expected to last for one week and will see the removal of overgrown vegetation in the area. The work will focus on both sides of the road from the Ackee Village up to the train line.

“This area is what is deemed the critical area of the Dyke Road that needs immediate response and that is what we are offering right now,” said Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Desmond McKenzie, who observed the exercise.

He informed that the clean-up is in response to a request from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) regarding the condition of the area, which, in recent times, has been used as a hideout for criminals and where illegal weapons have been discovered.

“The work is being coordinated by the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), working closely with the Member of Parliament and Counsellor for the area and getting the support from the security forces,” said Minister McKenzie.

Meanwhile, he noted that the national clean-up campaign, which began prior to the Independence celebrations, will continue.

“This programme will go on. We will take the programme right across other parts of the country, but we want to focus today on the urgency and the need to have this area clean,” he added.

Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, with responsibility for information, Robert Morgan, empahasised the national significance of the clean-up exercise along the Dyke Road.

“Thousands of cars all across the island and Jamaicans commute through this area. Even though it is important for St Catherine, it’s a major artery into Kingston.

“That’s one of the primary focuses of the national clean-up campaign – looking at areas that impact Jamaicans in general and also communities in particular,” said Minister Morgan.

Member of Parliament for St. Catherine East Central and State Minister for Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, thanked the various stakeholders involved, noting that the clean-up “is a big win for the people of Gregory Park and East Central St. Catherine”.


WATCH: Noel Maitland to return to court August 22 Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Constable Noel Maitland, who is charged with the murder of missing social media influencer Donna-Lee Donaldson, was Friday morning remanded to custody until August 22 when he is to reappear in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court.

Maitland’s attorney Christopher Townsend is to make an application for bail when the matter returns. The prosecution is not yet ready for trial.

In court, Maitland was properly dressed but appeared stressed, as is normal with someone being in custody.

Maitland, who is also a producer who goes by the name Noel Onetime, was charged on August 2 during the peak of a high-level investigation, which suggested that Donaldson, who was reported missing at the time, was dead.

The police have yet to recover a body but they say there is forensic proof that she is dead. Deputy Commissioner of Police Fitz Bailey said, based on their investigation, they believe that Donaldson was killed on July 12.

DCP Bailey said, too, that the police have carried out several operations – including a visit to the Riverton City Dump in St Andrew – aimed at recovering Donaldson’s body.

The senior law enforcement officer said that while investigators suspect that Maitland may have acted alone in causing the alleged death of Donaldson, they believe that he received help to dispose of the body.

Donaldson was reported missing on July 13 after she had gone to Maitland’s home to spend her birthday. Family and fans of Donaldson, who was the host of the reality show 876Roommates, staged several protests days after her disappearance, claiming a lack of urgency on the part of the police.

The police, with the help of INDECOM and the Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Health and oversight from the police command, was able to make several breakthroughs, and, by July 26, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution was brought in for a case review.

By July 27, Maitland was in custody, taken before the parish court and remanded. And on August 2, a charge of murder was laid against him.

Maitland has maintained his innocence.


Dolla makes bid to acquire Access Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Business

52 minutes ago – Updated

In a letter, dated August 11, 2022, Dolla’s CEO Kadeen Mairs wrote to Access’ board of directors stating that Dolla is “interested in exploring a take-over to acquire full control of Access”.

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Microfinance company Dolla Financial Services Limited has launched a takeover bid for rival firm Access Financial Services Limited.

In a letter, dated August 11, 2022, Dolla’s CEO Kadeen Mairs wrote to Access’ board of directors stating that Dolla is “interested in exploring a take-over to acquire full control of Access”.

Access, led by Marcus James, was the first company to list on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange in 2009. Whereas, Dolla was listed on JSE two months ago on June 15.

In its letter to Access Financial, Dolla requested that both parties proceed to “confidential exploratory discussions” and proposed that they enter a non-disclosure agreement to cover the likely discussions.

Mairs has given Access Financial until August 16 to respond to its expression of interest.

Dolla Financial, last month, received board approval to raise $1 billion in bonds, having unlent all of the $25 million it raised via an initial public offer in May. The bond issue will likely help Dolla Financial achieve its goal to open three more local branches by year-end and set up shop in a third Caribbean country.

The microlender operates nine branches across seven parishes and recently opened a branch in Portmore, St Catherine, where it plans to unlend $100 million in six months.

Marcus James, CEO of Access Financial Service.

Meanwhile, Access recently received approval from the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) to operate as a microfinance institution (MFI).

Access said the development means the company is approved to provide microcredit services, such as granting loans or business advisory services to individuals and MSMEs.

The company said it would continue to ensure that it meets all regulatory obligations to provide greater financial inclusion, improved customer service, and greater disclosure to customers.

Access had a $2 billion bond offer last month to refinance debt and give itself more working capital.

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