Sortir Ha?ti de la liste grise, un d?fi de taille

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Lors d’une conf?rence de presse en d?but de semaine, au Centre de convention et de documentation de la Banque de la R?publique d’Ha?ti (BRH), le gouverneur Jean Baden Dubois a exprim? ses inqui?tudes sur une ?ventualit? de voir le syst?me financier ha?tien ferm? sur lui-m?me, ne pouvant pas communiquer avec d’autres syst?mes financiers du monde entier parce que Ha?ti se situe sur la liste grise du Groupe d’action financi?re (GAFI). Le pays court le risque d’?tre sur une autre liste bien pire encore si rien n’est fait par les autorit?s ha?tiennes pour rectifier le tir.

Pourquoi Ha?ti est-elle sur cette liste grise du GAFI ?

D’apr?s le gouverneur Jean Baden Dubois qui a r?pondu justement ? cette question lors de la c?r?monie de signature du protocole d’accord entre la BRH et l’Unit? centrale de renseignement financiers (UCREF), hier jeudi, il y a beaucoup de raisons qui pourraient expliquer la pr?sence d’Ha?ti sur la liste grise. <>, a affirm? le gouverneur.

D’autres raisons sont ?voqu?es par le num?ro un de la banque centrale comme l’incapacit? de l’UCREF de recevoir en temps r?el des banques commerciales les d?clarations de soup?ons. Le gouverneur insiste aussi sur le fait que les banques doivent connaitre le profil de leur client. <>, a expliqu? Jean Baden Dubois, soulignant qu’il y a beaucoup d’?l?ments ? corriger pour sortir de la liste grise.

En outre, le gouverneur a avanc? qu’il faut des lois sur les associations, interconnecter les juridictions en mati?re de justice et diminuer l’utilisation de cash dans l’?conomie. La signature du protocole d’accord entre la BRH et l’UCREF, les travaux d’interconnexion des juridictions dans le cadre du programme de gestion des cas judiciaires informatis?s qui a permis de connecter d?j? 13 juridictions sur 18 constituent des pas importants pour sortir le pays de la liste grise.

Toutefois, il reste encore beaucoup ? faire pour r?soudre ce probl?me qui pourrait provoquer la mise ? l’?cart du syst?me financier ha?tien. Une mise ? l’?cart du syst?me financier ha?tien entraine de lourdes cons?quences, par exemple, l’impossibilit? des m?nages de recevoir des transferts. Pour l’instant, il est impossible d’avoir des lois qui manquent puisque le Parlement est dysfonctionnel. Pourtant, les ?valuations du GAFI datent de 2018. Cette ann?e-l? le Parlement ha?tien comptait encore ces deux branches. Ce n’est que maintenant que les autorit?s financi?res et judiciaires tentent de prendre le taureau par les cornes. Les efforts d?ploy?s seront-ils suffisants pour donner les r?sultats escompt?s avant la date fatidique du 23 ao?t 2023 ?

<>, selon Eddy Labossi?re est la cause principale.

Pour l’?conomiste Eddy Labossi?re, la BRH dont r?le est clairement d?fini dans la loi du 20 Juillet 2012 est la principale responsable de cette faillite. <>, d?plore l’?conomiste dans un texte qui circule sur les r?seaux sociaux.

<>, a soutenu l’?conomiste.

<>, a poursuivi le professeur Eddy Labossi?rre, soulignant que la BRH comme ponce Pilate se lave les mains en essayant maladroitement de trouver les causes ailleurs…

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La po?sie r?volutionnaire de Jacques Steven Prioly

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Po?te, ?diteur, PDG de Feray Edisyon, une jeune maison d’?dition, Jacques Steven Prioly, auteur de Les Cendres du temps, vient de publier son deuxi?me recueil de po?mes intitul? Caf? Coton Corde Cha?ne Croix Caravelle Canne-?-Sucre Civilisation. Publi?es chez Feray Edisyon, les deux plaquettes po?tiques du po?te traitent en majeure partie de l’un de ses th?mes de pr?dilection : <>. Deux recueils de po?mes coup de poing qui ?voquent la p?riode coloniale tant par leur forme que par leur fond et qui s’inscrivent ? la fois dans une d?marche identitaire affirmative et d?nonciatrice.

La po?sie de Jacques Steven Prioly accuse un engagement indig?niste. Ce mouvement ayant pris naissance au d?but du 20e si?cle dans la litt?rature ha?tienne consiste ? prioriser l’histoire, le folklore, les paysages et ? assumer l’origine raciale africaine. C’est ce que le po?te a fait dans son dernier livre intitul? Caf? Coton Corde Cha?ne Croix Caravelle Canne-?-Sucre Civilisation. A l’instar d’un magicien, Jacques Steven Prioly s’approprie certains concepts du colonialisme pour asseoir sa cr?ation.

<< Quand tu d?shabilles de tes cha?nes

Tu es

? la fois

Corps devenu libre

Et propri?t? perdue

Deux points de vue

O? tout devient fissure sur horizon

Le temps lui-m?me fait sa pri?re

Pour que demain te tisse un sourire >>, page 44,45

La po?sie de Jacques Steven Prioly porte en elle l’habilet? qui manque ? certains po?tes et artistes dits <>. Le po?te a su allier dext?rit? po?tique et engagement politique. Jeune militant de gauche, sa po?sie qui est d’ailleurs r?volutionnaire n’a rien ? envier ? son discours politique, cependant diff?re par son originalit?. Dans son dernier recueil de po?mes Caf? Coton Corde Cha?ne Croix Caravelle Canne-?-Sucre Civilisation, Jacques Steven Prioly va ? contre-courant de la perception de Jean Paul Sartre de la po?sie. Le philosophe, dans son livre intitul? Qu’est-ce que la litt?rature ? paru aux ?ditions Gallimard en 1948 oppose la po?sie ? la prose et ? toute forme d’engagement politique au m?me titre que la peinture. <> a estim? Jean Paul Sartre qui circonscrit la po?sie dans un carcan esth?tique qui, selon lui, ne saurait ?tre politique. La po?sie de Jacques Steven Prioly nous prouve le contraire tout en restant fid?le ? son engagement esth?tique ainsi qu’? son engagement politique.

<< Je n’ai pas eu le temps de na?tre

Moi bourgeon

Ma m?re ne m’a pas enfant?e


Bien heureuse de ne pas ?tre

De cette modernit?


Bien meuble sans date de naissance

Outils entre d’autres mains humaines

Je broute les champs de l’histoire >> page 7.

La po?sie de Jacques Steven Prioly fait appel au sentiment patriotique tout en priorisant la prose au d?triment de la versification. Elle interpelle et se cr?e une place au 21e si?cle ? un moment o? le temps du mouvement indig?niste est r?volu. La po?sie de Prioly refl?te, d’un c?t?, la fra?cheur et la modernit? ainsi qu’un aspect vintage. Le champ lexical, les choix s?mantiques, rien n’est hasard dans la po?sie de Jacques Steven Prioly.

<< Puis tes pieds

Derni?re marche

Vers la libert?

Et ton sourire

D’effluve et de caravelle


Trop large

Jusqu’? l’effacement >>, page 12.

Une lecture de Caf? Coton Corde Cha?ne Croix Caravelle Canne-?-Sucre Civilisation s’impose. Les lecteurs et lectrices doivent (re)d?couvrir par eux-m?mes l’oeuvre du po?te qui suit parfaitement la ligne ?ditoriale de sa maison d’?dition Feray Edisyon, lanc?e le samedi 11 juin ? la Facult? des sciences humaines (FASCH), de l’Universit? d’?tat d’Ha?ti (UEH) qui est de promouvoir les valeurs ha?tiennes.

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Fraser-Pryce hopeful to recover for Brussels Diamond League Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Jamaica’s sprinting sensation Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce is hopeful she will be fit to compete in the women’s 100m at the Memorial Van Damme in Brussels next week, the last Wanda Diamond League meeting before the series final in Zurich.

Fraser-Pryce, a 35-year-old mom, was forced to withdraw from the Diamond League meeting in Lausanne on Friday due to hamstring discomfort.

“Been struggling with some discomfort in my hamstring a couple of days now,” Fraser-Pryce, who won a record fifth women’s 100m world title last month in Oregon, posted on social media. “Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.”

Fraser-Pryce further said she was “extremely disappointed” not to compete but was hopeful she would recover in time for the meeting in Brussels next week.

“No matter how hard we prepare sometimes things just don’t go as planned. The last thing I want to do is gain an injury or injure myself,” she said.

The meeting on Friday was denied the expected women’s world 100m medallist rematch with the withdrawal of Fraser-Pryce while five-time Olympic gold medallist Elaine Thompson-Herah, who claimed bronze in Oregon, left the track after a false start.

It was USA’s Aleia Hobbs who went on to triumph, clocking 10.87 (0.0m/s) ahead of world 100m silver medallist and 200m champion Shericka Jackson (10.88) and Marie-Josee Ta Lou (10.89). Tamari Davis, who twice ran under the world U20 100m record in Memphis last month with a best of 10.83, also dipped under 11 seconds with 10.94 for fourth.

It has been another phenomenal year for Fraser-Pryce, the 14-time global gold medallist, and it isn’t over yet. The 35-year-old won 100m gold and 200m silver in Oregon, and has dipped under 10.70 for the shorter distance a remarkable six times this season, topped by her 10.62 in Monaco earlier this month.

In Brussels, Fraser-Pryce is listed to go up against 2019 Diamond Trophy winner Dina Asher-Smith.

US star Sha’Carri Richardson and Ta Lou will also be in the blocks in Brussels.

PARENTAL EXAMPLE! Teen charged after burglary confession to mom Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

38 minutes ago

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A teenage boy was arrested and charged with burglary and larceny after he confessed to his mother that he committed the crimes, on Monday, August 22.

Reports from the Seaforth police in St Thomas are that on May 21, a man securely locked his house and left.

Upon his return at about 10:45 p.m., he discovered that the house had been broken into and several items were missing, including $150,000, cellular phone credits and a cellular phone.

On August 22, the teen was arrested and charged after he confessed to his mother that he had committing the crimes.

His mother also returned what was left of the cash, along with the cellular phone.

The teen is awaiting his day in court.

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Met Office warns we are heading in to peak Hurricane Season now Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Statement on an area of disturbed weather in the Central Atlantic

Loop News

21 minutes ago

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Barbadians are being warned to remember, “We are entering the peak of the hurricane season and the public is asked to ensure that their hurricane preparedness checklists have been completed” to ensure they are in a state of readiness.

This comes from the Barbados Meteorological Services.

At the moment, the Barbados Meteorological Services is closely monitoring an area of disturbed weather embedded within the monsoon trough about 2550 KM or 1585 Miles east of Barbados.

This system remains disorganized and is not expected to change much over the next few days as it moves very slowly westward to westnorthwestward. Extended forecast tracks at this time takes the system well north of Barbados by late next week however, the Met Office is strongly recommending that the public listens for daily updates over the weekend and early next week.

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‘Ik ben teruggevallen op hetgeen waar ik verliefd op werd: kawina’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

door Shanavon Arsomedjo PARAMARIBO — “Ik ben gaan kijken naar mezelf. Ik ben gaan opzoeken wat ik fijn vind en

Eyewitness: Tongue-lashing…on the political leaders

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Well, it’s high time some adult in the room spoke up – the political room, that is!! Just think of the depths to which our politics have sunk in the last couple of years. And your Eyewitness isn’t even talking about rigging and other such hijinks – that’s been going on so long now that it’s pretty much as “Guyanese” as pepperpot!! We’re not going to get rid of pepperpot just because it burns some people’s mouths, are we??

Anyhow, with senior politicians refusing to shake hands; refusing to call the President “President” (while accepting that they’re the “Opposition Leader” via the same elections!); making demands that everyone knows are unconstitutional; creating mayhem in the hallowed halls of Parliament etc, etc (there’s a lot of etcs!!) somebody had to grab these fellas by the scruffs of their necks and talk some sense into them!!

After all, while all this gamesmanship is playing out to the galleries, it shouldn’t have surprised anyone that our societal institutions are unravelling; and unless something’s done, we’ll soon be imploding into a black hole!! Maybe like what happened in the 1960s!Anyhow, in handing down her judgement on two cases brought before her on the appointment of some constitutional commissions in general, and the appointment of the COP in particular, the Madam Chief Justice (ag) stood up! She tongue-lashed the political leaders for the “confrontational tone” that’s become their default mode of communicating with each other!!

She reminded the political leaders that the Constitution, which governs all state issues, mandated a “consultative process”, with the stress on the word “consultative” – which doesn’t connote hurling barbs at each other!! In fact, because of previous lapses, the term has now been refined as “meaningful consultation” – for which the parameters had been spelled out!! She also pointed out that they gotta stick to the issues before them, and not get bogged down by “irrelevant matters”. And the relevant issues, of course, are those that redound to the better welfare of our dear land of Guyana!!

The CJ didn’t even mention fancy terms like “judicialization of politics”, for which the political elites had been accused by some academics! That’s for throwing matters to the courts that they could resolve themselves only – if they acted maturely and not go off on detours and frolics!!

Now, this upbraiding should disabuse anyone of the notion that the “Acting” before her name has, in any way, shape or form, made her diffident in performing her role – and then some!!Your Eyewitness only hopes the politicians understand that the Judiciary has had it with their infantile behaviour, after being taken behind the woodshed and given this spanking!!Let’s see if they’ve learnt their lesson!!

…and bowing out??

It couldn’t have surprised anyone – that Trotman’s dropping out of Parliament, could it? That’s Raphael, not Desmond – in case you’d forgotten him after his prolonged absence from the news!! He says it’s because he’s ill and he wants to foster “parliament rotation and space for new leadership in the AFC”! If you believe that, then your Eyewitness has a bridge across the Essequibo River to sell you!!

Trotman’s a fella whose hero is Burnham. And by the time Burnham was TWELVE, he’d already written out a list of six positions he wanted to be when he grew up. Among them was to be PM of BG and the WI Federation!! Trotman had even bigger ambitions, and it’ll take more than some illness to derail them!! Your Eyewitness’s surmise is the stepping aside has to do with the Exxon giveaway. A LOT!! Enough to make all those ambitions of “pelf and power” fade into insignificance!!Are we going to have that investigation suggested by Global Witness?

…for plane skidding

The Ogle Airport PR shill announced that the Skyvan that took President Ali and Bajan PM Mia Mottley to Brazil and back skidded off the runway. Mottley swears there was no skid.Mama mia!! Wasn’t Mottley told??

10 things to know about Joshua Da Silva Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News
Loop News

August 25, 2022 06:32 PM ET

Joshua Da Silva. Photo: CPL

Joshua Da Silva has been making a name for himself in Caribbean and international cricket since his days as a youth player.

He is set to be a vital part of the St Kitts and Nevis Patriots as they seek to defend their Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) title.

Here are 10 things to know about Da Silva:

Da Silva was born on 19 June 1998 and hails from Trinidad and Tobago’s capital city Port of Spain.

Da Silva’s family is of Portuguese descent with his ancestors tracing their roots to the island of Madeira.

He is the first white player to represent West Indies since Brendan Nash.

Da Silva’s idols in cricket include fellow Trinidadian Brian Lara.

As a young player, Da Silva excelled for Trinidad and Tobago across the age-group level on the regional stage. His hard work paid off, as he was named on the West Indies Emerging Players team in 2019.

Da Silva made his Test debut on the West Indies senior men’s squad in December 2020 against New Zealand.

He made his ODI debut for the West Indies, against Bangladesh, in January 2021.

Joshua Da SIlva sweeps during his maiden Test hundred against England on Saturday. (Photo credit – CWI Media)

He scored his first Test century in March 2022 while representing the West Indies in Grenada against England.

The 24-year-old played his first season of the CPL in 2020 as part of the St Kitts and Nevis Patriots as a wicket-keeper batsman. Da Silva has played seven matches for the Patriots during this season scoring 136 runs.

In his three seasons with the Patriots, Da Silva has scored over 300 runs.

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Joshua Da Silva has been making a name for himself in Caribbean and international cricket since his days as a youth player.

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Kevin Hart opens new plant-based, a fast-food restaurant in LA Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Kevin Hart already has a thriving comedy and acting career, and now he’s aiming for people’s stomachs.

The prolific actor-comedian opened his first plant-based, fast-food restaurant called Hart House on Thursday in the Westchester neighbourhood of Los Angeles near the city’s airport.

He wants this new venture to attract regular plant-based eaters along with those who haven’t yet been introduced to that world of healthy eating.

“Our business is in the business of feeling good. That’s what Kevin Hart is about,” he said in an interview before the restaurant’s official opening, which got off to a strong start with a long line of customers throughout the day.

Kevin Hart poses for a portrait at the opening of his new vegan fast-food restaurant “Hart House” on Wednesday, August 24, in Los Angeles. (Photo: Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP).

While sitting alongside his wife, Eniko Hart, the actor scarfed down a plant-based crispy chick’n sandwich, chick’n nuggets and tots.

Rapper Lil Baby showed up to the preview to place an order from the fully plant-based menu that also features burgers, salads, fries, ice teas and a limeade.

The restaurant’s milkshakes are made from an oat-and-soy blend.

“I say this all the time: ‘Live, love, laugh,’” Hart continued. “Here, we say ‘Eat your ‘hart’ out.’ People have a curiosity about plant-based food. It’s something I eat. It’s really good. When you look at other restaurants, Hart House is just as good and maybe even better in some respects.”

Hart felt the need to create a healthy space within the fast-food spectrum that’s affordable for customers.

There are several other plant-based, fast-food options located throughout Los Angeles, but Hart House’s approach is to serve quality food with sandwiches and burgers that are within the US$5-$7 price range — less than competitors.

A double burg’r, crispy tots, crispy chick’n nuggets, French fries, Hart House signature dippin’ sauces, as well as berry patch and limeade drinks (Photo: Jonathan Landrum Jr via AP)

“It’s a major priority for us,” Hart said. “We want to make an environment where people feel good.”

In creating Hart House, the comedian-actor teamed up with restaurateur Andy Hooper, Chef Mike Salem and businessman Michael Rubin, who was an investor.

Salem, who developed Hart House’s menu options, was the head of culinary innovation at Burger King where he helped launch the Impossible Whopper.

“One of the cool things about our leadership is that the majority of us are carnivores,” he said.

“But we wanted to create this plant-based concept and bring Kevin’s vision to light. We wanted to keep this simple. This is straightforward classic American comfort food.”

Along with his flagship location, Hart wants to open six more Hart House restaurants by the end of the year. He already has two locations under construction in Los Angeles including one in the Hollywood area.

“We’re being open-minded,” he said. “This is a new generation and new way of thinking when it comes to food consumption. This is the beginning stage for us. We will continue to get better over time.”

It’s a busy week for Hart, whose latest film, Me Time with Mark Wahlberg and Regina Hall, was released on Netflix on Friday.

By Jonathan Landrum Jr

COVID-19: Saint Lucia Records 41 New Cases – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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Today Friday August 26, 2022 the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs reports a total of 41 new cases of COVID-19 from samples processed on Wednesday August 24, 2022 and Thursday August 25, 2022.

This is from a total of 211 samples, of which 198 samples are from the Ezra Long Laboratory and 13 samples from the Laboratory Services and Consultations Limited.

These samples were collected on August 23, 2022 and August 25, 2022. This number of positive cases makes up 19.4% of all the samples processed on these dates. These new cases bring the total number of cases diagnosed in country to date to 28, 730.

Confirmation was also received of the recovery of 33 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. This brings the number of active cases in country to date to 132. Currently, there are seventeen positive cases of COVID-19 admitted at the Respiratory Hospital.

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To date, a total of 54, 759 individuals have been fully vaccinated. Another 5, 181 are partially vaccinated and 7, 785 have received their booster shot.

Vaccination will take place at various Wellness Centres as per the published COVID-19 vaccination schedule.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs will continue providing frequent updates to the public as new information becomes available.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs

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