Duizend voedselpakketten verdeeld in Frimangron
Black Immigrant Daily News
PARAMARIBO — Duizend voedselpakketten zijn donderdag gratis verdeeld op het Bronsplein in Frimangron. Met hulp van ruim dertig vrijwilligers en
Black Immigrant Daily News
PARAMARIBO — Duizend voedselpakketten zijn donderdag gratis verdeeld op het Bronsplein in Frimangron. Met hulp van ruim dertig vrijwilligers en
Black Immigrant Daily News
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Black Immigrant Daily News
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Black Immigrant Daily News
Alexandre Labat-Mars
Jeudi 29 Septembre 2022 – 16h42
Montée des eaux à Periolat – RS
De fortes intempéries se sont abattues sur la Martinique (qui est placée en vigilance orange pour fortes pluies et orages) depuis ce matin et en particulier sur le François et le Vauclin. Par sécurité, les festivités du François sont annulées.
Le Maire du François, Samuel Tavernier, informe le public qu’en raison des intempéries, et selon le principe de précaution, la foire du pèlerinage Saint-Michel s’arrête et les festivités de ce soir sont annulées (concert de chorales à l’église Saint-Michel). L’école de Perriolat a par ailleurs dû fermer ses portes à la demande du Maire. Néanmoins, Samuel Tavernier souhaite rassurer la population : il n’y a pas de montée des eaux en bourg et périphérie notamment auquartiers Trianon, La Jetée et Eucalyptus et à Morne Carrière et Perriolat, l’eau s’évacue, un retour à la normal est observé. La circulation est possible mais attention, la Martinique demeure en vigilance orange pour fortes pluies et orages et il est demandé aux personnes habitant en zone inondables de mettre leurs effets personnes à l’abri et de rester à l’écoute des informations.
De fortes intempéries se sont abattues sur la Martinique (qui est placée en vigilance orange pour fortes pluies et orages) depuis ce matin et en particulier sur le François et le Vauclin. Par sécurité, les festivités du François sont annulées.
1 : Prenez connaissance des bulletins météo et des consignes de comportement (Internet, répondeur, radio et télévision).
2 : Evitez au maximum les sorties dans les zones exposées : mer, montagne, forêt, littoral.
3 : Soyez très prudent à proximité des cours d’eau . Les passages de gué peuvent devenir vite très dangereux. Evitez au maximum leurs traversées.
4 : Si vous habitez en zone inondable, mettez en sécurité vos biens susceptibles d’être endommagés et surveillez la montée des eaux.
5 : Si votre habitation peut être menacée par un glissement de terrain, préparez vous à l’évacuer rapidement.
6 : En cas d’orage , évitez l’utilisation des téléphones et des appareils électriques. Ne vous abritez pas dans une zone boisée, tout près de pylônes ou poteaux, ni sous un arbre isolé.
Sur le même sujet
Fortes pluies et orages : La Martinique …
Black Immigrant Daily News
Pour la première fois depuis le début de la pandémie de Covid 19, le trafic passager est revenu à son niveau de 2019, en juillet et en août, confirmant la reprise observée depuis le second trimestre 2022, avec la fin des principales restrictions sanitaires.
459 000 passagers pendant les grandes vacances
Ainsi, sur la période des grandes vacances de juillet et août 2022, le trafic passager atteint près de 459 000 passagers, contre près de 458 000 en 2019, soit une légère augmentation de 0.2%, avec cependant un record de fréquentation au mois d’août, où près de 245 000 passagers ont été accueillis à Guadeloupe Pôle Caraïbes, soit 2,4% de plus qu’en 2019, avec un record vers PARIS de 160 000 passagers, soit 9% de plus qu’en août 2019.
Sur les 8 premiers mois de l’année, le trafic passager atteint 82% de son niveau d’avant criseAu cumul des huit premiers mois de 2022, le trafic passagers est certes en forte progression par rapport à 2021 maisreste en repli de 18% par rapport à 2019, année de référence. 1 426 000 passagers au total ont transité par Guadeloupe Pôle Caraïbes contre 1 745 000 pour la même période de 2019, soit 82% du trafic avant crise COVID.
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A team from the Ministry of Creative Industries and Innovation will leave Antigua next month to participate and to promote Antigua at the October Miami Carnival.
The Minister pointed out the importance of attending these Carnivals at which Antigua and Barbuda Carnival is promoted, and Antigua and Barbuda is promoted as a tourist destination.
The Ministry of Tourism will also be featured and several Antiguan artistes will perform on stage for one hour.
He provided evidence of the success of participation in the past.
The Minister of Creative Industries and Innovation sought the approval of the Cabinet for the schedule of events for the 41st Anniversary of Independence and the artistic logo.
Following an intense discussion, the Cabinet agreed to both the schedule of the events and the artwork.
There was some issue surrounding the November 1 Independence Ceremonial Parade that was held in the evening last year.
The question arose whether it should be held in the evening this year; and, that was agreed.
Black Immigrant Daily News
Since enforcement of higher seat belt fines commenced about two weeks ago, several persons have been caught breaking the law and were made to pay the $500 penalty.
The Head of the Traffic Department, Assistant Superintendent of Police Rodney Ellis, says the increase comes under new regulations, the Vehicle and Road Traffic Enforcement and Administration Order 2022, which was passed earlier this summer.
Under the new regulations, not only the seatbelt fine has been increased – but that for speeding, as well – with both jumping from $200 to $500, in line with the fine for using a cell phone while driving.
Ellis says the law applies to adult front-seat passengers, who will be responsible for paying their individual fines if caught not wearing a seatbelt.
Children under the age of 14 years are prohibited from riding in the front seat of a vehicle.
If they are caught, the driver will be held responsible and is subject to be fined for that infraction.
Ellis says the penalty has forced drivers to comply with the law and wear their seatbelts, which is a life-saving measure .
Meanwhile, the Traffic Department Head is refuting some residents’ claims that the fines were increased as a money-making avenue for the Government and the Police.
In fact, Ellis says, it is a preventative measure to lower the risk of death and serious injury as a result of a traffic accident.
Black Immigrant Daily News
REAL NEWS: The trespassing case against almost two dozen Barbudans was dismissed for want of prosecution, this morning, September 29, after witnesses failed to show up to the District C Magistrates Court in Barbuda.
In spite of the Police having investigated, arrested and charged 22 sister-islanders, including Barbuda Council members and workers, REAL News learned that no police witness showed up for the case; nor did anyone from the Peace, Love and Happiness (PLH) development.
Our Newsroom was also told that the Police prosecutor personally informed the investigator that the case was coming up this week. However, it is alleged that he said he is on vacation and, therefore, would not be present.
Reportedly, the investigator was also absent on the last occasion the matter was called, which is what prompted the prosecutor to inform him.
Meanwhile, all the accused persons were present for the matter, except one who is reportedly ill.
The presiding officer, Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh, bemoaned the fact that the matter has been listed on the court docket since November 30, 2020.
The Barbuda court sits every three months, and a source says this would have given the Police ample time to get the case ready for hearing. However, it has dragged on for almost two years, disrupting the lives of the accused, the source says.
The source adds that there is no excuse for the investigator not showing up for the case, whether he is on vacation or otherwise. Had he been out of the country, the person says, then some consideration could be given.
However, his absence is a clear demonstration that he has no interest in the matter, and the court did the right thing, the source concludes.
A bench warrant was issued on Tuesday, September 27, for a number of the accused who had failed to show up for the trespassing case. But the Court had no opportuntiy to address that matter since the substantive case was dismissed at the get-go.
Two Barbuda Council members were among those arrested and charged in September 2020, allegedly for trespassing on the worksite of the Peace, Love and Happiness (PLH) development.
Devon Warner, the Councilman in charge of agriculture, was charged for resisting arrest and trespassing, while Secretary to the Barbuda Council Paul Nedd faced charges of obstruction, trespassing and disorderly conduct.
Both were also charged for breaching the country’s COVID-19 face mask protocol.
Meanwhile, Alexander Garvey, a Council worker, was charged for obstruction and resisting arrest.
However, REAL News was told that only two charges were before the Court – trespassing and obstruction – and only one woman was facing both charges.
Attorney-at-law Leon Chaku Symister represented the accused.
In relation to the PLH’s controversial development and the Barbudans’ attempt to view the work taking place, two groups – the Global Legal Action Network and the Front Line Defenders – issued a press statement this week.
It expresses concern over the repeated targeting of Barbudans, whom they describe as “human rights defenders” for continuing to resist the project.
Barbudans have complained of harassment, intimidation, defamation, and criminalization – including threats from Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who called them “economic terrorists” who wanted to “block investment … and keep our people unemployed.”
At the time of the confrontation in 2020, Browne angrily declared that Barbudans would “have to face the full extent of the law for any infractions whatsoever.”
After the sister-islanders mounted a protest against PLH, Browne told the media: “Anytime they do anything illegal over there, I am sending the Police and Army… . I rather fight them and resign than to turn a blind eye.”
It was two months after these threats (in September 2020) that the Council members and other villagers were arrested and charged for trespassing.
The multi-billion-dollar PLH development commenced in 2018, amid protests that it was destroying natural resources, including the Barbuda Lagoon.
Black Immigrant Daily News
Crime Scene Unit investigators gather evidence outside Pennywise Super Centre, La Romaine on Monday. – Photo by Marvin Hamilton
Relatives of Peola Baptiste are planning a prayer vigil on Saturday at the spot where she and two of her colleagues were shot.
Baptiste, a security guard, was shot in the head during a deadly robbery in La Romaine last week.
Baptiste’s daughter Dianna Wellington told Newsday the prayer vigil will begin at 7 pm at the Pennywise Super Centre.
Baptiste is the lone survivor of the attempted robbery, which ended with six people – two of her colleagues and four bandits – dead.
On September 19, her colleagues Jeffrey Peters, 51 and Jerry “Bat” Stuart, 49 were killed when they were ambushed while transporting money collected from several businesses on the Pennywise compound.
Police later killed four of the men involved. They were identified as Greg Dodough, Deaundre Montrose and brothers Kyle and Keyon Ramdhan.
Four others –Christopher Noreiga, 24, Brent Walcott, 23, Rennico Khan, 32 and Rennico Khan, 32 – were charged with firearm offences arising out of the incident.
Noreiga and Walcott, both of Ballantyne Street, Five Rivers, Arouca, were charged with trafficking in firearms and possession of ammunition. Khan, of Midas Lane, Corinth Hill Extension, Ste Madeleine, and Mc Sween of Union Hall, San Fernando, were charged with possession of arms and ammunition.
Khan was additionally charged with resisting arrest.
Baptiste, 57, had emergency surgery on September 20 after having a stroke. She has been in the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex since she was shot. When she was first taken to the hospital, Baptiste was listed as critical but on Thursday Wellington said she is now stable.
Baptiste remains in ICU and is “progressing each day,” Wellington said.