En Guyane, 4000 brésiliens appelés à voter pour l’élection présidentielle Guyaweb, site d’information et d’investigation en Guyane

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guyaweb

Un grand jour national. Appelés à voter ce dimanche 2 octobre, 4000 électeurs brésiliens inscrits au Consulat du Brésil en Guyane se sont déplacés de 08 à 17h pour participer à l’élection présidentielle 2022. Bien que 11 candidats soient en lice, deux candidats se détachent : le président sortant Jair Bolsonaro (36-37%) et l’ancien président Lula Da Silva en tête des sondages (50 à 51 %) et qui pourrait (re)devenir dès ce dimanche soir le nouveau président de la République fédérative du Brésil.

« Contrairement au Brésil, les électeurs brésiliens inscrits en Guyane votent uniquement pour élire le président de la République du Brésil. Tandis qu’au Brésil, ce 2 octobre, les élections concernent le renouvellement du président, des députés fédéraux et locaux, sénateurs et gouverneurs » précise le juge électoral Demétrio Carvalho, actuel consul général du Brésil en Guyane en poste depuis janvier 2022.

Organisées dans un hôtel de la place par le Consulat du Brésil, les élections générales se déroulent tous les quatre ans, le 1er dimanche d’octobre (1er tour ) et le dernier dimanche d’octobre (2nd tour). En Guyane, pour cette élection présidentielle de 2022, près de 4000 Brésiliens y participent. En 2018, ils étaient près de 3800 et la grande majorité avait voté pour le président sortant Jair Bolsonaro. Au Brésil le vote est obligatoire pour les 18-70 ans sous peine d’amende forfaitaire ou de refus de formalité tel que le renouvellement de passeport.

En Guyane, 4000 électeurs brésiliens inscrits appelés à voter ce dimanche 2 octobre pour l’élection présidentielle 2022. La file d’attente s’étire sur le parking de l’hôtel. © Guyaweb

Ainsi, depuis 8h ce dimanche, la file d’attente s’est étirée sur le parking de l’hôtel. A l’intérieur, cinq bureaux de vote composés d’un président et de trois assesseurs ont été installés dans plusieurs salles. A tour de rôle, les électeurs entrent et patientent pour voter par voie électronique. « Il était prévu d’avoir cinq urnes électroniques mais deux urnes ne fonctionnent pas. Elles ont été remplacées par des urnes traditionnelles pour un vote en papier » explique le consul général du Brésil. Une fois, leur devoir accompli, les électeurs reçoivent le précieux sésame, une attestation de vote.

Brenda et Brandon ont accompli leur devoir civique. Ils ont reçu l’attestation de vote. © Guyaweb

Fiancés, Brenda et Brandon ont voté ce dimanche respectivement pour Lula et Bolsanoro. « Moi, je suis pour Lula. Je pense à ma famille qui vit au Brésil et qui n’a pas accès à la santé. Mon vote va envers les Brésiliens qui vivent au Brésil et qui espèrent de meilleurs conditions de vie. Lula représente l’espoir pour les pauvres. Grâce à lui, il y a « Bolsa familia » (bourse familiale, un programme destiné à lutter contre la pauvreté, ndlr) ), une aide notamment pour les mamans célibataires. Tandis que Bolsanoro, lui, a fracturé le Brésil, a nié la crise Covid » tacle Brenda, salariée d’une association. « Pour moi, ce sera Bolsanaro même s’il est critiqué notamment par sa négligence de la gestion de la crise Covid. Il faut que la population brésilienne soit objective et ne vote pas pour un dirigeant corrompu » espère Brandon, technicien.

Au Brésil, ces élections générales annoncent un changement de cap politique majeur. A la clôture des élections à 17h, les résultats du vote électronique et papier seront transmis selon le consul « sur une ligne sécurisée au tribunal supérieur électoral à Brasilia », la capitale fédérale du Brésil. Les résultats seront connus ce dimanche soir. S’il y a un deuxième tour, il sera organisé dimanche 30 octobre.

Photo à la Une : Dans l’enceinte de l’hôtel, les cinq bureaux de vote sont répartis dans plusieurs salles. © Guyaweb


NHC monitoring Tropical Wave in eastern tropical Atlantic Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

24 hrs ago

Tropical Wave (Source: NHC)

The US National Hurricane Center (US NHC) is keeping watch over a tropical wave which continues to produce disorganised showers and thunderstorms several hundred miles south of the Cabo Verde Islands.

In its 2pm update on Saturday, the NHC said this activity has changed little in organisation over the past day or so, but environmental conditions are forecast to be conducive for gradual development of this system.

A tropical depression is likely to form during the early to middle part of next week while the system moves westward and then turns northwestward at 5 to 10 mph over the eastern tropical Atlantic.

The disturbance has a (low) 20 per cent chance of formation through the next 48 hours and a (high) 70 per cent chance of formation through the next five days.

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Elderly tour bus operator dies in Ocho Rios crash Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

1 hrs ago

Randell Stewart

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Investigators from the St Ann Traffic Department are probing the circumstances surrounding the collision that claimed the life of an elderly tour bus operator in Ocho Rios in the parish on Thursday.

The deceased has been identified as 66-year-old Randell Stewart of Long Pond Housing Scheme, Clarks Town, Trelawny.

Reports from the Ocho Rios police are that about 12:30 pm, Stewart was driving a Toyota Hiace minibus along DaCosta Drive in Ocho Rios, heading towards St Ann’s Bay, when he reportedly lost control of the vehicle, which crashed into an embankment.

The bus in which tour operator Randell Stewart crash in Ocho Rios on Thursday, resulting in his death.

He sustained multiple injuries and was taken to hospital, where he died while being treated.

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King Tells SLP Event: “It is Important That We Protect The Victory!” – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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A little over a year since the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) swept to power in general elections, Castries North MP and former Prime Minister, Stephenson King, has stressed the importance of protecting the victory.

King, the incumbent Castries North MP, ran as an Independent after quitting the then-ruling United Workers Party (UWP) shortly before the elections.

And after the SLP won, and King retained his seat, Prime Minister Pierre appointed him to the labour Cabinet.

“We all stand for the people and the country,” King told the 34th annual general meeting of Pierre’s Castries East Constituency Group on Saturday, prompting applause from the gathering.

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“And it is for this reason I am very comfortable and very confident in a government that is prepared and committed and has demonstrated that the people come first and our country must follow,” he asserted.

“And so, as you observe this 34th conference of the constituency branch, I want to state that is it important that we protect the victory. But it is equally important to preserve the victory,” the Castries North MP explained.

In this regard, he observed that preserving the victory must start with preserving the “soldiers” and the members who brought “this great party to victory.”

“The protection of the party must come by preserving the philosophy of the party. But the protection of the victory must come by preserving the ideals of a great organisation, which has demonstrated through decades, its commitment to the cause of the people,” King stated.

He acknowledged that he was not a member of the SLP and joined in the laughter that followed when some in the audience responded: “not yet”.

And King disclosed that despite not being labour member, over the years that he served in the UWP where he was a “foundation member” of its youth organisation, he maintained an excellent relationship with many who were at the Castries East Constituency Group annual general meeting, including the SLP political leader and current Prime Minister.

King explained that the reason for that is his commitment to the people and this country, to serve and protect and ensure the people benefit from the country’s wealth.

He also commended Prime Minister Pierre on his “astuteness” and ability to galvanize the SLP’s base and bring the party together.

The theme of the SLP event that King addressed was: Protecting the Victory.

Headline photo: Stephenson King as he addressed the Castries East Constituency Group meeting

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Staatsolie niet in staat bedrijven te doneren

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld Samuel Wens BROKOPONDO — Berichten uit het district Brokopondo  als zou Staatsolie, door de watersnood van afgelopen


Les Grenadiers amput?s dominent la France 6-0

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

La s?lection ha?tienne de football amput? a encore brill? ce dimanche ? Istanbul. Saviola Charles et les siens n’y sont pas all?s de main morte avec la s?lection fran?aise en remportant leur second match 6-0.

Quelle s?lection pour arr?ter les poulains de Rochenel Pierre? Sur deux rencontres, aucune ?quipe n’a pu r?sister aux assauts de ces grenadiers, pas m?me le Liberia vice champion d’Afrique et encore moins la France, victime de la Turquie (0-3) le 30 septembre dernier.

En effet les Ha?tiens ont ?t? sans piti? pour les Bleus, d?vast?s par un score de 6-0, avec pour principaux bourreaux Redondo El Principe Richard et Saviola Charles.

Ces derniers, buteurs lors de la premi?re sortie de la s?lection ha?tienne face au Lib?ria, ont r?cidiv? face ? la s?lection Fran?aise. Redondo a bien lanc? les hostilit?s ? la 23e minute sur p?nalty (1-0), avant de voir Saviola doubler la mise 4 minutes plus tard soit ? la 27e minute.

Alors que leurs adversaires semblaient d?pass?s par les ?v?nements, Balthazar viendra corser l’addition 6 minutes plus tard (3-0), suivi des r?alisations de Saviola pour son doubl? (4-0), Spinoza (5-0) pour son second but ? cette comp?tition et encore une fois Redondo ? une minute de la fin des temps r?glementaires (6-0). Une ?crasante victoire qui rapproche l’?quipe ha?tienne un peu plus de son r?ve d’aller le plus loin que possible dans la comp?tition.

D?j? qualifi? pour le prochain tour, Ha?ti fera sa derni?re sortie dans la phase de groupe ce lundi 3 octobre contre la Turquie pays h?te, finaliste malheureux en 2018.

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Recrudescence inqui?tante du chol?ra en Ha?ti

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Ha?ti vient tout juste de c?l?brer, le 4 f?vrier 2022, ces trois ann?es cons?cutives sans d?tection d’un cas de chol?ra malgr? une recherche active.

“Selon la d?finition du Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC), un pays qui ne rapporte aucun cas confirm? avec ?vidence de transmission locale pendant au moins trois ans cons?cutifs et qui dispose d’un syst?me performant de surveillance ?pid?miologique susceptible de d?tecter tout cas confirm?, ce pays recevra un certificat d’?limination.”

C’est en attente de ce certificat d’?limination que le minist?re de la Sant? publique et de la Population vient de confirmer la d?tection d’un cas de chol?ra en Ha?ti.

“Le minist?re de la Sant? publique et de la Population informe la population de la d?tection d’un cas confirm? de chol?ra ? Savanne Pistache/ Decayette dans la commune de Port au Prince et de cas suspects ? Brooklyn dans la commune de Cit? Soleil”, signe la direction g?n?rale du MSPP.

“Le MSPP compte sur la collaboration de la population tout en prenant les dispositions n?cessaires pour circonscrire cette flamb?e (…) Pour ?viter d’attraper le chol?ra, le MSPP recommande ? tout un chacun de prendre toutes les mesures d’hygi?ne ad?quate ? savoir : le lavage des mains, la consommation d’eau potable (soit de l’eau bouillie, soit de l’eau trait?e avec un produit chlor?), la protection des aliments, l’utilisation de latrine pour la d?f?cation”, poursuit le communiqu? du MSPP avant d’inviter “toute personne pr?sentant une diarrh?e aigu?, profuse ? se rendre imm?diatement au centre de traitement le plus proche.”

Une recrudescence mondiale trois fois plus mortelle

Il y a moins d’une semaine, l’Organisation mondiale de la sant? (OMS) avait tir? la sonnette d’alarme sur une recrudescence du chol?ra dans le monde, plus inqui?tante et plus mortelle.

Durant les neuf premiers mois de l’ann?e, 26 pays ont fait ?tat d’?pid?mies, contre moins de 20 par an entre 2017 et 2021, selon l’Organisation mondiale de la Sant?.

“Apr?s des ann?es de d?clin, nous constatons une recrudescence inqui?tante des ?pid?mies de chol?ra dans le monde entier au cours de l’ann?e ?coul?e >>, a d?clar? le chef d’?quipe de l’OMS pour le chol?ra et les maladies diarrh?iques ?pid?miques, Philippe Barboza. Selon l’expert, le taux moyen de l?talit? li? au chol?ra enregistr? en 2021 est presque trois fois plus ?lev? qu’au cours des cinq pr?c?dentes ann?es.

“Une catastrophe qui n?cessite une tr?ve politique”, selon le DrJean William Pape

Acteur majeur dans la lutte pour l’?limination du chol?ra en Ha?ti, le Dr Jean William Pape est particuli?rement troubl? par la recrudescence des cas de chol?ra en Ha?ti.

Si l’OMS met tout sur le compte du r?chauffement climatique, le sp?cialiste en maladie infectieuse croit que les r?centes troubles sociopolitiques peuvent en ?tre la cause.

“Quand vous avez un pays o? l’acc?s d?j? difficile ? l’eau potable est fragilis? par des troubles sociopolitiques, quand les personnes ne peuvent pas fr?quent?s les centres de sant? au besoin, quand les sp?cialistes de la direction d’?pid?miologie ne peuvent pas se d?placer pour faire les investigations ? temps, ce n’est pas surprenant de constater une recrudescence des maladies infectieuses”, se d?sole le Dr Jean William Pape.

Pour ne rien arranger, encha?ne le directeur des centres Gheskio, il y a une p?nurie de carburant qui rend les h?pitaux dysfonctionnels et emp?chant aux compagnies qui assurent la distribution de l’eau potable d’arriver dans les foyers.

“Que faire?”, se questionne le Dr Pape ? l’autre bout du fil. Le MSPP n’y arrivera pas tout seul, constate-t-il.

“Il y a un centre de traitement du chol?ra qui a ?t? allou? ? la Covid-19 qu’on va r?activer ? Gheskio, cependant l’accent doit ?tre mis sur la pr?vention”, recommande t-il.

Contrairement ? la Covid-19, la population est plus r?ceptive aux messages li?s au chol?ra, c’est visible, c’est contagieux, c’est mortel. Les gens disaient ? un moment qu’ils pr?f?rent attraper le SIDA plut?t que le chol?ra. La connaissance du chol?ra, notre exp?rience et la peur qu’il peut susciter doivent nous aider ? mener une campagne de communication efficace en vue d’endiguer cette r?surgence”, conseille le Dr Jean William Pape.

Plus loin, il souligne que le vaccin est une option cl?. “Tout en facilitant l’acc?s aux produits chlor?s ? la population, il faut envisager la vaccination qui avait fait ses preuves dans le pass?”, soutient-il.

Cependant, il reconna?t que si les centres Gheskio arrivent ? d?sinfecter les puits contamin?s, faciliter l’acc?s aux produits chlor?s et aux vaccins dans certaines zones, notamment ? Village de Dieu, dans d’autres zones — de non droit aujourd’hui — aucun professionnel ne voudra s’y risquer.

“Force est de constater que ces Zones de non droit, les bidonvilles dont cit? Soleil, ce sont les zones qui sont les plus touch?es en cas d’?pid?mie. J’appelle ? une tr?ve sur tout ce qui nous divise pour faire face ? cette recrudescence du chol?ra dans le pays.”

Le chol?ra : un cauchemar en Ha?ti

“On est en r?union depuis 6 heures du matin, tout le monde est paniqu?. Le chol?ra reste un cauchemar pour Ha?ti, on va tout mettre en oeuvre pour ne pas revivre les douloureuse exp?riences de 2010”, confie un directeur central du minist?re de la sant? publique et de la population.

En effet, introduit dans l’?cosyst?me sanitaire ha?tien en octobre 2010, le chol?ra a caus? jusqu’en 2019 environ 800 000 infections et un peu plus de 10 000 morts.

La c?l?bration de son ?limination n’aura dur? que 8 mois et, cette recrudescence survient dans un contexte de fermeture des principaux centres hospitaliers du pays, des professionnels de sant? qui ne peuvent pas se d?placer ? cause de la p?nurie du carburant et des compagnies de distribution d’eau potable en difficult?.

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Fortunes reversing for ex-judge and Brazil president he jailed Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

CURITIBA, Brazil (AP) — When federal judge Sergio Moro resigned to enter politics, many in Brazil believed the anti-corruption crusader who jailed a popular former president could someday occupy the nation’s most powerful office.

But on the eve of Brazil’s general election Sunday, the once-revered magistrate was fighting what polls showed was a losing battle for a Senate seat, and the leftist leader he jailed, Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva, wasn’t just walking free — he was expected to waltz back into the presidential palace.

Their reversal of fortunes underscores Brazilians’ shifting priorities since Moro oversaw a massive graft investigation from Curitiba, the capital of the country’s southern Parana state.

Moro and President Jair Bolsonaro insistently point to da Silva’s jail time, though the former president has always maintained his innocence and said he was railroaded.

But voters are more focused on bread-and-butter worries — jobs, income, inflation — after eight years of recession or rickety growth, said Bruno Brand?o, executive director of anti-corruption organization Transparency International in Brazil.

“In 2018, corruption was without a doubt the most important issue in the electoral process,” said Brand?o. “Today, the issue doesn’t have the same prominence among voters’ concerns.”

And Curitiba lost the limelight. Before the so-called Car Wash investigation that landed da Silva and other powerful figures behind bars, the relatively young city largely populated by transplants offered little in the way of identity, according to Nelson Ros?rio de Souza, a sociologist at the Federal University of Parana. Car Wash put Curitiba on the map. The multiyear probe, and Moro, struck fear into wayward politicians and executives previously thought to be untouchable.

“It shook up the collective imagination, like: ‘We’re finally the center of attention and, apparently, for something positive. We’re going to clean up Brazil,’” said de Souza.

Brazilians relished Car Wash’s countless phases as if they were episodes of a juicy telenovela. Movies were made. Moro’s face featured on magazines and he was feted at Curitiba’s restaurants; people clapped when he entered and sent over champagne. A bona fide hero.

“You drove through Curitiba and five or six of every 10 cars had bumper stickers supporting Car Wash. Very few people in Curitiba dared criticize it,” said Luis Carlos Rocha, da Silva’s lawyer at the time.

After Moro sentenced da Silva to almost 10 years’ imprisonment, Rocha visited him every weekday on the fourth floor of Curitiba’s Federal Police headquarters. For 580 days, he was confined to a 160-square-foot (roughly 15-square-meter) room. Outside, hundreds of supporters held a permanent vigil demanding his release.

Moro’s cheerleaders, meanwhile, set up shop outside his offices. A towering inflatable Superman with Moro’s head joined demonstrators whose T-shirts read “Republic of Curitiba” — a motto adopted from da Silva’s complaint that the city appeared to observe its own laws.

Da Silva’s convictions enabled far-right Bolsonaro to win the 2018 race. In Parana, a traditional bastion for the right, his corruption-fighting pitch resonated and he received twice as many votes as his opponent. Then he named Moro justice minister.

But Moro overestimated how far his anti-corruption clout could carry him, said Emerson Cervi, a political scientist at the Federal University of Parana. Moro quit in 2020 before implementing his much-touted plan, alleging Bolsonaro was seeking to interfere in the Federal Police. And Bolsonaro’s social media warriors trained their fire on the apostate.

“He thought he was going to be revered, as if he were again a judge in court, but other politicians understood he was just a beginner,” Cervi said.

Then the Supreme Court ruled that Moro had been biased against da Silva by colluding with prosecutors to secure a conviction, based on a trove of messages obtained by The Intercept Brasil. Moro pursued a “project of power, which required politically delegitimizing the Workers’ Party and, especially, former President Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva,” Justice Gilmar Mendes said last year.

With his convictions annulled, Da Silva, known universally as Lula, was cleared for a presidential run, and Moro prepared his own. Moro’s was a damp squib, so he put out feelers for a Senate bid in powerful Sao Paulo, which also foundered. He opted to run in his home state — extolling Car Wash’s virtues with an anti-Lula platform — and polls last month showed him trailing well behind.

In a short interview in Curitiba, Moro downplayed lessened concern about corruption as “circumstantial.”

“Corruption will always be an issue in elections, maybe in some moments it won’t be the main issue,” he told The Associated Press. “The entrenched corruption inside Brazilian democracy, inside the public sector, is something that ends up breaking our democracy.”

“Lula is a symbol of impunity,” he added.

Local polls showed some late gains for Moro, said Arilton Freres, director of Curitiba-based Instituto Opini?o. That could stem from reanimated sentiment against da Silva, fueled by polls showing he may win outright Sunday, without a runoff against Bolsonaro.

People may also care less about corruption given investigations into Bolsonaro’s family members, he added.

“Voters now think, ‘If I need to vote for someone who is corrupt anyway, then I’m going to focus on what’s affecting me the most, and that’s the economy,’” said Freres.

Curitiba’s largest rally this year was for da Silva. His supporters worried about turnout given pro-Bolsonaro, pro-Moro inclinations, but police estimated that 12,000 people attended. The lively event became a campaign video entitled “Lula in the arms of Curitiba’s people,” with people shown reaching for any part of his body they could grab.

Da Silva, who has cited his jail time to draw comparisons to Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr., told the crowd there had been a bonus: his romance with Parana native Ros?ngela Silva, nicknamed Janja. He has attributed his first wife’s death in 2017 to pressure from Car Wash.

“There are people who think I hate Curitiba because I was imprisoned here,” he said. “Jail made me learn to love Curitiba, because it was here, in jail, that I met Janja, and it was here that we decided to marry.”

And he recognized those who sustained the 580-day vigil: “Thank you, Curitiba, for everything you did for me and for Brazil.”

On Twitter, Moro called the rally “unbelievable,” adding it reflected a legal system that allows the corrupt to walk. Two weeks later, he addressed a crowd of about 100 at a private club in Curitiba, assuring them “many lies have been told about Car Wash.” Afterward, dozens eagerly snapped photos with the famous former judge.

One of his voters, Juliane Morvan, said Curitiba still feels wronged by da Silva’s release, though she criticized Moro for “going around certain laws to force Lula’s imprisonment.”

“I agree with his (Moro’s) morals and ethics and, on balance, he did more good things than bad,” Morvan, 28, said near the Federal Police building. “I want to give him a chance to see what he wants to do.”

That isn’t the resounding adulation Moro once enjoyed.

Beto Simonetti, the president of Brazil’s bar association, said if Moro fails to win his Senate seat, with the special legal treatment the position affords, he will become “an even easier target” for lawsuits from those he sentenced accusing him of bias.

Nothing would please Maite Ritz more.

She is the director of the Car Wash Museum, a virtual space presenting a highly critical look at the probe’s legality. Da Silva’s rally celebrated the community that local leftists created, Ritz said. His victory — and Moro’s downfall — would be vindication.

“In 2018, I didn’t have the courage to go out in the streets with a Lula T-shirt,” she said. “Now I wear it proudly.”



Antigua to Host High-Level Regional Meeting on the Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Antigua and Barbuda will on Monday 3rd October, host the 21st Meeting of Fisheries Ministers of countries of the OECS under the theme ‘the Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources’, to be held at the Trade Winds Hotel in Antigua and Barbuda.

Under the auspices of the Hon. Samantha Marshall, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the meeting will see fellow ministers, policy makers and technical experts of the region’s fishing industry gather for two days of deliberations focusing on the sustainable use of marine resources.

Representatives are expected from Grenada, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and host country, Antigua and Barbuda. Both CARICOM and OECS fisheries officials are also expected to attend.

His Excellency AKIMOTO Masatoshi Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan will also be in attendance and he is expected to address the gathering of Ministers during the opening ceremony.

Minister Marshall stated in her official correspondence that  “the meeting is expected to deliberate on a number of issues including, post-COVID challenges of sustainable fisheries development as it pertains to sustainable use of living marine resources and livelihoods, Coastal environmental issues affecting fisheries development and management, opportunities for the development of the Blue Economy, International Maritime Organization, the International Whaling Commission and CITES and bilateral assistance for fisheries development.

Presentations will also be made by Honourable Saboto Caesar Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour – St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Mr. Milton Haughton, and Executive Director Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Mr. Horace Walters – IWC Commissioner, St. Lucia and Ambassador Daven Joseph – IWC Commissioner, Antigua and Barbuda

Amb. Joseph indicated that hosting this high-level meeting is indicative of Antigua and Barbuda’s trust in the research and development of the Blue Economy.

The opening ceremony of the 21st Eastern Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on

Fisheries and Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources commences at the Trades Wind Hotel at 9:00 am.



Dredging, markers being undertaken for safer navigation of Guyana’s waters – Edghill

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Dredging activity in the Demerara River (File Photo)

Safety in navigating Guyana’s waters is being taken more seriously, with the Guyana Government taking adequate measures to ensure all elements are in place.

This is according to Public Works Minister Juan Edghill on Saturday, as he spoke on efforts to dredge the rivers and install markers at key points.

“You will realise that we are making several trips per day. Two of the things that we have to improve on and Government is making the unnecessary investments in dredging to make sure that the ferry can move without hitting sandbanks in going and coming in. The captains could be sure that they know what’s happening. And secondly, we have to get and we are doing the beacons and the markers to ensure safety in navigation,” the Minister pointed out.

Through the Maritime Administration, Edghill said improvements are being made in all major rivers where vessels are frequently traversing.

“So, the Government of Guyana along with MARAD, which is the body that is responsible for regulating what takes place, we are working on improving that. And it’s not just in the Essequibo River. It is in the Pomeroon, the Barima, the Waini, the Berbice and the Demerara. We’re continuing to improve safety and ensuring that we can be able to get to those areas.”


Another aspect of ensuring safety has been the drydocking of vessels, since many were previously in a dilapidated state. Since this year, all of the vessels have been drydocked.

“Since this year began, all of our vessels – five of them – have gone into drydock and they have been totally rehabbed. They’re looking much better. 2022 is a big year for the Transport and Harbours Department. We’ve had the MV Kanawan, MV Sabanto, MV Malali, MV Mokouria, and MV Kimbia all going into dry dock and they’re now out,” he added.

While the ferries are now ‘attractive’, Minister Edghill expressed that persons are now interested in using them for cruises. However, he warned that there are strict guidelines for such to be granted, along with provisions in place for travellers to get to their destination.

“I have also given guidelines to the Transport and Harbours Department because we had a cruise that took place here not so long ago and everything that should not have happened, happened. I’ve indicated that the person who operated that cruise will not be allowed to operate another cruise on our vessels for a very long time. Secondly, I want to promise the people of Guyana that we will not take these vessels off and put them on a cruise to the annoyance of the travelling public.”

The new MV Ma Lisha, that was procured to service the North West District region, will be arriving by year-end.

It will cut travel time by 50 per cent, with a speed at 15 knots and 500 nautical miles endurance. It has a 250-tonne cargo capacity with a six-tonne capacity crane and will be powered by two engines.
