Deuil périnatal : Zétwal An Syèl propose une journée bien-être et détente

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Dans le cadre de la journée internationale de sensibilisation au deuil périnatal, l’association Zétwal An Syèl organise une rencontre ce samedi 15 octobre, de 10h à 18h, à La Familiale de Fond Pérèz, à Saint-Joseph.

L’association Zétwal An Syèl célèbre, ce samedi 15 octobre, ses deux ans d’existence. Forte de ses différents dispositifs et projets (groupes de parole, ateliers, livre dédié aux parents endeuillés, fonds de solidarité etc.), Zétwal An Syèl « tient à marquer le coup de cette seconde année d’actions » en proposant une journée de bien-être et détente aux familles, et plus largement au grand public.

Au programme : une table ronde qui donnera la parole à des familles ayant vécu le deuil périnatal dans les années 70, 80 et 90, plusieurs ateliers (bougies, danse thérapie, auto-massage) et un show-case avec un invité surprise.  

Des fonds pour pérenniser les actions

Cet événement convivial, ouvert à tous, a l’ambition d’offrir « une parenthèse de légèreté, de bien-être et d’ondes positives ». Les participants pourront se restaurer sur place durant toute la journée. Les fonds récoltés durant ce temps fort serviront à la pérennisation des actions phares de Zétwal An Syèl (animation du lieu de vie de l’association, actions de sensibilisation et de formation à destination des professionnels de santé, etc.).

Pour rappel, le deuil périnatal touche environ 7 000 familles en France chaque année. En Martinique, les indicateurs de périnatalité sont défavorables et dépassent les taux nationaux. L’association Zétwal An Syèl a pour objet de sensibiliser, accompagner et former les publics touchés par le deuil périnatal (parents, entourage proche et professionnels des domaines de la santé, de la santé mentale, du paramédical et du bien-être).

Contact : par mail à / Site internet : / Billetterie disponible en ligne pour participer à la journée. Le montant de l’entrée est déductible de toute adhésion réalisée ce jour-là.

Temps de « prière et de consolation » autour du deuil périnatal

Pour la deuxième année consécutive, Mère de Miséricorde organise, à l’occasion de la journée internationale du deuil périnatal, un temps de prière et de consolation, ce samedi 15 octobre, de 8h à 11h, en l’église Emmaüs (quartier Rivière-Roche, à Fort-de-France). Sont les bienvenues toutes les familles concernées par la perte d’un tout-petit enfant (fausse-couche, IMG, IVG, enfant mort-né ou décédé à quelques jours ou mois de vie). Au programme : messe, témoignage, démarche spirituelle, adoration. Chaque famille est priée de se munir d’une rose de couleur blanche pour la démarche spirituelle.

√ Contact : 0696 24.34.47 ou par mail à

Jean-François Carenco rencontrera les acteurs de la filière de la canne prochainement

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Lors d’une rencontre entre la Sénatrice Martiniquaise Catherine Conconne et Jean-François Carenco, le Ministre délégué aux outre-mer, plusieurs sujets importants ont été abordés.

Plusieurs sujets importants pour la Martinique ont été abordés ce mardi 11 octobre lors d’une rencontre ayant eu lieu entre Jean-François Carenco, le Ministre délégué aux outre-mer et Catherine Conconne, sénatrice martiniquaise, à la suite d’une demande de cette dernière.

Le dispositif Duty Free, mis à disposition depuis cette année pour les croisiéristes afin qu’ils profitent de l’exonération de taxe sur certains articles, avait été adopté au Sénat en fin 2019. La sénatrice a profité de cette rencontre pour demander l’intégration de la commune de Saint-Pierre aux villes escales déjà listées dans le dispositif, ce à quoi le ministre a donné son accord.

Dans un souci d’accès et compte tenu des différences de pouvoir d’achat en Martinique par rapport à l’hexagone, madame Conconne a également avancé la nécessité d’augmenter les plafonds de ressources qui permettent aux citoyens martiniquais d’accéder au parc HLM. Le président de la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Martinique avait saisi la sénatrice sur les difficultés de prise en charge des coûts d’apprentissage. Les services du ministre délégué de l’Outre-Mer seraient déjà sur le sujet, selon Jean-François Carenco.

Une rencontre avec les acteurs de la canne

À l’occasion de cette rencontre, le sujet des acteurs de la canne a également été abordé par la sénatrice. De nombreuse contraintes pensent sur ce milieu, cela avait d’ailleurs fait l’objet des discutions lors des dernières RUP ayant eu lieu en Martinique en juin dernier. Le Ministre s’est engagé à en rencontrer les acteurs lors de sa prochaine venue en Martinique prévue fin octobre, début novembre.

En ce qui concerne la culture, les deux personnalités politiques ont eu l’occasion d’aborder la crainte de la hausse des des taux de location appliqués par les grands distributeurs nationaux, dans l’espoir qu’une solution puisse être trouvée rapidement. Enfin, Catherine Conconne a abordé la nécessité d’améliorer les conditions d’accès au régime d’intermittents du spectacle pour les artistes Martiniquais, afin qu’ils aient un accès au chômage. Le cadre national serait, toujours selon la sénatrice, inadapté aux réalités locales. Une évolution du fonds FEBECS (fonds d’échange à but éducatif, culturel et sportif) a été envisagée.

Tales of survival emerge as Venezuela landslide toll hits 34 Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

Rescue workers using drones and trained dogs searched for survivors Monday following a massive landslide in central Venezuela, as the death toll rose to 34 and residents described harrowing tales of escape from the water and mud.

Jose Medina recalled how the water streaming into his home in the town of Las Tejer?as on Saturday night had reached waist level. He and his family were trapped, he realised.

So the 63-year-old turned his refrigerator sideways, opened its door and used it as a boat for his granddaughter. Meanwhile, he held on to the fridge with his wife, and pinned it to a table so that the strong currents of water would not push them downstream.

Medina described their survival as a “miracle.”

“I’m happy that we’re alive but I’m also sad,” said the retired construction worker who lost his home and all of his belongings.

His plight began when torrential rains caused by Hurricane Julia unleashed mudslides and floods that destroyed several mountainside neighbourhoods in Las Tejerias.

On Monday, Venezuelan officials said at least 34 people died in the flooding and 60 are missing following the worst natural disaster to hit the cash-strapped South American country in recent years.

In Las Tejerias, a city of 50,000 people located along Venezuela’s main industrial corridor, crews were using heavy machinery to clear debris from neighbourhoods whose streets were still blocked with mud. Meanwhile, rescue workers used drones and dogs to find people buried under the debris.

“We are still hoping to find people that can be saved” said Vice President Delcy Rodriguez as she toured one of the neighbourhoods affected by the mudslides.

For those who survived, the country’s dire economic situation will make recovery more challenging.

Medina said his pension – which is pegged to Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage – is worth just $17 a month. Now he will depend on government assistance to survive, but added that he considers himself lucky that he did not lose relatives in the mudslide.

Venezuelan authorities said 317 homes in Las Tejerias were wiped out by the mudslide and another 750 homes sustained damage.

Residents said they only had minutes to leave their homes late Saturday, as the avalanche of mud, rocks and tree logs swept over several hillside neighbourhoods in the city.

Some people were praying at an evangelical church when the mudslide occurred, while others were at a children’s party residents said. Several children are among the missing.

Venezuelan president Nicol?s Maduro on Sunday declared three days of mourning for the victims and sent rescue workers to Las Tejerias, which lies along a highway that connects Caracas to the industrial city of Valencia. Maduro said that 11 states in the country sustained damage from floods over the weekend.



Associated Press writer Jorge Rueda contributed from Caracas

Govt introduces stricter drink driving limit for Cayman Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

According to a government media release today, the Parliament passed the Traffic (Amendment) Bill yesterday (Monday, October 10, 2022) to effect a change in the Traffic Act. The amendment should be of interest to all road users and businesses alike because it establishes a more stringent rule for the amount of alcohol that a person is permitted to have in their system while operating a vehicle in Cayman.

More specifically, the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) under the Traffic Act is being reduced for drivers, going from 100 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (0.1%), to 70 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (0.07%).

The new limit is stricter than that of the United States, the United Kingdom (other than Scotland which is 0.05%) and Canada.

Commenting on the amendment, Premier Wayne Panton, JP, MP made a passionate presentation of the Bill before the House, describing it as a matter of high priority for the Government.

He said:

As reported by the World Health Organization, driving under the influence of alcohol is a key risk factor for 27% of all road injuries. The proposed amendment within this Bill is just the beginning of the PACT government’s commitment to addressing this social problem, and lowering our maximum legal blood alcohol concentration limit is a step in the right direction towards bringing the Cayman Islands more in line with global best practices. There can be no stronger statement of our commitment to public health, safety and saving the lives of our people, including specifically young people for whom road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death globally.

The hope is that, by making this adjustment, there will be a change in attitude towards drinking and driving in the Cayman Islands and, ultimately, Cayman will see a drop in the number of road accidents and fatalities due to drink driving on our roads.

Statistics from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) Annual Crime and Traffic Statistical Report for 2021 were also shared in support of the foregoing change. This data included that fact that Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offences rose by 37 percent from the previous year, resulting in 312 summonses being issued. The report also stated that 26 percent of all DUI offences involved a driver that was at least double the legal BAC limit. Approximately 36 percent of all DUI offences in 2021 were also involved in a vehicular accident.

Police Commissioner Mr. Derek Byrne expressed his support for the new amendment following the passing of the Bill. “This critical change to the Traffic Law is an important and progressive step taken by government to tackle overall road safety while reducing serious and fatal collisions on our roads. Moreover, it emphasizes a key road safety message – do not drink and drive. The amendment reflects our intolerance of drunk drivers on our public roadways who choose to endanger themselves, and the lives of others. The RCIPS will be actively enforcing the changes to the legal BAC limit, especially as we approach the festive season.”

The Traffic (Amendment) Bill will take effect as soon as it is gazetted.

(Source: CIG)

Second annual United Kingdom-Antigua and Barbuda Business Forum from 6th to 10 th November, 2022

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Antigua and Barbuda High Commission in London will be hosting its second annual United Kingdom-Antigua and Barbuda Business Forum from 6th to 10 th November, 2022.

The event is the brainchild of High Commissioner Karen-Mae Hill and seeks to identify, promote and connect trade and investment opportunities for Antiguan and Barbudan businesses in the UK market.

It will be held in the same week as the annual World Travel Market in London and will involve close collaboration with the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority.

Exhibitors from Antigua and Barbuda will have the opportunity to showcase their goods and services at various customised events to include the World Travel Market. They will gain information on the entry requirements for the United Kingdom including exporting, standards, marketing, transportation and logistics as well as explore opportunities under the UK-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement.

The exhibitors will also interact with UK media and engage in targeted Business to Business (B2B) exchanges that will provide important networking and potential investment opportunities.

As is customary, the Forum includes elements of celebration of Antigua and Barbuda’s political independence and diaspora engagement and will feature several wider events to promote Antigua and Barbuda.

The Opening Ceremony will conclude with the London screening of the Environmental Awareness Group’s documentary – “Redonda: The Road to Recovery” which chronicles the restoration and transformation of this Island. The film will also be screened in Leicester, another diaspora hub for Antiguans and Barbudans.

The week will also host the launch of the book by celebrated author Pamela Roberts titled The Adventures of a Black Edwardian Scholar: The Story of James Arthur Harley. It is the compelling story of an Antiguan who studied at Howard, Yale and Oxford Universities in the early 20th century and became a priest and later a Councillor and whose life provides an interesting study on the intersection of race, identity, academics, religion and politics. The foreword to the book was written by High Commissioner Karen-Mae Hill.

Nine businesses will participate in the Forum: Grannie Annie Pepper Sauce, Neem Avenue, Crispa Chips, Shell Beach Sea Food Company, Sarafina Savoury Caribbean Pudding, 2SIX8 Craft Brewery, Antigua Distillery Ltd., Miss Ellie Stuffed Dumplings and BWC Enterprises which is a coconut-based company. They will be joined by the Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority.

Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Trade has commended the initiative and said that trade promotion and securing international investment is central to Antigua and Barbuda’s economic development policy.

These forums provide an invaluable opportunity to expose Antigua and Barbuda’s entrepreneurs to important opportunities in key markets like the United Kingdom and equally to exhibit Antigua and Barbuda as an attractive destination for British investment. Trade has always been a force for good in the world. It helps to raise living standards and provide economic opportunity and prosperity for our people”, the Minister said.

The Resident British High Commissioner to Antigua and Barbuda, Lindsy Thompson also commended the trade initiative between both nations. She said, “I’d like to congratulate all those involved in making the second UK Business Forum come to life. The British High Commission St John’s and the UK’s Department for International Trade are proud to be able to engage in this important event, particularly on how Antiguan and Barbudan businesses can harness the benefits of the UK/CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement, which is governs trade between our two nations. This event further highlights the close relationship the UK and Antigua and Barbuda enjoys: and one the UK wants to continue to grow. The products of many of the businesses being showcased in the UK in November are enjoyed by not just my family here in Antigua and Barbuda, but guests to our High Commission. I’m thrilled that the UK market will soon be able to enjoy them too.”

Several public and private sector partners have contributed to making the Forum possible. The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) who will be hosting the B2B exchanges at its offices, the law firm Georgiev, Todorov & Co., the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC), the UK Department for International Trade (DIT), Caribbean Export, the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Trade and the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority.

The exhibitors participated in a pre-departure briefing session on Tuesday 11th October jointly developed by the High Commission, the Antigua Barbuda Investment Authority, the Ministry of Trade and the British High Commission St. John’s.


T&TEC agrees to pay designer for 2015 decorations

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

THE TT Electricity Commission (T&TEC) has agreed to settle a claim filed by a Carenage designer over unpaid fees after she provided decorating services for the commission’s Emancipation Day celebrations in 2015.

On Tuesday, Justice Frank Seepersad was told of the decision to settle the dispute between Allanah Garraway and the commission when the matter came up for hearing.

The commission has agreed to pay the $120,000 she claimed and $20,000 in legal costs.

In her lawsuit, Garraway said she was contracted to decorate seven service centres and an Emancipation king and queen show.

Garraway said she installed the decorations as requested and returned after August 1 to remove them. The lawsuit also said there were no complaints about the quality of her work or the services she provided.

She said she submitted invoices and two weeks later, she was told the matter was under review because of the change in Government and change in the T&TEC board.

Garraway persisted in her claim for payment and checked periodically until 2018, when she was told her issue would be discussed with the board. She was then told that T&TEC was awaiting board approval for payment.

She filed her lawsuit after all attempts to get payment were futile.

In its defence, T&TEC admitted that Garraway was hired but claimed her estimate for the work was inflated.

On Tuesday, when the judge was told of the agreement between the parties, he signed off on the consent order.

Garraway was represented by attorney Lyndon Leu.

Inquest into shooting death of suspected bandits by Police commences

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Shot dead by the Police: David Smith (left) and Kwase Jupiter

One year after two suspected bandits, who were wanted for the murder of a 19-year-old man, were shot dead by the Police, a coroner’s inquest into the wanted men’s death commenced today at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

According to a notice published by the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Sueanna Lovell, the deceased persons in the matter are Kwase Jupiter and David Smith.

City Magistrate Annette Singh will act as the coroner. A total of 22 witnesses, most of whom are Police ranks, are listed to testify in the proceedings.

An inquest is a judicial inquiry in common law jurisdictions, particularly one held to determine the cause of a person’s death and if anyone is to be held liable.

Jupiter and Smith were shot dead on October 2, 2021, during a shootout with the Police at Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown.

Shot dead by the Police: David Smith (left) and Kwase Jupiter

Jupiter called “Ding Docker” and Smith, called “Burlyn” were wanted for the September 30, 2021, murder of 19-year-old Joshua Denny, an electrician of Festival City, Georgetown, who was shot dead during a robbery.

According to reports, at the time of the shootout, Police were acting on information received that the suspects, who had eluded Police in Albouystown, Georgetown, on October 1, 2021, were in the Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown area.

As ranks closed in on the suspects, there was an exchange of gunfire between the two men and Police officers during which the suspected bandits were fatally shot. Police confirmed that two firearms, along with eight rounds of 9mm ammunition, were recovered from the scene.

During a search in the Albouystown area, cops managed to recover several items, including a haversack, a motorcycle, a licence plate, face masks, a helmet and other motorcycle parts that were used during the robbery.

It was reported that when the Police received information about the suspects’ whereabouts, they swooped down on a location in Albouystown, but went to the wrong house.

It was during that time an aunt of one of the suspects, a businesswoman in the community, hid her nephew and his accomplice in her home until the Police left.

Joshua Denny was shot and killed by bandits

On the day Denny, who was expecting his first child, was killed, eyewitnesses who described the incident as bizarre, said the gunmen bolted with the man’s gold chain after shooting him. The young man was killed moments after leaving home for work at approximately 07:20h.

The man was found by his sister, Felicia Denny, shortly after the incident, lying on the roadway with blood oozing from his chest. She said that her brother called her minutes after he had left home, informing her that he had been shot.

Upon rushing to the scene, she found him in a critical state. This publication had reported that the now dead man had left for work before, but returned home to use the washroom.

It was when he left home for the second time that he was attacked and shot two houses away from where he lived. He was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, but died while undergoing emergency surgery.

Meanwhile, in 2019, Jupiter was charged for robbery under arms and the unlawful possession of ammunition. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years in prison. At the time of his demise, he had just been released from prison.

Smith, on the other hand, was arrested and charged in May 2021 for robbery under arms and discharging a loaded firearm.

Student stabbed on SJPI premises Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Student stabbed on SJPI premises Loop Barbados

One person injured

Loop News

1 hrs ago


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An incident two hours ago between two polytechnic students escalated and left one student nursing stab wounds.

Police are carrying out investigations into the stabbing incident, which was reported about 1:30 pm on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology, Wildey, St Michael.

The incident involved two students. One student was injured and was taken for medical attention by ambulance.

Investigations are continuing into this incident.

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Digicel Group shortlisted for global awards Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Digicel Group has been shortlisted for both the Global Carrier Awards and the World Communication Awards.

Entering the category for “Best Environmental, Social, Governmental (ESG) Initiative” in the Global Carrier Awards, this submission looked at the extensive work the Digicel Haiti Foundation has done in the field of education throughout the nation.

Digicel has built 188 schools, resulting in more than 100,000 Haitian children accessing education in a Digicel-built school each day.

The “Best ESG Initiative” category recognises initiatives that are changing the world in the environmental, societal, state and government spheres, including charity initiatives, corporate environmental commitments now or for the future, or anything in the CSR space.

For the World Communication Awards, Digicel was shortlisted in two categories, the “Social Contribution Award”, again for the work of the Digicel Haiti Foundation in education and the “Customer Experience Award” for work done to improve customer experience and to go above and beyond when it comes to putting the customer first.

The “Social Contribution Award” celebrates the service provider demonstrating the greatest positive impact on the market it seeks to address, while the “Customer Experience Award” will go to the service provider that proves to have the best all-round experience for its customer whilst enhancing the trust bonds with its customers in an increasingly digital world.

Oliver Coughlan, Digicel Group CEO said: “Each year, we take a look at the work Digicel has done in a number of areas and determine which aspects can stand tall in a global playing field. While we mostly operate in small island nations, we have a big impact and we are all immensely proud of the work we do in the markets we serve.

“Being shortlisted for these awards is a tremendous honour, and validates the work we have been doing. Getting to this stage took a collective effort, so I’d like to give a big thank you to all the teams across the business who have been working extremely hard to make this a possibility, especially in Haiti where, despite the challenges, we continue to do our best to create a world where no one gets left behind.”

The Global Carrier Awards will be held on October 19 at The O?, London and the World Communication Awards on November 1 at the Grand Connaught Rooms, London.

Skeletal remains found at Creekside

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room


The police are continuing investigations into the discovery of human skeletal remains in the Creekside area.

A man, who reportedly was cleaning a plot of land in the area, made the discovery after smelling a foul stench and reported the matter to the police.

The incident occoured shortly after 1pm on Tuesday.

The police are appealing to anyone with information surrounding this incident to contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913 or call Crimestoppers at 800-Tips.

