Department of Environment Invites Public to Collaborate in Tree Planting Activities for Arbour Month

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Antigua and Barbuda Department of Environment (DOE) will once again celebrate November 2022 “Arbour Month”.

This will be done under the overarching theme “Ride the Climate Wave” under the sub-theme “We are Generation Restoration”.

Arbour Month is an opportunity by the DOE and its partners to spread awareness about trees and the importance of tree planting, as well as to engage critical stakeholders on local climate change issues and provide solutions and how the community can help to fight and adapt to climate change.

The DOE is inviting the public to collaborate with it’s tree planting exercises for the month of November 2022.

This can be done via the following:

Recommending a community group, institution, school, or similar community resource for tree planting exercises
Indicating your availability to work with the Department of Environment on any of it’s tree planting outreach activities

The DOE will be able to provide a limited number of trees, free of cost, for these tree planting exercises.

To register your interest or to receive more information on this and related activities, please contact Mr. Daryl George, Senior Environment Officer at the Department of Environment, at 462-4625 or email [email protected]


Bravo pou Nicolena de Zenglen

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

C’est la voix de l’honor?e qui introduit <>, retrouv?e ? la porte d’entr?e du disque. <> (J’aime le compas. Merci beaucoup Zenglen), dit-elle avant de faire place ? la voix du maestro Brutus Derissaint. Qui est mieux plac? pour pr?senter Nicolena Florentino que le maestro, l’un des plus anciens de la bande, qui l’a c?toy?e depuis son arriv?e ? P? Brut chante une courte biographie de sa co?quipi?re avant d’inviter Emmy Nix ? <>.

<>, chante Brutus Derissaint.

En des termes ?logieux, Emmy Nix prend la main pour chanter les vertus de Nicolena Florentino. <>, chante Emmy Nix.

C’est en 2000 que Nicolena Florentino a ?t? pr?sent?e ? Richie, maestro de Zenglen ? l’?poque, par le tromboniste cubain r?sidant ? Miami de l’?quipe, Nestor Zabala. Travailleuse sociale faisant de longues heures au bureau, l’ex ?pouse du trompettiste dominicain Quito, ?voluant ? South Beach, se sacrifie pour trouver du temps ? consacrer ? ce qui repr?sente son deuxi?me m?tier. <>.

Si aujourd’hui Zenglen rend hommage ? Nicolena, c’est parce qu’elle a toujours suscit? le respect chez ses pairs. Richie, son ex-maestro, la pr?sente comme une vraie professionnelle. <>, selon ce qu’a d?clar? le batteur ? Ticket.

<>, t?moigne pour sa part Brutus.

<>, fait savoir Wid, ex-chanteur de Zenglen qui d?crit Nicolena comme une personne sensible. <>, poursuit la voix de <>.

De l’avis d’Emmy Nix dont la voix chante Nicolena aujourd’hui, <>.

Nickenson Prudhomme qui a ?t? le plus jeune des membres de Zenglen ? son arriv?e, a ?t? confi? ? Nicolena. <>, indique l’actuel musicien d’Harmonik.

Dans le riche r?pertoire de Zenglen, les passages de saxophone sign?s Nicolena nous s?duisent depuis 22 ans. On esp?re que pour longtemps encore, on entendra <> (Nicolena, tu souffles).

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Aur?lie Wulff, mannequin ? plein temps

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Cheveux marrons, yeux noisette, Aur?lie Wulff fait 5 pieds 10 pour un poids de 120 livres, chausse du 9 et porte du 2. Elle s’hydrate, boit avec mod?ration et suit toute une routine de vie pour garder la forme, rester jeune, belle et picture-ready comme le veut les standards de cette industrie dans laquelle elle ?volue. <>, confie celle que l’on a d?j? aper?ue dans des magazines de mode tels que Glamour et Harper’s Bazaar.

<>, explique Aur?lie qui a fait ses premi?res armes dans ce m?tier ? l’?ge de 16 ans.

? cette ?poque, celle qui a d?laiss? ses ?tudes en sciences politiques pour se concentrer sur le marketing et les relations publiques, ?tait loin d’imaginer que le modeling ferait partie de sa vie. <>, dit-elle avec candeur. Quoique, dubitative, elle s’est n?anmoins lanc?e. On l’a vue sur Viv Magazine. Elle a pos? pour la boutique Attitude by Lory. <>, confie-t-elle en passant, mais aussi pour des magasins comme Champagne.

En 2015, celle qui a partag? ses ?tudes classiques entre le Lyc?e Fran?ais et Union School, part pour le Canada, Montr?al plus pr?cis?ment, pour commencer une licence en Sciences politiques ? Concordia University. <>, lui conseille sa m?re. Si elle n’aime pas trop l’exp?rience, sa carri?re prend toutefois un tournant. Son premier ch?que apr?s un contrat ? Miami suffit par la convaincre de s’y mettre pour de bon. ?tablie ? New York depuis pr?s de deux ans, elle gagne sa vie en ne faisant que cela. <>, explique Aur?lie qui se rappelle encore cette premi?re campagne beaut? qu’elle a faite pour Stila Cosmetics.

Les d?buts ne sont pas sans complication pour cette jeune femme qui est n?e en Ha?ti un 20 d?cembre. Car, si son entourage, sa famille en particulier, la soutient, la fille de Ga?lle Rivi?re et de Fr?d?rick Wulff doit quand m?me composer avec les racontars. <>, avance cette fille rebelle qui poursuit ses r?ves tout en s’accrochant ? ses valeurs. <>.

<>, lance-t-elle sur un ton qui se veut mi-s?rieux, mi-l?ger. Elle n’a pas tout faux, car tout n’est pas toujours rose pour celles qui choisissent cette voie. Derri?re les feux des projecteurs et les flashs des cam?ras, il y a avant tout des ?tres faits de chair et de sang, avec leur part de lumi?re et d’ombre, de force et d’ins?curit?. <>, confie Aur?lie qui doit aussi lutter contre la d?pression et l’anxi?t? chronique. <>, explique celle qui a n?anmoins d?cid? de se donner certaines limites, comme par exemple ne pas poser pour des cigarettes ou des fourrures animales.

Par ailleurs, ?tre mannequin vient aussi avec son lot de de pression. On a tendance ? se comparer aux autres, ? se remettre en question quand on n’a pas ?t? choisi pour telle ou telle campagne. Mais, souvent la crise de larmes pass?e, Aur?lie se souvient de son pourquoi et se remet en selle pour continuer son chemin. Grande lectrice, mis ? part le gym elle fait de la poterie pour se distraire. Elle prend aussi des cours en ligne pour <>, dit Aur?lie Wulff, ancienne danseuse de l ‘Acad?mie de danse R?gine Montrosier Trouillot (RMT) qui a aussi fait du th??tre avec Pascale Drouin.

Tenace et passionn?e, Aur?lie Wulff poursuit sa route en accrochant d’autres objectifs ? son arc. Si elle a d?j? rencontr? et travaill? avec de grosses pointures de l’industrie de la mode dont Giorgio Armani ou Pat McGrath, elle a pour ambition de poser pour Calvin Klein. <>, avance-t-elle dans un sourire. Pour avoir essuy? bien des <> au cours de son parcours, la top model invite celles qui veulent se lancer ? garder les yeux riv?s sur leurs objectifs. <>, confie Aur?lie, grande fan de Paulo Coelho, de <> plus pr?cis?ment.

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Adams: CWI to decide on interim or full-time coach soon

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Cricket West Indies director of cricket Jimmy Adams.

DIRECTOR of cricket at Cricket West Indies (CWI) Jimmy Adams is hoping concrete decisions will be made in the coming week concerning the new head coach of West Indies including whether to hire an interim coach or a full-time coach.

On October 24, Phil Simmons resigned from his position as West Indies coach after the regional team failed to advance to the main draw of the International Cricket Council T20 World Cup in Australia. Simmons said his decision to leave the job was not based solely on the West Indies performance in the World Cup qualifiers.

Simmons will continue to coach West Indies until December as the team will play Australia in a two-match Test series in Australia.

Discussions are being held by CWI whether to have different coaches for different formats.

“Those discussions are actually ongoing, they have already started,” Adams said in media conference on Sunday.

Adams said other than deciding whether to hire multiple coaches for the various formats it will be decided if an interim coach will be appointed.

“There are two issues to look at. Obviously given the schedule that we have which is Test cricket in Zimbabwe and South Africa from the end of the January right through until (March)…I think the white ball games against South Africa will go into March. Do we first of all split the roles and how long are we going to give ourselves the time in which to recruit? By that I mean is it that we are going to do an interim situation maybe until the end of the South Africa (tour) or do we actually start recruiting right away (for a full-time coach). These are decisions that are before us now and I am hoping that by the end of this week coming that we will have some firm decisions to sort of guide the way forward…these are all the questions being considered right now as we speak.”

The West Indies Test players have been competing at a higher level compared to the T20 and 50-Over teams.

Asked if Simmons was encouraged to continue coaching the Test team given the success the team has had in the format, Adams said, “It is something that he (Simmons) did consider. He would have known as we all do that the role in some countries is a split role, but he did indicate that after considering it that the decision that he said to us was his final decision.”

Kremi buys local cone manufacturing company Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop Business

58 minutes ago – Updated

Ryan Peralto, General Manager of Caribbean Cream, which trades as Kremi.

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More than one year after acquiring a cone manufacturing company, Caribbean Cream Limited – trading as Kremi – expects the value-added approach to double its sales revenues from cones. The acquired company, Koni Kone, has been incorporated into the operations of Caribbean Cream Limited and is located at 2A-2C Suthermere Road, Kingston.

The cone company was purchased for $45 million, and since taking over that business in March 2021, Kremi has made $20 million in additional sales from those products. “COVID-19 has challenged the reliability of supply chains. Therefore, in looking to the future, we decided to add the production of cake and waffle cones to reduce our reliance on imports going forward. This acquisition will also allow us to increase our sales revenues by introducing the value-added products to the local market offerings,” said Ryan Peralto, General Manager of Caribbean Cream. He spoke of the acquisition at the Annual General Meeting of Caribbean Cream on Tuesday, October 25, held at the Courtleigh Hotel. The company is in the process of rolling out these products through Kremi depots, mid-level distributors, as well as third parties. “This acquisition will help us chart our own destiny, as cones are complimentary to ice cream, and this combination can only grow our inflows,” Peralto explained.

In reviewing Kremi’s performance for the first half of the year, Peralto said the company grew in every category, and that yielded $222.5 million in additional sales income. Sales from imported novelties grew by $9 million or 51 per cent, while ice cream sold by ‘fudgies’ rose five per cent or $65 million. According to the Kremi general manager, construction has started on new cold and blast rooms on land acquired in 2021 at 1 South Road, adjacent to the existing plant. An insulated concrete base is now being cast, and the building should start going up soon. “Our infrastructural developments, which include the upcoming CHP plant, will make us self-sufficient in energy, together with the new cold room, are keys to improved sales, our expansion and expense management objectives,” Peralto noted.

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Accident survivor says WPC Duncan could have survived if there were cable barriers

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


WPC Susan Duncan Thomas died at the scene of the accident in Gasparillo.

ACCIDENT survivor Yousef Hosein said WPC Susan Duncan Thomas, 57, could have survived Wednesday’s night accident, if there were cable barriers on that stretch of the highway where a vehicle crossed the median and crashed into hers.

Hosein said not everyone gets the chance to survive and tell their stories. He wants to use this second chance and his voice to save lives.

Hosein, said he survived a similar accident which claimed the life of Duncan Thomas, in the same spot on the Solomon Hochoy Highway in the vicinity of Harmony Hall, Gasparillo and under the same circumstances.

Like Duncan Thomas, Hosein, a phlebotomist at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH), was also driving on the north bound lane when a truck from the south bound lane crossed the median and landed onto his vehicle. He survived with severe injuries to his head and legs.

A police report said at around 8.45 pm on Wednesday, a 29-year-old man of Mon Desir Road, Rousillac, was driving his black Nissan Navara south along the highway near Harmony Hall, when he lost control, crossed the median, came on to the northbound lanes of the highway and collided with Duncan’s blue Hyundai Creta SUV.

Unlike Duncan Thomas, “I lived to tell the tale and I want to use my story to help save lives but I need the help of Government to do so.

“Many people don’t live to tell their story of survival. The WPC, a law enforcement officer, she cannot come back and say anything to anyone. I have that opportunity to beg and plead to the authority to install cable barriers.

He has been campaigning since his accident in 2012, for the installation of cable barriers along the highways to prevent vehicles from crossing the median and crashing into vehicles on the opposite side of the road.

“Nobody is listening to me.

“I am a dead man walking. I don’t know how or why I survived. I believe some divine intervention saved me for a greater purpose. In 2012 when I almost died, there were no cable barriers on that spot where a lot of accidents occur. To date, there still isn’t any.”

He also called for a rigorous maintenance of the existing barriers, pointing out where vehicles crash, the posts holding up the barriers are lying on the ground.

He argued that the height of the cable not being able to prevent vehicles from crossing onto the other side is unsubstantiated.

“Barriers do save lives. Had there been barriers where the accident on Wednesday night, the WPC would have survived. No vehicle should leave the side of the highway on which you are driving to come on the other side.

“Barriers could prevent that from happening.”

In a release, Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram also called on Government, “to put an end to their gerrymandering of the maintenance and repair of the cable barriers along our nation’s highways and to stop risking the lives of our citizens through their uncaring incompetence.”

Ratiram recalled that under the People’s Partnership Government of Kamla Persad-Bissessar, cable barriers were installed along several sections of the Solomon Hochoy Highway due to the prevalence of similar incidents which took the life of Duncan Thomas.

“Since September 2015, the Rowley-led PNM has notoriously been dragging its feet in the maintenance and repair of these life-saving cable barriers.”

He recalled Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan response to materials from sites where barriers were placed being stolen when the Opposition posed the question in June.

At the recent Standing Finance Committee, Ratiram again raised the issue of Government’s failure to utilise a $2 million allocation in fiscal 2022 for the provision of a Road Safety Audit.

He recommended the Ministry look at the risks posed to motorists and their passengers by failing to repair the barriers.

Sinanan responded it was a constant work in progress and the Ministry was continuing to look at them and to have them on a project.

“This excuse provided by Minister Sinanan serves to underscore the Government’s lackadaisical and bureaucratic approach towards the maintenance and repair of this safety mechanism, as well as the need for more regular TTPS patrols along the nation’s highways.”

Venezuelan man shot dead in Couva, woman wounded

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

Gunmen shot at a group of people in Couva on Sunday night, killing a Venezuelan man and wounding a woman.

Dead is Victor Jose Mendoza, 28, while fellow Venezuelan Gabriel Del Valle, 19, was wounded.

The police said the shooting happened shortly before 9 pm at Perseverance Village.

Masked gunmen walked up to the group and began shooting.

Mendoza lived at Roystonia in Couva.

Central Division and Homicide Bureau Region III police visited the scene.

US$1.4B in trade between Guyana & US in 1st half of 2022

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
US Ambassador Sarah Ann Lynch with Trade Mission Delegation

From October 25-28, the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown hosted a Department of Commerce “Trade In the Americas” delegation consisting of five firms representing approximately $205 million in revenue from across the United States.

The firms were part of a larger trade conference that took place in Miami and brought together nearly 200 firms who were interested in the Caribbean market.  Select firms traveled to Guyana and other Caribbean nations during the week.  U.S. businesses participated in meetings with local firms throughout the Caribbean’s key sectors such as energy, infrastructure and agriculture.

While in Guyana, the companies held a productive day of meetings with key private sector contacts and experts to highlight Guyana’s business environment, learn about the Government of Guyana’s efforts to promote investment and economic diversification, explore market entry strategies, foster partnerships, and develop closer trade ties between Guyana and the U.S.

U.S. and Guyanese participants stressed the serious potential for future partnerships and business deals as a result of their meetings. The U.S. firms were very impressed with Guyana’s private sector and the opportunities their over 30 engagements with local organizations provided for partnerships.

With 23 markets and 41 million people, the Caribbean presents a growing opportunity for U.S. companies.  The delegation sought to capitalize on the strong bilateral trade relationship between the U.S. and Guyana, with bilateral trade reaching $1.4 billion USD in the first half of this year alone.

These initiatives are part of the United States’ goal to advance prosperity in Guyana and the region.

Man ‘Unresponsive’ After Collision Between Motorcycle & SUV In Vieux Fort – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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On Sunday, one man was unresponsive, while another sustained multiple injuries after a collision between a motorcycle and an SUV at Savannes Bay, Vieux Fort.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said Crash Fire Hall and the Vieux Fort fire station responded after receiving a distress call at about 6:06 pm.

The emergency crews found that one victim had sustained multiple injuries but was conscious.

However, another man was ‘unresponsive with negative vitals’.

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The responders transported both men to St Jude Hospital.

There are no further details at present.

Headline photo: (Screen grab from social media video)

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En Guadeloupe, un gynécologue soupçonné de plusieurs viols à la clinique Les Eaux Claires

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles


Un médecin est soupçonné d’atteintes ou d’agressions sexuelles sur six femmes par une personne abusant de l’autorité que lui confère ses fonctions, à savoir médecin gynécologue. Les faits se seraient déroulés dans le cadre de ses fonctions en 2015 à la clinique Les Eaux Claires à Baie-Mahault. L’affaire jugée, jeudi,  au tribunal correctionnel, a été mise en délibéré, au 10 novembre prochain. 

Le docteur Ronald de H. est mis en cause par
six patientes d’actes inappropriés et agressions sexuelles. Les
plaignantes sont au nombre de cinq en Guadeloupe et une en France
hexagonale. Certaines relatent que, lors de la consultation, le
médecin posait des questions à caractère sexuel déplacées.

Une plaignante affirme : “Il n’avait plus le
langage d’un homme de science”. Fait troublant, les victimes, qui
ne se connaissent pas, sont plusieurs à rapporter les mêmes faits
ou les mêmes paroles déviantes.  Elles disent que le médecin
les a masturbée, avec des gestes de va-et-vient, sans mettre de
gant, de façon à obtenir une excitation physique.

Les six plaignantes de l’affaire lui prêtent des
termes anormaux et inhabituels pour un gynécologue. Il complimente
ses patientes sur leur anatomie intime, sur leur vagin en le
sexualisant. Le médecin se justifie en disant que les femmes ont
des incertitudes sur leur sexe et il explique qu’il rassure les
femmes sur leur anatomie.

« Il m’a léchée et caressée »

Il va jusqu’à dire : « Vous avez un beau
vagin ». Deux victimes présumées rapportent des propos
similaires et déviants qu’il aurait tenus : « Un corps a besoin de
faire l’amour, un corp