Le Canada et les ?tats-Unis imposent des sanctions contre le pr?sident du S?nat Joseph Lambert et contre l’ancien s?nateur Youri Latortue

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Affaires mondiales Canada a publi? ce vendredi 4 novembre l’annonce de sanctions contre des membres de l’?lite politique ha?tienne. L’actuel pr?sident du S?nat Joseph Lambert, et l’ancien s?nateur Youri Latortue, sont les deux personnalit?s vis?es par ces sanctions. “La ministre des Affaires ?trang?res, l’honorable M?lanie Joly, a annonc? en coordination avec les ?tats-Unis que le Canada impose des sanctions cibl?es en vertu du R?glement sur les mesures ?conomiques sp?ciales visant Ha?ti en r?ponse ? la conduite inacceptable d’?lites politiques ha?tiennes, qui apportent un soutien financier et op?rationnel illicite ? des gangs arm?s”, peut-on lire dans le communiqu?.

“Les sanctions visent deux personnes : le pr?sident du S?nat, Joseph Lambert, et l’ancien pr?sident du S?nat, Youri Latortue. Les nouvelles mesures imposeront une interdiction de transactions ? ces personnes, ce qui aura pour effet de geler tout avoir qu’elles peuvent d?tenir au Canada.

Le Canada a des raisons de croire que ces personnes utilisent leur statut d’ancien ou d’actuel titulaire d’une charge publique pour prot?ger et permettre les activit?s ill?gales de gangs criminels arm?s, notamment par le blanchiment d’argent et d’autres actes de corruption”, poursuit le communiqu?, soulignant que les sanctions contre ces personnes visent ? mettre fin au flux de capitaux et d’armes illicites pour affaiblir et mettre hors d’?tat de nuire les gangs.

Plus loin, le communiqu? a ?galement indiqu? que “le gouvernement du Canada envisagera l’imposition de nouvelles sanctions contre d’autres personnes et entit?s, ainsi que d’autres mesures, pour faire pression sur les responsables de la violence et de l’ins?curit? en Ha?ti”.

Ce m?me vendredi 4 novembre, the “Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)” du d?partement am?ricain du tr?sor a ?galement annonc? avoir d?sign? “les ressortissants ha?tiens Joseph Lambert (Lambert) et Youri Latortue (Latortue) conform?ment au d?cret 14059 du 15 d?cembre 2021, traitant des sanctions aux ?trangers impliqu?s dans le trafic mondial de drogues illicites.

“L’OFAC a d?sign? Lambert et Latortue pour s’?tre livr?s, ou avoir tent? de se livrer, ? des activit?s ou transactions qui ont mat?riellement contribu?, ou pr?sentent un risque significatif de contribution mat?rielle, ? la prolif?ration internationale de drogues illicites ou de leurs moyens de production. Lambert est le pr?sident en exercice du S?nat ha?tien et a occup? des postes politiques en Ha?ti pendant 20 ans. Latortue est un ancien s?nateur ha?tien et un politicien de longue date”, peut on lire dans le communiqu? de l’instance am?ricaine.

“Joseph Lambert et Youri Latortue ont abus? de leurs fonctions officielles pour mener des trafics de drogue et ont collabor? avec des r?seaux criminels et de gangs pour saper l’?tat de droit en Ha?ti”, a d?clar? le sous-secr?taire au Tr?sor pour le terrorisme et le renseignement financier Brian E. Nelson.

“Les ?tats-Unis et nos partenaires internationaux continueront de prendre des mesures contre ceux qui facilitent le trafic de drogue, permettent la corruption et cherchent ? profiter de l’instabilit? en Ha?ti.”, a poursuivi cet officiel am?ricain.

Toujours selon le communiqu? du d?partement am?ricain du tr?sor, l’histoire de Lambert avec le trafic de drogue couvre deux d?cennies. “Pendant ce temps, Lambert a utilis? sa position pour diriger et faciliter le trafic de coca?ne de la Colombie vers Ha?ti et pour faciliter l’impunit? en Ha?ti pour d’autres trafiquants de stup?fiants. Lambert a ?galement ordonn? ? d’autres de se livrer ? la violence en son nom. Son trafic de drogue, ses tactiques de corruption et son m?pris continu de l’?tat de droit ont contribu? ? la d?stabilisation continue d’Ha?ti”, peut-on lire.

“Comme Lambert, Latortue a ?galement ?t? longtemps impliqu? dans des activit?s de trafic de drogue. Latortue s’est engag? dans le trafic de coca?ne de la Colombie vers Ha?ti et a ordonn? ? d’autres de se livrer ? la violence en son nom. L’OFAC a coordonn? ?troitement avec la Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sur cette d?signation”, pr?cise le communiqu?.

Le communiqu? du Tr?sor am?ricain a ?galement averti que “ceux qui s’engagent dans certaines transactions avec les personnes d?sign?es aujourd’hui peuvent eux-m?mes s’exposer ? des sanctions ou faire l’objet d’une action en justice”. ” De plus, ? moins qu’une exception ne s’applique, toute institution financi?re ?trang?re qui facilite sciemment une transaction importante ou fournit des services financiers importants aux personnes d?sign?es aujourd’hui pourrait faire l’objet de sanctions am?ricaines. Le pouvoir et l’int?grit? des sanctions de l’OFAC d?coulent non seulement de la capacit? de l’OFAC ? d?signer et ? ajouter des personnes ? la liste des ressortissants sp?cialement d?sign?s et des personnes bloqu?es (liste SDN), mais aussi de sa volont? de supprimer des personnes de la liste SDN conform?ment ? la loi. Le but ultime des sanctions n’est pas de punir, mais de provoquer un changement positif de comportement”, pr?cise le communiqu?.

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Gunmen on ‘bikes’ attack motorist close to school on South Camp Road Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Loop News

46 minutes ago

Shots fired close to Alpha Primary schcool

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Police have launched a search for gunmen who carried out an attack on a motorist in the vicinity of a popular school on South Camp Road in Kingston on Friday.

Reports are that at about 8:00 am a motorist was driving close to Alpha primary school when men on a motorcycle approached and started firing several shots.

The incident sent people and even school children in the area scampering for cover.

Reports are that the men fired hitting the vehicle of the motorist who they had attacked several times. The driver managed to escape from the area.The shooters then fled the scene.

A team of officers is now on location carrying out their investigation and have launched a search for the attackers.

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Parker Responds to DNA Claims

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Parker Responds to DNA Claims

“I have granted you space for your delusions and public flailing, now it’s time to bring this folly to an end.” This was the comment from Malaka Parker, in response to recent DNA remarks and press releases over the last few days concerning her resignation as Chairwoman of the DNA.

“Let me be clear, she stated, “Malaka Parker has not been engaged by, nor have I colluded with, nor am I in any way apart of any conspiracy of any kind with the UPP, their leadership or any of its members. I have never once had any talks, not even one, with anybody in the UPP about formally renewing my membership with the party as it relates to this matter.

Neither have I been engaged in any secret talks, secret meetings or any discussions with UPP about the dysfunction that has come to characterize the party that I risked my political life for. I would be too ashamed, too confounded and too humiliated to share the stories of what the DNA truly is, apart from its polished exterior and social media branding.”

The former Chairwoman went on to state that, “In all of my political life, I have never knowingly lied to the public so let me be categorical: my main reasons for leaving the DNA are stated in my letter to the party. The public should know that it is simply convenience, cowardice and conniving for the DNA to manufacture my reasons for me. But I recognize the incredible paranoia, the bitterness and the vengeful cancer with which certain parts of the leadership of the DNA have been afflicted with for some time.”

Parker stated that over the last few weeks and to a lesser extent, the last three months she has sat quietly while certain leaders in the DNA waged a diabolical effort to discredit her, and to erase or undermine her work and contribution made to the DNA because she refused to tag along on personal vendettas while ignoring the real work needed to build a strong party to truly usher in the new style of leadership they espoused. So let me be clear she further stated “I left the DNA because I will not follow blindly when there are serious questions which the people of this country need answered. They need solutions and politics require dispassionate analysis and strategic action. Nation building cannot be fueled by personal issues. We cannot build by repeating the same leadership mistakes”

The former Chairlady stated, “By the way I hope the country finds the humour in the irony being meted out to me. Because here it is that Massiah is firing at me the same accusations with which the UPP charged her. That her breakaway from the UPP was because of a secret alliance she had formed with the ABLP. That she was being paid to break up the UPP. That she was bitter from her overwhelming rejection by the leadership and the base of the UPP party. These are allegations that I vehemently defended her against. Even protecting her from DNA candidates who ran on the party’s ticket last election and who tried desperately to convince me of this upon my return from my studies. But the speed and conviction with which she now accuses me of the same thing has caused me now to wonder. After all we know that evil thinks as evil does”

Parker ended by stating that she challenged Massiah, and any other member of the DNA to produce the evidence to support their accusations. “At least the UPP claimed they had the contracts and proof of the many secret contacts between Massiah and Labour party operatives to bolster their claims. I am positive that she cannot produce any such evidence to support the claims she now makes” Parker stated. Further I also challenge any member of the UPP to produce any such evidence. So, I caution my country men and women and especially the young and impressionable candidates now in the DNA to think for themselves.’

Parker ended by stating that as a young, educated, experienced and competent Antiguan and Barbudan she is free to associate with any political party, when, and if she decided to.



Antigua and Barbuda top 5 in honeymoon destinations around the world

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Antigua and Barbuda has been listed amongst the top five trending honeymoon destinations around the world by Kuoni, one of the United Kingdom’s leading long haul tour operators.

A press release from the luxury travel company states, “When it comes to finding ideas for a Honeymoon trip of a lifetime, TikTok has become a big source of inspiration for many, with videos showing off all the delights these honeymoon destinations can offer.

To bring to light the most popular post-nuptial destination, we analysed hundreds of hashtags to reveal the most watched on TikTok, looking at different countries, cities, states and regions to unearth which destinations around the globe are the most admired.”

The top ten honeymoon countries were:

Antigua and Barbuda
United Kingdom
Costa Rica

Special Projects and Events Manager and Romance Pillar Lead at the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority Shermain Jeremy said, “We are absolutely thrilled to have made the top 5, among some of the most popular destinations in the world. This is testament that Antigua and Barbuda is the perfect backdrop to any love story as we continue to appeal to couples who are seeking reconnection at this time.”

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, launched in 2022, a new romance campaign, ‘Love & Wanderlust’. Campaign highlights included the introduction of a ‘Love Lane’ airport fast-track service for couples travelling to the destination during Antigua and Barbuda’s Romance Month in June.

Romance Month also saw the hosting of Antigua and Barbuda’s Celebrity Destination Wedding with Grammy-Award winner Jeff Redd and Theresa O’Neal tying the knot in Antigua.

The destination also attracted the attention of top romance influencer couples during the year, including The Curly Coppers and Positravelty who chronicled their couple getaway in Antigua and Barbuda, sharing their experience with over 100K followers.

Antigua and Barbuda’s ‘Love and Wanderlust’ campaign plays on the idea that being in love, and the love for travel are intrinsically connected, as they both exude a feeling of euphoria.

Depicting Antigua and Barbuda as the perfect fairy-tale dreamscape for two people in love, or couples who wish to get married or renew their vows, is the focus of the campaign.



Help coming in for couple living in car

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Vishwanath Niapaul and his common in law wife Chanelle Niapaul show their belongings which they store in their car. Photo Sureash Cholai

LESS than 24 hours after Newsday published the story of a destitute young couple living in their car, some good samaritans have reached out to offer help.

Vishwanath Naipaul and his common-law wife Chanelle lost their home at Santa Monica Road, El Carmen Village, St Helena, in a fire in April last year.

Then they were evicted from their rented apartment on October 20 after Naipaul lost his job.

The couple has been sleeping on the back seat of their car, with plastic garbage bags of their belongings packed on the front seats.

Their story went public on Thursday and by Friday morning, they had received calls from the Housing Development Corporation and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services.

Speaking to Newsday on Friday morning, Naipaul said he is grateful.

Vishwanath Niapaul and his common in law wife Chanelle Niapaul in their car. Photo By Sureash ChoIai

“The people from HDC and Social Development are people we dealt with before, so I don’t know the process or how long it would take. They did an assessment interview, which I already did, and they said they would check back their files.”

He said one caller offered temporary accommodation in Santa Cruz.

“The response from the public was not really bad, but the calls not really coming in rapidly. But it coming in.”

Anyone wishing to help Naipaul and his partner may contact him at 306 8249 or send funds to Unit Trust account 5308807-2.


Freeport man shot dead outside his home

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo

A 33-year-old Freeport labourer was gunned down near his home on Thursday night.

Police reported that at about 7 pm a man called the Freeport Police Station and reported that someone had been shot at Harry Trace, Uquire Road, Freeport.

Police found the body of Sharaz Ali. They were told that at about 6.30 pm residents nearby heard gunshots and later found Ali’s body.


CAL flew 14,426 domestic passengers in carnival week

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


A Caribbean Airlines plane

Caribbean Airlines (CAL) said it transported 7,187 passengers from Trinidad to Tobago from October 24-31, during the week of the inaugural Tobago carnival.

The carnival was officially celebrated from October 28-30, but Trinis began flocking to the island earlier, to enjoy parties, boat rides and TOMAC’s Burna Boy concert on October 27.

In a press release on Wednesday, CAL said 10,020 seats were provided on 139 flights from Trinidad to Tobago.

It said there were 140 flights from Tobago to Trinidad during the same period, with 7,239 passengers taking advantage of the 10,180 seats available.

Overall. 14,426 of the 20,200 seats were occupied during the period, approximately 71 per cent.

CAL said the airline made five international non-stop flights from Barbados, Miami and New York with a capacity of 686 seats to Tobago.

CAL said it continues to closely manage the airbridge and remains committed to providing consistent and reliable service.


Panorama medium-band final in Tobago again

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Spectators enjoy music from Massy Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra during the Pan Trinbago Pan and Powder event in Scarborough, on October 29. Photo by David Reid

THA Secretary of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Tashia Burris has announced that the 2023 National Panorama medium band finals will again be held in Tobago.

“We had a meeting with Pan Trinbago this morning (Thursday) and I am pleased to officially announce that the national medium-band finals will be held in Tobago once again. So that is something that we as a people can look forward to,” she said at the post-executive council media briefing.

Burris commended Pan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore for “putting Tobago first and foremost in ensuring that we can again be the host of that medium-band final.”

Tobago hosted the medium-band Panorama final for the first time in 2020 at the Parade Grounds, Bacolet.

Saying Tobago will be involved in the national carnival in February, Burris said a decision on how that participation would look has not yet been taken.

“Some conversations need to be had with our major stakeholders with respect to how the Carnival in February would look, because the reality is that we do not want to have two carnivals that look exactly the same just happening at two different times during the year.

“So we don’t want to pre-empt those discussions, because people may have ideas already in their mind relative to what previously happened.

“But the idea for February Carnival is for us to evolve out of what we have normally seen and it is time for us to innovate, in terms of how do we have events and activities that are in synergy with the national festival and not competing with it.”

Burris said Tobago still has to carve out a space in the midst of the national celebration.

“Certainly, we do not want to do that – but nobody comes to witness it or nobody supports it. We don’t want to be spending money for spending money’s sake. We really want that whatever we invest in for February has impact and can be felt across the island.”

Saying the model may look different from what people are used to, Burris said those conversations will be led by the Tobago Festivals Commission Ltd.

The consultations with stakeholders are expected to take place later this month.

“By the end of that process, we will be able to announce comprehensively what the plan for February carnival is going to look like.”

Burris also said that an announcement will soon be made on the artistes who will perform at the Tobago Jazz Experience in April 2023.


CDB, Other Financial Institutions Launch Video Campaign Ahead Of COP27 – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Caribbean Development Bank and 12 other international financial institutions (IFIs) are for the first time launching a joint video campaign, Investing for a Greener World, to showcase their role in facilitating climate change solutions, ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022, (COP 27) scheduled for November 7 – 18, 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

The group of IFIs includes the African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), New Development Bank (NDB), the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and the World Bank Group (WBG).

The joint video aims to raise awareness of the impact of the IFIs’ climate action work through the personal stories of beneficiaries, from Saint Lucia to the Philippines, Romania and Uganda.

Together, the participating institutions have a global reach, across Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Americas.

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Cumulatively, they invest billions each year in climate change mitigation and adaptation programmes, providing a collective green response that is fast and transformative.

This adds crucial firepower to tackling global warming and extreme weather wherever it occurs. Their combined impact drastically cuts CO2 emissions, promotes awareness about climate solutions and benefits millions of people.

CDB President, Dr Hyginus “Gene” Leon said“As each IFI serves a particular region or constituency, our combined impact adds up to a substantial green footprint across the globe enabling judicious utilisation of natural resources, environmental preservation and sustainable development, which means the benefits of today do not sacrifice the possibilities of tomorrow.”

As strong allies for low carbon pathways, the IFIs help the countries in which they invest to seize the economic and social opportunities presented by the transition to a greener world.

As investors and partners, they catalyse private sector mobilisation and facilitate policy reforms conducive to greener practices.

They also cooperate across regions to enable an exchange of knowledge and to deliver projects in response to the varied development needs of the economies in which they operate.

SOURCE: Caribbean Development Bank. Headline photo: Screen grab from video.

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Patrice Roberts displeased about last-minute switch with Burna Boy Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Queen of Soca, Patrice Roberts held nothing back as she made her feelings known about the last-minute switch with Burna Boy on the final night of the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) held in Dominica over the weekend.

The Trinidadian Soca sensation was scheduled to hit the stage at about midnight on Sunday, but in a last-minute switch with African Giant Burna Boy, Patrice was left waiting to go on as the last act of the festival instead.

With the show already running behind schedule, she appeared backstage twice before 1 am, eventually waiting close to five hours to put on her show. At one point the singer’s band was already set up before she was asked to give way to Burna Boy who was slated to perform last.

Already shrouded with the controversy of Burna Boy arriving a full day late for the festival, Roberts held nothing back about the last-minute switch when she finally began her repertoire after 4 am on Monday.

“Next time give me the three million dollars,” she uttered on stage during the rendition of her popular Drink Water and Mind My Business”

She promised the audience to let it all out on stage, impressed that her fans had stayed back to see her.

“I supposed to perform for you long time ago, but you know what, they pay $3 million to somebody who ain’t mash up the crowd like me,” she said.

She told the crowd she had feared that everyone would have left after Burna Boy’s performance and not get a chance to see her but was grateful that so many people stayed.

“This means that you all are true fans,” she said.

The singer told WCMF patrons she believes that the Caribbean region had enough talent to handle regional festivals without international acts.

She also hinted that there would soon be a collaboration with Dominica’s Asa Bantan.

Patrice ended WCMF with a bang just after 5 am on Monday.
