Loop Good News Day – Bajans and CARICOM nationals doing good works Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

It’s Good News Day on Loop News and our outstanding Barbadians and Caribbean brothers and sisters are taking centre stage.

Check out some of the stories here:


Fabian said that this new career choice dropped into his lap during the hard financial times of COVID. He said that when he had to bury his dad unexpectedly, the exorbitant cost of a casket made him consider doing the job himself. Taught the basics by his uncle, Fabian got to work and gave his dad a memorable send off.


He chaired several working groups in the Internet Engineering Task Force including co-chairing the uniformed resource identifier working group which created the standard that is very familiar to all of you – the uniformed resource locators or more commonly known as URLs. This is the standard by which websites are accessed to this very day.”


So how did the Barbados player get from the Rock in the 246 to the 405 Oklahoma? Justin explained, “Well, I attended an exposure camp in Trinidad where I got a film of me playing and I also learnt how to reach out to coaches and schools and how to be seen.

“From there I was contacted by the coach from Panhandle State.”


“It is such an honour and I can’t wait to give back to our Caribbean Community and to our women,” Mohammed added.

The first of her family to receive the opportunity to study overseas, the University of West Indies graduate who has a First Class Honours degree in Sociology, will be heading to Oxford University in October 2023 to further her studies.


Loop: How did you feel telling your mum about landing the Grey’s role?

Niko: It was great! I was visiting them for a bit so my mum had known I was up for the role. But it was a pretty great feeling giving her the news that they had actually offered it to me. I think she was at the nail salon when I told her and she screamed; she was so excited.


“I started questioning her, asking her what was she doing and all she said was that everything is over and she was going to end it,” Turner recounted.

The father of toddlers said that he was worried about the stranger, who had threatened to injure herself fatally.


“The statistics speak for themselves,” said Clarke.

He indicated that according to a 2019 survey conducted by the SCPD to ascertain the level of bullying at the St Joseph secondary school, bullying stood at 18 per cent, with 8 per cent reporting that they were bullied and 10 per cent bullying others.

However, when tested again in 2022, the level of bullying stood at 11 per cent; seven per cent were bullied and four per cent bullied others.


Les autres rendez-vous du week-end

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Classé dans la catégorie des week-end à rallonge, cette fin de semaine promet des rendez-vous sportifs aux quatre coins de l’île, dans de nombreuses disciplines.

VOLLEY-BALL 5e journée  RC Arlésien – Rayon, un derby
disputé sur un air de fête 

Chez les hommes, le derby entre le RC Arlésien et
le Rayon, champion en titre, est l’affiche de cette journée. C’est
aussi l’anniversaire du Rayon et l’occasion d’honorer la mémoire de
Roland Cyrilla, ancien joueur de l’équipe et de la sélection de
Martinique, à travers plusieurs manifestations programmées durant
le week-end.


Samedi à 21 heures 

A Sainte-Luce : Espoir – JS Franciscaine 

Aux Anses-d’Arlet : RC Arlésien – Rayon 

Dimanche à 10 heures 

A Trinité : Empire – Good Luck


Samedi à 19 heures 

A Rivière-Pilote : VBC Pilotin-Mairie

Aux Anses-d’Arlet : Rayon-FEP Monésie 

A Sainte-Luce : Espoir-RC Arlésien 

Dimanche à 8 heures 

A Trinité : Empire-Aiglon 

Dimanche à 9 heures 

Au Saint-Esprit : Starball Club-JS

VOLLEY-BALL 5e journée  RC Arlésien – Rayon, un derby
disputé sur un air de fête 

Chez les hommes, le derby entre le RC Arlésien et
le Rayon, champion en titre, est l’affiche de cette journée. C’est
aussi l’anniversaire du Rayon et l’occasion d’honorer la mémoire de
Roland Cyrilla, ancien joueur de l’équipe et de la sélection de
Martinique, à travers plusieurs manifestations programmées durant
le week-end.


Samedi à 21 heures 

A Sainte-Luce : Espoir – JS Franciscaine 

Aux Anses-d’Arlet : RC Arlésien – Rayon 


Bajan baller Justin Pile shooting his shots as captain in Oklahoma Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Justin Pile left Barbados when he was 21 years old to pursue basketball, and despite the pandemic and all its challenges, he has been able in just four years to move up the ranks to captain his team in Oklahoma now.

my second season… got cut short due to COVID after just playing four games

Chatting with Loop News for Good News Day 2022, today, November 10, the Bajan, who is now 24 years old, was all smiles as he talked about his journey, which started with a scholarship to play at Oklahoma Panhandle State.

A former student of the Garrison Secondary School in Paddock Road, Justin said that’s where he first started playing basketball. At 6’5″ and matching up against players who are 6’7″ and taller, Justin said he tried and played a lot of different sports, and though his height is not the ideal basketballer height, he confessed, “I fell in love with basketball.”

With his stature in consideration, Loop asked Justin who inspires him and his game. He said, “My favorite player is Lebron [James] but being an undersized forward I try to mold my game after Demar Derozan”.

After college I aspire to play professionally and then go into coaching

So how did the Barbados player get from the Rock in the 246 to the 405 Oklahoma? Justin explained, “Well, I attended an exposure camp in Trinidad where I got a film of me playing and I also learnt how to reach out to coaches and schools and how to be seen.

“From there I was contacted by the coach from Panhandle State.”

Playing there for the last four years, Justin said, “My first two years that I played was a huge learning curve, especially my second season when the league got cut short due to COVID after just playing four games.

“In my third and current season I am the starting power forward and captain.”

Talk about a leap to the top!

Asked what’s his hope for after college, he confidently shared, “After college I aspire to play professionally and then go into coaching after.”

Justin has one more year in college, and as it relates to his dream team, with a laugh, he said, “If I ever get the opportunity to play in the NBA, I’d play for any team,”

Not if but when. All the best Justin!


Un surveillant de prison de Ducos « agressé » lors de la distribution du repas de midi

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Rédaction web


Le syndicat pénitentiaire FO Justice, du centre pénitentiaire de Ducos, dénonce une « nouvelle agression » ce jeudi 10 novembre.

Ce jeudi, un surveillant pénitentiaire a été victime de violence physique et verbale. C’est ce que dénonce le syndicat FO Justice, dans un communiqué. 

Les faits se seraient ainsi passés vers 11h30, lors de la distribution du repas de midi au Centre de Détention 2. Selon FO, le détenu, incarcéré pour des faits de violence avec arme et libérable en 2024, serait déjà « habitué à agresser les personnels de surveillance », avec 5 procédures à son actif. 

Refus d’obtempérer

Ce matin, il aurait ainsi refusé d’obtempérer à un ordre de l’officier de secteur, concernant « des éléments de sécurité » se trouvant à l’intérieur de sa cellule. 

Après les insultes et injures, le détenu aurait asséné « une violente gifle, limite coup de poing en plein visage » au surveillant. L’homme était finalement maîtrisé avec difficulté et a été placé au quartier disciplinaire de la prison de Ducos. 

Dans son communiqué, FO demande à l’administration la mise en œuvre de la protection statutaire de l’agent blessé et réclame le transfert du détenu à l’issue de sa sanction disciplinaire afin de ramener le calme.


Des exploitations agricoles recherchent repreneurs au « Grand JT des Territoires » sur TV5 Monde

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Vidéo Grand JT des Territoires

Retrouvez, chaque semaine, le « Grand JT des Territoires » de Cyril Viguier, diffusé sur TV5 Monde, en partenariat avec France-Antilles.

« Le Grand JT des Territoires » de Cyril Viguier est diffusé sur TV5 Monde et les chaînes de télévision locales et régionales de la TNT. Il présente l’actualité vue par l’ensemble des médias régionaux. 

Sommaire :


« Agriculteur recherche repreneur », l’annonce pourrait prêter à sourire mais elle est prise très au sérieux dans nos territoires. Alors que de nombreux exploitants partiront bientôt à la retraite, les repreneurs se font plutôt rare. Reportage de viàOccitanie dès le début de ce journal.



De sa Normandie natale à Dubaï, nous vous raconterons aussi l’histoire de Jérôme Aupin. Un opticien devenu réputé aux Emirats arabes unis grâce à la conception de lunettes haute-gamme et uniques. Christophe Rigaud l’a rencontré dans sa boutique installée à des milliers de kilomètres de la France.



Il aura marqué toute une époque et le monde du journalisme 70 ans durant, Philippe Bouvard vient de publier un nouvel ouvrage aux éditions de l’Archipel. Un livre sur lequel il s’est confié dans le cadre d’une interview exceptionnelle qu’il m’a accordé chez lui, à Cannes. Vous en découvrirez un extrait dans ce journal.



Il dévale les pentes comme personne, « Rollerman » est un super-héros qui ne dit pas son nom. Rencontre épatante avec son inventeur et des images impressionnantes de la chaine 8Mont-Blanc.  




Route du Rhum: pointage des skippers guadeloupéens

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Les skippers guadeloupéens naviguent à des allures diverses. Cependant Kéni Piperol est actuellement le leader dans la catégorie class 40

Apres une journée de course pour la Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe, les 138 navigateurs engagés dans la 12e édition ont connu des fortunes diverses.

Tous sont en direction de la Guadeloupe après avoir passé le Cap Fréhel.


Charles Caudrelier en tête dans la catégorie Ultim 32/23

Charles Caudrelier du Maxi Edmond de Rothschild occupe la tête de sa catégorie, suivi de François Gabart (SVR-LAZARTIGUE) et Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3)


Voici le pointage pour les skippers guadeloupéens après un peu plus de 24 heures de course.


Kéni Piperol mène la danse chez les class 40

Keni Piperol (Captain’ Alternance) dispose d’une avance de presque 3 mks nautique sur Alex Mehran (Polka Dot) et Marc Lepesqueux (CURIUM life forward).

Kéni Piperol avance à une vitesse moyenne de 5,6 noeuds.


A lire aussi
C’est parti pour la 12ème Route du Rhum!


Les skippers antillais avancent à des rythmes très différents

Dans les autres catégories, les skippers:

– Dans la catégorie Ocean Fifty, Thibaud Vauchel-Camus (Solidaires en peloton) est cinquième à 13 kms du leader.

– Dans la catégorie Imoca, Damien Séguin (Groupe Apicil) est 21e à 97 kms de Louis Duc. Il a gagné 6 places durant les dernières heures.

Rodolphe Sépho (Rêve de large) lui a dû faire une escale technique à Roscoff. Il occupe la 35e place à 145 kms du leader.

– Chez les Rhum Multi, David Ducosson (Trilogik – Dys de Coeur) est en 14e position à 89 km du leader Brieuc Maisonneuve (CMA Île-de-France – 60 000 rebonds).

Etienne Hochedé (Pir 2) est dernier de cette catégorie (16e) à 114 kms du leader.

– En Rhum Mono, Willy Bissainte (Tradisyon Gwadloup) est 4ème de sa catégorie à 16 kms de Wilfrid Clerton (CAP AU CAP LOCATION)


Sacha Daunar, victime d’une otite est lui retourné à Saint-Malo.


How a cabbie ran into trouble to stop a woman from taking her own life Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

It was a normal end of workday in August for Dane Turner, a taxi driver who operates in the Corporate Area, while taking passengers to Half-Way-Tree from Chancery Street (Price Rite).

By the time he got to Constant Spring Road, he realised that he had only one passenger left in his car. It was a woman.

As it was just after 8pm, the taxi driver was thinking that he would be able to get off early that night. However, it ended up being a long night that saw him being ticketed by the police in order to save that passenger’s life.

Turner told Loop News that the drive into Half-Way-Tree was quiet, until he noticed blood on the passenger’s hands. She was holding a razor blade.

“I started questioning her, asking her what was she doing and all she said was that everything is over and she was going to end it,” Turner recounted.

The father of toddlers said that he was worried about the stranger, who had threatened to injure herself fatally.

“She had razor blades, so I didn’t want to try to take them from her.

“I decided that I couldn’t let her leave the car and hurt herself, so I started driving her around. She said she wanted to go downtown, but I think that once she get to her destination she would hurt herself,” he said.

The taxi operator said that he told his passenger that he would take her to a police station but she said she would open her wrist before he could get help.

According to the taxi operator, at first, the passenger refused to say what was troubling her.

Turner said he offered her something to eat or drink as he wanted to get her help without things escalating. When she refused the offer, he decided to get the police to help, but he had to do it in such a way that she wouldn’t realise what was happening.

“By that time I was just driving all over Kingston. I wanted to get the police to stop me, so I started doing some things, but the police wouldn’t pull me over.

“I broke stoplights, drive through stop signs and no police stopped me. When that didn’t work, I disconnected one of my front light and drove on Mandela Highway,” he recounted.

It was then that he was stopped by a team of police officers carrying out traffic operations on the highway.

He said that when he explained to the police what was happening, they didn’t believe him. Turner said he was ticketed and told that he was just trying to get out of receiving the ticket.

Turner said he insisted that they help him with the woman. According to the taxi operator, he managed to convince two of the senior police officers on the team and they came up with a plan to get the passenger out of the car and get her help.

After getting a policewoman to assist, Turner recounted that they accosted him and took him over to his vehicle.

The police then reportedly began roughing up the taxi driver while asking him about illegal weapons. Once they were satisfied that the woman in the car was convinced that they were looking for guns, the policewoman asked her to step out the vehicle so it could be searched.

When she stepped out of the vehicle, they noticed the blades and the blood and, after some time, they convinced her to drop the blades.

“She was screaming and crying saying that she lost her job and she doesn’t have a place to live. Life was hard for her and she just didn’t see her way out,” Turner recalled.

“My conscience couldn’t allow me to walk away. I know I couldn’t bear it if I was to put her out of my vehicle and then I see her on the news dead,” he told Loop News.

The taxi operator said in the confusion, the police did not cancel the ticket and he had to pay the fine in Traffic Court.

However, Turner said he didn’t mind because he recently saw the passenger again when she boarded his taxi.

According to the taxi driver, she thanked him for what he had done that night in August and told him that she is now employed and is trying to improve her life.

Jamaicans can contact the Ministry of Health’s mental health and suicide prevention helpline at 888-NEW-LIFE (639-5433) for mental health support.


Huawei, TSTT team up to train students in technology

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


TSTT’s Valmiki Maharaj shows students the UPS Room.
Photo by Jared Clement

Huawei and the Telecommunications Services of TT (TSTT) teamed up to give 19 university students of Huawei’s Seeds for the Future programme, first-hand knowledge of advanced technology at the TSTT data centre on Monday.

The programme seeks to train students through a series of activities which include technology talks by local experts and visits to local technology sites, to highlight the application in TT of the latest Information Technology (IT) systems.

The students were given a tour of TSTT’s data centre. During the tour, data specialist Zephon Howard and facilities specialist Basheer Mohammed explained the workings of the devices and how systems were integrated.

TSTT’s Basheer Mohammed gives the SFTF students an Overview of the Data Centre.Photo by Jared Clement

Computer science student Carlonn Rivers said he was impressed with the expertise of the staff and the quality of technology in use, locally.

“As someone having the general impression that TT seems to be behind on technologies, it’s relieving that companies like TSTT do have professional certifications, qualifications, and infrastructure to handle services on such level of reliability, security, and quality.

“Knowledge from tours like this should be more common, sharing what TT is capable of.”

Abigail Rambarran, a computer engineering student, said she was pleased with the tour and was confident the information learned from the visit would help strengthen her understanding of data systems at school.

“I have learnt a lot from the TSTT professionals that took their time to give us a presentation touching on the topics of basic information technology, about the data centre and the cloud.”

Huawei’s public relations manager for TT Tricia Henry thanked TSTT for its continued support of the programme, saying Huawei looked forward to future collaborations with the company to further the development of digital talent in TT.

Students tour the Data Centre. Photo by Jared Clement


Ask, Don’t Steal: Salvation Army After Thieves Target Its Castries Headquarters – St. Lucia Times News

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

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The Salvation Army has called on thieves who recently entered its Castries Headquarters on High Street and made off with several items to ask for help if they are in need rather than resort to theft.

Commanding Officer Wousdel Louis said his organisation would assist where possible.

However, he advised thieves that the Salvation Army does not have money.

“I want them to know that we don’t have money. They don’t need to come if they want money. Maybe the things we have for the less fortunate they will take them. But I can tell them please, instead of robbing us, it is better for them to bring something to us,” the Salvation Army Commanding Officer declared.

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In addition, he advised individuals in need to ask rather than steal.

“Everyone who comes to ask, if we have, we give,” he observed.

Louis said on Sunday he discovered that two windows at the front of the Salvation Army building were open and items were missing.

“Because they did not have keys to pass through the doors, they had to go back through the windows. So they took transformers, fan, a box and some other things,” the Salvation Army official told St Lucia Times.

“Everything they could carry through the windows they took,” Louis stated.

He said he reported the theft to the police, and the Salvation Army would secure the windows through which the thieves entered.

“Because we are alive, we give God thanks,” Louis declared.

In addition, Louis explained that the Salvation Army does not work for itself but in the interest of the people of Saint Lucia.

“We feed  people from Monday to Friday – the street people, those who cannot help themselves, and we feed the people at Cornerstone at Vigie Monday to Friday,” he said, adding that the number involved is some 120 individuals.

The Salvation Army also runs a Day Care for children and a thrift store.

Headline photo: Wousdel Louis (Courtesy HTS News)

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‘Fans vroegen wanneer we weer eens live spelen’

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

door Audry Wajwakana PARAMARIBO — “We zijn nu ready!” klinkt vocalist Romeo Nanhekhan enthousiast. Na een onderbreking van twee jaar,
