Mayaro woman, 19, charged with stealing phone

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


File photo –

MAYARO police have arrested a 19-year-old woman from the district for larceny of a cell phone.

The suspect has two addresses, in Mayaro and Sangre Grande.

The victim, Tehilla Grant, also 19, of Pierre Ville, Mayaro, reported to the police that around 10 am on Sunday, she was at her workplace, David and BeBee Fun Style at Guayaguayare Road.

She said she put her used iPhone X valued at $4,000, on a shelf to attend to a female customer, who turned out to be the suspect.

Afterwards, Grant said she discovered the cellphone missing.

She reported it to the police, who obtained a search warrant for the suspect’s Mayaro home. She was found to have the phone and was arrested.

In an unrelated incident, Siparia police found and seized a magazine and several rounds of ammunition in the district.

Robin Estick, 62, of Alta Garcia Trace, Siparia, reported to the police that around 1.30 am on Tuesday, he was at his home when he heard loud noises.

On checking for the source of the noise, he saw a white Nissan B14 speeding out of the street. A black metal object resembling a magazine and 16 cylindrical objects resembling 9mm ammunition were found in the road.

The police were contacted and Sgt Gosine and PCs Jimdar, Marshall and Anamaly responded, along with WPC Maharaj, who photographed the items, and CSI PC Simbhoo who processed the scene and retrieved items.

PC Jimdar is investigating.

Precious Moloi-Motsepe, championne de la mode africaine

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

C’est une des femmes les plus riches d’Afrique et l’infatigable promotrice des créateurs de mode d’un continent jeune, remuant et porteur de culture: La Sud-Africaine Precious Moloi-Motsepe assure que le moment est venu…

C’est une des femmes les plus riches d’Afrique et l’infatigable promotrice des créateurs de mode d’un continent jeune, remuant et porteur de culture: La Sud-Africaine Precious Moloi-Motsepe assure que le moment est venu “pour les stylistes africains de briller”. 

Fondatrice il y a quinze ans de Semaines de la Mode à Johannesburg et au Cap, réunissant des créateurs de toute l’Afrique, sa mission commence à porter ses fruits, assure-t-elle d’un sourire confiant à l’AFP, dans une toute nouvelle boutique de luxe d’un quartier cossu de la capitale économique sud-africaine. 

“Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, les créateurs africains sont reconnus chez eux”, souligne cette femme sophistiquée de 58 ans au maquillage travaillé, pantalon noir fluide et blouse en soie. 

“Lors des grands événements sur le continent, prix musicaux ou grand rendez-vous de football, les stars portent des créateurs locaux, devenus des noms familiers”, souligne l’épouse du président de la Confédération africaine de football Patrice Motsepe, avec qui elle forme le “power couple” le plus en vue d’Afrique du Sud, classé neuvième sur la liste Forbes des plus grandes fortunes du continent. 

Ailleurs, “des célébrités comme Michelle Obama ou Beyoncé portent désormais des marques africaines”, fait-elle valoir, et le phénomène Wakanda, lié au film Black Panther “a permis de faire connaître notre culture au monde entier, ce qui a un impact sur la mode et l’identification de consommateurs à des marques africaines”. 

Precious Moloi-Motsepe a grandi à Soweto, township pauvre et haut lieu de la résistance au régime honni de l’apartheid, où elle a appris le sens du style. “Ma grand-mère faisait ses propres vêtements, elle était terriblement élégante. Et dans le quartier, les gens adoraient se saper”, suivant de près tendances et marques américaines. 

Plus tard, quand elle a eu l’occasion de voyager, elle assiste à un défilé du couturier surdoué John Galliano à Paris. Un choc. Elle réalise alors “que les créateurs s’inspirent d’histoire, de patrimoine, de culture et que nous, en Afrique, on est riches de tout ça”.

“Nous semblions être une source d’inspiration” pour les stylistes occidentaux, “mais je ne voyais pas beaucoup de créateurs africains sur les podiums”, se souvient-elle.

“Renforcer notre voix”

D’où la nécessité de créer un espace pour “propulser les meilleurs créateurs africains vers une renommée mondiale”, projet auquel cet ancien médecin, devenue mécène et philanthrope s’est attelée avec entrain.

“Je devais d’abord m’assurer qu’ils soient reconnus ici, chez nous, et faire évoluer les mentalités, que les gens apprécient les stylistes africains, pas seulement nos tailleurs traditionnels” mais des créatifs à valeur ajoutée. Pari ambitieux, pas encore remporté mais bien amorcé.

Les consommateurs africains “reconnaissent de plus en plus que leurs propres créateurs ont autant de valeur que les marques” étrangères, veut croire Precious.

Les Fashion Weeks lancées en Afrique du Sud, avec des top-modèles comme la Sud-Soudanaise Alek Wek et des invités prestigieux venus de New York, Milan ou Paris, ont permis depuis plus d’une décennie aux stylistes de “montrer leur travail, échanger avec des confrères, établir des contacts et s’exposer aux médias”.

La prochaine étape consiste à les emmener “sur des plateformes internationales, pour y garantir une présence africaine”, dit-elle précisant que les diasporas africaines servent souvent d’ambassadeurs.

L’entrepreneure se souvient avoir fait exposer une poignée de stylistes africains à Paris, en marge des défilés, il y a quelques années: “Nous y avons reçu des avis positifs, d’autres nettement moins”, dit-elle en riant, “mais c’était une première étape”. 

“On doit renforcer notre voix” et faire reconnaître nos talents au-delà de l’Afrique, plaide Precious Moloi-Mostsepe. 

A l’évidence, les Africains restent peu représentés parmi les grandes marques internationales. Et dans beaucoup de coins d’Afrique, porter des marques étrangères reste un marqueur de réussite sociale, elle en convient. “Il reste beaucoup à faire”. Pas de quoi décourager la pasionaria de la mode africaine. 


Une création du designer Mzukisi Mbane lors de la Fashion Week de l’AFI, à Sandton le 19 novembre 2022
• Michele Spatari

Présentation de la marque Kreyann’ durant la Fashion Week de Sandton le 19 novembre 2022
• Michele Spatari

Maquillage backstage durant la Fashion Week de Sandton le 19 novembre 2022
• Michele Spatari

Precious Moloi-Motsepe, championne de la mode africaine
• Céline CLERY

Nouvelles frappes de drones turcs en Syrie, “bientôt les canons et les chars”

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

La Turquie, appelée à la retenue par Washington et Moscou, a frappé mardi plusieurs objectifs en Syrie après de nouvelles menaces du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan de lancer “bientôt” une opération terrestre contre les…

La Turquie, appelée à la retenue par Washington et Moscou, a frappé mardi plusieurs objectifs en Syrie après de nouvelles menaces du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan de lancer “bientôt” une opération terrestre contre les combattants kurdes dans le nord du pays.

M. Erdogan menace depuis mai d’une offensive dans le Nord syrien mais l’attentat survenu le 13 novembre à Istanbul (six morts et 81 blessés), attribué par Ankara aux combattants kurdes du PKK (Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan) et des YPG (Unités de protection du peuple), risque d’accélérer les opérations.

“Nous survolons les terroristes depuis quelques jours avec notre aviation et nos drones. Si Dieu veut, nous allons les éliminer bientôt avec nos soldats, nos canons et nos chars”, a dit mardi le chef de l’Etat lors d’un discours dans le nord-est du pays.

L’aviation turque a lancé dimanche l’opération “Griffe Epée”, une série de raids aériens contre 89 positions du PKK et des YPG dans le nord de l’Irak et de la Syrie, qui ont fait près d’une quarantaine de morts en Syrie selon l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’Homme (OSDH).

Mardi, de nouvelles frappes de drones turcs ont visé notamment une base conjointe des forces kurdes et de la coalition internationale antijihadiste menée par les Etats-Unis, à 25 km au nord de la ville de Hassaké, faisant deux morts selon les forces kurdes et l’OSDH.

Le commandement militaire américain pour le Moyen-Orient (Centcom) a affirmé à l’AFP que ses forces “n’ont pas été pas en danger” lors de ces frappes.

D’autres bombardements ont visé un champ pétrolifère proche de la ville d’al-Qahtaniyah, à proximité de la frontière turque, selon un correspondant de l’AFP, et une zone située à 70 km au sud de la frontière turco-syrienne, d’après les forces kurdes.   


“Ils voulaient établir un Etat terroriste autour de nous, nous ne pouvions pas le permettre. Protéger nos frontières et notre nation est notre responsabilité et notre devoir”, a déclaré mardi le ministre turc de l’Intérieur Süleyman Soylu recevant son homologue allemande Nancy Faeser à Ankara.

“Nous ferons payer ceux qui nous dérangent sur notre territoire”, avait prévenu lundi le président turc menaçant d’une opération terrestre. 

Les déclarations de M. Erdogan – publiées peu après des tirs de roquettes depuis la Syrie qui ont fait deux morts dont un enfant dans la ville frontalière turque de Karkamis (sud-est) – ont suscité l’inquiétude de Washington et Moscou.

Les deux pays sont impliqués dans la guerre en Syrie, qui a fait près d’un demi-million de morts depuis 2011.

“Nous appelons à la désescalade en Syrie pour protéger les civils et soutenir l’objectif commun de vaincre l’Etat islamique”, a plaidé le porte-parole du département d’Etat américain Ned Price.  

Les Etats-Unis ont soutenu les YPG, la principale force kurde de Syrie, dans la lutte contre les jihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI), leur permettant de reprendre le contrôle de Kobané en 2015. 

John Kirby, porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale de la Maison Blanche, a reconnu que la Turquie, qui continue à être exposée à une “menace terroriste”, avait parfaitement “le droit de se défendre et de défendre ses citoyens”.

Cependant, a-t-il ajouté, ces opérations “transfrontalières (…) pourraient entraîner une réaction de certains de nos partenaires des FDS (Forces démocratiques syriennes dont font partie les YPG, NDLR) qui limiterait leur capacité à poursuivre le combat contre l’Etat islamique”, et c’est ce qui inquiète les Etats-Unis, a-t-il prévenu.

“Nous voulons être capables de maintenir la pression sur l’Etat islamique. Ce réseau est très diminué, mais il est encore viable en tant que menace. Et par conséquent nous souhaitons que nos partenaires des FDS continuent à maintenir la pression” sur l’Etat islamique, a expliqué M. Kirby.

“Risque de déstabilisation”

La Russie a “espéré” que la Turquie ferait preuve de “retenue” et se garderait de “tout usage excessif de la force” en Syrie.

“Nous comprenons les préoccupations de la Turquie (…) Mais dans le même temps, nous appelons toutes les parties à se garder de toute initiative qui pourrait mener à une grave déstabilisation”, a déclaré le porte-parole de la présidence russe Dmitri Peskov.

Lundi, Berlin et Paris avaient eux aussi appelé Ankara, respectivement, à agir de façon “proportionnée” et à “manifester davantage de retenue”.

En réponse, la Turquie a exigé mardi que ses alliés, Etats-Unis en tête, “cessent tout soutien” aux combattants des YPG qu’elle considère comme terroristes.

Les Forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS), coalition dominée par les YPG, ont eux affirmé mardi concentrer leurs efforts sur une “désescalade”.

Entre 2016 et 2019, la Turquie a mené trois opérations d’envergure dans le nord de la Syrie contre les milices et organisations kurdes. 

Ankara répète vouloir créer une “zone de sécurité” de 30 km de large le long de sa frontière sud.

“Les conditions sont réunies pour une offensive particulièrement vigoureuse contre le PKK/YPG, à l’approche des élections présidentielle et législatives” de juin 2023, a estimé l’analyste indépendant Anthony Skinner, qui rappelle que le président Erdogan a déjà joué la “carte sécuritaire” à l’approche de précédents scrutins.


Exercices militaires de la “division Suleiman Shah” dans la région d’Afrin au nord de la Syrie, le 22 novembre 2022

Exercices militaires de la “division Suleiman Shah” dans la région d’Afrin au nord de la Syrie, le 22 novembre 2022

Miss Cayman Islands Universe runner-ups help the needy in the Brac Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

Over the weekend, the Miss Cayman Islands Miss Universe 1st runner-up, Chloe Powery-Doxey and 2nd runner-up, Hayley Grizzel, travelled to Cayman Brac to assist the Lean On Me Foundation Cayman to deliver groceries to families in need.

According to Mrs Derri Dacres-Lee, president of the Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee, the deliveries took the ladies to all parts of Cayman Brac, where the ladies got a chance to experience Cayman Brac hospitality first hand.

Mrs Dacres-Lee, who is also a founding member of Lean On Me Foundation Cayman, said that “the experience gave them an opportunity to engage with people on the Brac and become more involved with community service on a different level.”

This community service, assisted by the efforts of the Miss Cayman Islands Universe runner-ups and led by the Lean on Me Foundation, resulted in eight families (identified by the Department of Children & Family Services in Cayman Brac) getting much needed assistance before the Christmas holiday.

In addition to the charitable activities completed with Lean On Me Foundation Cayman, 2nd runner-up, Hayley Grizzel, also participated in a church service at the Crossroad United Baptist Church, where she addressed the congregation.

Hayley Grizzel, 2nd runner-up (Photo credit: David Goddard)

Over the next couple of weeks, the general public can expect to see the two ladies continuing to share the responsibilities of the Miss Cayman Islands Universe crown in Cayman, until, of course, First Runner Up, Chloe Powery-Doxey takes the international stage at the 2022 Miss Universe competition in New Orleans at on January 14, 2023 to represent the Cayman Islands.

Chloe Powery-Doxey, First Runner-Up (Photo credit: David Goddard)

More about Lean On Me Foundation Cayman

According to Mrs. Dacres-Lee, a founding member of the Lean On Me Foundation, the organisation assists persons in need each year.

This year, the hope was to make someone’s Christmas brighter on the Brac.

Lean On Me Foundation can be contacted via their Facebook page at and their Instagram page at ‘leanonmecayman’

Come see artists, artisans and performers at “Holiday Maker’s Market” Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass
Loop News

35 minutes ago

Art Nest Creative Studio will be hosting its annual ‘holiday makers market’ this Saturday, November 26, from 7pm to 10pm at the Elizabethan Square courtyard on Shedden Road in George Town.

The event (which is free of charge to enter) will feature over 40 artisans, crafters, makers, potters, musicians, and live painting performances throughout the evening for the public to enjoy.

Beverages and food will also be available at the venue, which, according to organizers, will include a special, authentic treat of Venezuelan Arepas.

Giveaways, prizes and surprises will also be available.

Members of the public are therefore encouraged to come out to this George Town event on Saturday, which will start at 7pm and end at 10pm.

Regarding vendors who would like to set up a stall at the event, the organizers noted that all vendor spaces are now sold out.

Should any member of the public require further information, they may send an email to

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Viewpoint: Christian Association raises concerns over Digital ID Bills Loop Cayman Islands

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

Readers are asked to note that the below is a summary of viewpoints shared by the Christian Association and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of Loop Cayman.


A group of concerned citizens, including representatives from the Christian Association, a retired attorney and business owners, met with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition on Friday, November 18, 2022 to voice concerns regarding the proposed Cayman Islands Identification Card Bill, 2022 and the Identification Register Bill, 2022 (the “Digital ID Bills”).

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was that the period of time given to the public is too short and more time is needed for a proper public consultation process to take place, in particular, to enable a wider cross-section of the public to educate themselves as to the pros and cons of the Digital ID Bills and to have their voices heard.

Concerns raised

Regarding the specifics, the Christian Association said that some of the concerns shared by the wider cross-section of Caymanians, permanent residents and work permit holders include the risk of privacy rights violations and future restrictions by government on fundamental freedoms if the Digital ID Bills are passed into law in their current form.

Speaking more about these matters and addressing her view of the government’s rationale for the Digital ID Bills, Kattina Anglin, a representative of the Christian Association said:

We understand and even appreciate what the government is trying to do with immigration controls, avoiding voter fraud and the other protective measures it is attempting to achieve. However, these are already provisioned for under various laws with their own identification measures, and each process has yielded its own successes.

Regarding these existing provisions, Anglin pointed to drivers’ licences, voter ID cards and Immigration cards issued to work permit holders which already have detailed identification information on Caymanians, permanent residents and work permit holders.

As to the push for the digitizing of these services, Anglin noted that “It is not that digital services are evil per se or pose no benefit, but governments have, as we have seen throughout history, tended to abuse their powers if sufficient checks are not implemented.”

Giving examples of such abuse, Anglin highlighted the following:

mask mandates, quarantining and the number of successful lawsuits that have come before the courts in various jurisdictions that challenged the lawfulness of governments for forced vaccinations and unlawful detentions in connection with Covid-19 lockdowns (even here in the Cayman Islands there is a case pending before the Court on the lawfulness of the quarantines here)other examples, like the US still stopping unvaccinated travellers even though they acknowledge the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission and, latest studies, able vaccinated are far more likely to contract covidthe abuse by the Nazis in Germany, Cambodia under Pol Pot, China in the Cultural Revolution, Stalin, to name a few.

Anglin elucidated that, without proper public consultation and public input, a system such as the one being proposed provides the means for future misuse and can easily become a tool to control the population.

This is not idle speculation. There is currently a global push to implement digital IDs orchestrated by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, both unelected bodies, and the UN.

Furthermore, the G20 group of world leaders have just signed a declaration to introduce COVID vaccine passports linked to digital ID.

Travel will only be permitted by those who are vaccinated and have had their latest boosters which, as we now know, have caused considerable harm and injury across all age groups, and have failed to stop infection or transmission.

This is an absolute power grab by those who are meant to be protecting peoples’ freedoms, not taking them away.

What guarantees do we have that a person’s vaccine status and other private medical information will not linked to their digital ID and shared with other countries and international organizations in the future?” None. In fact, this seems to be the plan.

Anglin warned.

Consultation process needed to understand complexities

In order to appreciate the complexities of these issues and the longer-term impacts on the public, Anglin suggested that the Digital ID Bills should not be “pushed through in 21 days.”

Instead, the she indicated that the government ought to consider a longer period to allow members of the public a chance to properly air their concerns, be properly heard and have those concerns acted on.

According to Anglin, while it may be the case that, as a result of a longer consultation process, members of the public may conclude that they are content with the proposed the Digital ID Bills and that they can be passed into law, she noted that “we cannot reach that juncture without the proper process being executed.”

Process should not be a tick-the-box exercise

Anglin also intimated that, without an in-depth process where the views of the public are collated, the danger is that the mechanics for consultation suggested by the government may amount to no more than a “tick-the-box” exercise.

Based on Anglin’s statements, some members of the public may take this view because they are convinced that the proposers of the Digital ID Bills only wish to demonstrate that they have complied with notice periods applicable to public consultation rather than seek in-depth, public input.

Such a “tick-the-box” exercise may not appropriate because, according to Anglin, the “proposed laws are controversial or [may] affect constitutional rights.”

Anglin added:

This data control regime was being discussed from as far back as 2017; the framework for it was built over the past few years. 5 years later (2022) the Minister of Financial Affairs called for a public consultation with the MINIMUM consultation period allowed – 21 days. That is offensive to any reasonable individual and to the spirit of participatory democracy. This is not how the legislative process operates in a democratic society. It is utterly disrespectful to every registered voter and especially to the elderly who the government claims it is acting in the interest of.

Anglin continued:

Under the parliamentary principles on public consultation, it is the government’s duty to meet people at their level. The only means of “consulting” on this Bill is to make a written submission. This essentially excludes a great percentage, if not the majority, of the elderly who would be better able to participate in the democratic process at Town Hall meetings. There they would express their views and ask their questions. Pray tell: how many “average”, “intelligent” and “elderly” people in our society can read and interpret these Bills then make written submissions?

“Written submission” has eliminated much of the [potential] opposition to the Bill and sidestepped the voicing of any legitimate concerns that a question-and-answer session might allow. It is a farce.

Other implications of the Digital ID Bills

Compulsory compilation

The Christian Association also cited concerns that every person’s information will be compulsorily compiled into a government-controlled register.

Regarding this, Anglin said: “There is no opt-in for this program. The individual is forced by law to provide their personal data, even that which is irrelevant to identification, such as personal telephone number and email address; those pieces of information enhance government’s potential for monitoring/spying on its citizens and encroaching on one’s private affairs but have nothing to do with national identification”.

Future expansion of compulsory data requirements

Anglin added that a further concern with the Bills is that they propose no restraints on, but allow for, additional categories to be added “as may be prescribed”.

This, Anglin says, could lead to an unending personal data grab.

Expanding on her point, Anglin stressed:

This is gravely concerning – what other categories are they intending to add? Vaccine status, for example, as outlined above? Government access and control of an individual’s personal data, including financial and medical information, creates an imbalance in power between the government and the individual.

Case law, such as the India Supreme Court judgment in Justice K S Puttaswamy (Rtd) v Union of India and others and Robinson v Attorney General of Jamaica has determined this.

Anglin argued that an imbalance in power between the government and the individual in society could lead to the government having unrestricted access to information about individuals, an outcome which may not be consistent with current laws where the consent of each individual is required in certain instances.

“This cannot be justified in a democratic society,” Anglin underscored.

Safekeeping of information and hacking

Anglin noted that another key area of concern is in relation to the safe storage and management of personal information compiled on the register.

Regarding this, she said that the Bills allow for the recruitment of one of more goods and services providers and allows for the maintenance of the register outside of the jurisdiction, however, the public needs to be advised on what security measures are in place and what the government’s backup plans are in the event of a data breach.

In connection with this, Anglin noted that a data breach “will leave persons vulnerable in more ways than one,” pointing out some recent examples of data breach in the United States where the United States government was hacked more than once.

World Economic Forum

Speaking of vulnerability, Anglin questioned whether the government was pursuing its own initiative for the public interest or whether it was adopting the idea of the “Great Reset,” a concept which she said is being promoted by certain stakeholders.

In particular, Anglin referred to an advert by the World Economic Forum (WEF) dated November 18, 2016 stating that:

You’ll own nothing.

And you’ll be happy.

Whatever you want, you’ll rent.

And it’ll be delivered by drone.

Regarding this, Anglin said: “Guessing by the pin on our Premier’s lapel, he supports this movement and intends to push Cayman along this path regardless of whether we are aware or agree to it. Those of us who have been following these entities’ pronouncements and news publications, (WEF, WHO, UN etc) are very much aware of the implications of digital ID, social credit scores linked to digital ID and central bank digital currencies which, when combined, will serve to control the masses.”

Anglin concluded, saying:

We are hopeful that the Opposition, who provide the main check and balance on the government, will embark on two or three public consultation meetings before 2nd December, when this short consultation period ends, to enable citizens to voice their concerns. We also hope to meet with the Minister of Financial Affairs in person to discuss our concerns about the process and to discuss in greater detail our objections to the Bills.

Fact-check: Reuters, in an article dated February 25, 2021, said that that they fact-checked the foregoing statements in connection with the World Economic Forum (which appeared in the below video) and Reuters noted that “The WEF does not have a ‘stated goal’ to remove everyone’s private property by 2030.”

Reuters added:

Danish politician Ida Auken, who wrote the prediction in question (here), said it was not a “utopia or dream of the future” but “a scenario showing where we could be heading – for better and for worse.”

In a written update, she clarified that the piece aimed to “start a discussion about some of the pros and cons of the current technological development. When we are dealing with the future, it is not enough to work with reports. We should start discussions in many new ways. This is the intention with this piece.”

2016 Video from WEF:

Un triste jour, admet Lionel Scaloni sur la d?faite de l’Argentine

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Avant le coup d’envoi de la Coupe du monde de football de la FIFA, Qatar 2022, l’Argentine qui restait sur une s?rie de 36 matchs sans d?faites, a ?t? pi?g?e par une pimpante de l’Arabie Saoudite (2-1), et ce, malgr? le but inscrit sur penalty par Lionel Messi. En r?action ? cette surprenante d?faite, le s?lectionneur argentin, Lionel Scaloni parle d’un triste jour.

“C’est difficile ? encaisser car, en quatre ou cinq minutes, ils ont marqu? les deux buts sur leurs deux seuls tirs cadr?s. Nous devons nous ressaisir, nous devons gagner les deux prochains matchs, nous n’avons pas ? analyser plus que cela. Aujourd’hui est un jour triste, mais nous devons garder la t?te haute et continuer”, a d?clar? le technicien argentin en conf?rence de presse d’apr?s match.

Du c?t? de l’Arabie Saoudite, Herv? Renard ne tarit pas d’?loges sur ses poulains tout en mettant en ?vidence, ses choix tactiques payants pour faire tomber les co?quipiers de Lionel Messi.

<>, a r?v?l? Herv? Renard.

Pour tenter de se qualifier pour les huiti?mes de finale de la comp?tition, l’Argentine doit obligatoirement battre ses deux matchs ? venir face au Mexique et la Pologne.

R?agir ? cet article

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Mount Pleasant hold Portmore to 0-0 draw in final game of matchday 4 Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Mount Pleasant Academy and Portmore United played to a goalless draw in the final game of matchday four of the Jamaica Premier League (JPL) – powered by Digicel- on Monday night at the Stadium East field.

The result means that Mount Pleasant moved to five points to be in seventh place while Portmore are a point behind on four but ninth in the table.

Earlier at the same venue, promoted team Chapelton Maroons of Clarendon notched their first win of the season in the country’s top-flight football competition by beating Waterhouse 1-0.

Roshane Brown will forever go down in Chapelton’s history netting the all-important goal that provided their first win. He scored in the 20th minute as they climbed off the bottom of the table into 12th place with three points.

On Sunday, defending champions Harbour View defeated Humble Lion 1-0 at Effortville in Clarendon to maintain their lead atop the league.

Nicholas Hamilton netted the all-important goal in the 31st minute as Harbour View secured their third win from four games and moved to 10 points. Clarendon-based Humble Lion remained in eighth place with four points.

Former champions Montego Bay United joined Harbour View on 10 points following a stunning 2-1 come-from-behind win over Arnett Gardens in the second game at Wespow Park in Montego Bay

Arnett Gardens slipped to fourth on seven points with their first loss. The talented Ajuma Johnson gave the visiting Arnett Gardens a 50th-minute lead. But Montego Bay struck late as Donovan Brown pulled them levelled in minute 76 before Nevaun Turner scored a scorcher in the 90+4 minute with a rasping drive.

Cavalier moved into third spot on nine points with a come-from-behind 2-1 win over Dunbeholden in the second game of a doubleheader at the Anthony Spaulding Sports Complex.

Stephen Barnett gave the St Catherine-based team a 26th-minute lead but Dwayne Atkinson responded for Cavalier in the 45+3 and 62nd minutes. Dunbeholden stayed in ninth place with four points.

Molynes United defeat Vere United 1-0 courtesy of Rashawn Livingston’s 83rd-minute goal in the curtain-raiser in the opening encounter at the Anthony Spaulding Sports Complex.

Both teams ended with 10 players after Molynes United’s Jeremy Nelson and Javier Brown of Vere were both sent off.

The Alex Thomas-coached Molynes notched their second win from four games and are up to fifth on six points while the Clarendon-based Vere United slipped a spot to 13th with two points.

Faulkland FC, another promoted team also earned their first point in the country’s top-flight league with a hard-fought 2-2 draw against Tivoli Gardens at Wespow Park.

Enrico Gordon in the 35th minute and Shannoy Anderson in the 90+1 minute scored for Faulkland FC while Justin Dunn in the 35th and Diego McKenzie in the 37th were the scorers for Tivoli Gardens.

Despite getting their first point, the St James-based Faulkland slipped a spot to the bottom of the 14-team table while Tivoli Gardens remained in the sixth spot on five points.

New York Gala emerges as major highlight of Independence Celebrations across US Northeastt

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

New York Gala emerges as major highlight of Independence Celebrations across US Northeast NEW YORK 22nd November 2022 – Antiguans and Barbudans residing in the United States Northeast from Philadelphia, Boston and New York have been celebrating our nation’s 41st Anniversary of Independence in fine style over the past several weeks.

Celebrations began with church services in New York and Philadelphia on October 30th and concluded with the major highlight of these activities, the Independence Gala hosted by the New York Offices of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.

The annual event celebrated the outstanding achievements of three Antiguans and Barbudans who have dedicated their lives to positively impacting their professions and respective communities.

Receiving awards were qualified nursing professional and the President of the Antigua and Barbuda Association of Philadelphia Helenmay Bady, Councilwoman of the City of Lovejoy, Georgia Rosannette Kirby and for her untiring spirit of altruism, Jeannette Joseph-Greenaway.

The awards were jointly presented to the deserving recipients by Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Telecommunications the Hon. Melford Nicholas and Antigua and Barbuda’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Walton Webson.

Minister Nicholas brought greetings on behalf of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.

He expressed his delight at seeing the enthusiastic outpouring of support by Antiguans and Barbudans in the diaspora at such a joyous national moment.

Nicholas used the occasion to apprise nationals and friends in the diaspora of the economic resurgence the land of their birth is now experiencing, after an extremely difficult period of dealing with the challenges of the pandemic.

The sounds of the City South Steel Orchestra, led by their just pinned national awardee Patrick Johnny Gomes, set the tone for the evening’s reception, which was brought to an exhilarating climax with a string of favourites from musical icons, the Burning Flames.

Ambassador Webson expressed his gratitude to those gathered who were generous in their support of the event, the proceeds from which are targeted towards a mentorship programme for students being led by Antigua and Barbuda Associations United (ABAU).

Dr. Webson expressed appreciation to the many sponsors of the event including: the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, American University of Antigua College of Medicine, the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority USA, Arton Capital, Giselle Bru, Ambassador Hanna Akar, the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit, American Airlines, Premier Beverages, ABS Radio and Television and Pointe Express.

Events were also held in Philadelphia and Boston to commemorate Antigua and Barbuda’s attainment of nationhood 41 years ago.

The ceremony in Pennsylvania was of significance as the first time in our country’s history Mayor James Kenney, by official proclamation, declared October 30th to November 6th Antigua and Barbuda Independence Week.

Ambassador Webson and Michelle Lightfoot from the Consulate General joined members of the Antigua and Barbuda Association of Philadelphia, community leaders, and members of city government in a flag raising ceremony as part of this memorable occasion.

In Boston, an Independence Dinner and Dance, organised by Team Goldeneye and Wadadli Vagabonds attracted Antiguans and Barbudans from all walks of life to celebrate the nation’s birthday.


Wishing Well Foundation, Elite Island Resort Caribbean donate $14K in support of Andre Simon

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The Wishing Well Foundation and the Elite Island Resort Caribbean have donated the sum of XCD$14,065 in support of Andre Simon’s medical expenses.

To the Organizers and participants of the Wadadli Walk-a-Thon who contributed to making this event a success a heartfelt Thank you!

The national cyclist was involved in a hit and run incident earlier this year, which left him critically injured.

The father-of-one is currently receiving treatment in the United States


Jordan Morris