T.I. Says He’s Humbled By Outstanding Citizen Honor In Georgia

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Urban Islandz

T.I. has been honored by his native state Georgia for his outstanding community service. Yesterday, August 10, the rapper was presented with an Outstanding Georgia Citizen Award by Rep. Debra Bazemore (D-GA) at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.

T.I.’s wife of over ten years, Tameka ‘Tiny’ Harris, along with his sons Domani and Messiah, were also present at the special ceremony showing their support as the rapper received the accolade for his numerous philanthropic efforts.

“In the grand scheme of things, we are only here on Earth in this life for a short period of time, and once we leave, people won’t remember the clothes we wore or the things we have. We will only be remembered by what we meant to our family, our children and what we were able to do for others,” T.I said during his acceptance speech.

That was just one of the awards he would be honored with on the day as the “Live Your Life” rapper also received the Volunteer’s Achievement Lifetime Award. That award was given to him by the Global International Alliance on behalf of President Joe Biden.

The award was granted in recognition of the rapper’s stellar effort of 4,000 hours of community service to the United States.

Following the ceremony, the rapper took to Instagram to express his gratitude for receiving the various accolades. He shared that he spent years grinding and fighting to do his best for his community, and he also admitted that he often felt no one cared, noticed, or appreciated his efforts, intentions, or sacrifices.

Receiving the recognition showed him that he is indeed blessed to have his efforts seen, he added. He also thanked President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for taking the time to recognize his tireless efforts.

In another post, he added, “Thank God for @rep.debrabazemore63 @ambassadorpeterson @joebiden @vp & everyone else who had a hand in making this possible.”

That post attracted the attention of his colleagues in the industry, including 2 Chainz, Ludacris, and Rapsody, who all posted positive comments congratulating Tip on getting some deserved recognition.

The rapper is well known for taking an active role in his community and trying to help youth with proper guidance. He’s also been outspoken about the issues facing his community, especially as it pertains to gun violence.

Last year, he purchased his old neighborhood in Bankhead and announced that he planned to build a new affordable housing development with 143 units, a community garden, a community center, and a greenhouse.

Through organizations like Harris Community Works and For the Love of Our Fathers, he continues to give back in the hope that those who need help can receive it in a safe environment.


Goed financieel-economisch beleid cruciaal bij beheer spaarfonds

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst Ivan Cairo PARAMARIBO — Het hebben van een spaar- en stabilisatiefonds waaruit in economisch moeilijke tijden geput kan worden, betekent geenszins


L’Europe vole au secours de la Gironde et des…

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

L’Europe vole au secours de la France pour aider les pompiers qui luttent avec acharnement depuis deux jours contre la reprise spectaculaire d’un incendie en Gironde et dans les Landes, où de premiers renforts sont arrivés d’Allemagne jeudi.

Au total, 361 pompiers européens ont pris la route du sud-ouest de la France pour épauler les 1.100 pompiers qui combattent nuit et jour une reprise de feu du gigantesque incendie de Landiras (14.000 hectares déjà brûlés en juillet).

“Le chantier”, dans le jargon des soldats du feu, est colossal dans cette zone où le ciel est nappé d’un voile grisâtre, masquant quasi totalement le soleil brûlant.

Dans un large périmètre autour de Hostens (Gironde), où se sont rendus jeudi la Première ministre Elisabeth Borne et le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin, le feu, chaotique, a ravagé depuis maintenant deux jours 7.400 ha de forêts desséchées et forcé 10.000 personnes à quitter leur domicile, parfois pour la seconde fois depuis un mois.

Jeudi après-midi, 65 pompiers allemands et 24 véhicules. Des dizaines d’autres pompiers sont attendus dans les prochains jours avec leurs camions venus de Roumanie, Pologne, Autriche.

“Les Roumains et les Allemands seront sur le terrain demain matin à l’aube”, a assuré à la presse Martin Guespereau, préfet délégué pour la défense et la sécurité en Gironde.

“Nous sommes tous des pompiers, et nous comprenons la situation. Ca doit être vraiment dur de combattre des feux de cette durée et de telle ampleur”, a déclaré Simon Fritz, pompier professionnel venu de Bonn qui venait d’être salué d’un “welcome” par les autorités françaises.

Sur place, plusieurs habitations évacuées arboraient des témoignages de gratitude – “Merci pour nos maisons” ou “Merci les pompiers” peints sur des draps blancs.

“On se croirait en Californie, c’est gigantesque… Pourtant il y a une culture du feu de forêt” localement, a confié à l’AFP, les yeux cernés, Rémy Lahlay, pompier professionnel de la Rochelle, 20 ans de carrière, “mais là, on se fait déborder de partout : personne ne peut s’attendre à ça”.

Au total, huit avions bombardiers d’eau (6 Canadairs, 2 Dash) et deux hélicoptères ont été mobilisés pour cette deuxième journée de lutte marquée par de nouveaux départs de feu, notamment à Saint-Symphorien (Gironde).

Et d’autres “batailles” attendent les pompiers dans les prochaines heures, notamment pour la sauvegarde de la commune forestière de Belin-Béliet mais aussi la défense de l’autoroute A63 entre Bordeaux et Bayonne, qui se trouve à une “distance dangereuse du feu”, même si elle a été partiellement rouverte à la circulation.

– “Solidarité européenne” –

Emmanuel Macron a remercié dans un tweet la “solidarité européenne”.

La Commission européenne a annoncé l’envoi de quatre avions de la flotte de l’UE contre les incendies depuis la Grèce et la Suède pour répondre à la demande de la France.

Ces renforts en avions et pompiers européens sont également attendus ailleurs en France pour aider à combattre de nouveaux brasiers dans des forêts complètement desséchées par les vagues de chaleur et le manque historique de pluie.

Outre la Gironde et les Landes, le feu qui s’est déclaré lundi dans l’Aveyron était toujours actif jeudi après-midi. Il a nécessité l’évacuation mercredi soir de 500 vacanciers et habitants de Rivière-sur-Tarn et Mostuéjouls.

Dans le Jura, deux incendies de forêt ont ravagé plus de 400 hectares depuis mardi, la propagation de l’un d’entre eux s’étant “accélérée”.

La sécheresse et les températures caniculaires et un air très sec créent toujours un “risque très sévère d’éclosion de feu”, selon la préfecture de Gironde.

Plus de 40.000 hectares ont déjà brûlé cette année en France selon la sécurité civile, voire 50.000 hectares selon des données satellitaires européennes, soit plus de trois fois la moyenne annuelle des dix dernières années, à l’image d’autres pays comme l’Espagne, alors que l’été n’est pas terminé.

La pluie n’est pas attendue avant dimanche.

Dix-neuf départements, du sud-ouest jusqu’à la pointe de la Bretagne, sont jeudi après-midi en vigilance orange, le niveau d’alerte invitant les habitants à être “très vigilants”.

La multiplication, l’allongement et l’intensification des vagues de chaleur sont la conséquence la plus immédiate du réchauffement climatique, selon les scientifiques.



L’Europe vole au secours de la Gironde et des…

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

L’Europe vole au secours de la France pour aider les pompiers qui luttent avec acharnement depuis deux jours contre la reprise spectaculaire d’un incendie en Gironde et dans les Landes, où de premiers renforts sont arrivés d’Allemagne jeudi.

Au total, 361 pompiers européens ont pris la route du sud-ouest de la France pour épauler les 1.100 pompiers qui combattent nuit et jour une reprise de feu du gigantesque incendie de Landiras (14.000 hectares déjà brûlés en juillet).

“Le chantier”, dans le jargon des soldats du feu, est colossal dans cette zone où le ciel est nappé d’un voile grisâtre, masquant quasi totalement le soleil brûlant.

Dans un large périmètre autour de Hostens (Gironde), où se sont rendus jeudi la Première ministre Elisabeth Borne et le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin, le feu, chaotique, a ravagé depuis maintenant deux jours 7.400 ha de forêts desséchées et forcé 10.000 personnes à quitter leur domicile, parfois pour la seconde fois depuis un mois.

Jeudi après-midi, 65 pompiers allemands et 24 véhicules sont arrivés. Des dizaines d’autres pompiers sont attendus dans les prochains jours avec leurs camions venus de Roumanie, Pologne, Autriche.

“Les Roumains et les Allemands seront sur le terrain demain matin à l’aube”, a assuré à la presse Martin Guespereau, préfet délégué pour la défense et la sécurité en Gironde.

“Nous sommes tous des pompiers, et nous comprenons la situation. Ca doit être vraiment dur de combattre des feux de cette durée et de telle ampleur”, a déclaré Simon Fritz, pompier professionnel venu de Bonn qui venait d’être salué d’un “welcome” par les autorités françaises.

Sur place, plusieurs habitations évacuées arboraient des témoignages de gratitude – “Merci pour nos maisons” ou “Merci les pompiers” peints sur des draps blancs.

“On se croirait en Californie, c’est gigantesque… Pourtant il y a une culture du feu de forêt” localement, a confié à l’AFP, les yeux cernés, Rémy Lahlay, pompier professionnel de la Rochelle, 20 ans de carrière, “mais là, on se fait déborder de partout : personne ne peut s’attendre à ça”.

Au total, huit avions bombardiers d’eau (6 Canadairs, 2 Dash) et deux hélicoptères ont été mobilisés pour cette deuxième journée de lutte marquée par de nouveaux départs de feu, notamment à Saint-Symphorien (Gironde).

Et d’autres “batailles” attendent les pompiers dans les prochaines heures, notamment pour la sauvegarde de la commune forestière de Belin-Béliet mais aussi la défense de l’autoroute A63 entre Bordeaux et Bayonne, qui se trouve à une “distance dangereuse du feu”, même si elle a été partiellement rouverte à la circulation.

– “Solidarité européenne” –

Emmanuel Macron a remercié dans un tweet la “solidarité européenne”.

La Commission européenne a annoncé l’envoi de quatre avions de la flotte de l’UE contre les incendies depuis la Grèce et la Suède pour répondre à la demande de la France.

Ces renforts en avions et pompiers européens sont également attendus ailleurs en France pour aider à combattre de nouveaux brasiers dans des forêts complètement desséchées par les vagues de chaleur et le manque historique de pluie.

Outre la Gironde et les Landes, le feu qui s’est déclaré lundi dans l’Aveyron était toujours actif jeudi après-midi. Il a nécessité l’évacuation mercredi soir de 500 vacanciers et habitants de Rivière-sur-Tarn et Mostuéjouls.

Dans le Jura, deux incendies de forêt ont ravagé plus de 400 hectares depuis mardi, la propagation de l’un d’entre eux s’étant “accélérée”.

La sécheresse et les températures caniculaires et un air très sec créent toujours un “risque très sévère d’éclosion de feu”, selon la préfecture de Gironde.

Plus de 40.000 hectares ont déjà brûlé cette année en France selon la sécurité civile, voire 50.000 hectares selon des données satellitaires européennes, soit plus de trois fois la moyenne annuelle des dix dernières années, à l’image d’autres pays comme l’Espagne, alors que l’été n’est pas terminé.

La pluie n’est pas attendue avant dimanche.

Dix-neuf départements, du sud-ouest jusqu’à la pointe de la Bretagne, sont jeudi après-midi en vigilance orange, le niveau d’alerte invitant les habitants à être “très vigilants”.

La multiplication, l’allongement et l’intensification des vagues de chaleur sont la conséquence la plus immédiate du réchauffement climatique, selon les scientifiques.



Muriel Joseph-Théodore est décédée

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles


Redaction web
Jeudi 11 Août 2022 – 14h46

Muriel JOSEPH-THÉODORE, Inspectrice d’Académie-Inspectrice Pédagogique Régionale en Economie Gestion et Conseillère Académique en Recherche-développement, Innovation et Expérimentation (CARDIE). – Rectorat

Le rectorat a annoncé par voie de communiqué la disparition de Muriel Joseph-Théodore, inspectrice d’académie et inspectrice pédagogique régionale en économie gestion et conseillère académique en recherche-développement, innovation et expérimentation (CARDIE). Toute la communauté éducative est en deuil. 

La disparition de Muriel Joseph-Théodore est “une grande perte pour l’académie. Actrice majeure dans la formation continue des personnels durant de nombreuses années, elle n’a eu de cesse de developper des dispositifs innovants au service des éle?ves et des personnels. Engagée également dans le domaine de la recherche et de l’innovation pédagogique, elle s’était fortement impliquée dans l’organisation, il y a peu, d’un colloque scientifique international en Guadeloupe, autour de l’évaluation”, pouvait-on lire dans le communiqué envoyé par le rectorat. Muriel Joseph-Théodore laisse un vide immense au sein du rectorat et dans son entourage professionnel en général. “Dotée d’une énergie et d’une volonté sans faille, elle était appréciée pour ses qualités humaines et sa détermination professionnelle, a insisté la rectrice Christine Gangloff-Ziegler. Elle laissera un souvenir ému à ses collègues du rectorat, aux équipes de direction qu’elle a accompagnées, aux enseignants de sa discipline, et au niveau national, au groupe des inspecteurs généraux d’économie et gestion très touchés de sa disparition.” Elle laisse un vide immense. La rectrice et ses collaborateurs expriment à sa famille leurs sincères condoléances et apportent son soutien à tous ses collègues du rectorat et aux enseignants de sa discipline.

Sur le même sujet

  2 blessés graves dans une collision …


Solène Cusset est la nouvelle ambassadrice de la Ville

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Guadeloupe FranceAntilles

Hier soir (mercredi), seules sept candidates sur les huit initialement sélectionnées ont concouru pour le titre d’ambassadrice de la ville de Petit Bourg. Et c’est Solène Cusset qui a été élue nouvelle ambassadrice de la Ville verte.

Organisée par Prestance Event que préside Malik-Mathieu Laroche, la manifestation était placée sous le signe de l’Amour. Les prétendantes au titre de Miss Petit-Bourg 2022, très complices, ont su partager avec public leur plaisir à être sur scène, soutenues en cela par les magnifiques tableaux chorégraphiés par Laurent Travental, tout en romantisme et en charme. Les candidates ont semblé à l’aise dès le prélude en tenue de Gwadvengers, costume de 2019 prêté par le groupe carnavalesque Waka Chiré Band de Sainte Rose, en passant par l’épreuve du passage en tenue de bain à la fois original et chic, une étape habituellement redoutée par les candidates. Au final un très beau show de 5 heures, qui souffrira malgré tout de quelques longueurs, qui verra à 2h du matin la consécration de la jeune Solène Cusset qui succède ainsi à Mélissa Nébor, miss Petit-Bourg 2019.

Vital Ka en interlude

Outre son écharpe d’ambassadrice Solène Cusset, qui s’est distinguée lors de l’épreuve d’élocution, remporte aussi celle de l’Elégance. Noëlly Brasseleur, qui rate de peu la 1ère marche du podium, ressort auréolée de quatre écharpes. Le quatuor gagnant est complété par Coraly Desplan et Emily Rinaldo respectivement seconde et troisième dauphines. Durant les intermèdes musicaux, le public a pu apprécier le groupe de Gwo Ka petit-bourgeois Vital Ka, ainsi qu’en fin de soirée les artistes Niko et Jean Marc Ferdinand. Auteure et interprète la jeune Gihane fut la jolie surprise vocale de la soirée. Très active sur les réseaux, le troisième single de la chanteuse sort dans les prochains jours. Gihane un talent à suivre.Retour en images sur l’élection dans une prochaine édition.


Solène Cusset : Miss Petit-Bourg 2022- Prix de l’éléganceNoëlly Brasseleur :1ère Dauphine -Prix du Chorégraphe -Prix du Costume Traditionnel- Prix de la ville de Petit BourgCoraly Desplan : 2ème Dauphine- Prix de l’AmitiéEmily Rinaldo : 3ème Dauphine -Prix du SourireErina Seymour : Prix internet- Prix de la Beauté Plastique – Prix de la PhotogénieFloralyne Mariale : Prix de la Révélation MannequinAyana Hoton : Prix Coup de Cœur du Jury


13 killed in 22

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Sun Dominica

National Security Minister Rayburn Blackmore is “troubled” by an increase in gun-related violence

The status of Dominica as a peaceful and loving Nature Island some argue is under challenge.

This is as the country is reeling from more gun-related deaths and 12 homicides for the year.

At the start of the year, Police Chief Daniel Carbon boasted of a 40% reduction in Dominica’s homicide rate in 2021 as compared to 2020.

Carbon reported nine murders in 2021 compared to 15 in 2020, eight of which he said were solved by the police.

However, seven months into the year 2022, Dominica’s homicide rate has nearly doubled that of the previous year, an occurrence which many, including Minister of National Security, Rayburn Blackmore says is troubling.

According to Blackmore, the citizenship report of 2022 named the Commonwealth of Dominica, as the third safest country in Latin America and the Caribbean and the 31st safest place in the world. However, he stated, the recent upsurge of firearm offenses, if not immediately stemmed, will not only negatively impact Dominica’s Global Peace Index, but seriously undermine the social and economic fabric of the country.

“We are in the month of July, and so far have recorded 10 shooting incidents, eight of which have been fatalities, seven of which have been deemed as murder,” Blackmore said. “Brothers and sisters, this is a serious threat to national security. This threat has to be confronted.”

For the year thus far, 35 illegal firearms have been recovered by the police compared to 25 seized in 2021.

According to Blackmore, his ministry shall continue to provide the police force with the support needed to swiftly respond and adopt a zero tolerance level for the use of firearms to commit offenses.

Criminologist and sociologist Dr. Peter K. B. St. Jean has also warned of the impact of the rising crime rate in Dominica.

From his assessment of crime in Dominica, Dr. St Jean explained that most homicides as of late are linked to killings from five to 10 years ago.

“So what happens is that, for every murder that happens, there is a .5 to 2.5 probability that other murders may be related in the future to just one murder, and depending on how sensational that murder is, there is a higher probability that someone could die within a very short time,” he stated. “What that means is that for every two murders that happen, you are going to have between one and five new murderers within seven to 10 years.”

He further posited that the economic state of a country also contributes to its crime rate and as such encouraged the government to restore citizens’ independence and reduce the need to rely on government officials as much as possible, and earn independent legal income through effective networking.

The Dominican born further appealed to the government to adopt his 2011 Peaceful Dominica Initiative which was submitted to the government to curb violence on the island.
Meanwhile, social activist and environmentalist, Atherton ‘Athie’ Mart?n averred that a community approach is needed to curtailing crime as a collaboration between the police and the community can identify and solve community problems.

“The problem started when we stopped paying attention to each other when we stopped cherishing love and we replaced that with cherishing wealth, cherishing the money, the big house, cherishing the big job, even when we knew we were not deserving, we still cherished and we stopped caring,” Mart?n said. “When you stop caring, it becomes easier to wield a cutlass, a stone or a gun, instead of using words and thoughts, in a conversation, in a narrative that gets to a more permanent solution.”


Arlington James: We must document the important things

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Sun Dominica

A senior documentarian wants to see more people embrace this talent in order to record events and changes in the country.

Retired Forest Officer, Arlington James, known for his work in the Forestry, Wildlife, and Parks Division, is hard to miss with his camera always poised and ready for action in his quest to record developments around Dominica.

He knew from youth that he had a desire to be among the country’s natural beauty in any way professionally possible.

“I wanted to go into agriculture but did not get through. However, scholarships were being offered for forestry, so I went to Trinidad and did a course at the Eastern Caribbean Institute for Agriculture and Forestry,” Arlington said.

In his over 30 years at the Forestry Division, James has seen a major shift in people’s interaction with wildlife species.

“We saw people respecting the Wildlife Act. In the early days, there was no Act, just legislation for some birds and mountain chicken. When the all-encompassing Act came into effect there was negative feedback and some people would break the law because they were hunting to export,” James said. “But we have seen a change in that.”

The documentarian notes other changes in the use of some forest resources.

“There were a lot of furniture makers. Back in the day you could contract local furniture makers or buy a ready-made bed in a major store that was made locally. but that seems to have gone out the window,” he said.

James says one of his memorable moments was a visit to Boiling Lake when the team was monitoring its instability in 2004/2005.

“We were walking at water level, which was a few feet below the norm. We took temperatures and information,” he said. “Sometime later I found out the lake could have spontaneously filled up, and it really scared me.”

This shutterbug’s appreciation and respect for documenting came as a natural result of his work with Forestry.

“Two things inspired that. First, when I was in Trinidad there were many publications by their Agricultural Division. When I returned to Dominica there was hardly anything. Secondly, during the launching of a project, the then Prime Minister, Dame Eugenia Charles, pointed out we should document important things,” he said.

True to form, James, who joined the Division in 1976 and left in 2011, has documented several significant landmarks and occurrences in Dominica. He has publications on the Boiling Lake, Mathieu Dam, Cabrits plants and their uses, lakes of Dominica, and a host of other features.

His last publication ‘Playing with Plants of the Nature Isle,’ had him going around Dominica detailing how children play with different parts of a plant.

James’ recording of events and places is not restricted to the island’s topography, he had delved into the world of sports.

“I did one compilation with netball in the 1950s and a few compilations on Harlem Bombers from 1950 to 1969,” he said.

His most notable sporting documentation is for basketball.

“Last October was five years since the column has been running [in The Sun Newspaper] and I am on to article 108 now,” he said.

James recognizes documentation as a vital part of a country’s history and would like to see more people take up this art form.

“Sometimes things happen and are discussed on social media but sometimes you need the factual information and documentation of it,” he said.

In his 11 years away from his Forest Officer duties, James has been keeping himself busy with projects for clients and writing assignments.

As far as more documenting goes, “I’m happy doing the basketball column because some people did not know we had such a rich basketball history. So that is my contribution right now.”

Arlington James – who contributes to local online and print media – received the Services Medal of Honour in 2013 and is an active member of the Konmit? pou Etid Kw?y?l ( KEK) currently helping with the publication of the new dictionary.

-By Andrea Louis


‘A black eye for the PNP’ Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

“It’s a black eye for the PNP (People’s National Party), and they’re going to feel the political fallout from it.”

That is the reaction of Professor of Culture, Gender and Society at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Donna Hope, to the shock announcement by Member of Parliament for St Ann South Eastern Lisa Hanna that she is walking away from representational politics.

The four-term MP and former Minister of Youth and Culture told PNP President and Opposition Leader Mark Golding in a lengthy letter on Tuesday that she will not be contesting the next general election that is constitutionally due in 2025.

Among other things, Hanna, who turns 47 later this month and who first won the safe St Ann seat in 2007, said she is making way for future generations.

Related Article

However, Hope is not buying that argument.

“There are people on social media I see who are actually trying to run with that, but we have geriatrics in the Parliament who are in their 70s and 80s,” said the professor.

She said that, as a woman, she’s not surprised by Hanna’s decision to quit.

“When you’re working in Jamaica as a woman, a professional or otherwise, there’s a point where you get to where that patriarchal glass ceiling becomes unbearable, and I understand where Lisa is probably making some decisions in that regard,” she said.

Continuing, Hope said: “The truth is that her future in leadership in the PNP is slim to none. There are a lot of men there jostling for the positions of primacy, and that’s just what it is. So while the people of Jamaica, and people like myself, see her as one of the potential leaders and one of the better fit-for-leadership type, especially in the current era, the PNP apparently does not see it that way.”

“And, I don’t think they see her the way they saw a Portia Simpson Miller’s ‘winnability’ for the party and, therefore, allowed Portia the opportunity to go ahead because they wanted Portia to provide them with the win,” Hope added about the former PNP President and Prime Minister.

She congratulated Hanna for waiting until a lot of the discomfort and discord had died down around the party’s massive defeat in the 2020 General Election and in-fighting around leadership challenges before making her announcement.

“She waited very carefully as a good communicator and as a person who understands marketing. She waited until things calmed down and had settled, and then she decided to move on from politics.

“If it was done during the carryings on and the chaos, it would have looked bad on Lisa. But now that she has waited until everything has calmed down, the leadership races, the general election and the ‘cas cas’, everything is very calm, right after Independence and everybody feel happy, and she sneaks her move… she will come out smelling like roses…the PNP is suffering another black eye for this,” said Hope.

Lisa Hanna, Member of Parliament for St Ann South Eastern

Hope argued that the PNP is losing one of its trump cards.

“She is well recognised internationally. She has a lot of favours among the Jamaican people. She’s a beautiful woman. She’s graceful and very savvy politically, with a lot of time ahead of her to make a mark in any area that she chooses because she’s at the peak of her career, and she’s now going to continue to move forward. The PNP has lost a trump card.”

Yet, Hope noted that with Hanna winning her seat by a mere 31 votes in the last general election, it “means that her political career in South East St Ann is very weak”.

Additionally, Hope said the PNP has not made great strides as a political Opposition to set itself up for a general election that is at most three years away.

“It’s not a lot of time for a general election, and we’ll soon start to see winds of it, and I believe she’s assessing all of that and decided to make her move. Whatever that move is, we don’t know, but this thing about making way for another generation, Lisa is 47 this year, she’s not yet 50 and there are people in Parliament who are like nearly twice her age and who haven’t given any indication that they’re going to allow a younger generation to get an opportunity to sit in those seats.

“So, Lisa using that line. I think it is a part of her, perhaps, understanding that it would ring a bell in the minds of people because ‘it’s young people time now’ has been a part of the rallying cry for a couple of the general elections that have gone on”.

Related Article

Meanwhile, Public and Social Commentator, Dennis Chung, said the people speculating about why Hanna has decided to walk should be reminded that it is difficult to be in politics and public life, generally.

“I know it must be difficult for her because I just sit as the chairman at NSWMA (National Solid Waste Management Authority) and some of the things that you hear people say about us being at the trough and all of that, they don’t realise that it’s a personal sacrifice because it actually cost you more to be there, but these things are (in) service (to country),” he said.

Nevertheless, Chung argued that in looking at the letter Hanna wrote to Golding stating her decision to quit, “it’s obvious there was some discontent”.

“I don’t know if the discontent alone would’ve been enough to walk away from politics if she still had a passion for it, so it could suggest that, based on what’s happening, she’s really just tired and wants to leave it or it could also mean that there’s some disagreement, which doesn’t necessarily have to mean that she has a problem with Golding as people are saying but rather a problem with the direction of the policies and how the party is moving, which is a separate thing,” Chung reasoned.

He said he would not want to cast a shadow on Golding because of that.

“The best thing to do is really understand, from her point of view, but it certainly requires more understanding in terms of what happened,” he said.

According to Chung, “When you look at the current political landscape, the general feeling out there is that the Opposition is still trailing in the polls.

“And when I think about what Hanna says that we have to think about new ways of doing things…and the call (by Golding) for $40 billion more to be spent on social welfare, it betrays our knowledge or memory of what happened in terms of the fiscal irresponsibility years when we were constantly putting on new taxes and borrowing money and the country almost dropped off a cliff,” he said.

Chung said: “I don’t want to cast any aspersions on what she has said or her intent, but certainly there is more to look at. In terms of what drove her there, it must have been some personal reason because you just don’t walk away from something that you love like that if you still feel the fire burning and you feel you can still do something about it.”

For his part, Public Commentator, Kevin O’Brien Chang said: “Lisa Hanna is a mixed bag. She has her good side and her bad side.”

On the good side, O’Brien Chang noted that many women in Hanna’s privileged position would not bother to show the level of commitment to country that she has shown.

“She could easily be travelling the world, but she has, instead, devoted a lot of time and energy to her country and being in politics is not an easy thing. You have to give her credit for sticking with it for 15 years. She has tried to give back to her country though she could be living a Kim Kardashian lifestyle,” O’Brien Chang stated.

He noted further that not many even think about serving or giving back to the country.

“They’re not interested; they just want to live life. It’s a small pool who are willing to go through the hassle, go into the system, and try and help to run the affairs of the country,” he said.

The commentator added: “Every time we lose somebody prominent and intelligent enough, it’s a setback for the country. Every time we lose somebody who’s prominent and has the respect of the people, and the attention and the qualifications, the pool shrinks a bit.

“It’s a bit worrying that the pool may shrink one day to nothing, or the PNP might shrink to nothing,” he said.

On the negative side, O’Brien Chang said it is obvious that Hanna is not the best people person in the world, based on the numerous public spats she has had with her councillors over the years.

He also highlighted that she has taken the seat, which she first won in 2007 with a majority of more than 2,700 votes, shrinking the margin to just a 31-vote majority in the last election.

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In the context of the PNP, he said the prospects for party leadership look bleak.

“If Golding loses the next election and the people say, ‘Let us get fresh blood’, where’s that going to come from?” O’Brien Chang questioned.

He also said the PNP seem to have a problem with women.

“It’s not a good thing for the country; the talent pool is shrinking, the PNP is shrinking. Hopefully, maybe she can reconsider and come back and use her obvious appeal to contribute more to nation building,” said O’Brien Chang.


Oh, Not Again

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Sun Dominica

After HIV-Aids, gay men in Dominica are afraid that they will become the scapegoat for monkeypox

Since coming out to his family and friends as a homosexual almost four years ago, Fred* (pseudonym) says that he developed a thick skin, and not once has he felt hurt over the typical jokes made about his sexuality.

That is until last week when he was told by a family member, “you all better not bring your gay disease to Dominica.”

“That really hurt me,” the almost 30-year-old told the Sun. “Since I heard of this Monkeypox disease and it being prevalent among the gay community, I knew people would start thinking stuff like this.”

Monkeypox is now a global threat

Monkeypox, once a relatively obscure virus endemic to Africa, has bloomed into a global threat, infecting more than 20,000 people in 75 countries and forcing the World Health Organization (WHO) last month to declare it a worldwide health emergency.

According to WHO, about 99% of cases are among men, and at least 95% of those patients are men who have sex with men. Therefore, for many gay and bisexual men in Dominica, the summer has been consumed with similar conversations as monkeypox cases spike.

Though Tom*- another gay man in Dominica- understands the statistics on who the outbreak has been impacting most, he, however, emphasized that any gender could bring in the virus to the island and transmit it to others, therefore, “this is really everybody’s problem.”

“Forty years ago, AIDS was also called a “gay disease” because the initial outbreaks were primarily among gay men, now look where we are, both men and women can contract the virus,” he pointed out.

The 25-year-old is also fearful that the gay community could become a scapegoat in the event of a larger and more widespread monkeypox outbreak.

“It’s already hard being who you are and loving who you love in a country that’s so closed-minded, so imagine if this virus gets in and everyone starts pointing fingers at us, I only see things getting worse for our safety,” he distressingly stated.

His 23-year-old partner Eddie* has also expressed his frustration and lack of confidence in the system’s ability to properly prevent an outbreak in Dominica by not taking preventative measures.

WHO asked gay men to limit the number of sexual partners

It’s really disheartening that little information is coming from the authorities on monkeypox. This shouldn’t be the case, more public information and knowledge on this virus should already be blasting the airwaves before it is too late,” he told our reporter.

Last Wednesday, the WHO issued a call to gay and bisexual men to limit their number of sexual partners to protect themselves from monkeypox and help slow the transmission of the rapidly spreading virus.

WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it is crucial for public health authorities to engage communities of men who have sex with men to reduce transmission of the virus and take care of those infected while protecting human rights by fighting stigma and discrimination.

“For men who have sex with men, this includes for the moment, reducing your number of sexual partners, reconsidering considering sex with new partners, and exchanging contact details with any new partners to enable follow-up if needed,” Tedros said.

Though WHO scientists have said that the virus is primarily spreading through skin-to-skin contact during sex, they’ve cautioned that anyone can catch the virus through close physical contact.

This includes hugging and kissing within a family, for example, as well as shared towels or bedding that are contaminated. There have been cases of women and children catching the virus during the current outbreak, though transmission appears to be low in the broader community at the moment.

Monkeypox can also spread through respiratory droplets when infected individuals have lesions in their mouth, though this requires prolonged face-to-face interaction. The outbreak still might be able to contain if people limit their risk of exposure now, Lewis said.
Unusual symptoms

Most people who catch monkeypox are recovering in two to four weeks, according to the U.S. CDC. But the virus causes a rash that can be very painful. In the past, monkeypox began with symptoms similar to the flu and then progressed to a rash that can spread over the body.

But monkeypox symptoms in the current outbreak have been unusual. Some people are developing a rash first, while others have a rash without any flulike symptoms at all. Many people are developing a localized rash on their genitals or anus.

In countries like the US, the Jynneos vaccine which requires two doses 28 days apart is just starting to be administered.

Europe is currently the epicentre of the global outbreak, reporting more than 70% of monkeypox cases, followed by the U.S, then Spain.

The global monkeypox outbreak has seen more than 22,000 cases in nearly 80 countries since May. There have been 75 suspected deaths in Africa, mostly in Nigeria and Congo, where a more lethal form of monkeypox is spreading than in the West.

As of July 29, Caribbean countries such as Puerto Rico (13 confirmed, 12 suspected), Dominican Republic (3 confirmed, one probable), Jamaica (2 confirmed), Bahamas (one confirmed, one suspected), Barbados (one confirmed), Bermuda (one confirmed), and Martinique (one confirmed) have been reported.

Meanwhile, Dominica’s Health Minister Dr. Irving McIntyre revealed that all suspected cases of monkeypox have been tested at the hospital and thus far, all have returned negative.

“So we are ahead of the game, we have measures in place to address this,” he said.

(*) represents a change of the names to protect the identity of those interviewed.

-By Ronda Luke
