Sir Molwyn Joseph played a key role in securing ground-breaking ‘loss and damage’ fund at UN climate summit COP27.

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Historic loss and damage response fund to assist and support developing countries is finally established at UN climate summit.

Closing of COP27, Sharm El Sheikh, November, 2022


AOSIS promised the world we would not leave Sharm El Sheikh without achieving the establishment of a loss and damage response fund.

A mission thirty years in the making has been accomplished.

We have literally exhausted all of our efforts here at COP27 to bring home the climate action commitments our vulnerable people desperately need.

Our Ministers and negotiators have endured sleepless nights and endless days in an intense series of negotiations, determined to secure the establishment of a loss and damage response fund, keep 1.5 alive, and advance ambition on critical mitigation and adaptation plans.

But after the pain comes the progress.

Today, the international community has restored global faith in this critical process that is dedicated to ensuring no one is left behind.

The agreements made at COP27 are a win for our entire world. We have shown those who have felt neglected that we hear you, we see you, and we are giving you the respect and care you deserve.

Now we must solidify our ties across territories. We must work even harder to hold firm to the 1.5C warming limit, to operationalize the loss and damage fund, and continue to create a world that is safe, fair, and equitable for all.

About AOSIS:

Since 1990, AOSIS has represented the interests of the 39 small island and low-lying coastal developing states in international climate change, sustainable development negotiations and processes.

As a voice for the vulnerable, its mandate is more than amplifying marginalised voices as it also advocates for these countries’ interests.

In terms of size, AOSIS closely resembles the countries it represents on the global stage, but often punches far above its weight, negotiating historic global commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions, among other achievements.


Jordan Morris

Trump à nouveau confronté au puissant attrait de Twitter

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Martinique FranceAntilles

Résistera-t-il, en pleine campagne pour 2024, à l’attrait de cette gigantesque caisse de résonance qu’est Twitter, à ce réseau avec lequel il est, au fond, si intimement lié? Donald Trump, dont le compte a été rétabli par Elon Musk…

Résistera-t-il, en pleine campagne pour 2024, à l’attrait de cette gigantesque caisse de résonance qu’est Twitter, à ce réseau avec lequel il est, au fond, si intimement lié? Donald Trump, dont le compte a été rétabli par Elon Musk, dit pour l’instant préférer son réseau Truth Social.

Au terme d’un sondage qui a vu se dégager une majorité en faveur du rétablissement du compte de l’ancien président républicain – 51,8% sur quelque 15 millions de votes – le nouveau patron de Twitter, qui se présente en défenseur de la liberté d’expression, est passé à l’acte samedi.

Tous les yeux sont rivés depuis sur le compte @realDonaldTrump, à l’affût de la moindre activité. Ce compte attribué au “45ème président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique” est doté de la désormais fameuse vignette sur fond bleu censée garantir qu’il a été vérifié. 

Il n’affichait pas de nouvelle publication, du moins dimanche autour de 16h00 GMT. Le dernier message date du 8 janvier 2021, le milliardaire y fait savoir qu’il n’ira pas à la cérémonie d’investiture du président Joe Biden, dont il ne reconnaît pas l’élection. 

Le même jour, Twitter avait fermé de manière permanente le compte de l’ancien président, comptant alors 88,8 millions d’abonnés, face au “risque de nouvelles incitations à la violence”. 

La plate-forme l’avait déjà suspendu le 6 janvier, après l’envahissement du Capitole par ses partisans.


On observait dimanche des fluctuations importantes dans le nombre d’abonnées, qui a fortement augmenté jusqu’à atteindre 83 millions vers 15h30 GMT, tandis que le nombre de comptes suivis est passé de zéro à 49. 

Mais impossible de savoir ce que veut dire cette augmentation du nombre d’abonnés, impossible aussi de savoir si quelqu’un agit réellement sur le compte: Twitter, en pleines convulsions depuis son acquisition fracassante par Elon Musk, n’a plus de service de communication.

Par ailleurs le compte attribué à l’ancien président renvoie désormais vers un site proposant de contribuer financièrement à la campagne tout juste lancée par Donald Trump pour 2024. 

Impossible là aussi de savoir comment ce lien a été mis en place, et par qui.

Samedi, alors que le sondage sur Twitter était toujours en cours – et qu’une majorité se dégageait déjà en faveur de son retour – Donald Trump avait appelé sur Truth Social ses partisans à voter en sa faveur. 

Mais il avait aussi écrit: “Nous n’allons nulle part. Truth Social est spécial”


Donald Trump, qui avait comme personne su utiliser Twitter pendant sa présidence pour dicter l’agenda médiatique, en bombardant la plate-forme de déclarations virulentes et d’annonces choc du matin au soir, pourra-t-il résister au gazouillis de l’oiseau bleu?

Surtout après une annonce de candidature qui n’a pas, loin de là, créé l’élan escompté. 

Dimanche, son compte Twitter comptait donc quelque 83 millions d’abonnés vers 15h30 GMT – impossible de savoir combien sont des humains et combien des “bots”, des comptes automatisés – contre 4,48 millions sur Truth Social.

L’ancien président s’est lancé dans la course juste après les élections de mi-mandat, qui n’ont pas tourné pour les républicains à la “vague” escomptée, et qui ont conduit nombre de conservateurs à prendre leurs distances avec Donald Trump.

Parmi eux l’ancien vice-président Mike Pence, considéré comme un concurrent potentiel pour l’investiture républicaine, a dit dimanche sur CBS qu’il y “aura de meilleurs choix” que l’ancien président. Il a appelé de ses voeux une candidature conservatrice susceptible “d’unifier” le pays, porteuse de “respect et de courtoisie.”

Dans une étude publiée le 18 novembre, l’institut de recherches Pew Research Center conclut que 27% des Américains disent avoir entendu parler de Truth Social, mais que seulement 2% l’utilisent pour s’informer – contre 14% pour Twitter et 31% pour Facebook, dont Donald Trump est à l’heure actuelle écarté.

Les chercheurs expliquent aussi que sur 200 comptes de Truth Social particulièrement en vue, 49% expriment soit une orientation politique de droite soit un soutien à Donald Trump. En clair, une chambre d’écho pour des partisans déjà acquis aux idées de l’ancien président.


Avant Michel Martelly, Laurent Lamothe et Jean Henry C?ant, les USA et le Canada avaient cibl? d’autres Ha?tiens

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

Alors qu’on annonce de sources diplomatiques que la liste des sanctionn?s va s’allonger dans les jours qui viennent et que les sanctions auront une port?e mondiale, dimanche 20 novembre 2022, le Canada a annonc? des sanctions contre l’ancien pr?sident Michel Martelly et les anciens premiers ministres Laurent Lamothe et Jean Henry C?ant. Cela fait des semaines que des noms de sanctionn?es tombent.

D’abord, il y a eu ceux dont les visas am?ricains ont ?t? annul?s. Aucun nom n’avait officiellement circul? jusqu’? ce que le premier ministre Ariel Henry ait ?t? oblig? de remplacer deux ministres de son gouvernement qui ont ?t? vis?s, selon des sources concordantes.

Bien avant eux, il y a plusieurs personnalit?s publiques ou anciens responsables qui ont vu leur visa am?ricain r?voqu?.

Samedi 19 novembre 2022, ce sont les anciens et actuels parlementaires Gary Bodeau, ancien pr?sident de la Chambre des d?put?s, le s?nateur en fonction Rony C?lestin et l’ancien s?nateur Herv? Fourcand qui ont ?t? sanctionn?s par le Canada

Selon un communiqu? d’Affaires mondiales Canada, ces sanctions sont impos?es <>.

<>, peut-on lire dans le communiqu?.

Lundi 14 novembre, le Canada a int?gr? dans le droit canadien, en vertu de la Loi sur les Nations Unies, une r?cente r?solution du Conseil de s?curit? des Nations Unies (CSNU) pr?voyant des sanctions contre des personnes en Ha?ti.

C’est la ministre des Affaires ?trang?res M?lanie Joly qui en avait fait l’annonce. <>, a d?clar? M?lanie Joly, ministre des Affaires ?trang?res du Canada.

<>, peut-on lire dans un communiqu? publi? par Affaires mondiales Canada ce lundi.

<>, poursuit le communiqu?.

Le 4 novembre, les Etats-Unis et le Canada avaient impos? des sanctions contre le pr?sident du S?nat Joseph Lambert et l’ancien s?nateur Youri Latortue

Affaires mondiales Canada a publi? vendredi 4 novembre l’annonce de sanctions contre des membres de l’?lite politique ha?tienne. L’actuel pr?sident du S?nat Joseph Lambert, et l’ancien s?nateur Youri Latortue, sont les deux personnalit?s vis?es par ces sanctions.

Le m?me vendredi 4 novembre, the “Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)” du d?partement am?ricain du tr?sor a ?galement annonc? avoir d?sign? “les ressortissants ha?tiens Joseph Lambert (Lambert) et Youri Latortue (Latortue) conform?ment au d?cret 14059 du 15 d?cembre 2021, traitant des sanctions aux ?trangers impliqu?s dans le trafic mondial de drogues illicites.

“L’OFAC a d?sign? Lambert et Latortue pour s’?tre livr?s, ou avoir tent? de se livrer, ? des activit?s ou transactions qui ont mat?riellement contribu?, ou pr?sentent un risque significatif de contribution mat?rielle, ? la prolif?ration internationale de drogues illicites ou de leurs moyens de production. Lambert est le pr?sident en exercice du S?nat ha?tien et a occup? des postes politiques en Ha?ti pendant 20 ans. Latortue est un ancien s?nateur ha?tien et un politicien de longue date”, peut-on lire dans le communiqu? de l’instance am?ricaine.

“Joseph Lambert et Youri Latortue ont abus? de leurs fonctions officielles pour mener des trafics de drogue et ont collabor? avec des r?seaux criminels et de gangs pour saper l’?tat de droit en Ha?ti”, a d?clar? le sous-secr?taire au Tr?sor pour le terrorisme et le renseignement financier Brian E. Nelson.

“Les ?tats-Unis et nos partenaires internationaux continueront de prendre des mesures contre ceux qui facilitent le trafic de drogue, permettent la corruption et cherchent ? profiter de l’instabilit? en Ha?ti.”, a poursuivi cet officiel am?ricain.

Toujours selon le communiqu? du d?partement am?ricain du tr?sor, l’histoire de Lambert avec le trafic de drogue couvre deux d?cennies. “Pendant ce temps, Lambert a utilis? sa position pour diriger et faciliter le trafic de coca?ne de la Colombie vers Ha?ti et pour faciliter l’impunit? en Ha?ti pour d’autres trafiquants de stup?fiants. Lambert a ?galement ordonn? ? d’autres de se livrer ? la violence en son nom. Son trafic de drogue, ses tactiques de corruption et son m?pris continu de l’?tat de droit ont contribu? ? la d?stabilisation continue d’Ha?ti”, peut-on lire.

“Comme Lambert, Latortue a ?galement ?t? longtemps impliqu? dans des activit?s de trafic de drogue. Latortue s’est engag? dans le trafic de coca?ne de la Colombie vers Ha?ti et a ordonn? ? d’autres de se livrer ? la violence en son nom. L’OFAC a coordonn? ?troitement avec la Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sur cette d?signation”, pr?cise le communiqu?.

Le communiqu? du Tr?sor am?ricain a ?galement averti que “ceux qui s’engagent dans certaines transactions avec les personnes d?sign?es aujourd’hui peuvent eux-m?mes s’exposer ? des sanctions ou faire l’objet d’une action en justice”. ” De plus, ? moins qu’une exception ne s’applique, toute institution financi?re ?trang?re qui facilite sciemment une transaction importante ou fournit des services financiers importants aux personnes d?sign?es aujourd’hui pourrait faire l’objet de sanctions am?ricaines. Le pouvoir et l’int?grit? des sanctions de l’OFAC d?coulent non seulement de la capacit? de l’OFAC ? d?signer et ? ajouter des personnes ? la liste des ressortissants sp?cialement d?sign?s et des personnes bloqu?es (liste SDN), mais aussi de sa volont? de supprimer des personnes de la liste SDN conform?ment ? la loi. Le but ultime des sanctions n’est pas de punir, mais de provoquer un changement positif de comportement”, pr?cise le communiqu?.

Les Etats-Unis ont des dossiers tr?s complets sur Joseph Lambert et Youri Latortue, avait d?clar? le charg? d’affaires ?ric Stromayer lors de son passage ? la matinale de Magik 9, mardi 9 novembre.

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Nieuwe docu-serie ‘Wi Kondre’ legt Surinaams erfgoed vast

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: De Ware Tijd Online

Tekst en beeld Audry Wajwakana PARAMARIBO — “Het was ontzettend spannend om samen te werken in het traject van graven,

Le Canada sanctionne l’ancien pr?sident Michel Martelly et les anciens premiers ministres ha?tiens Laurent Lamothe et Jean Henry C?ant

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Le Nouvelliste

<>, a annonc? ce dimanche 20 novembre 2022 le premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau qui participe au Sommet de la Francophonie en Tunisie.

Quelques minutes apr?s cette annonce, les noms ont ?t? d?voil?s. Il s’agit de l’ancien pr?sident Michel Martelly et des anciens premiers ministres Laurent Lamothe, nomm? par Martelly et Jean Henry C?ant qui fut premier ministre sous la pr?sidence de Jovenel Mo?se.

Lors de la conf?rence de presse au Sommet de la Francophonie, le ministre Jean V. G?n?us qui se trouvait aux c?t?s du premier ministre canadien en a profit? pour lancer un appel ? la communaut? internationale face ? l’urgence de la situation en Ha?ti. <>. <>, a-t-il dit

Comme pour r?pondre ? l’appel du ministre G?n?us, la ministre M?lanie Joly a demand? au Mexique, ? l’Argentine et au Rwanda de soutenir la demande d’aides techniques d’Ha?ti pour neutraliser les bandes arm?es

La ministre des Affaires ?trang?res du Canada, M?lanie Joly, a cependant continu? d’insister sur le fait <>. Elle ?tait pr?sente ? la conf?rence de presse au Sommet de la Francophonie en Tunisie, tenue dimanche 20 novembre 2022.

L’annonce de ces sanctions s’ajoute ? d’autres d?j? prises. Ces derni?res semaines, le Canada et les ?tats-Unis d’Am?rique ont sanctionn?, des chefs de gangs, des ministres en exercice qui ont ?t? depuis remplac?s, le pr?sident du S?nat ha?tien, un s?nateur en exercice et d’anciens parlementaires qui ont occup? les plus hautes fonctions au Parlement ha?tien.

Toutes ces personnes devraient bient?t se retrouver sur une liste que les Nations Unies pr?parent o? d’autres noms vont s’ajouter y compris des hommes d’affaires ?voluant en Ha?ti, selon des sources diplomatiques.

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Cop whose infant died in his car to face committal hearing next year Loop Jamaica

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

A policeman who has been charged in relation to the death of his 18-month-old daughter after he reportedly locked her inside his car for hours, is to learn early next year whether the case will be sent to the Circuit Court for trial.

Detective Sergeant Sheldon Dobson, who is charged with manslaughter, appeared in the St Elizabeth Parish Court on Thursday.

The prosecution made full disclosure of its case files to the defence prior to Senior Parish Judge Broderick Smith setting the matter for committal hearing on January 24, 2023.

During that hearing, the judge is to determine whether there is enough evidence for the matter to be tried in the Circuit Court.

Dobson’s bail was extended until that time.

Shaleah Dobson died two days after she was left in her father’s car for several hours.

Following a ruling by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Dobson was charged in connection with the January 17, 2022 incident in which he left his daughter inside the car while at work in Black River in the parish.

It was reported that the detective sergeant was to take the child to a day care centre, due to the child’s grandmother being unwell.

However, he forgot to drop off the child, and went straight to work.

The child was found unconscious in her father’s vehicle hours later.

She was rushed to hospital, but died two days later.

PM Gaston Browne meets young entrepreneur Amari SneakerHead Thomas

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Antigua and Barbuda: Prime Minister Gaston Browne had the pleasure to meet

with a young entrepreneur and professional sneaker enthusiast, Amari SneakerHead Thomas, earlier this week. 

This young entrepreneur’s journey started with his first business in 2010, Kickz’ R’ Us – 268,

where they pride themselves on offering guaranteed authentic and rare sneakers.

Since then, he has found himself evolving his business model to fit an ever-changing market and has diversified his portfolio with

a few new ventures, the latest being Necessary Accessories – 268, a wholesaler of mobile device essentials.

His products can be found in most supermarkets and convenience stores.

During the meet and greet, Prime Minister Browne inquired about the difficulties Amari faces in plying his trade and how this administration could assist.

Among the things discussed was the banking sector and how processes could be made easier for entrepreneurs.

PM Browne also took the opportunity to speak on the Entrepreneur Development Fund and how that can assist in further developing his business.

PM Gaston Browne reiterated his administration’s commitment to assisting entrepreneurs where they can and extended

an invite to Mr Thomas to speak more about his endeavours on our local airwaves.

We look forward to seeing him grow and prosper.

Kickz’ R’ Us – 268 is Antigua’s top spot for rare and unusual footwear.

PM Gaston Browne was also seen holding a shoe in a picture published by Kickz on their official Facebook account.

They sell a unique set of authentic footwear in Antigua and are famous for featuring several favourite brands, which include: 


They also accept special requests and demands of customers as they can export anything one wants, such as:


-Cellular Phones

-Game Consoles


PM Browne is always at the forefront of helping and supporting entrepreneurs in his country.

Source: WIC News


Art in Antigua Exhibit to Welcome Artists on November 20

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua and Barbuda is all set to host the Art in Antigua Exhibit from November 20, 2022, to November 26, 2022.  

The visual arts exhibition will be hosted by the rocks group.

The art exhibition will be featured local artists, Guava, Emile Hill, Bert Kirchner Candi Coats and Dylan Phillips and many more. 

Art in Antigua and Barbuda would like to warmly invite people to a special week-long art exhibition at Catherine’s Cafe. 

ART EXHIBITED AT CATHERINE’S CAFÉ will be free to guests, and it will include special guest artist mark brown. 

The art Catherine’s cafe will be held on 23RD November 2022. 

There will also be a grand finale lunch at Rokuni on November 25, 2022. 

Art and Jazz night dinner at Catherine’s Cafe will be held in the art exhibition in Antigua and Barbuda. 

The timings will be 6 pm to 9 pm, and there will be XCD $325 PER PERSON. 


The viewing for art exhibition will be held from 11 am from November 21 to 25, 2022. 

There will be all six of our exhibiting artists, including an exclusive from Mark Brown.

There will be presenting incredible works of art for sale. 

There will be free pouring muscadet and moules frites. 

On November 26, 2022, the grand finals of the art in Antigua Exhibit in Antigua.



People can also make a RESERVATION, CALL (268) 463-6161 OR WHAT’S APP (268) 464-5283.

The PRICING SUBJECT of art in Antigua Exhibit will be stood at 12.5% SERVICE CHARGE

Source: Associated Times


How Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua Unraveled 700 Names of African Slaves Erased from History

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The identities of all the Africans who built Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua may remain obscure in the annals of history.

Their names were poles apart from what they were known and referred to in their homelands in Africa.

Their biblical names, names derived from their owners or slave ships that brought them, may still remain unknown.

Nelson’s Dockyard, the historical relic which is now a UNESCO world heritage and

yachting bay, bears testimony of the sweat and toil of hundreds of enslaved Africans

are who made the dockyard a reality, according to the BBC.

It has become a popular tourist attraction that commands a lot of attention in the Western Hemisphere.

The project to uncover the names of the enslaved Africans who worked on the dockyard started with the unearthing of the names of eight men who lost their lives in a gunpowder explosion at the dockyard in 1744.

It was known to the researchers because some plantation owners had taken the pains to keep records on it because of associated compensation for loss of property.

The victims and their loss never mattered.

The hypothesis of the researchers was that if they could lay hands on eight names, they are bound to find more.

The quest to find more will determine the heroes who saw to the fruition of Nelson’s Dockyard,

a safe harbor for the Royal Navy warships that offered protection to Britain’s sugar-producing islands.

The researchers sought to find out more and put faces to the enslaved Africans involved in the construction of the historic dockyard.

They spent hours delving into London’s National Archives where they pored over the archival records leading to the discovery of 700 names.

The local historians are seeking to establish the genealogy of the enslaved Africans and

their linkage to modern inhabitants who share surnames like James, Henry, Gardner and Joseph.

One of the historians, Desley Gardner, said the exercise is to validate this important gap in history.

He said many people are at a loss for who their ancestors are so that they could pick inspiration from the spirit of the names.

He said it is important that the ancestors behind historic achievements are honored in modern history for their contributions.

One of the researchers, Justine Henry, said he has spent years trying to determine his ancestry but with little success.

According to him, the work would enable him to draw some link to his African ancestors.

The head of the project representing the

National Parks Authority, Dr. Christopher Waters, said the names of these enslaved

Africans have been buried because of the limited research directed to this work.

He said they were determined to establish whether the names found in the registry were what the enslaved Africans provided as part of the system put in place to strip their dignity from them.

He said depending on the situation it is important to know their names because those names carried what is left of their dignity.

It is against this background that artists were tasked to put faces on the eight persons who lost their lives in the explosion.

Source: Face 2 Face Africa


Cost oil audit of ExxonMobil almost complete – lead auditor

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Natural Resources Minister Vickram Bharrat handing over the audit contract in May of this year to the contractors in the presence of Permanent Secretary Joslyn McKenzie

…draft report to be submitted by next month

Work by an American-Guyanese consortium of auditors, to audit approximately US$7.2 billion in ExxonMobil cost oil claims, is nearing completion, with the head of the consortium saying that a preliminary report could be presented to the Government in the early part of next month.

This was revealed by Professor Floyd Haynes, in an exclusive interview with this publication. The RHVC consortium he leads (Ramdihal and Haynes, Vitality Consulting) and Eclisar Financial & Professional Services (EFP), joined forces for the audit with United States (US) based companies Martindale Consultants Inc, and Squire Paton Boggs, earlier this year.

Work on the audit of fiscal years 2018, 2019 and 2020, started in August. According to Haynes, they have almost completed their field work and will now move into preparing an interim draft report. Once that draft report is submitted, the Government is expected to examine it and provide their feedback.

“We expect to wrap up field work early next week. By the end of next week for sure. Most of it we’re already done. And then we expect to have an interim draft report submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources, in the first week of December. That is the plan,” Haynes said.

It was explained by Professor Haynes that after they put together the local consortium, they went out and found an international auditor in the form of Martindale, with the requisite experience. According to the Professor, the goal was to work alongside them and learn. It is a goal that Haynes believes was accomplished.

“The goal is to build local capacity, with the idea that over a period of time, we could have the talent here that could take on the audit, on behalf of the Government. The way we went about doing that, we had two of our staff, local guys, embedded in the audit team. They flew to Oklahoma and have been there for six weeks, working side by side alongside Martindale consultants, the lead auditors.”

“Our guys just returned, I think, last week… and going forward, we intend to increase that number. We may be able to accelerate the pace at which that knowledge and skills are transferred. But as of now I think we’re accomplishing those objectives,” Professor Haynes explained.

Fully cooperating

Haynes also emphasised that ExxonMobil was fully cooperative and willing to provide information to the auditors upon request. According to Haynes, the process went smoothly under the circumstances.

“I would say they’ve been extraordinarily cooperative. The process of itself went very smoothly. With these types of things, back and forth. So, in all that I would say it went well. They were forthcoming with information.”

“We had questions. They were willing to provide explanations. Some of the explanations we may or may not have agreed with. But nonetheless they were provided to us. And all of the information we requested, they responded,” he said.

Haynes also cautioned that the cost oil audit was not a witch-hunt. While he assured that they left no stone unturned in their quest for the truth, he called it a mistake to accuse an oil company of inflated costs without first examining their books. As he put it, it is not something that can be litigated on the pages of a newspaper.

“I want to make sure, in fact I think it’s a little reckless for any audit, to go into an audit with a preconceived notion that the party under audit is guilty. It’s just not how it’s done. Unless you’ve looked at the books, examined it in details, no one can arrive at that conclusion,” Professor Haynes said.

The US$751,000 cost recovery audit contract, which covers profit oil from the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, was signed in May of this year in a room full of stakeholders and suppliers, during a workshop on local content. Preceding fiscal years have already been audited.

According to Annex C of the PSA Guyana signed with Exxon, pre-contract costs “shall include four hundred and sixty million, two hundred and thirty-seven hundred thousand and nine hundred and eighteen United States Dollars (US$460,237,918) in respect of all such costs incurred under the 1999 Petroleum Agreement prior to the year ended 2015”.When the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government assumed office in 2020, it took over the shepherding of audits for ExxonMobil’s pre-contract and other pre-2017 costs. The pre-contract cost audit was conducted by the UK firm, IHS Markit, which was hired by the previous Administration four years after oil was first discovered offshore.